LOSSES N AR MAIL NOT HIGH Seed gnt ofi ont announced the the :_-___* of the following romd con-- than typhoid fever, searlet fever, smallpox, meningitis, measles and infantile paralysis combined." of . the 10 0 PRCRCCACUE rum out of the other is the sorry économie weue. disclosed by sta-- tistics," . _ Rawlings declared, «*which which show that liquor drink-- ing atk _E'"" _m lllinois last Doctor Laird brought out the fact that Douglas county is the on--| ly county in the United States en-- tirely free of animal tuberclosin.' Pov'rf tests have been made in ten scattered counties during the| last eiex'. months and among .750,-. 000 fowl examined 4 per cent were infeoted. | Govérnor Len Small is preraring his fimal messagre to the lllinois general assembly. To that end he is having assembled a large a-- mount of data having to do with his administration. This indicates that the governor proposes a sum-- Casting a weather eye teward thrifty bootleggers and racketeers who are doubtless stocking contra-- band against the anticipated holiday trade, Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state health 'fi&ur._declaml a few days ago that the poisonous mixtures sold [ __ _ ["@tes soid for bonded wh'skey resulted in more than a thousand deaths in Illinois last year and gave the state its zor' mortality record from alcoho}-- mary of his achievements and those of the men associated with him as governor. (f the $100,000,000 and $60,000,-- 000 hard road bond issue only $23,. 000,000 remain unsold. Some morn.-- g."'"flim in the treasury but on the other hang it will be expended im pay'ns for roads now under con-- struction. Nt .,2 3 _ h45°ed oy the last legislature but held defective by the supreme court wil1 be one of the chief measures before the comimg session of the general as-- sembly, -- it became -- known a few days ago. -- ian, declared recently before a W of the Illinois State Vet-- erinary| Medical association _ at Chicago, that Illinois in three years will be the only state with its cattle entirely tuberculosis free. Doetor Laird is president of the as-- sociation. Experi ts have shown that swine fi poultry infecot -- cattle with tuberculosis, Doctor Laird said. Illinois is the only state working on a systematic program to eradicate the disease in poul-- try In response to the suggestion for providing fireproof compariments for valuable mail, I have replied that several vears ago the department condveted an exhaustive research into the subject and that the con-- clusion was developed that no as-- bestos or chemically treated sub-- stance was available which would withstand the terrific heat of a gas-- oline and oil fire sufficiently to pro-- tect the contents from destruction. able ma'l The fear as well as the apparent propacanda on the subject, can be ascrited to the unusual amount of pubhc:ty received when Pilot Hop-- son crashed in Pennsylvania, on Oct. 17. and his plane was destroyed by {.re It so happened that he was carrying a large shipment of dia-- monds, and considerable publicity s'tend»d the difficulty of recovering these gems from early visitors at the scene of the wreck. Other Accidents. The recent sinking of the Vestris, in which 1,097 sacks of mail were lost, can be cited as an amount far larger than the total of all mail de-- stroyed by fire during the ten years of operation of the air mail service. I might point out that in one fire just outside of New York less than a year uoamuurmdeuroyedm' which was being carried a far great-- €r amount of mail than has been lost in a similar manner during the en-- tire operation of the air mail. There until 