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Lake County Register (1922), 10 Mar 1928, p. 2

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Pax» was pot out Parned 't'pfhfi a the roof and *xo * Star coune /mir erv . attear; afternoorn dae afterm; Mr. ang entertained a~*&-- son, . Mr and M Mever heme Mr. and Mrs-- Horace Kick of ertwville callai at the home of and Mrs. Clarsnce Knigge on T} dawy afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin sons were Waukegan vi resday evening. o Hfl{rv Mever was a sitor on Sunday. Mrs. Morris Chandler eago visitor on Tuesday Miss Evelyn Barbers-- Park spent 3unmday at Mever hams by the mensbers of the class. Lucille Ly Presidert, Ethel Dietz, Vice Pl:d'-g Ruth Jevne, Secretary and Ihnth' Pople, Treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stone enter-- tained Mr ami Mrs. B. Sellick and h-ii, Mr. ami Mrs. Wailter Stone and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Wheeler and daughter of Liberty-- ville, and Mr: and Mrs. Alfred Neath at a ru'ty on Sunday evening in honor their youngest daugh-- Alex Charcrand was a Chicago visitor on Tuesday. > The Junior Sunday evening Club keld a work meeting at the home of Mr. m%'!x llr.f.'H_arry Rouse . on Thursday. The girls are sewing use-- ful articles and the boys are making@ scrap books for the Brewers Hospi--. ta' in the Southland. f Mr. and Mrs. George A. Rogs, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells, Naoimi . and Juanita Ezer were guests at' the Bert Lusk home in Waukesr in on Wednesilay evening. class which organized on Saturday. The following officers were elected in the first issue of the Register this week an error was made, omit-- fitur a peortion of the item about Miss Heler Russell's Sunday School Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rittler an-- nounce the birth of a baby son on 'Wadnesday morning, llmz 7th. Rev. C. Arthur Jevne went to vanston Saturday to officiate at a wedding of some friends there. Russell Wells of Waukegan visi-- "~d relatives in Mundelein several da~s this week. Mr. Wells and his rife expect ty leave Monday for an imdefinite visit to California. Mr. and Mrs Frank Bauernsmith ond Mrs. Hibbard of Druces Lake were Waukegan visitors Wednesday evening. Mrs, Thomas Russell. Mrs. H. FPouse, Mrs. Ray Wells, Mrs. Albert Roder, Mrs. Will Ray and Mrs. R. D. Cook attemded the Bunco party aiven by the Daughters of the G. A. FR. of Libertvville at the home of Mrs, John McCormick on Wed-- resday afternoon. | In the first issne of tha Ragictar Mrs. Annie Rouse spent the past life and have it more abundantly. week with her daughter. Mrs. Ar--' ".30 P. M. Eveninx services: An-- inur Holland of Diamond Lake. |\them by the Junior Choir. Various A number of women from Munc~-- zarts in the service by the Junior lein were entertained at the howe S. E. Club. Mr. Jevne will talk about of Mrs. Ellsworth Wilcox of Liber--'another thing, besides co--operation tyville on Wednesday afternoon. |that makes a good home: "Being Henry, Thomas, Harold, Clara Cheerful." Old'nd young are invit amt+ Fiorence Godwin motored to &5 Rloomingdale on Sunday and spent Wednesday at 8 P. M. Prayer the day with their sister,-- _irs. imecting at the Frank Dolph home. ">--mas Brydon and family. '__wWonic: "Praver for Others." 9 P. On Monday evening a team of M. Choir practice. 