Mrs. J. J. Lancaster ofjéeond street was a w caller urs-- 1 ',upflnhflufi'fl ;m en-- (t:r?'.a.incd_ Mrs. Niles of Everett for the mormng '\ BIRTHDAYS seem to come much oftener as one grows older. Is each added year a milestone on your road to success --or a millstone holding you back? _ ORBNOL If each year finds you with more money in the bank, your birthday anniversaries become milestones--not millstones. Many of your neighbors are today en-- joying the benefits of a savings account here. Lake Co. National Bank Start The Winter With Clean Flues Remo;e all the old soot easily and The approved soot remover. Just throw it on a hot fire and the soot is F. B. Lovell Co. Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 MILLSTONES MILESTONES Pkg. 25¢ Libertyville, Illinois OorF Mn.Hmrdeam' Mr. and Mrs. Frank B at a luncheon Thursday at the ner, Jr. visited in North of Mrs. Louis Hendee at Munde-- Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baumgartner, Jr.. visited at the Baumgartner home at Mundelein Thursday night. Mrs. Harry Harrison and Mrs. Carrie Bock, of Waukegan visited with Mrs. Charles Brown, the for-- mer's mother, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eiserman ;g':;t Mrs. Johr Whitney and Mrs. Ar-- Saturday and Sunday at East -- thur Whitney were Chicago callers Mr. and Mrs. John Numsen 'Marvin, will spend the week end ;';'fi'with friends at Fox Lake. ::tl.' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dyer en-- tertained a lg:rty of Chic%o friends rs. !S"nahy at their home on Butterfield ita | road. |_ Willian E. Larsen, cashier of the |Libertyville Trust and Saving bank lis enjoying a vacation from his du-- lties at the local money mart: and, with his family is visiting with re-- llatives in Chicago. 3 Mrs, Charles Fisher and son, Charles, Jr. of Lake® Forest sl)e:n §hm-sdul lay at the home of Mrs. John eulen. ---- Miss Mildred Rat.{'e with three of her friends from Northwestern University of Evanston, spent Sun-- day at her home. Group No. 2 of the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will hold a bakery sale Saturday, November 10th at Les: ter's Novelty Store. ' John Elfring of Libertyville, and Clara and Henry Godwin of Mundé-- lein, all underwent tonsil overations Tuesday morning at the Elizabeth Condell Memorial hospital. The Ladies' Ai1 of the Presby-- terian Church w&{l meet on Thurs-- day, October 25th for an all day mee'(ing. There will be a _ picnic lunch at noon. A large attendance is desired. a _ Mr. Charles H. Sharmar and daughter, Florence Altizer, of Fay-- etteville, Ark., who lived at Munde-- lein and Ube;tx'ille several years ago and Miss laide Potts of New York city, who have been guests of Emily Bush during the past week, have returned to their homes. } "GAM. Kraker, president of the fMichael George Pen company, who with his family recently moved: into their new .home on a.linky ave-- nue, is now in Gramd Haven, Mich., making preparations to move the Dennis Limberry, chief ®f the lo-- cal palice department, put one over on his friends this week "when he necessary Mr. and Mrs.C. Juhrend announce the cominfi-' marriage of their son, Wyllis John, to Miss Rose Marie DeLeske, of Chicago. The ceremony will be performed at the All Saints National Church, October '20th at Mrs. A. J. Newtson and Archiel Lempke of Ottawa were week ena guests at the C. H. Brown home on Third street. Mrs. Newtson return ed to Ottawa the beginning of this week but Mr. Lempke will make an extended stay at his daughter': home. | Mrs. -- Lyle Smith entertained a number of friends at Five Hundred. on Thursday afternoon at her home on Winchester Road. Mrs. Charles Baker received a prize for highest score, 'Mrs. Leonard Disney was se cond and Mrs. James Laycock was third. Mrs. John Suydam, Jr., re-- ceived the consolation. -- 2:00 o'clock. THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1928 -- *;,Zf,;,,.lSNOW'S aAr, _ COMING EVENTS Just Call 306. when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. * The annual installation of officers of Columbia lodge No. 131 will be hel1 at 8 P. M. October 23r4d at the Gridley hall, Libertyville, Illindis. All members are urged to be pres: ent. After installation card and bun-- co will be played anrd refreshments Yellow Cab All golf players in the community are invited to take part in the con-- test and special low rates for play will be given to entrants who are not members. 