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Lake County Register (1922), 29 Nov 1922, p. 2

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ez Rev. Mr. Laidman of the Chicago nd--dfim-h-nz m.%m'z } City" and how this society is ~Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roder motor-- #d to Wauconda Sunday and visitéd yisitor Tuesday. Mr. and M¥#s, Dwight Doiph and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bliwhm were Waukegan' visitors Sunday. wuhmsvmmluw" tyville visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mitchell spent Sunday evening in Chicago, ~ Mrs, Thomas Russell spent Friday visiting relatives in Lake Forest. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Roder and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kruger of Palatine were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. San Diego, Calif., Sunday morning. Mflmcm&vw and i2 Jowa to visit relatives on their 'way. Mir. and Mrs. Teed who have rented their house for the win-- ter moved in Wednesday. Mr. Teed is a teacher in Libertyville Township high school. | Miss Price spent Friday in Liber-- tyville at the home of Mrs. Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Jarrett spent m'&fiolc.clnyhmh Libertyvile. > . Henry Meyer was a Waukegan visitor Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bauernsmith spent Sunday with the latter's moth-- N erpar onl oluctyvr:dhfluhdrdudl- ter, Mrs, O. F. Jarrett and family Fairfield spent Friday with Mr. the guest of Mrs. Herman Kueblank 'nm. Miss Mary Rouse spent the week end with Mrs. George Ross. Damon Holmes left Saturday for the East where he expects to be about three weeks to finish up M o Mr. and Mrs. Ernold Appleton and fldhb!'"mn'" w wad -- Mrs Thomas Russell mt es e 2s €e Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zersen and Mr. Theatre this week tension society gave an interesting talk flv'.ih'&hndflh-iiz "!hnluhln service 'hn.fly morning, 10:00 to 10:45. Thank you Mrs. F. C. Shaddle was a Chicago | for being present. Next Sunday 'The National Debts' will be discussed from a bipartisan ested! 'You're welcome, Mr-- and Mrs. S. L. Tripp left for _ Baraar! Dec. Tth,. Ivathoe hall. A Farm Burean meeting will be held at Diamond Lake Church Mon-- .mh.fl,?flo'd' m. pictures, good speakers. farmers will give away geese und ducks at the meeting. Chris Jensen has donated a Duroe Jersey pig which will be given to some MRS. M. L CHANDLER Lécal Editor Phone 122--J DIAMOND LAKE Argéa at the J. J. Rouse home You're inter-- Mr. of wg* Vernon Cemetery As In.% fu'l'lmuday.fi 7, instead of the last Thursday in November, Mr. Smith has resigned his posi-- tion as teacher in the Halfs Day school and Mrs, Lockhead has been employed until another teacher can bou'nd. Bora to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mason on Nov. 21, a son, William Grant. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mills a daughter, Nov, 15. t ape and ster,H. 2. t Sitt +Pite hieasm . . Quite a number of men from this place are employed by Mr. Herrick in Lake Forest. ... Miss Minzie Burfield is spending a week at her home in Zion. W. R. Herrick makes a trip each day to Lake Bluff where he is doing The Choir has begun rehearsing Christmas music ard will meet Sun-- day at $:00 P. M. in the church All members--please be present. Teacher's training class will meet at' the --usual time, 9:45 a. m. Sunday school 10;:80 A,. M. Evening service 8:00 o'clock Ev. ery body come. See~"Burning Sands" and "The Taeatre this week. Dr. and Mrs. H. 0; B, Young start. ed Monday for Florida where they will apend the winter. 