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Lake County Register (1922), 25 Jan 1922, p. 1

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es & § ¥aE . o Ee es f l c i2 t3 Ns * $ ®X ' '"'~ o. n : hss *7 6 _ ; ies 1 * t3 f3 P 3 a y l 4 ' ( oo sa on hy o i N wid: + Pb . t . Py > : . , es# aa C oo3 T se ie l 110 oo lR -- k * o x Bs +4 yq S y 4$. * o a0 "tf'/:"h \' 'f'r',.r th»' B % ~ M MUMaIt \ PS + j l}?'i 5x * % h 2e n A '4,1'*, > ;f@'., "\'g'f'\-A Ei db C e Tok ce % yM' : 45 y ue css 5 s '); * w ce . 4 {« *4 , ' ; P g es :',f";'v be ¢~ . T MB oc 8 . _ : ts . e t ' y ¢ . C | 3 a%%.¢ .. sc tfi t ® ib\ § #2) h j o j ¥ P ®a) + *A 'f B\ EC Lo 14. e T f s 2 sa .~'$: 6fi 4 en PC " s-/ : 5e < I s * ;' ' ' f e I >A § * £ ¢ "\i}!': * us * + » w R 7 s 97 § '4 i ) z [ DtrSeunell for 'the prosecution in the . Swante, M case . against .. ev. € and Vernon Curtiss, Grant .. Rurk banker, are known to have un-- : @er conmideration the jJossibility of en-- pxering n ; molle --L:h:'m- the * "ahly one. of the three al indict-- "~ .@hese things have all been consid . .A Waukegan--is on the verge of fad: Jout of the: great illinois political _of Hangamon county of all the %Mnmmu«- fort to procure new indictments for trigl Will be cither in the capital city --_--_' WIM Fight Separaste Trials -- _ | the legal battle that is to be fought Waukegan one week from Satur-- day. _ At that time the state will _"vfihflmvmnmmr mand 'the effort of the ~ defense to 1 ' a -- severance . for Curu-.l is, It: is said, a peychological mison why the lawyers for the prose-- | eution headed by States Attorney: WCmrm,b-m? want the defendenis separately: tried. Announcemment that \r.~cunu-! was 'under quarantine at bis 'Grand Park home because of <the iliness Aiphtheria of his son, caused 5 its fo the argument lc1 Be week. _ Upon developments at that .t -mm:_hnfl.-nol{ t'& r . it . i' ~-- 14 4w is a that the jus kess ens . Car a separate -v: Pade " Aavks use ~ nbeat® Wi trial if tried jointly with Smail and Curtiss took a change of venue ._~-- Heok Cuase to Waukegan . After the -- governors . indictment Of venue and his case is stil} on the docket . of the Sangamon . circult authority to ask for a~ change of wenus, feels the same as to Lake t 6 Can't Ask Penue Change 'have to go mhea dand take its A the governor of . wnd his co--defend-- E. Cortis, was continued by an agreement of the for both parties in, the cir-- teduy. No mention was 'd'\:u-unumu.wm An Lake county, and new in-- m.va-uhw the -- de> be trisd in another court. | appearances, the case will be «in --Waukegssn as originally a move--would be followed by case advances to the stage in gan where the selection of the rney 'Wilkerson for the state, seveptance of a week delay, ~hl»u-'=--m was -w attorneys for tanas. 'This was objected to by by A. ¥. Beaublen for the de-- &tfluumn--n_ _maggested Lake county »--SECOND the trin} there because of poli and his evasion of ar s Piits of the cov. of the gov-- not bave & fair NO. 6 DeVona, Deposed -- Apostle, Found Embers of Zion City factional strife, smouldering dangerousiy for several ~days.-- were --fanned --afresh--into --open 'Glen jected to a severe "wweating" in the dmoclz:hw'w.mm leaders of the> Indeperdent faction in found.. Also his wife is now 'practical-- ly a prisoner in the hanids Of the Zion City police force, and was sub-- DeVona, for-- whom. & state--wide ubouts are stil} concealed, and he is in comrsunication < with Voliva's Zion Fracelli 8. DeVons, "deposed apos-- tie," former lieutenant of Wibur * Wife Is Arrested Mrs. 'DeVona was taken from the home of P. B. Johnson, Chicago real estate'man, who resifes in Zion 'City, and is high in independent councils, by Officer Stried of Zion this morning. She was taken direct to the office of Chief Becker, on a trumped--up charge, independents claim, and there grilled Mrs. DeVona was. taken in custody, without warrant, say. Independents, on the charge that she had committed a misdemegnor by going to the home of Gertrude . Emanuelson, _ 22--year--old sister--inlaw of Voliva, and there at-- tempting to induce the girl to fiee trom Zion. . The girl, on her previous escape from Zion was accompanied by Mir. @nd Mrs. DeVona, and she was arrested in Evanston, on Aa war-- rant issued by the Zion City depart-- The apostic's wife, say Independents t way to the postoffice, and then en the Johnson home. She re med her that skhe was under ar-- w that