' _ 'boys and girls from the estate of boyhood to that i give me'a b --_ ~evening liste they copped * _make any « &f'bw _..._teo, me ab fi{ willin' to g --ablps in th =} ---- help make / _« It's gettin' so in your tow1 that .. sw yor meet Jake Alleman or '»mmy one <of a raft of other fellows ?Q§ know, they greet you with "do -- you get anything from KYZ*," in-- stead of in the good old hearty way, _ {mamely, "Is it wiarmwenough ~for _| you?, and instead of tellin' you all v"g ; the removal of their appendix . like in the good old times, they _ Nell you all about the bad case, of * .. A short tim /~ less phone ide ~. ut, you had t -- Ahe politician _ had to tell 'e1 M boot! ~~ aven let© y69-- f radio bug : --~ sima from mo: \Marger and more important realm which leads event _ pally to young mannood and. young womanhood, an-- . 1, ~_FIRST DAYS AT SCHOOL s ankry. | . e y are along the ver ar dlnunnfiu-hthe-dmhofwl ind vicinity. . Everywhere thoughts concerning it are \| We have often wondered whether the teachers in e 'kinder \grades, or the ifirst grades realize 'What thoughts are coursing through the . minds of 2 "/**mbmmflumh C RY P dn .. # J»'-h'.j'i.t_u-u&ntwottiflfoffi"fi 3 to take the child to a school room. eC > neon D 4 We 5 nened es wad " ; i 1 * the past sey.)be a 'good idear at that, like for 3-"":'1*,"" bexe } it """"""'.m ~<of -- ' ; "in your' town -- rhiep |the nasty remarks you had to r ' 'give me'a bid to coms and ~'.Mdb"" ~evening list to & concert which | D7 the time yo1 find out where this they copped onte with a etheric tei. | Bifd chitpéd from. something «lse one outfit, and while I ée your mind and you forget io a ! that's libel to in~--| YOut peeve Nand in that way the : unybody's feelings, and then of easoalties is kept down . to ~*;f': s : bein' ready wormal. El n' to go | A lot of fard-- M-u«.g.m what ts i# in the interests of science 'to wonderful Row all them, ; ./ eay as | the concerts 1 wit gmnd t the | _ were a Ao brag about, even| outhAts. are sort of . delicate < the wuthit did cost over two libel to be as subject to this h \ | Rundred and fifty smackers; Per--| sickness they call static ataxin, @ _ nonal !'--HM-l'dlbtqnu;_Iththemeulunnd 1 §}_ f five buck phonoraph cough, it won't be Jong until "t";.. on a ten cent recordi. _ be as reliable as a twelve '\ Whey's lots 'of thips right in our *=* for spreadin' the latest séandal. -- own cowity| that's been _ talkin' Sincerely, wmai4 . through the air for years, but no--| " Your Uncle Sileas, ---- body : any great fuss over em,| Ivonhoe, 1922. * /# g&ufiuw when the wire-->}, , 'phone idear first began to leak |. Eie poiacass in Fow word ond| * ' your : wa: & ' _ had to tell 'em the address of your ' #avorite 'bootleger before _ they'd ~ «aven let yoa--get a alant at an out-- _ ufit, buat now they're gettin' #o all-- _' ired recidess with 'em that they's| F*<h,fih'w&'fihn':' c <gi demand for copper wire is get-- * &in' m as (great' as that for 1;'3'_: 4 and tabing, so that _ 'before long the old gag about savin' own cance a mis-- i hn hn 4on seojour a E ' L Weare'ofl'efiPS g baby days. Children to some parents always re-- min bapies. . And yet the hour that striked for school to be introduced to little ones is a magic &n'mmwlmmldmwfi' ays of school--s world, moreover, that M'M RUMIN ATIONS itered as second--class matter October 13,. 1916, r dffice at Libertyville, Illinois, under Act of ~18109. Issued twite weekly. e won't be in . circulation no Your Uncle Silas Phone 31 --By-- i Sah. . x o . Cyeus 1 4 Jap B - 2 6 ) C p K _.! ¢ Fil * n i § t for 366 =~ . Fo F w # a 7 h C -- Ki' tA , Rek / y i - o _ a o x Bring in yofi'upons o be redeemed e ho" & P Mn ns t 4 © *4 2e i @3 * [upk AC. 3. im ¥ i 0. H. MOLIDOR QM'*" linm.; . Mr Mary Mel-- ville of Fairchi ; the Misses Jes : at home,. 42 years' ago frc sud Nes 'resided here ever since." | Funeral Saturday morning; inter-- ment in Libertyville cemetery. Reuben and it's libel to ¢a emanaereng s apt c,hwz% nmufichmhylhm to, when you can't talk back, it may and all they got for their efforts vumm PC ow agg ob s on lore.ofigmb i m o No * 'lhy'. no "'fi.b:'n t;:c.;fi E--:...