am, wan Mr. an JtoehenUeh, of c 'gl, tit..'- c. Mr and Mrs. Km," and son, Pete, span Saturday in China. In. M "In." Returned last My after spam W dara with her aster, In. Andmoa, at Whieyter.layke, mm She ttttt trip bin??? and 're'ett . r "til au- 'et, I". m y y m of the min, the dutch 3lgitrgt', "I too wet to a. lot ialt*rae,gii" win In the is trr.trmk I... L1'1%2ieett, the Windy City": Loop knows him by his strum and Mus (its; Inthehottest-ttterttrinttteeoht ofqrinter You taahmrsdresaedttte - Beqrearsnttn1fndt-teetata. cl mead "nemttttr'a"ttotttttas,nnd 'oeltttndtnd-tsimdattmrt- tottteM.ltCntenttoWarat's {druid ttsettomeamtateigttDeruasotttse ettthttes. 813mm,; twat-to be the arena. ttt the Loop hum, 1theretherheknomtttimf-i. Many tte'1tamoeetutrthintftrmn tttterrimttoaperfeeto. mtgtntt_meteSttoer'tFttttgr- "the". Batman-amen magmwk.fortheydidn'tuketbe 'theeofwtteatwtticttwassetnttttnt WINNER, l mu or IBilt AGED "lillitll$lf" gm. R. Southern attended a miscellaneous shower given by her daughter, In. James Nelson, in honor of her "bin-kw In. Lharlis Nelson, formerly in: El- "lra nus. My -tts wen 9"?th and the bride received some beaumul and new tfsftp. After the Fifts.had been opened a delight- 2,niiv,eii,ijii was TS, playing 'Ti ed. E a bullet uncheon was My. spent the 'larutpr',',',rg; tttttttsis. Mr. and Mrs R. E. - "'" fPer.n yawn." ..-- at thee home of Mrs. George qrith y spend)!" several dliJEeeler of Highland Park, Thursday. "Mm "ater, in Andreroi, at, The my Aid of St. Paul: ter .Lelre, lichim She Iihantreliea1 church met " the mm'mbyw'mwwhomorxnn H.Willman on with her Slater and family by tu-b'l'hundny Moon with Ill-Hm. hnllill. wu-d Bum: and Mm. Fred or- Beenue of the rain, the chnmh'enberzerumishnthom m L'.t?ttyftiurriAi M.riLArririJAGCGirdnutrtster, ',t1trt9trc, Thee wilt be the mm " M:- Avian-I- In Beyond that. comm (even of the unbiased) my trend on 'tnrttatut toea. Yet there ere eel-tun obvious differences which my ogtert-minded observer must recognise. Smith has more papal" person- ality than Mqttteer. Hoover he: more "ch-I." A: . result, the Demon-tie gamu- Mottvernrirtappearnattte-rtrt 'mtaidesaettvtties--mrtt9eotrttntt,ete. Mta.8Mtttttqrtttptnrtttereeoettte Winn _ Ithrovnderuuuoloncmby Mr.ttmttttntr-tgterertterttte d. pan for James LG; - '""" Dirt-file My ewmk A"?! m6 tiiciiiir"gi.7il'ilfrs()Til the R. E. 8mm Cull 'ltl'lef. Mr. and In. Raymond Bristow of Evanston, were entertained Sun: (than 9.te home of It. Ind Mrs. " , lune. ur' Mr. and Mn E. Mitehell and Kiss my" Canes. Mr. and In Marry Parker, of chin", and Mr. .i,iiil Mm. R.erett Rouse ate Sunday dim. W "'34s. Emma ling. Mr. et,,',,',',','-."?,',',,')! hare m 'iu,"iii-'l n t States. It thmueh the Eastern. Out West. Aug. 1-11 Hubert Hoover and AI Smith. i-ttste 'trea- taertttsuneoenie_Mxtugtttto- "ttseranplettIheerumtttatttt 'iroutdpuuouthtgtttnetretgsasantt date will amounts! the moat'pan. beforethepeoplelndh'ectcampalzn. The Republican nominee will stress ttaetrpoeettstatemestttodstusdradio. mom? Bencefa'th Smith (Mfellowand well met) will be painted in quieter eoioesttttutthateinwttietttt-l1r is dubbed; Hoover (austere and re- served) will be colored in warmer hteliudtueirniriiuuGiiruG." 