BBAVEL ROADS I Mil SHAPE 'iiruraurisMotttemthtueaa'etr. iirilve1ed.rthtr,Ntthnd8e1Pr sections. but math may: will re- mam good. 'umiirxttrtg to the mine bureau of the M m Chm sum atnt-.. 'terreremtl m ut- tie preetatttatttm and may: call. none tn good -tttttitteL Southern than: thallium"? few modenteu navy was our- mgmepuz'nx Mttrthnottlttrttt ilat 183 street. Cook Countr-aarmttt" name a closed at the Pratrt- an} Tn!- iii7ii -ii1Aikeii - southwest on Jone! road to Willow thtetrtets M then across the and. and _ttteVPo"t'- Mn Grove and then over Lincoln GenuetoDetertrtrett. "irGriAurii.-wttustetPeelr1t sCiiTisitinlkerrremetPTe iCiai'"Giirer'rhuiittrtef tur.ofratdr. 1:33!"de v' 'i;uiGGuatriisertoi8? isstGiiieGGmmtteeeerPe "iGiiiiGrii1etotreotttett.tfafe iirii'Tiiaiitoeartqtimitth!C1? "G-ir-tttttstall. at!" m North camp] Am: jacket! I d {or Gum Ream Closed between Ads and love]! for construction; detour m 08-16 end wen-u to loan. Pul- gravel to tbt. Johns; than pne- ment to wen-15. eat 01 Film. PM: gavel tram there to My City and pavement to (Bootlegs. Gravel ma acumen: to cept nniattimrttteattoulders. This routeisnowtu1poedttmntttetnte ttnetoDetrttit.exeepttor 2% miles of tair gravel " Penna. Detour be- tween New Buffalo Ind Union Pier w M-atandeountrgmd,ettnerete ngtttmnendnggt. Ogtettatttoete-tstut mt1etgetourinNewhdnetamtsttort ttetemrtntheeityotamtJuttor. 08-131 1Miettitmn'--Ped nnd open from state hue to Big Rapids, then fair gravel and nevement to Junction of 11-131 " We Luke. ex- cept for e good cruel detour between Big Rapids and Reed City. Ann Arm to We Ltue--via Tm-28--A11 new! ant, open. 08-127 anettttmnt--'rttu route tS new all paved between Adrian and t9ttegtemet. ascent for one-mu mile 't1$-12-m widening protect on this route In: Beertengtleted Be- Wis.-IS-Ahtert to Bamboo. then de- tour vi: County A to north ot Mir- ror Luke; this detour reported good. There is a good short detour at Madam: and another from Dor- chester to Little Black. 08-41 tWiaeonain)---No detour ttt reported on this route. Oshkosh to St. Paul via US-no and UB-W-a9etour from Weyauwego to Waupam over Wis-n5 and Wis.- " Detour from Wanna to Am- hersj Junction via Win-49 and coun- ty roads or take Wise-54 and 03-51 h Stevens, Point. There its a short detour Just west of Wis.-13 and an- other at Augusta. Become ot con- struction this route is closed Be- tween Hudson and St. Paul between It a. m. and 6 p. m. Tmme demand NEW YORK. Oct. 16--'Nnl mar- riage and similar mom experiments m " mm perusal: ot human ie-tttttem, suthbh only for a monkey- :W supervised by professional TRIAL IljllfiilllltlE PLAN ATTAOKED m Bayport. All (lemurs are re- ported in good condition. .Jlboum to La Ggqtttae--Vitt UB-N --No detour on this route. some FREQUENCY OF ZION. CHANGED WASHINGTON. D. C.. Oct. IT.-- Several Chicago and downstate Illi- nois broadcasting stations which complained of harsh treatment intne reallocation order which becomu et.. fective Nov. u. were granted more favorable assignments of frequency. power. or time on the air in orders issued by the federal radio edhunis- sion here today. Chief among the modification is WCPL, the station owned and operated by the Chicago i='minration of Labor. WCPL. in the reallocation. was as- signed to a frequency of 620 kilow- cles. which it was to share with sta- tions WJJD and W. and was su- thorized to use a maximum power ut 1,000 watts Representatives of the federation appealed to the commis- sion. and as a result WCF'L was shifted to 970 kiiocycles. which had