-r:;.,..w;% f- 8&!":'..' sort dm"; e itan Family Soap 7 bars «. ++ ---- -- PORDS B -- BRUNTE -- ie \* / Libertyville people Will '!f;, interest thi newest move of Henry Ford in the ind orld, m' a his p ? ow ., ..; x'du U + r,-.tfimsnx 00O men out éf . work in hM aity,. ce oo o e o. +hige, for Rord cars--everything from lamps to tires. ThO#®, of course,: also would Rave to : forcss or shut ; entirely. So, altogether the closing of Ford's m would mean close to 2 people : it out of .work. . Ford degiares coal, steel and Officials are robbing the taxpayers of this * 'millions of dollars annuaily by profiteering, and. thit Jabor--leaders are alli¢d with them in the graft. @m he doesn't prOpoS® to be "held 4p" ahy longer, so will shut up shop. It's an awful price to Mnt whomw&ww'fih? Te L nocico reopigtniin non ohe i n dofe throwing 2,000,000 people out of work. But if it stops < NT FORGET TREES > c nuimggz?dnfi:dmmm mg country. As far as it bha luonlluhuttl-' cannot be estimated, . -- in some respects t d something of the , lllbonhw a when so many trees have been cut down fl'fil_fi. the new roads. Tuwv-mmm prettier now, even thoigh they are not as ie over, and right here we--want to suggest | mvflk'meflv'm!""!"""'"?"'". ing trees about their premises, wherever there is a convenient and suitable place for one, --or wherever ons is removed by the clements. Trees are not like flowers-- wuhsamcmnh)u-ootuld-tdubd' ford shade and beauty, and each year finds fewer and fewer of them. So, regardless of what happens along our rodds as they are being improved, let us plant more trees 'about our property, not only for our own comfort and pleasure but for the comfort and pleasiure of the generations that will come after us. ' St.. . John' ingélicd) Lutherar church. P:r some time before ser-- vices were held in various farm hauq,'=mehuthfiodkhn& sen, Sr., deceased, William and Carl Treptow; the pastor from Waukegan, Rev. M. Sauer, coming mupnuhuflcondw"fld_z instruction. Under Pastor Sauer chureh was organized in . 1897. In 1901 e was suceeeded by Pastor Th. Volkert, who served the parish which St. John's is a part. During this time services were held in the old Union churen. In 1905 the pres-- To ie on e on mt un@ » R. O. Buerger, has -vml church, which has grown from wbout fifteen families to fifty fam-- ilies, or two hundred communicants. 'c'NnthMhs- organized graded Sunday school and regular services in the English lan-- preach in the C in mmagu% services in the *" & with sermon'by Rev. Volkert of Ra-- ghn.mmwfl": w.u%\'www tend. At nooun the ladies of the thurch will serve hot luncheon. attended by an. averagé of 125. < \ 4,1.:-;.{.«-' 'Society "is con-- stantly at work for : insti-- tutions, missions and the home church.. A Y Society oo mm ts t--of the Walther an hwml n' For the 'silver" jubilee, is to be observed next Sunday, Sept. 11, the Ladies'® Society has had the church covered with a new roof, the schoo! room repzired and repainted, and the interior of the church . re-- decorated. The anzniversary is to be observed by two divine services, the r&"mfihw "hu::hfinmfl__:"",!: larger boys are strong for basoball, :G."...-IW fea-- ture of the little children's Interest. Belleville has five public play-- wrounds. The attendance record for €CoOU that a lot of fellows better forego _ There may -fiflnxh parking said to be his auto two ir Here' o m , Keeping sour "fi'fi"fi'«"""'m I L fes m "'" . summer days to théigir! who is en-- gaged to be married in the fall. & # # \'If you see a Linertyville boy out yiding with '-.&..d only one of his arms is yisible don't worry. The M h m.m. here. # Lots. of times a. woman cals a man a woman--hater simply because he refuses u\%stlter- WES BARRY IN NEW a fum:m of the words *"School Days" holds 12. appeal for young and old, and it is said that inimitable _ movie _' celebrity, grace--the screen of the Audii man who remaimbers his boyhood, mhutgwhomm to the joys, the dissppointments, the pranks and the glory> of boy hood will gloat over the trials and tribulations of Speck Brown, bet» ter known to the. screen world as ooo ranen io. .0 '\ Briefly, the story centers Around a small towh boy who loves the old swimmin' hole and his dog, Hippy, The