'tte9t_ttPal1r.iemtsur"arou"trett the live sheets. Mia pupa: at gun Pered,trmxtthsmmide--rtapersfot" have bowl". mad and thrown any. Wen-nu ttndtgesoe humanism Mmitttqemgdt-enine+ wont "ttetnekrardotthe New York delegnttdet " the woven iheymed). Thermoverttnmrisn potieef-lrta'trtgtttesnitt?Pt. three granocnuunm. The candidates are not!) at hum- ble origin. Bnettttnamndethegrade tothetopnotetttKtttispartrttrdtnt of personal "ttte-n. Both m accredited with ttetettt the strmtet standard-bearers what; could have eamrtattrnttaemtthem. tpe 1100an forceswm havetomtch their tt-tr--Nrtherett-erttee-- ttttmtdtsttnetivetntherstttreotttsetr! ion: both have hounds which they never kick around and could!" u dun. the Democratic atdetightts (m he draws the line " m tables for publicity). ThetMtithtetetirtqdmmtaevideneed by the rerrtratned_ttett"iee at the Mr. taxi?! 1 My Wt r. Itqelrentteh,_at C Mr. inbover has any!" a'fi'iii"r; Jay. a? - -- -ia, after that. other great pemoemb- warm-law and We millenn- then: while 60m tMttttt Ml tttree sons. three dimmers. a son- in-law. two dsttgttters-tn-Mw and three crandehildren. Bottttheseevoluuoettttttree+ begun. TheHooverehnmtettetnget {acted by me tad more photo: ButAttovermngethavetorest lumen cortisone"; w} ' 'ttnity Can-who- Then if the talk switchqd to cm}: no"... Southern atended . 1 Y tetfot Iesea Lamock DIAMOND LAKE . as. JGE 7sGGi' - "a h van entertained Suni iiiruii/,'r Frieikie" 'Reeds and Mud' home of It. and Mrs. "rrrlrartez, "Ugh-{he Years from e. e . filoottyhdrtr---uCHitra "Now East In. E. Kitchen and Mus Now Westa-Erta, "Red Rust"---' Te, Mr. and In Harry non. Chat". and Mr. and. Mr. and Mrs. E. Brennan and t Rouse ate Sunday din- ,son, Edward, Mr. and Mrs. fair. yrs, Emma Hills. Mr. Ender have returned from I ' ., Iiteheii have just iuGiTiiid were Mr. and In. Brennan no trip through the Baum sited an uncle while Mr. and Mrs. M . lander visited their niece, Mrs. L. a 'tcurio, nuns visitedlA. Dondnnville. igtxrrtenegnrte,rnt the hu- I fll girth Lea?,'.""",", ',t,r,'te - - ') hi was turd: ' ugus , ---.'-----""--. _ii,':iietu', Deedold rli,'iri'iii,ri,,ti, Ate, EXPECT BIG CROWD , v. it concert on and: Jfl1 when the following Program of I AT THE STATE FAIR "1qu W?! eyitel; - - '44:; AL- .__-_u___ 4..-- 2- ._:LL -_-- Ohio, who with his family is visit- intrinpeertutdudyrhaFoCthe tsereiee Sunday morning in the Ev- angelical Bungalow church. Sunday, |August 12 the services will be in charge of hen A. J. Bras. l Mrs. A. H. Muhlke is visiting her noisier, Mrs. Sarah Vetter in Aus- Mules. E. L. Clavey, Harry Claw. ey, B. H. Knees, Star Willman, Eu- gene Butler and Mites Clara Ender wen among the my abridge Following is 'a list of new rental books recently received at Deerfield Public Library: "HoteV'-Bowen-- "Quiet Set/fa-pie,',',",?,'?,',','.' "As- heitdon,,--W. & angham, "His Eiixatsdih"--Thane--"Dautthtem of India," Wilson "Winter-on"-- Walpole, "Disralh"' Mauroitr-- "Great Detective Stories" Wright--- "Chicago in Seven Daru---Dntrg, "So You're Going to Rome," Lau- ghlin. "Nevadi'-Cttrwood, "Chang- {ng Itoyd_s'1 MchraQI, fold . an! "vii'ssviiiril'liv'lidrch has returned from Washington, D. C., where she spe_nt_ Jser. vaejition,.of teo weeks. I . Mr. Harry Baum, of Hazel Ave., who underwent an operation at the Highland Park hospital last week has returned to his home. Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Fritsch visited their daughter Helen Mary at Grove Camp Green Lake, Wis., Tram. - A. . . . . Mrs. James Barrett entertained her sister and family of three child- m cm the week end while en- route from Duluthi Minn., to their new home in Cleve and, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. James Murray, of Central Ave., are spending two weeks in Atlantic CityAN. J. - - The program committee of the Wilmot Parent-Teacher Association met at the home of Mrs. A. Torbet on__leay_ ,fte.moott. . -ir%itrttt Barenberger is on a two weeks motor tour with friends thrqutrhpeadgc, " - . . _ "rigid if." Getty, of Central Ave., was hostess to a bridge party at her home op, Friday, nfteryoon. _ . for a term a one year. Richard N.l Mrs. Walter and son, of Miami, Farmer, president, Harry Wing,i Florida, and Miss Hazel Merrill, of vice-president, C. M. Christensen,' Forest Glenn were dinner guests of secretary, W. A. Woods treasurer.' Mr. pnd Mrs. G. H. Miller, Satur- After some discussion it was deeid- day. ed to allow the present board to As a part of the educational; home continue with the management of beautification movement, flower gar- the library until January first 1929' deners of Bannockburn will c at which time all properties, books, their grounds to the public F113; etc., will be of t,em,,ti1P'tit of and Saturday from 2 to 6 p. m. The West Deerfield To ip Li rary] following owners gardens will be Association. The following list of! opened to Visitors: William Aiken, books which should be read by all I R. W. Farmer, A. W. Torbet, K. T. children before they are sixteen has Lowler and C. C. Brackett. Guides been compiled by the Bureau of furnished and the fifty cents Education of the Interior Depart- admission collected from each visitor mentatWaahintrton,_D,G 11tirt,t6teeA,tvitotledlrPttt "Little Women," "Robinson Cru- school Parent-Teacher Association m-" "'NnrUwood Tales." "Uneie ' " Deerfield. WA. Caupert and Wm. Woodin spent Saturday and Sunday with the Rubo family of Evanston and visited Mooseheut on Sttitday. Mr. and Mrs. Sorby, of Diamond, Lake returned lest week from a: three months' trip to Copenhagen, Denmark. They entertained a large! number of people " a picnic from; the Danish Church of Chicago on Sundayf Four motor busses' brggght_ Ale truett,tufroqt the eity.Y The first meeting of the West 1tgttkf,tttip Public Library Board s held last Wednesday evening. Dr. W. B. Hetcalf presi- dent o the Deerfield Public Library, milled as temporary chairman. following officers were elected for a term o one year. Richard. N. Farmer, president, Harry: Wing, vice-president, C. M. Christensen, secretary, W. A. Woods treasurer. After some discussion it was dead- i,idtf'litvueo1tt',, was cleared last! wee a e ca part . the Community Club. y tr1ven byi To FA Mr. and Mrs. William Buesching of Mundelein, called Thumda eve- mug} kti2t" of Mr. 'fl'lf Mrs factu red in aiTr'iirt2, s fates Gerhard Nobbe's wife and small in" and in their mm i'lA1'2 son, of .Holland, amved last week. i,'eth, one-half ot the world's an- 2t7 ..wu.l make their home on the (eel output of tin is consumed. The Col! thtriryt Fyrm, where the form- ifmerican tin can is pmmy the best ."u-\ it..." " ---q---_ 'Lwnnhmut er is employed. . l Miss Alice Rendel returned to her', home last week from the Teachers', Normal School at Dekalb, where] she spent the summer. She will teach m lows the coming year. The} Reidele live where the Havens form- l erly lived. . A number attendyd the Old Time Dance Friday cumin: at Resthaveg Stables. Mr. and rs. Emil Was- Ber, of Diamond Lake, won second place in the Old Time Waltz. Mr. and Mrs Fred Poulson, of Zion City, spent Sunday with Mr. an_d_Mrs. 999m .Heimohn. - A have charge of the little folks. Wat- ermelon will be sold to help defray the coat of pqpipment. The" um; of _..