1906 when he organized a real estate concern. Moving to New Jer-- sey, he was elected a member of the assembly of that state, serving from 19906 to 1921, being speaker in 1920. He 'was appointed third assistant postmaster general in 1921 and has been second assistant since 1925. His home is in Englewood, N. J.) MHazard from fire to which air mail is subjected is no greater than that attendant upon transportation of mail by railroad and steamship. A number of letters have been re-- ceived at the postoffice department urging that steps be taken to provide fire sof>guards for mail containing checks. securities, or other valuables, and express.ng the fear that unless sometinin> :s done promptly that in-- surance rates on air mail will soar to such loights as to make the service too eostly for the carrying of valu-- checks and ¢%; sometn!! surance such |.° By W. IRYVING GLOVER iSecond Asst. Postmaster General.) (Warren Irving Glover was born at Brooklyn,. N. Y., Oct. 2, 1879. He was educated in the public schools of that city and as a youth entered the employ of & commission mer-- chant in New York. He continued as distributor in the wooléh trade State Capital News Notes amd swine as well as cattle, he . F. A. Laird, state for health work t and buying p, 2X b'xll pds'edb'y the ractor out of i Included in the letting are twelve miles of hard roads in Route 127 in Montgomery county and 5.25 miles on Route 108 in Macoupin county. The latter road extends from Car-- 'rolton to Carlinville. Bids will al-- |so be received for grading on parts ; of the m sections. The sections are as follows: | Route 13, LaSalle county, 1.55 miles; Route 59--A, Lake county, | Bids for the construction of se-- veral stretches of hard roads, bridge and grading sections in var-- ious parts of Ilkinois will be re-- ceived by the state division of |highways in Soringfield soon. NEW YORK, Dec. 10.--A boom in| buying started by investors with idle, millions at their disposal halted for| a brief period today the decline that| demoralized the stock exchange last week. ' IDLE MILLIONS BOOST STOCKS tion, presented the 1928 gold medal, state prize for the best essay sub-- Commemeorating the 110th anni-- versary of lllinois' admission to statehood ,the lIllinois day meeting of the Illinois State Historical so-- city was held in the centennial build-- ing a few days ago. The chief ad-- dress, "The Man of Courage and Vision--an Appreciation of George Rogers Clark," was presented by Dr. John Timothy Stone, president of the Presbyterian Theological sem-- m and pastor of the Fourth Mrs. William Jackson ney, state regent of the IMlinois society, Daughters of the American Revolu-- J. W. Cummins, chief fruit inspec-- tor, Illinois department of agricul-- ture or H. W. Day, Centralia, the as-- sociation, secretary, will provide in-- terested orchardists and gardeners with additional information, the so-- ciety officials have announced. In a letter to exhibitors at pre-- vious exhibitions, Cummins urges that entries this year be larger and that growers help in every way to make the exposition more helpful to the state orchard industry. _ After her years as first hd{ol the state and dur:z the term of her husband as Uni States senator from lIllinois, her life in Washington, her prominence as a social leader throughout the state and as a mem-- ber of the board of managers of the World's Columbian exposition, and her residence abroad, news of Mrs. Oglesby's death will be received with a feeling of great sorrow among an unusually large circle of acquaigt-- ances. A son, Col. John G. Oglesby, also served two terms as lieuenant--gov-- ernor of Illinois. ernor of lifinois. 