+ 8: Fesimence HORS TD 02700 ud zies E Thanksgiving calling on old friends. Mr. ang Mrs. Clayton Werden and E W. S. Farnsworth spent Wednesday f in Chicago. it enter , | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cart ?.» . ""'m'm- 6 'Amy Baseley who visited her par-- (_' *fi-l.hybihnfln- .' ... turned to Waukegan Thursday morn f xlaugnter, -- _ _ ~ ~ s the Th w.ox . > a the C AJ K _' Lelection of officer t /" & . hall Wednesday e&Y~ cald 4 'l""" o ¥t Mrs. Robert Oaks of Chicage .. * _ ... 6d on old friends here last Friday. EeA CC .aflmhnl'll' Clyde Carr of Barrington called on his parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miss Kuhne who spent Thanksgiv-- ing at her home in Chicago return-- first of the week,. She was actom-- M L Anccodint ie ."Hfla-lmxmh. .g."lulm:\d&mm of Freeport, Mr. and Mrs. George Blackburn and two sons of this place, m.'dlu.lh-rymclle- mmmamw- mm.finhnm. Urs. Lezra Cook spent several ufi'gmmdhfl C Mrs. Arthur Powers. _ _ Miss Lillian Tidmarsh . spent Thanksgiving with friends at Cary. Mrs. W. 8. Farnsworth spent from Thursday to Monday at Champaign, III. with her daughter Wilma who is attending the U. of I. Miss Nellie Murray of. Chicago spent from Wednesday to Sunday at the home of her father James Murray-- fl--" d to her home by Ora | _ Amy Baseley of Waukegan spent from Monday to Thu_l'!lv of this noon-- n,c.l-ttn-neudbum Monday. The new sheriff, Mr. Waukegan was in tow Tuesday. -- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. es es ¥. W. and fan H. E. Maiman trans: Waukegan Monday. | Ames have had perfect AVIENCBI®® Fred Dowell motored to Waukegan ' sinee school started which was the Monday. | eleventh of September. The new sheriff, ll'.Ahlmd' We didn't have school last Thurs-- Wankecan was in town on business'dgy and Friday. Wednesday after-- W RAaa es en t N 20 P C D m men us 2 Co. h Tuesday. | noon we gave a program and a social Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baseley ate hour which some of the mothers at-- Thanksgiving dinner with their son tended, K. W. Baseley and family. _____| >~We spent two Language periods H. E. Maiman transacted business writing essays for the Farm Bureau, in Chicago Monday. _ : | Marvin Schwerman received third .umamnmwnfl&nm'm winners fi.""muummhn'umhnwnmd. C -..,_Alinw,""'""" I Rosiyn Currine and Edwin Un-- Mrs. Frank Meyer and niece Marie | derwood have bees ill with tonsilitis, mmw-mfl.mwummmu o Hare.' --'_~| We have received quite a few El8 on iicparstas ie e d w€ entertained relatives to the number of twenty--three at a turkey dinner aBee Willard Darell, Joe Dowell and a -flcdofic--iuidfi Farmers Marketing Co. from this have been very ill «3. Miss Della Kirwin, Mrs. J. _A are better and PV ie d C ces l i Andres, are all on the sick list this People here were shocked to read of the sudden death of Rev. W. R. Pierce of Rockford, which occurred on Thanksgiving day as he had Mmmm" er a meeting of his fellow church-- men. Rev. Pierce was formerly m;:fi.llzt"fl" was known in t I-i.ldfio,loum received the news of the death of Mr. Adams, a cousin in Chicago who died suddeniy lastFriday of heart dicease. He was well known here. The Mystic Workers held their in-- stallation of officers Wednesday eve. _Do You .: / _ Know? ----that Royal Baking Powder is made from Cream of Tartar? ----that Crea n of Tartaris de-- hbealtliful grapes grown in the famous vineyards of southern France? her 1k . the way to recovy-- The Hauri children entered our school last week fi'm' wing people spent Sun-- day with the Wenze! Dietz family, Mr. and 'Mrs, John Dicts of Area, Mr. and Mrzs. Hanson of Chicago, Mrs. George Craft and son George, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Steindorfer and children, George and Annie Peres, Helen, Viola and Raiph Bederske, Mrs. Louis Batz visited Mrs. Wen-- zel Diets Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Frank and fam-- ily motored to Waukegan Sunday children visited John Batz Sunday. Mrs. Tracy Craft and daughter Elizabeth and frieng of Waukegan spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel Diets. Annie Peres left our school Mon-- day for her new home in Chicago. Ruta Schwerman and Benjamin Ames have had perfect attendance ---- Our sand table looks nice. It con-- taing a Pilgrim and Indian scene of long ago. The little folks are now busy planning a Christmas scene. 