- iiGL 11513833 is -aaiGrif,"it Chicago, apem: the week end at the Cassius ' ason home, "fir. and Mrs. Bert" Persons, of DesPlaines visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clif) "Little Women," "Robinson Cru- soe," ',,"Jef,tgg,e, Tales," "Uneie Remus," " demn's Fairy Tales," "Jungle Book," "Aliee in Wonder- land ' "Mans. III-n4. " "In '7 Thelma Clift is t"thi2t,i, cou- sin, Lillian Schlagel, of sPlaines. Rev. s. PM _ ot, Clgvelqu. Pa-iGiriiiire nnd Grar--Dalbey. March" and Stripes forever. Star Spangled Banner. Russell Patterson I Waltz, Blue Dagteher--atrattsa. Much, Quality P1mt--Jewtll. ' Selection: Lucia Di hummer-non VS'eiéciii'gn: iScénes from Opera DEERFIELD is'visiting her! . In the various livestock and ag- 'etter in hus-t'rieultural classes, early entries indi- ' rtttt keen. tttttlt,',',', hetween big " Hazel Ave., lists of. high c ass specxmens. (FMS eration at the " particularly true in the airy tat last week cattle classes. The new dairy cattle tome. buildings have attracted many dairy Fritsch visited herds from distant states that have Een Mary gt.wn championships in some of the Lake, Wis., nation's greatest cattle tshows-auch (til the Seam-Centennial " Philade- t tntertajtttd,'pltif, and e National Dairy Shows of three child- 1 of _recent years. _ - T Mr; Richard Kresa spent the week end in Champaign, III. A large number ofoDeerfUldem at- tended the" Northbrook day celebra- .tion"held on Saturdny despite the "he h every indication that the" Illinois state Pair of 1928 oAugust " to 25, will he . LG7iCi,iciri'i7; Stillman J. Sunni. director of the ricnlture, observes, after checking .over as!" cattle: and arrange- ments. e grounds are in the best Icondition they have ever been to accommodate the immense attend- I once we expect." l Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Meyer, oof iChestnut St., entertained " dinner 5Sunday, Mr. Harry Norton and Miss Eleanor Meyer of Harvey, Ill. .Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Anderson and daughter, Dorothy Jean, of Deer- Meld, were included among the lguests. ' I. Mr. Arthur Kress returned from Lyndhurst, N. J., where he has spent the past month with his "rrpther,f1trr1 Km". _ ___ _ saved countless lives in tropical lands {when cows cannot live, because it nukes one ot the most valuable diets 'for them and 1331mm indispensa- 'ble in some diseases. When one gets (beyond the frontiers of refrigeration Ithe tin can ranks with'the greatest tere, item of commerce throughout the world and plays a big part in lAmeriea's prosperity. according to a ibulletin Just issued by the American Research Foundation. I "A tin can is only about 2 per cent tin," says the bulletin. "A tin can is in reality made or sheet tron, rolled thin and immersed in a hath of mol- ten tin. This tin comes mostly trom the' Straits Settlements. Malay Archi- pelago. and Bolivia. "manufactured into tin cans and [tiNet with foodstuffs and oils and 'other products, it gm out to all the Mvorld, to tropical Jungles, to the :frozen north. to the Siberian wastes, Ito the deserts of Alrica. . Park, 111?, and Mr. Charles Moyer of 6Tucson, Arizona, and Chico's: guests of Miss Amelia Peterson, ursdsy. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Deitz and daughters Ruth and Ethel," of IMundelein, IIL, were callers at the (Peterson home. . At-ttt the many indications of an exceptionally successful state fair this Ken, the officials report that for t e first time in recent years, all-exhibit space in Machinery hall was taken several weeks before, the opening of the fair. Space in Winery Field, arid _even_ 1n the added' atisa set hide for that ill"- pose, has :11 been allotted to ex ib- ltors. The entertainment program work- ed out by the fair officials offers many attractions that, through their wide variety, are sure to please, the audience. .