Priscilia 'Thatcher visited a few ?' 'days in Libertyville last week. d4 1 -;."WM" the home af mnd Mrs. Frank ""Wl'cmm. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell and children fi.' to Lake -- Forest Sunday to friends. Frank Vickery has recovered from his attiick of inflammatory rheuma-- ian ~returned to dis tan were * Mrs. Walter Stark and Mrs. John Rouse were Waukegan visitors Sat-- ~Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell were Mr. Frank returned to Jcoriomo-- woe. He has been visiting friends in John Porteous home Sunday. & --'Mrs. G. A. Ross and son Aynsley were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Beese called at the Herman Zersen home Monday. ~D. A. Holmes returned home from the east where he has been carrying Menty, Lewis and August Knigge ahid Paul Consoer of Giltmer visited at the borke of H. C. Meyer and fam-- The Boy Scouts realized about $12 at their bakery sale Saturday after-- ~Mrs. J. H. Wells and Mrs. Myron Wells will entertain the Ladies Aid for "hirmumipan" it bs n time if you want a seat. ~ Grandma Bartiett left Thursday to spend some time with her daugh-- ter, Mrs. Henry Ost of St. Louis. Mrs. Harry Kuhi and son of Chi-- eago called at the home of Mrs. Car-- turned to Chichgo with xm and will spend the wiater with her, . Dec, 14. Annual election of officers will be held. > o There were sixteen pupils perfect in attendance for the month of Elvira Meintzer, Cordie Hagblom, weounthnrpiess mntaean, "The Reds sire Irene Beckman, Hé) w-nmmlm wu&-unm on The Reds are leading the Blues by 3 points at present. The upper grade girls are finish-- h"-&m e are preparing for Christmas Entertainment to be given a week from this Friday. _ Everett apd Wilmot contest to be held Friday, Dec. 15th. Everyone Mr. and Mrs. Richardson and son ' Waukegan were guests at the 'The upper grades chose sides, the MRS. M. L. CHANDLER _ DIAMOND LAKE WILMOT SCHOOL Phone 122--J of The per cent of ' attendance for et November was 98 23. Twenty--three of |pupils were perfect in attendance for that Santa Claus will make h:& 'mlu at their store Friday | noon mnd evening, Dec. 15th and all ~Miss Marie Knigge is at her home here for a few weeks. f to Barring-- Ts lt Rridey. _ _ _ Miss Minnic Fisher of Palatine c%'nmxn.w; Miss Carrie Thies spent the past week with her sister, Mrs .H; A. present in Waukegan. at home of "brother, Albert Ve&udlflfly. A little son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waltee C. Consoer POSEE ies s o 2e 20 Mg:'",l)&. 16th. Be s to bring the children to see him. if you want a seat. Russell and Edna Shepherd spent Sunday afternoon in Waukegan. The regular monthly. meeting: of the Cemetery Society will be Thurs-- day all day with Mrs. Wm. Atwell. Mrs. John Raasch was a Wauke gan shopper Saturday. 'Mrs. Finstead of . Libertyville spent a few days with Mrs. R. Dor-- fier last week. a Mrs. Orell of Chicago Pisited her sister, Mrs. Chamberlain last week. Mrs. Albert Snyder and fanily spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Snyder's parents. / _ Mrs. Virgil: rennington of Wau-- kegan spent the week end with rel Choir practice--will be held Friday evening this week with Mr. and Mrs. F. Doiph. Don't forget the Carist-- mas music. k Well the much talked of bazaar is over and it surely was well worth all the time and work which was on it 'There never has been E'ma.motbhvd hseful articles, consisting" of fine | material and workmanship. There were very few left and those are being sold privately. We under-- If you never saw sée "Manslaughter" Harold Ransom visited at home tag Tact of the week. ... rs. Ella Smith is visiting at "h?m»hhm a whole the bazaar + up No ull expectations. We to thank all who helped make it We have finished our tri--monthly and the reéport cards wnzuumum average of 8th grade pupile. Weston. Shepherd of the severth Those receiving 100 in spelling for this week are Bdwki Loomis, Arina and Weston Shepherd. _ Mr. Baggatt sent us some beauti-- ful pictures We will try to have m'hw 4 We have some f ventilators fil'.fl-fl our comfort e have decorated * our school-- room for Christmas.. We think our room looks very pretty. We intend to put up our new cur-- tains this week. _ We have a winter scene on our sand table. We intend to give a short program the Friday afternoon before Christ-- A. G. Schwerman & Co. wish to Wikses Maitha and Minitc Vadll-- The upper grades are making reed on friends around here Sat-- IVANHOE SCHOOL IVANHOE and G, H. Belt of 'mvic w. FOR SALE--One Surrey; one incu-- bator, 400 egg, two compartments; one parlor lamp; one hall lamp; dirt cheap. 