'ii l I a A"tC,,c,-, - "aa" !sliiiiflrii'irieil"j, ' " . 'd l! l ri. _ "V's t tti-y..', I ; 5. " = Mkt, _ 'tsit it' iilEi] Ea '51"jria ' " J :5. w_r, g? "TI' lht T , . A' 'CP. r g A "i, w fC sditi . , Ct.,]. i 4 F, V ' g a",':, ! tg h' T " i. V " A" Ir? . h' . i h' ' N lo, " J, I " i. 'j "I" 23S'si ltr" , - . d" a»: f I . . - "L'. i: . F Mr. and In. William Knesley and son and In. Joseph Metal! were Wakes" callers Tuesday after- atuchieatro. The 0. M. Honda children have been "seed under quarantine for scarlet fever. _ . . 1 Mrs. John Landis and (lggl'hua: were Wuhan visitors Smithy. _ M.andMn.L-Diuy 217E": Chub street, wen Chic'go callers Holiday. Albert Bus. vim My at the 1pm: pf Mr. and In. o. Fernquiat i Set LOC, Mins Corrinne I». of Gm visited here Saturday with friend: _ (0| era'hlia: to-hptonea in old churchiards there some- ti-ee will begun" the hale-n wanhxz) _ " b "_"' 'fAstataprtt-ittrm'be, / . Pnpareferdeathaudfollow .e" e While the age does not "take thought" as seriously udfiourfdfifieprudeatmwmaotimretheexis- tenee of certain well-mated business graveyards. He will mad the names omthe stones, note the causes of death and then apply the lesson to Ms on main. Everv few days, there is a fresh [rave in the vast cemetery of Insurance numb and Reciprocal; F Another, group of weeping non-hers l policyholder.) "when the lowering of another still fomt mm the waiting earth and another head-stone is added to the many hundreds which already stretch of "row on row?" Ptyrtjeuiisris. in the Automobile Section of this burying ground doe: the interment proceed apace. How many plight hores of.theap "Protection" that would be "just as good" lie here forever silent! And still they come and come! Bo long as crednlous ear owns!!! believe that they can get something worth while with- out pawns for It, the number will grow "'0" and more. And worst of all, this cemete is haunted. The bodies: of these so-called Vcompanies" mar hrvye pas-ed away but the spirits of many have not yet been "layed." Ther aiiirgG to hen-ass forryr policyholders with pressing claim: of unpaid liabilities. Stock Insprance, like that of the Glens Falls Fleet, is free from ghosts. at sells Protection, not nanny tThe me: time you are tsoh" . . behalf of Mntuals and Financed; a; for the J,liu"dfitd, ,',", 1539 much institutions "Prepare for Death . and Follow Met" Libertyville LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK .. N E M A was» mum 'ociety LOCAL Ah 001er and LOCAL NEWS F. B. Lovell Co. ' H088. Sheep, Goats, Poultry, Dogs and Fans ' "I' Fr St',t,tti,2't,t.hqort,t'tg,'t2ttlt to build success. We congratulate the graduates on the good Emulationrepresented bytheirdiplomas. Astheylsunch'outintothebminessorpso- fissitmalworldmnrtheye-cometothem htdenwithrtldeet-etmtitie-dmartherbe 't-edtomalrethemostofeaehostroetuistr. Thee is no Mamba-aisles. -intrttHtkemt,htewhiieitulnri1dinga "adr-eaAhmditisakodevekrinethnqt,eGr. aetsr,andaatandintrinunking circles that is often a greater asset than the moneybsnked. Libertyvile, Illinois CAPITAL li? Smws. $150,000.00 Congratulations ltr-r-e-age-et-t NINA WORM CAPSULES I [WIW0l£S, MthtfW0lttts STOIACII 710338 "emukOIZOyan'sarchfot "xterndestmreetutgenitrdoes Miss Katherine Make, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Horse of Douglas Avenue, returned here last week from White Sulphur Springs, plantaptwhere she has been teach- ine 36:361. Pennan'is visiting here as the guest "',t,th',,'dlg; . . y pellmn 18 a medical pa- tient " the Lake county General hospital, Waukegan. . John Nelson of Sunnnido Place mun-nod Saturday evening from a business trip in Wisconsin. In. E. A. Crane, of Chicago, vi: and with Libertyville relatives and. friends during the latter part of" last week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waters and Mr. amt Mrs. Emmett Waters enjoyed Irrnotor, trip Sunday to Waukesha, B. A. Smith of Mundelein visited Sunday at the home of his son, (Sconce Smith and family if Lincoln Avenue. Wisconsin. Illinois oh Out of counteéf to the members of the Kiwanis uh, who are hold- ing their 'nt',.r party this evening "Tuesday, rs. Kreuder has post- poned er reception dinner] at the Bell Tavern to Tuesday even- ing, May twelfth. This re- ception