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Lake County Register (1922), 13 Oct 1928, p. 8

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a straight line is a question, but when turns are made at high speed the flyer frequently has a moment of un-- consciousness--when everything turns Monthly for November. Good vision is vital to safe flying 'The ability to judge distance, while dependent in part on experience, is dependent chiefly on the eyes. Every time you take off or land it is neces-- sary to judge exactly your distance from the ground and from obstruc= tions such as trees, planes and tele-- LARGE SEWAGE PLANT OPENED FARMERS TAKE UP PROBLEMS mitted Chicago to continue this pro-- cedurs on condition that it would be-- gin installation of sewage treatm=nt plants. The newly ° opened plan:, supp'lemented by three already in op-- eration, one being constructed and one being planned, will eliminate the necessity of drawing heavily on Lake Michigan for water and will bring to an end the heavy po'llution of the 1Li-- IDEAL FLYING CHICAGO INL. Oct. 9.--The larg-- <st sewage treatment plant of its to speed, beyond which a man may not go and live. which includes eight suburbs as well 2s a large section of the city of Chi-- €a20. polluted water and water--borne dis-- esses. Congestion of population has made it necessary to treat sewage ar-- tifically in ordor to prevent the spread phone poles. Your ability in this ~ar-- ticular is tested by an ingenious ap-- paratus invented by Dr. H. J. How-- ard and modified later by Dr. P. Do:-- Construction of sewi@lge treatment plants in cities and villages has pro-- gressed during the last few years &s The ideal age ~for flying is the period from twenty to thirty years. city's The north side plant utilizes the "@ctivated sludge" process, in which the sewage is sent through screens ard settling tanks, where most of the solids are removed. It is then turned into large basins where air is blown through it,. This air starts a biolog-- ical action in the sewage which C2-- stroys the impurities. After the aera-- tion has been completed, remaining MATTOON, Ill., Oct. 9. -- Illinois farmers themselves today proceeded to consider what could be done about the situation in the state's agriculi-- tural industrv with its tatal nrnarurte type in the world was ofgcially opened here this week by the sanitary dis-- trict of Chicago. 'The north side plant, as it is called, covers 97 acres and was built to purify the sewage of an ultimate population of 1.340.000 It serves an area of 78 square miles, which claimed= that it was lowering lake levels and by cities along the TIllinois river because of pollution of the river water. The controversy came to the atten-- tion of the secretary of war, who per-- chances are slim, and these chances rapidly diminish as your age increas-- with dogs in which he rotated them rapidly on a wheel. Some of the dogs were killed by the rapid turns. a flyer in driving a ship at terrific sped and then suddenly zooming up-- ward, not only complained of faint-- ness at the time, but for days after-- wards was dull and his eyes showed congestion of the retina. This was probably a case of slight damage to fine solids in the sewage are allowed to settle out in sedimentation tanks, and the liquid, which is then harm-- uairying, horticulture farm organi-- zation and management, mechanical ::"mt' d&m« and 'arm build-- agricult co--operation, com-- tural industry with its total property value of $4,600,000,000 as the iirst of @'sght regional ~agricultural adjust-- mert conferences was held here un-- der the auspices of the college of agticulture, University of Illinois . Wi.th the meeting hnere as a starter. at_ ¢25t 1000 farm men and women within the coming month will Sit in conference, along with the stat>s «sounty farm angq home advisers, vo-- €ational agricuiture and --home eco-- nomics teachers, staft officials of .he agricultural college and other selected farm authorities to consider --what long--time adjustment will be made in the farming operations of thcir respective districts. Following the meeting here seven similar regional agric ad)ustment conferences will } #it diflerer® naints in tha chars boringz communities. treated all its sewage by diluting it with water from Lake Michigan and sending it through a canal 30 miles long to the Illinois river. This meth-- od was opposed by great lakes citics .. "Cove Kih s Adjustment problems 'mweonnn- uzdundermebeadolnencqmmt, tees at the conference here today. 