'The course is in the best shape of the season and with the weather -- man cooperating an interesting day is in prospect. The first foursome will tee off at 8:30 A. M. association at Gurnee Golf enthusiasts will have one last chance of the season to show their ability at. the Libertyville Country Club Suniday, October 21st. Hanlicap tournament will be held with suitable prizes for the winners. Handicans will be figured from the score turned in at the last tournament a few weeks--ago, and where players were not in that tournament their handicap will be decided by the committee in charge. A --metho1i of handicap will be used that will enable the poorest player to have an equal chance with the bee.t"planer 'for a priz'e. y October 26th and 27th The Village Players will .give "The Seven Keys to Baldpate" at the High school auditorium as a benefit for th: Eosgitnl Auxiliary. Friday, October 26th. ' Dance by the Marian Club at St. Joseph's hall.'l{l.xsie. by Wallin. Tuesday, October 23rd. _ 'Ladies Night at the Libea:gvflle Club roems. Dinner, cards and en-- tertainment. October 31st Dance by the Elizabeth Condell Hospital Auxiliary at the Country-- + _ Thursday, November 1st. . > Annual bazaar and chicken din-- ner of the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid society at the new church. Bazaar opens at two o.',"dirmer at 5:30. Thursday, November 1st. * Republican rally in high -- school auditorium at 8:00 p. m. Gen. Frank S. Dickson, a fine public speaker, will address tl'le_;neczting. > a November 8th and 9th Benefit show at the Auwdlitorium theatre, "Old Ironsides" --under the auspices of the Epworth. League de-- corating committee. _ If j'ou have not visited the hospi-- tal, do not fail to do so. You will be impressed at once, by the home like rather than hospital ~atmos-- phere. After inspecting the entire building you will be convinced that we have as complete a hospital: as any city can offer. a ses * Every man and woman . should feel a personal pride in this insti-- tution and be willing to give us the Woman's Auxiliary, your moral and financial support, for one never knows how soon he shall be in need of assistance from the hospital. Thursday, November 22nd. Annual bazaar and chicken. sup-- per given lgethe' Ivanhoe Woman's societg at woodman* hall, Ivan-- hoe. Booths of alls kimds, Free pro-- gram by members of the dramatic club in the evgnin.g. 5s C css ' Thursday, December 13th. ---- Annual bazaar and dinner given by the Woman's Guild of: St. Law-- xence's church at the parish house. . _ Annual Bazaar of the MresbyiCL. ian Ladies' Aid at the church. ck-- en The Elizabeth Coniell --Memorial hospital has been opened to the pub. lic only a few months, however the entire . community m)reciates the splendid ability : of ir' effigient superintendent, Mrs. Rood and her cavable nursing staff. & 8 carried* out in the beautifully 4e-- corated luncheon table: where tea: was .pourei by Mesdames W. A. Brewerton and G. C. (:Tidley. ® At each meeting a door prize is given to the body who holis the , lucky number which is drawn upoa entering the club house. Miss Jean-- nette Taylor was the winner and re-- ceived a pair of lovely Damask tow-- j Thursday, October 25th : Meeting of the M. W. A. boosters 'Tuesday, November 13th. Thirteenth -- Anniversary of the Libertyville club. Details to be an-- . November 14 -- 15 -- 16 "Kathleen" musical comedy "Ex-- travaganza" given under the aus-- pices of the Libertyville American Téegion post. _: --_----_ Do not fail to: attend the "Seven Keys to Baldpate" to be given by the Village Players at the H'li'ih school, October 26th andi 27th. e eitire proceeds are being donated to the Auxiliary to aid in their work of assisting the hospital. --_ _ ~ HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The secondi of 'the series of card parties to be given each month by the Woman's Auxiliary of the Eli-- zabeth Condell Memorial hospital was held Thursday afternoon at the nounced later. Countryside club. About fifty ladies attended this most enjoyable af-- fair. The spirit of Hallowe'en was NOTICE MYSTIC WORKERS GOLF TOURNAMENT Thursday, November 1. EDNA J.KNOX, Correspondent. fficient | 2\ and her,= _ |s e hospi-- |= "ou will l§ e home|= atmos-- | 3 > entire #f ed that|= pital: as | = should | = s iasti-- |& : us the § maral | 3 e never| s in need | S ital. '-- [3 P < e ~one | 3 o show |= rtyville [3 er 2ist.' : be held l E vinners. | 3 d from|=> e lastl'E-' zo, and |= in that|= will be|=-- . charge. | = be _ used | = player | 3 ith the|= imunity | 3. he c;m- § or play ho are 2 in the |Z id with|= ing an|= 't. 2s . : off at § 5 Ers |Z officers § will be|=S at the | 3' Illindis. e ~pres; id bun-- g hments i Ey s ondent. ; ovoug |= _ welcome. ment." John E. DeLong, Pastor "How to Follow Jesus" is the subject for Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. A large morning church service is one of the things we want to accomplish this year. We ask for your help. We want the official board, the young people and all the friends of the church to help. 2 <--Morning worship at 11:00. The gastor will speak on "Youth and its Place in the Church." Young people's meeting at 6:30. This is young people's week