price of ard drinks suggests better than 'amything else in the world. "He meets awealthy «ncle who sends him REast to get an ed-- ucation. Here he meets many young-- freight train route. Freckle--faced 'Wesley Barry, 5 Bring Natural Beauty Into Your Home -- There is no ong who does not like the sight of fresh I x _':. _. « : They\dd a wonderful touch of beauty to the home and their + aweet f e lasts for tmany a day. Sweeter yet is the thought that prompts a person to make 'them a gift.. _ M M,--.w«»m'm-&wrm Say It with Flowers Flewers for ny occasion delivered by wire in e any part of the U. S. Foulds Milling Co. A1ONG Twfifltog@{i gfiAN A [MJ?':'OWN "Sehool Days" #% i & Yonger than the SCREEN PLAY "School -- Days," Wanted TU better forego but of ; in Falls t 5. 174--J -- Res,. Phone 201--R--2 ~'We've also noticed.that ¥he man who makes hay while the sun shines seldom 'has a sin--stroke. 78 Another thing we can't figure out is why aLibertyville woman is al-- e same hy "[~' N t tC %# # # P SHER, y to _ forget salt #id pepper for the eggs. 4 4 4 .. Mord Libertyville girls used to kiss and make up; Now they.make up and do M'Hd-;a:h:w:d. n Wall street may have a farmer '.lllnryrordhq..bumlt looks like the steel and coal men will have to find.a self--start for his : &# # M# . . Libertyville merchants should al-- ways bear in mind that the more sales they expose themselves to the that's where priater's ink comes in. The: Eibertyville Musical Society will nold its first, regular meeting of the season at the Methodist church 18th, at 8:15 c'clock/ A program of "Old English" musie will be given. The: general r:'w;.h hvhi..t: aid 'in' furthering the welfare of this educational and enjoya>le or-- gram is as follows: It's n good thing that "Tin Lizgie® n keep a secret better than most KOHOUT Three dances from Henry VIll: SEASON MONDAY EYENING WOMAN'8 CLUB RECEPTION A PLEASANT AFFAIR flar.;uun'ldd _ the home-- of Miss Marjory Taylor; September 18, was well attended and greatly en-- p.m"' and to use each meeting place as a "tlearing house" for both ""hars Fermeiil plaged_tno barp solos in her usual charming man; joyed by all. . Mrs. Kohner, the president, -- wel-- comed the members --graciously and mmwwu&u belongs to each individual <-- Mrs. n:.:. M"uw!omc élub gave a short tfl on "n: Woman's Club in the Community." Her idea is that the Womans club vuv--' o B & z,:wluhufi.lllfhtm 4 e _offlbwu.q_*lgrt!ni.-- D}Tm in lfl'!':' w s CHANNEL LAKE COUNTRY CLUB INCORPORATED SPRINGFIELD, Sept. 13.-- The Channel Lake County club of : Antioch today was granted articles of incorporation to op-- erate a recreational amusement Richard E --Schmidt, Charlés Laflin and Charles Phelps. (By United FPream) The Letter You Did Not Send M. E. Church, Libertyville Thursday, September 21 Afternoon and Evening ILLINOIS BELL Many a person hasuthanked his stars for the impulse of caution which stopped him from sending a certain letter at a certain critical time. Had the letter@one it might have been misunderstood or mis-- construed and the result harmfal beyond rcmedy.~ ; The long--distance telephone meets situations of this kind. It affords opportunity for full. ex-- 'planations on both sides which cleat up all uncertainties without delay. | Bell Lines Reach Everybody | Auspices Ladies Aid Society Bazaar and Lunch AT. 9 CC "\:Q'w $ M <s) w. & 'r wu.'gé Bradley road mesr Rondout at the age of 70 years. He had been ill for nearly a year, so his death was not u-w&mvbMM him. a prosperous farmer, a good neighbor and a highly© re-- m.dmm.mucu loss to the _ comminity in which he lived.) V > * % 'Mr. Morrisoi'was botn in 1852 on the farm where behas lived all"of his life. He was married in 1880 to Miss Margaret Conway of Everett: His wife preceded him in death by Seven children were born of this union, two of which are not living. }'hayvi:ddldlumdkh.lfiu. osepa Rondout Mh&rd'flb Internient in St. Patrick's cemetery, Everett. M. E. church, afterncon and evening. . '*Fridey, September 22 Get 'mcquainted party at L. T. H, se es en n * Association,: : Arrange for Snow's Auto Bus Service to all coming events. Phone 'Thursday, September 21 Bazaar and cafeteria Imeh COMING EYVENTS