f Mrs. Sarah Leighton, ~who has ) been ill during the past week, is reported as improving nicely ter, Shirley, of Wucol;li;-' are mak-- ing an extended vigit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Reickhoff. Mrs. Edna Hubbard of East Church street returned last week from Marinette, Wisconsin, where she made a two weeks visit with relatives. s l Soci' 1LOC. Guy E. Legate was a Chicago cal-- ler g.turdly afternoon and eve-- _ W.F. Franzen, Jr. LUMBER, COAL, BUILDING MATERIAL m utm oo t a t 0 0000004# inet covered with leather--finished fabric. De-- tachable winding--key at a convenient angle. Records stop playing automatically. You must see this great little instrument to realize its value. Visit us soon and hear it play +the latest Victor Records. LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK New stock now being delivered to those who want a rock bottom price. j ociety ana LOCAL NEW S Fill your coal bin.now F. B. Lovell Co. > Capital And Surplus $150,000.00 Libertyville, Illinois LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. main for two weeks. mother, Mrs Delos Ames, at 212 South Stewart avenue. She will re-- Miss June Burton of Grand Rns- ids, Michigan, is visiting her grand--| _ Miss Ilo Wheeler was the guest of Miss Majorie Davies at High-- land Park Momijay evening. ' _ Mrs. Nettie Mason and Mrs. Cla-- California, who are visiting here with relatives visited Sundalg eve-- ning with friends in Lake Forest. were Waukegan callers Saturday Edward Schneider and son, Wil-- liam, spent Saturday evening in ra Ehningen entertained several friends fronsy Chicago Sunday. _~_ Words are worth-- less for describing . the amazing per-- --~formance of the Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hansen, of new Portable Vic-- trold, number Two-- fifty--five. To say that its tones are rich and deep, its volume as large as life itself, is not enough. You must really hear it your-- self to appreciate its startling powers of reproduction. Indestructible cab-- ready. ay | medical patient at the Elizabeth Condell Memorial hospital. il--| Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson enter-- in ' tained f:g::ds from . Northbrook { Sunday rmoon and evening. !moum ns passing. Funeral ser-- vices will be heli from the home of lhis brother, William Schreck, 1115 Palmer Place, Waukegan, Illinois on Thursday afternoon, August 2 at one o'clock 'standard time. In-- terment will be. made at Liberty Corners Ceméetery, Trevor, Wiscon-- rompt service on all dry cle gyd:ng and wet and drydrwyub. Fred R. Schreck, a former resi-- dent of Libertyville, passed away at his home in Chicago Sunday ev-- ening, July 29th, after a short ill-- ness. He leaves his wife and two children by a former marriage, be-- sides many-- other relatives, to ize waltz. Hapke's orchestra will g:'rnish the music for the dance. * The Ladies' Aid Society of the local Methodist Episcopal . church will meet at the home of Miss Hazel Butler, 221 Brainerd avenue, on Thursday,; August 2nd,. at two-- thirty p. m., daylight saving time. Assistant hostesses will be Mrs. Everett Marsh, Mrs.--C. L. Coonfer, Mrs. Jay Frudy, and Miss Cora Marsh. Members are requested to bring aprons for the--bazaar. The officers of the Lake County Farm Bureau have© announced another of their popular old time dances to be held next Friday night, August --3, at Dietz's Resthaven Stables at Ivanhoe. The dance will be in charge of the same commit-- tee that was responsible for the success of the first one held at Diamond Lake. An added feature of Friday night's event will be a Mr. and Mrs Otto Juhrend of Chicago returned to the home of the latter's mother, ~Mrs.. H. J. Meyers, West Park Avenue, after a delightful trip through the East, which extended over a period of two weeks. Points at which they stoppe! included Niagara -- Falls, New York City, Coney Island and many other cities in five Eastern states. e _ 'urday from an automobile tour| Robert Kilby, of Evanston is mak-- |through eastern Canada. s |ifig a Xwo Welegug visit 'fi'fli fifl am} ' Miss Berenice Laycock spent the ! Bx?adwayc ermntoonadth I week end with Arthur" Fink