| WAUCONDA | Miss Dorothy Peck of Chicago spent the week end at the home of lma:"g mouir--P--- mus>--<odncmdiheranp rs. A. P. Manning of Chicago E;:l guestotf hfi:'hlkhr?lrl.Goo. kburn, a 1IEeW first of the week. y at ts ¥r. and Mrs. Clyde Golding and wen. Alvin, of Chicago and Mr. Gun-- --ale, were Sunday visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golding. % _ Mae Daley of Lake Bluff spent the week end at her home here. Chicago were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Davlin. (Ciyde Peck and Raymond Daley caugzht a ten and one half pound pickerel from the Lake Monday fore-- noon and George Jepson got one Tuesday weighing about seven pounds. On Saturday his son Stan-- Thomas Carr, who spent the lat-- ter part of last week at McHenry, returned to his home here Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klupar of Johnson of Chicago. Mrs. M. W. Baseley and son, Dean, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Crabtree last '1'hursdal§.o Mr. and Mrs. George ughton and daughter, Lois, and grandson, FEarl Schaeffer, spent the week end with relatives in Chicago and took in a show. Visitors at the G. R. Blackburn home Sunday were Mr. Hugh Reid and Aaughter, Mr. Thomas Gunnin, and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foss of Lib-- ertyville attended the Fathers' and Sons' banquet Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cypher called on friends at Mt. Prospect Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M.. W.._Baseley and sons, Dean ana Aiien, and daughter, Harriet, called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowell Sunday afternoon. 4# A. Jones was a Chicago caller last week Wednesday. Mrs. Jones 2s ag 0 e k 4# A. Jones was a Chicago caller last week Wednesday. Mrs. Jones is visiting with their dau;hter, Mrs. Gordon Hazelton, for a few weeks. Mrs. Kate Dewald spent a few days last week at the home of Mrs. Frank Nordmeyer. _ ¥r. and 'Mrs. John Brown were recent Waukegan cailers. a @A. F. Erickson and Earl Olson were Chicago visitors first of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. William of Aberdeen, South Dakota, and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stoxen and daughter Ruth, of Wilmot, Wisconsin, called on Mrs. Laura Cook, Arthur Stoxen and Mrs. Natalié Stroupe last Wed-- Mr. and Mrs. Reorge Hapke were Waukegan callers last Wednesday. Ir. J. A. Ross was a Waukegan caller last Wednesday. _ _-- _ sons, Dean and Ailen, and Gal Harriet, called on Mr. and Mrs Dowell Sunday afternoon. J#. A. Jones was a Chicago last week Wednesday. Mrs. is visiting with their dau;htel Gordon Hazelton, for a few Ur. Kate Dewald spent Miss Estella Grace visited her sis-- ter, Mys. Florence Riley, of Park Ridge recently. . marsihh--Huson spent last week at Kimball were McHenry callers A VC E9CIER § a Mrs. Wm. Fink was a Libertyville visitor last Wednesday. Mrs. H. i. Cook and Mrs. A. L. Davis of Round Mrs. A. L. Kimball spent last Wednesda;owith friends in Chicago. Willis wers were a Grayslake caller last Thursday. Wi«s Nettie Murray of Chicago spent last Wednesday here. _--_ _ n e oi mags SE ETE 1. + on on stt . s c Hazel Anders of Wilmette visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max And-- ers, last Wednesday. M:--. and Mrs. C. A. Dacey and son and Mr. and Mrs. George Foote spent the first of last week in Chi-- cage. s fls & We. and »mrs. Veddar Stone and children were recent week end vis-- itors at the nome of their son, Stan-- ley Stone, 'of Chicago. in --mas Garvin was a Barrington caller one day last week. f "Iupby was a Chicago caller j last Wednesday. | Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cook were caBlers at the A. C.