Mr. and Mrs. Si r and their] ti'gt'ti,rd1t dai', through Inn dun.' Skiing Inch _', with a 334.: 1tttk'tta' in ' the (In. or In. P'8llu'f he, al injury to Mr. . The daughter however was minivan}. They have been employed " the Green New, Everett for some time and Mr. and Mrs. lament: left Indium immediately upon re- eeipt of message. The Parent-Teacher Association of the Wilmot School will hold its first regular monthly meeting at the school, Frid-y evening, Septem- ber 2tst, at 8 o'clock prompt. A health program will be presented with a olayet by three of our mem- bers entitled "W; In." There will be a brief business "ml-"n whieh will he one of in. 'at',tt, The social hour with re- rts),ments." will follow. muA,'ji,.,re.ti.feiiiaC' tf. the. WWW LeRoy Hiya. Son and W" of Chicago" ind Miss Amid!- ml!" nth- erine Sieve! of . Ann Warner "turned to the Ville de, Chantille in Rock Island, Mrs. George D. Richards enter- tained her hmehecn bridge club on Tuesday, Following the busines session. cards and bunco were enjoyed and Mrs. Philip Sway, Jr. won the prize at bridge, m'Minnie Whit- comb It five hundred and Mrs. Vir- ginia Hicks at bunco. Ili assistant hostess were Iiss Lue Kaine. Mines. George Bars jer_. Harry Olendorf, T. Tay or and Auxiliary held their meet- ing at the home of Mrmrost, Monday evening. The president, Mrs. Harry My, who attended the annual state convention held in Waukegan last week gave a splen- did account of the activities. The unit deem to hoid an entertain- ment and Ha11owe'en iance some time in October and Mines. E. Front, Austin Ragga, T. Taylor and Virginia Hicks were appointed on arrangement mmittee. Mr. mull". Joseph You of Lake Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Frost motomd through Wisconsin an! low last week. Miss Florence Gloden returned from .a Win visit with relatives in Minneapolis Sunday. Mr. and In. Albert Frankel: yyl two Miners, Petronellu and Diana. who hue been visiting friends and relatives in Deerfield and Lake Potent for the past by month; dew for their home m Mn. California, Tuesday. Th)? will make the trip by auto. r. and Mrs. Paul Sellout af Games were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marry Muhlke Sunday. Mrs. J. J. Murry of Central Avenue, is visiting relatives in To- lejo, 0hio.__ --. .. "A _ Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Priedlund and detthters,OGrie Jane, and June, will be nki%ne from Deerfield the later part of this month to reside in Rogers Park. Mug Behrens, slaughter of Mr. and rs. Leslie Bahama, of Sams ders. Rd., celebrated her fifth bir- te.o etyierert "Macadam A - motion N William eT.'l)ttjUtgU11lt in" viee of Chtuetseehoitl .113 gtation at 1thatt A. M. Contre.. The Woman'-, Missionary Society of the Deerfietd Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. In Gardner. Thursday and Mrs. Chester Wolf and In. Ann Ihsok new will be "chum Mn. Lawrence Olson, a former clerk " Mr. L. L. Knatk, who has been working for his brother at Wheeling has accepted a position in a _rrutt stqre in Ravinia. Mrs. B. H. Km m hostess at a luncheon bridge at her home on Wednesday. - b Hrs. Minnie Whitcomb spent last week at the home of her son, Geo. Whitcomb, of Barrington. George Whiteomh Jr. underwent a tonsil operathm at the Barrington hospi- tal last week. Mrs. Catherine Elder, Mrs. L. A. Dondanville and infant son, hw- renee Arthur, were guests at the Heeht home 'in Libertyville Wed- neggiay. ___ - Mr. and Mrs. George C. Murdock of Davenport, 18., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Richards. On Wednesday Mrs Richard- and Mrs. Imdock