'There were the following subjects: S anlaiy :A Sntgetaes us > Te e We ~aiinie us age as the cause of death. Recently, s1u, ucan and noils azrticultura) lating definite a for the eight 12 the state. Sinc this past June, agricultural adj have been carrie °" .. _ Smiar regional agricultural RG)ustment conferences will be held at diferent points in the state wi hin the next month Holding of the meetings is % most recent and im-- portant development in the plan con-- ceived and provosed by H. W. %Mum-- ]'m" + dean and director of the Illi-- Asticultural college, for fOrMmU-- lating definite agricuitural the state. Since ts netuuento mavir Shh ctata _ a; "C"Uung--type areas of the state. Since its this past June, the imh wmmbl agricultural adjustment hbave been carried 'wwn C EL NANE Punaiie ismsw ul l A pidly. go plant was built as gram to dispose of the without injuring neigh-- or AGE IS TOLD into an adjoining [me impedimenta which Smith 'n tends to use Thursday in Virgini. 'and North Carolina, Friday in Ten ;weamsnurdaymxmmcky. _ So confident was he that thes [ Miss Martha Sauer spent Sunday and Monday with relatives in Chica-- nlr. and Mrs Jake Hecketsweiler of Highland Park called on relatives and friends here one evening last Mr. and Mrs. Fr Prairie View, Mrs. each of the nine counties 'n the farm--type industry around Mattoon served on each of the me:;;ge';:oxmnlt- tees. Counties repr were: Christian ,Crawford, Edgar, Clark, Cumberland, Moultrie, Toles, Douglas and Shelby. In addition to the 90 farm men and women members, the ton commuctees of the Mattoon conference included the region's farm and home advisers and their assistants, rocational agzri-- culture and home economics teach-- ers, executive committeemen of the Illinois Agricultural association. »g-- riculitural college staff and members of the experiment station advisory committees. Prairie View, Mrs. Elmer Hasemann of Arlington Heights and Mr. and Mrs.® Charles LaFrentz and daugh. Libertyville boys only get to be| about 18 years old when they find that a love--match can get along| without money about like a flivver, can run without gas. Miss Melich has been teaching in our Foreign Mission at Honduras, and brings a very interesting mes. The first conference held here to-- day is one of the smallast on the schedule. By the time the cight meetings covering the 102 sounties of the state have been held, it is esti-- mated that at least 1,000 farmers and farm women and half again as many agricultural authoritiee and specialists will have taken part in the adjustment program. ; "Illinois agriculturai industry rep-- resents a property value o $4,8600,0900,-- 000," Dean Mumford pointed out in the first conference here today ."Cer-- tainly if a corporation had control of interests reaching such propor-- tions those interests would he sub-- jected ~to frequent and intensive study by the best available scientific minds working in unison --vith the ex-- ecutives in charge The fact that Ii-- linois has a quarter of a million such executives -- farmers -- operating her farms instead of a single board is an added rather than a reduced reason why the best results of science should be understood by these executives in as comprehensive a way as possible and why these executives should im-- press upon scientists the needs of the situation as they view them." Church News The Public is invited to attend a lecture, which will be illustrated by a fine set of 72 steropticon views by Miss <~--Melich in the Long-- Grove Church, Saturday evening, October 13th at 7:30. stick by him in the election : planned to use the derby more his speech material. ter Grace, were inter Charles Herschberger daughter spent Sunday afternoon with relatives at Libertyville. Mr? ViVctor Sauer and daughters Lillie and Martha spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Felwarer at Mor-- ton Grove. f SMITH READY FOR NEW TOUR Mr a: daughter ALBANY. Oct. 9.