A ii 'Untmkehoaierymtmssalemmible;ofmkchu- nu-. ol... 5.... oh- -AM -'mnm " Aatt fashioning Boys.'. Wash Suits _ ' 1.85 ' J taxes for as! time and evening wear. - Rulltin'tr--Main Floor Prints are Just " much the vogue tar little girls a they nretormttttt-tdtttetteettt- tortettnr-tusdtttrttitymettt- etstn1eututttnomldeatgn.-. White grounds with calmed de- signs. With ortmnttte counts. cuts. Divine: and novel pockets -attttet sleeves. . 'tqtt6tsu-geeqg" no". Never too many ot this kind at suit in the ptrenuous young lad's wardrobe! It's the all-yet: 'round suit kttteiiwearsattwetItmdiookasoqreit. Medea! linens. crashes. cotton broadcloths. prints and com- tttnations-bright-colored, of course. and all size- tor bpys of 3 to no years. mum-on. Oliver Twist end middy styles. Wing values for this sale. V "if." an rm and Meet aesthtetherereateaninimitattle ittusianttfttheernt- . . . tad they are clear}!!! cunning nine b.-:. . . "As You Like lt" Silk a Chiffon Hosiery, a. $1.35 , . Pantie and Regulation Style Wash _ Frocks $1.79: An Interesting Selling ' 2 to " years Ruhlit's--seeond Floor , ..3utlml Want; for Chil. utentrmnBtot2-atntrttost Lovely new jewelry ttt citmNete my costume. Cuba-Slovakia novelties mcludinx necklaces. earrings. ete.--atuptatttmts or styles from iaiiiiiers have eo-operated with us to man an setting nimble The eonecuon I: nmrine1utfine- iiii'rilaiGnd _qetioet_eu in But: Underwear aiaieutsto trmlerreieuyrt. hfarur. ttttttint-Main "tor-Rear New Costume Jewelry 89c 94c "Blazing the Trail for Our Ne i "HALF/l" BLOCK (Sol) Rutrht'.e-Maigt Floor. h: Rayon a? L _ Sale Starts Thursday Morning--- bi. . -. -iiCii"iiirr . s'j4 sr/iii),'),' "V Ir {wig W . yrrs'.__,,r,,t.itir,"ii.ir;'.'i'v,: ' a _ A A ". L3 '3:\ a ' T rp. Ik-iii' Mi' In the Height K' , Ci,,:)'.""-') ,5: Vettired Plans ji/fi-rp-yor' ijii"evt: §tore guiidingark Being Rapidéy Cotirlohi'yted for Later, Announcenient . -- ..._ _ . E F F . i . So in planning this great Expansion Sale we aye' blaze rite "he1trai) for the Greater Rubin's Store, a major improvement that is coming to/irur city and ask the Whole-Hearted Co-operation of those. who have con- tributed to make Rubin's the good store it is tciay. t ' _ , " _ . ', .' ., Weeks Ahead This sale 'will have no parallel t ~Wauke§an's mercantile history, many manu acturers have co-operated with us in planning it. '-The, entire store abounds with neyertoihe-forgotten money saving opportunities, on 'style and 'quality. mew chandise in'the heart of the. season. Hundreds of seasonable specials not advertised. . . For monthé theeyes of Wankegan and Lake County have been focused upon us and our plans for the future. It is fitting, therefore, that we should tell the public that we are ready. . We have undertaken the erectiOn of an intensely modem Rubin"; Department Store at 15, l7, l9 Swath Cenosee Street as evidence of our vision of greater Waukegan and its future p cesibilities'. _ F. . ' i . A marvelous selling of summer frocks .' . . purchased especially for their style dominance . . . yet remarkably underpriced . . . practical, cool and distinctive styles . . . soft and graceful with drapes . ", . pert with bows, frills, pleats We Have Pianned This Sale, Many and tuckings. of the Mode at Stunning Frocks . .r\ of Exceptional _ $9.75 . $14.75 ' 7 __' ImE LAKE tilotrttt RBGG'WR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1928. 'iitii)gir' Important "s. '0 Barf Rim-p a. 0n the North Show; This sale arrives just when it will be of most service to W aukegan wardrobes --- The first warm days have turned thoughts to filmy frocks and Rubin's presents them. A dress sale like this really in en achievement " you'll realize drum in this event are indeed (minute. for value. are most tltiliii; iiiiiffiftiiMittrfi and F This Sale Important and very definite savings in every instance, every article measuring 1?P, to our usual high standard of quality. Every' item an out- standing example of economy. Nothing has been left undone to give Waukegarrand Lake County the most remarkable buying opportunity it has ever known. 1 . Each Day Will See New Features in Values That Cannot Be Equalled! Youll , fipd gmartli styled flat crepes of 'iii mirable quality, may vastly becoming' sportsi, dresses and smart styles) for. street .and for tram; cling. l, Sires for women am! mxsses. ' l Georgettes and chiffons of filmy loveliness and flat erihg feminine styles . . . . prin 'or plain. As your own personal aney may die- tate. Dresses you'lljdmire at trous- seau teas or see on the bride.her- self . . . andl it but far from least . . . l 5%? 375. L75 irlel.t Priced her Brilliant 39w (St _i_' _-_-_-A or " JTH" 'r, _$irAllluiiil ' Exquisite {lair square metal boxes of em! with I handsome use. It's an 81.56 value. Ned Single Compacts it 7 Special Priced ai,, of q'. a N ewSilkScarfs il, r ,3 l .34 ', N H Truly Exception" "than! Lustrous rayon. the can: hand and bloomer knee. also Punch pantie style. Ideal tor than plun- ning for vaeauott-or any pan ot summer "may from home. They are beaurdully tailored'uad hand. er well. In Cora. Pram. Pink and Tan Shades for summer. You'll at" their extraordinary mm qhtett you see them " " Attractive Group of AA-ttie new pull-over styles in wool rayon mil up] mummmvu. Thtrtle.gttgtHttngtttt madam Khrott1oes--atmtetr,a11-oeergntt--- 'ltthetttett1tgtttBotthe-ta-ngeriNetmtptn thummt. Bttrevemttur-unnet- 'nttoetdqeqmarinthoetttrtg.Tmtt-iregeennrtnt-. FINE RAYON Bloomers 'tarbht's--Main Floor. "Xtu9eeeFttttu- "gi-dh-rl. Cttoiceottitrttttusddaregroumutn-gt-t- 'tt?dert1tstrnttems--unusuniooio-xtittrt-t- qtloredeombinstionssearNth-tuiteaeiUt- ifiehie---tsetetnamastinterestinearieti." Mun . moot down! egenttttrt ot teutntntti-rntaf.tr" them. Specially priced. . Suharto-Main Sports Sweaters, _ $ 1.89 97c Colorful and Charming egos. It's an brute dainty Rutttn'.--Main Floor. Usually Priced $ 85 Higher ! 'rhiflathtetttattea1trmmt- A Sale of Lustrous RAYON SATIN Princess, 1 Slips .