attended a luncheon triveninhoetoroftuiatteratttse North Shore Gulf Club. TM W. t A. manna" held it! fhst meetimt at the school m Tuesday "smug, to discuss ind complete plans for yogi to be sug- xested to the "weapon at its no. ttu1ar meeting on Fndav em;.... iik and Mm W. Hamilton spent Monday in Rockford, ntinou. - Miss Elizabeth Stone of tkmtm.. lia, Mo., is Inching her home with her ('nHRYE.' Mrs. Marry unhlh, while attending the National Kin. fey-("MP College in Evanston. Mr. F. J. Labahn had as her Emits on Friday her sister, Mrs. Jamas F'ukherty. and on Satur- day Mrs. F. J. min), Sn, Mrs. George uhahn and (higher Er. ma, and Mrs. C. Nieber of Evan- ston. The Vom's linionary Society of the Bungalow Church will give a luncheon on W!- 27th. Mm. Punk Rum had as her guests 6!; Sued-y. humane John: "REST"Barry on F Seeo gvegpe. entertained gyms; of by; n". my minivan: odrtetta aftemooih " W y The Deetittd, 4merieay Legion nttrrtek1 MM"! Church I)lli2iRllli'/lliilyll, l Win-o: School P. T. A. meeting on Friday GGiiG invited to attend 'this lou? Pt'.. W1! the e, sehool ei, iiiiiG7. ISC. A large percentage! of children born in the summer and fall safer {from sgme eAteyt, unless I"""'" Aa%ra._.q. W WWI; "Wu", "tum , to the ultra-violet rays. 'um barred from the ultra- ittatUiGit - hi iidi iaiirpriittlt" w1riii.d my,» - them to' revise their If those Libertyville citizens criticize the papers far wigs: It is estimated that over 80 per- cent of Ehat used trt be known Libertyville sewing circles as CDB- tip now [Bases for "Meter In- Ilylis." ' violet rag have beim' foiind to be deBeient vitamin". Frances E. Willard. Her Chaim her home, and the National Head-'1 quarters there will all be of inter; est. Sinee tet,',' 2,r,1u convention" ttl on so near my C field people who on unknown temperance, "Kmhibition, law en- Arettpent, a the real political isittmtion will attend them both nnd jget reliable information on all these rtis now surpass cancer as a cause of death and that cancer attacks peo- ple " a lower general age level than does either of the others. 103 In Lake County "In spite of research work probably unsurpassed in magnitude in the whole history of scientific medicine." said Dr. Rawlings. "the death rate from cancer manifested a disheart- ening vigor last year when it climbed from 104 to 100 per 100,000 people in Illinois. an experience probably-gen- ml throughout the country. Not a single county, city or village in the state eseaped.the blighting intWemte of this vmwelcomed visitor although the rural people fared better with a rate of 91.5 than din their city cou- sins where the rate was 118.2. Rates varied from 42 in Forest Park to 304 in Jacksonville where a number at ' '- institution are located. _ In Lake county the number ot can-; cerdeathsin 122'rrrnettertCtetaior; 103 which was a rate 01:115.? pert cent. "gg Waukegan there were 21 deaths, a rate at Mtt.6 percent. 1 Chickens deprived of the cttltra- violet my are subject to leg weak- ness (tic eta.) Raised in poultry heme. equipped with eehrtr1aaq windows they get the benefits of outdppr light and whine throuttty The annual Convention of the Lake County Woman's Christian gTempennce Union will be held at Lake Forest, Illinois, on Tuesday. October 9th. Morning session be- an: at " o'clock in the M. E. arch. . Pt, State f,it'aft'd. will be held Bun-hon. no October 23-26. Mu m the home #1 the founder of the W30. T. U..- out the you insurin unusually my and iiaG' biz-gs and moré St. Paul's Jilntattretlerl Church F. G. Plenum Pastor Church School .........m... 9:15 a. Services "e.",'""'"'"'"-'"'--- 10:15 a. Choir, Friday ,.w...._..