'They stopped off at Indianapolis to visit Mr. and Mrs. L. J. McClure. Mr. and Mrs. Van' Ness Young joined them there and will complete the trip with them. Mrs| Richard Hook spent Tuesday _ Mrs. Margaret Thorne has just had her house wired for electricity. -- Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Wakefield spent Monday in Waukegan. ° Mrs. Julins Bratzke and nephew spent Thursday in Waukegan visit-- h'h 'MM heir *regular ; thei meeting 'Thursday night instead of lmmumd&om~ bers wanted to attend the meeting at Mr. Stang of <Waukegan. ' "Thursday' and Friday the Nlh] Bchool was closed so that the teach-- ers might attend the institute at 'The Lidies® Bible Class of Gurnee Community <Church met at the home of~ Mrs.» Charles (Hook m,mbmdbfl- ing the class. The members form one settion and the married unother. | . On Saturday the losing side in the Royal Neighbor attendance contest entertained the winners. They serv-- ed a Thanksgiving dinner which was very much enjoyed by all present. 'They 'had planned to serve sauer-- Kraut and 'weiners and the winners Im-é-l'bddfiw- tul feast that was set before them. _ Miss Madeliyn Thommessen of Waukegan spent the week end at her home ia Gurnee l Q"Wvumvll'eo\d the 'latter part of the week. and Pearl Olson, all of Waukegan Camp were visitors. The losing side All kinds of Auto Repair Work Harry Complete Battery Service THE STAR HALF DAY Day and Night Service GURNEE the Auditorium Andrew Honsinger, Henry: Potts, A. 3. Raupp and N. F. Bush had their corn shredded last week by the Prochnow Bros. A.J. Raupp had the Procanow Bros. vale hay for him last Thursd&y, Last Wednesday morning at Buf-- falo Grove occured the funeral of Babtis Weldner. The bereaved have by H. Pfister of late. ns / Ed. Kleinsmith from Palatine was seen in our vicinity last Friday aft-- Ed. Block was a business caller at the Crestmore Tuesday moraing. Miss Alice Bunton spent last week with her sister Mrs. Max Miller where she was under treatment of Dr. Martin for a severely sprained '¥d. Schley attended a sale of U, S. 'A:ymunsmmmm ' u.r,'.iln.mysnnhhnmow ed to the city. + € E. Schley was out delivering ord-- ers of Army goods Saturday. Adoiph Anderson was a business caller at the Crestmore farm Satur-- . Herman Torchin had the misfor-- rofhlvh'ahukld"lw;t:{ mmm milk, until Herman gets it all fixed up again. Jim Matousek, N. F. Busch and Fred Busch motored to Wheeling Friday morning. ® _\ Mrs. Emma Rudoiph of Highland pukqdahdyfrhndmallm 'at Mrs. Mary Schley's last Tuesday, ~~Fred Busch is staying at home for the present, > CaroHine Busch has quit her work at the Foulds Milling Co. on account of the poor nealth of her mother, Joe Keisler did the shredding at H. Pister's last Wednesday,. <." Al Bunton Sr. was employed by Peter Sievers several days last week. Jim Matousek and Caroline Busch motored to Libertyville Wednesday Pder'Sifl'l' business caller j t 3 was & i.cAmudfiumcqu--M evening. (% k iL ts Cal s Area spent Wednesday «afternoon at the Peter Sievers home, Mrs. Henry Potts had a-- goose picking party last Wedneaday. Some of those present,were Mr. and Mrs. Keiler from Long Grove, Mrs. Ed. Thursday. ' | T'nn m--"n.v.mjdn-dfl-i 'im $ ' Qu:ofi&mi son were busy the latter part of th¢ week unloading coal for Emil Geest. Will Prochnow was ia town Thurs-- day morning. + The dance which was to be held at Long Grove on Sat. 18th was post-- ponéd until Thanksgiving eve. -- * We surely did enjoy our copy of Bill's Bulletin and eagetrly await our next one. Those reporters, Lois Up-- keep and 'Tona Ford: are all right, although we are not acquainted with the former, we sure enjoy their--wit and hamor, Jim Matousek, Caroline, Fred and Clarence Busch attended the movies u&MH_Md_';}; APTAKISIC _ J, K. Busth, Clarence and Fred :' were busy hauling railread m,uswmum win Haxs made a brief stop in our win Haxs made a briel StOP iN UHI town, Tazrsday norning while on wulfiwu\-fl't Des ¥ ;. Puse to tivre trouble. ._,........u...