Ctitigren's Bloomer Dresses W's serpentine crepe bloomer- dresses, sizes 2 to 6 years. Special- ly priced for the Commun- ity Bargain Day. at, _____; 98c One lot of ehildren's rompers and play suns. sizes 2 to 8 years. Spe- cial for Community Bargain Day at ---------- 3t.be Boys' Serge Suits Boyn' wool some suits. Bud Hopkins make, sped-Hy priced for 2 go Community Main Day}. . One lot of boys' any: and wool jer- sey my", an: 2 to 8 years. Spe- eh! or mummy B-gain my " -__.;___- 4098 TfrrA49r..rt.t..le.1tr _ Women':; -tieiiliey -r,iraiiie wool ;-uut.let 31mg... upeddly p'ricod for "m"."."".__"_---_3'_"."_-_-__-._ 75c BARGAIN GALORE Folk THURSDAY, NOV. 23rd IN WAUKEGAN'S GREATEST Kid Gloves Vol.3 "Mm braked wool gauntlet tops, I" sizes and an ml for Com, 0 no irj0iIlrfilfllilljlliijig Women" bloomcr quality sateen. all attractiv at --- -- Extra Size Silk Petticoats Extra size fine quality Extra Size Rompers and'Play Suits Silk Blouses Sill: de hi ' te, n- - and; 'lut2',r/ ".3... =t's?put't'e1"tL, 2.59 At these three prices we are showing some handsome coats in sport and dress models, some have plaid back: while others are full lined. In fact, you L'd a wonderful assemblage to select from. idiuuu Ida Co. (new... a.--. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW "I until and for. Silk and Wool Dresses Way Below Their Regular Prices $10 $15 $20 M'Vhbu-udommuhr L Bogtr' Serge Suits There group: of drerrett of" a large selection of at in may caution. unity Stylish Winter Coats Greatly Underpriced at The materials are: Polo, Cloth, Velours, Her- ringbone. Bolivia and Plush. Sateen Bloomers The materials are: Tricotine, Canton Crepe. Crepe de Chine, Serge and Poiret Twilh, in all the wanted colors. All sizes for Women and Misses. Dimity "Muses ith qi nxhd- rpocial for t Bargain DI dim' with $10 $15 $20 0 prim lk pettieoatn owlinos an! Day" N??1 om y" 3.98 ttt " N' Petticoats voile and 87c line 1.98 1.29 $1 Childnn'l slip-over swede" in rent or blue, very woefully priced for Community hrguin Day ------.------ ---_ 98e Women's ehamoisauede giuntlet gloves in light nnl dark gray and made special for Com- 1 19 mummy Bargain Day--, 0 Women's bungalow apron: we ot good quality pennies in I large range of light and dark 59 colon _.-----..,.-- c Boston Bags Genuine cowhide Bolton Bags in Mark or brown, specially priced for Community Bargain Day --___---_.--------------- 98c Vesteea and Collars One lot of womens collar: and ven- tees, specinlly priced hr 29 Comttturtfty"V Day___. C Manny's Talcum For cc,,raiitik,"%r,-ai,t Day we am going to offer Herman's Bound Talc-um Powder " per an --__.--A.,H______15c W W Chamoissuede Gauntlets (hildr'n's draws mum n4 fines Huality gingham. i/r', H to " y6'arr Very '.',x't,""r Priced for Commmity Bargain Day -7 - __ _-..V 69e Silk and Wool Dresses Childm'l dz..- made mp in and new, uh. I to 14 yam - mun M_Com- A nullity yle for Children's Sweaters Bungalow Aprons Women Children's Drt'ssns Sill Over "Everything Marked In Plain Figures -one Price To "Att" k Sweaters Ir trs "le ion SH 'se,"]? _- 4.98 t there" ne '.V 2 .69 39c "lb Woman glove silk nose in fancy patterns, high pointed heels, size, y to 10. Very specially priced for Community Bargain ' Day ---------------- ---_- 2.98 Wom's silk und Ii: full faahioned, in a! lines " to 10. Sp for Community Day One lot of children's lather purses, good selection of edora. Special for Community Bargain Day __--.-----------.