DISABLED VETS WELL CRCANIZED Scattered through Illinois are more. than 50,000 men who can't forget the World War. In their shattered 'bod-- ics are bullets, or the scars of bullets, of splinters or shell, or perhaps the gmoxdhmnflntmnedufoow nold in those long weary months in {henl'nmm | They are potential members of the most exclusive veterans organization in the world--the Disabled American veterans of the World War--an or-- eanization in which the primary qual-- :'fcation is a wound or disability re-- ceived while on active duty in the military service of the nation in time tuaily members in the organization. 'The other two thirds are to be im-- portuned, in the next sixty days, to join their brothers in the ranks of the TX &. V. "Many things are being done legis-- latively that affect the Disabled Man," said Nicholas O. Isaacson, State Com-- oft mander of the organization, at the are things that affect his compensa-- tion, his right to hospital treatment and his hope of future betterment of his condition. "We want to bring the two--thirds ot the wounded men who are not mem-- bers of our organization into the ranks, that we may have the influence cities, towns and counties where there are, at present no chapters We rant to make Illinois 100% enlisted, as far as the disabled men are con-- cerned, before we send our delegation tw»the national convention of the or-- ganization in Denver, in June. "We want to interest the merchants and the civic leaders in every town ir. Tilinois in the cause of these men who can't forget." The state organization, through & free employment office in Chicago, has worked incessantly to place ex-- soldiers who were wounded, and who *re now out of work, in jobs Hun-- dreds have been so placed through the activities of Harry Curtis, state employment officer. The Bulletin points out that "While this decision will have con-- siderable effect upon the courts of the country, its language is probably much more alarming to a layman than it is to a lawyer. For the rea-- COURT DECISION HOLDS MOTORIST son that no detailed refergnee is] ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. -- Walter made to the facts surrounding the, johnson, speed ball king of baseball. case, the decision is in ameasure!m',muwhm dangerous, and an unfortunate °X--| 'The former star hurler' of the pression of dictum. Washington Senators, who now is It is the q&mon.of the legal de--) manager of the Newark Internation-- partment of the Chicago Motor Club, a1 League club, left here Saturday "That the dictum of the $upreme' night for Jacksonville .o consult a Court in this case was not intended| diagnostician about infection of the to raise the standard of care requIr--| kidneys which followed a severe at-- ed of a motorist and lessen the obli--| tack of influenza this winter. zation of a railroad company; that| h sectional final here. the law still imposes upon railroad| rocK _ ISLAND. Ill--Rocheic companies the duty to give expected| m'sh won the Rock Island sectinna! and required signals and not run "-l championship, defeating Macomr an unlawful rate of speed. If 3 rcademy, 25 to 15 In the consolr-- motorist's view is obstructed and his}iion zame Rockford walloped Or'~" hearing of an approaching train is! ;; ;, 39 prevented, and especially if this is!._g .___ ... oommlghrinmennn mm + done by the fault of the railroad | & company and the company's servants | Real Estate Office Phone 2766 fail to walx)-n him of fl:?l appro:;ebaa:ld| Insurance Res. Phone 2899 induced this failure of duty,> which has lulled the motorist into, JOSEPH A. JADRICH security, he attempts to cross the LAWYER tracks and is injured, having used| _' NORTH CHICAGO, ILL. his faculties as best he could in the, Room 203 --circumstances to ascertain xf.there117o4 Sheridan Road was any danger abead, negligence | y should not be imputed to him, DUt | seomzmmrmomoemepsesmmunmtntermieibiessiesies u} t!;eaxk:ompany. If, in thestexh::nse! s of ordinary care, a motori no | knowledge or notice to the contrary, g FLOOR SURFACING g During the year 1928 the Long'i Lines Department