dinner at the Tavern to Tuesday evening, May 12th. This re- ceftion will be given so that one will know the service which can be obtained there for card clubs, home receptions, juneheons, birthday din- ners and dances and ._all meetings, which promote the social, civic arid . Mrs. Lorraine Anonson of Chica- go has rented the old Mowers' house, which was puréhased by Charles Johnson and moved Ment- ly from Milwaukee Avenue to- »Broadway and Fourth Street. Mrs. Anonston will take possession Sat- urday and she will operate an m- to-date rooming house. ' Te a ferry of friends in Chicago, who will set sail on' the U. S. Republic on .an excursion trip from New York to Germany. Mrs. Hanks will return in September. Mrs; George J. Hapke. 212 tie.. cond Street, will leave' late tomor- row (WWY! Amman to ittiit § Mrs. D. H. Holmes,. 215 West take Street, motored to Milwaukee, 'Wisconsin with Mr. Holmes Satur. day "morning, where she spent the day shopping. Mr. and Mrs." Holmes were accompanied by Miss Bess Me.. Bride of Mundelein. Tickets have been placed on sale in this vicinity for the three} act comedy, "Such a Giri" which will be presented by the Highland Park League at the li'airfuid Hall Tues- day evening, June 12th at eight- thirty daylight saving time. Charles M. Bernard, local Buick dealer, reports a busy week to end the month of May with sales and deliveries to the following: Henry Smith, Prairie View, George B. Por. lett, Robert Sitz, Max Miller, R. J. Krause, Chicago, and B. H. Filling, Niles. - day noon. Mr. and Mrs. Baseley and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Osgood am! farm in. of. Emma tstd, windy}: ( Coroner John L, Taylor of Oak- wood Terrace returned to his home Friday evening after a short busi- ness trip to Wheeler, Minnesota, where he owns a large farm. . Miss M t Smock, dengue: of Rev. "a. Guy E. Smock. who has been attending school at Barber tht Aniston, Alabama, returned to er home here Satur- Alhert Maqther admin of So- oond Street motored to LlLi't Wisconsin Sunday. . Russell Schroeder and family of Half Day visited during the week end at the home of Mrs. Sehmeder's mother, Mrs. Sarah Leighton, 227 Second Street. _ u The I'resttrterisyrLaAieg'. Aid will meet Thursday, June 7th at two 03 clock daylight saving time, at the home of Mrs. Frank Wright, 312 Elm Court. . Members of the Diamond Lake Cemetery Association will hold their regular meeting Thursday after- noon. June 7th at the home of Mrs. Lottie Kiene, Mundelein. . Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Smith of East Orange, N. J. are visiting at the home of the latter', father, Charles Smgle, 158 Newberry Ave- and daughter, Shirley, and Mr. Seat of Milwaukee, 'Wisconsin, were guests Sunday at the home of Mr: and Mrs. August Reiekhoff. _ Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Essentrot have moved from 210 Lake street to the house at the corner of Milwahr. kee Avenue and Sunnyside Place. Mrs. W. W. Carroll and daugh- ter, Helen, have moved from 113 North Milwaukee, Avenue to- the Stafford flat, ,116 East Park Ave- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sehtutek of Bloomington, Illinois are visting at the home of the former'tr parents, Mr. aid Mrs. L. H. Schanék and Mt. and Mrs. L. H. Schanck, 118 Park Place, entertained their daughter, Mrs. Edward Gavin, and £131in of Chicago during the week e . T l, Mr. and Mrs. George Dinklenbertr announce the birth of a son on Mom. day, May 28th " the Victory Me- morial hospital. T I Mr. and Mrs. Julian Aldrich of. St. Louis, Missouri are visiting at 'the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.'L. H: Sehanek. values unu ".116", cum ms. "nu Mgr]. W. Haas of Chicago motored to. ilwaukee, Wisconsin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Monty of South Raymond, Wisconsin were guests Sunday " the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Reickhoff. _ . Mrs. Harry Taylor and children are intending to leave this week for New York, where they will make an extended visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. M. Haas d sons Charles and Warren, 1'tAll'r. