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Lake County Register (1922), 21 Jul 1928, p. 8

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Am mm Morrow ac- emrqnathMttrttteatntrofttteTrttited 'ttat-tth-sent/ttte-tnat-. Thttmnnthmmitedsi1etttlyotrtaMe tttrrtn1rtesentmomtrttrfortheirturn magnum. Mama Inn-um. eteet,tmt-ttetaEentietrtottte TtMeeftqtrrortMetsttemsetortatiesna1 mum-co. 7 8 TROOPS T0 llllEll ANY the we. Afterttettadtteenatgved from the fury at W's friends. whose Itrst tmgmhteqeaatoatnrttimtvtemee,ttte -inmgtdetttiqtttatement: he". 1twasreported, however, tutmanyolthe late premium e1eet'senemiesnreret1eetngftmnttte ettrintttefearthnttttersottldbe madetosutreereprisalatttthehnnds 'tOni-ti-standout-ttttere. MmrMxyehtltttru.--c'Nerttotty new meant he m not essoci- eted with the anti-Ohm pounce] he". It we: reputed. however, MEXICO CITY, 2,t, 1W- dent Callas moved I ttB todly to - in sanitation of Presi- dent-elect Alv'rdo Obmon from becoming the work that would deo- ter his pumment._ _ -. _ Chrhttttttetttn-tttoreitrntmm- Metetnisotparttnttr." Troops were massed in barracks, public gatherin places were closed during the niggt, three high police We were replaced by more loy- al me: and a censorship we: elnmp- ed down on the we". tum-ateluenngeutheptaioem- eieetagrtattttehmetteetettatgeqeittt "-in.witttteeareeutedtmme- Ttnppe-edttttsmtmtintrthatttte untrue was an individml matter, not 1tntred.asatttrat-tmted.witttnny ,rtd-dpotttieatrno-inst'thes PAGE 1mm "to-Born gym Swan. my constituted authoring 1rhe-inwttoattotottmttttnstx 'at-edtme what I cum to do. I? And-Tallow Tmtemnuttteteittartintttttattteean " than muons) Intel-mm RIM MOVE mi Cis issues of continued prosperity and integrity in governmental masse- ment in his campaign for president. The republican candidate indicated he would name these two as the dominant issues in his speech of ac- ceptance " Peso Alto, can. Aug. It. PROSPERITY TO F BE HOOVER BID FOR ELECTION SUPERIOR. Wis" July tT.-rer- bert Hoover has informed President Coolidge he tntendssto stress the Mr. Staley who had his original banking experience in Nittgaattit came to Waukenn in November, 1916, to succeed Mr. smith is president at tiv Peoptestw". and forthelast 12 years has been active in every civic movement. serving " a director. Ueaattrer and president of the local Chamber of Gunman. Aided My Bank It was in pursuit of its tioliey of aiding the upbuiiding the city that the Peoples hank played so conspic- uous a part in the straightening out tttaffairs ot.the Security Savings Petermtgr,nndttueeeashiem,0ttttnR, Putton.P.A.Petemmtand'Arthqr P , Grew With City At that time Waukegan had less than 10.000 population and the indus- trial development which has since quadnmled the city population. was Jutrt beginning. The institution quick- ly identified itself with the industrial and commercial interests at the grow- ing community. as with the personal life ot a steadily increasing number at its eitisens. and consistently ex- panded its {aunties and developed its set-Vice to meet and anticipate . the requirements of the Waukegan-North Chicago district. Throwhout the whole as years ot its service to Wankenn. the memes bank had enjoyed continuity of man- ttttementinnntmusunldetrree.L. P. Hanna. one of the incorporators. is still an active member at the board as the merger is announced. There have been but two presidents, Clar- ence E. Smith and Charles M. Staley: three vice-presidents. Charles M. Gor- M.OortttunandJotutJ.Piretir- "I swam. all - I. on", lawyer. men men mngohn R. Fulton. who had been connected with the Ptrst Notional bent. commuted tMtttttsaseieetedprettidentandMr. MERGER OF TWO . WAUKEGAN BANKS 1tt2tb-Beeametettderofretteltiagt Pnncho vmi MU6--Beeame "latter of War un- 19t.