¥r. and Mrs. Arthur F. Cash-- more of sunset Court announce the marriage ol tueir daughnter, lrene, W moy ~lavey -- un saiurday after-- noog, Marca srd at 4 owcrock at the home oi ine mey. Hiepenbrok who performed tae ceremony. . Mr. ana Birs. Clavey will make their tle, spent the week end in Iuvm-! kee. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gastfield attend--' ed the funeral of Herman Lorenz! of Northbrook, Monday. _ _ . | Mrs. W. H. Steffis spent Thurs-- day and Friday at the home of her brother, Henry Lancaster, in Chica-- go. At the annual meeting of the Durcas Society of the Presbyterian Church held "l'hursda¥ afternoon, the following officers for the ensu-- ing year were unanimously re--e!-- ected:-- Mrs. George Pettis, presi dent, Mrs. Carl E. Olson, vice presi-- denit, Mrs. A. Montavan, secretary, Mrs. F. P. Rrowning, treasurer. . The society voted to continue to have the society divided into .the four circles and the four chairmen include, Mrs. W. W. Todd of Circle Nursber One, Mrs. Georae Colby of Circle Number Two, "Miss Emily Knaak of Circle Number Three, Mrs. Varmer of Circle Number Four. Each circle was given ten dollars and allowed four months to: increase the suan. ' The Just Sew Club was enter-- tained at the home of Mrs. W. W. Clark, Tuesday afternoon. _ Knaak of Grele Nu! Mrs. Varner of Cit Four. Each circle was give and allowed four mont} the suan. The Just Sew Club taimed at the home of Clark, Tuesday afternc Mrs. E. H. Willman to the Sewing Circle . Ev~angelical -- Church-- Mrs. R. Stryker entertained thel luncheon bridge club on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Numsen and Mrs. C. Lancas-' ter of Libertyville were guests of Mrs. W. H. Steffis last Sunday. _ Following the O. E. S. meeting on Thursday evening in the Masonic Temple, the members enjoyed bun-- co, eards and refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Noble of Chicago were guests at the Scully Sr. home, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bendt-- and twa chiliren, Billy and Bobby, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ringham of Chicago. Mmes. B. H. Kress, W. B.. Cart and Cotrell attended a meeting of the C. M. & St. Paul R. R. Woman's afternoon, March 14th. Deerfield Presbyterian Church Mark J. Andrews, Pastor % *:30 Church School. Department-- al Organization. Graded Instruction. Trained Leadership. 10:45, Worship and Sermon. 7:80, Bvening Service. This is the Sunday for every member canvass. Members are ask-- ed to be at the morning service and make their subscriptions to the B_nfi!tfwthenewyesr, or, ifJos-- sible, to be at home in the after-- noon whem the canvassers will call at the homes of those who are not present at the morning service. . _ _ Fhe Church School _ Staff _ will meet at the home of Mrs. l"'_ > P. c 9ns Soaston will meet "IThe wilt meet of Dr. Davis next We ening. u(!!oir Rehearsal, Fric Boy Scouts, Friday a Wa extenmd a cordial all the services and activities of this The attendance at both services| last Sunday were indeed a credit to any church. We shall look forward to a repetition next Sunda{. Sunday night we will have cur third Lenten service. Last Sunday Rev. A. Schemmer delivered a very iqspnntional message. For the ser-- vice Sunday evening, the pastor has invited BRev. J. J. Braum from Chi-- cago. Rev. Braum is head of Church Extension Work in the city. More than six new Evangelical churches have been organized under his dir-- ection. Come to the service Sunday evening and hear a message from his consecrated lips. C e A special congregational meeting will be held Sunday, March 18th, immediately at the close of the morning service. We sincerely urge every member to be present. The Sewin@ Circle will meet noext week Thursday at the home of Mrs. FA. Willman. -- Church. This being Lent many are observ-- ing religious programs here -- and elsewhere. Birthday greetings were extended to Mrs. Catherine Luebbe by a large number of relatives and friends who gathered at her home here in cele-- bration of her ninetieth birthday anniversary on Friday, March Znd. Mrs. Hattie Spencer returned last week from her several months visit with relatives and friends in Texas. Members of the Bible Class will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. There will be a social dance at' the Half Day Town Hall on Friday { evening, March 23rd. The affair is | ag:nored by the Community Social and the proceeds are to go to the _ Washburn -- Congregational Church. | This being Lent many are observ-- -- Tt on o novams _ here: and| Grant March 12tk. % Rev. Lynwood Smith has occupied the pulpit at the Half Day Church The Sfasten will meet at the nome| wilt meet at the home . Dr. Davis next Wednesday ev--} ing. Choir Rehearsal, Friday at 8 P. Boy Scouts, Friday at 7 P. M. We extemd a cordial welcome to Why Every User becomes a I "Never has any other cough medi-- cine acted so quickly and satisfac-- torily as Foley's l{oney and Tar Compound; and it gives complete satisfaction to friends who use it on my recommendation," says J. D. Mc-- Comb, Toledo, Ohio. It spreads a healing, soothing coating in an irri-- tated inflamed thmat;fl Stofis cough-- ing, raises phlegm easily. No opiates to cause constipation, no chloro'o';orm. no "dope." You take no chance with cough or cold when you buy l-'ole{'s Hones;:')nd Tar Compound. -- Ask for it.