'Crestmore Marm, Ap-- FOR SALE--New modern six room FOR SALEA--Barred Rock Cockere's also Buff Rock and Golden Laced FOR SALE--83--B Overiand Touring FOR SALE ---- White: Wyandottes, FOR SALE--180 acre farm with lake frontage near cement 'road. Good nine room nouse; Jarge base-- ment, dairy and horse barns. silos, FOR SALE--Lot of good used fur-- niture and household goods at te-- asonable prices 6 piece dining room set $40. Sellers kitchen cab-- inct, $35.00, practically new gas FOR SALE--Hoases and lots at re-- asonable prices and casy terms, On Sam Gamash farm, St. Mary's ::.a-n-uudum- Saturday, Dec. 16 at 12:80 o'clock 16 Head of Livestock consisting of 2 Horses and 14 Head of Cows. also Hay, Corn and oats. Usual trms of sale. Fred Grabbe, Auctioncer Inquire Register e 90. Kellastone bungalow on large cor-- loamn soil. . Towinsure a quick sale this farm is 'priced at 40% "less than its real value. Ifiyou &re in the market for<a farni/either to Imoa,qfimnhmdta't fail to&ee one,. . For further information saee A: R. Schnacbele, m,d:itln-hi"eiindiflfs- 224--R. Robert E. Pettis, Deerfleld to order. Phozne 188--W. Alvert W Koenig, 426 North Ave. 94--6t. Kern, Libertyville, III. > 94--6t To mt srap oith. Provy. dpBiy ~« buildings. ~About 20 acres in good Entire farm drained. %youwmwmmorflmhnm to # Xap rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through HOUSE, FORRENT--Six Rooms. golumns. You will get results. f & 'Two hundred feet from car line ns C m Ne e NO ce C Ne dn a _ 4t ds TS U stop. Phosde Libertyvilly 290.--R--1. in good condition. Phone 169--M. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so mhort a time and at so reasonable a cost--as you can if you make your wants known here.. A trial will convinge you. | Many other items. Mrs, C. H. Jarrett, Phone $30--J. t . . ecta c an bee line PeC Miproon . * GEORGE T. HUFFMAN, Prop. Edwin Apstin, Libertyville, FOR SALE .« AUCTION FOR SALE--Modern six room resi-- deace on lot 100 ft. wide. In very good location near center of town. FOR SALE--Rouen Ducks,. Special and first prize winzners at the Lake FOR SALE--One 5--passenger tour-- ing Car, . One l-tqm'"-ho some new o Te s ie _4 FOR SALE--One 6 y terms if you wish. See A. 'Me,nmah- county Fair. Joe Fi ertyville, phone 267-- berry vines and large chicken coop in yard. 414 So. Jackson street Waukegan. Pnone 1276--R. --OUne 6 room house, Gas bath and furnace. Lot Toward the Close of Christmas Day "Buy Your Christmas Brunswick Early" When the fire is burning low and the animation of a mmi'mwhmwa your family and guests the music they love. And The Brunswick, of course, is the instrument you want. Pictured here are several of the most popular models, both in cabinet and period design. Priged from $45 -- twenty--one models from which to choose. Convenient terms of payment. Bruniwick plays all makes of records without attach-- ments, This means that with you can enjoy all the great artists, regardless of the make bf records for which they This is accomplished by the THE RAY Furniture & Paint Store Open Monday, Friday and Saturday evenings FOR RENT--Furnished rooms, All modern conveniences. Inquire 213 WANTED--Situation as practical nurse. Would care for invalid. WANTED--Position on farm. Cap-- able of taking full charge if nec-- Park Place Call Libertyville Phone 155--R. Special Features wa v'. 1 FOR RENT I\ 6! "I!'!! :-)! !] costs no more than Uitona--s part of The Bruns-- responsible for much of the Wn&. beastiful Brung Havin%:oo much timber, I have decided to sell at public auction on my farm 1 mile north of Gilmer, on Monday, Dec. 18 AT 12:00 O'CLOCK SHARP 15 Acres qpilr 6 e +