to the utmost limit. 'This was Great Britain's fulfliment of Lord Curzon's promise to Premier France in making Germany buck up and pay. The promise was given in ; British Capital. i MN«.M'&» ger marchers," who traveled afoot to London from all parts of England and Beotland to lay their demand for state rla before the prime min-- held a vigorous demonstration in 'Trafaigar square. The attitude of Mr. Bonar Law in refusing to receive the Peking, Nov. 20.--Peking is in the throes of a new coup d'etat following *he arrest of Fnance Minister Lo Wen Kan on a $350,000 bribery charge. Lo refumed bail offered by Premier Wang Chung Hui and is remaining in jail _ | pesce terms in Near Rast setis mmmmm 7 budge from the capital until their rep-- resentatives had had a personal inter-- view with the head of the govern-- Finance Minister of China Held on $480,000 Bribery Charge--Capital Under Martial Law. Constantinople, Now. 17.--The great national assembly of Torkeg st An gork has adopted a resointion, sstweit-- ted by Mustapha Kemal Pagha, o place the sultan and his ministers on trial A decision as to how the resein The cabinet was suddenly removed en orders of President Li Yuan Hung, as Feng Yu--Hsilang's Christian troops entered the city to enforce virtfal martial law. UNEMPLOYED GO TO LONDON Angora Assembly Adopts Resolution SBecking to Place Ruler and His j( Ministers on Tria' tion is to be enforced wrs deferred. drowned rhea a beat capsised whie attempting 1 lamding at La BRembe, a..u'" south o Merica®, ocm the of California, «ccarding word presebred Lere ( t* SIKTY PERSONS ARE DROWNED Many Fascist) in Mexico. Mexico City, Nov. 20.--The leader of the Fascisti movement here said to & @otrespondent that the movement has i8 sight in all parts of the regub-- Ne more than 300.9%®) members, largely «t the midde cla=s. © FENG'S ARMY SEIZES PEKING TVURK SULTAN TO BE TRIED Boat Capsizres White Attoempting a Landing at La Bomba, Lower Washington, Nov. 20.--Truman H. MNewberry of Michigan, whose right to & place in the senate has been a sub-- Ject of long and bitter controversy, has submitted his resignation with a request that it become effective imme diately . Senator From Michigan Submits His Resignation to Governor Groesbeck _ --Says He is Hampered by Par-- tisan Persecution. illlts in Time to Head Off New Fight. SAYS FUTILE TO STAY THERE NEWBERRY GIVES UP SENATE SEAT Mericabi. Lower Ca¥@cmsta, Mee, 230. England and Scotland Arrive in for From All Parts of it was learned that the third mem-- ber of the Erhardt family had--come down with sacriet fever, as. they feared that there would be & general epidemic of the disease, so made a complaint to the state department, three cases of scarlet fever in the Erhardt family and one in the Spaukding family. Neighbors of both families became alarmed when Two of the places alleged to have broken the quarantine law that were reported to the state depart-- ment of health were the Erhardt and Spaulding homes located near Spaulding's _ corner. -- There _ are three cases of scarlet fever in the Dr. A. J. Markley of the state board of health, who was sent to Waukegan to check up on the al-- leged breaking of the quarantine law in various homes in this vicin-- ity, made a thorough investigation yesterday and reports that no viola-- tions were found. PROBE LAXITY IN Bay Mare, 7--yr--old, wt. 1400 Gray Mare, 5--yr--old, wt. 1400 15 Brood Sows, 30 H Shoats, 30 Pigs, 1 Boar. White Horse. 10--yr--old, wei Wagons, 2 Ha s 2 Spring 1500; Bay Horse, 8--yr--old, 'x wfla m:', Dise :z: %Lk!!lm :--yr-dd,'v:.' zfl 'lln.'tn-:thbflh Harness, 1300; Roan Mare, 8--yr--old, wt. lflg(}ulandjbt_f'mm The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the E. R. Moore Farm, 2 miles West of Gilmer, 3 1--2 miles Northeast of Lake Zurich and 3 1--3 miles Southeast of Wanconda, on 44 .--.-- HEAD OF CATTLE .--.