she be sbown the war-- mfifl""t:-m a warrant. she charges, but read a vise ber to have a gentleman with Vona of Mre. Johnson advised the «u=pected woman Hot to accompany Stried un-- less a man went with her to the stg "I'm a WAND T'll go with her," Stried is said to have retorted. "You may be, but I'm very uncer tain," rejoined Mrs. Johnson. Stried then threatened to take Mrs. Johnson also, she says, but contented himself finaily with Mrs. DeVona. He took her to the Becker office in the police car, instend of to the Zion po-- lice station or the Waukegan jail. "DeVona and "his wite kpow too much of the inside story of Voltva's actions, 't*dh" pendents. _ ** will be hounded out Of the city, in an effort to hush the story, if Voliva and his henchmen can 'My- I*i I'm a gentleman? mmst ditch to keep them here, and bare the tale of the overlord's misdeeds to mm.--um' *The charge against Mra. DeVona is her, however, und the whoto saffair is a farce, to persscute and intimidate the DeVonas." fense, who claimed that the postpone ment was by 'Mgreement. Charges ¥ United Press) SPRIN .--Livntenant . Gov-- ernor Fred ®. Steriing today stands indicted in this copnty on the sing!e charge of -- conapiracy, State's Attorney --Fred . Mortimer late yesterday molled all other indict-- ments returned against Sterling by thé Sangumon county grand . jury which probed the alleged withholding of interest on state funds by former state treamurers. * ©ot Taken at Johnson Home the Inde Chicago Man HeldIn' |Must SelHl Home |One Dead And One _' Cop's Murder Case: 7 eed Children ®%°4 !In Auto Smash State s A*tormey A V, Smith and Chief . Thomas .'Tyrrel', 'ot on . the trfil of th. whurderers who took the life of Spees Cop Wikiam Peterson of Winthrow Kerbor, 'today . arrested Theron W. Davis and Jumes M. Fur-- ling, both of Chicago, and are inves tignating their records, in an effort to identify them'with the mmurder. °* Under the belief that the men being held without boud, and been arrested without a warran torney William A. Desane filed a 6f habeas corpus in the circuit court just before noon today, but |: was learned that the suspects had been arrested on a Warrant for speeding through Winthrop Harbor last night, and the writ was 'dropped. p Meld Under $2,000 Bond Davis and Furling. were arraigned befote Justice Mason and bonds were fixed at $2,000 cach. 'The bonds were state's attorney for quastioning -mx-flh"of.fllum loa mo stone unturned to appre-- hend the criminals. Bues for Damages, Report eeto dopmu: ou} 30 ofBue seq;ouy came to light today, when it was an-- ings against the town of Winthrop Harbor. 'The cider Poterson, it was stated, is 'ruing for damages because the town authorities had not insured the life" of his son. It is generally believed . that the men held had no comnection with the murdar .of Peterson, but the state's nounced that the father of the slain His son lost his life while in the mr' the town, the father con-- and the authorities should have m*wm&»mg rein-- tives #h case of his death. CHINDBLOOM OUT PUBLISHED TWICE WEEKLY FOR RE--ELECTION LIBERTYYVILLE, ILLINOIS. WEDNEEDAY, JANUARY 25, 1922 to writ curt as| night and whe atie | Went into the Homer W. Hutchinson of Lake Zur-- ich, Saturday was ordered by Judge Edwards in the Circuit gourt to sell h_hmwhum.fimh- ich and bring into court proceeds so that the money, can be divided and used to provide food, elothing and 'shelter for Hutchinson's four child-- ren} who with their mother are now making their home with their father, retired police officer whose only in-- mh-flhkapfl pension, and who is also comp to sup-- port another daughter. + Overcome With Stove Gas While Asléep Hutchinson recently filed suit for divorce charging his wife with adul-- tery. Mrs, Hutchinson fled an ans-- wer, denying the allegatiqns and in turn accusing him of being a .habit-- of an ungovernable temper bordering that he moved to Lake Zurich after uum.hm::--han- -nm&:hm now makes &A from mm ::xh-':hmuuu brought suit upon her suggestion that he get a divoree and that she had agreed to his obtaining it upon any charge he saw fit to bring Hutchinson today agreed to permit his wife to go to the home and get any furniture and bedding she may _ Mutchinson told the gourt that he had only $53 in his pocket and $10 in the bank at Lake Zurich and > the need as well as a six of groceries. Rudoiph Jackson of Waukegan, and Joseph Elfering of Libertyville