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Lake County Register (1922), 6 Oct 1928, p. 7

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New Methods Aid. I However,~ the fact is emphasized that in this era of changing business methods the merchant who refuses to ecnsider the new order of things amust give ground to his more effi-- «€iert ccmpetitor. According to Or. Jullus Klein, director of the bureau of foreisn and domestic commerce, the inJjependent business man with reascnable capital willing to utilize rew methods and take advantage of new conditions has a greater oppor-- tunity today than ever before. The inmdependent merchant who functions intelligently as purchasing agent for his community, he pouts cut, bhas a distinet opportunity to rend«r a real social service. The prin-- cipal innovation introduced by the large corporation is the newer type of manegement and the recognized value of large--scale economies; but big business has no copyright on profitable methods and mere bulk is by no means necessarily synonymcus with effictency. im ine Cevelopment of bpusiness in this country is not only answered emphatically in the affirmative but it is pointed out that "the resource-- fulness and freedom of action of the individual will always go far toward «offsetting the advantage of large-- «cale operations of the more compii-- «<«€ated orzanizations." OPPORTUNITY FOR MERCHANT *The status of the small independ-- ent merckant in our present commer-- cial structure is a subject which has recoived much attention of late from eccnemists and students of business problems. In--# pamphlet issued to-- day by the commerce department en-- titlsd "Practical Aids to the Inde-- perdort Merchant" the question as to whether he has a secure position in the development of business in An inrquiry unit in the domestic commerce division of the department is equipped to make special 1s-- searches and to answer a diversity of questions on specific busin>ss } problems. This service section, which acts as a clearing house of inform:-- lt.ion on all phases of domestic trade., «receives a great volume of requess, ' particularly from small business mer., for information on efficient methods of store operation, trade practices, credit policies, installment buying, stock turnover, plant location, >>-- operative buying and various other subjects. Business,men are urgeéd 5y Dr. Klein to take even greater advantage of the unique and varied facilities of the department of commerce to help solve their commercial problems. Tlhie pamphlet which has just been issued gives a brief outline of the different ways in which the department can be of practical assistance. It can e obtained without cost upon request to Washington or from the offices of the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce which are located in most |of the commercial centers of he country TEXAS LEGION TO BE HONORED a merchant to remain in business un-- less the accumulated vurden is passed along. Among tae iu«ny subjects in the field of retail merchandising which have received the attention of the commerce department are credit and delivery, measuring the market, store location, store planning, educatinz a location, store planning, educatinz a sale force, co--operative gdmn':r department leasing and vehicu traffic congestion. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mger and daughters Ruth and Anna Mae accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clark and daughtér Alice of Wau-- kegan spent Sunday, Sept. 23 at the Holy Hill, Wis. Rose Diebold is ill with the flu. John Draper and family and Fred Weidner of Kenosha spent Sunday at the Fred Obenauf home. John Deinlein and family of Lib-- ertyville were Sunday visitors at the Fred Deinlein home. Durinfi the month of October there will be services at St. Mary's Church every Tuesday and Thurs-- day evenings of each week begin-- ning at eight o'clock. _ s RUNAWAYS ARE HALTED BY COP Mrs. Henry Tekamre is spending se;:ral weeks with relatives at Ken-- osha. - Mrs. Henry Hapke and daughter Eleanor were week end guests of relatives>--in Chicago. -- | > -- Three Chicago boys, all under 15 years of age, three days out from che big city: on a "trip around the world." were taken in tow Tuesday morning by Patrolman Paul Jensen of -- tue Lake Forest police department as they trudged along Waukegan road tired and hungry. lein on Fridla(y, Sept. 28th, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hertel of Round Lake are spending the week with their daughter Mrs. George Frederick. The youngsters, Edward Krol, 143) Walton street, Stabley Gabriel, 1427 Walton street, and Conrad Kostuch, 1540 Cornel street, left their classes at the Peabody school last Monday morning. Monday right they slept in an old wagon and Tuesday night in an abandoned barn the youngsters told police. Parents of the runaways weore notifiedl that the youngsters were in custody. _ FREMONT CENTER to Mr. and Mrs. Fred fiein- That thes known bond holders, mortgagees, and other security holid-- ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort-- gages, or other securities are: None. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the 12000, (ig . I1, u0 --IAVUCLLY YHIG, _i1""y C. H. jarrett, Denver, Colo., J. F. Bidinger, Waukegan, I!l!. F. A. Nil-- hizer, Waukegan, IIl. s 2. That the owners are: (Give names and addresses of individual owners, or, if a corporation, givt its name and the names and addresses of 'stockholders owning or holtding 1 per cent or more of the total amount of stock). Kegstone Print-- ing Service: M. E. Just, Libei[t'y- ville, F, H. Just, Libertyville, !I!--, Business Manager, F. H. Just, Libertyville, IlIl. 8R STATEMENT®OF THE OW -- SHIP, MANAGEHEN%- -- LATI%N. ETC.,_ _ RE BY Aet Or co»'t',cnags oF AU-- OF the Lake Coun Registe ' e e ty r lished semi-- weekly at befl*'l'l':. Ill., for-- October 1, 1928. | State of Rlinois) | <-- )SS. County of Lake) 'A Before me, a notary public in and for the state and count; afo 3 personally -- appeared -- F. H. who, having been duty sworn in to law, deposes and u¥s he is the business manager of the e County Register and that the > ing is, to the best of his kno and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management {and K a daily paper, the circulation), ett of the --aforesaid publa'tion for the date shown in the abdve captmire-- guired by the Act of August 24, D12, embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, to--wit: L 1. That the names and add of the publisher, editor, mnm editor and business managers uL Publisher. Keystone Printing Ser-- vice, Libertyyille, Ill. > Editor, Frank H. Just, Libety-- ville T. & managing Editor, F. H. Just, Lib-- ertyville, Il!. } , Postal lm ind addrei i manakar nagers * Printin:"er- | . |the 1 tior is | sai blic in and | mei «. CB. sta omm sto »{: he | wh f the e | the the > ] and kno tha ent of the | this tored to Rockford on Sunday. tonlrl? l'ln:'r Has:mgntn, rgf Arlir}g}; spent Saturday wi home ;'gs Miss Bessie Gosswiller who is at-- tending high school at Lake Zurich spent the week end with home folks. * Mr. 'Charles Wickersceim and mother moved into their new bun-- list of stock holders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases wh:&ederthe stoekholder uc:r security appears upon the books of the company as trustee Mr. and Mrs. John Hans' and daughter and August LaMarche mo-- tored to Rockford on Sunday. Mr. John Hans and daughter spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. Arthur Potts and daughter Dolores returned home from the Wheeling Hospital Saturday ' after-- or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person air corpora-- tion -- for -- whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain state-- ments embracing affiant's full know-- ledge and belief as to the circum-- stances and conditions under which stockholders ~and security -- holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to be-- lieve that any © other person, asso-- ciation, or corporation has anv in-- terest direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than so stated by him. F. H. JUST, ; .' Business Manager. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of October, 1928. CORA E. HULL, Notary Public. galow last week Wednesday. Mr. Henry Hans was a Liberty-- ville caller gutwday evening. f Fred Green has received emlgloy- ment on the Swift farm near Ever-- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1928 LONG GROVE BULLES EYE dl#htel'l. '} rs. Edwin Roder, of Mundelein spent one day last week with rel-- atives here. | Misses Martha and Lillie Sauer than passing interest is being man-- ifested in the work of the Corn-- stalks Products Co., of Danville, in the manufacture of paper from cornstalks. Work has started on the harvest of 20,000 acres of corn in the surrounding territory which will be usei in paper making. In return for the corn stalks, the company husks, cuts, shocks and delivers the corn to the farmer's wagon without cost to him, and pays him for his labor, teams and wagons. The harvest will cost the company approximately $10 per TO UTILIZE CORN STALKS . _ IN PAPER MANUFACTURE Divine service--10:00 a. m. Topic, "Spiritual Riches." Brotherhood service--7:30 p. m. Theme, How shall I vote? The public is invited to all the services, especially to the Brother-- hodd service. Every man and every woman ought to vote and know how called on relatives at Wheeling Sun-- dnn:fternoon. ' .f and ut"'i' Charlesmfléhrgchber- ger Jr., spent Tuesday icago. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meyer and children of Palatine, called on rel-- atives here on Springfield, Ill., Oct. 1.--More Long Grove Church Sunday school--9:00 a. m. WANTED--At once, a man to run FOR RENT--Modern 200 acre farm. Address inquiries to._B. S. F., care of Lake County Register. _ FOR RENT--Five room apt. FOR EEE%:-- Grnrerv K FOR RENT OR SALE--New mod FOR RENT--Furnished room for FOR RENT--Light housekeeping FOR RENT--Six room bungalow, all modern. Moderate rate. Phone FOR;RENT--House, six rooms all modern, 2 car garage, available Nov. ist. Phone 665--M--2. James Guerin. _ 78--6t--pd. FOR nsm--uvfio't}m bedroom. 