--Stoxen home first of last week. Mr«. John Brown assisted in the care of her mother, Mrs. John Stit-- tinzg of Johnsburg, who has been Wednesday. Mrs. James Gossell and Mrs. J Harris spent last Thursday in W ¥r. and Mrs. 0. A. Larsen of Chi-- cazo and Mrs. Claire Coleman of Rock Island were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs® K. C. Kent. --Mrs. Julia Broncheon and Irvin Moody were Waukegan callers last Th 'The time to think of wall paper is now. -- I--have the finest wall paper ever printed and can save you money. . Do your decorating now before the rush starts. --_Painting, -- varnishing, enameling or floor refinish ing. s 5 Buy Wall Paper Old floors made as smooth as a table top, the electric way. * work. I do expert decorating and guarantce that' you will be satisfed with the finished Steir Paint Shop N Lowest Prices Let me --quote on your 121 'Pnrk ;late LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. remained for a few at last week at ~Mrs. Ralph Juhnior Endeavor, 11 a. m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p. m. The services of the Federated Church continue to be well attended. The Pastor's message on "Mother" was summarized in the lines of a A special feature of last Sunda evening was a selection by the nortz end quartet made \3 of R. C. Hal-- lock, E. H. Prior, M. E. Smith and G. R. Blackburn. There were 97 at Sunday School on that day. The banner went to the class of Rev. Locke, Sunday, March 4. Mr. Locke began a new series of morning and eweninugl sermons. The&'m f)em & partic arlg adapted to the pre--East-- er period. Sunday monl!nf the past-- or spoke on "What Shall m; and the evening sermon "A Christia Wednesday evening, March 7th, the teachers and officers of the Sun-- day School met for@ study class and business meetnfi at the home of the supt., Georfimm Miss Marvel, County Di of Religious Education of the Methodist Church, led the discussion of the group. These monthly teachers' meetings are now a regular part of the church program. FEDERATED CHURCH NOTES TRANSFIGURATION CHURCH _ NOTES Sunday, Masses at 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. Benediction after late mass. Week Days, Mass at 7 a. m. Devotions in honor of the Sacred Heart, first Friday of each month. Mass at 7 a. m. Co7n!essions, Saturday at 4 p. m. and p. M« .. The address given by Ken Rouse of Chicago's 1927 Football team was enjoyed by those present . at the Fathers' and Sons' B&nqusstant the Community House last turday evening. Preparations are being made here for the big Tournament to be held here Fri%a& and Saturday March 9th and 10th. The P. T. A. members will serve luncheon both days. . Mrs. Clementina Reid is confined to her bed by severe lame limbs. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case is verfi ill at the home of her parents at Roseville. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the annual meeting of the Lake Counti' Farm Bureau at Grays-- lake Thursday, February 22. Offic-- ers of the énsuing year were elect-- ed: Pres. E. Harris, Grayslake; Vice Pres. Willard Darrell, Wauconda; Secretary, Gordon Ray Mundelein; Treas. L. A. Huebsch. Mundelein; Directors. Antioch--Bert Edwards, Lake Villa, Wm. Duncan; Newport, at all druggists. « LUCE & EARL, Proprietors. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS "The Love and Truth, The Hope and Truth, That makes the mortal More than dust." The Touring $ Urility Truck (Chassis Only) They include the low» est handlingand financ» The COACH $585 5. ring 349 2 *595 f "675 6 Ik K. Ik re of last Ssunday | ...' actionbyt.henord'; g" ~M. E. Smith and thee There were 97 at n that day. The|CC® the class of Rev.'fl arch 4. Mr. Locke| * Libertyville Garage $495 375 UV VJV kA 14 HUVULW _ T I( y ~. C ever placed on an automobile with . Wherever automobiles are driven, the emblem "Body by Fisher" is recognized