Miss Emma Vogt of Volo is vigit-- ing her aunt, Mrs. O. H. Molidor, l Zelda Bock of Highland Park is{ visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra.| vl.'h Holman of Racine was the guest of Stanley Eaton on Thurs-- day evening. ~ Miss Margaret Woodworth has returned to her nome in. Milwaukee after spending two weeks' vaca-- tion with relatives in Liberfyville. Libertyville Elappemings '_--F. B. LOVELL CO. Phone 5 but by what we do with what w Are you putting it where it will benefit the greatest number of people and incidentaRy earn more for yourself or are you foolishly wasting it Get a Savings Book from this bank and let us help you use what you have to the best advan-- tage. | with the money you earn? They will support the body in the correct position for swimming. Adjusted to support from 50 to 250 pounds. Lake County National Bank Saving for Service Ambitious, prosperous and living under free and enlightened cireumstances, we build homes of our own, according to our own ideas of comfort and convenience, If you covet the utmost happiness and con-- venience in life Build a Home of Your Own and come to us for the malerial«. We Are a Nation of Builders "§y What are you doing with BATHING CAPS In many various designs and colors. Priced from ' 25¢ to $1.25 ss is mecsured WATER WINGS LIBERTYVILLE, HLL For Bathers 50c Mrs. R. P. Schnaebele Schnaebele were Wauke on Thursday. Raiph Petersen of Chicago spent Wednesday in Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Kaiser of Chicago are visiting at the Charles Kaiser home. * Mrs. A. L. Daugherty ang" two children left on Thursday for an extended | visit _ with friends | at Toledo, Ohio . . net LIBERTYVILLE Waukegan visitors ou ve navy', rave-- and Austin Ed. Hubbard was a Chicago vis itor on Wednesday, -- William E. Decker spent Wednes day in Chicago. Phil Protine of Chicago is spend ing a few days in Libertyville. ---- Mrs. C. M. Hamilton and child ren of Kewanee are guests of Mr _and Mrs. George F. Pearce. Mrs, Mae Smead was the ues of Mrs. Har. O'endorf at Deerficl« W M:. and Mris: Coorge Folielt and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hawk attended the camp meeting at Des Plaines on Sunday. M re urn, Mrs. C. Spring, Mrs. M. Sumpter of Spokane, Wash. and Eldon Kitch-- en visited Mrs. Louis Larson and Mrs. Earl Bowden at Appleton, Wis. tne fir:t of the week. They made the rence's chure tr AUDITORIU M DAVID WARK GRIEFITHS Mrs. Broa THE LOVE FLOWER TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY JULY 18--19 BY GOSR THE FAMOUS CLOWN 0 _ will appear in person with nsd.l fun contests. VALUABLE PRIZES 3# will be given away free in ad-- dition to a change of picture pro-- ;I'II!I each night, showing N lhnldfe and _ Constance madge in "Up the Road ith Sallie" and "Ghosts of Yest Also a special Goldwin © M REEL AND GRAPHIC. DON'T MISS THESE SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS ADDITIONAL LIBERTYVILLE ON PAGE EJGHT FRIDA Y From the CoMe!'s Week St 'Black Beach® * ONR.Iphd'Stock. u with RICHARD BARTHELMESS NEWEST PICTURE OF LOWK ROMANCL AND AOVENTURE H RICIAED RARTHELMESS 'CAROL DEMPSTER Sunday-- July 16 Wallace Rd! in "THE HELL DIGGERS" Lake No advance in prices. Mr. ran Theatre in the interest of the le will canvass this vil-- i:rounding territory dur-- t two weeks. e will leave on Sunday ille, IIlI., wnere he will s for a few days. He ex-- it Omaha, Denver, Pueblo western points before his e County Picture 1 COUNTY REGISTER SATURDAYy, JULY is, 1922 ' AND JULY Personal and Local Items of Particular Interest to Our Libertyville Readers C012 82 M C T C000 W, ArBrewerten, owner of Thorn-- . bury Farm, east of Libertyville, will of Wallwoith, attend the Pageant of Progress to be r _daughter, Mrs. helq at the Municipal Pier, Chicago, August 17. as the representative of . G. Wenban of the farmrs of Blinois, to consider uests of Mr. usd the milk «=dimange proposed oy Dr. cheld on Thurs-- Jsamc D. Rawlmgs, Supt. of Public Health of FpMeld, P and son A chur _ A splen id opportumt. to get one h Dakota, «re month's military training at Camp parents, Mr. and Custer, Michigan is ciTered young SATURDAY 14--15 ave tore relatives idfor on M Sat TWELVE INCH HYDRAULIC DREDGE FOR GRAVEL PIT Mr. and MF®$ W. !. Collins and taeir guest, Miss Dorothy Doane re-- turned home OA Tuesday evening from a motor trip through Wiseon-- sin. They visited Wausau, Minocqua Lake, Green Bay and many other interesting cities, -- travelling _ over 1,000 miles on the trip. The Interstate Sand & Gravel Co. of Libertyville are installing a twelve inch hydraulic dredge in the grave! pit east of this village. This dredge is fitted to handle sand, grave! and rock and is much larger and more powerful tnan anything used in the Libertyville pit before. Thae large contracts for material, held iy the company, necessitated the procurinz of machinery of larger ceapacity than had been used pre-- viously. nounce month's n Custer, M men betw men betwe~n the ages of !