4ss fys Mundelein lady bowlers bowled the, . Friday aiseruuun the Ladies' Aid turd game of a series with the girls Society will meet with Mrs. Thos. from the Biflex Factory of North !tusseit, Mrs. Wm. J. Williams be-- Chicago. Mundelein won the game in# assistant hostess. | Monday evening making two out of Friday, 4 P. M. Junior Choir the three games to their credit. \ practice, > f ' _ _&. F. Rouse made a business trip _ Hriday 8 P. M. Ivanhoe Boy's *~ Woodstock on Thursday. ; Club. 1 _ August Lowell was a Chicago vi-- _ Saturday, 10 a. m.; 2 P. M.; and sitor on Tuesday. _ [7:80 P. M. Boys'® Group. * : |' gore Zersen were entertained at the uome of Mrs. H. C. Meyer on Wed-- resday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Roder. and zoms, iPaul and Earl, spent Sunday vith Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonne of Lorz Grove. solhn Godwin of the Bell Tele-- phone Company of Chicag» spent sunday with nis parents, Mr. and ? MUNDELEIN PAGE TWO denository and a conservatively managed, helpful bamk. Our depositors have increased in number indicating that our service is helpful and ipprcciatcd b& those who made use of it. State Bank of Mundelein T hnat is what this bank was organized for and what v«-- are doing. e ; ' Increasing pumbers are finding here, a reliable M "wo cars, a truck urned in spite of ~ads *n save them me--flar antertainad n KMBhArcaA Aluk is ® Aming Serving People of Mundelein Community worthwhile PHONE 543--J y Mr. Viimer w>s on to the vrompt ar-- ire . department the ut before the #arace ground. The door:. i+ Fi+e Denartment m Thursday after-- onth 4A town -- Tha _ -- ; HiktiK HO--DMIIFKifi, -- Umodenstock --and --H. -- Kruft t the home of Mt./ hames on Saturday afternoon. e Knigge on Th@rs--~! ~Clarence and Arthur Moldenhauer ~andler was & people to prosper financially is our ideal mdwin HRoder and #an visitors Woed-- "larence . Knigge | Richard -- Gerner of Chicago and . cerner of Mount: x Huntley O th MUNDELEIN, ILLINOIS service rhland : to this community tha ev-- Mr. and Mrs. John Mever of Pa-- latine and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Porghorn of Lake Zurich visited | with relatives here on Wednesday. | -- Mr. John Theis of Gilmer was a caller here on Tuesday. ' Mr. Henry-- Wehrenberg Jr. and daughters, Harriet and Bernice, of Libertyvville called on relatives here Saturday. . : Mr. and Mrs. Jale Hecketsweiler aof Highland--.Park called on Miss FErma Lafrentz Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Nurg#get of Arlington Heights ~soent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gesswiller. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blank enter: +ained relatives from Chicago over the week end. Mr and Mrs. Geores : Gies af Hiphland Park were callers at the Mrs. George B. Umbdenstock, Mrs. Herman Kruger «ind Mrs. Wal-- ter Gosswiller attended a card y at the C. Colby home in Lib g?ville last Friday afternoon. Little Shirley Laske of Arlington Heights visited several days last week with her ©g@randparents, -- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Laske Sr. Mr. John Hans made a business trinp to Chicago on Tuesday. es Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gosswiller attended a party Saturday even-- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J.*Gosswiller, which was given in honor of their fifteenth wedding an~i niversary. * Eriday, 4 P. M. ~Junior Choir | practice. % > Friday 8 P. M. > Ivanhoe Boy's fClub. & Saturday, 10 a. m.; 2 P. M.; and [7:80 P. M. Boys'® Group. * ; Mrs. Alvin Pahiman visited with relatives in Chicago several days last week. , Miss Ethel Umbdenstock and Ar-- thur Potts visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Sundvall at Des Plaines, one evening last week. »irs. Eowin Roder, Mrs. Albert Roder and Mrs. J. L. Roder all of Mundelein were entertained at the Charles Herschberger Jr. home last Wednesday. -- ! _ 7:30 P. M. Evening services: An-- | them by the Junior Choir. Various parts in the service by the Junior 8. E. Club,. Mr. Jevne will talk about 'ianother thing, besides co--operation | that makes a good home: "Being 'Cheerful." Old_and ycoung are