I SOCi4 LOC. relatives, hili of Round Lake called a;iu'mw Sunday. day with IM Wauconda. Prank Quentin of Chi isited Monday at the mqmr?y'vme Mrs. May Wheeler is spending the week end at Cherry Valley at the home of Mrs. George Jamieson. --_INS U R ANC CE y with friends in Wauconda. Walter McLaughlin was a Chica-- LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK ©f Libertyville, Illinois . CammTaL, Surpius, Unorvme®n Prortts Over $180,000.090 Priced 25¢ and 50¢ IN SOUND STOCK COMPANIES ONLY ' 4 ociet LOCA L g OClety and LOCAL NEW S Is playtime for the youngsters--out in We warm sunshine after the Winter Wetle folks. We have a new shipment, just in. Many Make the finest of playthings for the Springtime F. B. Lovell Co. -- Tornado -- Automobile -- Casualty Rubber Balls Mrs. Charles Brown, 240 Third -- Miss Lucille Golding was a guest Street, is reported on the sick list |of friends in Chicago during ° the Mrs. Theodore Vanderwerff of McKinley Avenue is confined at her home by illness. Mr. and Mrs. He N. i\:fieul d and family of Lak:r;onst ed at the E. D. Hubbard home Sunday. Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Alice Havice of 117 First Street. i Jack McLellan of Lake Forest was a guest Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.: Thomas Varney, called at the home of her paren Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Grandy, Frid:s'y . H. J. Strang of Grayslake Cheerfully All I!linois known and popular in this vicinity, having rendz in Libertyville for '; number of years. immediate members of the family. The ceremony took place at the parsonage of the St. John's Luther-- an Church with Rev. W. H. Leh-- mann officiating. The young couple was attended by Miss Moneta Jones, gsister to the bride,> and Charles Kuester, brother to the groom. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kuester are well ' The April program of the Lib-- ertyville Musical Society was given Monday night at the Methodist Eipiscopal Church and proved to be _one of the most enjoyable that has been given this year. The vocal and instrumental numbers as well as the readings were thoroughly appreciat-- ed by the audience. A more com-- plete account will appear in the Fri-- day issue. Miss Reba Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Jones of Gurnee, and Arthur Kuester, --of this city, were united in marriage at three o'clock P. M. Saturday in the presence of morning. The interior of the build-- ing has been newly decorated and the fixtures installed last week. At resent Mr. Bockelman has one bar-- ge'r besides himself working in the shop. T The new barber shop which is to be conducted at 412 north Milwau-- kee avenue, by Fred Bockelman, was opened for business Monday Glenn G. Hoskins, president and A. R.: Andrews and L. W. Beman as members. Several voters wrote in the names of J. E. Nordgren for president and G. C. Brown:for mem-- bet. a Fwenty four votes were cast Sat-- crday afternoon at the election of officers for school district No. 70. The three candidates who were nom-- inated by petition were elected, es were awarded. Light refresh-- ments brought the evening to a close Several members of the local Chapter O. E. S. motored to Bar-- rington Monday. evening, where they attended the Friends' Night Pro-- gram. Mrs. A. R. Andrews, Worthy Matron of the local Chapter served as Worthy Matron at Barrington. William Ede, who has been so-- journing in South Carolina, return-- ed to Libertyville Monday for a brief visit while pic'kinf out his next stop-- ping place. Bill says that he is coming back to Lake County to live and possibly to Libertyville. Mrs. John Suydam, 8r. was hoat-; ess Satum! evening to the mem« bers of the Jolly Bunch at the home of Mrs. J. W. Cooper, 315 West Park Avenue. Bunco was Played and priz--| guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Peterson and family. In the account in ~Friday's issu> of the Register of the meetmsl of E: Woman's Club, which was held t week, the name of Mrs. E. E. Marsh as chairman of the hostess committee of the day, was omitted. Mrs. Mable Pelletiere of Long weeks visit at the of her broth-- er, George E. W Johnson Ave-- nue, departed Saturday for Rochest-- er, New York, to join her husband. 