1m. "t""ioiririiriiid am: A". and v1, WD. last l, Hovhnd.. Third "than summatnduwALm- "tit. WD. tatt 16, My - 'umun mango; JUL". 14161, , thtuttme,natttiainstaneeeiteetinu "eent-tetetttemt-tnteeh- -Nqrtmtm8ttettgtdteate..Afngarter m,m_m that whenhb' 1tfl"tA%'l',',ttu'Neut,tr'ti,1i 1?tegetsnsttr-tnnreitttti of Jttoes.ixrtmmeieremte,hettveer 2etp,e,,tfg"te,he,r,ietrir, ftftymue highway Indium mm, hum. a shrinkage of "ll',W)'ll'lu--. 'rrdiGi'"G"Tri"tT.T'11"lsT"-/ mans. mmnnvely mung. that tt?rthemurtpouterdisitrfiimutce atitsextent. mmtutyemnmtmtttes tttettthttfsttetrthnurattipmens is madettymotortruek. Anamlystsot mmmcmmu-m iii 9hioetttets,-dtrttotttetttterstate 'Mmmrttoteaaan-ses c0mmereeemnmiatstanrepurt,ahows that forttnu1satiea6ttttutatmnes aboutOSperemtoIthewmbby truck. Pttrhmeerdtstnnees, truck ttteli,ttetuP1ttaetrm9aes.tNturtto "mi1estmehant-tiitoretttanUtt oftttetnartg-r. Thet-taneeatthemotortrmt t'empttatteattrst-dtnthetrmi.. TyytBufttattttrtettveatoeatomnrtet. Threetutdnthtrxtmttttemt-ere eartedttrmotortruettntMstots marten. may more Mone- tenthofMattt-nt' Manner eeTtott_tteatteep,meteethnisiiter ffntetfttteeat-mtMperemKot t?teeatuet-ta_rmresttee unaware-amulet; Inm- ,pottisint9tsmttrt.sstereentoiiiie 1r?ePtrtrAttttjmsrkitwerestiipitid ttrtrueh;tnt-.ooe-ttttrd. wing-mm whentenm magma"! titanium tolrMr1tornmrttoeses,totheprm when" mums "and: ttmesasmuettmtotteearrtedf miletrormme oven-good tends motartrtai. Prmaers.Nrinstnnei,t-einereaa- edtttetr-tmdtustrmrstttatnot- swung-mm when tannins mummy: Minimum tortmtortourttoesets.tothepresent whenloads mm twoormree ttr1tesasmuettmnrtteearrsedtitt, mum: oven-good mushy munch. $tutehtetr.irttm-tnttoetmearts P1mertothefeetinrnme was HauiingtroodsandprmNeebymo. _tt_trtaekttrtstteemmesttety,attmmess tnttteUnitedBtntastttntiim-tttt" eanmr3oettrernfresrdtotn6dhtgts- ,aysttmtwil1notttenrthefutttmf- TRUCK nlll.llill HUGE BUSINESS mmaammnm"""' 'IFE Then they lea in to clear things "p.v9 Gr m" "" - "' - "W"! Pr, Daniit Guggfenheim Fund . for e motion o aeronautics," The all tuned Pt the t','"2,'lt'.rii.;yiii' Egbert)! writes, "was or- mv set '2utrttit'g :11;st "Manny formed in 1926 because of Invited to convene in Pittsburgh 'GitlePtlituOttf,ttltt,tytyety, Sept. 1. Mr. Green stated Mr.Oreenatttottaietttttxtttteemrv. Immune egtmenttsottetmastrtttte WewBedftmttexthatrtheantttttat ttte"Redmt_epiittttttreet- 1rintot1tettandsaftheteartueown.. denninintrotttmsaftdet.ttnruntmsa. oreenstated."nntt_exhtttterre- p.redtott"mrt-efNetttteexm- munists nuke. "than " the present time the :1th does not alarm nickel required to give tt amen]. by communists to memtteraneraitroadtutdtntneunMtetts t-tveneatapecified datum thenearttmtmimtttstotxmatdergtmr 1.tter-tmtioeta.Mr.amenat-tt that information ttadtteengeeeteed', irGiiiiiiiriiiiiiiG%aiiriiniai"ray, beenscm into Mexieoatgteettteaa- ulumuon of President-elect om- a"The communists came into hr cm that C0m88ttttttrttr,, were at- temptinc to undermine labor m- nn'ons in the United States and Mexico. William L. Green. preatetent ot the American Federation at mm: 'etlrtextn, and on the member: at the We cannon to devise plan to an": such efforts. Real Estate Transfers Lays 95mg Title Declares Reds Are Trying To Under-inc Labor Organiza- tions In U. 8., Mexico. GREEN ATTABKS COMMUNIST AIM Atlantis (My. N. J., Autt 8.--De- Trust t5iini%ar "lrfaltgtt, th., m 4. Abetraet of Title 'iraetsiiirrTi, strike m " the lake" (in? Gfiri"Gir""GliiiaiirGrG a; can send it to the Lincoln Park aquarium. vehicle being operated. "Already this inereaaed desire for. mrmaiaretteetedintttedemtuutupon thePederaiugtdBnnkforthesma11 nurnberoffarmttuponwhiehith" tteeqryedtoettiotse. mum- iurr1tor-retteenttimfteamteddur- imrttse1natttuee-oetstty exces- 'treminfaaretmtttrtqtntteeiasaes. 