Until hct weather, Melion nas a fire daily in the open fireplace in k his office He sits back in a high swivel chair and appears tco °t~--ke life easy. but his keen brain is not mi...ng a thing. Melion although 73 years old, walks to work when the weather is good, leaving his four expensive auto-- mobiles in the garage. He darts @cross $ pennsylvania Avenue, dodging auto-- 6 mobiles, and almost runs to his pri-- E cmmmmiie, elevator in the southwest cor-- of the Treasury building. j Once in his office, he retires in mnear seclusion. :l':'homhn he t.;lkxm.s personally with ually all of eallers, he never walks around the "ANDY" MELLON GENUINE PERSON hen you accepted a fountain from ILly?" *"as a question asked Mellon the other day. s retire and live in luzury, but he spends from 8 to 10 hours a day at we spouted and that was all there wes to it," Mellon replied. question he was asked. "There is no answer to that, it is 'try, for he bas visited almost every place in the world. isg m 1$ Mbly the most sued «person in America. As Secretary of Treasury he is named in all financial «suits against the government 'business suits because of his position «+jin the industrial world. «show him in," Mellon tells his sec-- wetary when a process server calls at a'ce. Then he turns the suit to his leaal denartment and ¢.. Italy?" *~as a question asked Mellon | Bond , Series 3, 1, 1930 the other day BondII:I':: §I8eries 3:3:%31,1% Mogened ane Toms" sas a6 tm pomg m 1. dotics a, bue Mar 1. 93e We uenun" thamt y * Bond §3' 1' '3:2:: 5, Due May 1, 1932 ""m you accept the repub. .n | Bond No. 5, grl.es 6, Due May i, }gg E nomination?" is another } Bond No. 1, Series 7, Due May 1, 1944 mmm Bond No. 6, Series "8,DueMay17, q "There is no answer to that, it is ASssESS zm-:1~rr1~ro.5--929 not probable or even possible," was | Bond No. 4, Series 2, Due May 1, 1929 ns * ~Preih Bond No. 8, Series 2, Due May 1, 1 Melion is careful in wording 713| ponq No. 6, Series 3, Due May 1, 1930 answers to questions, He thinks | Bonq No. 1, Series 4, Due May 1, 1931 eut his reply before speaking but / Bond No. 9, Series 6, Due May 1, 1933 i early inir"ne oC o onih, "hu"lnt [Bond No. 6, Series 7, Due May 1, 1984 mly that . he is framingbis an Bond No. 7, Series 8, Due May 1, 1935 ASSESSMENT NO. §6--ROCK Until hct weather, Melion nas a Bond No. 1, Series 1, Due Nov. 1, 1929 insy mthice me mss ues in o hy [ Bond No. 2, Series 1. Due Nov. 1, 1929 mflgfimrfl",.fd" n:\:nn : ?--l{. Bond No. 2, Series 2, Due Nov. 1, 1930 answers to questions, He thinks «©€ut his reply before speaking but his lips give him away, showing clearly that he is framing his an $2,000--2 -- yeg Melion is this summe «mecompanie and his da, "The Secret: around hir Treasury corridors and some -- em-- ployes in the building have never seen him in the seven years he has WASHINGTON, June 19 -- Secre-- tary of the Treasury Andrew W. Mel-- lon is often regarded b. the public as 'a cold, cynical millionaire but to the few who know him, "Andy" is a Rfi:o' he is perhaps the near-- est to a national "boss" in America because of Pennsylvania's strategic place at the Republican his answer touch with nearly all important Melion is the third richest man in the world but no onc would sus-- pe.. it from talking to him. He is 1ife of the party" When foreign visitors call on the secretary he tries to make them feel at home. Melion asks them how they like the United States and then talks fluently about the visitors home coun-- be staged, the war department as-- signing its best fliers and machines to take part. One of these is While Melion has plenty of money he is often "broke." Recently he wanted to leave his office to get a baircut and shave at a nearby hotel. He had to borrow a dollar from a fl.