been exclusively assigned to station KTR at Seattle. Wash. ' ; Harem for WC". ' . Under the order WCPL may broad- cast daily until sunset in Seattle. which is approximteiy three hours later than sunset in Chicago. In ad- dition. a construction permit. auth- orizing the Federation station to use " high as 50.000 watts power for experimental purposes or tor unusual broadcasts will be issued. it was an- noimced W the commission. Station WAAP. owned and operat- ed by the Drovers' Journal Publish- mg company. which was assigned to a frequency of 940 kilocycles instead, and WPCC. the North Shore 0911- gregational church station. will broadcast on a frequency ot 570 kilo- cycles instead of 1360; mommies. WCBD. the leva station at Zion, 111.. which was to have ttroadeast"ott 1,160 kilocycles and shared time on the air with WOWO and KTNT. will Changes Downstate WBAQ, the station operated by :he Jamea Millikin university at De- catur. 111.. will be combined ihth sta- tion WJBL, and the consolidated sta- tions. under the new order, will broadcast on a frequency ot 1,120 kilocyeles. using 100 ntts power. WCAz. the Carthage college station it Carthage. 111.. will be restricted to daylight broadcasting on 1.070 kilo- cycles. WRM. the University ot Illi- nois station at Urban. 111.49 instead of sharing time with WJJD end won. on no kilocycles. was shifted to STO knocycles and ordered to share tune with WPCG and m use a frequency ot 1.080 knocycla and share" with WMBI. THE LAKE COUNTY R1l9ltftqg1, SATURDAY. OcTCp8iC?_p,_ll?18, Isabelle s Fitzhugh and has to T o Cusady. WD. Tract 8,roCPitw. hugh's Bub orgx Butt or City at We Forest. N'Emywardnndwttn P P Phelps, WD. Pt Lot 6 Blk 4 Bear- 'gate Villas Butt Bee 28. Deerfield. PrpttetptstoNRMarmrxtand wtrtenyWD. Prunes]: 4 Brianne Villas Butt Sec 38. Deer- ltleld. . l? H Bartlett. try" Carrie M Pttl- !lard. d. Lots , tutd tt, Elk 1. Bart- lett's No Shore Gardens. so: at. War- try Eats Bees " and» It Gun. UnionmnkofCtigo'rttoEattt- urine Kingsley, D. not 104 on Ter- race Butt Sec " Fremont. L Hamilton McCormick at at to E R Dewhon and wt tt tens, WD. Lot , Sec A, Deertieid, P R Ramona and III-to Ingeborg Maaheatad, WD. Lot 10 Blk " But- ler Pett & Co's Crooked Luke Oaks Sees 27 and " Lake V1111. CT&TCoTrtoRI(Brownmd wt Jt tens. D. Lot 19 Blk ' Branittar Bros Sunset Terrace Butt Bee 22, Deerfield. F Tuma and wt to- ' Plochiettl and wt 1t tens, WD. not " Blk ' Bremen: Bros Sunset Terr-cc Bee 23, Deerfield. C T a -'r Co Tr to A W Knuth and wt 1t tens, D. Lot T all T Bub- igtrr Bros Woodland Pk Butt gee 29, Deerfield. ' . CTa'rCoTrtoPGttomne= D. Lot 4 Blk 2 Butler Matt a Co's Crooked Lake Oaks Betta " and 34 Lake Villa. ' c'ras'rco'rrtogNSegsand wt Jt mm, D. Lot 13 m: " Butler Fett & Co's Crooked Lake Otis secs 27 and 34 Lake Yule. _ Pauline Froehlke to P Fracture and wt " tens. WD. Pt See 26, Wauconda. Union Bank ot Chm Tr to A N Gems. D. Lot 4t Mann: Northmoor Manor Bee 35, Bedrtield, A Sutherland to O G at Peter. D. fat Robert Douglas Sub. mu. See o O San'ellaand wt to O o St Peter, WD. Pt Sec M, Robert Doug- las Butt, Wkgn. _ O G St Peter to O o mm and OCTOBER 13, 1928 0 J G Wainwright to H G Peterson sud wt. WD. Lot " Hyde Park Sub, Sec 20, When. V JCTaz Tr GotoirBTodd&wt, 't'tens,Deed. Ntttofiot8DeiMar Woods, Sec IT, Deerfield. P H Bartlett to Marie. Becker, Deed. B 240 feet of W hf of me 102, Bart- lett's Greater North Shore. Bee M, sub, sees an ad St, Libertyville. C A Nemxtentt,dr, tr, to Mary Aus- ton, d. Lots 1 3nd 2. " 42, Wash- burn