Mrs. Leonard Dizrney and daugh-- ters Violet and Elinor, were Chicago shoppers Tuesday. =-->, . in Smemicnt mss im very-- nia, is improving slowly. P * LUMBER, COAL, LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Capital And Surplus $150,000.00 Care on the part of each citizen to remove fire hazards will help cut this tremendous loss. So--for the safety of your property-- for the protection of yourself and your loved ones--do your part in cutting the loss by fires that result from carelessness. Tongues of flame consume more than a Half Billion Dollars worth of American property each year! More than 10,000 American lives are lost to the Red Demon of Fire in the same period of time! How much of that toll will you pay during the coming months? W. F. Franzen, Jr. Remove all the old soot easily and economically with Clean Flues F. B. Lovell Co. ~Help Cut That Fire Loss! , COAL, BUILOINC MATERLAL Phone 50 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL, Fire Prevention Week October 7th to 13th. Libertyville, Illinois Mr. and Mrs. John Haiglers and family of Chicago, were guests at the Max Haas home on Sunnyside Place, Sunday. John 'Bilson and Mrs. John Hart-- man, of Chicago, visited Sunday at the Brockman and Bilson homes on MLLS, Aie ARs 'yvmuuvu d110 411L 3. Nick Chernovich were Waukegan shoppers Saturday afternoon. » Mrsi & ftSwhicox, of First street, & mM O tr 3 Hurlin and Arthur and Donald Fink, of Chicago and Robert Southorn Jr., of Diamond Lake. The young peo-- ple had an enjoyable time Saturday evening at games and dancing and Sunday they motored to Walworth where they joined friends who ac-- companied them to Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. James Laycock en-- tertained a group of young people at a week end party at their cottage at Fox Liake. The party was given in honor of Miss Berenice and James Jr., and those who aided in making it a success were the Misses Phoebs Priest, Gladys Michaelson, Linnea 410C 4' children 0 Johson of tonsils re: ; zabeth Co & The pup i| Rockland _ | sion of M < |enjoyed a : the Foulds afternoon. Mr. and Mr. and M ed to Jolie i | brother Ja with them ertyville, The Mar och Palace g on Monda; i | maining c« ; jdraw at t] ;ipthe prize n : | --Mr. and ; ) tored to M : | noon: where ; | mother whe s | home of A § wood of Os § The weat ; | right, the | make the : Friday and Barringon 3 Field. T Don't for ; ling at the g October 11t & %lrade has 3 ease come ; ren can do. & @ | _ Mrs. Ges It has been reported that Barney Aman, a former student at the lo-- cal High School had his car stolen last Saturday. Mr. Aman was at-- tending the foot ball game at Nor-- thwestern and when ge was ready to go home, he was unable to locate his car. Trace of the stoloar automo-- bilecis still being sought. * Jt is no longer necessary to go to Chicago for -- Fanni¢ -- Mays, Mrs. Snydeg's or Julia King's, Liberty-- ville has at last acquired a shop with wares to --delight the "sweet tooth" crunchy toffey, creams, cara-- mels, bon bons, don't fail --to try Wallace's home made candies. Mr. and Mrs. Cloyce Price and daughter Audrey, of DesPlaines, and Mr. and Mrs. Logan Price and son Frank, of Western Springs * and Mr. and Mrs,. Schroeder, of Chicago, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ward of Win-- chester Road. -- Betty Meyer, seven year oll daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Meyer of McKinley Avenue had a most joyous birthday celebration on Sunday afternoon. A group of lit-- tle girls assembled and they play-- ed games, and enjoyed the prizes and refreshments. t Quin A. Ryan, radio announcer for WGN will speak to the Woman's club members and guests at the Parish house, Wednesday, October 10, at 2:30 p. m. Musical selections will be offered by Miss Johanna Dobe and Mrs. Ida Neal Morris. A--spéecial . business meeting of the. Methodist Ladies' Aid will be held at the parsonage Wednesday, Oct. 10, at 2:00.. Those desiring to attend the Woman's club may do so as this 'will be. a short business meeting