-- 4 24 Milkers and Springers * _ 2 with Calves by side 10 Yearling Heifers 10 Heifers, 6 months old TERMS OF SALE CASH. .Sh-thuCrmthur- est on good bankable notes can be arranged with E. R. Moore or E. R. MOORE, Mortgagee Friday, Nov. 24, 1922 FROELICH & BLANCK, Auctioneers. Bring Natural Beauty Into Your Home There is no one living who does not like the sight of fresh They add a wonderfed teuch of besusty to the heame and their wereat traqgeance lesin iox wamy a day. Swester yet is the thoughit that prompts a persen to make theer a goft. Say It--with Flowers Greenhouse Phone 174--J Res. Phone 291--R--2 Flowers for any occasion delivered by wire in any part of the U. S. Public Auction you a leved one at heme who would appettinte your PLENTY TO EAT AND DRINK AT NOON QUARANTINE BANS O.'..-fignnc'dod-.-.fl-' GEORGE PERES, Prop. HEAD OF CATTLE .---- 44 a gee L. B. ANDERSEN, Mortgagee. E. R. MOORE, Lessor. H KOHOUT 150 bu. Osts, 200 bu. Wheat, 200 bu. Bariey, 20 acres shock gorn, 10 Alfalfa and FARM MACHINERY McCormick Grain' and Corn Binders, 2 Sulky Plows, 2Mow-- , 2 Set Harfows, 3 Truck .?mi_&zm-zm Walter Archdale, 881 South Utica street. A case of measles and diphtheria in .the John Jarvot family, 838 Prescot street. * Iwo more cases of--scariet fever and one diphtheria case were ré ported today, both being in the south side district. 'Those reported: Because of the fact that a number of scarlet fever cases have been re-- ported in the viciriity of Eighth and Tenth streets, the city health phy-- sician is inclined to believe that the quarantine law i# not being strictly obeyed in that region. at the county hospital on Tuesday, and that both houses had been thoroughly fumigated. Dr. Markley was informed yes-- terday titfat the four patients had been removed to the isolation ward which resulted in an investigation TURKEYS SCARCE being made. It was alleged that AGAIN * the spread of the disease was dut¢ wminiiitsmes to the breaking of the qUBAranting | Christmas misht st CORN, HAY, GRAIN fever ; Prices Going Up | Nas Deen given up entirely for this During the last six years the |'**89": price received by producers for their| . !"C%@ Cases of loss, together turkeys has in i -- more tlnni"?h the frequent ravages of wild 100 per cent. |animals, including dogs and rats, The average price received for|ha\'e tended to discourage develop-- ment of the industry. . In fact, the number of turkeys produced in the United States dur-- ing the last twenty years has de-- creased approximately 50 per cent, The United States Department of Agriculture informs us--and offi-- clally, too--that the American tur-- key crop is decreasing at an alarm-- ingly rapid rate. Christmas might still be Christ-- mas without a smiling Saint Nick in cerimson uniform and flowing whiskers, but can Thanksgiving still be Th:knkldvinl:' :vltbout a turkey to uster and Mm'n to the festive board? : Having pondered on that without arriving at a satisfactory conclu-- sion, consider, if you please, this-- First Anniversary Sale Army and Navy Goods 104 SO. GENESEE ST.--NORTH END OF BRIDGE West Side of the Street Two Doors North Blumberg Furniture Store kets, worth $8, Rockiord Socks, % paire L____LL_LLLL__L______ 23¢ Cottom: Dress Socks, all colors and sizes. Worth 25¢, 2 ,un___29¢ U. 8. A. Cashmerette Socks, pair _____________________ 25('. U. 8. Army Wool Socks, 35e pair, 3 pairs for._____________ sl lined.. A $10 value __________ J--JVV Overcont and Mackinaw Materials from-- leather palm, worth 75¢, special.__ Army Leather Gloves, worth while they last, Thayer's Palmetto Soap, 5 QPROBERE . «n comns ecucti ce m te o = 5 dosan Emoke? Pb Outing Bho@s...-------- 10 domin bevry ;:.?1 w_ Showes, w\ daon, #t_ .. fw 'daoet.! i ____ 98c 10 dosen Outing Shoes, heary To the first fifty customers entering our store, making purchases of $1.00 or more, we will 'give absolutely Tuesday, Nov. 21st, at 9 A. M. Waukegan Army and Navy Store AGAIN THIS YEAR 2.95 " 4.95 SPECIAL! WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1922 for only____ brand new, only._.