12 miles; Route 97, Henderson _------ county, 5 milés; Route 100, section Superior quality of Illinois--grown 117 'omn county, 7.40 _ miles; fruits and vegetables this year| Route 108, section 109, Macoupin should make the annual exposition county, 5.25 miles; Route 113, Kan-- of the lllinois State Horticultural so--| kakee-- Will counties, 5.52 miles; ciety at Urbana, December 12--15, u-lRou'e 113, Will county, 7.16 miles. ceptionally succ_euful. in the opinion mummusne of J. W. Cummins, superintendent of| Senator Otis F. Glenn of Illinois the show, and chief fruit inspector has been named to the congres-- of the state department of agricul--, sional committees on inter--state ture. ~rcommerce and nublic lands -- Cam. Mrs. Emma Gillett Oglesby, widow of Richard J. Oglesby, three times elected governor of Illinois and who served one term as United States senator, died a few days ago at her home at Ogliehurst, the historic fam-- ily estate near Elkhart which is just north of Springfield. _ _ LaSalle county, bridge, D. A. Chernus Construction company, Min-- neapolis, $33,685.50. $95,000 Decker & Neville Clinical evidence proves that infants put on a cod liver oil treatment from birth usu ally b ecome strong and healthy children with sturdy bone structure. No harm can come from its continued Pure Test Cod Liver Oil 'C The Rexall Store Sesser, T. P. Smith of Danville, Harlan See of Paris and John Steele of McLeansboro, directors. In the presence of relatives and a delegation of personal friends from gock Island _ county, Cyrus Dietz became justice of t{e Illinois atate supreme court just before the December session of the court W. S. O'Hair of Paris is presi-- dent of the association. Other of-- ficers are: George Caven, Chicago, vice president; Stillman J. Stanard, Springfield, secretary; C harles Foss, Freeport, treasurer; C. M. Filson, Salem, J. R. Phillips of Senator Otis F. Glenn of Illinois has been named to the congres-- sional committees on inter--state commerce and public lands. Com-- mittee assignments of new mem-- bers of the senate who are filling out unexpired terms were announ-- ced a few days ago in Washington by Chairman Watson of the Repub-- lican committee on _ committees. For the first time since the death of the late L'nit'.:i States -- Senator William _ McKinley, Illinois now has two United States senators sit-- ting in the upper house of Con. gress. Senator Charles S. Deneen was the lone senator for a long period because of the controversy over the seating of former Senator Frank L. Smith of Dwight. Sena-- tor Glenn, elected last November 6 to fill the vacancy, is now oc-- cupying his seat in the senate. Ways and means of furthering co--operative marketing will be the principal topic of discussion. Dug' farmers of Illincis will hold ir annual state association meeting at Jacksonvillea -- January 29 and 31. .71 miles; Route 70, LaSalle coun-- ty, 1.45 miles; Route 90, Marshall county, 10 miies; Route -- 96, Han-- cock county, 9.54 miles; Route 97, sections 1431144, Fulton _ countiy, Mich.. Wednesday with the Michikan State Conservation Commissiph to formulate a universal law governing commercial fishing on the Great Lakes. A draft of the bill preparea on the proposed universal law will later be presented to the legisiatures o(thclt.htww Deputy State Warden Henry Kern: of Waukegan, represented the state of Tilinois at the conference, re-- turning from Lansi Monday. Hemammzhnnmm this state by Gust Radebaugh, state director of conservation at Spring-- field. on account of the active interest he has.taken in