and will begin promptly at To Alumnae and their friends: Do not forget the dance which is to be held at the Country Club on October--17th. A good time is pro-- mised and a large crowd hoped for. For further information see Dave Flagg or Lillian Klepper. Mr. and Mrs. Wailter Madsen at-- tended the wedding of the former's nephew Albert Madsen and ~Miss Harriet Roes in Chicago and were also guests at the reception given at the home of the bride's grand-- mother. | Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Strang ani daughter of Grayslake accompanied by A. . A. Grandy of Libertyville, left early Sunday morning on a mo-- tor . trip to northern Wisconsin. They expect to return the latter part. of this week. Berenice Frede , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F'mflfkmh, was taken to the local hospital Saturday where an operation was performed for appendicitis. She came through the operation successfully and is now on the way to recovery. ter a serious operation performed Tuesday morning. Dr. W. S. Bellows of Waukegan was the attending physician, Mrs. George Burridge of Liber-- tyville is recovering at the Eliza-- beth Conmdell Memorial hospital af-- Don't forget the P. T. A. meet-- ing at the high school Thursday, October 11th, 3:00 P. M. The sixth gade has cfia}J;é of .the ease come and see what The weather is right, the place is right, the team is right why not make the crowd right? Come out Friday and see the foot--ball game, gzil:lx;ingon vs Libertyville at Liberty ----The Marathon dance at the Anti-- och Palace came to a close at 7:35 on Monday morning. The five re-- maining couples agreed to with-- draw at this time --and to divide the prize money evenly. Mr. and Mrs. Wailter Madsen mo-- tored to Milwaukee, Monday after-- noon where they met Mr. Madsen's mother who has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Green-- wood of Oshkosh for the past week.{ Mr, and Mrs. Charles Kaiser and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Linders motor-- ed to Joliet, Sunday. Mr. Linder's brother Jack, of-- Baldwin returned with them for a short visit in Lib-- ertyville, ® The pupils of the fourth grade of Rockland school, under the supervi-- sion of Miss Pearson, their teacher enjoyed a tour of inspection through the Foulds Milling plant Tuesday afternoon. Irene and Raymond Johnson, children of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Johson of McKinley Ave., had their tonsils removed Friday at the Eli-- zabeth Condell Memorial Hospital. Miss Miriam --Ingraham formerly of this city and now of Mason City, lowa called on friends and relatives here on Sunday. Miss Alice Perkins, of Deerfield, entertained the Mesdames F. Baum-- gartner and J. Numsen, of Liberty-- ville, Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. David Lundman, of Winchester Road, announce the birth of a son on Sept. 27, 1928 at St. Luke's hospital Chicago. Miss Gail Galloway, a student at Rockford. College spent Sunday and lhilonday at the home of her parents ere. Mrs. Rebbeca Bilson, of Lincoln Avenue has been ill at her home Mr. and Mrs. John Haas, of Chi-- cago, called on relatives and friends in Libertyville, Sunday evening. Mrs. A. W. Lindroth of Lake St. made a business trip to Chicago on since George Sturm who has been on the sick list is reported as doing bet-- ease come and see what the child-- I_as only that crowd of food experts know how. Chicke® and plenty of it is their motto and the assurance has been given that the last shall be served as well as the first so plan to eat at the Presbyterian church dining room Thursday. even-- ing even if you're a little late. ght to the hungry horde and it is to be chicken, cooked and serve| Presbyterian church have announc-- ed the big item of* their supper which is to be served next Thursday night to the hungry horde and it THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, _ _ wEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1928 Jack Sink, employed on the Elm Farm, Lake Forest, was