Tall, handsome,. dapper --yourg} Douglas Chandor, to whom the ! Prince of Wales and Marie, Queen of Roumania, already --have sat, plans to mmmmm a satin dress against a -- cherry blossom --background, and is certa'n it will be a jolly piece of work ' 3 Chandor has found favor with roy-- | Tell of Package Chairman Nye of the committe=. who with Senator Norbeck condu~') the Chicago hearings. said today *tne "mystery witness" told of receivinp>. a mysterious package. Its contonts. according to Nye, were unknown. One :version, however, was that it enn&tma bonds for a Washineton man but was misaddressed to a man in Tlinois. ; ltmntdthutthemantorwhcm the strange package was intencded rt "possibly' a member of the judi-- clary, but Nye refused to make 21y DETROIT, Mich. --An English artist is soon to take the long '*rip to the Orient to paint a portrait of the Empress of Japan. LIKES BEAUTY OF wWOMEN HERE has been pnictured heretofore in *Fe { Fole of distribhtor of liberty bonds wleaned from th& Continental ~:1| a-nn deal in 1921. Part of m«' ; went. through a third pari». to--former Secretary of Interior Fol. | ?o of them found thetr wey | to Republican campaign funds. ; denied receiving any package _ or pc-hu of such a package. It was report=d that the myst«ry packase emanated from a Sin--lair company. Harry FP. Sinclair. storm m of the committee investigation. cago, who did not appear. «He was advised that newspar r. were quoted as saving that the pack-- age was intended for "F. L. Sid4~rs. zt_:flutun. D. C." Thereupon lie | Justite P. L. Siddons, who ser-- tenced Harry Sinclair, W. J. Burs:. Sherman Burns and H. Mason may recentlvy for contempt of court. sa'd today he had seen published renorts that the committee in Chicago called mysterious package. according to Nye, y One version, however eon&lnedbondsfor man but was misaddr in Tlinois. * It was said that the the strange package the committee is making public no rames until it has had an opportin-- ity to test its accuracy. Chicago, which. it was learned tod; may involve a member of the in WASHINGTON,. March 19. --i(Tinii-- ed Press)--The senate Teapot Doms committee has under investization l_t'-rmng information, gathered iz At the age of 20 he married Miss Arin Matthews of Grayville, TH., and he has two married daughters, Mrs. Henry Van Ward. wife of a Mt. Vern-- on merchant, and Mrs. Harold T Watson of Los Angeles. INFORMATION INVESTIGATED He was chairman of the Republica central committee of Jefferson coun-- ty for 12 years, and has served a: chairman of the congressional com mittee of the 23d district, as membe of the state central committee, a: nembero!memtebondofcqual- ization, and on the board of com-- missioners for Chester penitentiary Re--elected Twice He was a candidate for the Repub-- lican nomination for state treasurer lnl'lzandmelectedtoservehis first term as secretary of state in 1916. He was re--elected in 1920 and again in 1924. ty for 12 years, and has : chairman of the congressic mittee of the 23d district, a of the state central comn member of the state board ization, and on the board missioners for Chester peni * Re--elected Twice National bank of Mt. Vernon which he still is president. coin, and his father, Jesse, who hel" county offices for 40 years in Edward county, "Lou" has always been ac-- tive in politics. Like his grandfather, Allen Em merson, who was a member of th legislature along with Abraham Lin uy aud Imore ciiiCiency than an: of my predecessors, and will conduc Doesn't Look 60 Emmerson, who is tall and rugged with an inclination toward slimness does not look his 60 years. I can give the state better govern ment for less money," the Mt. Vern-- on banker told the United Press. -- This is what he has told thousands In 14901, after a SPRINGFIELD, IllL, March 14 comment on that information was so start!in Once during the summer F. L. Siddons. C:i-- LIFE TRACED of the 10. 