-------- 29c Children's muslin underwaists in all sizes, Little Beauty brand, specially priced for Community Bargain Day ----_-------- 39C tet Silk md Lisle S Stunning new Velvet face st.s4esr--ivritron most wanLi ;,)lcr;. Day only. _ beaver hats in black and brown; sizes I y ttt r a Faraday for Community 1 Darwin Day" -- Chiltlrc 51': high, Worth Many . Times Children': Mp the M 011193} $396 Taupe 1 eqqtt reduced Women's Silk Hose ma cm: Cate " In]: out, - n. T1 nu Blue Com " Inch coat reduced to. m ttttttml... In" po 'rtit Trimmed Hats $9.98 no" Children's Purses Childrea's C Underwaists unity 1.98 1'31; .- - - Nutri- "dUS wort Hose unity Bargain Dec, sport how. new 412m"; I 1 1.19 Jab Hm! Go. J inch hut. 11.98 $298 $119 $119 MW Hut< In srnOl tlraprd ('12: anu Misses Hats in tho the Price Quoie-l cial for Comma: Bargain Dir -e.-- Children's mamrized black, brown and w Special for Commuri Barruin Day, pair-, Women's night gowns, made of heavy weight outing Sannel, sp'" dally priced for Community $1 Bargain Day -- s--------'--- Gm One Vc of ehi,dren's play made of fine (,uality Cheviot me It of fr Women's Flannel' Gowns mo Nauru I'd». letath eqt, M 2-! $98 3,3 W'ite Conpy cont with blue Coney coll" and Ms, child's garment reduced to 'rrr: - __ - 49050 men Jdren's warm , tanu " Blue Coney coat. child's gar Children's Coats Children's Hose Speck" y p ay Sale of " crl' rev"; l " Play Suits gate", IO, 9'31!) C'" ',, $275 nr'. lime hose in ite, odd uige, off... ', coat fine nor $179 5179 3.98 $79 19c $1 Spe Children's: Sateen Bloomers Attractive at __ __ - _ - __ V,' omer A largo soieriion of new style can- teen bags in a good selection of leathers, npecillly V priced u ---=------------ 2098 Fine (mum, iool "i blouses in mimn' In", colon M. an. and blue. 8m - ftAtgt These, high rhu'e mall and wraps present the most favored styles of the season in long line, blouse back and draped models. Many of these coats are hacdson.e lined with silk and some are lavishly trimmed with fur. Beautiful Cloth Coats Qty-*1 $24" $3950 $59 epd, Silk Petticoats The materials are: Bolivia, Yalama, Orman. dale, Marvcito, Normandy, Mannish Cloth, Polo Cloths. Panvelaine. Silk Camisoles in Middy Blew. trru [New silk petticoats in a "in: of (was and colors. Dress Hamel! S Sharia!" Kiddy Cars i"s"jily Muff Bah qr Pcttico: "s handsor'nest styles an included brivs' in medium and long straight d fancy tailored models made of f and Twecds. All sizes: var? on set " Gon ns Most Unusual Values at ortA Cmrnumt, a! "when in, "all: TPe. 1Ci hurts Reduced I: Tricotites and Tweeds 2.98 n a trood 1.98 7.95 gfte 83c 79c 9 Oman-Mutual $1 $29 $39 '00BtmtmlkmrAimttas D Wt 10 BARS l0 BARS Fe r m 3 CANS .r r ' mm ram" In)" unlit, mwrlin, Lace and '..' : r. (if Special icr Com, One lot of inUnta' knit cam. very specially priced for Corr munity Bargain Dunn" 19c 1nNnttf Bonnets Infant!" till bonnet! In haven] pretty "yin, white and colon. Very "teeial1r priced foe Com- 98 munlty Bargain Dayna", A C un .A fancy mute aprors mad. ' a Linens. Ilixniliu. etc. loco embroidery . not? ___ - _-__ - Me ot of tshoutder tiny and band r. '" wk of coo" quality per- in light and darn colors. Some "d with rick-ruk 49 ._------- ----- ---.- C uriiiy Day Sanjtary Napkins Women's Aprons brad i CLASSIG Laundry Soap; I IVORY Soap; ', SL'NBRITE Cleanser-- ALL FOR on- Mus] P,ati Soap Special navy weight silk glows in and sizes; very ,riced, per pair, - 69c .11, FOR 89 C Silk Gloves T ea Aprons Infants' Cups m n VOYV ll nd C, " c modem sanitary dos Fay fre 10'"r39c Dr v08 "(In , the most line coats ine Twins, rcciails re- l Cog.) 79c iowits owns 'l fs 02p , 49c has, gown riubon