e & / Saturday. A'ufimtheimw-'hermnymmmmoftheday. dng of bird calls, a health talk, besides | _ Vern Hall, . Waltér Schwerman, «a movie entitled "Snow ~White," ljl'rederick Wy Amann, _ fairy tale in which all acting was done'Franklin Gross, Lil Gross, Mae .-;é ildren, at Libertyville, Jan. 21,|Tarbill, and their teachet, Miss E. Y. _ was a h:fl-ndrwfl-xomwm_mmu,n _ from all parts of Lake county 2 \Libertyville, m-'l The school . was enjo :nfl. The meeting was represented by all of the upper _ --a success, great 'credit>0n| prades, except one but I'm sure all -- the Count Superintendent of Schools, | who went appreciated "he educational _ Mr. T. A. Simpson. Ask Marie and | ;ijdes and the speeches. % _ Florencée Voss, Walter Schumacher,| ~Miss Alta Hall, who is attendi / Netha and Lura Havens, Ruth Thies, muunymurm.upnmsaz_ _ Lile . and Clara Schu--|eame home Wednesday evening as she '-- macher for a more lengthy description | was exempt in all her subjects. " _of the most interesting and instructive | -- Mry Geo. W. Gehrke was a Liberty-- test were Emma Hoffmeier and Helen in the hundred word spelling M C I;G es --~Rédwit UIndex d hficnj. es e en n . . 3 8. t | Am ind Rut g' werma ve R ',:. uies ez -WV\M s ake mge for the ypre veadienty: o+ P pe in -- att a > . BIDDL COM .ML weelks us 35 § WE 1 1 %, | 6 emmemmmee. ~ | ~ Elsie (Gebrike was absent Those who have not 'been @bsent|..aoo) last Thursday, because 0' & 'turdy the past week are, Donald paq cold, _/ . -- < igge, Louis Clarke, Loretto Rio"~| ryantjlin Gross had 'the misfortUn@ :?.' ]? t fi-.,hnwhxuonmo-k W "fl'. % BA 4 . and -- Arthur --Ames, and Earl Clarke, Annie Pato-- , B Weidner, -- Eddy Sisty, c iardan Oftto ~Ames and Lirten Jones. o KIF those -- '"Mr. and Mrs. Joe Keisler are the n;:)-dld-btbylifl~~ * surprise party held at the R. 'w'h.'-mweflnmwel _ 'The birthday party held at the Geo. Thatcher home in honor (of their daughter Devona Thatcher was well attended and all enjoyed a very good gfl.' wo} received several priges for flm't Funer'sr:m > Mrs. Knigge has been ill the past :?i;w Luker visited at his home --\~Mr. Knigge and Victor Gellings went to Waukegan on business Mon-- 'Helen Brockmann is spending the week end at the home of her sister i;;-;"fln--; Barre home 'Tuesday. " Joe Keisler and son Alvin were Libertyville visitors Sunday. . ° * Arthur Schar attended the skating party at Half Day Sunday. The Schools .~ First three grades furnished black-- _'"Ath and 8th year History ana Ge-- egraphy classes interesting; speeding id Pask 1 ure rending 'book 2, show. t i i ts t CCC / * |~ Marbert Hasemann spent the past &.'""' Tare af 1¢i ')""hhvukinhrtlldafldfitu""" _ shown much interest in our u'mm"' M spent Wednesday alf.. Their co--operation has made m"',:' hote fogress possible and improvement| CVCDinE at the Hasemann Smb | .. . ) in -- '-M and Grammar. L fssues of this paper for E}ifidh year. A box of w'h. afforded us things to work _ The boys and--girls are to give an t in a. few weoeks, An fas school entertainment or » is being planned for the hear future when every one will be invited to attend. The an-- ) e of the date will{ be your All the upper Catherine Riordan is absent because Gilmer school was well represented . the teachers meeting at Libertyville _ Mr. and Mrs. Gerber of Libertyville te Bunday visitors at the John M Albrecht| entertained re-- invitation. Dke Amemr se are absent | 2. Dawson and the pupits of the Libertyville Saturday. -- Ax there was no high school Fri-- :'UTMMMM- n visited with us. _'Leo Muschott of Waukegan Ts parohts Sunaay. vstted ----Mr. and Mrs. Goolits of "Waukegan spent Sunday with Mrs. F B. John-- --Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, Hiram i and Mr. and Mrs. hfihfimuo-rym ¢ ". is also on the sick list. William Einsman has been sick the Miss Mary Ryan is spending a few Mr. H. . Bartlett celebrated his DIAMOND LAKE SCHOOL GRIDLEY SCHOOL GILMER SCHOOL Riordan, Otto Ames Repertoos fane n roo in the who made toys painted Albrecht grades