-atettgrned from visit too U. tr, and unnamed 'antttttneyfor for president of Mexico. "1.e-Brxtke with President Car- Wheel-ed politics. . T Itr1s-attded the power at man July lt. ttt2tr--4a,qggtrtqtV, _prttte United States should be mm The latter bunk (Continued from pace one.) Sept Report to the United States immi- gration ttmeer at the point of entry into the United States. To prevent possible diftieutty in re-entering the United at". native-born citizens Report to the Canadian immigra- tion office: at point of entry into Canada. Fania-born citizens and alien residents of the United States should be plowed to peeent.ere- dentials establishing their legal resi- dence in the United States. Report to the Canadian customs trtattotmturyportofeatitandpeec sent your automobile entry permit tar cancellation. Report to the United States Cus- toms at port of entry into the Uni- ted States and present state license no 1t't to Report Report tos Canadian customs at port of entry Into Canada and ob- tam . permit for admission of tuno- mobile. mum to report may result in rebate of the cur. State license cards shown be presented. The tourist may drive his car an- der his state license for a generous period in every province in Canada. The period varies in the ditterent provinces. __ Cm brought into Canada under the regulations herein may be used for touringpurpooee only and not for human No difficulty or need- less delay need be experienced by the motorist at the border if he ob- serve: the following: the United he" was :2me 1n- !onned today. _ Then was practically the same issue- upon which Presldent Cool- idtfiieioeiu11r sought re-electlon Tourists entering Camda do not require passports. Automobiles may he brought into Canada for purposes of health or pleasure for a period up to ninety days without duty or bond, end for a period up to six months try the deposit of a bond for the amount of the duty and taxes ordinarily payable on the car. cab driver. was scheduled to em this afternoon before Judge E. Bur- 'errinuhePttrmtoneomphintot in the home of Joseph Cudehy. take Forest millimetre, who told the po- lice in that city that Moran attempt- ed to snack her while drivmg her from the railroad station early Mon- dahmorning. girl. moor-ding to her story, hm been visiting tn Chicago. Bun- dny. Wheh she returned to Lake Forest she entered Mann's can. giv- ing him the Cudahy estate " her destination. It ia atteged that Moran drove the cab into some nearby woods and at- tempted town-est her. She leaped trurnthemnettinetutdrruuietter- to her place at employment. The po-' lice were ttttttfied and Moran taken. He itt said to have told authorities thathehad beendrinkingtutdeould not remember tutytntt tried to our HOW TO TOUR T _ THRU CANADA treatmegirl. Jnmu Moran, tt Lake Forest mn- THELAKB txxorrirhuitwrrti", SAmRDAY, JULY 21, 1928 night lite and athletics. declared aolannly and sincerely. that he, would blow ms quarter million in one big. ot tabulous mum of mod: teil and neurologtai GiGG tng six lamb chops. pounds of baonwry tests ot ther. oysters. m sirloin steaks of Waning} fluid. noun and It was a familiar sight. to see Tit- man irrthedintngroomotBPhila- delphis, hotel where he mm . annual suite of moms. dining eight ctyrruryrir1s. Be. hinye1t. which I. Tim president of a mumm- turtng firm, in Philadelphia. Doctors told Titan!) that he was too stout to live long. They predicted just a short term tor him, and Titman. hi.. ing the bright "titrttts. cues. hotels. m to his word; he ttidmothing but entertain persons of like tastes. ed 3350.000 from tttis tathér. Charles ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., July 18.