the commercial fish-- ing situation in Waukegan during the past few years. To avoid imitations, Absolutely Harmle Castoria is "especially pre-- -- pared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages ' of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising t from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids assimilation of Food ; giving healthy and natural sleep. WATCH FOR OUR [\ _ The LAUNDRY does it best! . Weekend Special Brick . --| ; oitn mesprivice it .. SODA SHOP _ ||. Reliable Laundry & Dry 122 MB OERTRCgAD, TOpICSCHVOU CC fl!l' million te of Tilinois at the conference, re-- LAK®® in 1918 ml:' 'This A | pounds were caught ning _ from hndz'.l:fld"-mmwmh was appointed the mmwm" He said that a :c::""b'oum" mfuMWhvmwumum- conservaj & b H.mmmtdmmmwlw'mhwu-"" m,nnnmmewm-, 'I'heecntmlmuo(thefhhgl-~ _situation in Waukegan during the son and not the pollution 0f the wa-- t few years. |ter and the lack of food, is the rea-- To Alid Fish Supply \ son for the present condition, Rad-- It was pointed out at the meeting. ) cliffe asserted. itations, always look for the--signature Harmless -- No Oniates Physicians . IC Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it THE: LAKE--COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1928 vinia secs 36. Decrfiscld. w v oniin and at io A Peatas and wf, jt tens, wd. Lot 1. bik ? Wkgn Gardens, secs 1T--and 20, Wau-- J J Peden to P L Kruger. dred. P of NW ar of SE gr of sec 15. Verron Lot 34, Skarda's Third Sub, sec 11, Grant. W Pender, et al. to R Kelly, ged Pt of sec 27. Newport. C Zagnoli and wfi to B Carani and wi, Jt tens, wd. Lot 23, County Ciks plat of Block Plat C of Highwood B&nmmnwcz-mnfra-' wi. it tens wd Lot 51 hlk 1 ®Pa~ J Swarda and wfi to E Heller. wd. Lot 34, Skarda's Third Sub, sec 11, Grant. Routine business occupied the at-- tention of the court on the 8!' day of the new session.-- -- With Chief Justice Frederic R. DeYoung, Chicago, --presiding, Clerk Charles W. Vail presented a large number of motions, all of which were tak-- en under advisement. F H Bartlett to J J Crawford and wi, jt tens, deed. Lot 1, bik 46, Bart-- lett's Third Addn to North Woods, sec B3, Warren. M M O'Leary, jt tens, deed. Lot 8, blk 13, H O Stone & Co's Lake FPorest addn, secs 8 and 9. Deerfleld. Justice Dietz representing _ the fourth supreme district and filling a "e?n%d causlsd bth.hc resigna~ tion o ge Floyd B. "im Rock Island, ulunywd the o office before he appeared on the bench with other members of the court. convened Real Estate Transfers Lake County Title Jt Trust Company or Z =A idz Abstract of Title 61 Jennie R Howell to F H Bartlett ged. Lot 13, blk 24, Bartlett's Sheri-- dan Rd addn, secs 3 and 4, Wkgn. P H Bartlett to H G Wehran and wi, ;t tens, deed. Lot 8, blk 2, Bart-- lett's Sheridan Rd addn. secs 3 and P H Bartlett to N A Park. deed. £| J J Cermakeand wi to R Herma: hf of lot 1, bik 18, Bartlett's Sheri--| Nek. qcd. Lot 29. Silver Lake Park dan Rd addn, sees 3 and 4, Wkzn sec 9, Antioch. H G Wehrhan and wfi to F H Bart--| J Vrchota and wfi to R Hermanek lett, god. Lot 8, bik 2. Bartlett's| G4Cd.© Lot 26, Silver Lake Park, sec 9 ;lhefldan Rd addn, secs 3 and 4| Artioch. . Js . N A Park and wi to F H Bartlett ged. E hf of lot 1. blk 18, Bartlett's g'_verldan R4 addn, secs 3 and 4. cheisure hours for YOUTH and BEAUTY Aluminum Articles for Your Home Given Phone 340 , wd. Pt of SE qr of sec 20 with Wrapper Coupon from ALGOOD Oleomargarine EARL H. CORLETT You'll be Complimented for Serving W h c va the wurrln:(:l:kufs.