--Governor Alfred Smith packed a big bundle of new speech making material in his trunk today for a trip southward designed to offset the flirtatious advances ci Republicans in the border states. A brown derby, too, was included -- in Mr. H. D. Wehrenberg of Liberty-- ville and Mrs. Louis Wehrenberg of Mundelein called at the J. L. Hans home Thursday afternoon. _ A -- large number of relatives gathered at the George Umbden-- stock Sr. home celebrated his 82n1 hiatikay... =* /: in _.> sw 3qlnogl. called at the Victor Sauer home on Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kock visited Monday with their son Edward whom is in a Chicago hospital where he is taking treatments for the re-- moval of goiter. Mr. Frank Welfling, of Wheeling, Dates for the remaining adiust-- ment corferences on the schedule are: Concordia, Oct. 10; Bloomington, Oct. 16; Aurora, Oct. 17; Dixon, Oct 24: Galesburg, Oct. 25; Jacksonville, Oct. 31, and East St. Louis, Nov. 1. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of M c epioy \< A€pIDl SAY **BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST! Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds _ Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia _ Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART LONG GROVE ASPIRIN Fred Brockmann \Ivin Palham en-- from Chicago the home on Sun-- Hans Smith which contains proven directions. NOTICE TO YVOTERS Tuesday, October 16th and Tues-- day, October 30th are registration days under the election laws of Ill-- inois. If you voted at the Primary held last Agril. your name will be among the list of voters, andl you need. not register. But if your name is not on the list of voters, you should register on one of the above dates, in order that there will be no delay in your voting on Novem-- ber 6th. If {:ur name is not on the registered list, and you are not known to the Judges of election, it will be necessary for you to swear in your vote on election day if re-- quired by_ the Judges. Registering in Lake County is not compulsory as it is in Cook County, but it is for the purpose of putting your name on the list of registered voters and avoiding delay on election day. It is the duty of every voter to cast his vote and take a part in de-- 000.00 on November 1st in 'each of the years 1980 and 1945 inclusive, and $4,000.00 on November 1, 1946. The proceeds from the sale .of the bonds will be used to build an addi-- tion to the present High School termining who shall manage the af-- fairs of the Nation, State, District and County for the ensuing years. for the year 1927, is $6,719,442.00, The present bonded indebtdness is $11,000.00, and will be paid off in two years. The $100,000,.00 of vote. If you have no way to go to the polls, if you will call anyone, of the undersigned, a few days before election day, they will arrange to have a car call for you. Voters in Precinot No. 1 will register and vote at the Town Hall. Voters in Pre-- cinct No. 2 will register and vote at Ludlow Motor Company room, 608 N. Milwaukee Avenue. Voters in Precinect No. 3 will register and vote at the Village Hall, Mundelein, Ilinois. Be sure you are registered. Be sure to vote. Benjamin H. Miller, ; + --Committeeman Precinet No. 1. George A;: Eaton, . Committeeman Precinet No. 2. Richard J. Lyons, . Committeeman Precinet No. 3. Miss Marjory Tavior, Committeewoman Precinct No. 1 Be sure to' vote, and vote early, and urge your friends to come out to NOTICE OF RECEIVING _BIDS FOR LIBERTYVILLE TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL BONDS AT LIB-- ERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. School Bonds, approvéd by the vot-- ers at the election held October 6, 1928. said bonds bear interest at Public notice is hereby given that School District No 120 of the Town-- ship of Libertyville will receive seal-- ed bids on Monday, October 22, 1928, at 7:30 p. m., at the High School Building in said Village, for : its $100,000.00 of Township --High the rate of 5% per annum, payable annually, and bids will be received on that basis only. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $5,000.00. Said bids shall state the personal property in said Township for the year 1927, is $6,719 442.00. amount to be paid for said bonds, plus accrued interest from Novem-- ber 1, 1928, the date of the bonds to date of delivery. . The Township will print said bonds and furnish opinion of Ch.fi:n & Cutler as to their legality. population of the County, Tilino B{.:AL E._ GLADYS J Dated this 1928. HERE'S A GUN BVILT FOR DEFENSE---- USEDP BY PATRIOTS OF SENSE ! School ~-------- Mrs. Carrie Swan, Committeewoman Precinet No. John G. Borst -- Mrs. Harold D. Aylsworth, Committeewoman Precinet No. HERE we go again boast ing about our coal and you'll be boasting about yours if you buy it from us. People naturally feel proud about the thing that pleases them. We're pleased about our growing list of patrons. -- "Ba; boxes of 12 tablets »ttlu?t'"u and 100--Druggists. Roxnpout, ILL. -- ° PHONES 679--M--1 & 794 only "Bayer'"' package District Tilinois. GOLDING, . LOVELL, 10th day No s follows; ] 1st in 'each le is 5000, and of all real and of President Secretary 120 October +~"*'Iivators; side d Y» 204 |hay rake; pC out to|shellers; 3 set 20 tolnearly new; 2 one:0f | eral collars; ( before| hbox: 120 egg nge to|scrapers; 3 THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1928 Lake '8--spring wagon; bob sleigh; 6 |small chicken . coops; _ hen -- house, 8X10 feet; hen house 6X8 feet; hog wire; 2 extension ladders; gasoline tanks; platform scale; hog ~rack wheelbarrow; 4 rolls barbed wore; 3 belts, 8 inches wide; 50 new fence {)osts; 2 hay forks, rope and-- pul-- eys. f Friday, October 19, Mrs. Charles Dorbin will sell at public auction on Samder road, %'mlre south of Dun-- dee road, 2 miles north of Milwau-- kee avenu, on the old Henry Bu-- hert farm, at 12:30 p. m. sharp, the following proj One team, good farm horses, 7 and 10 years old; 2 dairy cows; 150 chickens, 'hens and d)nllets. Hay and Grain 1,000 bu. oats; 25 bu. wheat; 25 bu. last year's corn; 20 tons timothy hay, baled; 10 tons baled straw. Farm Implements Ford ton truck; Fordson tractor with plows and disc, nearly new; McCormick grain binder; Deering corn binder, nearly new; Ideal seed-- er; 2 mowenrs; sulky cultivator; hay loader; 2 set harrows; manurg srreader; 2 hand plows; shovel plow; corn planter; 2 hand culti-- vators; side delivery; road scraper; hay rake; potato digger; 2 corn shellers; 3 sets double harness, one nearly new; 2 express harness; sev-- eral collars; Gardner wagon with box; 120 egg incubator; 3 scoop scr:ipers; 3 garden _ cultivators; garden seeder; pump fack; scald-- ing kettle; sickle grinder; 2 water tanks; 5 hot bed sash, circular saw and table, complete; dump wagon; 2 3--inch truck wagons; 2 hay racks; J. A. SCHMINKE, Clerk. ( L E Thomas and wf to L E Bovik mm smiaan ,andejt tens, WD. Lots 17 and 18 Traffic around Libertyville in thel Blk 1, Greenwood Park Sub. old days revealed more evidence of| _ A F Beaubien and wf to C Noll, WD. horse sense, and even then there| Lot 2 Blk 5, Dodge's Re--Sub of pt of were times when theé horse had most B'k 5 and 5, Warrens Addn. of it. f C A Newcomb to N Shore Real Est Luch served. % TERMS: Over $25, 6 mos, 7%. JOHN J. WICK, Auct. J. A. SCHMINKE, Clerk. a o a || | NOW Is the Time to Build and Repair! IntyVY nalrnanIraIT nA in t ttiuunrn | !%LUMBER BWB : 15 > Dependability, Satisfaction and Honest Value MRS. CHARLES DORBIN % h- wet ILIC3C USTLUI CAID IUVGSAF+ _ J UM RAGLL pyke® MAAA ipmmaca liiorones car ot your choice at an exceptionally low /( HEVROLET / price--and you can buy it for a small first "< e payment and on easy terms. These cars, ) carrying the red "O. K. That Counts" tag, --®A : f provide you with a definite assurance of hon-- f est value, dependability and-- satisfaction 0 because they have been thoroughly checked § by expert mechanics and reconditioned for is Caf thousands of miles of satisfactory service. TBS four ' Come in and make your selection tod --~while EE.