as a hallmark of quality. Every-- where, it identifhies automo-- biles that are distinguished for The sensational success of the Bigger and Better Chevrolet is largely due to the fact that it brings all these exclusive ad-- vantages of Fisher styling and craftsmanship within the reach of everybody, everywhere! Consider, for instance, the Chevrolet Coach --which carries the lowest price ever placed on a car with Geo;fa Vose; bentoll Lari P OrCIman: Waukegan, Frank Burke; Warren, Frank Gripton; Avon. Earl Barron; 1eA o We ce o onredison, the home of Mrs. C. Sorenson. There were 25 members and visitors who witnessed a mock wedding. The bride was Mrs. J. A. Ross and the groom Miss Anita Buele¥. The ceremony was read by a solemnly attired minister who proved to be Mrs. H. T. Cook. Mrs. Paul-- Bronch-- contest was held plane bunco was A --tasLly and bountiful vemm termin-- ated a delightful evening. This club is known for its evening of fun and innocent pleasures. Every year they find some new way to hold one even ing meeting of the new season with a new ¢stunt. h [ mmE en omm en ennmeermn mm uen e Lt Body by Fisher ! | Charles Noll COAL, FEED, SAND, GRAVEL, CEMENT, CIN-- ( DERS, ETC. Office and yard at C. M. & St. P. Tracks . _ RONDOUT, ILLINOIS _ : Vose;: Benton Earl Foreman: JOHN G. BORST Phone Libertyville 679--M--1 Body by Fisher. Long, low and racy . .. finished in genuine Duco . . . and with its body built of selected hardwood and steel--it offers all those qualities of beauty, comfort and safety that are character-- istic of cars costing hundreds of dollars more ! Come in today and inspect the Bigger and Better Chev-- rolet. Note the advanced en-- gingering in every unit. Go for a drive and learn the THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, )new winter enclosures; some new 'automobile parts; 1 new wood and l combination stove; lot of tire gfi; 2 used cook stoves; 6 hot' blast heaters; 1 G--piece dining room set, lot of furniture; all kinds of| lamps; new cultivator, 3 seeders; | lwn:s.m.eod;znewhui, nawer wash machines: 2 power As the undersigned is co to vacate his fpremi:;el_ he 1 a large line of merchandise, --_«___"_ APPAREL | at public auction on his place, lo-- este';i % miles northeast pof imz' Grove, 3% miles east of Lake as o) naies weet of Halt Day: on les W 0 y, on Friday, March 16, at 10 o'clock a. m. sharp, the following. { 3 sets good used harness; lot of 1,000 boxes of matches; 50 pails stock and poultry food; 10 new screen doors; 50 milk paiis; 50 wash tubs; 200 granite water pails; 250 dish pans; 200 wash basins; 400 baking pans; 200 pie plates; 4,000 assorted pieces granite ware; 25 aluminum roasters; 25 coffee pots; aluminum roasters; 25 coffee pots;, 1,000 granite and tin cups; M hammar, axe and pick handles; 2,-- ONN assorted cups, saucers, plates, g' ® HARDWARE HOUSEHOLD GOODS > SMALL FARM TOOLS FURNITURE AND_ _ WEARING full meaning of Chev-- rolet performance. Learn,liketensofthou-- sands of others have, thathere is the world's most luxurious low-- priced automobile! *_. PHONE 202 AUCTLON SALE with engine; 12| h'}ue- 500 assorted brushes; TERMS: Over : ------[lot of rlags ware; some paint and -- RAJPH HUIZK SATURDAY, MARCH 10 1928 lot of glass ware; some t and varnish; 8 tool %m feed w;_ 3 well chicken houses; 16 bu. potatoes; some car-- drivers, knives; 500 pairs shoes; 100 overails, jackets and shirts; blankets; 400 cans Kitchen Kleans-- er; big lots of bathing suits and ainvCo, . 10L UL wlwx:-nd-tc, 6*"*~p sweaters, window curtains 'm-;biguiotoftoys:fim- cuum cleaners and many more ar-- ticles not mentioned. 1 Ford Ton Truck, 1 Ford Sedan. 30 toms of good baled straw; 50 chickens. Lanch at Noon. As this is a large line of goods @l.