family |_ 3 | of Chicago at their summer cottage|' Mr and Mrs. Bernard Deithorn iin. Diamond Lake. nl?d fan&ilfi Mrs:s AnnaP EI')'ehi:'p;m fig + Mr. an rgs.. 8. P. r l Mrs. Ralph, Wehrenberg was & Tuesday morning for an extended guest at the " home of Rev. and vyisit at the Dells of Wisconsin. Harold Gray of the J. B. Morse store, is enjoying his annual vaca-- tion.. He and his familt{ are now on a motor trip through the north and expect to visit mgn Mrs. Gray's people at Ironwood, Michigan. Buddy, 'the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brown, Jr., of West McKinley Avenue, had his tonsils removed at the Elizabeth Condell Memorial hospital Tuesday. Dr. F. H. Martin per?ormed the operation. Mrs. Melinda Day and daughter, Viola, and Mrs. Nelson, mother of the former, motored to Chicago Sat-- urday. On Sunday morning they de-- parted with Mr. and Mrs. John Nel-- son, of Chicago for Niagara Falls where they, will make a two weeks visit. $ 1 The Misses Marie Horan and Gladys Lyon departed tod;ly (Tues-- day)} for Fon du Lac, isconsin, }here they will remain for a ten ays visit. = Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brockman and two children and Mss Cecilia Haas visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Peter Johnson and family at Deep The Lake County M. W. of A. Boosters will have a meeting with the local camp -- Friday -- evening, August 3rd. Every neighbor is in-- vited to attendi. Messrs. Carl Johnson, I. Netsche, and A. Simonid of Chicago called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brockman and family Saturday af-- ternoon. --_ Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Pettengill will return: today (Tuesday) from the West, where they have been enjoy-- ing their vacation during the past Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, M. Haas on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Remick and sons, Robert and Richard, Miss Lorraine Berard and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haas, all of Chicago. W . MeLa\:ghlin has returned to his work at the C. 0. Carilson Cloth-- Mrs. Bowser entertained several friends Tuesday afternoon at a so-- cial gathering. Bunco was played and prizes were awarded. Tasty re-- freshments were served at the close of the afternoon's enjoyment. ing Store after a pleasant two weeks' vacation at Clear Lake, Wis-- Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Sundell and children motored to Chicago, Satur-- day where they remained until Sun-- day evening with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Dollenmaier and son, Harry, of Lincolin Ave-- nue spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitche!l at Mundelein. Miss Dorothy Reuse was enter-- tained at the home of Miss Loretta Dorfller at Mundelein on Monday and Tuesdap Mrs. W. E. Decker and children visited Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Louis Hendee at Mun-- delein. Mrs. RalphuWehrenberg was a guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Wheaton at Wheaton, Illinois, Thursday. , William Burdick, Leo Ferry and John Landis, Junior, returned Sat-- urday from an automobile tour through eastern Canada. The Misses Stella Langworthy and Adeline Ross spent Tuesday in Chicago. § . Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wells return-- ed Monday evening from a two weeks vacation at Clear Lake, Wis-- consin. Mrs. Harry Gotti and two child-- ren visited with friends in Fox Lake Tuesday. Arthur --~Brockman and children motored to: Chicago on business Monday. Dr. Albert Roder, of Mundelein, is a _ Mr and Mrs. Herman Pfeiffer and edical patient at the Elizabeth family called on local relatives Mon-- ndell Memorial hospital. | day morning. 4 on all dry --«cleaning, . D. Penney and THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST"1, 1928 for 'evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Gridley enter-- tained Mr. ani Mrs. McCauey, Mr. and Mrs. Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Bla-- chley and Miss M;r{'l'iliubefl\ Map-- haies, of Highland e at a dinner and theatre party Monday evening. The Misses Jessie. Wilson and Blanche Triggs entertained their Sunday school classes from . the Primary _ Department of the local Presbyterian church at a lawn party given at the home of the latter, on Tuesday afternoon. . William Laycock, 147 WeSt Park avenue, W. McLaughlin and Aubrey Wells returned Saturday night from Clear Lake, Wisconsin, where they passed a pelasant two waeeks vaca-- tion. Word from the Elg;nbe' th 'Condell Memorial hospital -- Tuesday after-- noon is to the effect that the con-- dition of Charles Cross continues to show a slight improvement. Cross mh&t:xedtwo weeks ago in a fall from running board of an auto-- mobile near Diamond Lake in which he suffered a fracture skull. Charles X. Marshall and F. Park-- hurst were arrested Thursday by the office of Sheriff Lawrence A. Doo-- little, Waukegan, -- on , warrants charging assault. Each caused the arrest of the other. They recently had & battle of some sort and the affair will be aired fully before Jus-- tice of the Peace Hervey C. Coul-- Mrs. Lulu Appley, Mr. and -- Mrs LeMotte Ray and Ray Whitney are intending to leaye tomorrow (Wed-- nesday) for Nappanee, Nebraska. They will be gone for two or three Mrs. M. E. Andrews, 186 New-- berry avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Andrews of Chicago are mak-- ing arrangements to leave on Sat-- urday for a tour through Canada. Monday afternoon, after én,'i())eying a four weeks vacation at 'levan, Wisconsin. / * Mr. and Mrs., Lester Linders re-- turned Sunday afternoon from Bald-- win, Illinois, where they spent a two weeks visit with relatives of. the former. Mrs. K. --C. Hi&gins returned to her home at 213 West Maple avenue Miss Stella . Langworthy visited with friends in Brookfield, Tuesday Mrs. M. M. Boyer and two child-- ren left Tuesda)'y morning for an extended visit with relatives in Ra-- cago, called on friends in Woodstock Sunday afternoon. The H. Knigge family of Deer-- field was entertained Su'nd:geat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Knig-- Mrs. Gene Trenner, 119 Appley avenue, was a Waukegan caller Sat-- Mr. and Mrs. M. Haas and sons and Miss Lorraine Berard, of Chi-- unusual picture, "THE STRANGE CASE OF CAPT. RAMPER." next Monday and: Tuesday. Do not fail to see that most Never so many thrills and laughs in a Haines picture "Lady Be Good" "Telling the World" He was a magician, she was his assistant, but she taught him a few tricks about love that he could never learn from a book. § Saturday, Aug 4. You'll tell ; the world its thrilling. WILLIAM HAINES The musical comedy movie Thursday--Friday August 2--3rd. Barrel of Fun -- Nite--come and see how lucky you are. Come one everybody! Right into the beart of Chinatown |AUDITORIUM LIBERTYYILLE, ILL Wednesday, Aug. 1. Also Our Gang Comedy. . "BARNUM AND BAILEY" DOROTHY MACKAILL Also comedy and News. Ohio "Chinatown Charke" -- JACK MULHALL JOHNNY HINES very good picture. & jcase of war the chances are that 'many of us would have to go with-- out shoes if imports of raw mater-- ials were interrupted. The U. S. Department of Agriculture believes that our dependence upon foreign supplies can be very greatly reduc-- ed though better practices in the domestic production of leather--mak-- ing raw materials, through more ju-- dicious ' or common--sense selection by the public of leather goods, and finally through proper care of such leather goods, with elimination -- of their abuse and misuse. The hide, leather, and tanning investigations lcarried on by the department all aim at conservation along these lines. Each year millions of dollars are lost in this country in hides and skins, much of which can be pre-- vented by the application of correct methods of preparation and ma¥-- keting, which would result in mak-- 1ing available to the tanner not only more . hides and skins but better ones, from which in turn would re-- sult more and better leather. J Yellow Gab $ NOW 'S The way to tell good liquor from bad is to take a few drinks and lay down If you wake up it wash't Just Call 306 when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. Phone 844, Mrs. Mike Behm, for prompt service on all dry cleaning, dyeing and wet and dry