7hltrereatedatemtroearrdeisrestsioet tnhutdvne-ittttterrttimnre- covering from the slump caused by the tteneral decline in the purchas- tng power of farm commodities fol- lowixu 1920. Now. however. farmers mm good foresight recline that the incensed Mums from this yen": erxtgtsnnttltvmsestoekaretikeiytobe tether quickly bummed into higher _rsa1epriexrsotmrtttinnd.tuutttire AtriettrNehimtapfarms. Therrees otrniaettsatduetotheemtdttttmtrpre- mti1trttrinmuettoftttitrdiatrtetttur- tntttheinattttreeyearstherenrenow ttmilntt1et?tuTrnirtst,nmrm land.the equal of which have not been seen in annexation. with prices of most arm products hitthertttnntheytmvetteentorsev- era1reara.thereiaverytue1ytohett goodwket for rumba! mun." tuxamNttrtonstatementmnde here _ttrFPttttBestar,rmidentotttte trr. LOUIS. Aug. 5.-"With crop conditions the best since 1925 in most of the territory covered by the Fed- erarMpe) Bunk qt this tttty-Mis- FARM LAND Til RISE IN ME I "The development of :1 swift and W7. method transpor- tation by all-ha an economic and social importance that it obvious. The work of the Fund has already contributed to the establishment of an endmjng basis for aeronautical in aeronautical research. "The Fund has no other purpoae than to assist in making air runs- mtation safe, porular. and regu- y available. ta work includes not "3 an effort to further the me- chanci perfection of the airlilane, but a study of the proper facilities for navigation, and the recongnition of these developments by the public through education. The Fund ls not a permanent organization; when its purpose is accomplished is will ter- minute its existence. Without doubt the sciasee of aero- nautics 1rtf,e,. Ite, aimed far more ta y m e on; years since the Wimp t brothers made their memorable flittht in 1908 if some or- memoratik /dft in 1908 if somis or- ganization been endowed to aid civil aviation could develop its pos- sibilities to the full it would have to pass through a period of study and 'gritri"g,t,if,t The realiza- tious such a riod could be ma- tenully hastened by some non-com- 1tseeial organization such as the The promotion of aeronautics through such agencies as the Daniel Guggenheim Fund has the warm approvat of Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, as expressed in Nation's Bugyesa Magazine. * to mum Saba, Antioch. "_""- ___- AHeinsutdwfetattowHLar.. gen__snd wt. WI). Lot M, NW Adan LIN DBERGH LANDS AVIATION FUND 1rlMittoretttltoC,ttsehuett and wt, WD. tart 16, Blk T, Grove- llnd Put Saba. Purple: TY a Bugs Bk to Wom- 1yLeuntrrtnttbsD.Pttrwnrsee 32.3mm. Union Bk of Chen to W Goldman, D. Pt N ht Bee 21, Shields. V J Killian and wt to. L E Hulse. QCD. Lots 'tl and 72, E A Cum- nuns: a Co's North Ave Addn to w h Dun-mum and wt to s S muse Co, QCD. Lot t, Blk 18, owl Town of Win. R P mouse at a! to G D Meyer et nt, D. Lots " " tad 55. Western Slope 8mm. Mont. vmwheu ard ttudtor,wseor.. my at au-WD. Lots 19, 20 and pt Lot 21.Blk122.8Wkgn. vmwhen "tdttutstttoLWMor.. 'trfti..lllrP.urtaur,2otuta2t, Bumswun. WLDormandandwt to s s Kresge Co, WI). 1.0: 4, Blk 18. Orgl Town Swings Saba. 7 ___ -- "A N Durst to 8 Adn-teta and 90111.0: 9, Elk 89;:1133 t9ubn. . t2, washbum Mooney and wt to A Gall got 131311: 22. Mooney! 'due) E W Butterfield and wt to A Ben- tr, WP,_ Talt p, _Channel Lake Offers an opportunity to young women contemplating the nurs- ing profusion. Three year course leading to . degree It N. Next Clan enters Sept. 20 For further Information apply to the Principl, Jane Mc Alister School of Nursing or, VICTORY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ' WAUKEGAN 12. Waahbum of law in force in the city. state. ioreign country on province. territory or federal district, of his residenoe.'sub- lstentiaiiy equivalent to the provi- 'vtti4tets of this section. shall be exempt trom license hereunder.'whiie tem- porarily sojourning within this state. only to the extent that under laws of city. state, foreign country or pro- Vince, unitary or federal district of his residence like privileges are granted to persons duly licensed and registered as chauffeurs under the laws of this state and who are resi- dents bt this state. Licenses may be renewed annually in the same gan- ner " first registration. upon the payment of fee of $3.00 and shall take effect on the first day ot Jan- uary ot each year: Provided. that if, it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Statel this section: Provided. 