( wuhiung--:,e:vhlch takes its toll of Youth and Beauty. Let us shoulder your washday burden. ALGOOD Oleomargarine llllllIllllnllflllllllllllllllfilllllllll!!!!llllllI!m!lllllllmllllIlllllllllllllllflllllllllllfllllllllE wi to Anna M FREE Libertyville. C T & T Co to K E Bulits, deed Lot 7, blk 60, Round Lake Beachn Channel addn,. sec 20, Avon. J Y Guthme and wf to H Hedler and hus, jt tens, wd. Lots 1 and 2 bik 2, Grady & Hallowell's sub, Kkgn H Gehrls and wf to J Gerhls, wd N 41'ft of lots 7 and 8, blk 8, Kirk & Powell's addn to Wkgn. J Hevrdeis and wfi to V Hermanck ged. Lot 27, Silver Lake Park, see 9 Antioch W G Johnson and wf to 2C H Rutledge and wi. jt tens, wd. Undvd half int in lots 39, 40, 41, Second Addn to Silver Lake Park, soc 9, An-- tioch. G C Stumpf and wf to C H Rut-- ledge and wf, jt tens, wd. Undvd hif int in lots 39, 40, 41, Second addn to Silver Lake Park, sec 9, Antioch. J R Fulton to G Salmi and wt, jt tens, wd. Lot 8, blk 6, Wkgn Gar-- dens sub, sec 20, Wkgn. R J Laurent and wf to A Hein and J Watry, wd. Lot 2, blk 2, Meakins sub, sec 16, Wkgn. W J Kalish to I DeMeyer, wd. NE qr of SW ar of sec 29, also pt of NW qr of sec 32, Warren. C T Allen and wif, et al, to M A Homer and wf, jt tens, wd. Lot 77, M Golden and wf to G C Stump! and W G Johnson, wd. Lots 39, 40, 41 and 53, Second Addn to Silver Lake Park, sec 9, Antioch. and E 5.40 1t of lot 24, Owners sub, NW qr of NE qr of sec 32, Deerfleld. G Brandt to S Posner, qed. Lot 18, blk 91, Zion City sub, sec 22, Ben-- flh;"& Lot 84, J L Shaw's sub on We Deliver iFOR RENT--Two car garage, Tfi 1 Johnson Ave. Phone 529--J 96 NOTICE--Mrs. Cook's' (3:: s].;,,i is . now open : with usua Christmas supplies. Rugs, quilts FOR RENT--Five room apt. with garage, Heat and hot water fur-- nished. Apply 181 So: Stewart FOR RENT--Office or apartment FOR RENT--Furnished room for one or two persons. Board if de-- . sired. 108 1st St. Phone Liberty-- ville 311--J. I1--4. FOR RENT--2 room office suite. Light and heat furnished. Good location." Apply at office of Lake County Register. 89--1t. FOR RENT--One sleeping room 148 Church Street. Phone 388--W FOR RENT--Farm, 4 mi. North-- west of Libertyville. Call 381--J. 609 N. Brainard Ave. Fred Hel-- fer. 87--tL. FOR RENT--Furnished house in Libertyville. _ One room . reserved by owner. $35,00 per mo. Avail-- able Jan. Ist. Call evenings. Phone 291--W. 96--1t FOR RENT--One sleeping room. 140 Church Street. Phone 388--W. 98--6t. FOR RENT--G4rage. Reasonable Address "L" Care' Register. 1-- FOR RENT--Flat 4 rooms and bath. $30 per month. 808 N. Mil. Ave. H. S. Schrader. 770 W. Wash. St., Chicago, I!l. Dearborn 8578. 95--4t FOR RENT--New modern 6 room residence in central location. All large, light and airy rooms. Liv-- ing room has natural fire place. Sun parlor, bedroom and lavatory on 1st floor. 2 large bedrooms and bath on second floor. Reasonable rent to responsible party only. Phone Lib. 90. 96--2t FOR RENT--Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone 425-- R: 93--tf. |FOR SALE--Old fashioned, home grown buckwheat flour. Will de-- ~ liver. Phone Libertyville 678--J--2. Bergeron Stock Farm, 2 miles west of Libfirtyville. 86--tf. FOR RENT--New 6 room modern house in central location. 5 rooms including extra bedroom and lav-- atory on first floor, 2 rooms and 'bath on second. Will give lease to responsible party. Address re-- ply to J. H. % Lal'(?e Ccunty Reg-- ister. 95--2t. mdwfl&m"zéfi ; T tm . 91 FOR SALE --Ear corn. Phone 614--wW--1. 06.3 FQR _SALE--Large base burner FOR SALE--.f:loug_bin. capacity 25 FOR SALE--200 one year old Leg-- horn hens. Price $1 each. George Ernsting. Lake Zurich Phone 76--R--1. 