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson and family moved lost week from 619 First street to 205 South Milwau- kee avenue. Tickets - - - Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mixdorff SUCH A, GIRL F airfield Hall , ' TUESDAY, JUNE 12 HIGHLAND PARK LEAGUE :30 o'elock Daylight Saving Time A/Three Act Comedy Given by THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1928. at Marguerite Brumm, daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Charles mem, 611 South Milwaukee Avenue,, won sew cond prixtjn a contest given by the Music gttg,tne, of llinois Wo- man's Col ege, Jacksonville, Illinois. Original melodies with acoompani- ments were" submitted b the Jun- iors and So homores an} her song, "The Little Kfll's'd took second place. Miss Brumm is a member of the Sigma Alpha Iota, a national mtr. Ste sorority. 4 . _ C. X. Marshall was arrested Fri- day biaDepugy Charles Krueger on a c me ol issuing a worthless check for $1,M0. Attorney J. A. Millerof Walkman swore out the warrant for the arrest of Marshall. Justice Herveyc. _Coulson releas- set his case for°Friday, June 8th. Krueger states that he went to Mar- shall's home last Saturday to make B. levy but did not carry out the process when Marshall gave him a cheek for the amount for which the levy was to_have been made. Erue- ref saws there were iiatfi'ieai) funds in the bank. . . ed Marshall G b nds of 32000 set his case fofFr-idav. June Harry Iverson of Mundelein, who was assessed a fine 'of- $200 and costs a few days ago by Justice Harry Madill Bartlett of this city and has been in the county Jail in default of payment, was re caged on bonds Saturday" upon appeahng the case to the circuit court. Iver- 'ttn denied the charge placed against Justice of the. Peace, Hervey C. Coulson of Waukegan', issued a war- rant for the arrest-of L. W. Way- son, formerly of this city, charging him with embezzlement. Bert in.. stad filed the . complaint against Wayson. Finstad charges that while employed by him, Wayson swindled him out of 81,500. Mrs. Dewey Tolleth entagtahtesd several friends at a 2hte,1 social event held at her home y af- ternoon in honor of Mrs. Blanche Calkins, of Lomita, California, who is making an, extended visit " the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Schanck. t WMfljjiiiiriil "wigs? Nightln h Wednesda}, June 6 . - 50 cents rp tipped over"in his car on Spring Grove .road just east _of the river. He claims that he. was forced off the highway by a passing truck but Ibis machine was on the wrong aide to! the gold. A call was trent' m for yehief Limberry and Biere was tak, en int?.tws.to.dr on a charge of driv- ine while intoxicated. With him at the time of the accident were his wife an.d.Charles Whitney, the lat- ter receivnng painful injuries in the upset. It Is reported that one arm was broken and that he was other- wise badly bruised. Biere was given a JM!tu'ii1tt,Monday night _and grants a hearing Monday night and 'iid ed a continuance" until Saturday, religious life of this community, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Lott and fg,titr, Richard Davis of Wilmette tpl ry. nigh Mrs. c,tg,tg,h,ttt, o wo were guests '3; at Mame of Mr. and Mrs. f? W. Dtty.ieotsksy.rod Terrace. . Wnlpam Biere, who seems to de- light. m figuring in the itetes items, got P, ba Nr.am, $atmday wlysn.he have returned to their home on North Milwaukee avenue from Clin- ton, Illinois, where they enjoyed a few days visit. with the former', mother, Mrs. Kurt. Mra.riiurrGotti and children $§7§SN OW'S Just Call 306 when you want taxi service and we will do the rest. Friday. June 8th. Pageant, "The Making of Ameri. ca" presgnted at Community Home, Mpndelem by the pupils of Mande- lein school at 8:00 p. m. I . . Thursday, June 7th. I T. H. S. Commencement exer- uses. Wednesday, June 6th. ' Class night program at the high !s.el.to.ol tuyiitoriuri " 8 P. M. day- light saving time". , Yellow Cab COMING EVENTS enouih. President Coolidge has declined ttt go for n trip in an airplane. May- 1t.Ctiperest' makes him dizzy in: time. "Such a Gil-1;" i GieeGGi" comedy '. A9tynAfhrk beam, at Pair- at 8:80 p. m. iuriitiiG- the impréuion 'thht ttGr "in H over-dimmed. in a coat " til. women hive to their tine on rack is uni 'frhitiit.' p.ielr 'hgrses u it up, _ _ I .- 'duty t fmil y. Syne bit?ertryi1leV IE!!! PAGE FIVE