-..".n 7:30 P. On Saturday,. October 5th, the pastor will begin the e6nfirmntiott Instruction. Chillrep from 12 to 14 years old are eligible to the mem- bership of the glass. The class will receive instruction in Bible history, Bible stones, Life of Christ, Hy- mnology and the doctrines'of this nature is " great value to the fu- ture members of the Chumh of Christ. Parents ore kindly request- ed to cooperete with the pastor in tlte_ortranietiott. ot the class. _ comm HA8103 omen menus SPRINGFIELD. Sept " a step nearer toward becoming the greatest of all health problems can- oer last year caused 7.787 deaths tn Illinois. a figure unequalled by past experience and one that marks me end of a. full decade of unbroken an- nual increases in mortality from an: disorder. These tact: are disclosed tn a statistical report made public yet'- terday by Dr. Isaac D. Rawllnm. state ttealttrdireetor, who points out that only heart disease and nephri- Bally my and loll Call Sand-y will be observed on the following t1um)an Oettrber Ttlt, _ _ -- _ l __ We Uxtintd a (maid invitation ta unite in the services and activities of this church. Let us remember that each little until in each local school is a part of a great State Organization and also of a nation-wide movement. We cordially invite all to attend our worship service. To our new citizens we extend a special invita- tion to make the St. Paul's, Evange- Wal Church their new church home. The prognm is first of all our child-welfare and of education. _ What kind of a P. T. A. would our: be if every member Were just like met What kind of work would our P. T. A. do, if every member were like Since our schools have begun w. nother year's work we are once more reminded that it is time for the P. T. A. to again take up its activities for the welfare o the school, the children the- home and the community._ What -kirid of a P. T. we make if every gamut est would take? - real interest take. iiuestions. How much will it hinder the work if some of our members find fault and shirt? How much good an we do this you if every member works with good the"? Answer this fair for your child- ren's aha. And in P. T. A. work a Education in the school, the home and the community for the welfare of the children must be our first consideration. All else is secondary. During the year it is hoped the gamma will take a real interest in . T. A. work and attend the meet- ings. Watch the papers for all in- formation given, and notices of all meetings. Let each one answer the folltwintr.. ftyerties :1. _ _ . The national and State Conirres- ses have Important "grams and plans of work mane; oat and we must fall in line and eo-operate if wergvoull do our part in P. T. A. wo . How strong would the P. T. A. really grow if every parent would ioilrit my? A - _ .. SUMMER CHILDREN Wilma P. T. A. A. would an inter- Bartlett's an: add to No Show an. "mam d. Ptttttt.tttokBaruett'tsrdtutd toNtrwtttttb,aeatNBndS8.Wqeran. LABnughntantutdtrftoCDN- "tertamtnrt,tttenti.tted. Wind Fug-bl! 3. Md:- 'Deera ce. Wan. ©ahNadenpetttwttoaoNaden andwt,ttteets.wd. Lou'ulda. AMCoilinsand intoCiry otH Pk. lil., wd. Lot " hie 2. Ravinia Highlands, pee 36. Deerfield. Mary ll Murdoch and bus co J w l rker and wt, Jt tens, wd Lot 9. iblk 23. z CS. see 21. Benton. John K. Winkler. writing 'R mo- graphical sketch at Raskob in the current issue ot McClure's magazine. reproduces the letter received by Pierre B. du Pont from a. Lockport. N. Y.. pump manufacturer when du Pont was seeking a secretary 28 years ago. It reads: "We. hiave received a letter signed by you requesting information " to the capacity for sttTptrrttthic and. general secretarial work of our err.