&oofi:-mrderktomunbarber ellon is planning & trip to Europe this summer and he probably will be accompfnied by his son, Paul Mellon and his daughter, Mrs. Estes K. Bruce 'The Secretary liKes young people to be around him and they say he is "the became a cabinet officer call him "Andy" or "Uncle Andy"-- Bu* not to his face. LEGION FORCES SEE GREAT FETE ury and reporters who have atten-- ded his press conferences since he a lot of things among his vegetables that he never saw in the seed cata-- en t program for the convention week has just been arranged following conferences by Philip B Stapp, general conven-- ton, national adjutant of the Leg-- ion at National Headquarters in Thirteen rodeo performances will be put on at Texas League Park, close to the downtown section of San Antonio. This has been ac-- Indianapolis. and with war and navy department efficials in Wash-- ington who are co--operating in fur-- nishing some of the features of the entertainment. Only minor changes ~ Anothcer thing worth rememberin BfiatSmhhwordsonacigag box do not improve the content: to his legal department and for-- all about it. ----~--a. week he sees newspaper Plenty of Money u accept the repub. .n nomination?" is another and place are likely of to Bond No. 5, Series 2, Due Nov. 1, 1929 ..............................._.......... Rond No. 11, Series 3, Due Nov. 1, 1930 ..........:_......................._....... BHond--No. 10, Series: 5, Due Nov. 1, 1932 ...................................«....... Towmt No 2. Series -- T. hue Nos. 1, 1034 .----....:----.....--...--«.--__s--«co--vezase««. iBond No.: T. Series S, Due Nov. L, I98G . ................_... . ......L@ciz.. sl. ASSESSMENT NO. 48--LINCOLN AVENUE WATER |Bond No. --4, Series 2, Dus May I, 1929 ....................................... Bond No. 39, Series 9, Due May 1, 1933 ................................................ -- 100.00 Bond No. 51, Series 9, Due May L, 1933 .............................._.:._..__...... 100.00 ASSESSMENT NO. 19--GRANT COURT SEWER § Bond No.~ 1, Series 6, Due May 1, 1980 ....................--.....:.......~............ $100,.00 Kond No. .2, Serics 9, Duc--May 1, 1988 .................." l«ccosatecine--<zccc--cssicns _' XUUROYAY ASSESSMENT NO. 21--MILWAUKEE AVENUE WATER Bond No. 3, Series 6, Due May 1, 1930 ............................................. $100.00 Bond No. 2. Series 8, Due May 1, MHER .............:.=s«<--isconecwrtntcrrrkns1~.1.., _ SOUUOAYM ASSESSMENTS NO. 241--ORNAMENTAL LIGHTS Bond No. 5, Installment 10, Due May 1, 1933 ......._._._._.____....___._._.. $100.00 ASSESSMENT NO. 25--PAVING SUNNYSIDE PLACE Bond No. 4, Installment 6, Due May 1, 1929 ......_........................ $100.00 Bond No. 3, Installment 7, Due May 1, 1930 ............___._........_._....-- 100.00 Bond No. 5, Installment 10, Due May 1, 1933 ._......._..__.._._._.._.... 100.00 ' ASSESSMENT NO. 31--STEWART AVENUE WATER _ . Bond No. 53, Installment 5, Due May 1, 1929 .._..._..........._...._...... $100.00 Bond No. 58, Installment 6, Due May 1, 1930 ..............__......._.._.... . 100.00 Bond No. 67, Installment 6, Due May 1, 1930 °................._....._... 100.00 Bond No. 81, Installment 7, Due May 1, 1931 ......................__.... 100.00 Bond No. 95, Installment 8, Due May 1, 1932 ........_.._..._......____.. 100.00 Bond No. 103, Installment 9, Due May 1, 1933 ....._._._.._.__..._.._._...... 100.00 ASSESSMENT NO. 34--0O0AKWOOD TERRACE WATER Bond No. 45, Installment 5, Due May 1, 1929 ......_.........._......._... $100.00 Bond No. 57, Installment 6, Due May 1, 1930 ........._.__..._..._._._._.. 100.00 Bond No. 94, Installment 9, Due May 1, 1933 .............._.._...._......_. 100.00 Bond No. 105, Installment 10, Due May 1, 1934 ..........__._.__._._...___._.._ 100.00 ASSESSMENT NO 35--LAUREL AVENUE PAVING Bond No. &, Series 3, Due May 1, 1929 ............................................ §200.00 Bond No. 2, Series 4, Due May 1, 1930 ...................................... ~£00.00 Fowmt No. 6, Seriecs 5, Due May 1, 1931 ......................................... _ 0000 Kond No.: 3%, Series 7. Due May 1, 1938 ..........................--~../~........««« ---- 200000 Bond No. 1, Series 8, Due May 1, 1994 ..................._............._......__.. 900.00 ASSESSMENT NO. 40--PAVING BRAINARD AVE AND CHURCH ST. Bond No. 9, ASSESSMENT NO. 51--PAVING MAPLE AVENUE Lond No. ~?2, Series 2. Due May 1, 1929 .........................._._............. ASSESSMENT NO. 52--PAVING LAKE STREET Lond No. 3, Series 2; Due May 1, 1929 ..._....._..._.......................... $ Hond No. 1, Series 3, Due May I, 1930 .............................«......c./ll}«« ASSESSMENT NO. 55--PAVING MCKINLEY AVENUE ° Lond No. % Scries 2, Due May I, 1929 ........................................... $ Bond No. 5, Series 2, Due May 1, 1929 ......_.........s.:...................... Lond No. 1, Series 3, Dus May 1, 1930 ....................................... § Hond No. 3, Series 3, Due May I, 1990 ....................................... / 1 Bond No. 5, Series 4, Due May 1, 1931 .......................................... l BHond No.. 1, Series 5, Due May I, 1982 .............1.........«--.ssmccscessaces . Bond Nu. 4. Serics 5, Due May 1, 1938 .....................--....~.~c«----wmailrcss Bond No. Bond No. IMPROVEMENT BONDS CALLED FOR PAYMENT Bond No. 7, Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No, Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. L Series 7, Due May 1, 1934 ... ............s.----««.--.....c.cccoom--« Bomit No. 6, Series "S, Due May 1, 1998 ......................00.sc0c00..ccc...oos« ASSESSMENT NO. 57--PAVING BROADWAY: Eond No. 4, Series 2, Due May 1, 1929 ...........................................«*d Roiwdd No. 8, Series 2%, Due May I, 1929 .........................--...«.«.q«<««.«.«« Hond No. : 6, Series 3, Due May 1, 1930 ........:--....:--.....:.."=<<sw--o«<--vioss Bowd No. 1, Series 4, Due May 1, 1981 ....--...........::.......--is.os=«««cocsins. Bond No. 9, Series 6, Due May 1, 1933 ..........................2clcccclll..}. RBond-- No. 6, Series 7, Due May 1, 1934 ...........:«.........«.«.«--....ccosir'«. Bond No, 7, Series 8, Due May 1, 1995 ......................csco2c2lcllnnl0..s ASSESSMENT NO. §6--ROCKLAND ROAD SEWER Bond No. -- I, Series L, Due NoY. L. D20 ......;........--cin...oo....0ivinsninlm. § Hond No. 2, Series 1, Due Nov. 1, 1929 ......:----%,:..........:..c_.ccsofecsonns Hond No. : 2, Series. 2, Due Nov. 1, 1990 ..............--»sss«sm=«--/«--co«essenrse« Bond No. 1, Series 4, Due Nov. 1, 1932 ....................cciccninnccoccacarcercs.o> ASSESSMENT NO. 67--AUSTIN AVENUE SEWER Bond No. 3, Series : 2, Duse Nov. 1, 1990 ................lx.cocclclcilnnnnl.n. 4 ASSESSMENT NO. 71--MILWAUKEE AVENUE WATER Village of Libertyville, adopted June 5, 1928, the following described Improvement Bonds of said Village are selected by lot and called for Bond No. 20, Series 5, Bond No. 32, Series 5, Bond No. 46, Series 5, Bond No. 6, Series 6, Bond No. 21, Series 6, Bond No. 24, Series 6, Bond No. 35, Series 6, Bond No. 45, Series 6, Bond No. 53, Series 6, Bond No. 3, Series 7, Bond No. 8, Series 7, Bond No. 14, Series 7, Bond No. 19, Series 7, Bond No. 32, Serigs 7, Bond No. 42, Series 7, Bond No. 5, Series 8, Bond No. 11, Series 8, Bond No. 14, Series 8, Bond No. 21, Series 8, Bond No. 41, Series 8, Bond No. 55, Series 8, Bond No. 5, Series 9, Bond No. 12, Series 9, Bond No. 16, Series 9, Bond No. 27, Series 9, Bond No. 39, Series 9, Bond No. 51, Series 9, Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. 