- savers at life known to science-." MANY TINS tt Til Fill LANDS Mr. Grant Simpson Ward. of Webster Grove, Missouri, and Mrs. B. J. Dickens were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reic- helt, Fridsx._ _ -- u - - "If the weather man is 't Our Mftto F "Quality Coal for the Home" John (ik Horst. t Phones LiLsrtrviiie 679-M-l and 754 » J, We have installed a new modern scale assuring you of honest and awirate weight at all times. Quality But don't wait to fill your bin with our MnllEMiilIillllnll?t, ' Yes! Q, COAL THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1923 construction fund. de artment of he works and 1'il'llf,'t'l','l' meow at the sale. Governor Small hats signed the bonds and as soon as they ve been signed br the secretory of state and auditor, they'will be taken to New York by Mate Treasurer Garrett D. Kinney, and ntterhe "ixetshirtritr. nature the money ,riirtte paid to the state tut4treettmta4tart of the road Used No Sale" Rea-r Bagher--"You any you lave been here before? I don't seem to remem- begmyqur "gait _ - . races are now 'i'lf% v mute an; all will ti tre fltiiindt'ttt races, wit entries open pntil the day before the 'ttlute m all probability, draw a like' of starters. More running bones are racing in Illinois the season than ever before, and the State Pair always attracts Its share. . Chicago, will map; the grandstand from Sunday to .nday inclusive, both afternoon and evening. The f,tr,1Prte"1 Watch Factory band will p ady the horse show engagements an will furnish music between auto goes on the opening day, August Entries in the automobile races, now received, assure fast fields in 11}! events, and there remains staple time for more to enter. The early closing harness was all have in. abundance of nominations hated. and enough for. the jute cloegng An array of high class bands from various sections of the state have been engaged to furnish music itor the fair. Frank Park', orchestra, ot Tayhrrville American Legion band and the band from Tovy will (guy Monday. Taylorville, Girard om- munity Band, and Montgomery County American Legion band are scheduled for Tuesday. The Mont- S'llefi,7 countK band, AtT High hool band t e the Q. W. urp y Band of 1i'airfield will play Wednes- day, "Veterans' Day." healed up now " m wntery "w Cureu lulu-h and cuddly relieves Bum nodule- all Dini- neu due to human WI. Aids in eliminating Tui- and in highly cum-ed for .extdesehtq coli- Thursday, "Illinois Day," of the fair, will bring together the follow- ing material organizations. The Goodman Regimental Band, Kan- kakee Soil Crops Band, Pekin Muni- cipal Band, the Quincy High School Aggregation and the Fairfield Band. These organizations, along with the Frank Parks orchestra, in massed formation in front of the grandstand, affords one of the great- est musical treats of the seasork On Friday, Farm Bureau "br, Pekin; Kankakee, Spring Valle and the Goodman Regimental bang will furnish music. arm Bureau lead- ers say they "my upset the records this year, and cause Friday to be bigger in attendance than "Big Thursday." _ _ _ __ . .' "iiGriiiiturxian August 26, closing day of the fair, the Spring Valley band will interspem selections bed The