- ploye, John J. Rashob. Mr. Raskpb KasibeenwithusfortsyearamCr, half. His - is "s a month. In RASKOB EARNED BUT $45 MONTH IN YEAR 1900 W J Mitrortuut H H Una. trs. to C N Ackermazi. wd. Lots 1&de 22 blk 3, and lot q in " 4. Grcveland Park. sec M, Antwan. Lelah Webb to E Q Russell and wt, lt tens, wd. Lot 96. Webb & den. sen's result, sec 16. Wign. , '9 NEW YORK. Sept. 20.--The em. player of John J. Raskob in 1900 paid him :45 a month and believed "that ieabout what he is worth." I(ltl)llPiilll W J Mitroy and H H Umz. as. to C N Ackerman, wd. Lots 15 and 16 blk s, Grovebnd Park, Antioch. CHICAGO. Sept. 19.--Bllly lumen. for whose release Marla extortionttrttt had demanded $00,000 under that: or a. torture death, was released today and returned to hls parents without payment of ransom. F The 10-year-old school child. sewed 13 Rays ago " he returned from srhool. was unharmed. except for a bruised eye. the result. ot a blow ad- ministered by one of _ttlt0idrtatters. approximately " miles south ot Chi- cago. He walked into a mung sta- SEPTEMBER 15. 1928. P P Hudson and wt to W Bettuata- ker and wt, Jt tens. mt. Pt sec 33, Benton. ' o Hook and wt to J A Carlson and wt, , tens. wd. Lot " m ounum sub. sec 13, Grunt. T " bk 2. Sheridan Temee. mu. Union Burying Ground man to I Spanning, nod. Lot A, " IT. Union Cemetery, Wkgn. pic on ot Auto _ Billy, son at A. Prank Ramen, gummy Chicago contractor, had been put out ot u) automftttle by toggmgn Eon m and wt to J B McSann Lot, 1, , and 3. Arthur H Aptels sub. sec 14. Deerfield. W G Venn and wt to W H clen- dlnemwd. Pt1ots22nnd23,blkttt. in Receivers sub BCS. sec 21. Benton. E savanna S R Mayer. wd. "" Lot " and pt lot 53, Webb & Jensen's resub. "an. . "I want to go home: rm Billy Ra- nieri: I've been humped." Janet, 111., police took the boy m custody. ave him food, and com- municated with Chicago police and the elder Ranked. Anna snicker to J Lucas. Lot t, gtrieter's sub. sec 20. Wkgn. wtrBettderxonttndwttoCrr' Grant. wd. Pt lot 30, Highwood. , C P Grunt to W 0 Henderson and wt. tt teps, wd. P: lot so, Highwood. W M Ullrieh and wt to C Kempt and vi. wd. Lot IOS, Beachwood. sec Lots " Ind At, hit " mum's lat nddtoNSttoreturdens.eei9. Four men were in the "immobile. the boy and. Two ot them ti rec- ognized " his ubductors. but e was unable to name the men or to tell where he had been held. except that it was a farm house. C "They kept me in a. corner ot a room in the house." he said. "The windows were covered. I don't know Where it was but were were in the automobile about half An hour before they put me out, They gave the ten dollars and told me to go home to m" dagidy." Paragoric, ' Teething Drops 'ii/Cu,,,.,,,,..,,,,,,,-"" {ad Soothing Syrups, ape F (tally prepared for Infants in irms and Children all ages. roa,,,anast-,at,mruo.tse-aLkot ttwgliiak 1'tersdir,,tstia,eae2qs,ttett= thildren Cry} Real Estate Transfers Lake (loupty Title Trust company Abstract of Title lt ttif FREE recommended by Sterling Bunnell. du Pont's mechimieal engineer. who knew him personally. Du Pont decided to take a chance. Vice President In Six teen Six years' later the "865 I month clerk" was a. "vice president of the gigantic du Pont minimum in- terests; by 1914 he was seven! than: a. millionaire. TM" Butch is cred- ited with multiplying the du Pout for- tunes many told. making no million- aires through his guidnnee at Omen) Motors' 'tnaneea, and building hill burn fortune to the ttnit-tttttit-ttttlar