4MC7% _ TTs IZ,. AIIRAIII, EADLOE OL Eh: St. John's Genn&nm Lutheran urch, -- departed morning (Tuesday) to attend a conference of the Synod of the Southwest Wiscon-- sin District of Kenosha. He will remain until Wednesday evening. A bunco and five hundred party will be given at the Town Hall, Half Day, on Friday, April 27th, and will Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Scott and son, Charles, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Raliph Wickersham -- at Evanston and Mr.: Scott's mothe, Mrs. D. Scott of Esterville, lowa. Miss Ruth Knox, who underwent a major operation last week at the Victory Memorial Hospital, Wauke-- Qan. returned to her-- home at 321 North I;'\irst Street, on Sunday. The Misses Roma Corlett, Louise Netz and Erma Hafemann, students at Beloit College who have been vi-- sifi:fi.at their homes here, returned Monday to Beloit to continue with their work. ° be sponsored by the Community Club of Half Day. Prizes willobe given to those holding high luncheon will be served, "Freckles" by Gene Stratton Port-- er will be given at the local Audi-- Robert Wilcox of Evanston is vis-- iting this week at the home of his Mrs. Carrie Grummitt of Chicago was the guest of Libertyville rela-- tives during the week end. evenings, May 10thand 11ith. Tick-- ets wifl'be sold in advance. -- Mrs. Mark W. Ellsworth and son of Pasadena, California, are making an extended visit at the E. E. Ells-- worth home on Park avenue. Messrs. Carl Neal and Roy Mon-- rents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth ilcox, 114 Douglas Avenue. of this city THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1928 for of . Miss Gladys--Swan, who has be>n enjoying a two weeks vacation at the home of her parents, motored to Wisconsin Monday, where she will TesumeSh}:er studies at Beloi:o c'g-_ lc_?te by her mother, Mrs. James H. S w( M NOR _ Y C210E _ RWHrCocill Bd Libertyville will be held at the Lib-- ertyville M. E. Church on Thursday, April 19th, An interésting program has been arranged to start at one-- thirty. . > / The following is the program: Mrs. Nellie Crooke, Federal Pro-- hibition enforcement . bureau Piano solo, Miss Elsie Weiskopf 3:45 The Unfinished Task. Rev. John E. DeLong o Vocal!l solo, Miss Dorothy Doane Hold Fast and Go Forward, Mrs. C. --P. Tibbetts ~* Songs, Hold 'Fast and Go Forward Economics of Prohibition, Mrs. R. Vocal solo, Mrs. W. A. Lightbody 2:00 Problems of Law Enforcemnt, Uncle Sam has °captured nearly 500 rum boats off Miami since the first of the year. They will be sold to the highest bidder, and then cap-- tured again. Truly, we're a great nation. 1:80 Song uo ie Salute to the Flag> Devotionals, Mrs. J. G. Cook, Ver-- Airil AL TO--40 INCHUSIVE 1© Wee ~throu§:out the State nois. The Li rtmlle Paren er Association ided it w "Hoflor'Bri{;l;t" the annual senior play of the class of '28 of the Lib-- ertyville Township high school was Kmnented last Friday and Satur-- ay nights to packed houses. The consensus of opinion of those who s:wbet};eplay iithaéitwuomof the best ever given by a graduating class at the local high school. The plot hinged around the attempt of a young aristocrat to make his groud family accept his chorus girl iancee, using a handy book nellhfi lady as a proxy. The unfolding of the plot gave many opportunities for yrare comedy and the cast, whichi was exceptionally -- well trained, made the most of them. * 1 fitting, therefore, to hold a program, which will take place at the North Grammar School on Fri-- day, April 27th at three o'clock P. +5 State Medical Society will give a health talk. A most interesting and beneficial