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Lake County Register (1922), 21 Jan 1922, p. 2

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'my ty town team, winning by -- the seore of 34 to 22, which was very * good game al! the way tnrough. The '.," seeand team played Lake Villa, de-- ,'\ ating them by a score of 29 to 24, be? :. a clean game. --_ us ?v_:';*:.»??fe, wamee _i [..>~ 4 Mendays =..Z. --° ~..< | _ _ PRAIRIE VIEW _ ' Miss «Helen Lafrent: visited at the & {s. ... Ne t Hutel was a city visitor;~* Mrs. Laseke and son Henry prere .»3',; Highland Park last week. <-- . ' Lake Zurich callers Tuesday. . se _¥ry . was pleasantly sur--| linummm"ned home _--_._ ppeed '"~| 16th w . by her, Sunday after a few days in old the nei fan, 1ith. Chicago visiting with her grand-- A2" t 4* 6. Riex and o o ons e . Ainutogan vi2. 'Walter Kidner left Wednesday for --'Merman: Kueblank and Myron --R Wells --motored: to Lake Forest Thurs day afternoon. *4 t Mrs, Myron_R. Wells : entertained relatives from Barrington on Sunday. . Pwo games of basketball= were itor Thursday. """El--hiv er w Kmpp of Lake Zurich on Monday and Tuesday --'Mrs. Myron E. Wells and Mrs. George Gross spent Monday in Chi-- . mother from the city this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Steerp spent Sun-- Libertyville, winning both games by the scores of 18 to 7 and 10 to 5, both heing very fast games." Saturday evening the Area girls play at North Monday Mr. Dagner huad the mis-- getting empty cans, the R. R. gas car started up and freightened the horse which started to run, Mr. Dagner got and son are doing nicely. Anothe Boy Stout for Half Day. -- _ = : Wednesday evening the Area bask-- e last Thursday, It was an ideal | day and a good number was aut. The ladies decided to stage a ; Play about the Tast of March of fore part of April, before the pastor goes to Conference which is about April 2 He would love to show a clean The Nernon -- Gemetery Association will mweet with Mrs. Aif Stancliff of Half Day, Jan, 26. . DMAMOND LAKE COMMUNTTY : , JtC 8 CHURCH ) § Charles J. Dickey, Pastor, } 2:30 p. m ----Preaching service fol--| w!mm Mr. Jack ' director of Athe ~First Methodist Rpiscopat church of Lib-- ertyville, sang two solos last Sun-- 'The services were helpful. Come and; _ MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME ELIMINATE THE RISK-- _ " _ . ~ l of ever havihg to pay a bill the second time-- n + Local Editor Phone 122--J The Citizens State Bank of Area Ewil L. _(_:yum.n _ Open a Checking Account. Pay all your bills by check and let each cgncel-- ed check be your receipt. &. ** This bank will welcome your account visited <~at the and Miss Beth of No in Tidlane this woek. . _ _ e ie fifi' hyweet'-- 1 Anouk 0. NCL ho onl ... . red : at the Ed Jones hm.w nesday -- evening to help. Mi--s C evening ) spent largely /n ing Bumeo ete,-- ~Everyone present joyed the evening and wished "orm many more happy birth lays . | ,. a-- Hauselein --ente r m,fldutz. and childzen of Chigago the last week. s s Miss -- Helen -- LaFrentz _ returned | home Tuesday After spending several | weeks with her parents in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. . is i Mrs, Charles Goswiller and grand-- #W"'l'"' Connell called at| the Henry Stelling home _ Monday .,;,,.l' 5 umm& 'Mr.--and Mrs. William Ho Louis® Stocke visited at the Goetz ms!w- l 2 'George Stelling called. at the Chas, Herschberger home -- Thuyrsday "0'1 W MeeNagel motored to 20 * Perking, / the f . Cbristand "Wm. Kruckenberger at--. vended Bb» : producers meeting at Eigin Wednesday. E> Mrs. )-:'?rms visited her daugh-- ter, Mrs. Otto Obenauf Thursday. 'Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Schuls are able to 'be out again afi'r four weeks. quarantine. -- Pxv : Sn -61:1; Miller was a Lake Zurich day, January 22, at 10 'a. m. M'h regular English service at St. Matthews Lutheran dxgm\. 