of the American| "Telephone and Telegraph Company : 8 --plans to spend nearly $38,000,000 to| & take care of growth and in improve--| != ments in Long Distance telephon» ' e facilities in the United States. This ; is an increase of $2,000,000 above : the $36,000,000 which, was expended / for the same purpose during 1927 and which, up to this year, was a record for such expenditures. _ -- / Fifteen thousand of them are ac-- he should have a right to assume that an approaching train will not operaté in violation of the law," con-- cludes the bulletin. The new facilities which are plan-- ned will be used to improve the pres-- ent Long Distance telephone service and to provide for expected increases PHONE COMPANY TO SPEND HUGE SUM in this service. Plant'additions sre' tobemadeinneirlymrvstueo!i the Union. t Long Distance cable is the largest | single project im, the construction| program, the expenditure for this item comprising $19,791,000 .and in--| ecluding -- underground conduit, polei lines, loading coils, buildings and equipment. It is expected that about | 1,370 miles of cable, containing more | than 680,000 miles of wire, will be ; installed by the Long Lines De'r.rt-j ment during 1928. Nearly all of} this cable will be owned jointly by | the Long Lines division of the| American Telephone and Telegraph Company m&g&e Asst:ceiated Bell| Com out country. CSle work planned for the year will provide for the completion of a second all--cable route between New York and Chicago, to take care . of the constantly increasing tele--| OfF --HICt AUHGUCIILEZ HIKLICEGSINST Téic-- phone traffic between these points,' the extension of the existing N"l York--Washington--Richmond cable as | far south as Greensboro, N. C., and the completion of an all--cable rontei between Chicago and Davenport, la. Additional cables are also to be in-- for the year, including new pole lines, will involve an expenditure of $4,341,000. It will include work on stalled on a number of existing cable each of the three transcontinental routes,. New circuits are also to be strung from St. Louis, via Dallas and El Paso on the southern trans-- continental route, to Los Angeles, and from Chicago via the central transcontinental route to San Fran-- cisco. Work on the northern route which closely parallels the orixinai Lewis and Clark Expedition of more than a century and a quarter ago, will provide for additional circuits available from Chicago via Minne-- apolis and Helena, Mont., to Seaue. The sum of $9,519,000 has been appropriated for switchboard and other telephone and telegragg equip-- ment, and $4,345,000 will devot-- ed to line work which includes pole replacement, line changes, etc. MODERN BUSINESS The business of the two brothers was distinctly bad, and had been for some time, so th:{ decided to hold a board meeting of their own. "George," said the elder brother, "I expect you've noticed that things are pretty bad lately?" _ _ _ _ : "fes, I have," answered the other. "We go bust unless we have a-- well, a burglary." "Burglary!" echoed the elder. "Why not old--fashioned but simple ance people refuse to pay we don't lose anything."--Wallace's Farmer. IOWA TRACKERS RACE IN SOUTH IOWA CITY, March 19.--Races &« two relay carnivals in Texas will be run this week by the Univers'ty o Towa mile relay team. announced Coach G. T. Bresnkan Saturday _--"No, no," said George. "Bur-- glary's best, because if the insur-- The Hawkeve quartet wtll appoar at the Texas relays March 23 at Aus-- tin, then will run at the Rice insti-- tute games the following day at Houston. f Five athletes, one of whom wil rank as an alternate, will be taken into the southwest. Quarter miler: who are prominent candidates ir:-- clude G. H. Baird. Mason City hsid-- er of the Big Ten indoor recortd Captain Frank Cuhel, Cedar Rapid= C E. Wilmoth, Abingdon, IIlL® R. I. Stamats, Cedar-- Rapids. member o' the conference championship team; W. C. McDowell, Grundy Center. and V. W. Stevenson, Ida Grove. When an Towa team last appeirec 'n Texas, the quartet, with the grso' Cuhel -- at , the anchor post'ion smashed the