'The little folks have each made a Thanksgiving beoklet of which they They are Henry, Mary, Stanley and We expect to keep warm during the cold weather because the coal Walter Hauri spent Sunday with -- The upper grades are having ex-- aminations this week. ninp aad served a luncheon of sand-- mwmtflm After the ceremonies card playing was induilged in wp< _ Mrs. Harvey Dixson. Mr. and "Mrs. Henty Bassett, und Mr. and Mrs. Al Cl on o s Dixson. Mrs. giving day with Mr. Four mnew pupils have been added PROMPTLY Mrs. Helen Lage ~H emstitching MURRAY SCHOOL HICKORX SCHOOL AND PICOTING 10¢ a yard AMES SCHOOL 116 we ordered from our WAUKEGAN . August Batz and TAKEN CARE OF at coffee and fruit. ies card playing FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCRB Charles J, Dickey, Pastor. a Phone 112--J. 11:00 . a.. m.----Mo: worship, by the choir, -- Come and worship with us. 6:30 p. m.----Epworth League de-- votional service, Miss Eva Williams, Pres. Topic: '"The World into Which Jesus Came." Leader, Gordon Hum-- phrey, district president. 7:30 p. m.--A BIG MEETING IS PLANNED for the frank discussion of the new Constitution. Judge Miller will oceupy the chair,. An elo-- quent speaker from Chicago will speak. . The choir will furnish ex-- eellent music. -- Every one is invited. Come with any question you want answered. --This will be your last m.hnllproww,bdou 12th, when, with the other voters of Illinois, you will say wheth-- shall be adopted or --B woter should vote--and vote intel-- '-- Wednesday evening.at 7:80, mid-- week meeting for prayer, Bible study -- REMEMBER _ THE _ DATE, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEM-- BER 21st. On that 'evening our 'choir will m'*!'*.-m'.'c": and fellowship. Topic: "The Church and its Doctrine." Come and let us Official Board after prayermecting. :ilnmbmdflloBMmmd- The Woman's Missionary Society meets at the church on Thursday afternoon. : A--very unique and inter-- mm_hwu_ Fuller tata, Keep the date open and come! Choir rehearsals Tuesday and Friday evenings at 8 o'clock. Mr. Jack Bradford, Choir Director Mrs. Lyell H, Morris, Organist. 10:00 a. m.--Sunday school, Mr: Regular monthly meeting of the WWShmthk You may not always be as active as you are today, neither will your earning ca-- pacity be as great. Are you preparing now for your future needs, by saving a ""_mrinmomrymk? --2~%~# Each day's delay widens the breach be-- tween yourself and ultimate success. We will gladly help you make the start today. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Delays Are Dangerous Telephone Your Mother On Her Birthday A Long Distance call to your mother on her birthday may mean more to her than the most elaborate gift you could send. Mother loves to hear the cheery voices of her sons and daughters and to know that they are well and have not forgotten her. To' have you with her on her birthday would be your mother's greatest joy, but if circumstances and distance forbid a visit, then call her by telephone and let her hear your I Bell Lines Reach Everywhere elsewhere. Sunday 10. Lake county won high laurels at the International Horse FM in Chicago Iast. night. . .-- _ -- «. -- _ Battling his way into first place, Field --Marshal!, owned by O. W, Lehmann of} Lake Villa, won the highest. honors of the evening in competition with four 'o:. the 'ul': consistent winners of & the . horse--in--harness ufzu-. Field Marshal! defeated uxwm,! an imported chestnut gelding of Ce-- dar Crest: farm, owned by J. K., Dearing of Lake Villa. Four of the five animals in thc' ring were imported. Besides win-- ; ning the 'blue ribbon with Field' Marshall, Lehmann won third hon-- | ors also with Montpelier Corinne. / Summary of the classes in which g:l.l Lake Villa man was victorious ow : Heavy harness horse--First, Field Marshall, O. W. Lehmann; third, Montpelier Corinne, 0. H. Lehmann. Three gaited saddle horse--First, Personality, 0. W. Lehmann. -- Trial bar jump--First, Sure Fire, 0. W. Lehmann. Robert A,. Fairbairm of --West-- field, N. J., was re--elected presi-- dent of the International Live Stock exposition at the annual meeting of the board of directors last night. All other officers were re--elected. ly mumber who were out last Sun Morning Service 11:00 a. m. The pastor will speak on "What it means to be called" at the