ftt,ttri'l,t, of public works and bull ings, division of biggeog recently sold a. block of $18 , worth of state highway bonda for $12,514,600. This represents a rate of 896.266, or an interest yield on the bonds amounting to 4.225 per cent. The bonds were 4 per cent serial bonds with maturity ram- 'T,', 1949 to 1958, inclusive. our you , representing a large number of ti: leading finnneiat in. stitutions of the country, partici t- ed in the public auction hiding which was concluded on the eighty- fifth bid. Various state odious were either present or re resented, end Cornelius R. 'wtLr,Tl'l'l'f't'frl of die tween the auto faces. $13,000,000 OF ROAD BONDS SOLD viitim--"Protrrbrr not. It's all IgBEItrYYII,1ll SHOE STORE Kaiser Bldg. Charles Jam Save money. 'Buy a new pair of men's ox- fords Men's Oxfords _/i' he Best Made 666 a? ting. Running soon thisteafttsr as the busiiaess of the Court will Permit. All persons rhsseirG--, s n Akita-Ghana G, ain't. Special Assessment No 53, the Ordinance for the same _titji, on file In the office of the Village C erk of said Village, and the said Village hlwine applied to the County Court of Lake County, Illinois, for an assessment of the,costs at said im- provement, according to benefits, and an 9mment thegefor having, been desiringe'may file objections in said Court fore said-day and may ap- the hearin and make their defense. Said 013m ce provides for the collection of said assessment m ten annual installments with an- nua. interest at the gate or six per cent per annum. PNiid, at Mundelein, I11r11ois_tltis made and returned to said Court, the final hearing thereon will be had on the 25th day of August, A. D, 192_8, at _10 o'eloelr a, m_., or as, Notice is herebti'given to all ger- eons interested t the Presi ent and Board of Trustees of the Vil- lage of Mundelein, County of Lake and State of illinois, ltaving order- ed the construction of a local im- Provement consisting of a connected gystem of water mains, etc., in EYMOUR AVENUE in the Vil- lagehof #pn4elein, Illinois, 7 - 8th da of A _ t," A. D. 1928. IOHN E ROUSE, The person appointed to make said assessment. -. -u--L-L-- I 8th 1taonf August, A D. 1928. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE DIAS RUSSELL, Notice is t,Pt'iUtr"trg to all tg,; l The person appointed to make nil eons interested t the Presi ti stasiemenul assessment. and Bond of Trustees of the Village B. H. er, Attorney . 62-64 - , ' _.__,_____________ . l. Notice is hereb iven to all r- SPLCIAL ASSESSMENT" NOTICE?sons interested this? the Presiggnt Notice is herebé given to all per- ;and Board of Truafees, of the Village sons interested . at the President l sf of Lake and and Board oCTrtutees of the ttlr/State of ylinoy, having ordered the loge of Mundelein, County of Lake ; construction of a local improvement and State of Illinois, having ordered eontritrting of sewers in Courtland the construction of a local improve-., Street and other streets, and outlet ment consisting of a connected sys~ , sewer .and sewerage treatment tem of sanitaréN sewers, etc., in'mt: 1n the Village of Mundelein, SEY.U0URAV UE in the Village , e County, .lllinois, assessment of Mundelein, Illinois. We. 7, and having ordered a supple- Special Assessment No. 64, . mental assessment to provide for the the Ordinance for the same bung'ideficiency. m the cost of said im- on file in the office of the Village movement, Clerk of said Village, and the said; Supplemental Special Assessment Village haying agplied to