made baskets was absent Mrs. A. W. Hall and daughter went . *Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W Gehrke at-- undadlputyatohmdhplut; There were' ten school : children ig on the Ames pond last Sun-- g: The ice _was reported to be in liul.aodo&afinded:au- pb.pflyhhmwdlhs}lnd Browning, teacher of the Mills school, Tuesday evening. x c 3 Vern Wall, Mae/Tarbill + rvdotlan Aatiet, Sroms i' A surprise party was given for Cora Jones on her birthday ,last wed-- nesday evening. . Bunco was.played besides many other games, 'and re freshmerits were served at midnight, rty--threé people were pre-- E'lt, and 'in mg everyone wished her many more returns of the day. "r.f. in l:; --rather Monday Which resulted in his abse from school. _ y he tried to d0k The H. W, Schwerman family have been rel from their scarlet (0'3 qua _ Ruth :and Caroline again to come to school. K i weeks ago, nVE Mr. %nflyfi a & m""' tere was Judged to be very good. ture was jud o Moying a how Tess We h&lfi ord for € Ml" l'm" "'I'Ozt t which was sent to school i Te m-'::c as well '-,,;,-h""n'; mg record, : entitled, s Guy," 4 C . 5 LO€ -- The blackboard design, which haS been completed by the primary grades adds &R i to the room, -- . 'UlfinGmnadlh:w were painting more weeds week, which were added--to our collection. The Cat--tails and pussy--willows were yath-- ered during the noon hour on the ice. The upper grade boys have 'been busy mounting wooden toys on stand-- ards with wheelsmade of checkers. One 'had the misfortune of breaking his slightly while sawing. . Nearly everyone has their own coping saw. Some have been making bears, cows, ducks and 'roosters.. © i Miss Alta Hail, who is attendi gbmwgkwn'l:ifig was éxempt in all her subjects. °_ '*hG'o.W.Gdlh'-lM' villé and Area caller last week. Mr. Walter Kane has been hired as a helper by Mr. Ed. Jones and Joe Ritford by Mr. Geo. W .Gehrke. ~ -- A few of the'folks around this vie-- inity went to see the ski jumping at Cary, Sunday afternoon. TL rs a 25 3 ©UBT Emil Graff has a new l ifian | > ... to do the work on the Smith farm, > | vas Mr. and Mrs; Eimer Go# '.dt who son Harold spent Sdnday afterncon | ..,,, ut the home of Fred Meye®, _ _ | i; luChuWelianbemudw',! mVlmn-tT-udum at the of Mrs. Franklin Sawer. A. Withagen 'and C. Herflm Tn.hg.m:nthehomd ' -- Ein nd -- _. Pahi Inin Rere Esintine visitorgiWiktnes ~, m! PF 4 48 -él'fi'_!fl R Mr. and Mrs. Earl * ette are spendiag a few weeks in * Mr.: and Mrs. Ed. _went to Chicago on business Wedn s' Mr. and Mrs. Waiter n of liGrvn spent Suntlay. afternoon at home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank _ August Landwhar visited at the Koch house ,'l';mnd'y afternoon. -- Mable Kiler took her piano lesson at William _ Umdenstock's' at _ Long Grove last Saturday afterncon.. _ _ _ Roy Koch went to a dance at But falo Grove last Saturday evening. The attendance at school seems to be improviag. ~. / . 3 The upper grades will have a apell down next Friday afterncon. _ Miss Millie Wrench visited school The seventh and eighth grade pre-- pared compositions on Slavery in Four months of school being Mufl-vmhwmx Everyone was perfect in attendance BUTTERFIELD SCHOOL ARCHER SCHOOL SCHOOL er . genwermean, Barney Amann, + n . Gross, Mae C het, Miss E. Y.| * -- he institute _at| _ 1 y. 'The school| _ TH kli ©@ONDITION IN THE NEAR EAST Dr. Mason who has just. returned from Russia, Siberia and the-- Near East countries zavenvwstna?