-qul_'t_ontim_e.asali stock must be sold regardless of DO YOU KN Rince June 1923 thirty (30) summer co ages have been built on lots in the Geo. M. Ray Subdivisiwaend adjoining property developed bi Ray Bros. In the same period "five (5) permanent homes with basements have been built. During this time values have increased from one hundred to two hundred cent. Gas, Electricity, sewer and water have been installed. En has been no let down in demand for this lake property. New!y subdivided lots may investor as low as $400.00 per lot. Laundry Washing Means Reliable Laundry & Dry j .Cleaning Co.. Loncrr Lirr IT is beyond the range of human possibility for any laundz; to gently swish your clothes th@ugh upwards of 600 gallons of rainsoft water. . * So .. .. don't be angry witis her when rubbing wears away the fibre, and when the clothes are not snowy white. 3 To be doubly safe, let the modern laundry do your washing. Every step in the modern laundry pro-- cess is designed for longertife, cleaner clothes, less expense . ... and more leisure for you. _ LLOYD C. RAY AUTOMOBILE CASUALTY HIGHLAND PARK, ILL.-- LAUNDRY _ does it best/ Established 1899 hes; TERMS:; Over $25, 6. and _ RAJ PH Hmzén, GA, feed AUG FROELICH, 411 W. Park Ave. #. illa . > 00 V £*: , yvnlle ere $ : Tfil' 299 rOr RENT by *FOR RENT--Furnished rooms for FOR SALE--Real Estate HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN 205 W. Maple Avenue. Libertyville, Ill. 3 Telephone 147--M. See EDWIN AUSTIN for rates on cheap excursions to the Rio Grande Valley. FLYNN--GABLE CHICKS in 100 lots W. Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, Anconas, $11.00. Barred Rocks, Reds, Wyandottes, $12.00. Ph. Arl. Hts. 34--Flynn--Gable Hatchery, E. Euclid Avenue, Arlington Heights, I!l. 9--24--pd4. FIOR SALE--Brick store -bundinxl with fiat upstairs, on Milwaukee Avenue in the heart of the busi«{ ness dmu:i,% Stere and fliat rent--| ed. Inquire of R. G. Kaping, Re--; altor. Phones, Office 469; Res.! FOR %tlE--'-'Timothy seed, $1.75 pert Ma¥quis seed wheat, $1.60 per bu, lowar seed oats from FOR RENT--Modern 7 room house and two--car garage on West Park Avenue, near North Shore Sta-- tion. Immediate possession. FOR SALE--Chevrolet 1 Ton Truck; iiupmobile. * Tf Truck; Tourists ome equipped for cross country traveling. All in good condition. Can be seen after 6:00 P. M. at 116 East Park Avenue. Phone 424. 17--t£. FOR RENT--Modern Steam heated flat, 5 rooms and bath. All city conveniences. Electricity, gas, hot and cold water, laundry and gar-- FOR SALE--White ename!l ice box, mahogany «dining room table and chairs. Also other articles, Call Libertyville 353. 19--2t--pd. FOR RENT -- Heated furnished room suitable for 1 or 2 persons. Board optional. Phone 227--W, Libertyvilie, or call at 108 First Street. 19--1t. FOR SALE CHEAP--Good garage FOR SALE--500 bu. barley, baled hay, baled straw. Phone 558. G. Hardin Rouse, Mundelein. 10--+tf. FOR SALE--Reliable gas range, i";('o--a.'eli C. C. Hoskins 1463 #4 s ie ® % -' U ¥ hnund good condition. Price $15 it tak--| Meets First Tuesday -- Gridiey HaBH FOR SALE -- Dining room set D ANIMALS (American walnut), nearly new.: Highest price mor dead es . 1% o l 0o ve., or p = ~1,.] rse ville 595-- 1--if.| Service. > 13--8t--pd. FIELD SEEDS FOR SALE--s:mni seeds are all cleaned and tm Corn is graded, all tips and 1 removed. Early Progress, a rust| resistant, -- heavy yielding, new ; spring wheat, stands up well on heavy soil, $1.75 per bu, Wiscon-- sin Pedigree Barley, the standard 6--row bariley, $1.25 per bu. Oats, Forward, a new late variety of great merit. A customer reports i yieirt of 84 bu. per acre on 35 acre! field last season. Also White Cross and lowar, two -- splendid early varieties. Price any variety, 80c per bu. Seed Corn, ----I1 have . FOR SALE--One 2--flat building on 122 Austin Avenue. Phone