--The heaviest man in, the United States. and possibly iii-the world. as well as a heavy spender. in Philadelphia and New York, C. EmaryTitman,ird_eadatthe- ttt thirty-nine and a weight of " pounds. Re is being mourned by his friends and cronies in mutual About fifteen you: ago. when Tit- man mixing only 350 pounds. he pared to present birth certificate or credentials from responsible persons. proving United States citizenship: naturalized citizens ot the United States should be prepared to pre- sent;their certificates of naturaliza- tion. and alien residents of the Thti- ted' States womb;- prepared to present proofs ot legal entry into the United States. Alien residents may remain out of the United States nut longer than six months without los- ing their status as residents. BIGGEST MONEY SPENDER PASSES QUICK REWARD BRINGS THANKS V Clark confessed to Col. Smith that he shot and killed Beck. He named C1ittoid Bretrette, John Brown, Har, old Martin and George Boone " tuTomplieea. Col. Smith is to. ask the death penalty for all five men. State's Atty. Smith Wednesday received [letter from M. may Yar- berry. chief of detectives in Loun- ville. Ky., expressing thanks to tum in behel! of Detective Sergeants M. J. Gttrritttbto end o. P. Hazel for his promptness in paying them the re- ward ot 81.000 for capturing Claude Clark. confessed murderer of Wil- liam BeekArr., Milburn. Chief of Detectives Yarhen-y said that Carricato and Hazel greatly'apv predated the reward being sent to them within a few days after they had mode the capture. He said that the Louisville force would be only too glad to assist Lake county auth- orities " any time desired. q The (by following the return of Deputy Edward Dunne and Detec- tive Sergeant Bart Tyrrell from Louisville with Clark, State's Attor- ney, smith sent checks tor $500 each to Hazel and Carricato. Complete Ted- Upon being admitted to the insti- tution here, an prisoners are sub- Jected to a very complete physical and neurologial examination, h- haonmry mm of tho Mood ma Since this proportion is in gen- eral. conformity to the "erase in- telligence at any group. it is argued that this condition F strengthens the theory that crime and mental defectiveness nre not related. In general. it "has been determined that lorgery rand premediated fobhery of individuals. is nanny committed by men of superior intelligence. while sex 'olfenaes are ttsutuly com- mitted by persons of subnormai mental status. PONTIAC, Ill., July ".--arpy--. Mental tests of ' inmates of the state lemma here, conducted by Dr. Void Phillipe. psych- iatrist. reveal that only about thirteen per cent of the. men and boys confined here are mentally interior, while toprxnrtmntety the Blyrnf proportion are intelligent above the avenge. F FARM WAGES BELOW LEVEL one. an "petite and his good use tore were enormous. He had 9. mal- titudlnous any or china. The lower level ot farm wages. says the bureau. is probably due to the larger suppy ot tarm labor available this year. Supply expressed as per- centage of demand is 105 for July l, as compared with 100 a year ago. The larger supply in turn, the bu- reau adds. ls probably explained by the much lower volume of industrial employment which has prevailed dur- ing the tirgt six months ot 1928, thus releasing more labor tor the farms. PRISONERS NOT ENTIRELY DUMB wages on July 1 this year being placed at wo per cent ot the pre- war level as compared with 172 per cent in July last year by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department ot Agriculture. Oil-led Co 700; Pound! _ From his rich food, he. soon cl M the sales to 700 pounds and " Wages of alloclasses ot tarm labor are below mes a year ago, the In- dex of the general level of farm the world. Alan: of spéns' hi hi; oame the millionaire mascot of the Philadelphia Athletics. following the team all over the country. He went to the Athletics' training camp every spring and worked out -wnth them. Be was a close friend ot Connie Mack. John Shibe, Eddie Collins, and other. well-known baseball men. The doctou' prediction of early and speedy death did not work out immediately, but Titman's fortune was in a hurry to (ode out. A few years ago he found himself alive, but penniless. He dame to Atlantic City towork. mtteetuttettmaaaeurin a Turkish bath establisment, then worked " a