Miss Renam Alkofer of Rena o oth wflidllnd Mrs. Rose Alkofer. Mrs. James Lee of Milwaakee xfihmnmmfi. Miss Blanche Osborne transacted business in Chicago Tuesday. Miss Mary McCarthy spent the week end with Miss Hattie Boehm. Mtzs. George Wolff spent Monday in Lake Forest. _ , Joe Alkofer of the Libertyville Electric and Battery Station was in Chicago on business Tuesday. The Epworth League will have a Sunrise Service and -- Breakfast . at 'seven o'clock Thursday morning. Mrs. George Biere ahd Miss Min-- mie Biere wpent Wednesday in Chi-- eago. _ . +4 Mizs Kileen Cudahy of Wadsworth wdl&mlfl.m forget the turkey shoot and the con game at the parish house on Dec. 6. _ . Mrs. Glen Sayers and daughter Dorothy and Mrs. Chester Hill spent Monday in Chicago. ¥Fitch Shaw and Miss Bess Cudahy attended the foot ball game at Stagg .&mmmmw-- ening dance at the Auditorium on t evening, Nov. 30. Cudahy and Miss Teas spent Monday in Chi-- wnt is Wauhgs *' Monday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. O. U. Rollins enter-- :. '."'-. Vfi 7 "_"m » ..', fare ncrmnd dick spent Mond/ vwnnm! Hearing® into the sanity 'of Paul ps e % "'m "rg?m '. ".'.'!fio several months U t C o Trecs .'.,' I ie an. Reer m ts en ; ",','@"'hfl_m-pr'efty Bg:w': "~_**-- Also Tree Surgery J. J. Porteous visited relatives in Mrs. Frank Wallis was a Chicago Mrs. Louis Bockelmann <spent Edward F. Kuester and we will be glad to furnish you an estimate Hmfiifluhflbom,fl:e"ol&hfikfél way," have you ever seriously considered mdmmnm:'f-&n:h.yomdofi.é. file&m and © clothes--conservation, : in Damp Wash *}" $1.25 Semi Finished *"* Entire Family Wash with Libertyville Cbuntfigl;"Cost of Idonou.flfiulmmm |bassar and fall festival z.vmb! St. Joseph's at the town 'mwuhu-*'v:n in» ooo Imvfllfio * ' We wish it <~to be f ' Fremenimail on lc ue aue ho catains Everyone who helped make '&h"u&om:ee-s,a kind thank you. : _ -- -- _ | mittees. wish to herewith heartil | ¥ thank the tradespeople, individual Woodman Hall. Auspices Woman's Wednesday, Dec. 6. St. Eawrence's Caurch Bazaar Chicken Pie '.:-:'dnn-* se en Bm Waw.s , SANITY mg- PAUL } 18 CONTINUED wufl'lb--laa Address Reg-- ister Office. 90. . 91--1t WANTED--To buy fresh and rotteni girl, known as M. C., who offered her heart to the: who gave $1, 000 for her and family, was continued A until a later date, by «County -- Pe L, Persons, The case will come up next week. Mrs. M. J. Healy, Caairman, Decorations, donations, advertising The pastor, parishioners and com-- Two times a week for two Too late to Classify for Je § e .' You*r mmunfim.wflmr. It was practically ~at a meeting in Chicago Monday night that the Foulds Millling Co. would enter the Cook County Industrial and Commercia} League. . This league will be made up: of twenty--four teams, among which will be the Wetern Eléctric, Swift & Co., Standard Oil, Rock Island, and the Calumet Baking Powder Co. On Thaznksgiving, Thursday night next, the quintet plays the soldier team from Fort Sheridan. : This is the first game of the season. / year, Dasher, C. Hoakins and Cariton, with the addition: of Atta, will probably fill out th%h Clifford Cariton, a f sto Forest College man, will captain the wet bull Toam Spoced coale teguning Papen the hnst ho and seihhe Iatt Thursday night. 44 .n. sompany ua:n:i:-l ip; I:M.M_.fi being more than replaced in. won of Ermnest Ritts,--a Shields product of long "experience BASKET BALL SEASON HERE; AUTO % NARROW ------ FOULDS MILLING LINE UPp] Care FOR DRIVER There is a good supply of sub-- PUBLIC MASS MEETING TOWN HALL l WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6 Will i 1y the proposed new constitution in the J election t eang en se Mmm Mw:bman mod.xton'd attendtthkmeet- concerns the impomn MO :fiebhubub'oreywintbemtsomn' You should vote NO December 12 and know the reason why. Lake Couuty Central Labor Union The 14th Bazaar of St. Lawrence mg&r& be held at the Parish House ~~ The Sale of Fancy Goods wmbcron ym,wroth. Afternoon even-- gnrmmneh::a"-'-;'dufi __""m"nuu-m....&'hh H "aa'hfih.mr 50 cents for Adults . _ _ Thunnd:y fl".- December !'