§ Women's black silk gloves, small sizgs only, pair ______.___---- 16--button length silk gloves, l C l ® 2 9 8 PAIR o --BASEMENT-- A special gurchuo from the Zion Mills. Included are Tuscan cur-- tains with fringe ends. And the very finest filet curtains. (Plenty of a kind. $6 to $8 _ values. Slight seconds. 2.98 pair. Another lot of fine Nottingham rtains, at yir~ "*___ . 1.08 86--inch bleached and 39--inch un bleached muslin; choice 10c 'yard Men's Full width. Desirable color ef fects. Nappy finish. 10c yard Of heavy outing flannel. Brigh-- ton--Carlsbad mnie. Samples and discontinued number. _ Values to $2, 1.29; values to $3, 1.69. Women's pajunettes of heavy out-- l'lsg. ]Brizhum-Carlabad make. values for L___LLLLLLL2LLLOOC 1049 All--Wool Tuxedo Men's worsted sweaters and girls worsted sweaters make up thi lot. Both are tuxedo _ styles Women's --BASEMENT-- Bample lines. All .are desirable models. White and flesh color: Choice 1.49 Women's Satcen Of bighly mercerized #ateen in bright colors. Regular $1 values at 79. Kanit Blooqlers 19¢ Women's Bloomers, knit of fine yarns in flesh color. Women's & Misses' Made of all--woo!l materials, with belt and pockets. A special pur-- chase makes possible this low pricing for Community Bargain Day. 7.98. Women's Garments from our second floor ready to--wear . section. Of _ fine woolen materials. Styles are de-- «irable; choice 7.98. Women's brown kid shoes with cloth top. All sizes. 1.69 pair. --BASEMENT-- Fine filet and Nottingham. Very protty designs. Cut from the plece as wanted. These are won-- Muslin, 10c Yard 190 values. Cholce 49%e. 27--inch Outing Flannel, 10c Yd. Sport Coats 7,98 Shoes, 169 Pair Sweaters, 1.49 Coats, Dresses, Suits at 7.98 Curtain Nets 39c and 79c Yd. Pajamas 1.29 and 1.69 Chamoisette Gloves 49¢ --BASEMENT-- --BASEMENT-- --BASEMENT-- --BASEM ENT --BASEMENT-- BASEM ENT 69¢ , 19¢ Aprons 79¢ 75e to 39¢ 79¢ 25¢ BARGAI Women's Heather Hose 89%¢ Pr. --Wool heather hose, fancy effect, pair_,,__,89c Boys' Hose 15c Pair--Heavy ribbecd hose, sizes 6 to 10; black only, y pair 220 cc2cccccccccc~ lsc Phoenix Hose $1 . Pair--Pure thread silk. Black and $1 colors, pair _______------ Women's Lisle Hose, 25¢ Pair --Phoenix make, slight -- see-- onds, mercerized lisle; 50c value, pair -A_,,,,zsc Boys' and Girls' Union Suits 98c--Fleece lined, waist and regulition style. Choice 98(: palr Boys' und girls' hose of fine combe ribbed; black only. 50¢ value, Women's _ Union _ Suits . 98¢-- Fleece lined; of fine seleet eot-- ton yarn; all styles L____LLLLLLL.. 98c Brown Muslin 12 bleached musiin ity. Sale price, vard _____ _ Long Cloth 1.39 Bolt--Pure soft fot the needle. Dolt of for ......... e Hope Muslin 166 Yard--Ger ine Hope muslin, each pie branded, 36 inches wide, yard 16' Pillow Tubing 29c Yard--4 of .s yard Women's Orfords and P Women's Shoes and (fords and brown leather, rolitary sole. $10 values, pair In{ants' Shoes 75¢ value, pair _ -- Women's _ Shoe« kid, _ military heels Regular Felt Slippers and children; c Mop and Oil 79c-- Mop with 50c bot of oil, all for.__. 1 N Household Paint 2.05 Gallon-- Best ready--to--use paint, all colors; gal. 2005 Alarm -- Clock 1.19--Guaranteed American works, mb o c2cccccccccccos 1019 8. 0. 8. 19¢ Pkg.