Texas relays record with a mark of 3:25 5--10. Georgetowvua's team forced the Towans to the reccrd performance. At the Rice games the following day, Iowa was nipped by the Washington, D C., runners j WALT MAY BE OUT FOP GOOD #>» OAK TERRACE LAUNDRY THE route, ) og .' _0 Dfi(l.fllj.t}u f more; ip, r ago,| ed circuits | f Su;_. I-tan No records for flights were broker at the first indoor modet air~'>~~ meet that was b~14 Saturday a'* | noon at the Waukegan Armory, !but the reason given by two of the boy contestants was that AODEL PLANE TEST IS HELD they needed . more practice fiying their planes and they proceed-- ed to prove it to the spectators Albert Olsen of North School h= an official tim'ns nf his blane «»«< | ing from the floor of 2 seconds i: the air, and 3 7 seconds flight fr~»~ a start six feet above the floor Afle making several adjustments on 4 plane it took off from the floor au" remained> aloft :14 seconds and *\ '"VWoht from being -- hand launcked lasted 16 seconds. Richard Plummer from -- Andrer ~onke school had the same ®xp*--!-- nce. his official flicht for the I~ 4oor Tractor was 68 seconds *' 'ater on his plane took 16 seconds to 'ly the full lensth of the Armor '~»ly to be stopned by the wall Lindberg: not Col. Chas A biui ~worge Lindberg that attends We school. tried to live up to his nam» ind had burned a lot of midnich' n1i1 to build two fast planes for hi ~tries. had a perfect adjustment ar is first plane and on the trial be-- "ore the official timing the p'an ~overed the full length of the Arm-- ry and hit the wall so hard it broke the plane and he coulds not enter i# The meet was a big success, a"" of the bovs said. and so did the mem: ers of the Lions club that wore »cting as judges and timers T.e ~ect was under the auspices of *tiv "ions club and the Playground.: an/5 Recreation board. 'The official time made by the i ~s* '*hree entries were: Baby R. O C -- *art from the floor, 6 fost clevati~r. "a!»h Jeska. Central school, 10 see-- ands. ies mds. f s s i Tester Polakow, Central--68 s--c-- onds. » * From the floor: R Stanley _ Norbutas, Jackson--4.9 seonds. Fro Sihvonen. WTHS--4 seconds Idester Polakow. Central--25 s=:-- i~ds. > Pusher Type Plane--Alfred <Jo*:.-- --«on. Jackson school. 9 seconds: Rir'-- ard Plummer. Andrew Cooke, § 5 see-- onds. ' Indoor Tractor--Richard Plummer aAndrew Cooke. 68 * seconds:. M.n Keffer. North school--8.2 America Is a _ _ Nation of Travelers TO meet the de-- mand for new telephones moreplant must be built--at costs greater than the cost of the average of our present plant. To do this we must ob-- tain capital and to attract this we must pay satisfactory re-- turns. Thiswe cannot do without adequate rates. BELL SYSTEM . One Policy -- _ One System _ ---- _ Universal Service ILLINOIS BELL TELEPMONE COMPANY THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1928 OUR splendid railroad service, our wonderful highway system,ourconven -- ient electric lines and auto-- mobiles have made Ameri-- cans thegreatest travelers in the world. Those who have no definite pace to go take the road and become joy-- ous vagabonds.. s Those who travel know that they nced --not be out of touch with home or bust-- ness. While they may actu-- ally be thousands of miles away they are yet no fur-- ther'from home than the nearest telephone. Speedily and at low cost they can be in conversation with home or business from any distance. _ Bell telephone lines reach everywhere. © Reed, Glen Flo--a Stanle rsge.' seconds. [ The on --sch« *4 ~Stanies Normpus Jackson 'sechool The Pusher fyre st,© Alfred. Johnnso. Jagkson seboo nd: Ric «*4 Plummeéer.~ Andrew ooke se'----|' ; T~> Indoor Tractsr *st. Epro~s: !