2s Mikii:'a&nm Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Oonsoer last week. --_ _ | . _ ning. _ Misses Mar; Marie and. Bar--| bain Goc vigied at she Lascke home Sunday. afternoon. . > | Mrs. Charles Herschberger Jr. and | Mrs. Henvy Tonne were Area efllers; * Quite a number of the young folks | * e i ABEAMEEAIEE j attended the party at the Steiling| _ . m ; was spent in playing games. All en-- | urday and Sunday jn.Area with her | ;mhw x [ hb'm"MuM,. <-- ©09 aiy ©-- t hn k moke. ns Mr. and Mrs. Charles. e . | "&. B N 4 ,"E-.?'t.. "** | Area with Mr. and Mr. 3. H. ~AA _ and Clara| The Misses Clara and Mildred Davis ;q--ll-hl--ll--rw spent Saturday evening at the home Fea aaee . "ae mt prues 2L ldfl-,hafi-im&nry Miss" Florence Beaumann was © & were Palatine callers Tuesday. ' | ealler on Blanche Converse . Satur-- umflmmw;!"i- ' 'H.t.'lmu&-day Fred: Converse was taken to the ,T--"- £:°4 Lake County Hospital Sunday were | 'Mr. Albert Sauer attended ~bank|he will take treatment. :""""I"'""""'"?"""""' Mrs. John. Lengen and Mrs. Bert " n Annn o4 -- pubraoncratnhttieds | Tromblee were Grayslake callers last F i¢ , | Thursday, l WA(.I_C...E_NDA |" John Lenzen wasa, McHenry caller 3 n id MR Thnes «is nint Aanch . | list weok. ¢ * Dr. L. E. Golding -u.-i.uuh-i ter of 'Libertyville were lt: callers at the 'home of I:_'ihd ® F. L. Carr > 2 12 0M6 ' Mre. ,*q N"!m ".'*:"i". with the sick at her with friends in Mi , Wis. Mrs,.-- Alice Geary . at . the home of her son m of Lake Zurich: from +. afternoon until Montay. $ %. % Mr, Ne}son of the cement man, was in town y. _ _M¥: and Mrs. Fink whose homs :*.1 and Mrs, NOE who home was burned on the e¢ farm are sccupying one' of the t:""""" tottages until the farm . can be rebuilt, which will be as soon --as materihl:can be got o@ the ground. Emerson Cook went to Libertyville Tuesday to call on our old-- fellow townsman, "Uncle" Peter Nimagern. LONG GROVE GILMER l day, """-"am on Blanche Converse Satur-- Hie Savér cal-- : 487. . t-_olndl%l Fred: Converse was taken to the «< _"__~~~~/] Lake County Hospital Sunday were the latter 1 Ars w * * | Boet s ;' _our who is il} ab the h )l"'ifiw $ n."li. fiuortymf I ~said he E. Id liked to have [found -- Uncle Peter in better health. ;. = > .. i er mban ;-.uugm--f;g r. sub--division : shore our . beautiful -- littlé -- Lake -- Bengs.-- re:. will be ~eighty lots running f the western luke shore to lfi} main. road, and. an, east and --west road 2lso runs along the far side of his farm, This lind was h ded: by Andrew Cook;when it'was bought from the government for one f and twenty--five cents per aere, and has always remained~ in the Cook family.This land is near / the sub-- division --of Srn&r'fi ligh ; and desirable for surttimer homes, .:. .. : . _ The Young Ladies Social Club met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Wm. Saitern and enjoyed the 'uspal good time and did justice to the splen-- did luncheon served by the hostess. &d:lborLMn teft here "last. Thurs-- j he will stay indeftaitely !a the 'home of his niece Mrs.--Farley H. Wade. _, -'i' Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Bacon--of Crys--| .. tal Like are spendiag a~few days ; at the home of Mr. and Mrs Erle|" Converse on the D. L. Putnam farm _ ~Fred Dowell and wife were Grays-- lake shoppers one day last week, _ /-- A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Erle Davis Tuesday night, Jan. ;:17. Mrs. Davis was formerly Pauline Hartig, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. fl,uhm Forest. > _/ P s < u6 o. ~Allo l c _.Mrs" Mary Daviin ealled on her brother, Peter Nimsgetn at Liberty= ville Tuesday. --. tss i e *'Claud Baseley motored to. Wau-- kegan Tuesday. He was called as a venireman by <the county gourt, John Davis of Crystal Lake was a pleasant caller at the home. of Mr. : and Mrs. Frank Cart one. day last week. : £ * s 4T Frank Roany shipped._a caniload of at the H. S, building last Saturday, was well attended. Many farmers from the surrounding towns were in attendance. f *4¥ ,.i Mr. and Mrs, Richard Grantham of Cary: attended the funeral ~f Calvin Griswold here last Tuésday. The dance given at-- the Palace theater here last : Friday might was well attended. James Fuller was man-- ager. H. E. lliekfimthe m"' cello layer dance caller was ipn m * $¥ daughter. Florence spent Sunday in Areawith Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wells The Misses Clara and Mildred Davis spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk. ; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tromblee" and family spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs, J, Cgrran and family Joe Sykes. spent Saturday at<Ben | Martin's home. «=~ t ' The eighth grade are studying a~ bout.IHinois in their Geography. .. Albert Lenzen was absent from .'Mmm-hntnnt. 