- ing talk at L. T. H. S. Tuesday, He began to travel when the !CH'er broke out, and he has ®erved :ir in ;:-:,r?ddnn and Ge:l:llny dll!ll}l.' ' According to Dr. Mason, W e eans think that we u:'t;t"z people, . but: there are other people that have suggestions of their owR Aside from the. peculiarities: of the flymlnudgkint ( peop inthe'z'yld. Row 'fi;r m @olored one » L & spoke to him about it. ° replied that his father said there were only two--kinds of people, the good, and &-a&;\n;'u.::mnii'-:m Americans n people. of any other country. They are very : flmmmymfim kind, which is due to the fact that they have been subject to all nds of 'persecutions. Thus when they persecuted by the upper classes and the church, they rose up in revo-- Russia 'has 180,000,000 'inhabitants, sixty percent of which can not read The fault with: Russian 8y is Mi&huflufi,mlmmnmfi.i lfnvhoytug!rhmwl to be gifted along some certain lines, -Muylordfltm-u'_bmi other schools to more: thoroughly de-- velop their talent, but they must re-- turn to the plate from which they were sent and help develop that place not for the purpose of making money: and becoming rich, bu; for the ~pur-- pose of helping the people. This is the process of Bolshevism. C It has often been said thltmnus- sians are very cruel to their ikes, but this is a false statement as the Russian is a great home lover. The Russians would be a great --In Siberia, the sun shines., or _ it storms. It is never half and half. The soil is very rich, and if they could have civilized : government, Siberia alone could feed the world. It is al-- most as large as the United &m cussion .Of aims and methods . best adapted ©to teaching in continuation 'schoo! genéral subjects such as his-- tory, geography, economics, English, inathematics, sci sanitation, safe-- ty.h:::fi.'lm trade, home and . commer clal V F4 ¢ 4 'The state board of vocational edu-- cation 'proposes to give a gourse for one semester, once a week, in an eve-- ning class, to teachers of general con-- tinuation «glibjects and to others who are lhw in continuation ~school work. 'gourse wifl include © dis-- The parts of the course to . be stressed are:-- Proper Anderstanding and mmm-gw-om tion. ~ % Public meetings have been aban-- doned in Buffals Prairie township. Rock Island county, because of the prevalence of smallpox in the com-- .M:L:._a_,_'m\ hi T ~ SA ns deg® Testing, investigating, analyzing pupils native ability, -- capacity for work, attainment in the different sub jects for the purpose of classifying pupiis: Belection and organization of -- suit-- able subject matter for -- particular group of individuals having partice lar needs. t 3 Special methods to be employed for stimulating: and maintaining inter cation, in the city who would MKe to join this class, kindly communicate with Paul C. W. Keller of the Waw kegan township high . school. There is no charge for this class; the object of mxnt is. to give all ussistance e to the pro-- motion of ~interest --and "'rm in voeational mu:: aukegan. The work will begin the new se mester® the first week of Febrgary. ate Board Plans Night Course® to Aid~Teachers in Going Ahead hr-.vl-.dlfl-;h x8 Exchanges of Property a Specialty , Cash Or On Rasy Terms Established 1888 MEMBER COOK COUNTY REAL ESTATE BOARD ; ~~--JOHN HEIM > KEAL ESTATE, LOANS, RENTING AND IN8SURANCE 0llu§.o M 8148 N, Ashland Ave. Lakeview €78 CHICAGO, ILAL.. 2 Doors South of Betmont there are any teachers, or others, are interested in voeational edu COs repiny, COOmONINER . MENRIMET riene, and practica) home /« and . commer parts of the course to . be LIBERTYYILLE TOWNSHIP ~HIGH SCHOOL people if they only had some one to will become the k-dhc.pn;'hdni Orient, although Japan. is Due to Japan's very close and severe goyv-- ernment, China will gradually forge ty aperks t.heludaucj of the _ In speaking of realize the int« suffering of t:: &h.. live .where we do :, our a tag:of the eoun:z veryone 'an m _&ha.' M s es has the reputation in the Highwood school of having the -- most fldegy e en mety on : aill be amiogneed is are abagy intren We are interested in what hr' iday as there was no school I visited the Highwood Gram-- mar school with Evelyn, Miller who teaches the. sixth. grade. Who could imagine Evelyn an austere dignified room in the school. Evelyn has a wide variety of children, all sizes, species, nationalities and 'colors. But an amusging lot at,any rate. Mmhfluw Work for the second semester be-- gan this morning, although the boys' gymnasium classes --and --other addi-- tions to the schedule will not