~>»n0d~~~ West sot. 61 nd, -- P'jc¢'~ ~d. +Plummer Andrew Jooke school. Motorists ~who leave parcels in their cars offer a temptation to thieves to smash locks and break door handles, according to H. M. Brown, general manager of the Chi-- cago Motor Club. One of the weapons used to break door handles is a gas pipe one inch in diameter and about a foot long. ypes of 'rlernes for outdoor fMying aAnv bov ~=~voung mar interrsted i rmravier than air planes can joir ~pge ¢'~ _ sagis'sr'~s with Ea-- The gas pipe is concealed in a rolled newspapers and is carried in the sleeve. By slipping the end of the gas pipe over the door handle the lock is easily twisted off. The obvious remedy, of course, savs Mr. Brown, is for motorists to take care to leave no parcels or other visible personal property in parked cars. |,: * Ernest Dowson, poet of tragric memory, when living at a Normandy village, got into a ficht with a Incal baker and was arrested. A depu-- tation of villagers went to the mae-- istrate and , pointed-- out that .M. Dowson was one of the most illustri-- ous of Enpglish poets. th"Quite' n eave toI l'flxll. mfifi-fl e ma k "I wi 1 baker _m?' And he did.--De-- troit News. ; 5 * ' _ ADJUDICATION NOTICE » _ . B. H. Miller, Attorney. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giv-- en that the Subscriber Administra-- trix of the Estate of Herman L Kublank, deceased . will attend the Probate Court of Lake Count, at a term thereof to be holden at the Court House in Waukegan, in said County, on the first Monday of May next, 1928 when and where all per-- sons having claims against said es-- tate are notified and requested to pesent the same to said Court for barce t~= *I's adjudication. * OM * ANNA KUBLANK « Administratrix Waukegan, I!l., March 19, 1928 « 22--24-- 6. NORMANDY -- JUSTICE Ur ~. ragis'sr'~s with Ea-- sumerintondont of reere« --=-- Park --There is3 n0 !!p;-e 'aing :! * n N . gmrt $C.100. § ic '*he K I~'~"son Ja"k-- S+a~l>~~ Norbutus schnol 1+ been produced by the U. S. Bureau| We've also noticed that the Lib of Standards through the use of gas ) ertyville 'citizens who argue that j heat, according to announcements|there ought to be a tax on bachelers from Washington. 'are ail married. | : The great dise, weighing 3,500 lbs., 70 inches in diameter and 11 inches &rpqui.red more than eight in the making, and will be used as a mirror in a reflecting tel-- A thousand pounds of special Wh.u and 4,600 pounds of sand chemicals were placed in a pot on May 7, 1927. Gas burners Nw the mass to a temperature of degrees, when it was poured into the mould. The casti:fi was held at 'temperatures gradually de-- HUGE FLAWLESS GLASS ;. The haPpiest land is one in which £@A8T WITY CAS HEAT' the nennle aroen't anro anauch ta ----__--_ ~~CaAST WITH GAS HEAT The largest fawless piece of 0 tical glass ever cast has tecant.{; been produced by the U. S. Bureau creased through a period of months, and on January 21, 1928, the great dise was uncovered and found to be without a flaw. It is the largest perfect piece of glass in the world, second only in size to the 100--inch reflector of the Mount Wilson California, observa-- hmhch is imperféct. application of gas heat will, according to G. K. Bnrg:ss, Director of the Bureaun of Standards, have a far--reaching effeet upon the produc-- tion of optical glass. There are thousands hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root. -- _ > y ~<" > %€ Thoreau As sure as God is good, so surely there is no such thing as necessary .We saw a postcard yesterday from a Libertyville man visiting in Chicago, and he wrote that he would be home "murder after next." Lake Street, Mundelein Chrysl Never before has there been such widespread interest in Chrysler cars, rewly priced at 670 and upwards. Chrysler'ssensational new That means, to the farmer, days spent in plough-- ing and planting. It means to the 'bu'sines.s man, busy days spent in meetinf the spring demands for §oods It means to ALL people, the necessity for SAVING TIME AND TRAVEL. This can best be done by utilizing a Checking Account in the payment of bills and in the transaction of business. Have you one? If not, why not open such an account in this bank today? wWHEELING STATE BANK Countryside Motors Libertyville 290 + _ for satisfactory 3 _ Laundry and Dry: ; Cleaning Service Call Mike Behm Reliable Laundry & Dry Spring Is Here! _ LIBERTYVILLE -- MUNDELEIN Sales and Service -- Cleaning Co. > HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. The LAUNDRY does it best! The Bank of Friendly Service J. E. LEONARD, Manager Established in 1899 Wheeling, 111. the le aren't sore,enough to jus@i_});')tg:e existance of "gmt lead--. o mm ;:( c 4e 3 wl f + ii fut, *¥ fi*?' s '4 I Q'?""