______ SHOES g a rris o n, _* 23c *__ 7¢ 2.65 3.25 3.25 4.50 _ 1.75 _ 69c¢ 2.95 "Turkeys are also seriously af-- flicted by a disease known as black-- head, which has caused heavy losses, and in some instances the business has been given up entirely for this reason. turkeys during the four months Oc-- tober to 'aJnuary, 1915--16, was 15 cents a pound. The average price received during the corresponding period in 1920--21 was 32 cents a pound, T Blan-- 4¢ Blue Flannel Shirts, double pockets, lined. A $5 value____ O. D. Shirts, reinforced elbows, lined bosom. This sale only _ O. D. Flannel Shirts, Reclaimed Wool Army Shirts O. D. Regulation Army Shirts worth $8 ,all sizes, special _ Chambray Shirts, all sizes. Included in this lot are some Yanks. Special _.-____--;'.'f__.-_______ 85¢ Blue Flannel Shirts, double 2 65 pockets, lined. A $5 value______&+ Winter Caps with ear laps. Worth §2 and $3. Your chofee________ Moleakin Vests, heavily lined with sleevées. $9 value, only _ All leather Vests, a $12 walue for only _____________ Army Winter Caps, have large ean be used as hunting These are easily worth $3 and $4. Khaki Army Coats, mA for We have just received two carloads Army Cots from Camp Grant that offer at less than cost 0@ Brand new all--cotton Felt Mattresses welt, rubber heel___*" 10 dozen Garriwon 4 Shoes, specialL.._----___ 10 dozen Navy Shoes rubber heel. A only . to $10. Y t choice -__?:l_r_______ 3¢95 10 dozen Artisan Shoes, Mun-- Special ______. Officera Shoes, 1 odd lot of Shoes, values up $40, for this sale only________ Hart® Schaffner and Marx and Clothcraft sample 0vercfoata, values $30 to , for thi l.s:?om?lv i8 12095 COTS AND ~MATRESSES Caps, 'light weight. SHOES vests, leather vests, leather ats at reduced prices. SHIRTS county only semi--weekly The Lake County Register :« the . SPLENDID FOOD _ POPULAR PRICES ROOM==BATH$® 4.85 4.75 4.95 3.95 _ 75¢ 4.95 _7.95 .2.75 1.85 1.29 _3.65 1.29 _ $2 98c 3.45 1.95 59c¢ manufacturer, an a $8 value for only... 2095 10 dozen Field Shooes, have iron heel plate, cak @2 GBR or without belt, $8 value________#+7 «2 Regulation Cartridge Belts, ideal ;:r lnAnun. WZbo'" dsole.___-___-zgc ::x'c'. m' l4c Lockers, lai + ou?:'l few ';:h'g;_fi,--__A_ 2.50 Tss Oy s ns in n * A6 Tc her i aas cuy,, ~-- 099 $2 value, special ___ _________ 1.29 Knee Boots, sizes 11 to 141222200000 OMIY ..=«=»>--s«ereccss Hip Boots, U. 8. Hood and Converse.. Jersey Sweaters, $2 value TOF cc--=--uucuccuncecazes Navy All--Wool Sweaters, this sale only __________. Sport Coats, Sport Coats, all wool, with belt 100 Medium weight Union l 65 Budt (__________________________ e fa i3 C _ 238 e F Sulte: to faise --__ _____ 3.95 Pants, Breeches, Leggings at reduced Slip--overs. Special for only ..--...--... Slip--overs, with Army Denim Hats, make dandy work hat_______.__ SHOES Army Leather Jerkins Wool Blanket lined____ TUESDAY, Nov. 21 Will be our first year in business at Waukegan and we are going to have you help us celebrate by giving you the biggest bargains ever offered by any mer-- chandise store in the city of Waukegan. Remember, this: sale starts promptly Tuesday, Nov. 2Z1st, at 9 A. M. UNDERWEAR SWEATERS Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis, back-- stiff neck, sore muscles, strains, s, aching joints When you are suffering so can hardly get around, P Nes 2e rantane sers c B healuredpemg when penetrates right n into pain and congestion relief comes at once. _ _Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red M&trl.. costs little at any drug store. Get a jar at once. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles on every package _ Just as soon as you apply --RAIT'T- pe! Rub you feel tnmtinmy( heat. In three minutes the wre?otuw through and through and the torture is 10 SAYS RED PEPPER REXT STOPS PAMN IN FEW MINUTES 3.95 1.98 3.75 3.25 3.69 _ 2C _ 85¢ n 2.35 2.65 3.95 _29c¢ 14c 25¢ 65c 79¢ 49¢