were at death's door Sunday morning when it was found that ga# from a coal stove in the room where the two men slept, had been esca. during the m.lldsth'dor:'-&mon- ing, they cold not be aroused. Firstaid methods restored Elfering but. Jackson was rushed to the Mo-- Allster "hosnital in Waukegan for treatment. Up to a late hour today his improvement had been very--alow., but he is now considered out of dan The two men wor-- working on the Vanderwerff farm north of Liberty» ¥ille. Theyhad gone to bed Saturday PE Te t ho on nsiar on went into the room on morn-- Ing, the men wore unot and ing, the men wore unoonsclous, and _.n.mvumm-fl;n. tho --'Rifering was able to be about farm today. vrg ¥F9 supply | _ _At the Coroner's inquest held at | rayslake Saturday afterncon by Or. J. L. Taylor a verdiet was rend-- m is in the Wooster Lake in a critw his akull fractured, and & internal-- ly injured, as the --result of an ~auto acctident at Weish's crossing, on the Fox Lake road at 4 o'clock last Fri-- day afternoon. c ; Smith and Garwood were réturning to their 'home in Grayslake, after their day's work as carpenters. As thek twrrd;hecorn-r at _ Weish vcrossing, the Ford«in mmm riding tutned turtie, huriing the men ugainst a telephone pole near the sdge of the road. omm: stantly, bmt Smith was rushed to Wooster Jake sanitarium immediate-- ly, in a «ar that was passing almost at--the time of the accident. : > mfi-fi: Lake county, having worked as a carpenter for a per-- tod of mpre than ten years, He married, but had been divorced, was making bis home with Oliver Hook at Grayslake. ¥ serious mocidents. . B is thz six years ago. The Fox Lake road st this point goes down & steep hill, and immediately at the bottom is a sbarp turn. 'The slippery condition of the roads yésterday is thought to have man mbmhm wood been working in Oake, ~ .. but he could not be To« cated last . night. Graysiake people now trying to reach him at flouth Ind., where it is thought he has tmoved. If posrible, the f9 neral 'will 'be postponel until he son can reach Grayslake.. The former wife will not attend the services for at been responsible Garwaod rvived Joseph Garwood is well known in Waukezan, as well a* in the county, and im a first cousin to John Bullook, clerk of the county court. f npd.of.eddaum--dz wing thrown from the 8 . hos o Tiens: 'They wate ieferaigg mee k were 'rom Ingleside. A bottle of booge was found in Smith's pocket and an wnpty bottle was found near the nachine. Joseph Garwood, aged 55, of G ke. is dead, and Burr x for Fight To Control _ Marketing Co. February will w'-'on the re-- of of ~ fourteen s, who were pomunmlm year to su@ ceed resigned directors, and four f 'IZ".' terlnl'z. 7 There are thirtéén directors whos@ terms do not expire this year, among whom are a few 'of the "old guard,"* which will attempt to wrest control from the 're--organizationisté headed by Thomas Keene, J. T. Williams, and A. --C,. Stoxen. Indications are. that cither the-- re--organizationists will be The fight for control of the c A'rM? Cooperative n;mum company _ at . the: annual m*"-s'g retained almost As a>whole or will u.-.t»qtmunm' ticket. At a meeting in Elign of delegutes from the Chicago milk dis-- pposition 'ticket were mhade. ., ° Old Guard Not Represented Love as president, the membership of the executive committee does not in-- clude a member of the old guard. C. D. Wing, St. Charles; A. C. Stoxen, Bassett, Wis.; T. R. Kéene, Whesler, Ind.; and J.--T. Williams, Sterling, HL form the committee, & of _ the marketing 'company gl terms expire in February are Brown of Sycamore, R. M. m¢1 Huntiéy, F. H. Reese of muli J. H. Love of Crown 'Point, Ind. Brown has already sent in his resignation. _ 'The following | were ted by man'_inltpukethephefi" bere who resigned, the name of the resigned directors being in ithes-- es: -- William , Darreli, Wauconda, (D.| L. Putnam} R. F. Tuttle, PD | Grove (C; H. Pétter) John Kishsen,| Pleasant --P , 'Wis., «O . Holt. H. L. Binham, Artingto ,.,,' C. Mcier); .J. T. Buchanan, Mebron, 111., (William Hil}); John Kely, Han ley, (W,. J. Kittle); Daniel LABar, D invan, Wis., (A. &. F Fuleoner, Rockford, (E. W. ' R-- K. Overton, Beloit, Wis, (J. M., Bailéy) H. J.-- Lagerschulte, Barring over:. W. H. Kimmeishue, Manteno, Issue New P1 The first issue of the "MHR News Reporter," which will be iss the Milk Producers' Co--operative Mar) ing company regulariy , was published last week. In it a. of urtichs tell of ?'