wash. Each of us boys, theoretically at least, three pairs of shoes a year. This means some 350,000,000 pairs annudally. Half of the hides an1 skins that go to make leather for these shoes are imported, principally from Asia, South America, and" Af-- rica, where people do not wear shoes so much. The United States is not self--supporting in the matter of leatl'ner and leather goods, and in Glenrn Hoskins left Tuesday for Rochester, New York, where he will transact business for Foulds Mill-- ing company. f Mg. and Mrs. Orin Muhlke and family and Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Muhlke attended the Muhlike family seumon at Highland Park, Satur-- ay. Budweiser Malt Syrup, dark or . light, with or without hops, can Mrs. Mike Behm e HOME OWNED e \_STORE/' 50¢ TRIGGS & JOHNSON SHOE STUDIES The Grande Dry Cleaners and Dyers We have made arrangements to take care of our customers pend-- ing the completion of our new Libertyville plant. ' f for highest class of work and prompt service in all dry cleaning, dyeing and wet and dry laundry. (hHIS IS a Phone 844 LIBERTYVILLE C 2 Twanss l Q H:J)II(/;;(/JH . 590 "RLEY MALT SIRF \'_.--:_---/ CALL "A good office to do business with" AUXILIARY NEWS . A number 'of members will leave Friday evening at 7 o'clock from McDonald's Jewelry store and elec-- tric station to entertain the shut-- ins at U. --S. Veterans Hospital North Chicago. Those _ without transportation meet at the ap-- pointed place and time. at 2:00 p. m. daylifh' t saving time. Sponsored by Ehe' ..D. G.-- A. K. Friday, August 3 Old Time Dance by ~the Lake County Farm -- Bureau at Dietz's Stables, Ivanhoe. Music by Hap-- ke's Orchestra. Fred Hicks call-- Sunday, August 5 Postponed tournament of the Libertyville Club at Wauconda golf course. Mr. R. V. SECURITY 'The SECURITY BROTHERS are working for me Tuesday, July 31st. Bunco at St. Joseph's School Hall a8 SECURITY is of help. He pays your rent! Let me bring him around and introduce him. (Rental Value He is becoming very popular with home owners. There is a big difference between owning a home that you can live in and owning a heap of ashes where your home stocl yesterday. Even if F. L SECURITY does promise you the means to re-- build, you must find a place in which to live in the meantime. -- That is where brother R. V. Home Owned Store _ 2C REALTOR--INSURUR Opposite Electric Station COMING EVENTS PHONES 469 & 269 daylight saving time. the N. D. G. J RE. The apple crop of Illinois is esti-- mated at 4,954,000 bushels. That is half a million over 1927. The com-- mercial movement will approxi-- mate 1,032,000 barrels from Illinois orchards, against 804,000 last year. Conditions as observed by fruit in-- was formerally 10x-- 14 inches, weighing 280 lbs., now it is 12x16 inches weigh-- old --shingle. They make this particular if you want to make Libertyville mately nine differ-- ing 325 lbs., at the SUMMER SCHOOL Register Now for beginning, elementary or advanced work. Commercial Courses Positions secured for graduates. . it somewhat to bet-- ter specifications we LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO. 0. A. Newsom, IF McDONALD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL First National Bank The Four By Six Capital And Surplus $110.000.00 Libertyville, Illinois 311 W. Park Ave. ent colors ---- and shades. Dr. E. H. Smith is using this shingle on the roof 'o{ his home on Cook ve., applying _ it over the old wood shingles thereby eli-- vanized self furring metal lath, this will ed tearing the old lath and stucco off the south side of the library Tuesday. He will apply a 30 1b, felt first to the old siding over which muss of an o July 28 placed, gal-- spection forces of the Illincis de-- partment of agriculture in the var-- ious fruit production counties are men:ign;d in the bulle;in. It is mail ree to growers who l:?' it of the Illinois department of ap-- riculture at Springfield. form _ the -- stucce be mixed on tbeuid to consist of "Uni-- versal" Portland City Stonekote," worked to the desir-- LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER -- CO. Libertyrsille, M Phone 47 and 48 of PAGE FIVE t e