&"'J-"- stocks are complete. f e C «ooeninmma" " benGares o t «q h# 5 7* ® I'.:; d _ E hi ) |Ariczcc\ WCn eA T * l Cieaiys 42-- a J »G e Scartin o o wA h as 200 [R ie fl E | m with an K that counts + L Small First Payment--Lasy Terms on O.K.'d Used Cars DISMANTLING THE LAST OF GOVERNMENT CAMP BUILDINGS AT GREAT LAKES NAVAL STATION 4--ROOM BUNGCALOW $485 With 3 ft. Porgh. Siza 24x38 t 5 -- Room Bungalow $625 « With 8 ft, Porch. Size 24x44 ft. 6 -- Room Bungalow $690 With 8 ft. Porch. Size 24x50 #t. Material furnished. Loaded Free on Cars or Trucks at Great Lakes. PUBLIC SALE BUILDING PLANS FREE Estimate Free for Any Size Plan 'Mfi-umfia BUY GOVERNMENT CAMP LUMBER AT PRICES THAT SAVE YOU MORE THAN HALF Libertyville Garage ; LUCE & EARL, Props. PHONE 202, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL James O Due to Anna Kupesky, WD. East 75 ft of Lot 10 Bik 4 Webb and Jensens N Side Addn to Wkgn. Grace Wilson Bird to Elizabeth Bird, QCD. Lot 3 Roslyn Circle Sub of Lot 6 Blk 45, H Pk. f Edmund DeKay and Margaret wf to Frank A Dunn and wf jt tens, WD. Lot 1 in Washington Manor Sub Sec 20, 45--12, Waukegan. f The First Natl Bank of Wgn to P J Sczech, D. Pt of Lot 5 Bik 7 Kel-- loggs Home Site Sub Sec 15, Benton. Union Bank of Shgo to L C Jor-- gensen, Deed. Lot 4 Blk 4 L G Arries First Addn to Northmoor Terrace Sub Sec 4, Deerfield. John Mitzlaff to A A Hartwig. and wfi jt tens, WD. Lots 12 and 14 Blk 3 Co Clks Sub Sec 35, Cuba. Fannie W C Perrin to A E Ener-- son and wf jts, WD. Pt of Lot 44 Cory's Addn to Wkgn. P Kepler to Margaret Johnson, WD. Pt of Sec 8, Mount Olivet Cemetery, Benton. ® R G Murric and wf to W L Murrie, WD. Pt of Lot One hf of frcl Sec 2, Newport. N J Brown and wf to W L Murrie and wf jt tens, WD. Pt of SW pr of frcl Sec 2, Newport. a A Lonnquist and wf to E A Grant and wf, WD. Lot 3 Blk 4, Lonnguists Lewis Ave Sub, Wkgn. Real Estate Transfers Lake County Title Priced -- Ridiculously Low Regular 4x8B Sheets, suitable for lining ga-- rages, attics, and for all purposes where Inside 4ining is re-- quired. Price per 14 NEW WALL BOARD Noew. Walil Board Lining Fur-- | stimate free for any size or style nished With All Garage Orders. l garage. *. 9 'Trust Company 220 Waskington. St., ER jyx se M £ FEET & 2A OCTOBER 8, 1928. Abstract of Title See these used cars today! You can get the car ot your choice at an exceptionally low because they have been thoroughly checked by expert mechanics and reconditioned for thousands of miles of satisfactory service. Come in and make your selection to > while FREE OFFER FLOORING 2x6 No. 1 Yellow Pine Flooring. Suitable for wargehouses, gar a g e filoors, barn ficors, etc. Per 100 @9 CA Bargains in ther comes. Heavy Bl'ack w"Oravslu?oatd Used Rol! Roofin n good condition. New 3--ply GravyeJ Coated Roll Roofi with nafl- and c#mnt. Guaran-- sz -3"§ teed First Quality, Per Roll ..... ROOFING SPECIALS Repair your roof now before cold wea-- All ~Material Furnished. Loaded Free on Trucks at Great Lakes. Large Car Garage s 12 ft. x 18 ft. Two--Car Garage ....... 18 ft. x 18 ft. ONE--CARGARAGE$49 6 Tract Lettered "A" Knollwood Club Bub, Sec 19, Shields. F Keleman and wf to J Bellei, WD. Pt of SW qr of SW qr of Sec 27, Deerfield. ; T Caludia and wf to Z Gandolfi and Impymt Corpn of N Chgo, Deed. Lots 10 and 11 Blk 38, Lots 3 and 4, Blk 40; Lots 26 and 27, Blk& 45 and Lots 36 and 37, Blk 46, all in S Wkgn. James G Condon and wf to W B wfi jt tens, WD. Lot 3 in Claudio's Sub Sec 15, Deerfield. & PLANS FREE Hip Roof or Gable Style. with pride does throb, Because we're always on the job. BEIN G on the job every minute of the day adds to our pres-- tige. -- If there is one being we like to serve it's a well satisfied patron. 10 ft. x 16 ft. At Your Own Price (Store Away for Next summer.) Screens and Screen Doors in first -- class condition --=--in a va-- riety of sizes. MAKE OFFER -- No reason-- able offer refused. Special To Close Out Sales Office | * _ and Yard 22nd St. Gate © to Naval | } Station _ Phone 5422 C m 0 $78 FOR SALE--Beautiful 3--piece par-- lor suits; 8--piece walnut dining room suite; 4--piece walnut bed-- room set complete, with spring and mattress; library table; 5-- piece akfast set; silverware; lamp;' twa 9Xi2%# Wilton rugs. Must seen to be appreciated. Will 'separate. Will arrange for delivery. 