Miiinte Tnss tisrcsittirh & ~dnsincd Friday afternoon. * Harry Baseley, grandson of Mr. ~-- Alice Baseley who has spent the last several morths here, left for his kome at Huron, South Dakota, Fri-- " evening. He left Woodstock at #:45 Friday evening and would ar-- rive at 958 Saturday night. Mrs. Esse Fisher has been quite * KR cof mmah at her home in *_¥Volo. Ella Powers was as-- sisting in the care of her for a few 1':&& M::: t'h': ill last Mrs. Sidney Russell, who was very Priday evening, 'Fot Mbod;nctlf?'?snfq: 1 L. Baseley and Tok catled oL Al" Mr. and Mrs. George Case and ) the Tuesday ev Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Smith and sons' at her home or spent fimy at the home of Mr.; Airplane bunco and Mrs. in Case of Roseville. 'the evening. . ] Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock and| making high children were week end guests at' Turnbull, secon the Ray Seymour home. _ --lrart the cons Mrs. Alice Baseley, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cypher and little son, Lor-- raine, ':rent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baseley. Mr. and ~Mrs. W. C. E::ley of Wood-- stock and Miss lla North of Chicago were also guests at the Richard Baseley home Sunday. -- --_ Mrs. C. E. Wheelock, son, James, Koeser, Mrs. Adelein Porouty, Iva Turnbull, and (%vde Peck were re-- eent guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Golding of Northwood Park. : The Ladies of the Transfiguration Catholic Church will give a card mya:d h'm':heg':b at: W. T.utl. 8. F 'vening, ruary 17 A cordial -- invitation is erxytended to everybody who is fond of card play-- George Lundgrin and a brother of Chicago left for a visit to Sweden 'Thursday February 2nd, where they will visit relatives for some time. Mr. Lundgrin is a resident here. John Gossell and son, Albert, were CaZ. callers first of last week. . and Mrs. Lee Brown were Waukegan callers last Wednesday. Clarence Daley was a Waukegan «ealer Wednesday. -- | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roder of Mundelein were recent callers at the kome of Mrs. Adeline Prouty. -- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Larson of Chicago and Mrs. Carl Rommel of LaGrange were recent callers at the home of their uncle, R: C. Kent. the home of her mother, Mrs. Julia Mr. ind'nzhsfi .Vedélar beslio,l'(em and chidren iss Mal gge were recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stone of Chi-- stock callers Friday afternoon. Llois Broughton and Iva Turnbull *T t Teotd id Taeaon Busicy R. 6. ill and Vernon Basley motored to Whitewater, Wis., on business Thursday. * Mrs. L. N. Carr and son, Victor, were Barrington callers Thursday. Miss Anna and Iza Platt called on their gister, Dr. Maud Platt of Elfiin m'! through the courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Davlin. s Miss Ruth Broncheon of Waukeg-- an passed ~Sunday and Monday at part of last week in Chicago. Mrs. C. E. Wheelock, son, James Koeser, Mrs. Fannie Pratt, Mrs. Powers, and Mrs. John Gossell were Waukegan callers Thursday. f E. A. Golding of Norwood Park was a caller in town recently. He was formerly a resident here. Froehlke was also a caller there. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meyer and children and Mrs. Mary Hutchinson ef Cary were callers at the V. E. Daviin home here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackbu:{nuof Chicago srt from Saturday r-- noon to Monday afternoon at the kome of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cypher and Parry Baseley were callers at the Fred Dowell home at West McHenry Baseley and son, Dean were Wood-- Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Waite of Round Lake spent Wednesday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Arthur | WAUCONDA | Waukegan callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Dazlin were : Buying Problems. Miss Faith McCauley of the Uni-- versity of Chicago spoke on -- "Food Marketing Problems." She said that all buving problems may be readily learned. -- Planning on what is neces-- sary in this line is one of the biggest helps in wise buying, also knowing when to buy and what brands and grades. . The third speaker was Miss Edith BRbyne of the James Millikin Uni-- versity. Her subject was "Pur-- eBHasing Howsehold Textiles." She explained the effect of colors and design in the furnishings in the home, such as curtains, drapes, bed-- ding. table linen, towels, etc.. and displayed many samples of each to iDustrate her talk. Ray Murphy spent the greater 'ey and wife of Union M B;seley of: Wood-- on Mrs. L. H. Cypher Restful Ease after Coughing "The result of using Foley's Hon-- ey and Tar for a dreadful cough. ;c'i:{time and at night, was a rost-- j one for me." savys Mrs. Anne + Davison, Long Beach, Calif. The | hard cough that follows bronchitia ' Turnbull, second high and Belle Tag-- gart, the consolation prize. . Mrs. 