e Mrs. Cora E. Hull was a Ch shopper Wednegiay afternoon. son house on Maple avenue and will take possession immediately. _ The lease was negotiated by A. R. Schn-- aebeie, local realitor. L. H. Knigge of Crystal Lake cal-- Jar ed at the home of his sister, Mrs.| an< "ora E.. Wull, on Wednesday. 13. Mrs. William Johnson of Jm.on: 1 \venue,. accompanied by her daugh--| Su Albert Werden has leased the Wil-- Society and LOCAL NEW S / So Easy LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Libertyville, Tllinois Rubber Goods In cooperation with other Merchants we are participating in the big Spring Opening. It will pay you to come in and look us over. C. Young and daughter. A Cast Aluminum Cooker filled with Jams, given to the person making closest guess as to -- the number of slices of pineapple in our Libertyvville 271 Se. Milwaukee Avenue LIBERTYVILLE "Service You'll Remember" ® Ends Saturday Night Don't miss the opportunity aptTAL, Surpius, UxpvDED Prorits Over $180,000.00 Spring Opening: Hull was a Chicago F. B. Lovell Co. Big Guessing Contest , were O. H. MOLIDOR Window Display Come in and make your gue To Save Mbney, Phone 31 It's so easy to spend when you have a pocket full of money. There's a great temptation to buy things you really do not Keep your money in an account here and you'll find you can keep it longer. § We invite you to open an account with--us. Come in--let's talk it over. Big Sale of Milletr's NOW GOING oN Park Avenue visited Tuesday even-- ing at the Theodore Zersen home in Jack, of Mundelein were guests at the home of relatives here Thurs-- day. Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Goliding et tained the former's mfi'&' Mrs. Henry Golding of Wauconda at their home Sm Mr. and Mr Sunday at th 'parents, Mr. at Wauconda. Mrs. Henty Numsen was hostess to the members of the Five Hundred Club which met Thursday at her home at 219 Second Street. Prizes were awardeil to those holding the highest and lowest scores. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zersen of East _ Miss Marjorie Mrs. John Morrison and son, d Mrs. A. W. Foss visited it the home of the laiter's Mr. and Mrs W. V. Johns, LIBERTYYVILLE, ILuwxors oo o nnpnnbinnsiinl Tilinois enter-- the A. E. Wheeler home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Snyder called at the home of Mrs. W. D. Porteous at Mundelein Tuesday evening. Mr. an Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and son of Volo were guests at the William Lohman home Thursday evening. Mrs. Ralph Wehrenberg_ visited | noon Thursday at the home of ilrs. Ed--| Gadk win Cook at Mundelein. ./ 8 A bunco party will be held at the| were Gridley Hall by the members of the; of M gebeka:h and Odd Fellow Lodges,'St. J Monday _ evening, March 26th. + The public is cordially invited atol MJ [attend. Refreshments will be serv-- Mr. ed following the games. LS," T Mrs. Kate Bernard entertained the L"1c.ky "13" Bunco Club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. John Dryer, first; Mrs. John Landis, second; and Mrs. E. Qyentin, consolation. Mrs. John Landis was also awarded the hostess prize. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John N. Bernard, Sunset Drive, Oakwood Terrace, on Wednesday, April 4th. The Federation of Woman's Clubs of the Tenth District will meet with the North End Club at the Edge-- water Beach Hotel, Chicago .on Wednesday, March 28th. This is the annual meeting of the district and several members of the local Wo-- man's Club will be-- in attendance. Reservations for the luncheon must be made by Monday, March 26th. Any member planning to attend is requested to call the President, Mrs. Weart.= ; . "ga*. The St. Patrick's party of the Lib~1 ertyville club, which was held at the club rooms Tuesday néfht,'was one: of the most successful affairs yet given for the ladies. The decorations were in keeping with the season and the refreshmnts were, so far as was possible, in conformity to the ac-- cepted standards for the occasion. A large crowd of members and their ladies was in attendance and joined iin making this a most 'enjoyable On Wednesday | evening a _ local team from the Recreation Genter made up of Mrs A. Krumrey, Mrs. Frank Kennedy, Miss Harriet Tully, Miss Helen Tully and Mrs.W. Lay-- son, bowled with a team from Mun-- delein. Our team met with defeat, the scores being Mundelein --2164, Libertyville 2084. This match com-- pleted the third of a series to be bowled by the women and in each event, up to the present time, the [Mnndelein team has been made the victor. As announced in the Register ear-\ lier in the week, the first meeting of the proposed dramatic society has been set for eight--thirty o'clocki tonight (Friday) at the Cook Mem-- orial Library. Since the call was is-- Med, there has"been a large --re-- sponse on the part of the persons, in the village and in the vicinity, who are interested in the stage, and an encouraging attendance is antici-- Lpated. The invitation is an apen one, inasmuch as it is proposed to make the organization citywide, and all who would like to join are urged to be there. 