/'" m a% «J.T.MCORATH'S lower prices and dutstanding values, are winning public enthusiasm surpassing even the great demonstrations of past years. _ THE queen of your home will be. more pleased By fixtures fine--just this: we mean That they are fit for any with it after we put in the fixtures that help to beau-- tify and make it more comfortable. Phone 103 * FOR SALE--Real Estate HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN 205 W. Maple Avenue. Libertyville, IlL Telephone 147--M. FOR SALE--Nearly new Modern Bungalow of 5 reoms, sun porch and Breakfast Nook, on Third St. Priced very reasonable, with easy FOR SALE--Six room home ON|~ oooj condition. H. L Bri Sunnyside Place. All modern con-- 4 4 * B including oil * bu mer! Libertyville. Phone 6"-1"2: Garage, Deep lot, fine trees and ; yencomcammmiyeciusermeiemssmmunien shrubbery. Priced right. Terms. [ pop SAjFE--Feed barley, en ! and I. H. C. ensilage tedder A. R. Sg:fi':rl; BELE i 1b. capacity motor driven Del S : us | _ cream separator, barred rock 111 W. Church St., Liberty Vég'm '-- _ erels. Osborne Farm, Mun ~OL. | nL.__. 00 %f n FOR SALE -- Hupmobile % FOR SALE--Red Clover Seed. State purity test 99.2%. Free from nox-- fous weed. Price 30c per lb. Wal-- New 6 room home, hot water heat, 8 room modern home, 2 car garage, 1 block from Electric Station. Four and five room flat at @10 Milwaukee Ave. § FOR -- SALE--Buff Leghorn eggs for setting of 15, $1.00. W. H. GeHinge, 320 North Avenue, Lib-- FOR SALE--Male golice dog, 6 months old.. House broken, friend-- ly, $25. Phone 529--W. 22--6t FOR SALE--No. i1 baled timothy hay. Bergeron Stock Farm on Lake St., 2 miles west of Liberty-- ville. Phone 678--J--2. 4+f FLYNN:--GABLE CHICKS in 100 lots W. Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, Anconas, $11.00. Barred Rocks, Reds, Wyandottes, $12.00. Ph. EVE Hts. 34--Flynn--Gable Hatchery, E. Euclid Avenue, Arlington Heights, Ill. 9--24--pd. FOR SALE--Brick store building with fiat upstairs, on Milwaukee Avenue in the heart of the busi-- ness district. Store and flat rent-- ed. Inquire of R. G. Kaping, Re-- altor. Phones, Office 469; Res, dRG . t 18--tf FOR SALE--Seed barley and wheat, Phone Fred Krueger, Libertyville 670--R--1. 21--6t--pd. FOR SALE--Horse, 10 yrs. old, weight 1500 lbs. Leo _Elfering, Libertyville. Phone 607--J--1: __ _ » There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake County in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will 'convince you. FOR SALE--Timothy seed, $1.75 per bu. Marquis seed wheat, $1.60 per bu. lowar seed oats from Wisconsin, certified seed, 80¢ per bu. All eeds recleaned free from foul seeds. Lewis A. Mills, Mun-- delein, IIl. Phone 659--R--1. _ __--__ FIELD SEEDS FOR SALE--Small: Waukegan National Phone 993 seeds are all cleaned and graded. Bank Bldg. Waukegan Corn is graded, all tip$ BIHE: DHELS 1 ............................... ccs.. no.ocmmmmmmeimmmetommercmrpcome removed. Early Progress, a rust resiptant,h heavy 3'ielding, unew, B. H. MILLER spring wheat, stands up well on h'e'gedsiom '13'7.519" hu' m'; ATTORNEY--AT--LAW o Tow miciey. 5100 wer in _ _ First National Bank Building 6--row barley, $1.25 per bu. Oats, Forward, a new late variety of| Telephone 657 LIBERTYVILLE g;:l?'t }ngr%m A customer gesportt j ol iiizkiiz_lizi_il_l__> yield o r acre on 85 acre| licld last seakon,. Also White!__ DR.J. L TAYLOR Cross and lowar, two splendid Office in First National Bank Bldg. early varieties. Price any variety, e P I 80c per bu. Seed Corn, --I have| Hours: 1 to 8:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. a large stock of exceptiomllll Residence, Oakwood Terrace fine home grown seed corn to of-- _ fer this year, including the fol--| 214]. truck; Tourists home equipped for cross country traveling. All in good condition. Can be seen af-- ter 6:00 P. M. at 116 E. Park Ave-- nue. Phone Libertyville 424. _ _ including Tour kitchen chairs, ta-- ble, dining room table, dresser, twin beds. Very reasonable. Te-- lelrhone Chas. Roll, Deerfield, I 22--6t--pd. ter Sage, Libertyville. Phone 667-- DR SALE--Or rent--in Oakwood on M epui +A Terrace. 