be started until next week. Mr. Walker is here to cheer us with song, what matter if the cold winds bm.filwmemmm. the pipes frozen and the Grays-- lake special \delayed--all is warmth within the hearts of L. T. H..8. stu-- It is not définitely known at ~this writing whether our reporters for basketball games are on & strike or temporarily incapacitated because of the shock of ~semester -- exams . No doubt they wil} be able to give a re-- Rarnest C. Kadon and E. Grace George, both of Chicago. .. Frank de A. Pruneda and Edythe Wedger, both of Milwaunkee. Emil Schiutt and Sidonia Petzsche, -==! The Milired Louise Co, Melden 45. Charles H. Christy: and »Alice E. Parker, both of Chicago. +3 : Gotthold Villnon and Blanche Fes-- MHerman Fromelt and Mary Daugh-- drty, both of Highland Park. both of Lake Fovest. --, ~ C Ganert, both of . l' *s Hughes, both bf Zipn: . _' Richard Nestler and Ruth Metherel, both of Miffiin, Pa. stractive power, fiteral A zz.m;mnfi«;:f and grin M:fl:: M.{E'z Semple m by American Proprietary Co., Mass. MARRIAGE LICENSES ~Frances Guldan of Minnehpolis and Esther Acheive, Racine. Hal Corbin and Ida Jenson, both of eards will: be -- ready on Marie Boehm '22 bural, o color im & » Mdhu . -- 1t ts not ys, Removes dandruA makes the hair clean. abundant and mailed PUBLIC NOTICE is hercby given that 'the Subscriber, Exgcutrix of the 'Last Will and Testament of William . deceased will attend the aty Court of Lake County, at a Thome Tt Wedkegan, in sald County. Y ty, mflomwdfir& next, Mrihg eiaime meuinat haid catote aye e the -n:'& said Court for adjudica-- :y' MARY SHERIDAN, Executrix. Waukegan, IIl., Jan. 9, 1922. SURGEON 161 Lincoln Ave. _ _ ATTORNEY--AT--LAW ' Office and Residence on Cook Averiue Phone 168--J _ LIBERTYYVILLE ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building Telephone 57 LIBERTYVL Assistant State Veterinarian DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD VETERINARY SURGEON -- DR. J. L, TAYLOR | Office in First National Bank ma;j Hours: 1 to 3:80 and 7 to 8 p, m. Residence on Broadway, opposite park | PIANO & VIOLINCELLO Phone 304--R LIBERTYYLLE, aip erraaiimes || // 4j 299 HEALTH VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND Phone T10 ~~ 127 N Genesee St. Over m}v& 10c Store --_ W. G. BRAGG . VIOLIN & VIOLA Betsey Knowliton Williams ELHANAN W. COLBY C. B.OLNEY, D. V. M. ATTORNEY AND.COUNSELOR : Telephone 18 _ DRK. J. E. MEYVER LYELL H. MORRIS LIBERTYVILLE NOTICE 8--5--7 DR OTTO R. THOMPSON| )PPOMET!] TD ROOM 9 MURRAY BLDG PHONE ©993 j Phillip Jaeger Commiission A new service is added to our laundry department. We have instituted this service for those who want to do away with the tubs, steam and muss of washday or having to with the tubs, steam and muss of washday or having to mm-mmeqh!h&qmb.b m erring to ez and fron it at home. We are C of what OUR RELIABLE DAMP W § 0 %m 'AMP WASH SERVICE means that yourg'oh ___.I-nd?ndwmunvun'dumhsh r the "'th\nfih')mw&umod'dm pohm*: weighed received at Laundry, h;&"'fi:.'.".am-mw,s,m-& ounmum.nmwmm ne: & you can send us 25 lbs of family washing for more than 25 lbs. we then charge you 5 cents per Ib, for each additional Ib. C C ~. (not wet) condition. OUR RELIABLE DAMP WASH SERVICE means that we will do your family wash in the same manner as you would ultymfl"um-vm:oh.fluu.fl unyu_the!nez---mn-u~o'dlumduy=1~"= CIVE OUR RELIABLE DAMP WASH SERVICE A TRIAL Send us your family wash in a made of ticking or white material about I'yudwido-:'l% ""'H' 'lm will be washed each time and your laundry in it. Amvfllhhrflnhedtothonwbohlam'tmu'm Our Reliablé Damp Wash Service The Reliable Laundry HIGHLAND PARK'*AND LIBERTYYILLER Dry Cleaners and Dyers Highland\Park *':-.'.'.2'-'.';- Muller's Tea @PECIAL. attention i the sale of. Dressed Mutton, Veal, Poultry, etc. Also. Butter x P roceeds>. of promptly remitted. 'This olduthnnnwm Tags Aicader: . Cota Shomige PhEE plication, : Cold Stomge 232 N, Genesee St., _ _ _ WAUKEGAN _ ILLINOIS Fulton M&hm h Market W' u 9 And Sweet 49