\ Bit of Woeeds on the Shores of Lake Lake Waukegan and the Daily News subdivision hundreds of Lake county residenots who report i which surrounds it', is truly ideal for a real va-- :?n,b?s(::?'ie(;i E};Zai.lneTS;:;l]];:(i 1;; Z::il;;rgxzsczz cation. Thg excellent climate and vacation is fed by myriads of springs. The water is leal among the pines is a real health restoring con-- and shining and as far out in the lake as the ey dition. Bathing, boating and fishing furnish can see the bottom there is a white sand bottom plenty of amusement for the family. This sec-- B & : tion is also known as the Sportsman's Paradise, f 3 %s }?*j f and has gfor years been the chief hunting ground. _ § 3. E§A it is a pleasure to own a summer home in a de-- _' e w7 ies cidedly different climate from which you live and £ . e | ? in so popular a section as Lake vicinity. In Northern Wisconsin % Only $44.50 Including A Years Subscription _ To The Waukegan Daily News A LARGE LOT FOR YOU AT LAKE WAUKEGAN IN COOLIDGE VACATION LAND Wesley Zimmerman and Fish Catch at Lake Waukegan _ Waukegan and Waukegan _ Towering Pines Grace the Slopes About the'Lake tall stately jack pines, white pines, blue tippéd spruce and many other varieties, Almost every lot in the subdivision has asgsufficient number of these beautiful trees to complete an ideal sum-- mer home. The ferns are also an attraction and cover the ground with their soft'green foliage. The subdivision is known for its beautiful timber be TREES AND FERNS Te s e imarrcommnnmeme C R j x ;"' & 1 hes }; & 4 P s > uce d '3' '3? R P MsY } C ds _,§ bS % 14 o S $y y ; Pre. & 4 %. t 5 $ % . ¢ f $s 800 ; 35 3 $, y e Ase 9e P SE : P ' ; x 3 + a. 4 p CA p ht t owR Pi h y' ,y«{nhwfi»; 0b '1{.2» ho. . se h 9 View of Lake Waukegan and Beach The --cool wators of the lake give the fish a moste delicious flavor and keep the meat solid even in the hottest weather. Fishing at Lake Waukegan is a most interesting sport as almost every time you cast you get a strike from a large--mouthed black basé or from a long tapering pickerel. Var-- '<cus other fish a;'e plentifyl, such as northern nike, croppies, sun fish ax;d rock bass. ° in depth as its flows thrgugh the northwgst sec-- tion of the subdivision. This brook is especially p_opul;ar for its trout fishing, as trout streams are quite rare, and the trout meat is most palit-- able. Many springs alon~ this stream furnish cool drink for the campfi and tourists. -- . EXCELLENT FISHING 18, ~~"" _ SoAaine thil We fave at Lake Waukegan, If, after';such exhaustive investigation as is carried on for the first lady and gentleman of the land, this neighborhood meets their approval then you will choose wisely if you invest heavily at Lake Waukegan. John President Coolidge chose to locate his summer White House on Brule River within about 35 miles of Lake Waukegan, in the same climate, in the same kind of timber, on the same kind of trout streams that we have at Lake Waukeran COOLIDGE VACA¥TION LAND Albrecht's Cottage . m # s 1 C © ~¢é' / y * & /," "t &**, y u* CYy * s" 4' . / ,'f a /' a" i" f a" # a" a _# -f 2 / a" ." > / ¢§ / & y i _¢ '0* 4@ /# §* é"y C ,.n?.' PAGE THREE