the Court-' . No. 46 tr Court of La e County, Illinois the 9rd1nance for the same beimdon for an assessment of the costs of i, file in the. office of the Village Clerk said improvement, according to of said Village, and the said Village benefits, and, an assessment therefor havmi applied to the County Court havin been made and returned to ' of La e County, Illinois, for a sup- saio Court, the final hearing there- 1 plemental assessment of the costs of on will be had on the Mth day of and improvement, according to ben- August, A. D. 1928, " 10 o'elock a. ) elite, and an assessment therefor m., or as soon thereafter as the busi- '; haying been made and returned to ness of the Court will Permit. Alirtra.ty Court, the final hearing thereon grams" tgetty, fl e tt'f't't , will be had on the 25th day of Aug- said Court are said r andlust, A. D. 1928, at 10 o'clock a. m., "llllL'l pear at the hearing audior as soon thereafter as the busi- ma 'tre'l'n,'l',m,d Said ordiynnttine" of theCourt will Permit. All provides for the collection of said l. persons desiring may fi e objections assessment in ten annual install-inn said Court before said day and ments with annual interest at the) may appear at the -..h.tatimt. and SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE B. H. Miller, Attorney. meats with annual interest at the rate of six 4,'li, cent per mum. Dated at undelein. Illinois, this 8th a; of Again A. D. 1928. orm ROUSE. . The person appointed to make said assessment. B. B. Miller, Attpmey . Phone 90 We've spent several years mixing these two commodities-and the result has been. beneficial. o Is the one sure way to make your business grow. No matter how great the brain power be- hirid an undertaking its course is limited with- out the help. of printers' ink to broadcast its merits. _ _ iihe 1littftt (Emma; . Emmet Mundelein, Ill. All parts and labor: bought in our shop carry the same guarantee as the parts and labor on any new car. . lie Countryside Motors J. E. LEONARD, Mgr. We have something you are looking for. Guaranteed Automobile Service 111 CHURCH STREET- Pts "and to the County Court of e unty, Illinois, for an assessment of the costs of said im- provement, accordin to benefits, and an assessment gel-cf" having been' made and returned to sai Court, the final hearing thereon M be had on the 25th duly; of August, A. D. 1928, at 10 o'eloe a. m., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will Permit. All persons desiringemay fi e obieeti ions in said Court fore said day and may ap- pear at the hearin and make their (lefense. Jiai4 01%:er provides for the collection of said assessment in ten annual installments with an- nual interest at the rate of six per cent per annum. Dated " Mmdelein, Illinois, this 8th day of August, A. D. 1928. RALPH ROUSE, t The person appointed to make said assessment. B H. Miller, Attorney; of Mundelein, County of Lake and State of Illinois, having ordered the construction of a local improvement consisting of the Tttis and 8'llii mg of NORTH LAK SH RE D IVE AND other streets in the Village of Mundelein, Lake County, Illinois, Special Assessment No. 50, the Ordinance for the name being on file in the office of the Village erk of said Villgge, nnd_the_said Village SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE ma a pear at the hearing end maze LL31- defense. Said Or inance 'ggtltur, the collection of tte up assessmen in ei t annual installments with annual, in- terestattherateoftrixpereentper mum. Dated, at Mmdelein, _Illi_noig,jhis gtLteientLttrs Libertyville, Ill: Phone 103. a Iron BALE--4 mom modern ban.. plow in Mundelein. 