~ and 35 free of charge, Transportation, ex-- amination and &@Il expenses will be given free to amy younsy man . de siring to svail himself of this op-- portunity. For information addres: Dr. F. H. Martin, Libertyyille, ex-- amining physicdan. The Public Service company are buildingy an extension of the 4,000 volt circuit from Rondout to Liberty-- ville, to supply the 450 horse power additional eapacity needed to op-- erate the dredge. It is expected that it will be in full operation in about 10 days. FOR SALE--Stearns Kni_ht road-- ster. Newly painted, cord tires, motor perfeet. . $500 cash. Will demonstrate. AM. J. Hapke, Lib ertyville, Phone 111--R. 53--6t Mr The Club House 3 y ----a \-- CP I'%A : Kesl.)! n -'_".r._g'5 c am/ c " --# , <4 '.' A*d! a* ) Th Ik M P [A n in I'm coming around Lo to see you! T'M the Fuller Man. Mason Mason Mason Extra Phones 24 and 25 WANT ADS Too late to Classify 224 ;. * Toster Qt. Glass top Jars . $1.40 Qt. Jars, per doz: covers, per doz 2--Qt. Jars, per doz. Pt. Jars, per doz Foster Pt. Glass top Jars Phone L. B. 1258 rafine, 1 lb cakes To every one | visit, 1 give a Fuller Handy Brush-- without cost or obligaton -- to prove the T.lny and usefuiness of my line. -- By this token, you'll kno# why Fulles Brushes are to--day used in over ;.000.(1)0 homes! 4 j zenu the largest manufacturer of high--grade brushes for personal and household use, in the world. Identify me by the Fuller trade--mark button 1 wear on my lapel. H'm'p Fuller Brushes by the Fullet Red Tip T ag and the Fuller trade mark on their handles. 'Til we meet! For Appointment Call or Write I am located in your city. Hope to call on every woman who reads this ad. l'M lthe Fuller Mklll. In AYLMER THOMPSON . MHwaukes Ave. Heavy 3 for 25¢ Buck shirti displ: excel! home phone For an evening of real pleas-- ure--see this. Hoot portrays the leading role in his usual lively style. Thrilling story of eCanadian Northwest replete with love, ad-- For an evening of real ppleas-- a man who made good. Also two ree! comedy Superb in artistry; Mighty in Drama. Your Norma, our Norma, all the world's Norma in her greatest production. You'll revel in every moment of a greater drama than the screen has ever given you before. --In-- "SMILIN®' THROUGH" Liberty Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY HOOT GIBSON FRIDAY -- SATURDAY EXTRA SPECIAL MON., TUES., WED. NORMA TALMADGE 'I'E%g DAYS MON.,, S, WED SUNDa 1 EARLE WILLIAMS Admission 10c -- 35c. --Also Comedy-- "TEDDY'S GOAT" Lake Bluff, I!1 "THE LAUNDRY" "The Old Reliable" "BRING HIM IN" r taken the agency Brog. dress _ goods . I will be glad to ca my samples. Quality prices right. Call : "THE BEARCAT (Your old pal) Quality Store | LIBERTYVILLE NOTICE --in-- $1.35 9¢ $1.25 aill #; in the Cook Memorial printed program will not b as the selections used will the wery latest and mos musi¢ now being used f door eoncerts oy the big c It is the intention of B Hiddleson to give the gen« loving public a wide varie grammis which are sure to precigted by all. During t the band will be greatly a by beth vocal and ins --oloists on different occa the near future a concert made up entirely from The first of a series of summer concerts by Tom Hiddleson and his bang--=wil be given Tuesday evening at 7:80 o'clock, standard time, in the Cook Memorial park A HIDDLESON's BAND PLANS CONCERT TUESDAY EYENING Bed Spreads ............... .. . .. $2.60 to $9.00 Hemstitched Sheet 81x99 ...............$2.75 PillOW C&S@$8 .. aq».............}.e... ... ... T5€ Madras Shirt Goods ..................... 48¢ We close Thursday at 6:00 P. M., Saturday at 9:00, other nights at 8:00 P. M. Are You Going To Have Company? We believe in the economy of building well and for the future. If you would practice real economy in building come to (1 i1 be carmed 1 to class th el with the l« Our lumber is thoroughly seasoned and select-- for permanent service. There are two ways of building--one, for Libertyville Lumber Co. Buildings Lifetime of Service . Carroll & Sons Co. Immediate Looks A Lifetime qut be -- Phone 47 Down by the Old Depot Been there 20 years. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL e followed consist of t favorite or out--of-- ty bands. indmaster 'ral music ty of pro-- That Last and one for a season nented mental s. -- In i1 be naster ig the 'red. unced in all zation nds of iested vorite ap-- | | Snow's Auto Livery _ ; IDAY AND NIGHT TAXI SERVICE the state. +0 Only _ recently -- Mr. eson seorm 1 a big nit when he with a part of the band and a short program. Many mentary reports come /from who attended this conce--t, and We are sure the band will render more of the pleasing entertainments, s Mr. Hiddleson was just recently appointed band master of the Eik's band of Waukegan. This is a newly organized band of thirty profes-- sional players recruited from the Elk's club membership. Read the Libertyville Department Store's ad on page eight. Phone Libertyville, 306--M PAGE a%