56658-1711; 9. non-resident chauffeur who has Ptrufertd underthe provisions cfthe No person shall operate or drive a motor vehicle as a chauffeur upon a public highway ot this state, unless such person shall hare complied in all respects with the requirements of issued to my person under eigmeen years of Me. A distinguishing num- t1erotmarkshai1beaikiitnedioeLeh chauffeur to whom a license shall be 'ttSauer'-"-,-.-,,. if) such tom a the Secretory of State may determine; it may contain spe- Cid restrictions and limitations con- cenmm the type of motor car, horses power. may Operate. Deidre such 1 license is granted the applicant shall pursue): an ex- amination " to his qualifications as the Secretary of State shall require and no license shall be issued until the Secretary ot State or his author- ized akent. is aatistied that the ap- plicant is a proper person to receive it and no ettattttetar'a llcense shall be and such photographs shall have been taken within thirty days prior to the filing of such "application. Such applications shall also be ttc- companled by a written shtement signed by at least two t'eputatrie Citi- um that the applicant is 1 fit and proper person. competent to operate a motor which uncut tat. . (Information Given by the Motorists Ascension of m.) License " tha-e-w-aid-o. An application for a license to op- crate motor vehicles as a ettkutteur, who is hereby defined to mean any person operating a motor vehicle as a mechanic or employee or who di- rectly or indirectly receives pay for any work or any compensation what- soever tor any work or services in connection with the operation ot a motor vettiele--a motor vehicle tor mire or for pecuniary profit. shall be "Pads by mail or otherwise. to the Secretary ot State or his duty auth- armed agent. upon blanks prepared under his authority. The Secretary ot State shall appoint examiners and| cause dyauninntions to he held at! convenient points. throughout the state as often as may be necessary Such applications shall be accom- panied by the fee provided herein and by a photograph of the appli- cant in such numbers and forms as lt Secretary at State shall prescribe STATE LAWJSTHICT ABOUT NEED _ * (lf tlufllfRillll T0 PASS EXAMS There are but IS parts, rive otl. which are stationary. All rotating! parts are mounted on annular ball, bearings. eliminating friction. which 1.',',bttf20egge,'ttdtitotg,ttttigt,i' any other combustion otor now ml use of the same rated horsepower.! The durability ot this motor is de-I In Only " Parts . c, The complete engine ,consists of two housings. One. the combustion Mammals stationary; the other, the timing housing. from which the drive is taken. acts " a hub tar the pro- peiler blades attached to it. 200 pounds. or better than two horse- power per pound of weight. It has '_dyn_enaionovertuiot1trrty ley 12 inches. The nearest motor at the some rated horsepower is approxi- mately four time; crater in size and weight, he says. . '450-horsebower. y,ti,ei1.?fjd he}: gage. wtitrhintr slightly more than of hismotor overtttaseofpeeaent deslgn. notably that because of its extreme simplicity. it can be manu- factured " a cost ot approximately $1 per horsepower anditbat it is unlimited " regards power when ap- plied to nation. i ms moans, Autt. '--0ne of the most revolutionary advances in years in motor construction is claimed try Kenneth Bax-ma. Lou Angela. Cal, inventor. for his newly perfect- ed ttemi-turttine, rotary engine which operates without my reciprocating parts and is pistonletsa, vtheiess, sleeveless, comics: and without springs or vibration. i _Berkman claims many advantages ROTARY ENGINE MINUS FRICTION in and other teaturea ot vehicle which the licensee THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1928 For 1,iberVville people who want hot weather reading we recommend the story of the. orth .Pole ex- plorers and their rescue. Fire-damp is