--Best inum cleansér, Rag Rugs 5%e--Good combinations; sizes 24x386 inches ______.. Door Mats 98¢--16x28 sale price . Meat Grind family size; Beverage Bottles Fry Pan 69e --Large "Wearever" aluminum Domestics and Ginghams alr regular Hosiery and Underwear Women's, Misses 9 inch pure bleached . tubing splendid quality, 4 -- 29C In all il Women's al--linen hem; 6 for Dress Snaps--All sizes, \D white, 10c value, card._.. door mat; Community Bargain Day size; made with pat-- ------FIRST Fi * 79¢ 124%c 3.69 2.85 --FIF 16c 59c¢ 80c Medium 98c FIRST FLOO!T 19|c 59c¢ 98c 69¢ 35¢ 98¢ 4 Houseware 322 inches alum entire e of-- is _County Renister 1p size Women's _ Union -- Suits 1.39-- Knee length. No sleeve style. Wool finished with gik strine Eoi 1039 AIIK SUMIBE c.csuccice aB @OS CE Men's Lisle Hose, 25¢ Pair-- Highly -- mere Men's Heathor Hose &Se--Fin« reather and black ca--h-- * f@ _ pair Women's silk Top Union Sui Sale Childre Turkish -- Towels, 15 4--quart size § Stew Pan 2%9c--i Wearever alumiu sale price Salt Box 370--Ma-- wlass. Square wi hinged cover __ Sherbets, 6 _ for footed, good _ siz sale price, 6 for. Kettle She rbet Tea Kettle 85¢-- kettJe, 4% quart alme |_______ Roaster 696-- A|u: double roaster, for __._ _ Colander 62c-- inum, large Double Boiler 79 boiler, 2 quart Combination Cooker 1.19--Two utensils in one; made of alum-- Tav nvice * Bargain Day price ere 1 bleache ants' Vests 149c--Fi )D kett Silk Hose 39¢ per IH 9 H [ owel« Triple knee, mediut ' Sh erized, black an oo c 25¢ 05 oeSs 29¢ 49¢ 49c i .zo 39c¢ 35¢ .98 37¢ £5¢ 59¢ 69¢ 69¢ 79¢ e Fo aAn-- ind tea Sugar 25 Lb. Bag 1.7 care granulated--with « $3 or more-- * Community Bargain Day white oat 6e lbs. ______________ @VEC Molasses or Sorghum, 89c ual. --Best grade. Gallon can L002 220202222444 89c syrup, 49c --Can--Karo Curun. wallon ecan ___ 49C Special Purchase 1 ¢ 10060 Yards Fine Wooien aterials 79e $1.19 $1.90 Men s Shirts 690--Wo®k shirts of fine cnainoray u;"a"c ur knaki coior, '69c bath iabe (Cleths Percolators inum percc of 1. quart quart sizes Dish Pan 8 inum. 10--c for Toilet Paper. Very good & paper, Targe 15¢ value, 19 size Clothes _ Ba«ke baskets; well size; Communit price L____ Mixing Bowls 5 of the most Made of high carthenware ; Serving Trays finish frame, i Oval Roaster 1.98 ---- Corona roaster, large size; dark blue enameled steel; at anly _f'___-.--- 1098 set fee, 4 Lbs. $1--Extra choice U I+ rup, gallon lass botton lb che n-- Santos chorce =___-- _ SE NP Ne Kobe Flanne! 19¢ \d.-- colorings. Cood quality, soC o jabu; viee. vard -- lgc ace, yard n's Purse Lbs Paper. |0 Rd', b5¢ iilal is. Included® in these prite groups are fine all--woo esirable f@brics. Lengths range from 1 to 7 yards. $1--Choice b 894 In the Busy Grocery et ree 4 & # R w B ile 986--W illow e; -- medium eful _ sizes. ade _ yellow of soft crepe mart alur Mohagony 1.79 .9 9 25¢ 25¢ auge eC a cLeFT Lealns 948C 98c 1.19 7989¢ 19c 89c 85¢c 65¢ 79¢ 98c 89¢ $1 isket Best JC r of 42 /C TV¢, 1.19, e r of Peas, 6 Cans 8§Yc--Extra choice Early June, 6 FRNE ....comeuscess 89c pineapple. cans. 3 for Pineapple, 3 for $1--Sliced Corn, 6 Cans 75¢--New pack Sweet Corn 6 cans '_', _ ___-_,75C Pepper, 1 Lh. 2%c--SGround black pepper, in 1 lb. packages |______c00~---- 23c HRice, B Pkgs. 22c--rns: Rice, 3 Lbs. 2J¢--Cuoice biue rose head ricc, n 2 Ibs. 00 000 260 Preserves, 19 Oz . New jack, apple and fruit, 19 oz. jar--__-- Boys' -- lines -- Danls 79¢--All size., made _ of serviceable woolen -- naterias. " 0 97G Knicker sty'e 2s luc Boys' Corouroy t'u2is, Yac--All sizes, bnicker ..).e5, well made, Cui !'ull,-98c Knit Caps, 49c--OUf heavy wool yarrs. Mockey syle. 79c value __---- _ 490 Men's Fies 0 .Jc--Kon -- cos, preit; -- colorings. ..,'w value -- 49c Chiidren's ma M Canton Crepes 285 Yard--40 in. all--sil®' satin Canton crepe in navy, brown, and black, yard 2.85 Canton Crepe 223 Yard--40 inch sillk Canton _ in _ nAvY, brown and black, yard ______-- __ 2025 Coating 986 Yard--56 inch heavy fianne! coating; sile price, ynm,_-,_'. 