1, Series 2, Due Nov. 1, 1930 Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. Bond No. 2, Series 9, ASSESSMENT Bond No. 3, Series 6, Bond No. 2, Series 8, POCAHONTAS WEST VIRGINIA SPLINT CHICAGO SOLVAY COKE THE FAMOUS BLUE RIBBON ANTHRACITE "Quality Coal for the Home*" No. No. No. No. No. 3, Series 5, Due May 1, 19831 ... No. No. No. John G. Borst In accordance with a Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the 74, Series 4, Due May 1, 1930 ....................................... I0, Series ' 5, Due May L, L981 ..................................... I1, Series 6, Due May L. I982 ..................«........./..«...... xX Series I, Duc May L, MJOS ..........«,----c@«chnercsnrtricomcrnntecrn ® Beries &, Due May I, 1094 .........................~.--.~.s.ccs««» II, Series _ 8, Due May I, K934 ........................0as--««z«4e.«. ASSESSMENT NO. 37--CO0K AVENUE PAVING 5, Series %, Due May L MaY ...........................««..«. 6, Serics 4, Due May IL, 1930 ...::..:....:::........«.«...«. it, Series 4, Due May I, X930 .............:<..c.2....«..... 9. Series i. tuse May 1, I901 .........--.--,--..«...««--«<ss--soes 10, Series : 5, Duec May 1, MEL ...........................«..~« 4. Series 6, Due Maxy I, Mas ..........:...........:«.......«. 5, Series 6, Duc May I, 1932 ............................ 6, Series %, Due May 1, MJ# .............«.__~..cos«. +, Series. 8, Due May L MI04% .......................««=«om« %, Series: 8, Due May I, 1984 ......................~...... .4 7, Series -- 9, Due May 1, 1998 ...............::<«..««...«««/ ASSESSMENT NO. 44--SANITARY SEWER ASSESSMENT NO. 39--PARK AVENUE PAVING i. Series. 3, Dus May I, MJ ...............--=~~«----<--«sm«ascscceo * Seriecs 4, Due May , 1930 .................................~.. 6, Seriey 5, Due May 1, IO3L ........................._........... > Series 7. Due May 1, 1988 ..................--..«..:------«<cossls.. 1, Series 5S, Due May 1. P3# ... ....::...--~«««...~<c«--coorortcs We handle the very Best Grades , Series 4, Due May 1, 1931 Series 4, Series 4, Series 5, Series 5, Series 6, Series 6, Series 7, Series 8, Series 8, Series 9, ASSESSM Series 1, Series 2, Series 3, Series 5, uk -- P LET US FILL YOUR BIN NOW WITH OUR QUALITY CO A L Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due Nov. Due Nov. Due Nov. Due Nov. Due Nov. Due Nov. Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Due May 1, Our Motto Nov. 1, IPBO .:s...... .~<corrocaovertertornnbecnmecsncaies" OOAE AOU ROY F. WRIGHT, Village Treasurer. 1, 1982 ... 1, X984 ..... 1, 1988 ..... 1, 1984 ..... +, 1984 ..... %, 1©Oo ...... 44--SANT 1, 1928 ..... i. LY29 ..... 1. 930 ... +*, 1992 ..... 1, 1934 ..... I, 1986 .:... ... $100.00 ../.. .-- %00,.00 «.. .: £00.00 ... £00.00 $100.00 $100.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $500.00 $200.00 500.00 100.00 $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER. SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1928. borrowed dress, she went shopping yesterday afternoon, closely followed by an admiring crowd. > But Stultz and Gordon found it simple to go about shopping. Slip-- ping away from the Hyde Park hotel 'they' headed for Selfridge's great Flags were flying everywhere on Thursday, June 14 in celebration of the 15th anniversary: of the birthday of our flag--Three cheers for the red, white and blue, : Miss Evelyn Wells from Indiana formerly of Libertyville, spent sev-- eral days here at the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan-- ley Foote and visited with other rel-- atives and friends around. f Ernie Lindstrom, of Milwaukese, Cures Malaria and quickly relieves Biliousness, Headaches and Dizzi-- ness due to temporary Constipation. Aids in eliminating® Torins and is ~Well, last Sunday was Dad's day ;f cgurse we all celebrated--and ow ? OCEAN FLYERS Mrs. Chester Gilman and --daughter LaVerne attended the carnival at DesPlaines with several others from here on the night of. Friday, June 15. store and a couple of small Bond street shops. Their purchases in-- cluded gay British socks, shirts and ties. ; Miss Earhart was guest at a luncheon at the home of Mrs. Fred-- erick E. Guest yesterday and last night. s LONDON, England, June 21.