invit PON'T YOU FORGET IT! That the Lenten Evangelistic ser-- vices led by Dr. Walter Spooner of cnicago begins Sunday, March 18th with services at Ivanhoe at 10 a. m.; First Church at 11:15 a. m. and at First Church again at 7:30 P. M. Every evening at 8 P. M. except Saturday, that week. At Ivanhoe, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at First Church Tuesday and Thurs-- All Kinds of Auto Repair Work Complete Battery Service Competent Mechanics As Welding _ Day and Night Service ; 5 Phone 311 mecting at the Frank Dolph home. tovic: "Praver for Others." 9 P. M. Choir practice. 410 L7 , 9 @roceu lne . ;Draw priZle.!| Miss Lana Popp spent Tuesd ; On Saturday evening, March 24th 'afternoon at the Fred Po%ome. the Mundelein P. T. A, will give a| Mr. and Mrs. Edwin er a \ rive riundred and Bunco party at|sons of Mundelein spent Sund the School House. Refreshments: with Mr. and Mrs. H. Tonne. will be served at the close of thel Mrs. H. Firnbach of --Buffi | evening. « Grove called on her sister Mrs home on Thursday. Mrs. Fred Mou-- of Palatine were callers here on roe won the first prize, Mrs. brask Saturday. tz i. Kok Mys. --E Harry Pfannenstill, Prop. THE STAR -- MUNDELEIN, ILL LONG GROVE Garage Payment for our periodicals is now due and if you have not paid your subscription, please jo it in the near future so we can go to Conference with a clear record. | _ Saturday, April Tth, we wiil hold | our last Quarterly Conference of ithis year, Rev. A. \J. Byas -- wili jvreach and be chairman of the con-- llenenee. ; The-- Columbus professor _ who says that 'legs indicate brains should come to Libertyville and 'see what awful boners the stork has pulled in some cases. _ We will have our Communion Service on Easter Sunday morning. Services beginning March 11th. Sunday, 10:00, Church School. Sunday, 11:00. Morning Worship. Sunday, 7:00, E. L. C. K. -- -- (Leader: Miss C. Wright) Sunday, 7:45, Evening Worship. Wednesday, 7:30, Prayver Service. --Mr, W. Scharrt's house is row in town and will soon be ready for his family to-- move into. f Mr., D. Vanover and (family have moved to Lake Forest. ' Do not forget our E. L. C. E. Contest, if you want your side to win. Get busy. We have classes in our Sunday School for all. If you do not attend elsewhere join our Schoci Do --not forget our E. Ing C °B cusiness meeting Friday, March Jth at the parsonage and bring your birthday money. Mr. D. Herschberger attonded: our services last Sunday evenin».. Mr. Dan Herschberger of Prairie View was entertained at dinner at the Charles Herschberger Jr. home n Sunday. . i Mr. William Sundvall of Des Plaines was a caller here on Sat-- arday. Mrs. John Hans anft daughter sqfint Monday afternoon at Liberty-- ville. ? . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Roder and sons of Mundelein spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Tonne. Mrs. H. Firnbach of --Buffalo Grove called on her sister, Mrs. J. Raupp, Tuesday. a Waukegan caller on Wednesday. Miss Egna Popp spent Tuesday Mill Road Farm, Everett, Illinois White Leghorn 300 egg stock. Hatching eggs $10 per 1090, s Chicks 814 per 100. : : Barred Plymouth Rocks;: birds from our flock have won hundreds of prizes at leading poultry shows. Hatching eggs $10 per 100 and up depending on matings. Chicks $15 per 100 Visit us and know the flock you buy from Orders should be placed at once. Baby Chicks & Hatching Egos Telephone Lake Forest 795--Y--4 A. D. LASKER, Owner ®R. S. HUT PRAIRIE VIEW | jz <------ o. en apd r on m";;s Mr. _and MrS. Earl Goodman and,tflfih p spent Tflesdas;lson'--Pa"l! and _ Mrs. Goodman, Sr. dn 4 Fed Popp home, -- motored' to Muskegan, 'Michigan| '"},/ flod ng TFTuesday to the home of the latter's ..."