--Sold everywhere. DEERFIELD HALF DAY Willman was hostess x Circle of St. Paul's Church: on Thursday --and daughter, Myr-- week end in Milwau-- St. Jonn's Avenue, Tuesday evening in morenmmnennnenemmenemenin cmenmen ' | rthur F. Cash--' irt announce the daugnter, lrene,' saiurday after-- ; & perock at the' riepenbrok who| mony. | _ 3 ' Monday evening, e 1e eiiiimmimimmeg : t i oo 00 o. kinesue Ginisaicht «on ind b Profit by the opportunity these sales prese nt! Seldom has there been such a vast array of new spring merchandise and priced at such low prices.. Come in tomorrow without fail and get your share of these savings! These specials are for Thursday, Friday and Saturday only. Remember, hundreds of cut price items throughout the store are not advertised. _.ssuz_.__csseasatsides an us e On Many Lines of New Merchandise Drastic Cut Prices 1 grade footwear that offers parents Anmu-d&flg:n'wmmmmm» growing m--mfl plenty of toe room--comfortable shoes, gyowWing 1M,--S00P _ * * O aature inte ""b".m-mw They are shoes mmawwmmmmn Children's Shoes Low Priced Sizes 5%4 to 8 2. 45 SPRI Formerly Priced From $3.00 to $3.85 a Pair _ s --Now | Sizes 8% to 11, Now _ . RUBI Advance Selling o An Extraordinry Sale ; Wilbur Coon Shoes Made--to--Measure Fit In Ready--to--Wear Shoes mpwwy haul Gl d l cnmmediis Scmmrestes diffiartedn duli ieiaregney en P Om and combination lasts. Rulcom!ortsndlasunxgoodlooks. This sale includes strap, pumps and tie effects in kid, patent and tan leathers--first time offered at this remarkably low price. 'Try on a pair of these tomorrow. 1 'footv ch fitters Exceptionally high grade quality footwear in slinder arc l ues .M. m 3 Sn o _?tu tngllm- in i4 natent $9.50 to $10.00 Qualities 2.85 $1.19 G FROCUKS _ THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTFR $7.50 "The Beost Stove ~( ~*+~mmaAY. MARCH 10, 1928 'Thése full fashioned, all silk chif-- fon Hose embody all beauty, The newest hosiery colors are available. Shades that will prove very flattering t.o!lEfl ankles and First Time at This Low ,:\" ,\Ey\ )e / §\ ._*___-- ~ng Styles rior Hostess, for Bridge, After-- noons, for Business $1.59 Ed-'thiii';re simple tailored frocks aplenty. ~Chiffon Silk Hosiery RUBIN'S HOSERYY usually found in On 1b » No»th Shore New Sweaters * A SENSATIONAL SELLING Colors & Sizes This is undoubtedly one of the greatest sweat-- er values offered. Avail yourself of some of these newest sweaters for sports wear, momm'v."aw-!d con'arednecklmesmaomlnyne'cola'l. -- versified patterns, and band effects. Of all wool and rayon and wool. Slip--over styles in all the smartest spring col-- word in chic. NEW SKIRTS AT $2.95 'These silk scarfs in an interesting variety fore at anywhere near this price. and colorings are most pleasing. qugite the last word in chic. . 40--Inch Silk Prints, yd. $1.85 Avail yourself of some of the smartest Spring Silk Prints from this fine assortment of beautiful color-- ings and designs. Elegant sheer quality--all silk GeageuumndhCRpumWncm Ideal for Scarfs, Blouses, Frocks and so forth. F:avori_t.e'fah}'l: :n"gov:)a_r--ante of plain colors, suitable for slips; undergarments and trimmings. The wash-- able feagmaddswumvdmoffi:hm mable ways to make up these delightful new Spring . fabrHcs are depicted in the Pictoria) and McCall Spring Pattern Boo k:'.u_-'?;.._ o ale . > wflh Triangle Silk Scarfs éh Crepe de Chine ; s $1 .49 YARD Radium Silks e s PLID . ~McCall and Pictorial Patterns -- Underpriced Sale Rubin's--Second Floor. RUBIN'S 40 Inch Washable Free from dressing and of an extra firm weave. A quality that launders beautifully and gives long service. You will want to buy aplenty in this selling at this extremely low price. At a Big Saving in Price at 42 Inch Wearwell W ashable Chamoisuede Gloves GO¢ cufis to add to their attrac yrap voO ue GeP (CERName We Oe en e en C Colors include mist, chateau and the new beige shades to harmonize .with your ensemble. Unusual values and fine "ashionable ane--button styles featured in countless new chades. combinations of odlors and clever use of smart Tubing, Yard Novelty Styles! Newest Colors! Advance Spring Selling of will Rubin's--Main Floor. A wonderful assemblage of popular ----guaranteed ifast color prints in distinctive ~patterns suitable for women's and children's appare! Prints 45¢ 32 Inch -- "Year Round" RUBIN'S MAIN FLOOR 21 ¢ Excellent qualities PACE THREE