3. Souvenirs ._____. . Dave Covert 4. The Lifers 5. _ Sam and Henry in a Little Black Magic ... Paul Allanson and Dave Covert 6. Pat's Matrimonial Adventure_. a one act }glay with Esther Mills, Jennie einsohn, ~° and -- Robert Southorn as the leads. s 7. A Musical Seandal.._. Betty . Jane and Dora Rouse, Justine and Cloyce Parks 8. ~Folk Dances...___. The Scandal Girls ' follows:---- 1. 'Prologue ......_._...._ Marie Ray 2. The Scandal Girls.__..... Frances Towner, Helen Ming, Maxine and Alice Krueger, Amelia and Jennie Celba, Ruby, Loretta and GladJ's Hansen, Thelma and Gladys Clift, Lucille Funk, Betty Jane Rouse, "The Scandals of Diamond Lake," a musical revue produced by the Diamond Lake Community Club, promises to be as big a success as was Libertyville's "Cheer Up." Both are built afong the same lines, with songs, girls and laughter. The "Scandals" will be held at the Dia-- mond Lake School house on Frida evening, March 23rd at 8:15 P. ll From the latest reports on the sale of tickets the show will also run Saturday night. Tickets will not be reserve({; so the first to come will have the better seats. "The Scandals of Diamond hook--up had been arranged for his speech and Caristrom soon ewung into a talk in behalf of Secretary of State Louis L. Emmerson for gover-- nor, Otis F. Glenn for United States senator, William J. Stratton for sec-- retary of state, and for himself for renomination on --the Republican ticket for attorney general. wire and a piece of building brick, was hurled from a balcony, barely missing his head. This was believed to have been a deliberate attempt to injure him. He paid no attention to it, and in a few minutes had calmed the audience. "The boxing has been forbidden by the governor of the state, and I pre-- sume for political reasons,." the at-- torney general declared. A -- radio were denounced in resolutions adopt-- ed before Carilstrom brought order out of chaos by a speech ringing with condemnation of the Thompson-- Small alliance. Brick Hurled at Platform As carlstrom stepped to the plat-- form a heavy package, wrapped in newspaper and containing a coil of A Bus tour through Diamond Lake .c......... Grace and Fark Al-- langon, Margaret and Hvyram Bartlett, Bessie and Luella Kane. * Dream Kisses ... Girls Beautiful ....._._.._.._.__.. Company Telephone 406 for perticulars BIG BILL GETS THE RASPBERRY Is the average paid by these Series number 4 will be open on April 1st to new members. We urge you to take advant-- age of this ideal way to ac-- Libertyville Building and Loan As'sn. Invites you to become sound him a likeable and extren »l, ntertaining person "The Queen o# 'oumania. too. 'was a most interesi-- ng subject. "In my experience . in portr.it ainting." the artist, who has be--n tving an exhibit of portraits 1i1¢ '"indscapes here, says, "I have fxund ** older people are easier to o='n: +~ young ones, and men are mu*"> asier than women. American wom--: lease me greatly, because 1 consii'» * ~» to be the most beautiful wome* heater." '* helieve." Chandor avers '+~a e myth of poor, starving artis* xploded . We can make money i¥ and live well In England m~ *A peonle patronize the arts 1 "~-- n artist's life most agreeat'-- cautiful women and interesting mer + for me, and I have plenty of * ar my favorite recreations of squas}. ding. playing the guitar. and +; ~ her father loves to sketch i aint. alty He was the first artist to be riven Doing CU. S. Portraits '*handor' has been in America d r several portraits of famous Am--. ins In his studio in Philadelphi d'd a fine study of Mrs BE 1 T% Interest DIAMOND LAKE program for the show is American sittings in St palucte s ge pdip ib ipGpdp in pte h t GOGALd oo i Globe Department Store | SPRING OPENING : $ WWMM*&M"&&&M&J&» x. 3 a> T hursday, F riday And Saturday THE_LAKE_COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, * _ q n * it inthindetdeteaa Fewrem wummuentns x c romer mint nb +Mp iemmes +o+ Fna mt uces "upr n ts s * s * / t. .@, _ a *3 5+900 * * * * * * Y ievredediedeGes® WQ'Q A P =% 'l s CE Y >A