95--2t. FOR SALE--The best lot of early over Walrond's Store. Inquire at the store. 86--tf. FOR SALE--One stack of timothy hay mixed with alfalfa Weighs about 6 tons. Price reasonable. Phone 533--W. 94--6t. FOR SALE--Second hand, Apple-- ton 6 roll shredder in fiod condi-- tion. _ At bargain. erschber-- ger Bros. Phone Prairie View FOR _ SALE--Two new -- modern houses, both having two--car gar-- ages. Sunnyside _ subdivision. Phone 530--J. 92--6t. FOR SALE--Yarns of pure wool for hand and machine knitting-- also rug yarns. Orders sent C. O. D. Postage paid. Write for free samples. Concord Worstead Mills, West Concord, New Hamp-- shire. 93--4t. FOR SALE--Chicken feed. Whufi shelled _ corn, bnrl;{. oats an buckwheat seed. ixed _ ready --for feeding. Also baled straw. ' Will deliver. Phone _ 678--J--2. Bergeron Stock Farm, Lake St. 2 miles west of Libertyville. FOR SALE--Real Estate nx:o%m';'v A. scn:vmm « ull)le venue. _Libertyville, IIL )R _ RENT--Furnished modern house in M Phone 557--R, J. J. Rouse heating -- stove 676--M--1; pounds, with sifter attachment. Phone 835--J or 276. 96--1t hatched single comb Rhode Is-- land Red Cockerells we have ever offered at $2.50 each until Dee. 656--J--2 Phone MSCELLANEOUS m Eon 7 00000 A000W «/ B vifinectit d trtir ht d mw' mtorexchmgc,orityonmt&lp,m'nkeltho:nthmghh columns. You will get results ® 'l'heuianowuyyonunnaehrumypeoplo' in Lake County hufiofiafimafi"»mflenmflmmflm make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. Minimum charge, 25¢ 6 insertions for $1.00 * Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. -- -- Classified Ads L. A. Huebsch, Mundelein. If you want to b ything oryexcha:?m_ ar i':'v:nn memink 'uol: u_'.?.'. !L.E .";wh. ."..'0 FOR RENT Telephone 147--M. FOR SALE $15.00. _ Phone 96--1t pdliatr Shoms Apscae / Urnmu""mh'"' i¢l)'r ;f"yoimt fxelp,mkelt known through these a _ room Mundelein. 94--6t Or | 94--6t. 86--tt scientific Examination t ! cunsurrrrn | Waukegan National m Office in First National Bark Bidg Houn:ltoS:lOlnd7t.olp.n. Residence, Oakwood Terrace FRED GRABBE Auctioneer -- Real Estate 912 N. County St. Phone 179# Charges reversed on ai} bustneas Luce Bldg. Hours 9:00 to 12:00 a. 1:30 to 5:00 p. m. DR. OTTO R. THOMPSOX ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building Telephone 57 LIBERTYYTI Commander Ray M. Phone 221--W. Meets First Tuesday -- G AWAY FROM MEXICO An old decree dug up in goverm-- ment files at Mexico recently poing-- edtotheeflectthatmypu- stealing an automobile should be tried by ;ourtt)-marh'll. and if found guilty, shot by a firing squad, at-- cording to a bulletin issued by The Al;)tomobi'l; Club of Illinois. i# retty hard on the auto thieves, it is discovered that the old Mexi-- can law was never repealed. How-- ever, the decree has not bee enforced in late years anu it is doubtful if & ev? will be. Mexico has advanced into civiliaztion at tno rapid a pare $oc dasef c cogine 10 5 MAKE QUITE SURE OUuR. -- COAL YOU GET----AND you | CAN LAUGH AT WINTERS THREAt en Cmm RnEr to insist upon a senten(e so John G. Borst REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE --REALTOR-- JUSTICE _ OF THE PEACE Office at Stewart and Lincoln AUTO TfllE'YE_S_.BE'l_'[ER KEEP Harry Madill Bartlett wintertime misery 'I\HE best time to laugh at winter is while taking a look of a full coal bin. Qual-- ity fuel is the only argument to use against cold weather. Good fuel is a sure cure for Libertyville Post No. 32 AMERICAN LEGION Other times by appointment. LYELL H. MORRIS STATE BANK BUILDING Mundelein, IIL Phone 214 DR. J. L. TA YLOR LIBERTYVILLE Waukegan, illinow B. H. MILLER . E. SIMPSON PAGE SEVEN