the 'orduuri' name for earburetted hydrogen, w ieh is- sues rm "blown," or "an: in cont scans. It u #tfmmmatr1e,onii ,heemixe.dtithyiirhtieriiligrGT portions in highly explosive. Its ignition is attended .by the danger of an explosion qt coal-dust. All vehicles traveling upon mou' highways shall give the right of way to other vehicles approaching along intersection highways from the riéht. and shall have the right of way over those approaching tram the left: Provided. however. that po- lice vehicles. fire departments. ve- hicles transporting Unix? States' mail and ambulances s l have the Wight ot way over all other vehxles. and provided. "to, that in incorpor- ated cities. having a population more then 10,000 inhabitants. may desig- nate certain streets or boulevards as preferential traffic streets and pre- acrihe rules reculatins traffic upon. crossing over or turning into such streets or ttouletardr. and, prowded.' further. that like specifications regu-j lacing traffic may" be enforced ati points where traffic officers are sta.. tinned. No driver of a vehicle shall suddenly atop, slow downer attempt to turn around _without first signal- Right of wnr--Xrame regulatinma of certain cities. . on to secure 'copies study them carefully, and to make their entries ands reservations early. Present prospects indicate that the Illinois state fair, this year, will exceed all former sessions in the scope of ex- hibits, and in the'nature of the en- tertainment offered. T nois state fair, springifehi, Ill. The list show; greater offerings than any previous edition. Open, and Illinois classes are provided in most all livestock divisions. The junior department has added classes and increased premiums. Important changes in the regulations, and the extension of the fair grounds are t.aTl!tined in this. edition.' Fair of- fieials urge all prospective, exhibit- Premium lists for the Illinois; state fair, August 18-25, are new i being distributed. Farm Bureau of-g tieeri will receive Tgt?',' of copies" Banks, within 100 m es of Spring-f lield, will have some to distribute.' The exhibitors of former fairs will, receive them direct by mail. Others,f wishing copies, with entry blanks: inserted, will .he supplied km, mail upon requests directed to . W. hndley, general menagerof the lor. ,gcribed by its inventor u unlimited Ibecause of this lack of friction and (9np.iieitcot design ot all parts in- two revoiutioita,. wliich tis eiut1 an eight-cylinder tour-cycle motor ordinary design. _ eluding the " combustion chamb~r where the impeiiora have no friction between each other and the housing wait in which they rotate. These im- Dollars are sealed by a series" Mada that make it cgmpression tight and fire four times per revolution of the power housing or eight explosions in GIVE PREMIUM" . LIST FOR FAIR u. uuuuuyuuwm mm. mm:- Rodney A. Elwm, Kahaaai.tnrmer,) his Intentions Kitts outstretched " expressed in an article in Na-; or otherwise to those following tion's Business name. He warns; yinthezear. - ' .the business men tha.t.th.eyntetltei, "_----------- pally dangerous redneck of the: Peril as alt-en _ " country. _ _ .' 'v The adoption of numerous social»1 e-damp is the J,'gera. nape istic and patemaliatie schemes of 3 Impretted hydrogen, _ eh p- -emment to help the farmer duh; froht"bteneeu,"kitaintresin :13"may;muenymu,hemay:g urns. It u rtPf.Vmmtt8eonii has not a made " their demand.) mixed with air in certain PM t "These schemes," Mn. Elm! ms .ia "my? taolyivt. minim, "are agitated. not n farm-i av: WW. I ucy are we ' No longer is there mama" only completely tailored- as to what the year will offer in metal motor cars. advancement of metor car _ style and value. You have seen Compare Thir--- the best the industrywill offer T o d ay and you can prove for yourself CT that the Century's best is the tj' year's best-thath, new 1929 " V Century SixandEightadvance Hupmobile to a higher and stronger. position than ever. Shimmering, glistening. newer-backed hy'the century's _ finest craftsmanship in design and construction-at