832 Leland Avenue, one block 'east of Sheridan Road, Chi-- cago, Ill. Phone Sunnyside 6219& | T2 --+f. FOR _ SALE--Registered Brown Swiss %22 months old and reg-- istered er, 2 years old, with calf. Buckley Road, 1--4 mile east of Milwaukee Ave. The Nielsen FOR SALE--37 bleeding ewes and 1 ram, at $12.50 each; also Ger-- man Police puppies, at $4.00 and $8.00. Phone Wauconia 56--R--2. 'Earl Davis, Wauconda, JIL. axt 11. FOR SALE--Real Estate HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN 205 W. Maple Avenue. FOR RENT--Furnished rogm, one double and one single m. . 2 blocki south of the Electric sta-- tion. 138 Lincoln Ave. Phone 803-- FOR SALE--Eating and cooking FOR RENT--Six room modern bun-- finlow on Allanson Road south undelein. $25.00 per month. Phone 348--R. 79L FOR SALE--Stack of timothy hay. Bert Curtis, Libertyville. Phone FOR SALE--Ixt FOR RENT--Large front bedroom. 227 1st street. lgl:one 421--J. 7T6--t4. FOR RENT--Modern, heatei four room flat or light houskeeping rooms. PhoneMundelein 241--M. FOR SALE--Best quality,. mellow FOR RENT--A number of houses open to responisble tennants: 5 room 'flat, stove heat. Real FOR SALE--Winter pears. Tele FOR SALE--8 room house on So. Milwaukee Ave. near school, T7OX170 ft. price $7,000. Reply E. C. % * hmr- 80'2t. FOR SALE--Automatic ing rutfit. perfect co 100 'ft. of pipe, $5( giow onions, Aaiso onions . and beets, fine for pickling and car-- rots. Phone 302--W. Peter Petges, 933 W. Park Ave. 72--6t--pd. 5 room house, vacant Nov. 1st. Large modern house with hot water heat. 6 acres of ground with fruit and shade trees. 9 room house, newly built, strict-- ly modern throughout. All of the above at ° reasonable rentals. R. R. ROUSE, Mundelein, HNl., . will: Sell AlL Tre; Phox'e Libertyville 100 'ft Phone DR RENT-- Mundelein, boarders a corated t] rent to re Schnaebele amel retieng o re is no way you can reach as many people in Lake County inmrtufimemdatnmmnbha_eutummit,u make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, mtorixchahge,orifyoumtholp.mkeithonw& columns. You will get wesults. Minimum charge, 25¢ 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. _ Classified Ads Telephone 147--M. FOR RENT, FOR SALE racticalily n ora E. F{nlL and roomers throughout. responsible p for at Libertyville 10 t 50XK141l ft. 2e., --Libertyville basement comp atic watér pun _ condition. O $50. Al Mi: Diamond Lake 144 E n -- house in location -- for s. Newly de-- Reasonable party. A. L. white Phone 251 79--4.1f completed. ble pirce. 77--4t--pd. II1 e en-- library Church 80--1t, pump-- Over Ming. pi on FOR RENT--Modern 200 acre farm. Address inquiries to B. 8. ¥, * ecare of Lake County Register. _ Office in First National Bank WMig Hours: 1 to 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m Residence, Oakwood Terrace WANTED--Man to operate going service station. For E!" write B Y X care of Cfl Register. 912 N. County 8t. Phone 1798 WANTED--Waitress at the Union hotel, Wheeling, IIl. Good wages, experience not necessary. Phone Wfiefing 10. 79--1t. WANTED--Girl wants gen'l house-- work. Phone McHenry 614--W--2. Hours 9:00 to 1200 a. m. 1:30 to 5:00 p. m. FOR RENT--7 room house in Mun-- delein, $25.00 per month CaB phone 630--R--2. 804L WANTED--To buy a boys junior bicycle. Must be in zoox' condi-- tion. Call 821 after 6:00 P. M. LOST--Medium size bliack horse, gray on forhead. If found please call Lake Forest T797--Y¥--2. *¥ Meets First Tuesday DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON Luce Bldg. **~_ LBERTYVIAX LOST--QOn Milwaukee Ave. in front of J. B. Morse's store, pearl rosary, Finder please return to J. B. Morse's store. Suitable reward. Optometrist Scientific Exramination of the Bynm WANTED--At>once, a man to run dairy farm, 170 acres, near Wan-- conda. Good terms to right man. WANTED--Immediately, -- 15 steel stanchions, -- James preferred. Libertyville Post No. 329 } James reierred. Lowls Sills. phone ©59--4--1, Musn: ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building Other times by appointment DR. 0. E. STIMPSON LYELL K. MORREIS Commander Ray M. Young STATE BANK BUILDING DR. J. L TAYLOR B. H. MILLER Waukegan, illinois care of Lake PAGE SEVEN

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