~----The trio of adventurous flyers, including the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, attempted today to enjoy London just as any group of tourists might.> _: a ' They have dropped the costumes that marked them as the trio who piloted the Fokker airplane Friend-- ship through the fog across the At-- lantic, and now Miss Amelia Ear-- bart, Wilmer Stultz, and Lew Gor-- don are seeing, or trying to see, Eng-- land without all the fuss that the British nation would give them. Robert Gleason and=his-- cousin Miss Iva Gleason were among the high school graduates who received their diplomas at the class program on the evening of June 14 at High-- lank Park. Miss Earhart set the example for her male companions. Donning . a Many from here attended the de-- dication services ~of _ the Elizabeth Condell Memorial Hospital in Lib ertyville on Sunday, June tenth. A card from Miss Anna Lind-- strom says she is taking a trip through Canada with--relatives from Minnesota. The Vernon Cemetery Association will meet at the home of Mrs. Al-- fred Stancliff, Sr., Thursday, June Removal. of War Tax Lowers Delivered Prices! 666 > LUCE & EARL, Proprietors. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS TRAY SHOPPINEG HALF DAY -- u'('és--uo.a',) *375 All £. | prices {. o. b. Fling, Check Chevreoilet Deltvered Prices include lowest mu-;:'flm --The Proof is in the driving Libertyville Garage § Improvement quickly shows. Sufferers from skin trouble should obtain a small jar of Rowles Mentho--Suiphur from any good druggist ist. -- Because properties, this & at once to eal eruptions : rng worm. nflt seldom fa dnfifnrem ? wait for rel Fropernies tss sulphur mreperetion bet properties, this s preparation S at once to soothe irritated skin and eruptions such as rash, pimples and ring worm. It seldom fails to remove the torment and disfifuremcnt, and you do not have to wait for relief from embarrassment. NEW TYPE BLACKBOARD MADE FOR SCHOOL USE A new--type, electrically--illuminat-- ed blackboard has been developed for school--room use, Instead of an board, there is a translucent §§ board, with ground surface, from behind. With mod-- ern school--room illumination--com-- bined daylight and electric lighting --markings on the new board are visible throughout the room. In ad-- dition to greater visibility, claims made for the translucent board are ease of erasure, a surface suitable for use as a screen for the projec-- tion of lantern slides and motion pictures, and the ability to inter-- sperse chalk talks with lantern slides without changing the general illum-- ination of the room. bome iy e Aik in meome'by applying a little Mentho-- Sulphur, declares a noted skin special-- Adam's prompt fall indicate that Eve was the blonde. A resort is a place where you eat too much and smoke too much in :in ke.!!ol't to keep from being home-- ck.:: : * Wichita, Kans., has a plumber named Gittrich and all we've got to say is that he is in the right busi-- ness to dot it. folks here last Sunda * Tany Roval NMewrhne Many Royal Neighbor with the juveniles and fr s:n_g-coubeforeimop.ywr.h HILL'S Cascara>Bromide -- Quinine. vlheflfld.ch:chehthefenr,ppas bowels, tones the system. Insist on HILL'S. Red box, 30c. All drugrists. Any breaking out of the skin, ith the juveniles and friends en-- yed themselves at a picnic on a wn of the Gilman place last Fri-- Face, Neck and Arms Easily Made Smooth, Says Specialist SULPHUR CLEARS ROUGH, RED SKIN -- Bromide «-- Quiaine . m.' 