6 Mr, and Mrs. Raiph Davis and son Simon were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Sykes Sunday. -- Florence : Beauman -- and -- Lillian Davis were from . school last Mum.u-. Those who have perfect attend-- ance® for the first four months . of Mm'mmm Tromblee and Blanche Converse,. °. of . COUN FORT HILL J. A, SCHMINKE, Pres are p to once you 1earn . a)! :r! it. : We nflzl'! the opportanity to talk it over with you,the next timte you are.in town. The Wheeling State Bank Banking Service for Farmers School Notes This pank offers farmers, 'uaur:a.u:: security for their funds y Sacility dmuLm for the mp{ and careful transaction of their banking business. .. Ghecking accounts for hand\i cur-- u&«; "loruiteares + Dapoitt tor money at interest for ahort. or terms; safety deposit boxes for the keepi. ,o_fM'v_alubIe paper® . ; You will appreciste the kind of service we Pres. = _ AS, F. BALLJNG, Vice Pro 'uw.c.,nmgl. Cashieg" .. * . * * WHEELING,; ILL, _' Orin Rockenbach of Deerfleld --is pmel i ... x ane 3 +./% : [ / Wttee i --Eliett and Wer | Mr., irs. W *, t reurath snapped on beach. x «drove . to -- Waukegan Mrs. _ 'Reinaid Werrenrath, --f bar-- % '":nuy':di '_'lj-:; lbix;#[itm.figmdlwwr'n'wvfimi ce e frrar c on t e \ . The 4 h > @. wic Mn t tone . tional Park at the nd:ool: Ared Ellett, Miaimi's priig beauty, who 4 s @vining 'drew. a large crowd| (ocertly won a £1000 ~.cnitest, ~They 1& it. MissMabel Koh! and . were introdus*1 in the beach. ' mt ""fl.» * ui d 2 ohe 3 & ; commiveiiminticmene ol ivece ic * Mrs. John Schyrme and 'daughter! MARRIAGE LICE }MW friends in Lake Zurich | RIACE _E ENSES oue day last week.© _ .0 _ _,"-- ~Marriate licenges were issued in the Mr W. °G uutm-z attended -- the M'w'm convention in W _ Harold--Plagge had several of his M in Thursday --to help eat wer "cake. ja 3. A,. J. Crawford --was QQWH!_. %fimbr last Friday, / " " / _ . Mt. Henman Prehm made" a: 'bus ww Palatine Monday, =©: trip to Palatine Monday, iy 3 Paul Krueger who was . . quaran-- ' of Wm, Schults is out again." His | home 'is in Nebraska. > --. 4 | . The Women's Society held an all 'day --meeting at Mrs. Herrien's Wed-- ~_A -- number }d:m'ugr::cu-qaym :A number of friends of Mr. W. C. fi-'us q;hewl at his home Wed-- nesday to help him." celebrate" lt# irthday, <\Bunco was -- played . and ainty . red served, The out g . ten e . were l:"uaa:n:'d i« k , ie npoins aF Aniington Mcights. -- l:::inu Mr. : Wextphal, their. pastor, Barrington, over Sunday, . Mr. and Mrs, Peter Jensen and Mrs. | L. J. Rehiman were Chicago . shoppers idence <on °P avenue to : August Meyef of Fremont township.--Mr,. and Mrs, Helfer have }ived in Lake Zur-- : 'many years and will be missed By a Tirge circle of friends. . _ Mrs.--B. R. Simons and Mrs. Harry Andéerson are on the sick list -- the past week. . * en It is rumored we are going to' nave a -- modern. . store ; building ' with ' élub main corh in town this spring. . % Mré. E. Hutchinson was a' Wau-- kegan.visitor Wednesday, * |-- The friends of John Kirehbaum who has had & summer home at Lake Qm{or_u'm'fllhmy to hear of 'his serions 'illness. ~He *was taken.sick in Florida and Arthur !mmm,hbnn.ldthnwfiw | bring him back to Chicago, where he would be-- among -- relatives. . Mr. ' Kirchbaum was many years ago & 'hmntflltmnrdn. - M+« S,MWin Fichmann was a Bar-- Mr. and Mrs. Buesching and Mr: and Mrs. Chas. Wunetzer and children attended a birthday party at: Cai-- »ow's Thursday evening. : *' Mr. and Mis.. Walter Plagge en-- . Miss FE Dymond is visiting ihr brother Jas. DPymond and family for a few" days.. A -- | C y patton: loft_lest woek for ' an extinded trip. The first vacation \he 'hes taken in 20 years." J a, _'Mrs. Harkness of Mendota is visit-- ing Wer son F, Harkness. -- _ .. SPIN AL Abwmgrs' RESTORE HEALTH Phoue 19 ¢." ) TEI R) Qenesee 8 Over Wodvv!