taxi starter. and fintulr pushed rolling chairs on the board- men to - him from his and-t- ment to the immobile which took At his detull.it, required eight playboy in The. tests and reports are of greatoald to the, parole board tn nouns upon petitions for release. Previous and present behavior reactions and any change in the mental condition. is also indicated. Although the present population ot the retormatory is above 1,400. very few mental diseases are found. In 'such cases the patient is segregated or else transferred to the state loolony of the feeble minded at un- iooln or some other instiution tar 'TAXI We've noticed that about the only thing some Libertyville drivers can dodge successfully is a bridge; f3mtmetder.C.CMa-.-usu MeeuPimtNterdnr-thidlui GRAVEL ROAD WEARS FAST We'll never believe the women want equal rights until we see some of them "out cutting the grass with undirghiru on. SMITH'S Tnmc averaging 800 vehicles a city will we" down . gravel sur- uoe eight inches thick to, 3 thick- inteilegenee tests. social and medi-l cal histories and»: psychiatric inter-l view. Thee ettttmtgtatittgtt, fumiatt a comprehensive preliminary study ot the inmate, end which my lead to I more exhaustive study and; treatment of abnormal types. They] also aid in solving dsiciplinary prob-i lems and give early recognition of 9 mental defect or disease, and thus! permit the proper allotment tors physical. industrial, and educa- tional training. l The bulletin points out that a gravel road, even it it is a very good one,isanexpenaive proposition. Another angle on the subjects of roads comes from TiiiGGiiiii op- erating experience, and actual studies of the comparative rate ct tire wear on gravel and asphalt streets. It is estimated that $2.- t90peryetirpermitewouldtte saved tome community if the av- erage small town would replace crawled surfaces with asphalt. nest of three inches in five years, wording to information received by the highway department ot the Chicago Motor Club, based on the view of highway engineers. Part of this road wear,itt the result of rolling down and part actual ab- maion. . Libertrvtile.Potrt No. 329 AMERICAN LEGION Stand " Lester'- Novdty Store DAY PHONE " VIGHT PHONE "' A duplex apartment is a pine where a man can use I duplex razor without bumping his elbows against the wall. WK. pp ARTHUR a; elya in cd2 ifibriifitttCrMt 7' ... . " Lowell Sherman TIRE MICHIGAN Louise Dresser ' " Charles Ray ' lilo t Eden is Monte Carlo, and Cor.. , A Stirring bm_or the fine is Eve-e modern story of _ Ian-her (in-pl! Thrall.- and a very modern paradise! _ Adm! See the Dazzling Army of Be-tie. ii the Great Staters 325... PM ON THE STAGE AT THE GENESEE Vote for your favorite'. A Ballot free an. every admission to " Great State. Mien. at Every Peefeemanee. Daily. GIRLS! I'rg Nor 100 um To GET INTO THE PAGEANT'. WIN-a WET CAmOLET! A 'ENT" RADIO! A Q3.S. CAMERA-PROTECTOR: AN ElidMN WA"! A BRUNSWICK PORTABLE "GROCRAPC AND ONE. BIG Pm _ A Frolic of Mideet Land. The Beautiful Corrine it her And Other Big Acts first United Artists Picture. - A- --_.... c, From the famous stage Bur, featuring a and) an, ind-d- in. bllow the my: trail my. Mom, Tues. & Wed. Thurs., Fri. & July 23-24-25. July 25-27-28. Corrine Griffith (mus 'The Garden Bcsm'a1riiihvER of Eden' TINY ro/G'. REVI'E SUNDAY ONLY, JULY 22ND Always " Degrees Coat COMEDY AND NEWS CXMEEDY AND NEW: ORGAN AND ORCHESTRA F ORGAN A1rD_f8tCREsTRA th [EEEUEElE --oetthe.ereeas- Comedy Ind News Loear News Events VOTE FOR MISS WAUEECAN'. A'GREAT srATtieCnaymii AT WAUKEGAN e?! If t ORGAN AND ORCHMA Frankndyzallin J oy' Boys Dven with the political excite- ment, a godd may people mean to heist"! keeping an eye on the base- bail oirat"tu"'e' iii,igd "A MID-SUMMER A Flashy Frolic with i I. d NIGHTS SCREAM" CHICAGO a LOOP vkriiiihaE RENEE ADOREE CONRAD NAG". " Dem-(5a su gs. 2iiii

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