arrested there Sunday on disordo:? conduct chaxfies after--he attempted to cheat a Yellow Taxicab driver of his fare who had driven him home from Chi-- cago. Sink was still in jail Monday morning and was to be given a hearing before Justice: Burridge. Richard _Willer the 11 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Willer, of Lange Court, is ill at his home with scarlet fever. > This is the fourth case reported within the last week. Dr. M. D. Penney was called Mon-- day to examine the pupils at St. Joseph's school to prevent a further spread of the disease. Wheelright, Mr. and < Mrs. Glover and Mrs. Irving Sever and two children of Harvard. IIl. ~ Dr. and Mrs./ F. H. Martin and Eva Helen Coleman leave Wednes-- day morning» for Atlantic, Georgia, where the doctor will attend "the convention of the Interstate"Medical Society which will be held ther October 15 to 19. They expect to be gone for two weeks. $ The following were guests at the E. D. Hubbard home on Second St. Sunday: Miss: Mattie gehner of Highland Park, Mr. arnd Mrs. Frank Wheelright, Mr. ani < Mrs. Glover A refi:rt was cireulated Monday night that Ray Yore, who formerly lived here, had been killed in a street car acceident in Chicago. Ray was reached by* phone and assured his local friemis that the report was unfounded.. & Ray N. Smith, local shoe merch-- ant, has added a new piece of equip-- ment to his :Milwaukee Aivenue Store. The new device is for deter-- mining °the cofrect size of the shoes required by his customers. At last, its out -- the men of the George Sturm, who was confined to his home for several days last week by a severe attack of bronchi-- t«1s, resumed his duties Monday at Lake Forest. _ 4 %, The Marian Club announces a dance to be held. at St. Josex'}h's hall on Friday, October 26th. The music will be. provided by one of Frank Wallin's Orchestras. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Warren -- and two children of Zeeland, Michigan, spent the week@end at the home of Mrs. Flora Eger. x ' The Presbyterian Friendship Cir-- cle holds its next meeting at the home of Mrs. Forrest Thomson, 317 {Sfoadway, Thursday next, October Prof. G. M. --Wilcox and wife, of Chicago, were entertained Sunday at the home of Ellsworth Wilcox on Douglas avenue. Margureite Fredericks and Marian Hubbard left Monday morning for Marian, Wisconsin, where they will sbend a week's vacation. trip through Ohio. * 5> Mrs. Flora E r 'and Mrs. J. B. Morse were cdfi to St. Paul Sat-- urday by the death of a relative. Mr. and Mt+s. S. P. Evilsizor left Ffor a month's motor t Mmunnm&mmmmmmwmmmnmntmmm!mmmnmml_l__& ' S : ; : == S f sNowW's Just Call 306 when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. Yellow Cah ' _ 'The American Legion °_ under ;whose'ampim this play ~will be given is busily engaged organizing Committees, -- securing talent and getting everything in shape for the beginning of rehearsals, which will be amnounced at a later date. Mr. H.--P. Gotti will act as Chairman, and will be ably assisted by several members of the Organization in the capacity of advertising Committees, LEGION PREPARES FOR ' MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA _ The local American Legion Post has made arrangements with the John B. Rogers Producing Company of Fostoria, Ohio, who make a specialty of staging amateur pro-- ductions, to stage their well known Musical Comedy "Kathleen" at the High School Auditorium Nov. 14, 15 and 16. R a vazaar and dinner n:{ the local fortress of the Natio Daughters of the G. A. R. from five to eight a'clock. > + en. pie > -- October 31st _ Dance by the Elizabeth Condell Hospital Auxiliary at the 'Country-- side Club. « Joseph's hall. Music by Wallin. the High school auditorium as a benefit for the Hospital Auxiliary. $ October 26th and 27th The Village Players will give :';I'he"$e_ven Keys to Baldpate" at Annual bazaar of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Thursday, October 18th. .. ._Card party by the hospital auxil lary at the Countryside