&?l, 5 &m Mrs. Svivia Eichmann was a Bar-- DR. J. E. MEYER T s ce .n y s t en . * OPc' id ATURDAY, JANUARY'a1,_thas LAKE ZURICH _»~;, STAR BARITONE all We' xCt In R. Gness si. _ waukscan| THINKING PBOPLE ; MR Conee s ""wanksoan | THINKING PBOPLE bre RieA Marriage licenges were issued in the vounty clerk's office today as follows: Paul C. Carvic of Elroy,. Wis., and Felle Winkle of Los Angeles; Cal. + sey,. both of Milwaukee. . /.' --~ Charies Benpett of Milwaukee and Irma Nélson of West Allis, Wis. -- Cihrence Popp ' and Zelhya Walken-- heim, both 6f Chicago. * sock 55. AND BE AUT Y 1N BEACH. MEETING F requient Service CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE R. R.. means to you in terms of comfort--of time sayed ! ©A hurried trip.or an extended stop--over struggle with a time--table. A train is always d struggle with a time--table. . A train is always due within the hour. Day in and day out, in all sorts of weather, the steady stream of trains continue to give you the utmost in reliable transporta: tion. A /A M NA CS A'\l'-v-rfi-.---__,._ *% "he Jo% 6: LIBERTYVILLE TICKET OFFICE Passenger Station . § *' P orth Shore Line Consider what this important: factor Are you acquainted with this convenient FOR SALE--Good timothy hay, corn, and oats, © Mrs. M. L Gutzler, Deer-- field, L. N 9 5--6t OR_SALE--Choice butchering hctci WANTED--Pupils in volce and q & family use, dressed or alive. beginners erred. Moderate c . Fs_"" -1? /A C C, 1LCBARCY-- _ _ .' Fiora Chum'll. Phone 360--J. _ 4--6t FOR SALE--8'lots, 2 houses and barn ~ $3600. ~ $2300 'down, remainder FOR SALE----Holstein Bull, 12 months FOR SALE: Buy your cows and your-- self a Bull milking machine for FOR SALE--A --good > coal . range " Phone 13, Libertyville. Phone $20.00 a month, ..' <-- # / m...m J; J. Jarrett, Area. old from a 30 lb sire and from a| _\ e on 2s Als : 'This bull is ready for service. _*-- > |iPAY.5¢ per lb. for rage largewenough E. Wileox, Area. / 67 it to be used for wipers, Register O and --Iwill come to angpfarm in Hlin--| ois -unrj;u-o-m';x_ machine in actual working operation> on your farm. One thousand cows are be,| ing milked in Lake county alome on | this machine now; and every herd is (dnin;:.::tmflk ovarlifm,i miilk-' ing. .. ~.Bert ° i Ne | - c c e L --_ Minimum--charge; 25¢. © . /. _ 6 insertions for $1.00 . . . Rates: be per line per insertion. . -- :' ~ If you want to buy--anything, or.if you have something to sell, rent or exthange, ufi you want help, make it known through thede colummna. You will get results. * (ire t n & 'There i6 o way you cah reach as many people in Lake county in so short'a time and at so reasonable cost &s you can if you niake your 'wants known here. A trial will convinee you, +=». _ --. ... . , -- AND NIGHT TAXI SERVICE Phone Libertyvilie, . 806--M . > Trains leave 'Libertyvilie at thirty--minute intervals {rom ig'um.ulo:pl-.m.,&n'n'l;:ha.mudm half--hour thereafter until 848 p. m., then 9:48 p. m. and every hour thereafter until 12.48 a. m. \These trains make connections at Lake Bluff for Chicago." | . f on the" @n ¢ d&oedl ' E of Frequent Service x in s' * "A :»*> Rouring_ car'ar :coupe, -- Phone 39%, WANTED--A 10920 or 1921 YOUNG~ MEN, Womén, over 47, de-- . siring : government positions, _ $180 . :monthly, write for free list of pos-- . itions now open, R.--Terry, (former . Civil Service Examiner) 1400 Con--, tinenital Bldg., Washington !},g.efl WANTED--Man with car 'to --solicit in the county, spare time or full ; and legitimate 1ocal proposition. Fo particulars® address-- BoxH. Care of Register. Office, ~"Ad vi _ BeBt -- TURN |YOUR SPARE MOMENTsS INTO DOLLARS o Cc SUPPLY coal consumers with "Koal Save" guaranteed to save &nfi find this a very profitable business HEMSTITCHING ..AND . PIC attachment 'fts all machines, $2. Checks 10c extra. lfi Order ~House, Box 127, Exclusive rights, Write*for full pas« ticulars enclosing " stamp . for w. nousEworD chBMICAL CO.. . 180 E.. 3rd St., Paul Ming. entails no frantic MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Phone "4

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