'Geo'rge Harris was hostess this eases the irritation that causes the hard coughs. Dependable. Ask for and "flu" is mkm& agd';'h?ny!: "hangs on" very . Fole Honey and Tar Qea!mg puts a Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Johns were pleasantly surprised Thursday even-- ing, Feb. 2nd, when their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Foss of Libertyville, and their son, Vernon Johns, wife and son, of Wau-- kegan, arrived bringing with them a bountiful repast prepared in honor of their parents' thirty--fifth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. John's received a number of beautiful gifts to commemorate the happy event. James Neish of Round Lake was a recent guest at the home of his mother, Mrs. Arthur Boehmer. Miss Della Kirwan was hostess to the Tuesday evening Club members at bgr home on South Main Street. The R. N. A. held its first monthly meeting on Tuesday afternoon, Feb-- ruary 9thk. The second meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, Feb-- ruary 23 when they will have an-- other one of the enjofiable card par-- ties, at the hall over Maiman's Store Everybody is welcome. .A good luncheon and card playing will make up the evening's entertainment for the small sum of twenty--five cents. The W. R. C. will celebrate Wash-- ington's and Linceln's birthday an-- niversaries at the Federated Church Wednesday evening, February 15th. A good program will Be the feature of the meeting. Speaking by prom-- inent men of the town will also be given. Everybody will be welcome as it is a free entertainmsont. and is given each year by the ladies of i the Relief Corps. | The Fortnightly Club was enter-- tained s;TnesdaK evening in the old gym of the high schoc!l > Mrs. Lydia Dillevig, Mrs. Kenvcth Barr, H'i'ss Mae Burke, and Miss «Hazel Hoffey. The usual good time was enjoyed 'by those present. _ l Members of the Junior Christian FEndeavor are soon to start a cam-- paign for old newspapers in an ef-- fort to swell the fund in their treas-- ury.: Magazines will also be taken ; in and the best of them sent to t Great.-- Lakes Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cook attend-- ed the funeral of William Kuebker at Ivanhoe last Tneodai Mr. Kueb-- ker was an uncle of Mrs. Cook and was a brother of the Late August Kuebker of this village. The Farmers' Institute held here last Wednesday was well attended though it was a very unpleasant day the school fund about thirty--five dollars. : The new at the high school was well fified with le from near and far. A dinner of roast beef, mashed potatoes, buttered peas, pickles, relishes and pie was served to nearly eighty guests, which netted the Farmer's Institute it was held on Tuesday instead of Wednesday, and it was a very rainy day. Mr. and Mrs. George Blackburn entertained fifteen relatives and friends at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Payne and Avis, and Mr. and Mrs. w;m Doiph and little son of Mun-- delein were recent visitors at the home of George and Emily Bates. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cypher and little son attended a show at Bar-- rixfiton Monday night. r. and Mrs. Homer Cook attend-- Every father and son of the com-- munity should look forward to the coming of "Ken" Rouse, captain of the Chicago University 1927 Foot-- ball Team. He will be here at the Fathers' and Sons' Banquet on March 3rd. ,Mr. and Mrs. Plutie Houghton and daughter, Thirza, Arthur Houghton and wife of North Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cady and son, Kenneth, of Barrington were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Daley. Mrs. Daley is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Houghton. ) was the pastime of NMrs. . C. Sorenson score, Mrs. Lesley get the genuine, with the name Rowles on each package three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Pain and sore-- nc's:sk are gone. s 4 4 any good druggist