program will be provided The members of St. Lawrence's Church will attend the annual rally of the Episcopal Church School of the North Shore at St. Luke's Evan-- ston, oxLSnnda%.mAprfl 22nd at four o'clock P. M. is is.one of several rallies held at the same time in the diocese of Chi&ago,fl;hen the church schools will make their Lenten Mite Box '()fi'eringe for missions. The children of Chica io diocese ex-- pect to make their offering for this year ten thousand dollars. Last year it will be recalled, the annual rally fo# the North Shore school was held at St. Lawrence's Church. M. -- As a special feature of this and it is hoped a large number will be present at this meeting. E; Thomas Closing --P , -- Mrs. --Frances Browder -- n!f; f 4 Supper served @t six o'clock ; Duet, Messrs Jack Bradford* and Merle Tibbetts | Piano selo, Miss Elsie Weiskopf Address, Prohibition Enforcement, Rev. H. E. Rompel, Morris, Hl-- Vocal solo, Miss Dorothy Doane lffiano selection, Miss Ruby Wil-- iams es > m Benediction, Rev. Guy E. Smock. . Vocal: solo, Miss Dorothy Doane April 22 to 28 inclusive is Health Comedy," "All Washed Up A thrilling and exciting pic-- ture, of the air in which trans--Atlantic flight furn-- ishes the climax. Saturday, April 21. er:of a college president, who revived the fortunes of the school, and secured her fath-- ers' insecure job, by recruit-- in a winning footbal} team by feminine wiles. ~Matinee at 2:30 MONTE 'BLUE and EDNA MURPHY, i tells the story. of the daught-- -- *"The College Widow" By George Ade. § A play of college life, which Thursday, Friday April 19, 20. [AUDITORIUM] Wednesday,. April 18 W. C. T. U. ~CONFERECE DOLORES COSTELLO &.. WM. COLLIER, in ox News RAMON NOVARRO, and NORMA SHEARER, in "*Across The Atlantic' LIBERTYYILLE, ILL. Student Prince" a doctor from The Illinois "'The conference of the W. C. of Tli-- Rev. William Lehmann, pastor of the St. John's German Lutheran church of -- Libertyville. o They were attended by Miss Ger-- trude and Henry Schwandt, sister and brother of the bride. & The bride is well known in Wau-- kegan among the young people. She was formerly employed at the Ab-- bott . Laboratories and for the past year and a half has acted as stenog-- rapher for Attorney John Noll The groom is one of Libertyville's estimable young men and is employed in the Eger hardware store. After spending a short honeymoon, they will be at home to their friends z4; APRIL 19 -- 20 -- 21 _--> Minstre! Echoes" the annual American Legion minstrel show at the high school auditorium. Novelty entertainment produced by the John day at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, 141 West Cook ave-- nue, Libertyville in the presence of a number of relatives and friends. B. Rogers Church, * May 10th and 11th P. T. A. movie benefit, "Freckles" by Gene Stratton Porter at the Auditorium Theatré. Sale of Home--Made cakes at the Woman's Exchange, 414 North Mil-- waukee Avenue. Miss Emily Schwandt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs..Gust Schwandt of Lib-- ertyville, and Elbert Maiden, also of ubenyviiie,'im"iibéhzzi""iie*i E. Church beginning at 1:30. Friday, April 27 P. T. A. meeting at the North Grade School at 3:00 P. M. Health Thursday, April 19th Ww. C. T. u. éonferenee. including Unions of Mundelein, Vernon and % _ % * s m ml;' April 27th Bunco and Five Hundred party by the Community Club at the Town Hall, Half Day. Prizes. Free Lunch, Program. Saturday, May 5th Bakery sale at 2:00 P. M. the Na-- bional Daughters of the G. A. R. Saturday, May 12th : Bakery sale at 2:00 P. M. by the idies Aid of the Presbyterian Johnsons Hard Wax * E:.:. Johnsons Electric Polisher--We have two for 4. @ 'rent at, Per Day _-_,sz'oo Save your rugs by using a Blu--J Broom. All fine §' 98c Corm--no Stems --Areal Buy .____._._____..