** Edwin Roder and ;,yopiey y n " qitler i) spent i spent Sunday. in th _Goodman, | Sr, ws,g'Tom . ~H. Tonne. |remain there for an extended vi ' Re ach of Buffalo' ,, Mts; Laumbsbury and daughter,| .,,,~ |__Rev, Scheuerman and his class of fbo,vs are arranging the balcony in |the 'church for a class and club room,. Mrs. L. Mills donated a, table 'and Mrs. Mitchell a rug. The boys will now need some chairs, for which they will try to earn some money,. .. . : * . THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, |__ iDon't forget "Diamond -- Lake : Seandals" to be held Fridav, March ;23rd. Tickets are now on sale by Mr. 'Bcheuerman's Sunday School Class. | _ Mrs. Park Allanson will entertain | the Ladies' Aid Society on Thurs-- | day. Mrs. Vesley and Mrs. Hiram Bartlett are assistant hostesses. | ~'Mr.ecand Mrs. James Towner and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray enjoyed Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. L. Schanck of Libertyyilie. Helen Ming ~entertained -- twelve guests Saturday evening in-- honor of cher fifteenth birthday <anniver-- sary. . The guests were: Frances Towner, Emily Celba, Gladys Han-- sen. Alice Krueger. Eioise Williams, of Mundelein, and Kenneth and Wil-- bur Goodman, Eugene Kruege, and Eugene. Hansen. Mr.eand Mrs. James Towner and Mr. and Mrs. George Gehrke of Crystal Lake ate Sunday -- dinner with their ~mother, Mrs.: Sophia Towner. fls e s tnaee, ETT valaw"v. Everyone is .cordially. invited to the St. --Patrick's party at the Dia-- mond Lake School on Friday, March 16th, Mrs. Gordon Ray is chairman. Mr. and Mrs, Barnes and daugh-- ter, Mrs. rsen and her baby daughter of Evanston. visited Wed-- nesday with Mr. and Mas. Park Al-- lanson. 2 ' Tuest home of the latter's' "**-- Mrs. Fred Luebkemann osughien M Codtdinan,'" JatteLf ) spent Supday withoMr. and. Mris. |remfigin there for an' exte;.ded-v'v;'fign- |Tom --Cooper 'of Libertyville. (** . Laumbsbury and daughter" Rev. and Mrs. Scheuerman were Mrs. Wells, of Chicago visited Mon.',f:}fg;fia:xgd Sunday at the Park Al-- day with Mrs. Jennie Hayes, _ |!'8"80n home, Mr. and Mrs. Harden Rouse spent Thursday in Chicago. -- A number of the young people enjoyed a skating party and weenie roast Monday evening. A baby boy, Robert John, was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Clar-- ence Snetsin_%er of Lake Zurich at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Emma Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rouse and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray attended the Genesee Theatre on Tuesday ev-- ening. Mr.: angvl'Mrs.. Robert Cooper DIAMOND LAKE sited Saturday R. 8. HULCE, Supt. 2 ce giet 05 c «6 NeR JAAA W BM «1210 1AmMiAiV OL '.March!\h"auco_ndu were pleasant callers at ¥I Sr. :, Mr. an? Mrs. Levi Wait and fam-- jily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. {Eart Townsend at Richmond. o2 ' Mrs. Joe Vort spent the week end \at Wauconda with Mrs. Joe Haas. | -- James Neish spent the week end |with relatives at Wauconda. *. + C Soveitent vaar mt k 'Jim Kirwan's Sunday. sited Saturday evening with Mr. 'and Mrs. George Meyer of Pala-- tine. ~ Miss Becker was entertained Sun-- ; dagat the : Wrench home. 1. Mr. ang Mrs. Fred Luebkemann |spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Public notice is hereby given that the first Cav on which candidates may file for townshin offices in Fremont Township will be Manday, March 12, 1928 The last day of filing will be Saturday, March 17, 1928 ; . Frank Dolph. 