eame shortly after the trial of three Italians for the kidnaping of Billy Ranieri. 10. had been adjourned and a hearing was started on a habeas corpus writ to free two suspects in the murder of Ole Scully, a state wit-- ness, Wwho was shot to death Monday. J\mw Gentzel -- suspended the when he was informed An-- gelo Petitti, one of the defendants, CHICAGO, Dec. 20. --With another death threat against a witness writ-- te., into court records, the state was ready to wind up its testimony today in Mmmefl'hg!.m trial. the writ when he was informed An--, clubbers-- gelo Petitti, one of the defendants, Mrs. Ranifri was on the stand yes-- had said: | terday for the state but was excused "Mike Devito (a witness) will be' after a few questions. She was ner-- the next one killed." | vous. after having lived several Assistant State's Attorney Cm'muu uhnder police protection. The Mueller, himself under guard after' Ranieris have received a dozen teing threatened, told Judge Gentze!) threatening letters since Billy was that Pettiti had made the threat be-- | kidnaped last fall * "Devito is the only witness against Petitti in another extortion case," Mueller said. "Scully was the only is out of the way Party Dresses, Dress Suits, Scarfs, Sweaters, Overcoats, Hats, Gloves, Neckties, Robes Rugs, Draperies and Curtains Dry Cleaning Reliable Laundry & Dry Cleaning Company PHONES 178--179 Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bartlett We Wish You a Joyous Christmas and a Prosperous and . ___ _ AP WITNESS THREATENED We operate our own dry cleaning plant. 25 years of service. ° Season's Wishes O OUR patrons and friends may.you know we cherish your Tgood will. The old days are gone and it is with joy this insti-- tution pauses to extend the season's greetings to the rgsi-- dents of the Libertyville--Mundelein area. May your Christmas be a most joyous one and the New Year heavily laden with the fruits of success. . Let us brighten the holiday season for you by cleansing some of the above articles and thus renew their fresh-- ness and improve their ap-- pearance. Happy New Year Lyons & Rouse to be killed just as Scully was." » Fred Petitti, a brother of Angelo, and Frank Mastrolanni were the pri-- sonmers for whom the writs were HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS Two other state witnesses, Deputy Sheriff Don Bleao and Adoiph Gose-- lin, both of Kankakee, said they had been warned not to go on the stand and tell what they knew about An-- drew and Tony Cappellano, the other two defendants in the case. The Kankakee men were active in cap-- Jewelry is jewelry, but no Liberty-- ville girl would as soon have gold fillings for her teeth as a diamond ring to denote her engagement. one of the four injured by the Mundelein, Illinois </BOY, CIRL ARE Sam Katz and Sylvia Jacobs were the winners in the fifth annual Wau-- The last of this week the girls who are away to school will return to enjoy the holidays with the home folks. Among those return-- ing are the Misses Alice and Helen Rockenback, Margaret Fink and Marion Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weaver and son and Mr. and Mrs. William Weaver of . Chicago visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Mr. and Mrs. George Hawkins of Highland Park visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs A. 1. Payton. Monday -- evening -- Mesdames G. Young, Tonne, . Payton, Weaver, Hans, Loomis, Gnodluck, Schallen-- kamer and Prehm attended the O. E. S. Christmas paity in Barring-- The chicken supper and bazaar Eiven by the Ladies Aid of the vangelical church was attended by over five hundred. The Prairie View band entertained with several selections. - Mrs. Charles Weaver and Mrs. Emma Hans were in Arlington Heights Thursday afternoon. | -- The many friends of _ Mrs. Schultz, who lived many -- years near Fairfield, will be saddened to learn that she is seriously ill, at her home at Des Plaines. <-- Mrs. Schultz is a sister of Mrs. Emil Ficke. L. V. Dondeville, Mr. Prehm, Bill Schagel, James Harkness, Irene Ernst and Phyllis Soderberg are numbered with the sick during the past week. -- SPEECH WINNERS ton Ladies Aid of the Evangelical church was held Tuesday with the following officers being elected: Mrs. Minnie Fink, president; Mrs. Lizzie Froelich, vice president; Mrs. Mayme Prehm, recording sec-- retary; Mrs. Tonne, corresponding secretary and Mrs. Elsie Meyer, treasurer. That resolution offered by Senato: Georzge Moses of New Hampshire on behal! of himself and Senator James A. Reed of Missouri eliminates ref-- WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. -- The: contest over the Kellogg anti--| war treaty which had been bot--| tled up in the Senate foreign rela--| tions committee for two weeks was| brought to the Sernate floor today | when Chairman Borah presented h!t. favorable report on th> document. | The reservatiorists also presented their modified resolution hoping to bove it considered and passed when the treaty 's ratified. ue Mr la y LAKE ZURICH ~am on FIGHT NOW ON Lak man of Chicare h -- friends the erence to the Monroe Doctrine. |It would add a heretofore =>~~»ntioned tion be communicated to all the :; atories, thereby giving it the sain> authority as an official reservatio J the treaty. . j 'The resolution, follows: : { "Resolved, that the Senate of the United States declares that in advis-- ing and consenting to the Multi Lat-- eral treaty it does so with the tm- derstanding: j N "1.