Pk; sec 32. When. ' H R Suthernnd and wt to P Hlel- meland and wt, it tens, wd. Lot T, W szn sub. _ F H Bartlett, tr, to P W Gramm- (er, d. Pt lot A, blk 21, Bartlett's North Shore Esta, secs 30 .31 and 32. P H Bartlett, tr, to ' W Greissln- tter, It. Pt lot T. blk 18. Bttrtiett'g N? Shore Pk. sec " When. H Atttrtermuettle and wt to W a Cobb and wt, Jt tens. wd. L'ots t5, 16, 42 to 48, incl. ttlt to 89 incl. and 130 to 132, Idlewild sub, sec 30, War- 'J C Zipprich to C J Zippricn and CWappriett,wd. Ptseclandsec 2, E18 . CT&TCo,tr,toJRBenton and wt, Jt mm. d. Pt lot 39. Del Mar Woods sub. sec IT, Deerfield. G F Thomas and wt to Lorraine K. Deacon,' ch. Lot 20. blk T, Wkgn Gardens. sec W, "an, Lorraine K Deacon to Jennie P Thomas gted. Lot 20, blk T, Wkgn Gardens, see w. Wkgn. ofqrqrcorofBWqrotBee3.Art mm mm Bub. Bee. 16. GTdt'rrGotoVeHetttttorn.D. lttem,WD. Pto8BWqrotBWqr oftee2'r,DeerBeit1. wttttents,WD. Iatt28,Bik6,Brant- tttattmqrotBeei9,ahsotmqr oftett30,Nemtttrt. ' CT &TOotowAqututenboss Arwttt tensDeedIot IT, Blit4, MHmtttindrwttoABein,WD. Iotit,wadmrttrttt tNb,talqrtke28, m JRtgertr&wttot9Dietmerer& wtlttena,WD. Nassau-acts 2*.6't-otEtitatNBqrotBett 28.Newport. OCT.15.1928 CTdt'I'tCotoOGErickson.D. Lot 32Artttur Dunn: Sherwood Man- or Bees 21 nnd 22. Deerfield. Union Bank of Chgo Tr to Mar- guerite Hartman. D. Lot 25 in Oak Terrace Sub Bee " Fremont. P H.Bartlett Tr to Marie Hruby and bus lt tens. D. Lot 8 Blk 8 Bart- lett's Northwoods Butt Bees 25 and 28, Wumn. Marjorie mummy and bus to B Zide, QCD. not 11 Blk 5 Blumberg's Sub Bee 16, szn. PHBaruett'rrtoDANonr D. Lot 8 Blk '11 Bartlett's Sheridan & Beach Rds Bub Secs 33 and M. Ben- JNmpurto.AEPieree,WD. E TELL us you're in a hurry and that means that we will be. We're accommodating, trustwor- thy plumbers and you'll find out that we are fair in our ' eaiingts. When your plumbing spring: . leak Grab the, phone and to In FOR SALE-RetpUtemd Brown Swiss bull, 22 month: old and me - tirrl, B tfgu,gtTAh iiE . ac e of Milwiukeo Ave. The Nielsen FOR BALE--Reat Em HERMAN A. SCIWEBMA 205 Jr. Maple) Alamo. FOR SALE-ft _lt_leedityr eyes 3nd FOR SALE--atpiece living room suite, like new, very chap. Phone M2-W. 82-1t. FOR BALE--2tr buff Minorkn hens. Telephone 614-R-2. 81-2t-pd. F9L§éle$ 9st "ui1NT--cotnreely POR, SAuiF--Silvertotte victroh, FOR SALE-Hubbard FOR BALE--8taek of timothy hay. Iert Curtis, Lihertyvfiie. I'hetri, gold plated pans, walnut cabinet; " mm. $25.00. Phone "tta t. gm engine. pump lock' and-1' brd aednn. Tel. Lib. 62941-1. 1 run, at $12.50 nth; also Ger- man Police puppies, gt $4.00 and 38.00. Phone Wwwni; 56-R-2. Earl Davis, Waueonda, 111. A _ furnished. 12 room house nf'Din- mond W. Fully equipped for hotel and grill. Large grounds for whim. House newly decorated. ill rent reasonably or will Bae- rifice for Road sale..Phone 633. W-2. . 82-tt Thenisnoway manhumypooploinlmcm mwmnntimenzguutummneutummif,' 'naherournmntaknomthem. Atr9tinriiieetatvtnarm. If oumttobuyan o_rtfrrtttlt-ormtlth_, rent MI'h,','ll'l'e, or if youym, make it known was th- columns. You will at nub. Minimum charge, 25c 6 insertions for $L00 Rates: 5e per line per insertion. Telephéne tthat. (thssasitiied Ads 8241.4. 72-11. B. BL mm ATTORNEY-ELM. Ptmt Hutton-l Bank Bil" Telephone " LrBtiatT'h1tL on. organ. mpxrsos l Sciatichdthh GLAtmNMtrrBD Btmm9t00tot2dttta.m. 1:80totV.00p.rn. MeetaPimtrt_-tHdV Liberty) Post No. 829 AMERICAN LEGION Con-under " M. Y. minutiae-MW DR. o. E. SIMPSON LYELL B. MORRIS STATE BANK BUILDING Phat!" PAGE SEVEN