morning hour We will resume our evening serv-- ices which are intended to be help-- ful to those outside the church as well as in it. Subject Sunday night, "Fishing." Time 7:80 o'clock. Church Schoo!, 10:00 a. m. Y Church services 11.00 a. m. J. V: Noreross of Highland Park will spesk on the General Church -- The Register is the furmers' ad-- vertising medium that brings results. DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON OPTOMETRIST ROOM 9 MURRAY BLDG. * .. _ PHONEB 993 ST. LAWRENCE'S CHURCH Sunday, December 10 ! Usual trms of sale. Fred Grabve, Auctioneer, a PUBLIC AVUCTION .. On Sam Gamash farm, St. Mary's m,amnumal.wy. Saturday, Dec. 16 f at 12:80 o'clock 9. 16 Head of Livestock consisting | of 2 Horses and 14 Head of Cows.| A quantity of Farm Machinery | also Hay, Corn and oats. | Having too much timber, 1 have decided to sell at public auction on my farm 1 mile north of Gilmer, on C Monday, Dec. 18 at 12:00 O'clock sharp -- _ _ _ 15 acres of Heavy Growth Timber in half acre lots, Also kindling wood. Time to cut until March 1, 1924. Terms: One year at 6 per cent. August Froelick, Auctioneer. A Paaxl Schwerman, Clerk. HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN, Prop. wmcnmczum:dmg that the Subscriber, Administrator of | thr estate of Gust Carlson deceared | will attend the Provate Court o{' Lake County, at a term thereof to | he holden at the --Court House in | first Monday of February next, 1923 when and where all persons bhaviog claims against said estate are noti-- fied and requested to present the same to said Court for adjadication. John L. Taylor, Administrator, Waukegan, II1., Dec. 4th, 1922. Any breaking out or skin irritation on fm.u&qW quickest by applying Mentho--Sulphur, 57 is gorm destraying propertics, noth: ing has ever been foand to take the moffin-wmgn tly brings ease from the itching, 'm:gdpidhhéue-fw leaving the skin clear and smooth. Tt seldom fails to relieve the torment Tivnies Mb Sutrine: may be oi tained at any drug m-g F:' wuyfi'm SULPHUR IS BEST TO CLEAR UP UGLY, BROKEN OUT SKIN Ben H. Miller, Attorney ADJUDICATION ~NOTICE GEORGE T. HUFFMAN, Prop. Get acquainted with the North Shore Line---- the high--speed electric route to the heart of Chicago. North Shore Line Chicago Civic Opera Special Libertyville Ticket Office wWOOD SALE Throughout the day and night, from 5:48 . m. to 12;:48 a. m., Trmmmhmrwn%atleeBhflflthMum- ited Trains for and Woodlawn,. Yow ride direct to the center of the business district--to ,thedoon,offiob.&ngbofi theatres, banks and business houses. The clean, roomy seats attentive employes make your trip a thoroughly enjoyable one. You arrive refreshed and on time. Take advantage of this handy route on your next Chicago trip. Immediately after the Opera the special train will leave Congress and Wabash Hlevated station for Libertyville. An enjoyable supper served a la carte. ("fi 'T'l. 'J'B -- " To the Opera -- To the Theatre Every Thursday during the season the North Shore LinemnsmOpg_nS_ped&l_SoGRANDOPERAlt the Auditorium Theatre, Chicago. CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE R. R. Ar. Cengress and Wabash............. .M¥ p M Enjoy a well--cooked dinner on the Dining Car. Special table d'hote dinner $1.25 _ Also service a la carte 98--95--97 Lt. Farms, Houses and Lots Sold for Exchanges of Property a Specialty Cash Or On Easy Terms Established 1888 MEMBER COOK COUNTY REAL ESTATE BOARD mmAmwus.mmcmmwm Office Phone 8148 N. Ashland Ave. Lakeview 478 CHICAGO, ILL 2 Doots South of Beimont to produce them--objects as attractive in form Christmas Presents which satisfy the giver and gratify the receiver. * Electric Portable Lamps, wrought in copper, brush brass, verde antique, silver, art iron, wick-- er with shades in art glass, silk, crettonne. MWUMM;MM ers, grills, disc stoves, percolators. Labor Savers, Washing machines, irons, vacuum cleaners, 'utility motors. _ Electrical Articles for the toilet table, that in-- crease comfort and multiply convenience. .. .. ___ Prices the lowest Mail orders may be sent to the sales room named PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Theart,thelkfllthedilmtiufingm of many crafts unite in the gonstruction of Electrical Appliances All in great variety at our Sales Rooms of Northern Hlinois A ... 808 p m. ... $20 p m. ... $04 p. m. ... 190 p . Telephone 74 Y¥