~--That the treaty does not im-- pair or abridge the right of the Unit-- ed States to defend its territory or other vital interests in acdordance ;13: the traditional American poli-- "2--Thatthe treaty imposes | n~ obligation on the United States | t. resort to coercive or punitive r:¢as ures against any offending mt}u:y Borah offered the report froim .t floor in open session asking undn. mous consent that it be cons.d&--> as having been offered in executiv session, a course, which is customary with treaties. There was no disous eral Lake county townships receivec additional requests from poor nersons for aid. A report was made Tuesday morning to « the authorities | Qia there was a family in Gurnce, in which there are several children, in need of food, clothing and fucl This matter was taken care of prompf'y In Waukegan township Supervisor Matt Dilger reports that so fa> this w.nter conditions in Waukegan. are better than during the Ch=sthas weason last year. He says that only few calls for aid had been received Yea, Friends----Greetings \'EA,F%mNi),AM) PATRON, THE TIME IS AT HAND TO EXTEND TQ YOU AND YOURS THE SEASON'S GREET-- INGS A MILLION FOLD. NOR ARE WE UNMINDEFUL OF THE VALUE OF YOUR FRIENDSHIP AND PATRONAGE. MAY YOUR CHRIST-- MAS BE MERRY AND WE HOPE THE HAND OF FATE DEALS YOU GOOD LUCK INX THE NEW YEAR. May Your Christmas Be the Merriest Ever IN THIS YULETIDE SEASON THE OLD MESSAGE IS STILL THE BEST. -- WITH THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST EVER GROWING STRONGER, WE SEND OUR GREET-- ING, THANKFUL -- _FOR THE STRENGTHENED FRIENDSHIP AND FINER GOOD--WILL THE YEAR HAS BROUGHT. J. B. Morse & Co. Greetings to Our Friends and Customers \ 1928-'29 TITUS BROTHERS at his Miss Ida Himmelreich Tuesday is-- sued a warning to owiers of horses to take good care of the animals dur ing the cold weather. Compalints were made to the authorities by the Humane Society officer that she had CR.uc0 v. Cho.d Wioou 0. NOFuA Jiis cago, near Zion, and in W>=~~~nd: where horses had been left in {iclds without being covered and without Gifts That will be remembered long afterthe holly wreaths are gone. Libertyville, Hlinois LIBERTYVILLE VWe have a full line of Millinery--Scarfs-- Butonniers -- Gloves -- Jewelry -- Purses. New fall shades in Service and Chiffon Hosiery with the slenderette heel. Ladies' Shop MRS. A. WACHTER, Prop. Libertyville CHECK RONDOUT LOOT RECOVERY state rural credit bonds, supposed Minnesota officials Tuesday sought verification of a report that $30,006. 31 abuses. being fed. Check--ups were made .. these have been burned in the Roundout, IIL, train robbery sevéral years ago, had been recovered by the postoffice decpartment. State Treasurer Julius | Schmahnl was notified by Wirt, Wilson and Ccompany. Mirneapolis underwriters BPE L T e T T TTE ETE T TE TE Z2 C § 526 N. Milwaukee Ave. Libertyville i yay on wain wain maie mhes ues waie uhi sunor mher uher uain caer maes par uon y Great States Theatres in Waukegan--the GENESEE, ACADEMY and RIALTO--wis" every one a very Merry Christmas and a Pros-- SUNDAY ONLY, DECEMBER 23 perous New Year. Mac CON "Manhattan _ "Christmas Cocktail" |__ Cabaret" Mon. Have You Made Your Reservations?--Seats Now On Sale! Big New Stage Show New Feature Picture Vitaphone and Movietone Orchestra and Organ Favors! Noise--Makers! Sur-- ight Life and Campus Capers Women's 1.00 to 2.50 Men's..... 1.25 to 3.00 Childrens 1.00 to 1.50 Bring your Slipper List Here. Give the kind you know will please and wear. Priced to meet every gift appropriation. c IENIESIE JE C EN IESIE JE NANCY CARROLL and RICH ARD ARLENX rthy Melange of New York -- on the screen -- MAs DAY COMPLETE SHOWS--S5 Tues. & Wed. 1.25.26 )ms Ox-- CHRISY A T W AU KE G A N that the bonds were in the possession of Washington officials awaiting rec-- One of the captured Roundout robbers had said that the bonds en route from New York to Minrospslis were destroyed. FRANK WALLIN AND HIS JOYbBOYS _ _ A Merry Musicak, Presentation with scores of Clever Enter tainers Fhurs. Fri. & Sat. Doc. 27--28--29 -- on the Stage -- MIDGETLAND in Loads of Fun for Everyone ALL SEATS RESERVED ADM. $1.00 Per Person The Greatest Frolic Ever -- on the Stage 6'TOYS" In _ PACE THREE