RaaeotrattetsnirmgutotttteDem. ocratic Nations! Committee end teen- erally regarded as heir to the was orttiettiitJudgeaitopohmrnasn for American industry, is pickled tn a concise. graphic my by the Me. Clure's writer, His voice is so low the: (may, even in newspaper interviews. be cen- not be hand 3cm" 1 small room. mpotntititttitrtamt1rMe1ere?ttu the inspiration tor his money-making career. "A man with a Inge family must have an income to much." he says. A bear with beautiful silvery- grey fur which rivals that of the silver fox, so popular with women, is the glacier bear of Alain. n bru- in which 1u0lf',',','f,',", all other mem- bers of the " nus" family in Am- erica for eye appeal. It is not only "ehie," but petite being renresen~ tative of the smallest We: of bear found on this 00112th A group of these glacier been mounted in a scene mmducin in exact detail their natural tdTd near Yakutat Bay, Alan, we: re- cently opened to the public at Field Museum of Natural . History. the cinnamon .bear. The bear my venture upon the but it lures. mainly" in th skirting their edges, Dr. He loves music and tries to my the organ in his home in an amateurlsh. stiibdtngered my. His frequent et. torts at sons ls called " thing at desolation," . His hobbies are the development Gl the Delaware rural school ttgatean and the solution of New York's tram: problem." He plays tennis " night, on an electrically lighted court, tr The group shows an old female with, three cubs. The mother. with one of her cubs beside her, lies on. the rocks taking her mid-day rent. The other two who are seen at play nearby, Ott' a rockstmn (ttt overlooking a glacier stream comes down from the mot-him. which are seen in the background. The gale!" haghpgogktrt: species, his a co r commoner black bear, according to Dr. Wilfred, Osgood. cantor of 'poltttty.,rt, elotte {swan-hi: with an old overweight. the back bear is indicated In In fact that occasionally' both that and grey are fqnnd atrMgt , the same litter of curbs, Dr. gland states. It habits at" identiead with staff. It habits as identinl at); tho A of tle pit-Ck bear, M It. ALASKAN BEAR IS SILVER FOX RIVAL thosh of the bitch bear, which in Another widely iguana _golor_btpe. "a..- waltz-m." iév-Ibde'g-Ienmumgz ttrmeia,tmiee ml" HILL'S. "Mme. mm qgdttegettat-rmi.mii. Em. C-ra-Br-ic-tttttiii-d THERE is nothing that . adds comfort to _a bong: like perfect plumb- ing. We're here to serve you-with advice or ser- viges---step in. Modern plumbing in full measure T Brings to mortals great- est plenum. br - "in. F,f,,', Mic-name "Um enmonai" in} honor of 001. F. S..Emmons; who obtained the figtst Information 3-, bout it while swaying the abori- zilles at the__Alaska_n gout. . V . I Tiaigtiat - "ii "isen tty " 1865 I? the mum naturalist, Dr. W - liam B. Dall,_.§_nd given the Ireiety. The mounting of the animals, and creation of the setting in the tu'ltl','Urt'rf' are the work of C. 4. Alb t; tg number of the mus- eum mt: artist. The speciments were obtained from a hunter living There is immediate need for re- lief in the West Indies following the dervaqthttt hurricane of last week and the American National Red Cross has appealed for voluntary contribu- tions to the relief program, accord- ing to James B. Form, In, chair- Ipan of Chicago chapter, of the Red "The Red Cross has given 850,- 000 and dispatches expert disaster relief workers to Porto Rica," Mr. 2'a'e, said. "Tons of foodstuffs. cl ing and wtgplies have" also been shipped to e islands. Howev- er this is only a small start since the preliminary survey male in the island! show need cf a large relief fund