-am Mlbwdh"mu' infecticn on his leg. u"mahfimeflhr a* Wheeling Monday evening, he left u«uumnuamg;' week, presuman'y to rest up a lits'e at it was doing some pretty heavy work of late. He brought it hack EHaturday' night fresh as a daisy. Fred Brockma had the misfor-- tune of breaking his leg when he f+ll from the hay mow to the | u'fi-mqfiuud-:' 1ink's, dreasing pooltry one day last Raiph Halverson was on busin>«s in the city last weok one day where he purchased the necessary glass-- }m(«&m &;;?.Mumm&o cooking 4 _'l. Pfster's last week for Mrs. Frillman and others. Hertel has been employed at Corner Genesee St. and L Waukegan, Ilinois, Center Tables Library Tables All kinds of Dishes Carpet Sweepers Vacuam Sweepers Gas Stoveés Heating Stoves Am § ho uh dfi ages P0 dsn iesnscs ies & + ysd Wasking Bacines l______._------'"""'"'""' Kitchen Cabinets FOR SALE--16 large boned thrifty Tron Bedg + | Aibert 8. duck, Wadeworth, Mill-- on at razh. Aucin Auctioneer. December 2, 1922, & P. M. & Santa Is Bringing Real Baby Carriages ---- _ to Good Little Dolls This Year Ray Furniture &--P. IAY, ;;u 'Iiinnnumdm"e.flfie. ~~--~6 insertions for $1. llinols, Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion., Of course every little girl would like to have a car-- riage, just like a real baby's carriage, for her pre-- cious dolly to ride in. -- Santa has such doll carriages in his pack this year. If you tell him you want: a Lloyd Doll Carriage you will be sure of getting the FOR SALE--Orle Favorite Heater, FOR SALE--1920 mn Indian Mo-- Call um R6RL | 91.3 FOR SALE--Shepherd pups, anteed workers. §5 cach. FOR SALE--Lot of good used fur-- niture and household goods at re-- Swiss Bull calf. Price reasonable. Also Rhode Island Red Cockerels $1.50 each. -- Paul Allanson, Area, Phone 268--R--2. Q1--2t If you want +o buy anything, or if you have something . to sell, mtwonhnu'qflmmflp.mhh"mw" eolumns. 'You will get results. | 5 There is no way you can réach as many people in Lake -- county hsochott.flgnanndotum.ble:eootuywnnUyounb wour wants known here. A trial will convinee you. or unfurnished apartment. _ Apply Register, Phone 90. Q1--1t room set $40. -- Sellers kitchen cab-- inet, $35.00, practically new gas vrange, $35.00, Refrigerator, $5.00. Many other items.. Mrs. C. H. FOR SALE 6 piece dining Lioyd Doll Carriages are woven, just like Lioyd that weaves a single, endless strand of . wicker, Mduufl.hbamcqwm Wwithout seams or short ends. --These Cartisges are not only more beautifel than ordinary doll carriages; they are much stronger.and more Comé and see them whi'e our stock is complete. Q1--2t FOR SALE--Hand washing machine good condition,. Phone 387--J -- FOR SALE--Rouen Ducks, Special and first prize winzners at the Lake county Fair. Joe Fincutter, Lib ertyville, phone 267--W--1 ---- 89--6t FOR SALE--Barred Rock Cockerels also Buff Rock and Golden Laced FOR SALE--Houases and lots at re-- asonable prices and -- easy terms, Insurance and notary. | U FOR SALE--Soft roasters and fancy Pekin Ducks. Dressed to order. FOR SALE--. Bargains in Big Type Chester White spring . boars, Cholera immune, New blood lines lot, . Garage,. Fruit,. Price only $3250, See A. R. Schnaebele, Real Estate & Insurance, Register Of-- for Phone 392--R--1 L. A. Huebsch Area It Pays Edwin Austin, ville, Phone 277--J. 88--6t --In The Register, 91--2t WANTED--Woman or girl to assist in housework. : Good home. Write E. L. Washburn, Gurnee, IL WANTED--Home on farm by good female cat. Get me at 604 2nd st. WANTED--Farmer, married man to work on small farm near Half Day.. Good living quarters and other surroundings. Answer stat. ing ~wages expected. . Address --Revister. #1--4t WANTED--To buy young cow for family use Fresh or »fhrl' Phone $19--J; "Ol--1t LOST--Brown Fox fur neck piece LOST----Marcasite and carved erys-- tal earrings on North Shore Train or Central : Ave. Highland Park. Return to Register office. Reward. Phone 90. #1--1t A TRUE STORY TO MY CUSTOM-- Finder please call 298--J--2 and re-- ard . #1L--1t has ever been rejected or traded on another machine i2 Lake county or any place to my knowledge. We don't strap our cups 0a any cow in th.lnmd ud.;;cnmh&& any of my users county if they are not satisfied. We sell single or double waits, 16 cow outft, engine and vacuum pump, 2 cow pail (double unit) $250, plus pipe for barn --Bert LOST AND FOUND _ WANTED Aren 86--6t

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