of prayer, you should attend, this meet-- ing. Miss Harriet Hudson, leader. Presbyterian Church ' Guy E. Smock, Pastor _ Sunday School at 9:45. Trained leadership leading others. Evening subject: "Great Events of the Month." Time, 7:30. We are making an effort to build up the ev-- ening church service. The following subjects will be discussed in each month: ("The Greatest : Religious Book of the Month;" "A Great Ma-- gazine ~'Article of the Month;" "Great Events of the Month;" and "Some Religious Denomination Ex-- plained." You will find these dis-- eussions -- interesting, -- valuable for education, culture, for character, and for everyday living. First Methodist Episcopal Church Auditorium 'Theatre _ Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Church, 10:30 a. m. Subject:--"Doctrine . of: Atone-- En%uh service at 7:80 p. m. Children's program October Arthur C. Streufert, Past: 10:00 a m. German service. Sunday school at 9:45. LARGE 10 ROOM BUILDING ON THE . MAIN BUSINESS STREET IN MUNDE-- ~LEIN, SUITABLE FOR HOTEL OR BOARDING HOUSE. SALE PRICE ' VERY REASONABLE WITH TERMS TO * RPRSPONSIBLE PURCHASER OR WILL® C RENT AT A REASONABLE FIGURE TO RESPONSIBLE TENNANT Napatha Soap 1 Cake Ivory Soap (medium size) 1 Pkg. Chipso (large size) 1 Pkg. Ivory Flakes 1 Oval Colored Enamel Dish Pan Christian Science Society 4 Cakes of P. & G. the White Proctor & Gambles Soap | St. Matthew's Church TRIGGS & JOHNSON A. R. Schnaebele For Sale Fairfield, Illinois Oval Colored En-- _ameled Dish Pan or Rent Libertyville, Illinois * full of: er 26. ~always I After a summer of idleness the club radio has been put in condition ;for'the winter months and the mem-- \bers came up in the evening with-- z' out missing their favorite feature 'on the air. only four: members absent on the first night. The scores hung up were remarkable for the openin night and give promise of some lugg class pin hitting before the season is over. The people living in that nmeighborhood needed no one to tell them what league was bowling as this bunch has the reputation of be-- ing the noisiest crow d rolling on the local alleys. Ed Waterhouse was the busiest man in the crowd dur-- ing and after the match He speit several hours getting people out of bed to find out the averages of his of his two absentees, Wehrenberg and Jones, in order to determine how many games he had won. De-- tailed scores of the games will ap-- pear in our next issue. The motion picture, "Old Iron-- sides," will be put on at the Audi-- torium Theatre ntze the -- Epworth League on Nove r 8th and 9th. Tickets will be sold by members of the league and the--chureh. This will be for the benefit of the church de-- corating fund. Mr. Walter Jeppe, president of the Epworth League, is managing this movement. The big ladies night scheduled for hext Tuesday night looks better ev-- ery minute thanks to the efforts of the hard working entertainmeit conmittee headed by Bill Larsen and Ross Triggs. The members and their ladies will miss a big time if they fail to attend the affair. 5 * ® worth Lea 6:30. %e Earnest m class will meet with Mrs. Hyatt in the after-- noon of Friday, October 26th. No-- tice that this is a change of place, a~mi} there will be no luncheon. Isn't it getting pretty near time to begin to line up for the yearly billiard tournament. The tables are waiting and Wayne Colby and Aus-- tin Schnaebele have been practicing all summer to be in shape for this event. This is merely a hint to the sport and games committee. eague got under way Thursday ev-- ning at the regmnyox_l rooms with The easiest way to determine his social caste is to note the tone of voice when he says: "Charge it." Home Owned Store LIBERTYYVILE CLUB 000C V alue $1.65 club bowling The Register------$2.00 per year Every home should have at least one clothes closet lined witn red cedar. It is r.uch more roomy thin a cecdar ches* and the clothes are not wrinkled Let us tell you how you rubiished in the in-- terest of the people of Libert; e and i chaty, by the EDITORILAL Cheerfulness it not merely a matter of seen in town several days this week. "Jule" has a con-- tract with the state for several bridges down in the "Coern Eelt." Pleaseo Beware--When an Investmer:t Gpgortunity "Sounds Good" Unless You Can Afford to "Take Chances" Consult Us First. Our Expert Advice Is Yours for the Mere Asking. LUMBER CO. The Four By Six First National Bank Capital And Surplus $110.000.00 Libertyville, TIllinois Many a man wears last year's fall suit because he doesn't owe for a new one. ets some other job. There's such a thing had better look for too far." Eternal Feminine® at a very your 20, 1928 Johnny: * Thirty days has September --Bll the rest I can't remember--The cal-- ber, Johnny ?" George Huffman is busy putting the fis.. ish coat of plaster Phone 47 and 48 _ PAGE FIVE