Lib ertyville 393--J. 19--7t--pd FOR SALE--No. 1 baled umothyj hay. Bergeron Stock Farm on Lake St., 2 miles west of Liberty--| WISCONSIN FARMS FOR SALE-- from 10 acres up in Kenosha, Ra-- cine and other counties. Prices $85,00 an acre up. THE BACEVIC AGENCY ~_ 4807 Ith Ave. 20 --ACRE --IMPROVED FARM, Wisconisin, certified aeed', 80c per bu. All eeds recleaned free from JR RENT--Or for sale--5 room house with 5° sweres at Rondout.] Phone 348--J. 17 --8t. age. On Westerfield PIl. and Bel-- videre concretes. Phone Grayslake 108--J. 19--2t. A. R. SCHNAEBELE Phone 276 Liber If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. *You will get results. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake County in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. foul seeds. Lewis A. Mills, Mun-- delein, IIl. Phone 659--R--1. NP 1 * Minimum charge, 25¢ 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. 30X14. Good lumber. Phone Lib-- ertvville 193--M. 19--6t. 0R SALE--Old--fashioned buck--| wheat flour. Home grown, freshi ground. Buckwheat seed @ $1.00 per bu. Delivered. Bergeron Stock| Farm, on Lake St., 2 miles west of Libertyville. Phone 678--J --2. it with equipment, for sale or ex-- change for a small farm. Posses-- sion at once. James Pascoe, Gary, Minnesota. 19--6t--pd. en at once. Phone 609--W--2 a large stock -- of exceptionall[ fine home grown seed corn to of-- fer this year, including the fol-- lowing standard varieties: Mur-- dock, Plfiglan, Golden -- Gow, Madison t, and Minnesota No. 13; any variety $5.00 per bu., sub-- ject to market changes. L. A: Huebsch, Mundelein, I!linois. Phone 605--J--1. 19--8t. ville. Phone 678--J--2 _ -- EDWIN AUSTIN 405 So. Milwaukee Avenue Phone, Libertyville 167--W. Classified Ads Kenosha, Wis. 16 > o'l'h Libertyville. 18--2t-- 17--6t. ¥x _ ; Libertyville Post No. 329 --6t--pd| _ AMERICAN LEGION 4--tf on ' ing. M. Andrews TIAL, 100 NEW» !-- berry Ave,. Phone 397--J. 16--6t. *pet, 3 wibles , $97.00 per mputh. Finstad, Libertyville, Tll. | 18--1t--pd. | Pianos ngg:u and repaired, at I * % : _ Libertyville every Monday. Or-- | --or or write . Diehl, Wood-- | stot:k". lllincis. Phone Woodstock * '~*4--J. FOR RENT--Upper fiat. All WANTED--Girl for general houser LIBERAL | REWARD--Offered for information and license number «i c:.rwn:&hwoks'ro-xoun geese *rom DeVeult Farm, Rt. 21 on March 3rd, 1928. Information gon-- fidential. Phone Libertyville G76-- M--1. 19--1t. WANTED--Young lady for general office work and -!u:hhuu ap-- erator in manufacturing plant. Must be a good typist and some experience as a er would be an advantage. plications will be treated 1 confidential. Write X Z care of Register, Libertyville. 19--+4, WANTED--Waitresses and res-- taurant pgirls for all around work. Good w&s. Union Hotel, Wheel-- ing, lIllinois. 17--4t.pd. Pnd rnd ui rnbornnee e fare m on eaent en momnrmenimnrmnin t tgtiioage WANTED----Couple capable of man-- ts. . Address replies to Box "S.%" c--o Lake County .I& ister, Libertyville, Ill. furnished for mt housekeeping. Heat, electric lights, gas for cook-- ing. M. Andrews' flat, 186 New-- Church St.© Also la work at home. Phone Lhm& 388--W Park Avenue. ern ° conveniences. Steam _ hnesakl. Central location. Inquire 116 Cook A venue. Iw. | THINKS IT'S POOR } BuSsiNnESS To Do | 'YOUR WAsw l aAr HOME ' ,# work. Home in Gages Lake. Three in family. No washing. Phone Grayslake 133--R--1. 19--2t. IT IS GOOD BUSINESS--OUR SWEET AND CLEAN | _ SERVICE OAK TERRACE LAUNDRY MSCELLA\ EOUS OAK TERRACE > LAUNDRY Prairie Ave., Highwood, IH PKONE 87 T HE golden rult meth-- ol of doing plumbing work appeals to the folks who foot the bill. They like feel that they are being properly served. We will see your pipes w right All our work's done "hon-- or bright." THE PAGE SEVEN