3 Several members of the logal Wo--; man's Club are planning to attendl the Annual Meeting of the Federa--| tion of Glubs of the Tenth Congres--| sional District of Illinois which will | be held on Wednesday, March 28th at the Edgewater Beach Hotel with the North End Club as hostess club. | The Board Meeting at 9:30 o'clock wilt be followed at 10 o'clock by the District meeting. . Mrs. Harry S. Gradle, President of the Tenth Dis,t--' rict will preside and will respond to | the greeting of Mrs. William West--[ erlund, President of the North End Club.. Reports of officers, election of officers and regular business will fill the morning session. After lunch-- eon a contest of Quartettes from the district will be held and Mrs. Walter Seymour, President of the 1. F. W. C. will address the members. | ~harles H. Francis (not Charles P.) candidate for representative 8th district. Qualified, experienced, able. Favors Emmerson for governor. J 23--3t--1 issue rjorie Davies _of High-- was a guest Thursday at Fire -- Tornado -- Automobile INS U R A I IN SOUND STOCK COMPAN We're Near Your THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, Libertyville, Ill. £..%::~¢ | | _ Mrs. Roland Mexer and little son | were guests Thu y at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Orvis, 29 N. 'St. James *St_reet, Waukegan. | l Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wehrenberg Sr. spent funday at the home'of G. B. Umbdenstock in Long Grove. on't forget the bakery sale to Frank Kiennos; was A business caller Wednesday. Mrs. Henry Groth, 625 E. Park Avenue, was a guest Tuesday after noon at fl& home of Mrs. Robert Gadke at Mundelein. Mrs. Rolg M:x and little son were guests Thu y at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Orvis, 29 N. St. James *St_reet, Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wehrenberg Sr. spent funday at the home'of G. B. Umbienstock in Long Grove. l Don't forget the bakerg sale to Ibe given Saturday, March 3ist at the Ray Furniture and Paint Store. ' This sale will be. sponsored by the ladies of the Presbyterian Congre-- 'gation. | j ' Mrs. Mary Baker, mother of Hen-- iry Baker and Mrs. Bert Hall of lLibertyville fiassed away Thursdazy | night at her home in Palatine. Mrs. | Baker was just past ;xghty two and &'was the mother of eight children. + | Ninety--nine per cent of aLll acci-- Phone 469 W In the Old -- Chicago --Avenue Church, now known as The Moody Bible Institute Auditorium, where D. L. Moody preached the unsearch-- able riches of Christ, an apprecia-- tive au_dje'qce."ot' a yell fi!l'e:i h'('mae. a musician of --great talent, an artist indeed, was appreciated and add'd1 much to the devotional spirit of the service. Mr. Kominsky will be heard on the thg: following Sunday af-- ternoons. x Gra{'es subject for next Sundfy will "Are Jehovah and Jesus the Same Person* The public is cordially invited to all P.) candid. district. Q services. Favors En A numb%er of Parisians lived in sewers and the reason did not be-- come ap nttotheAmerien.zu until 1924. \ The pipes were the only place in town where you could wrig-- gle your ears without jostling some-- Just Call 306 when you S N queaned iL Sho'a Beverty Dieas Shop! 13g2 H. Francis (not Charles te for representative 8th 1alified, experienced, able. merson for governor. xi service and we he rest. OW'S } | naoa 5 that has w her J C E. -- Casualty IES ONLY 234--3%--1 issue doubt in 'hrist m' be. At the d in pom-- The violin Kominsky, ---- an artict SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1928 "The Peabody Pew" given n ie Aid Society of the M. E. Church un-- Woman's Club. High school at 8:00 P. M. Speciai music by the high school orchestra. Safe':fil meeting of the Libert Parent--Teacher Association a Hich school at 8:00 P. M. S Bakery sale by the Ladies of the Pnsb;?nu Congregation at the Ray Furniture and Paint Store. _ Tuesday, April 3rd Plunkett dinner by the Aid Societ of the M. E. church in the chure parlors, at 6:30 p. m. o Monday, April 9th. _Easter Monday dance by the Car-- dinal Club at