such has been the heavy loss- es in life anl property! _ to tr,','rl,f workers and supplies to the ief of the sufferers. Contributions to the relief fund Show he gut to thcggo,_Mr. For- RED CROSS AIDS WEST INDIANS President Coolidge on Saturday requested that the Red Cross take charge of the relief program in the lab-nix and at the same time plae- ed at the organization's disposal any and all navel craft ytecesery Puss dispatches say two men ttttMet very near being hit by a Win shark. But they drin't say whether it was the oil or real estate variety. The two_unfortunates whose ev- ery idle word is used against them an the prisoner and the candidate pn said. They will thén'be trans- erred to Washington in a lump 'Reliablg Landry & Dry Cleaning 'Co. . - mum in ms Highland Park; an. All parts and labor bought in our shop carry the aameguamnteeaathepartsandlaboron any liiii, Countryside Motors _ _..' 2bLstoorwri'" k, '. Tw .,.. @dégt/ J. E. LEONARD, Mgr: We have something. you are looking for-- Guaranteed Automobile Service. We all for your bundle . . . and return it to you . . . frammly fresh and invit- ingly clean. A" like . . . for more pleasant duties . . . shopping, motoring, picknicking. For no more than it now cost: you in actual drudgery and money, we will do our washing . . . banishing the worry, {other and wearineu which must fol- low when you have it done in your own FUR whole days, to d ith like . o . for more ',,'fe',l'd',,T'f211of CALL LIBERTYVILLE 290 Chrysler Dealers. Household goods, hardware, blan- kets, coats and shoes. Livestock One family cow, 7 young shouts, chickens. Hay and Grain C 1,000 bushels oats, 300 bushels blue ribbon spring wheat; 150 bushels barley; 20 tons baled timo- thv ur, 10 ton straw; 15 acres of hill and drill corn. V Miscellaneous 15 new oil stoves; 50 rues; 15 new Hot Blast heaters; 5 cook stoves; 50 pails of stock and poul- try food: 100 milk pails; 50 granit water pails; 400 baking pans; 200 pie tins,' M) aluminum masters; 300 granit and -tin was; 100 hammer. axe and pick handles; 500 assorted brushes; 5 tool chests; hatchets; screw drivers; butcher knives; cleavers; 200 pairs shoes; big lot of bathing suits, shoes. sweaters. gloves; 200 pounds, of dry peas; lot of harness oil; 4 new milk cans: wagon wrenches and poles: 15 Ford heaters; set good usel harness; lot of collars owl parts; 2500 ft. new hay rope: 50 new long handled shovels: lot of new winter inetos- urea: Fordson tractor, with plow; Ford truetr: Ford touring. TERMS: Cash. No nroperty to be removed until settled for. Septenber M, 1928, on Milwaukee avenue, 8 miles north of Wheel- ing, 2 miles south of Half Day. RALPH HUEZENGA & SONS September 26, 1928, Ralph Hue- zenga and Sons will sell at public an: ion on Milwaukee avenue, 3 miles north of Wheeling, 2 miles south of Half Day, commencing at 12 sharp. . As this is ' large line of goods, sale must start on time, " all stock must be sold, regardless of cost. Come early. Why is it people 'always believe what others say about you quicker than they believe what you say a- boat rourselft 'r, At any rate, little triris of today who wear short hair don't know the agony that comes from having a mother combing out the tangles. Phone 103." POR RENT-Phe room apt. with FOR RENT-BY owner, stone and flat. Reasonable rent. William 9yrber, Libertyville. Phone I". FOR RENT-Light housekeeping rooms. 317 2nd St. Phone 3584. 'iledliilgiid ENT-e 'e,f,g"it,rut1t rooms. .. - way. Phone Libertyville "th l FOR REN'r-ihmiahed room for one or two persons. Board if de- sired. 