6 large room house mt.h! '551.___.__ sun parlor; extra lavatory on first, pQR RENT--two floor, 2 car garage, large '°t-| (downstairs) for Phone Libertyvyille 728--R. _ . °| ing. 117 3&,,] If you want to buy an or if you have something to sell, nntornchange,orifyoump.makeuhonwu columns. You will get resulte. ertyville. Minimum charge, 25¢ 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. OR, SALE--Fancy stock White Wyandottes and Cornish Games. Fred Biebert, Phone Lake Forest €93--¥--1. 21--2:--pd. 0R SALE--500 bu. barley, baled hay, baled straw. Phone 558. G. Hardin Rouse, Mundelein. -- 10--tf. 13; any variety $5.00 per bu., sub-- ject to market changes. L. A. Huebsch, _ Mundelein, Illinois. FOR SALE OR RENT n modern home on Brainerd G. C. GRIDLEY Libertyville, Illinois FOR SALE Classified . Ads HMHousehold furniture d varieties; Mur-- n, Golden Glow, and Minnesota No. 22--6t-- 21--3t 17--s. DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON haled ODtometrist --tt;| Call Libertyville 204--M. _ 20--+f. 'FOR RENT--Room at 144 E. | _ Church Street. Also garage room i--< for L car. 22--1t. FOR SALE--Old--{ashioned buck-- 320 ACRE ITIMPROVED FARM, with equipment, for sale or ex-- change for a small farm. Posses-- sion at once. James Pascoe, Gary, Minnesota. 19--6t--pd. FOR SALE--Oneé 2--flat buildi: 122 Austin Avenue. Phone ertyville 398--J. 19-- FOR SALE--Delco Electric plant in FOR SALE CHEAP--Good ga 30X14. Good lumber, Phone FOR SALE--Feed barley, euihg and I. H. C. ensilage tedder, 7 Ib. capacity motor driven Defanl cream separator, barred rock cock-- erels. Osborne Farm, Mundelein Phone 622--M--2. 20--t4. FOR RENT--Four pleasant rooms with bath. Cgtnl location. For rticulars one a94 K. . oi FOR RENT--Modern 7 room house and two--car garage on West Park Avenue, near North Shore Sta-- tion. Immediate possession. FOR RENT--Furnished rooms for housekeeping. Phone Libertyville 455--J 17--6t--pd. W ANNQOLNCEMENT--Ieading -- Chi-- eagw(:J~ manufacturer has fine high graije player piano which respon-- sible party mm?'an by eon'.latfi ing small mon payments due on the account. Selection of rolls included. For particuilars ad-- dress P. O. Box 172, Chicago, II!s. 22.31. W ANTED--Married coufle looking for good home to do ail work nec-- essary to keep house 'f'or family of two adults and two year old boy. Work includes general house-- work, cooking, wash.rg, garden-- ing, washing auto, etc. Applicants must dbe Protestants, willing workers and have good disposi-- tions. Man must be nandy at odd 1-' mis[l:m:ood ref P eveee ::v:; u erences pr that you are capable of doing this type of work. In reply 'state sal-- ar'{ expected, age and experience. Address W. W. R. Box 119, Evan-- ston, Illinois. 21--2t. WANTED--Couple capable of man-- aging restaurant and rooming apartments. Address replies to Box "S.R." c--o Lake County Reg-- ister, Libertyville, IlIl. 9--tf Pianos regulated and repaired, at Libertyville every Monday. Or-- dersukenatRanrm'mMO or call or write C. J. Diehl, Wood-- , Commander, C. C. Hoskins -- 345--3 Meets First Tuesday -- Gridley Hall Scientific Examination of the Eye: wheat flour. Home fresh ground. Buckwheat seed B $1.00 per bu. Delivered. Bergeron Stock Farm, on Lake St., 2 miles west of Libertyville, Phone 678--J--2. _ ertvville 1983--M. GLASSES FITTED * Waukegan National Phone 993 Bank Bldg. Waukegan Luce Bldg. al Phone 276 DR RENT--rooms at 140 East Church St. Also h%wo& at home. Phone Libert 388-- W dAaIifl'ED-- Permanent. place on ry or Enerll farm April 15th. Adaress H. G. Gen. Jelivery, Gurnee, Ilis. 22--6t--pd. kaoinstaing for light housekeep-- ing. 117 Street. 20--tf Libertyville Post No. 329 AMERICAN LEGION LYELL H. MORRIS -- ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR 274--J. MSCELLA N EOUS FOR RENT PAGE SEVEN Libertyville. 17 41. 19--7t--pd.