prices _ which make higher price a folly. _ These are the great advan- tages which keep Hupmobile the sales leader in the field of finettt motor cars. . Comparedwith everyrival in the fine car field, New Century modoels reveal large advantages in Price). value, beauty and per- formance. They are the c jllllil illiif (illlifi'ft","flillt,'Y T WITH THESE NEW 1929 MODELS i CENTURY VALUES REMAIN SUPREME SIX dk EIGHT _ REE MOTOR SALES NEW 1929 HUPMOBILE 325339373 -QI[LWAQKEE AVE, of Business men and their organiza- tions are 'iltf1iup,tegfit,1ii, for high taxes and If-socialistic vem mmonthepnrtofthe federal and state governments, in the opinion ot Rodney A. Elwand, Kansas farmer, as expressed in an article in Nav. tion's Business Magazine. He warns .the business men that they are the pally dangerous radicals of the country. The adoption of numerous social» istic .and patemaliatie schemes of .5llret1'i"JI','f, Maggi: the f,tng dur- n you e any: has not w made " their demand. "'These schemes," Mn. Elm :writee, "are agitated, not at farm.. ers' meetings and conventions, but (in business men's o ixations l have heard more 'Ida 3.312).!)th ',at meetings pf. commerci bodies' (than in Boeialitt.kyrathtsrtrtrr. There are more socialistié' and piaiiGrirtirl, among the. business and professiom ',, amuse the .' public is becomi i'" """""' . more discriminating in buying food? J my". Eddie the eroce busi w . . 'i, med her brc I _ ry mule-as IS being made! R I . ,mon: attractive. The national food'; u T Dorm budrnt has inereasted from 'ii;iriiiiiie'.f day l/yet _to Wenty~two billions of dollars in )mth relatives "he 1831 ten years And 'maiGriiGii. Mr. and Mr, grocers have increased 52 per cehtison! Daryl, 3 no the same period, despite thelsm'th and da 'growth of chain stores. (Mrs. EHa s, 'fi'hgse grocers" are pushing thely.uetts at the Amman table to higher and higher Sunday.' levels of luxurious eating. Who 1-0-1 Mrs. William members when an orange was a cr, Mrs. ham bribe for good behavior? Or thow'Miss' Sarah W troo1old days when an orange wusest Sunday ' Leg,?,"",',',',': gift? . Not "can" Frank mew ' ex . move t i(iiivi?,'e,i2iri'i'ii,'i'1, m" "is: (Ci,',; "'3' . w, . sa 'nes from . hiormiy find their way as readily to hot g'gd','i'T', {the tables of phone". farmers, shoe ( an author that 1clerks and'cigar salesmen as to the l in eri gtahles of industrial magnates and' c'..'.,.,-',,,'..'..'.'-':':.-....,.- 'epgcuxes. - I" It is well enough for the doctor and the dietitian to tell the world to eat. But, after all, it is the grocer who always makes good with the. good provider-Natrona . Business l, The Evening Standard today quot- =ed Captain Courtney's, wife as saying she had received a wireless indicat- ing her husband "had been forced (down tit sea owing to an outbreak of Hire an the flying boat. Hestud he (had a very nasty experience but that .tberevwas no need to worry.' Demand for 'pukage wods and labeled foods has lifted the face of the old-time, grocery. The thick lines of barrels, baskets, and boxes of foods thatamte invited the tus- tumor to make free. with their con- tents are oing or gone. More and more goofs are sold in containers. The modern grocery with shelves of package goods looks like a shoe atom . SOCIALISTIC BUSINESS MEN News Ehe commander of the White Star liner Cedric said that Court- ney's plane had been abandoned when the crew was embarked on the Minnewaaea. "We were Boxed .in) by the Minne- waska after '3 terrible experience. Our machine caught meat midnight " Ian feet and landed itrtlatnes on a rough sea," T LONDON, Aug. 8.---Captain Prank T. Courtney, trans-Atlantic flyer rescued at mid-sea yesterday by the S. S Minnewaska, today sent tnt,e?lwing.ryiiptrraIn tq the Star: BRITISH MISS DEATH AT SEA agazine. HALF DAY tlte _ :Evemng leh"tR Frank Diaz's daughter and son spent the week end here. Some friend should tell that Jo- liet convict who is studying to ttp an author that there is more money in crime. Mrs. William Brawler and moth- er. M.rs Frances Brawler called on Mira Sarah Whitnal at Lake For- est Sunday.. . t, "Like a multitude of others of his Jrim), this distinguished manufactur- 'er is a socialist and does not know it. There are thousands of other Imen like this manfacturer. The commercial bodies of the country .are full of these subconscious so- cialists, slid from them comes much of the demand for this new pater- nalism in government and the im creased taxation to pay ftir it. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith and son. Daryl, Mr. and May Vere Smith and daughter, Manila, and Mrs. Ella Smith were "linrte.r guests at the J. L. Shepherd home Sunday.' 7 Mrs. Eddie Pfannenstill enter- tained her brother last week. Ruiy 1hrrner and family spent one_ day, last week at ligand Lake Dorothy Diet: visited last week in Chicago. Mrs. P. c., Knigge and daugh- tet, Marine, were Ivanhoe callers Myylay evening. Mr. 'and MA.' Richard Ransom and daughter made a short visit at Polo, Iflinois last week. _ son spent the week end with {he latte:"s parents. . 1 "For example, one of the most pronounced . socialists of my ac- 'tent,',',',',',', 18 a former {resident of t e Kansas State Cham r of Com.. meme and a member of the State Associated Industries, an organiza- tion of manufacturers We calls himself a democrat, and deceives both himself and his friends: because of his label. He is as absolute a so- cialist as Representative Victor Ber- get of Milwhukee--and if Mr. Ber- ger tried to make the same speech in Kansas that this business leader makes, Mr. Berger could not get a mating- - - _ . ,rofesstsiontif" Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz BIGGEST SHOW IN THE WORLD FOR Springfield, Ill. 8 -Big Days - AUGUST 18 - 25. Auto Races Each FA ff? . Saturday. Plenty of Free Park- ing Space Inside The Illinois State IVANHOE I The 'division of animal industry, Illinois, department of nyicultun, lplm increased wort to guard the cattle herds of Illinois against ilie. {gal importance of untested cattle. WWW» "we may, mu; com- 'position, arithmetic, history, bad-- Bade-bade What is the meaning of 'this, Gerald f" Gerald-J1 an't understand it, pad. Dt yo_u think it might be I Reliable Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Established in 1899 mama PARK ILL. f aa.'ruutttetrad-e--met--eeteoetae.teee Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. W SPIRI SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST! During the last five years the Bell sya.ibert spent $1,800,- 000,000 on additions, and improvements" of its plant. The very nature of the telephone business necessitates n, " single interconnected system. The Bell System accept: its responsibility for a nation-wide telephone service as a blie trust. It is fundamental in the policy of the system ta; all earnings after regular dividends" and n surplus for fimutciat , security be used to give more and better service to the public. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY ' t BELL SYSTEM The LAUNDRY Does ft Best Tm: Bell System rec"ognizes the public requirement for a con- sehr, extending and improving telephone service. Last year our million telephones were either put in or moved. The number of local calls not completed on the first attempt was reduced by five per cent. The average time for handling toll and long distance calls was reduced from two minutes to one and one-half minutes. What is Due the Public I DOES'NOT AFFECT {HE HEART I For satisfactory Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service tlf"' J CALL LIBERTYVILLE 290 hg.iegt 92L! "Barn" gauge Bud "Bayer" Sox'- of " a". Aha Life of " and "Nb-DV. wh"icrcoiErfns proven dir'"e"aaTs". ten -ttirse nonhuman to con- trol and eradicate the disease. pu. "NB quoting such i',piltt',tt will 1tepdKedithemnin . "yan- wring Illinois, Ind a ferry boat hndinn on the Kinshippi, Ohio and Wabash rivers, to inform cattle- men of the entrant» minim Ttit division conducts the tubercu- !°'iI tasthttrmemm, Ind admins.- not so much " out of liter mhands to complain about. have" her mun-i4! an PAGE THREE W