81,000 down, Nance $85 per month. WA. Ray, Mundelein. Phone 462-R Commander. C. C. Kathi - 86-) Meets First Tuesday - Grid!" Ball WANTED-Hear from owner good farm for sale. Cash Raise, parti- culu's. D. F'. Bush, . muons, Minn. 53-8t. FOR RENT--4FUt at 122 Austin FOR RENT-aaree bedroom at 227 FOR RENT-Bedrooms at 118 New- berry Avenue. 61-2t-pd. WAN'rED-To rent small house, furnished or unfurnished in Lib- ertyville or Mundelein.<£all Lib- C ertyville 207-W. 62-2t-pd. FQR "LEi---'Meriter prith n51.1- FOR SAhE--Pord coupe in excel- lent° condition. '100.00 cash or terms. Por information see A10 bert Hagerty, 312 Broadway or phone Libertyville 21. 68Att. FOR SALD--Live or dressed ehiek ens. Phone Libertyville 460-W, FOR "LE-Real Estate HERMAN A. SCHWERlL 206 Jluttlt ht'" . e, Telephone 147-11. FOR RENT-Double page. semi " per mo. Inquire 121 First Street - or phone Libertyville SIG-M. F--"' FOR tiAVir-rYietrol, any sixty FOR i1ALE-cueumliem for pickl- ing, etc. Also otharo vegetables. Ray v. Moss, Wheeler Road, Lib- ertyville. Phone 659-W-2. FOR SALE-a Maxwell Roadster, 1924 Model in good condition, which I will sell for a reachable offer. Call evenings after 6 P. M. except Sat. or Sun. Alfred H. Lueke, Prairie View, Illinois, Rt. 2. 61-3t-pd. FOR SALE-Hoover Vaetram M: er, Trimm Loud speaker and bed. R. J. Ennis, Molidor Bldg., 221 S. Milwaukee Avenue. FOR "UG-a Ford-on tractor with plow, 2 horses and 1 wag-on. Ralph Hubcap, Prairie View, 3 mi. west of Wheeling, 2 mi. west of Ralf Day. Phone Liber- tyville 647-J-l. 62-2t. FOR RENT-Light housekeeping NR SALE--? cook stores, 3 heat- en, " linoleum mp, lot of pails. pots and pans, lot of shovels. WILL ttELL-l Thermiodyne radio _ and loud speaker, $65.00; 1 pho- nograph and records, $35.00. I need the money. Call Liberty- viue m4. 62-2t-pd. First Street, Libertyvélle. Phone 421J. M-tf. Avenue. dard keyboard" Phone 130. rooms. Phone tibertrvil1e 358-1. 61-1t. " RENT-live room apartment. Also office or store room in Mun- delein. Phone 557-R. 62-6t-p'i. " RENT-.2 rooms and bath furnished for light housekeeping. Heat, electricity, gas for cooking. Inquire we Newberry Avenue. Phone Libertyville 460-11. an SALE-white Rock pallets} D. Imam, Winchester Road.l Phone Libertyville 6WW-1., ' g an", nun. "In In: wasp. Ralph Huizenga, Prairie View, Ills., 3 mi. west of Wheeling, 2 mi. west of Half Dar. Phone Lib- crtyville 6474-1. C 62-2t. Ifyounranttotmranrthtntt,ttrtfrrth--e_l' reptorisxehantre,ttrirriryuttu1tr,rriiith-rifi+ columns. Yoihd1iel-i. Thereisnowa eanmaehn-tr_taMe_rr- inwahonntimewutoomfloscd-n-Iy- makerourmutu1rmnmhetm. AWVMW'I. Minimum charge, 25e 6 insertio- fbr 31." Rates: 5c per line per insertion. MISCELLANEOUS -iaaasiltiitsd hilbs FOR RENT _ FOR SALE [Jungian 60-9t-pi. 61-6t-pd 62-2te 62-1t; 62-2f. 60-2t. I walnut-gains.- (driverotne-i_b, 'emmbmhhbh lti.mtttyyrteeH--hle "lengths" Telephom I? SeientiSe I" at I. h DR. 1m0 R. IliianatilNN* Hours may 11' t a. 1:30 to 6:0tt p. I. t12 N. may gig-3. Office hmmu'. Roum:1toS"H_ 'tarid-thh-ot-. 3UtrrMao."lBP1ltAr= ("mum-Id" Barry" Ilutiatt REAL "A" um MNMH* othertiar-hra-iai- DR.0.E.SIIP&IN For the In or By Who wants the Beit LYELL TLN0Rliltltf? STATE BANK Bmutm% In!" I. DR. 1. L TAM It'yndrindrisde-- ill-ind" -M." Noah-V's" I". New Line Men's Priees Benson-He JOHN CIC mr ingandPtemintr. B. BL mun Arrow-nut WM tltlih- PAGESNEN dt.