for a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub. .Be sure to Red Pepper Rub takes the "ouch" from sore, stiff, aching jgifts. It can-- not hurt you, and it certainly stops that old rheumatism torture at once. *Yhen you are suffering so you can hardly get around, just try Red Pepper Rub and you will have the quickest re-- lief known. Nothing has such concen-- trated, penetrating heat as red peppers. ) Hm as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you will feel the tmgling heat. In | ; THINKS IT'S POOR l susiness To Do our wasH | A7 nome > ~»-- C Fulton, WD. Lot 77, Hyde Park Subn Sec. 20, Waukegan. B. R. Rose and husband, to G. P Russell and wife, WD. Lot 2, Wads-- worth Subn., Sec. 28, Waukegan." P. Petersen and wife to .J. C. E. Warren. Addn to Antioch. Kaspar Amer. St. Bank to P. In-- soda and wife D. Lot 21, Idlewild G. S. Brown and wife to J. Lack-- ner and wife QCD. Lot 3, Washing-- ton Park Subn.,. Waukegan. E. M. Shober, to J. A. J. Whipple & wf QCD. Lot 1, Second Addn to Wkgn. * 8, M. Zinner & wf to 1. S. Finkel-- berg, WD. Lot 12, Second Addn to Ravinia Forest, Sec 36, Deerfield. of Lyon Grove Subn C. T. & T. Coa . :to A. Jalass & wi. Lot 2, Bk 6, Branigar Bros. Sun-- set Terrace Subn. * . A. Hein & wfi et al to I. L. Clau-- don, QCD. Lot 1, First Addn to Washington --Park. > P. B. Lyon et al to F. Engholm, WD. Lots 48 and 49, Co Clks Plat IT IS GOOD BUSINESS--OUR SWEET AND CLEAN SERVICE LAUNDRY® -- Prairie Ave., Highwood, IIL. RED PEPPER FOR RHEUMATIC PAIN OAK TERRACE LAUNDRY OAK TERRACE THE ose Leon, 26 years old, of 513 Mar-- ket street, Waukgzan defendant in an| information filed: last week in the County court by State's Attor-- ney A. V. Smith charging him with contributing to the delingtency of a pirl, pleaded not guilty Tues-- day morning. He was returned toa county jail in default of bonds BI wi H1 s#ttl'edofor.' | _ TERMS:-- All sums of $25 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months will be given'on bankable notes l?e;'r'in'gj per cent interest. No property to be removed until weight 1400 --*: _' > good work horses 3 fat hogs > dleq?o c yearling ram ewes f 4 00 Barred Rock hens 1 year old . 5 n Yhey 0 pulléets «,>-- nternational Silo Filler : ype B. rmic Corn Binder -- anesville two row cultivator e, QCD. Lot 27, Blk. 8, Ravinia nd'. é? & 7 & 2e . 8 * . ._ L McCarthy and husband, to Cessna and-- wife, WD.. Lot 13, k 1, Lake Porest Heichts Subn. Bull : :~_."> ave never had a. reacter in this herd and they will be sold with a 60 day retest. ne team Geldings black and Chestnut 8 years old weight :#200 : : ne . roan --mare-- 6 years old weight : 1450 ' e gray gelding 5 years old 17 Cows Holsteins, Guernsey Shortsorns, 'Milkers and -- pringers _ Thursday, February 23 ENIES CHARCES INVOLYINE CIRL The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the Wagner farm, two miles West of Mundelein, one mile South of Ivanhoe, on Public Auction HARDEN ROUSE, Prop. Telephone 220--M SOME PEOPLE HAVE ALL OF THE LUCK OTHERS HAVE MOST OF THE MONEY call your attention to the fact that I handle Fire, Tornado, Antoly:;)pfle and"CunaltyInamnea,M&m:tmng companies. § ._-- The National Fire Insurance Co. The National Assurance Co. Ltd., and the Standard Accident Inisurance Co. 7 Icangiveyoualmoqtanykindd"u@ind.m will appreciate your business. a If I belonged to either of these two classes, I wouldn't need to 45 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 45 ¢ 'yearling Brown Swiss Auctioneer Fred Grabbee At 12 :30 P. M. 411 W. Park Ave. 2 sets of double harness Corrugated roller Jahseville two bottom gang plow Janesville sulky plow 1 New Idea Manure Spreader 1 Hay rack s Fanning mill ; Two truck wagons . Wagon box 500 bushels of barley _ 5 ton of clover hay in barn 15 tons of timothy hay in barn 1 . pair bob sleighs Six foot Deering Mower Five foot Osborne Spring tooth harrow Eight foot grain drill Eight foot disc Janesvile corn planter International corn plante Tower cultivator § Two single row cultivators pertaining to epidemie diseases has been pointed out to you, and every effort will be put forth by the De-- partment of Health to perpetuate this good record "I wish to take this opportunity to urgently request your sincere and full eo-mlnlnflnutnmandim-- proving the high standard of our milk supply, which is not alone of bhealth value, but from an economic standpoint is without question, good "What I have said concerning the safety 'of milk and its value as food is applicable to the farm. "Insofar as your dealings with th-- Department of Health are concerned I wish to assure vou that it is n~* my purpose to invoke any unreason-- able or irrational demands. . ~"Fair and square. dealines on!