'Everybody with the home members Farm Implements 4 . McCormick grain binder; Deering grain binder; 2 McCormick 'corn binders; 2 manure spreaders; Ap-- pleton silo filler; hay stacker; grain drill; 2 potato diggers:-- fanning mill; corn sheller; corn planter; 3 truck wagons; 2 scalding kettles; ton Ford truck; farm wagons; spring wagon; 2 hay racks, hay loader: side delivery; hay tedder; 2 discs; spring tooth harrow; 2 sets headrows; 2 Deering cultivators, 1 riding, 1 walking; -- shovel plow; weeder; potato planter; hay rake; 200 ft. inch pipe; milk vat 6 milk cans; cream separator; 300 quart milk bottles. Grain--200 bushels oats. Good lunch served. TERMS: Over $25, 6 Months, 7 jper cent interest. ---- --© _ _ * Whatever the joy the pessimist gets out of life it is more than he expected. 2 20 Head Livestock 10 milking cows, 3 fresh ones, 2 heavy springers, 5 milkers, 4 heif-- Saturday, June 30, Mike Balmes having sold his farm, must vacate| at once and will sell at public auc-- tion on same, on Willow Road, 1 mile west of Sherman avenue, near Glenview Brick Yard, at 12:30 sharp Daylight Saving Time, the follow-- 1 team blacks, wt, 2400, 8 and 10 years old; 1 roan, silver, wt. 1200, 10 years old; 3 hogs; 75 chickens: JOHNX J. WICK, Auct. J. A. SCHMINKE, Clerk. For the Man or Boy ° Who wants the Best Prices Reasonable .New Line PUBLIC AUCTION _ Men's Furnishings JOHN CICHY PHONB 551 ie Tailoring, Clean-- ing and Pressing MIKE BALMES PHONE 202 T; tor Park & Milwaukee . 4 Libert L § f ----------------__1_._.__ ; BARGAINS IN USED Reo late 1925 fin Hudson early 1 Coach Jsewett Sedun .....L............. Maxwell two--door sedan... amate» | Hudson 7--passenger sedar > (late 25) I............... Hudson 23 coac!;]' Of Dodge 4927 sedar--stand: i l:ahift beeidn A ve n iti are ready to mn.;: that FOR RENT--Furnished sleeping and light housekeeping rooms. Corner of Fourth St. and Broad-- way. § 47 tf. FOR -- RENT--Nicely -- furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Garage if wanted. Phone Lib-- ertyville 425--R, | 46--tf. FOR RENT--6 room modern flat FOR SALE--Thoroughbred Scotch collie puppies, 8 weeks old. Ber-- geron Stock Farm on Lake Street, 2 mi. West of Libertyville. Phone 678--J --2. } 47--+f. FOR S,ALE----Typt'writer with stan-- d;sd keyboard. Phone Libert_ggi{lfe 130. i _ TF_ FOR --SALE--Seed corn, $4 per bu. Germination 95% or better. Tele. 659--R--1. 'Lewis A. Mills, Munde-- lein. < --¢ 4. Phone -- Li Notary Public FOR SALE--39 'inch mattresses, .lIike new. Phong Libertyville 37'& t 451 FOR SALE--Farms, houses and ASTER, «Marigold, Zinnia and sey-- eral other varieties of drhnts. 20c a dozen. Clara S. Miller, corner Milwaukee Ave. and Rockland Rd. FOR SALE--New . modorn bunga--| & low. 4 rooms, bath ani breakfast| Waukegan, illincis noolé.l Ve{y é'easonablei'%leso iqillot f*------soiiigmaman on Cleveland 'Ave., Libertyville.| Sargan w. 4 has, Mundstein, _ DR. J. L TAYIA Ills. Phone 452--R. & -- SMAL {PiMfian in Kingk Winkinnst Tik FOR SALE--Baby bed and stroller. POR SALE--Bassinette with spring FOR SALE--1 cook stove, 10 kero-- sene stoves, lot of granite ware, lot of shoes, new harness parts. Ralph Huimfia. Prairie --View, Ills., 3 miles North of Wheeling, 2 miles south of Half Day. Phone Libertyville 647--J--1. 49--1t. FOR SALE OR RENT--8 -- roo® --BARGAINS IN USED CARS Essex 1927 [ Arrrcanmsssis PUPOANY Reo late 1925 rrrenaceccs " PPA Hudson early 1 Coach.... 525.00 Jewett Sedan ......l................... 325.00 Maxwell two--door sedan........ 175.00 Hudson 7--passen sedan 2 (late 257 L................." 495.00 Dodge 4927 sedarn--standard aif :'hift bee.dmedsesoo ve n ition and are ready to m;:co't'hat vacation trip. Come early --and get your pick. MAIN SARAGE C. BERNARD, BEFORE BUYING Phone 456 _ 345 N. Milwaukee Ave. Libertyville, Ill. FOR SALE--1 .ten--ton Columbia 7 Room house; Third St.; sun porch; 4 bed rooms. ; ; 6 Room house: ficx.inley Ave., just xl:iaring eompletiton. See California 8 Room house; Eim Court; big lot; _ garage; unusual location. * FOR SALE--Real Estate HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN 10 Room house; Brainard and Lake: ideal for boud.inh(. rooms or partly furnished rooms for light houaekelf' ing. Inquire 117 School Street, Libertyvilie. 