St. Joseph's hall. Mu-- sic by Hapke's five piece orchestra. "Tommy", presented by the Gar-- rick Players of Lake Forest college at the High School auditorium. Sponsored by the Libertyville Ki-- wanis Club as a hospital benefit. April 13 and 14 Honor Bright the senior class pla of the Libertyville Township Hig School at the school auditorium. ""Minstrel Echees®. the _ annmual| American . Legion minstrel show at| the high school 'auditorigm. Novelty | entertainment produced by the John Saf. Monday, March 26th. unco party at the Gridley Hall the Rebekahs and Odd Fellows. wlic invited. Refreshments ser-- COMING EVENTS Wednesday, March 28th. Thursday, -- LIBERTYVILLE Our Decorators Failed to get our Store Ready for the f T * ;' * j # : Spring Opening Still to busy to figure specials and are letting y these regular prices ride * --__ _ BUT WE WILL BE ALL DOLLED UP IN A FEW MORE DAYS Bring your "Rights" Per Ib. -------- T. & J. Special Coffee, Still Jello, All Flavors : Per Pkg. ...:.:.......s}....ni.misin=cofoaci~ Campbells Soup, All Kinds , Per C&B ... 2322 Ees en isnn iss Gortons Fish Cakes, Ready to fry . 2 CANS ... 222. >..>main in ninterfitrnmcoomcas.s Old Monk Salad Dressing Mushrooms Large Size Cans Choice Small Size Cans -- 9 Cans fOf ...........................s...;>s Tuesday, April 10 Quality All Phones 25 __* _ For Sale or Subscription We offer this Service for Your Convenience ® and Protection. o spices of the Ivanhoe at the Ivanhoe Church. -- To Holders of Middle West Utilities . Company Stock "Rights" you have received are Valuable : to you : March 29th TRVU S SAVT] It is not advisable to delay attending to thes' warrants. Full payments draw interest. ing company. 19, 20 RUST_ & A¥ViNc$ BAI LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINQOIS NOTICE (Wednesday, the Do Not Destroy Them Charles H. Fa.ncis (not -- Charles P.) candidate for Rpresentative 8th district. Qualified, experienced, able. Favors Emmerson for governor. Watch Repairing 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE A. W. LINDROTH 530c KLENZO Dental Cream ... 39¢ 35¢ KLENZO . Tooth Brushes .. 196 Decker & Neville , we will handle them Maxixe Chocolate Covered Cherries 1 Ib. Box ... 19¢ 2 Ib. Box ... 89¢ 420 Milwaukee Ave. Home Owned Store 23--3t--1 issue A9¢ 39 If the first Papers you sign don't complete the deal------> Published in the in-- terest ef the peeple The soothsayer who told Julius Caesar to "beware the Ides on the Ides of March ing him in the face .,m.. en he WOULD have had something to worry about. Shades of St. Pat-- rick! We hear they are taking a®rattle-- snake to Ireland for exhibition purposes. A long--legged sheep in Asia is able to run forty miles an hour and that's just about the kind of a lamb it would take to keep up svith Mary these days. In regular Commercial Courses, advanced courses in Commercial Work, Civil Service preparation. * : ---- _ Call for particulars ; Mrs. Geo. E. MeDonald a # 311 W. Park Ave. LUMBER CO. Q. A. KNewsom, EDITORILAL First National Bank The Four By Six Flowers For any occasion. . They best convey the thoughts you wish to express--wheth-- er it be joy or sorrow-- Sympathy or Sentiment. ®p Whatever your needs, we can supply them-- Flowers sent anywhere by --both you and the other party to the transaction can protect your respective interests and avoid misundersta.ndinfs by ar-- ranging to have us hold the pap-- ers IN ESCROW until all the terms of the agreement have been complied with. Use our,.Escrow Service --it's the safe, convenient and businesslike way. Joseph Kohout Co., Inc. CAPITAL Anp Surprius $110,000.00 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. New Classes GROWERS OF FINE FLOWERS (H . We Deliver Anywhere. PI Libertyville Phone 130 S'fl"'. "'dl, no. There were a few places we didn't touch on our be fieet as a deer to pass the buck. "Ye" editor Mr. O. A. Newsom made a hurried trip to Kan-- sas City over the week end. Have you noticed our window display the past week, it's the story of "Vig-- oro." ~Vigoro is a product of Swift & soon Forming Now . out the green . Company, and is re-- be with us. g, raises phlegm easily. No opintes 'tz'auo constipation, .o'chluoforn. no "dope." You take no chance with cough or wold when you buy Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Ask for it.--Sold everywhere. 17. , soothing coating in an irri-- i Named throat, stops cough-- not "Vigoro." Marshall Field said: --"Trade goes where is the most cordial. Try it and we'll sati-- fv¥ you on the treat-- cerve. Phone 47 and 48 PAGE FIVE PHONE 174--] vou No. 11 *4#