> will be in order,-- and through and conscientious consideration will he given to all of your problems as af-- fected@' by the Devartment of Health "There has been much -- agitation UARY 15, 1928 favorably everyone of a ; I want him to know that myself and 1 **Bull'""' Durham are with him right |--to the poor house door. |__-- I want to tell you right here, I ! don't know what would have han-- pened to the poor farmer if it had | not been for his old friend, "Bull'"' Durham. It's the "®bnly thing he has l been absolutely able to rely on. And , When a steer starts from the feed pen to the table; thére--is about 10 t3 | take a bite out--of him, before hz reaches the family that pay for him. ' ~--Who wears the best clores or 1 drives the besrcar, tha f>!~w who | raises a bushel of wheat, 0: th« work-- | ing fellow whogoes up to huy a sack. of fous? Why reitherpre of tremn. The ones in between these two have their private Tailor and *'Straight I Eigbts." ' The Government just told Agri-- l culture, *"You are in a hole."' They didn't offer to pull them out, but they did say, '"We will get down in there with you.": > > P.S. There will be another piece here a few weeks from now. Look for it. Cut out the middle and tie the two ends together. Congress say they are helping the Farmer. They are in W ashington ON salary. He is home trying to pay it. Farmers have had more advice and less relief than a wayward son. If ad-- vice sold for 10c a column, Farmers would be richer than Bootleggers. And when they get all through ad-- vising, there is just one thing will help the Farmers. That is eliminate some of the middlemen and let the two ends meet. The Consumer and the Producer are two men in America that have never even seen each other. in ; i1sing story to a bald-- headed man. . -- 2 +1 The Farmer Can't Stand Much More Help Like He Has by younger phia Ledger. sciously or unconsciously, a mantle of superiority in the presence of the cross--word 'puzzlers. ; There is considerable study done on the commuters' train, usually by younger commuters.--Philadel-- Colds, Grippe, Filga, Dengue. Bilious Fever and Malaria Now and then & chess addict may be : observed wita a _ pocket--folding poard, working out profound prob-- lems of the game. cross--word &uzzle;i* keep some mem-- g::a of borl sext .bu'syeh:ome ll)f m eagerly ring -- puzzle mazes on the §on- platform be-- fore the train in, * BULL® EYE Most people think that commu-- ters spend tneir time on the train reading: the newspafirs or chatting about business, Playing cards is aiso -- A weli--known ciub--car past-- time for men who. must journey an CARRY THEIR HOBBIES ie R o# _ Our idea of wasted energy is tell-- "BuLlC is a Prescription for 1t kills the germs. uk i¥ TRAIN WANTED--Couple capable of man-- aging -- restaurant and rooming --apartments. Address replies to Box "S.R." c--o Lake County Repg-- ister, Libertyville, IIl. 9--tf AUTOS WANTED--25 Automobiles wanted. Spot cash. Cars sold on commission. NATIONAL MOTOR MARKET 333w Grand Av;lli.ue, aukegan, Phone 309 Open Sundays and Evenings. _ ROOM FOR RENT--Suitable for 2 men. Board if desired. Call at 812 Broadway or phone Liberty-- ville 21. 12--6t. WANTED--To rent modern 6--room house. Preferably east of Mil-- waukee Avenue near Broadway. Address replies to FLF care of Lake County Register. 11--2t FOR RENT--Two 4--room flats. : .located here, the other in Wan-- kegan, Call Libertyville 2914&1t & 11-- FOR --RENT--5 room house. New. Apply Arthur Kick, 216 Johnson Avenue, Libertyville. Phone 701. 12--6t--pd. HOUSE AND FLATS FOR RENT FOR RENZ'Q--G room brick house at 169 School© Street. Libertyville Inquire at 148 E. Cook_ Ave&u:eef FOR RENT--Modern 7 room dwell-- ing and two car garage on West Park Avenue. Immediate posses-- FOR SALE--1 <Toulouse I FOR: SALE--500 .bu. barley, baled " hay, baled straw. Phone 558.. G. i--~Hardin Rouse, Mundelein. --10--tf. FOR SALE--Heavy NEED CASH $650--Will sacrifice Stanley Steamer Sedan, new per boiler. Terms to mponm party. 4929 N. Western Avenue, Chicago. Phone Ravenswood 7441. FOR SALE--Duroe Jersey Boar. FLYNN--GABLE CHICKS in 100 lots W. Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, Anconas, $11.00. .Barred Rocks, Reds, Wyandottes, $12.00. Ph. Arl. Hts. _34--Flynn--Gable Hatghery, E. -- Euclid Avenue, Arlington Heights, I1!1, 3--24--pd. FORSALE or RENT -- Suitable property ijor tea room or health sanitorium.. Call Libertyville 2'83 Some for immediate possessi« SELLERS AND PETERSEX. FOR SALE--Purebred Barred Rock| cockerels. $2.50. Bergeron Stock, Farm, on Lake St., 2 miles west of Libertyville. Phone 678--J--2. ' sion. See EDWIN AUSTIN for rates on cheap excursions to the Rio Grande Valley. _ @ DR SALE -- Dining room set (American walnut), nearly new. Reasonable price. Call 'at 212 Johnson Ave., or phone Liberty-- ville 595--J. I<t£. FOR SALE FOR SALE--Real Estate These are exceptional individuals but are priced to sell. Tel. Liber-- tyville 589. Henry L. Casey, OR SALE--Bred gilts due to far-- row the latter part of April. Cross bred Poland Cg?ns tmr Durocs. Suitable for estate or subdivision. Will dismantle and sell cheap. Gordon Lumber and Supply Co., Great Lakes, IIl. Phone 5422. 13--2t of Libertyville. Phone 678--J--2. DR SALE--No. hay and straw. on Lake St., 2 miles west mnyville. Phone 676--]--2. Wirtz Bros., Mundelein, Ill. lihonei 661--J--1. j : 8--6t. y MISCELLANEOUS If you want to buy or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, ori!youmthp,mkokhovn"" columns. -- You will get results. ®¢ There is no wa ou can reach as many people in Lake County hnshonafime'a:dunma&aeutume-lm make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. i SALEL----Keal Estate iibertyville every Monday. Or-- HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN ! donhhnctlyllnhnm fl)fl w M anls A mnmiaan C ar M" hr «avite w o Whilld CuP l 3 Minimum charge, 25¢ 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. A. R. SCHNXAEBELE, Libertyville, IIl. ~--_-- EDWIN AUSTIN 405 So. Milwaukee Avenue Phone, Libertyville 167--W. Libertyville, Illinois 82-- FOR RENT > W. Maple Avenue. Libertyville, IIl. Telephone 147--M. Clascsified Ads 3--24--pd., -- REAL ESTATK EXCHANGE orriminmmn --REALTOR-- , baled| _ jUSTHCE OF THE PEACE 558.. G.; -- Office at Stewart and Lincoln 10--tf. j Phone 38. 8--6t. 90--6t work i &E -- A This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com-- bined wi;mhel lit:'ihs.handdhl§ heenl used m'?r years to help flush and stimulate kidneys, to neutralize the acids in the system so they no longer are a source of irritation, thus often relieving blad-- der disorders: Jad Saits is inexpensive; can not in-- jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithia--water drink and belongs in every home, because nobody can make a mis-- take by having a good kidney fushing any time. | 4 is cloudy, fuil of sediment, obliged to seek relie{ two ar 1ew The American men and women must guard constantly against kidney trouble because we often ¢at too much rich food. Our blood is filled with acids which the kidneys strive to filter out ; they weaken from overwork, become sluggish, the eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a Eenetal deciine in health, Yhen your kidueys feel like lumps of lead: your back hurts or the nrina one were willing to pay the price of success they would be more success-- ful than tiey are today. Price is always hard work. --Grit. % DR. J. L TAYLOR Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Oakwood Terrace Take Saits at First Sign of ! Bladder Irritation or H Backache } Scientific Examination of the Eyoed Drugs Excite the Kidneys, Drink Water DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON Room 203 Real Estate Office Phone 766 Insurance Res. Phone 2899 1704 Sheridan Road 912 N. Luce Bldg. J. A. Jadrich and Frank Jeffers Suite 203--1704 Sheri-- dan Road, North Chicago, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR Telephone 18 LIST YOUR FARMS FOR SALE OR TRADE wWITH . _ FRED GRABBE Auctioneer -- Real Estate Harry Madill Bartlett JOSEPH A. JADRICH LAWYER NORTH CHICAGO, ILL or call or write C. J. Diehl, Wood-- stock, Illinois. Phone Woodstock LYELL H. MORRIS PHONES: 1766 reason why so few men rec-- opportunity is because it is LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Waukegan, TIllinois urts or the urime iment, or you are two ar three times m suffer with sick crvous spells, acid have rheumatism bad, begin drink-- vater and get from ut four ounces of ablespoonful in a e breakfast.for a kidneys may then LIBERTYVILLE PAGE SEVEN urine