108 lst St. Phone Liberty, ville 3114. TI-tf. FOR REN'r--Ftuetished rooms. one double and one 'tte room. 2 blocks South of e ectric station on Lincoln Ave. P1imut, Lib. 808- M. 7l-tf. 2ti'iiiikii' FOR 1fei'i,iut', stoves, in tine tr,rt',t "539% "'3'" _ oven r wn mower, min board, clothes, wring- er, kitchen utensils, electric tou- ter, book use. davenport, square stand. hall rack, mirror, anode, ri'gihg'rta'1'g,'t cqunfs, bed- mg n r o new pillitts., of". o. ml", _21:3 FOR SALE-Real Em HERMAN A. scam" 206 Jr. 1nok Avenue- FOR trALB--4htertmbe" for pads.- ' ling, tomatoes and other vegeta- bless. Ray Moss, Wheeler IM., Libertyville. Phone 06947-2; -. FOR SALE-AT bleeding 1 ram, at $12.50 each; nun Police puppies, at 88.00. Phone choni l Earl Davis, Wauconda, F03 - tLAI1E-tRetriateped . - mmm FOR trALE--rreater and cook Move; _both in, good condition. Ill, Net 'Y, SALElTbDining room table undl churn, m We, eodeh, , 'dmuer, book case 2 ii'ttieligi' swuh tubs, copper smiler, Ttttrd wall-board. dishes. Com E. 1111.; 144 E. Chureh St. T2-tt.i, POR SALE-Best quality, mellow lit." onions, also onion and but, m. tig, .ttrtan,', fgn't one - . ' W. Park Ave. tgh,,',,'? FOR RENT-rumished FOR SALE--aBeaatiNi 8-pieee pu- lor suits: 8-pioee walnut dining room suite; tttr mm: had- room set comp te, with spring , and mattress; library table; s- piece breakfast Bet; silver-rm; I lamp; two 9X12 Winn "In Must be seen to be a-eiatard. Will swat-ate. Will mace for delivery. 832 Leland Avenue. one block east of Sheridan Road, Chi- ago, Ill. Phone Sunnyside 6190. "use. Beat and hot Jiter fur- gished. Apply 18t 8o. SW berry Ah. SwissB 2218mm old at, Ptmt tatsttetntt-rttrtf- ' 'ii'i'i'telit'!,)jeit2e,i', 2 yen-I old, with _ " . Buckley road, 1-4 mile "New " LtBErmNNia at Milwaukee Ave. The_§i3bep: Farm. doerle and one single mas. 2 blocks 000th of the Electric lb- gign. 138 Lincoln Ave. Phone an. 7 ereuno-oueangeaehaaApntsrPeoNetatuutk- mmflshottgtiumdusormonmeacoctummflm makeyourmtntsknomshere. Atrinlwillcoetvind-r. . IfroanmnttotNraarthing,orifrott have "mu-I. tent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known thmeah b columns. You will at mitt. Minimu.m charge, 25c 6 insertions for tun Rates: 5e per line per insertion. Ark Place. Gaasiltiied Ads Telephéne tit-N. FOR SALE 84.00 and a 56-R-2. ewes nnd ttso Ger- Ill. vat-pd. i 69-6t. 69-tf. '72 tf MY 'from ahold. 'uaiairi" hchche. stiff neck or we ar-sh. ittstgrttArofRorteoedrWii haltmade I.tomrrAtre-s,atyh. drugstore. YmoritttiVqeithaie Winn g WANTED-a Red Pepper Rub is tke a" - edy that brmidut euief. It on. not hurt you it cam-Lu- an end the tightness m.'d, drin m 't 'tlt,,"',':',":,',:',',,':,':',',.,; u c,'". o p..- trating heat a red m at uh heat MM! right don in " cages" aehiad Int-den agtd a m ie",,'?'),',,',', relief comes at a: moment you a y my» you feel the may: but at tttttttttm the WOW I" i -- "with 'td WOW'Whg my! F.eeiiiiad arioiGiTo {in a 1Rt?di,eiidtgrg" gf, it" 8880 rates, one 821 S. Mannie Ave. ,attr WANTED--. Permanent plan u Dairy or when! firm. I"- oes. Carl duet Fun at u Panzer, Game. h]. m LOST-un lake Font. ' " Fox Terrier, m to the - of Jyp. Reward. Btu-II (3. Phone Libertyville 6814-2. 18.. MeetaPimt6---th+" multivitamins. monsoon... Sdemtitiellt_gt-aetbrllltr" Gunman» DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON Libertyville Post No. " AMERICAN LEGION Liurtritite any laid". "te- 'euthrg2ttPgf2r.WT. oreN1ttrmrtN yJ-DiQLA" red. relitble'i'efm Call Libertyville BIO-l. "at 2744'. .06" than try up" ATTORNEY-AT-u' nut Nation! and: a... a DR. o. E. SIMPSON LYEIL B. MORRIS (lo-um by I. In. STATE BANK BUILDING BEHILER Pun-1.1 PM 214