5 Town C'erk NEws This funny looking little guy =§ with the big nose and .bald a e v head has got to face the music. The 'determined attitude of the Mrs. tells us.that she is absolutely through seeing rent money handed over to Mr. Landlord. She wants a bran'cw home of her own. She's got the plans, and she knows where the lumber is coming from. Us! _ * m There's another bald--headed man in this town who said he was going to build this year. If he doesn't get busy pretty soon we'll set his wife on him'! SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1928 Della Kirwan LUMBER, COAL, BUILDING MATERIAL Filing Notice J ui'ild n It W. F. Franzen, Jr. VOLO and --family of LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 17--4t. Beatrice Davis~ of Gu.yllake 'spent Sunday at Lee Benwell's. !-- Mr. and Lirs. Frank -- Hironimus 'attended a party at McHenry Sat-- urday evening, Mr.' and Mrs. Harold Stroker and family of Waukegan spent Sunday at the D. V. Wait home. Mr. and Mrs.: R. Pearson and family have moved on ~the Town-- send farm. Arthur Peterson :fent Sunday at thg_Edi_v home in 'McHenry. Don Mumson of Great Lakes was a Sunday visitor at the Lusk home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pence and fam-- ily of Wauconda have moved to the Vanderboom place. * Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Townsend were in Waukegan-- Saturday. Earl-- and Irving -- Townsend of Richmond were pleasant callers at Jaz-'_Yax'sey'g' Saturday evening. g UOmeP o8 w 0 M ogeggee oo 40 t n W cvcl'fl&'. Mr. Joe Vogt was a business cal-- Iex;' at !,ake Forest Saturday. _ #1a1C8 . Benedict OIfI Gug:late iper;'t the week end with ther usk. [3 & Mxi. and Mrs.'ll.:eke Williamss";:g amily of Graysl spent at the D.'C. Townsend home. Levi Wait was on the sick list a few days last week,. es A numbér from this vicinity at-- tended the party »at the For Hill School Saturday evening. $ Agnes BeneZlct of ~Grayslake w! S. L. Tripp Lumber Co. CH RYS C. M. POWELL All prices .0. b. Detroit, sub ject to current Federal excise tax. Chrysier dealers are in position to extend the conve-- nience of time paymenis. styles priced from $1545 to $1795. New 112 h.p. Im-- perial "80"--Fourteen custom bodystyles priced from $2795 to $6795. from $1065 to $1235. Hilus-- body styles priced from $670 to $790. Great New Chrysler vauvonda Ssaturday evemng. Mrs. D. V. Wait spent l;neld.ly with her daughter--Mrs. A. Bohmer, of Wauconda. % _ _Alfred Freund and Elmer Rosing are sick with throat trairhla k Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pence attended the Fathers' and gou' banquet at Wauconda S&turday evening. --__ LIBERTYVILLE -- MUNDELEIN Sales and Service ake Street, Mundelein Ph Countryside Motors wWHEELING STATE BANK MUNDELEIN, ILL., PHONE 703 °_ Yards at Mundelein, Prairie View and Gilmer That is the relationship of this bank to its customers. Here you find not only a de-- positary for your money, but a friendly sincere interest taken in your progress and welfare. | If you haven't a Checking Account, why not open one in this bank today. It will takegftaminutetodoso-, Your Partner As Well As Your Bank s . C 2C eA mt Fr j c:n"m m My ._V. Wait spent im'lwi:"irs. Forest Thompson at Lib-- dfighm.lu. A. Bohmer, : ertyvile. n ' e in- reund and Elmer Rosing' D. C. Townsend has been coni Stifim.ttu_fi{e. * g"eitohis home with sore throat. 52-- Seven The Bank of Friendly Service In 42 months Chrysler, due to splendid public endorsement of its products from 27th to 3rd place in volume of sales. There can benohnore impressive public endorsement of Chrysler performance, Chrysler long life, Chrysler quality, Chrysler value, gupplied in four great price fields by Chrysler's four great cars --the New "52," the Great New "62," the Ilustrious New "72" and the New 112 h.p. Imperial "80"--America's most ) powerful mowréar, newlv--priced from §$670 to *3495. | roprietors Wheeling, IIL.: Mr. D. Wait served on jury in Waukegan Monday. Phone 103 . J. McLEOBD

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