227 1st street. ne 421--J. T6--+f FOR FOR SALE--Moijern kitchen FOR SALE--Hand picked winter FOR _ SALE--Registered -- Brown Swiss bull, 22 months old and reg-- FOR SALE--Irish Cobbler potatoes, $1.00 per bushel also spring chick-- ens, 31c per Ib. and Rowan ducks. Phone 619--J--1. "6--4t--1d . FOR SALE--Stack of timothy hay. Bert Curtis, Libertyville. i'm garage. Heat and hot water fur-- nished. Apply 181 So. Stewart FOR SALE--Six room, steam heat-- ed apartment in Mundelein All JA AELNJ----By owner, store and flat. Reasonable rent.© William Gerber, Libertyville: Phone 149-- one or two persons. Board if de-- sired. 108 1st St. Phone Liberty-- ville 311--J. 6 & * A FOR RENT--Furnished rooms, JR Rsmé---omee over Walrond's Grocery Store. Inquire at the store. "o +4 ern 7 room house one--half block west of Milwaukee Ave. on Aus-- tin Ave. Phone 533--W. FOR SALE--37 bleeding ewes and 1 ram, at $12.50 each; also Ger-- man Police puppies, at $4.00 and $8.00. Phone Wauconia 56--R--2. Earl Davis, Wauconda} I!l. + FOR SALE--Beautiful 3--piece par-- lor suits; 8--piece walnut dining FOR SALE--Real Estate HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN 205 W. Maple Avenue. room flat or light houskeeping rooms. Phone Mundelein 241--M. range, like new, very reasonable' Call at the corner of Fifth St. and Huriburt Court _ 78--3t--pd. Phone ars and apples, also potatoes, §09 per bushel. Pie pumpkins. istered heifer JKL SALE--Fawn colored baby mydrl:v sds mb, mieets fln y T ¥ e ished also full sizggbed and sew-- ing machine. Phone 516--M, 121 1st St. 78--1t. istered heifer, 2 years with calf. Buckley Road, 14%9 east of Milwaukee Ave. The Nielsen bull, 1 1--2 yrs. old. Phone 261-&? Mund modern, .00 per -- rn.sli"ow per tion. 138 Lincoln Ave. Phone MISCELLANEOUS double and one single room. 2 blocks south of the Electric sta-- Will separate. Will arrange for delivery. 832 Leland Avenue, one block east of Sheridan Road, Chi-- cago, Ill. Phone Sunnysile 6190. room suite; 4--piece walnut bed-- room set complete, with spring and mattress; library table; 5-- &ieee breakfast set; silverware; mp; two 9X12 Wilton rugs. Must be seen to be appreciated. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake County in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to seil, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. 4 4 RENT--Light housekeeping s. 317 2nd St. Phone 358--J. Minimum charge, 25¢ 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. FOR RENT 817 Second Teléphone 147--M. FOR SALE --Modern, heatei four Classified Ads St. Phone 78-- It. "8--6t 78--6t. 12 41. pi pose of operating ani conducting the hospital erected by said Tras-- tees under the terms of said Wil, the real estate on which said hoes-- pital is situated and which was ac-- quired by saii Trustees, and is now held by them as such Trustees. which real estate is more fully described in said petition, referense heing had thereto for a complete descrip't.igif and for futher Aetails as to ' petition. All persons interested or desir-- ing to be heard on said petition are requested to appear in Court at saii time and place above men-- Dated at Waukegan, Ilinois, this Ist day of October, A. D. 1928. L J. WHMOT, Circuit Clerk. der of Court authorizing and dir-- ecting saii petitioners as Trustees u?der the It'h"tCo"l;lilelll"d T-h-?; oo&vl?y to Condell lfm pi a corporation for pecuniary profit, organized under the laws of the State of Illinois, for the pur-- tion, said Imm ----Dl'i; f--C-----'; der of Court authorizing and dir-- ler, and Samuvel Insull, Jr, as Trustees under the Last Will and Testament o(f)c m (h:. deceased, on 1928, ed their petition in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court o Lake County, Illlinois, and on the 'same day presented said petitien to the presiding Judge of saii CGir-- cuit Court, and that said g on said day, was set for by said Circuit' Court for m: October 22nd 1928, at 9:30 i DR. J. L TAYLOR -- }onuunucua-n-t-g { Hours: 1 to 8:30 and 7 to 8 p. m , Residence, Oakwood Terrace of inois, and wvicinity, and to whom & Public notice is hereby given that John L Taylor, Benjamin H. Mid-- may To the Inhabitants of the Vflt of .Liber_tyv'ill_e,h Lake County, IH-- | Hours 9:00 to 1200 a. m. '1:80 to 5:00 p. m. Telephone 57 Scientific Examination of the Ryss DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON Phone 221--W. Meets First Tuesday -- Griddey HaB Harry Madill Bartlett JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Office at Stewart and Lincoln | notice of the time and place hearing. on seb motinien dinnce REAL ESTATE EXCHANGEK Libertyville Post No. 329 AMERICAN LEGION Commander Ray M. Young Libertyville every Monday. Oe-- deuhhnutlz!u*o" or call or write C. J. Dichl, Weed-- Other times by appointment. B. H. MILLER ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building LYELL H. MORRIS DR. 0. E. STMPSON STATE BANK BUILDING LIBERTYVILLE, ILL PAGE SEVEN T¥

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