&'g!flg?.flml Remember the Time, December 6th and 7th. Remember the Place, Parish House. ___ Remember the CoMpPANy you are to bring with you. # e <---- _A --_ | _ _ OR A S. J. Konenkamfp gn BOOTH Where we -':&fl-m With Its Bweets for all BAZAAR President Telegraphers Union of America 120 P. M. o0 bohag d t is the. valley's mgnmwm vated as a AMational park. Nor is the fame of the Yosemite limited to the United States, People come from every corner of the world to see.the picturesque : marvels ~that abouad there. . Sheer beauty of -- coloring, massive contour of formation, huge rock piled on still |arger boulder, tall trees that seem to touch the clouds, all combine to make this region the olflflnrflo-u"& and es 7 : georgeous wonders is background for the his machine aud knocking it off the damaged but Mr. Miller-- sascaped with minog injuries ww 'his clinging to the steering The wh.ue..'u_.wmlx\'mr parchased two weeks ago of Frank trail readily in your memory, dust off the old . school n-pqfi and you will find that it winds through a valley of the same name, situated A few ~days> Max : Miller Nsufia'*&woduw by a careless driver :GIM T'o-:d" f entangled "pfll'" &s Mr. wWHERE Is THE Home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Carroll Berefit School fund St, BIG CARD PARTY AND DANCE If you cannot place the Yosemite Sheldonhurst, Area December 2, 1922 ~Admission 50¢ YOSEMITE TRAIL? »at z> and We shall continue »* . «[ |our study. of the church. The topic :""" let us :n these delightful studies h & : The cholf is busy rencatsing for the nekt meeting being, "The Ee'"fl Mission." Come and let us in these delightful studies A & The is busy rehearsing for a Christma# Cantata of unusual ex-- cellence to be given on Thursday ev-- {Yumemlhflyhfiudtowr fi%:'lthu _The Ladies Aid Society meets. on Tuesday 'afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Jesse Hyatt. A cordial invitation is extended to all the ladies to be present. 'OlMyanh'l!'l:w.tthe church the regular monthly meeting of the Sunday School Board will be held. 'This meeting will be of un-- usual importance @s> the Sunday School officers will be:--elected for the ensuing year. A!.mudn Board are urged to be present, Wednesday evening at 7:30 mid-- |.~-- LIBERTYVILLE CHURCGBES -- |is needed at every rehearsal. 11,00 a. m. Rev, Guy E. Smock, the new pastor, will have charge of the Sermon by the pastor. Good music by the choir. 6:80 p. m.--Epworth League de-- votional service, Miss Eva Williams, Il't.:'l'opkz'fi. Lea#uer Who ndws." . Leader, Miss Florine Luce. «* PRESBYTERIAN CHUERCH .. Sabbath, December 3 9:45 a. lay school. Class-- to join the -- school. William G. Wells, Superintendent, FPIRST METHODIST® EPISCOPAL Bunday, December 8. _ Church Sghool, 10:00 a. m. 1100 HoP Conmoaiey fot o m Mr. Jack Bradford, Choir Director, Mrs. Lyell H, Morris, Organist. 10:00 a. m.--Sunday school, M Mrs® Flora 8T. LA WRENCE'8 CHURCH Charles J, Dickey, Pastor. Phone 112--J. -- Compare This Sound -- Investment With Others! North Shore Gas Co. * to the 7% Preferred shares "of the North Shore Gas Company with other really sound invest-- ments brought to your attention. J "J-- BA %--~ ke yA ogrcmagent en oo repbrer epracer se e t _M.a' earsals next week, on Tuesday, Det. 5th &At8:00 o'clock and on Thursday, Dec. 7th, at 7:80 o'clock. Every member of the choir o' 4 Application blanks for 1928 pass-- enger car, truck or motor bicycle is aaa n " A. R. Schnaebele, Notary Public. The object ofjinvesting in suc-- can see is one that has appealed The investment is safe. © It is backed by a public, and css 'qh the ' d. many important industries. Its business is . of a character that even in the dullest tiings it does a satisfactory businegs. ' + «* % x It will pay you to get the facts concerning* this investment. (COMPARE the facts relative ~----_JOHN HEIM REAL ESTATE, LOANS, RENTING AND INSURANCE Office Phone > . 3148 N. Ashland Lakeview 478 . _ CHICAGO, ILL. @* 2 Deors South of 1 Farms, Houses akd Lots Sold for Exchanges of Property a Specialty Caph Or On Easy Terms :. .~ Retablisked. 1888 | :. MEMBER COOK COUNTY REAL ESTATE BOARD ° _ -- _ International, New Idea .Emmerson Schanck Hardware Co. _' Manure Spreaders on the Farm. Are what you need now. $125 to $135 ¥ hy * Mrs. Helen Lage PROMPTLY TAKEN CARE OF ~ 116 Belvidere & \' _ WAUKEGAN AND PICOTING 10¢ a 401 qob