39--tf. with bath. Call _ Libertyville 115--R. 48--3t. CHRYSLER SALES & SERVICE Lake St., Mundelein, I!l. Phone 103 a USED CAR BUOLLETIN 1926 Chevrolet, 2--door sedan, modern home, 2 car garagel block from Electric Station. G. C. %IfiIDLEY' Phone 45. Liberty;gl:f. Reasonable. Telephone Liberty-- ville 538--J. 49--+f. and mattress. Phone Libertyville 345--J. 49--2t. lots. Houses for rent. Rent col-- lected. ~EDWIN:© AUSTIN 1927 Chrysler "70", Brougham 1926 Nash, 4--door sedan, 375.00 1928 Chrysler "62", 4--door 1025 1924 Buick, --4--door Scale. John GéeBo"ti Rondout, Ilis. Phone Libertyville 679--M--1. 1926 Ford, 4--door sedan, If you want to buy anything, or if have something to sell, mntoruchuge,oruyouwmfidp.m':hhcnw" columns. You will get results. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake County lnnahortatimematnmafloaed-,umlfil make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. Minimum charge, 25¢ Amurfiou for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. 405 So. Milwaukee Ave Park & Milwaukee Aves. IOU EKK .s--------«--<<«co»revicees YLEIDNAD J. E. LEONARD, Mer. 205 W. Maple Avenue. ad Offers t BARGAIN Prices. JAY CAIRNS FOR RENT JAY CAIRNS Libertyvi yville 167--W. Insurance 36--+f. assitied Ads 2--door 147--M. ites at Real sleeping 49--2t--pd. Coupe "700.00 275.00 at 495.00, 125.00 my DR. J. L. TAYLOR Office in First National Bank Bldg. Dartmouth's president says too many young people go to cou:r but how else can parents get rid of them during that period? j7UTmmanucoi, la . AUOBRINSE ---- J4b=J Meets First Tuesday -- Gridley Hall 912 N. County St. Phone 1798 Scientific Examination of the Eyes GLASSES FITTED ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building Telephorme 57 LIBERTYYIL WANTED--A crowd to see Eleanor Boardman and James Murray in ""The Crowd" at the Auditorium Theatre, Monday and Tuesday, June 25th and 26th. 49--1t. DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON WANTED--2 dishwashers for SCHOOL GIRL of 14 like to care for ct MARGUERITE BRUMM instruction in piano, theory. 611 8. Milw: or will sell on 5 percent commission. We never close C NATIONAL MOTOR MARKET-- 622 Crand Avenue WANTED--A crowd to see Eleanor Boardman and James Murray in "The Crowd" at the Auditorium Theatre, Monday and Tuesday, June 25th and 26th. 49--1t. FOR RENT--5 room flat at 136 ESchool Street. 47--8t. AUTOMOBILES WANTED Wanted 25 automobiles at n FOR RENT--Large bedroom at 227 First Street, Libertyville. Phone 421--J. _* MA FOR RENT--Four room fls trally located. Phone FOR RENT--6 room steam FOR RENT--1 car School Street. Libertyville Post No. 329 AMERICAN LEGION FRED GRABBE Auctioneer -- Real Estate Harry Madill Bartlett ----REALTOR-- JUSTICE OF°THE Office at Stewart and day at the Countryside Golf Club. Call 603--W--1. 49--1t. Hours: 1 to 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Oakwood Terrace ders taken .tlx'lu*nmw--'ih" or call or write C. J. Diehl, Wood-- stock, Illinois. . Phone Woodstock ville desired. Phone Libertyville 21 or call at 312 Broadway. 44--6t. and garage. Heat furnished. New-- ly decorated, very madern. Apply at 131 So. Stewart Avenue. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE delein. Phone 283. theory. 611 8. Milwaukee Ave. Phone Libertyville 150--J 45--6t. apartment in Mundelein. $50 per month. LYONS & ROUSE, Mun-- LYELL K. MORRIS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL, B; H. MILLER PAGE SEVEN 49--1t--pd. at 135 (§49--1t. 41 +t£,