Club. Friday, October 12. _ Fried chicken supper given by the Ladies'® Aid of the Wagbnrn yC!on- gregational church at Half Day. # % % Tuesday, October 16th,. Oy ns Soke ut t momeb gieh 4 yo pe 0 a hew's Chnx'::'il' at Fairfield hall. Cur-- tain at 8"!5 n m. C --TRIGGS & JOHNSON > Quality . Phones 824--825--826 Wednesday, October 17th. Annual bazaar of the Ladies' Ai of the Methodlist Church. IW,&WIWE l.l.lfl.P Meeting of the Libertyville P. T. 3A.ooat the high school beginning at :00 n m uiL JEMIma isCifT--rising EFlour 1 1--4 25 pound packages, 2 for ... C Large Size, Per Pkg. 35¢ Triggs & J ohnson's Special Coffee with the delicious flavor and wonderful aroma, 49 reasonable now at per pound ... C Triggs & Johnson's Pork Sausage Meat 35 that people rave about, per pound ............. C Vermont Maid Maple Syrup that has the Flavor--Small Glasg.Jugs ... ... 30(2 Club House Grape Fruit--Canned where 30 the large lucious fruit grow. Rer can ... JVUC Pandakes made with Club House, Pillsbury or Aunt Jemima Self--rising Flour 1 1--4 25 pound packages, 2 for ... C °_ Thursday, November 15. ] Bazaar and dinner by the local Menu for This Week's Specials Nothing * tastes so goodv as a well balanced breakfast on a chilly fall morning. ; Friday, October 26th. Dance by the Marian Club at St. Wednesday, October 17th. COMING EVENTS Temptations of the Frosty Morning Large Size 60¢ 11th. e Te for their many kindnesses in» the loss of our wife and mother, and to express our gratitude to those who gave the use of their cars, _ Service Home Owned Store Card of Thanks We wish to extend our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors Club bowling league are to be sel-- ected Thursday night and it is re-- quested that all those desiricg to roll so notify T. F. Swan, Phone 90 before Thursday night, at which time the list closes. by several Companies throughout the United States. Mr. Yatis is now collaborating with Oliver Morosco in many of -- his activities' on the Western Coast. the East, while the book and lyrics were written by Luther A. Yantis, who is well known to many theatre goers as he not only has had sever-- al years of experience on the pro-- fessional stage, but has written somé very funny comedies and one-- act phys'w'l'lich have been staged plot | holds RICHARD DIX in a baseball story, s 'Warming Up' Sunday--Monday October 14--15. Also KEN MAYNARD as Kenton of the Northwest Mounted Police, in _ 'A Thief In the Dark' Jlove. Creaky! Sneaky! Creepy! See this fun drama of spooks and crooks, A big double feature Saturday, Oct. 13. 'Wall Flowers' See Temple Bailey's soul stirring drama of the eternal feminine. Proving that even today a woman's wish is for Thursday--Friday Oct. 11--12. AUDITORIUM Also Pathe Review and Aesop Fable. 'The Code Of The Scarlet' NOTICE BOWLERS Frank Metcalf and childrert Also Comedy. for the Libertyville of Silent m@: fi, e kind you feel for gmebody you know you can't lick, " Dode" replied: "Judging from your letter I would ad-- vise you to eat a whale." "Dear Sir, I note by your paper that if I ain't got enuf brains that . fish 1s good food to develop sum. What kind of fish ought I to eat ?" of Libertyville and ichaty. by ihe LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO. Capital And Surplus $110.000.00 *if%} ; ___ Libertyville, Illinois ° . of the people The Four By Six First National Bank Bert Steir says: | mss .:. § "Men may not be | LIBFKETY\ ILLE practical, but they LUM/:®"? CO, Mdn'tm'deu knee "Down by the old pants spend -- depot -- }s--~n there their time trying to otwenty years " pull the things dowa Libertyrvilie, HL over their knees." Phone 47 and 48 Clarence (ardently,) '"When will _ you promise to share my lot, Dear?" Gladys _ (sweetly), "Just as soon as you build a house on it, Big Boy!" avoid b partners. bright little "the dead on flres on the table and I killed one, how many would be left." She Knew Her Flies One of the questions Mrs. Nettie Simen asked her class. d ie . TY\ ILLE FRr _C0, b) the old ho--n there said _ the PAGE PIVE