98¢ 36--inch Pereale 150--Close firm weave. Dark or light grounds. Yard ------------ lsc 36--inch Quting ity, thick nap Linen Crash, le«s than wh yard ..._.--..---- _ _ NP e P Costume Velvets 2.98--40--inch imported _ costume velvet, per-- anent sifk finish, black and ;n-sll.- Duvetyne 3.50 Yard-- 40 inches wide, colors . are nayy brown, the tie ty brown, . bli and carame! Silks, Cotton Fabrics, Linens and Woolens BASEM! leckwe~~ 256--Wom etc ty 19 Oz Jar rns Mitt No. 2% di ----FTRST FLOOR---- 10c Yard--18--inch linen erash tow le--ale. Limit 5 yards to eustomer 19e--Good qual-- uting flannel in black, _ henna, 23¢ 1.39 3.50 49c 25¢ 2.98 49c 25e Choice fNlannel fle 19¢ ONF $1 1.39 Knit 1.25 t« Prune--, 6 Lbs. $1--Sweet Cali-- fornia Santa Claras, 6: POUNUS sucucszccwe= $l Soap, 5 Bars 27c--American Family Soap 5 bars . __-,'_-,___,__ 27C Viashing Powder, 1l7¢ ikg.-- Fwift's < large PMCKARES _c_uuwuclc--, l7c Raisins, 3 Lbs. 59c--Thomson's scedle>s raisins, 3 lbs. _______.____,,__50c Citrer, 1 Lb. Box 65c--Lemon and «ange pecl; Dromedary awort d -- slices, CcR L Nuts ifoin Mcan's Pants 1.59--Work pants of h material, of heavy matenia) 1 50 DC Men real BRevs imed, heavy all sizes Infants®' Sho« lace style. i~d brown | 27--inch Tonnis Flannel 12%¢ Yard--Pure white outing; a good quality, yard ____ . _lzic 82--inch Imp. Ginghams 35¢ :ld. :'Nonlt-i::' and checks; fine soft -- finish, yard _ 35c 82--inch Gingham, 19c 'Y.rd-- quality, Jap Crepe 2% Yd.--Full range of colors, pretty mm, yard... --.~--. 29' espuns, 69c Yard--36--inch imiported cotton homespuns in wery Attractive pat-- terms, yard ree 696 Limen Damask L!:' Yard--70-- inch .pure linen e damask, yard ------------ 1-98 68--inch Damask k"e----lemr- ble d ¥ iwed table damask AQa * Te--v~«trial Boom anc 17%--4nch Crash 19 Purs linen crash Community Bargain oul hose, coe 149 I n:o; wome ose, 250 énch Gingham, 19¢ Yard~-- etty patterns, fine dom nen's _p girls' ed n Suit v mon value viai ue i's 40c merceir men's -- fine mens ind ___________JVC 25¢ Lb.--Five varieties 1 eandics, 30c ~ prades. ib. 250 >€ e Lb.--No. soft shell, nian Pioret twill Crash 196 Yard-- N J¢ it 1..9--Made -- of be g priced at 1 new Cal -- Inciu lined h an luded tricotine 1.49 1.39 65¢ 35¢ 69¢ 25¢ 89c 69c 10c 19¢ 19¢ w o. _ bone 1 w --0, Jersey, vari colors, dress _ and :-3 --FIRST FLOOR----° --40 inch ail silk Crepe de Chine in navy, Dbrown, black, henna, sade, orchid, turquoise and pink. Wool Finish All--Silk S2tin Charmeus:e 1.85 Y ard He Fancy Pla'd Blankets, 5.98 --THIRD FLOOR-- W ool double "Wearwell" sheeting _ of _ heavy quality. Will soon bleach. 4%e yard; 90 inches wide. 10--4 Unbleached Men's Dress Shirts, 1.95 --FIRST FLOOR-- Of silk -tripod'md'glnh mad-- Autienny." sot fan," & wligty value. 1.95. 83--Pound colors, weight Woolens Lt --FIRST FLOOR-- 58 _ inch _ a!l--wool _ Imported Eponge in navy, brown and ar-- Woolens, 79¢ Yd. Woolens, 1.39 Yd. 36 inch shirting -- flannel, in grey and olive. 27 inch all--wool Challies, light Blan} bla 64x Pla --FIRST FLOOR-- 36 inch all--wool serge in _ vy, brown, black, maroon, lelft snd grey and dark grounds W Crib n navy rreen. Blarkets, tat meuse 1 Crepe de Chine 1.39 Yard Cotton Batts, 856 inch, all--wool velour coat-- g in navy and brown. 9 inch inch all--wool homespun and d Sheeting, 49¢ --FIRST FLOOR-- Manke $2.00 PER YEAR )* FIRST FLOOR-- all--wo black all--wool French Serge black, brown, maroon, ble bed anke sine, good, dem white IRP FLOOR-- cets, full double s uol tan with blue S$1 wool i1 FLOOR2-- French brown, t 2.85 Yd 5o Pair--White der.' So't nap-- lk bx 3.89 Prx. 4.98 rutif otton 1 ize 4.98 | _ blanket, ind edges. h Serge tan and 35¢ $1 plaid C} nap