- n the company, -- 'the _ _ guard" the Milk Producers' association. T. Wiliams, leader of the \ "new ment made following the fling of the petition states that it was done for h sns oiz diracstac t ts m ticiirn.. sn bies tnadiinttna ¥ C than 100 cans, brought by m:w'. r6k him farmers were supplied. be his private secretary. "*s 9 F n turn their milk into the re--opened sth--\rtg. a post of the m"» tance tion because of markets at Huhtey at that time. The ;"'g"'x* wmmmlqwldhc-mm'; v-'<-..~v-4 x panies . use great quantitise . Th¢/him a training in dipto: b am dairymen who signed to deliver to |probably could have ":, ummwmma-mlmumm--u wen mmmmmm'mmmp 16 m or berte. of state to Leo XIII he to« L- "Milk is being sent to the Marketing | nor Delia celd -.»--Ln&g, company in Chicago," said Patrick him e . wing the Freeman, n-nudwmnz.mdu m C !_%4 'They have agreed to use all m"fl."' , sent into Chicago." retary . oOf state. m ' _ Deolk Acumm.m-AMtommfi bis post, the _ Milk . -- Producers' M{&wn-hw ny 26. 1914.. company agreed to sell to Murphy and} when Cardinal Ds '_ Ward, getting the regulae pricd of| into wonelave after: the denth ¢ .1.no-mama~-uu0ugpop._"" -- 4': £ Hive per cont towhrd the Buppoft of | Hieved 'his ol it @ « guard" . 1# A list of the thirteen men who petitioned the federal court to>de (Closes Gilberts Plant The Murphy and Ward dairy com-- pany 'which reopened the old Borden -oqlhr--nmu--fl up at 6t..Charles to provide the dom-- pany with 400 cans of milk daily. At Gilberts 400 cans were sought but less than 100 cans, brought by sixteen farmers were supplied. Furmers® around Gilberts did not turn their milk fnto the re--opened sta-- tion because of markets at Huntley where the Victor May and Jeike com-- panies . use great quantities . The ans#swer in 3 n 6. the m---th Jan factional At St. Chiaries, farmers belonging to the -- Milk . -- Producers' . Co--operative company agreed to sell to Murphy and Ward, getting the regular -x $1.80 a hundred pounds and five per cent Mmm of the marketing company, -- U The following directors are held By 47 THOUSANDS PAY _ THEIR HOMAGE _ _ TO DEAD POPE _ Thougands Monday paid homage to Pope Benedict Mh'Lfi'_h the chapel at St. Peters, w w 'The pope's burial took place at 5 p'clock Monday afternoon. y An endless throng of worshippers passed by the door of the chapel, kiss ing the' foot of the dead pope which protruded the chancet. The pope was removed to the sacra-- ment cliapel from the throne room « mmanflufls ring. It had lain in state witice its from the death chamber,; § l Abandon Forméal Ceremony » Much of the aged"old ceremeny con-- nected with the death of the auprems with Pope Benedicts' last wishes. _ : 'The official visit of Minister DF Ro dino, minister of justice in the It cabinet, to the Vatican Wwhere he formally expressed regret in the name of the government, was also unprecédented. x$ 4 These mzm*'ouw pear that the life aim of Pope Bene-- dict, for a rewnion of the church and state in Italy might naterialize.. -- . Nine days of 'officiat mourning for Pope Benedict begins today and Car-- dinals whod will elect his successor have been summoned for Feb. 2. ----. /: Popt's Burial Beging _ _ _ The Burial of Pope_Benedict with solemin céremony which vwmfiz overlfiffihdfl!'*% evening. 'The body of the pope was be placed in 'the first of three «woffiag in which it will finally be interred and tonight will rest in the vault of St. Poter's. > '(:'_-;' e y\ C C In the afternoon the doors of St M-m#-'bn-n.l; tual burial services to begin. . .. Merry del Val on the other hand has a large following. He is not an Itab lan, however. s j Cardinal Gasparri who has been pa-- pal secretary of state and who now holds the pontificial authority tempor-- arily vested in the cardinal Cameren-- go, was a strong possibility in the public mind.> ®f 4: Obituary of, Pope . .. ----_ Pope Benedict XV was botn at Peg= l in the diccese of Genoa, Italy, Nov. democratic, (Gincomo Delia Chicse as Pope Bone-- _ diot XV -mn'g;; boyhood in the little Italian town. He -- are prominent in the loarned profes sions in Italy. hiE His father war the Marches Gins eppe Della Chicsm and his mother the and four years later he was ordained & $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE bility. But ns was elucted Ho at once entéred the sondenty for church

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