__g.. 99. All O'Cedar or Liquid Veneer Oil Mops and @ls----l)'% off the regular price. Brushes of all kinds at very attractive prices. Come in and look them over. % 7 T > :sce' Pure Sugar Jelly Beans -- Texas Bermuda Onion Plants--White or Yellow 'Z (Per Bunch Of 100 --.;...........:..1. uce .~ caln cNewanes en F. Early Ohio:Seed Potatoes: JR P Aanty Early Ohic °* §$2.25" Per Bu Peanut Bars--Lindy Bars--Hershey Choc#late 9 five cent Bars--for ............_......L2... ... .llllly.. .20 Spiced Jelly Gum Drops $ Seeds and Plants . {s You better get them now and have them when yag need them Jumbo Mint & Lemon Sticks : TRIGGS & JOHNSON All Phomg 25 .. Hemeoups §e 444 The Sweetest Story Ever Told Candy Peanut Butter Kisses -- Special for House Cleaning Johnsons Liquid Wax When Spring gets here every womg m town will want material at once and we want them to have it. , *----_ & Thursday, Friday, Safurday COMING EVENTS -- SCHW ANDT--MAIDEXNX Oni)n Sets, Yellow Barber Shop NOW OPEN F. R. BOCKELMAN starting Tuesday April «f. Ex-- perienced workmen-- will aé@nd to vour tonsorial needs. C-- I wish to announce that \gyy new barber. shop at 412 No. Mi w aukee Avenue is now open for:éfisiness .. A full line of Ci'gafi and Tobacco -- ¢--. 412 N. Milwaukee Av'é; 3 Reliable Laundry Agegj('_:y We also carry _/ Hall by M. W. A. Reffeshments. state Serenaders! radish has long:been grown in the low, black lands wf the river bottoms With these, horse radish farms horse radish;. a'famine in horse radish. There almost isn't any. The zhorufi'is due 'to the floods of the lower Mississippi. Commercial horse drowned out the horse radish eaters are all out of uick. Their tongues Friday, May 25th, Dance at St. Joseph's Hall b&the Marian Club. Music by the Inter-- 545 NORTH MIL\WAUKEE AVCE. (UVPSTAIRS ) LIBERTYYIELE, ILLINO!S Friday, 'April 20th Card and bunco party at Gridley --omd ons is --to ILLINOIS CHAMBER OF ts Bas hen jzm 4 ow g 3 Popri '-- 10c W 19¢ s( 25¢ :~ 18c '~ 15¢ . 115¢ * 60c 10c radish now is the time to cash in. Number 1 horse radish is worth 25 cents a pound. f _A manufacturer has sounded the s.o.&dfnu:hmgh" the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. If you have any horse radish, and want to cash raw materials. If you have a for-- goiten and neglected patch of horse for them, provided they get their mon-- ey's worth. 'I'KING'A § NOT | _ __---- STED ' It will soon be gard-- The courtesy shown | ening time now. We a customer. Flowers have a supply. of sent to a sick friend. | fertilizers on hand Praise given a fel-- | such as pulverized cause it takes a he-- terest of the people The reason why air-- Published in the in-- 8 % Forming Now for a 6 months' course / amare A } in Commercial o S Anaee eperen atraaem ons Call for particulars low employee. Prevention is Better Then Cure CAPITAL, SURPLUS, AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS OVER $180,000.00 For any occasion. They best convey the thoughts you wish to express--wheth-- er it be joy or sorrow-- Sympathy or Sentiment. Whatever your needs, we can supply them-- : Flowers sent anywhere by Flowers Joseph Kohout Co., Inc. First National Bank & DTA T gtl ?Smge' AI'}\lYiP\O%sY\Tnl'erhl The Four By Six After you have actually bought worthless investments, it's pretty bard to make up the loss. Special Classes The safe way is to prevent any loss by investigating before instead of after you buy. Ask us to get full information for you about any in-- vestment which interests you. * SROWERS OF FINE FLOWERS , M. _ We Deliver Anywhere. PRHONE 174--] Mrs. Geo. E. McDonald 811 W. Park Ave. Libertyville Phone 130 STRIKING RESEM-- BLANCE Two ladies were A chip off the old block is often a after all. C. A. Rog-- Libectyville, TL an and the writer Phone 47 and 48 *4 The people who are nost eager to keep monegindmidhl'b. who haven't any. 3R it in. write he State Chamber, 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago. our name will be forwarded to the manu« gnd all is well, Ayers says! Today is the tomor-- row you worried were in a certain of-- PAGE FIVE xA