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Libertyville Independent, 19 Feb 1925, p. 8

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Mr. and Mrs. EdAwin Filuuer of Chi-- ol mk end at Millburn. ----------Mre hn --£ t --Waukegan was _ H. J. Beckman to A. E. Buftman ----and wife, Jt tens. Lot 24, Washington -- Park. WD $10, stamp $1... > ._~C,. A_Newcomb Jr., to M G. Steezrer. Lots 8 and 9, block 9%, So. Warukegan. _ _PDeed $190, stamp 50¢c. __ . . Ago when M. L Mosher, who is now _ 'Cxtension specialist in farm man-- _ agement at the Colléege of Agricul _ ture, University of lilinois, was stil _ farm adviser in Woodford . county. _ The strain which he used was lowa . 103, whichhas.been one of the higth-- west yielders in tests made "Rt Ur-- --~ --Bana --by --the--agricuitural --college, but _ Re s Feb. 1%.--Purity and ' of 'n.':fi\bln played the rolé in hbelping-- 8. E. Un-- & , & Woodford county farmer near here, improve and buila _ Amnie C. Pusk to J. A. Stump and #wite it tens. Lot 1, Clayton Addn. W D $ m"'.!:. . -- w¥.--wW rds and wile to Mrs. mw",d::: Wm. W. Edwards Second . Miss Helen Phelps of~Chicago, a sister of Mrsé. N. L Rice, spent the week end at the parsonage and filled the pulpttin the absence of"*Mr. Rice K. ¥F. Beaubien and wile to Katrina Mindarholtz. Part of Sect: 16, Wauke gin. WD $10, stanf® $1.50. mennman spent Sunday with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Den-- man. i s : sale..was.finishat on "ydfitm' es Ne : i hagrii us magor w# a 3 tr,. Racine ot aukegan transacted 'fi-&-ugms-.-my.'- 3. 8. Dennman transacted business In Libertyville and Waukegan on Wed-- Bhields. WD $1.. €: 94 G. G. Schanck to H. Kreutzer A w-fiuo«ma on E side of md street, QCD $400, stamp 50c. --Interstate Sand and Gravel Co. to J. Powers. 1 and 2, block $3, C. Frank W%Addn, to Liber-- 1 --WD $10, p 50¢. \_| _ _--_ Crop of Oats. Of Antioch. § Mr. and Mra. V. H. Strang and sone, Miss Jesse Strang spent Sunday with ber earlier days. She wasa sister of U 4 4# # U 4 + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4# --J. A. Simon to R. Thiel Lots 57 and 58, block 10, %ec. 35. also part of Sec. $4, Kibndike subdivision. WD $280. _ W.W. Wells and wite to ERlizabeth B. Farrell and wife,. jt tens. Part of Bec. 28, Shields. WD $10, stamp $8. T. W. Hinde and wite to Klizabeth y_ De Long. ~Part Af Sece. 33, and the next spring planted this seed by what is known as the head--to _ At. harvest . time uis seed plot eontsining the plants from the 7,000 heads was carefully inspected by Unzicker and Mosher. At that time the plants in the different rows showed Athat 2,000 of the heads were slightly different thin the rest and eonsequently they were thrown out, thus keeping the remaining -- 5,000 beads true to one type. & © ~For ~three ~years --Unzicker has grown nothing but oats of this type and each year he has produced: the best corn crop in his community. The 80 acres which he grow iast gt__m _Inspected .. before _ harvest by . a representative--of the--Illlinois Intion from the type adopted as> a stapdard by Unzicker when he start-- #d his work with the strain. . any other crop threshed> by the ring of which he is & member: His yietd # Title and Trust Co.. Waukegan # % 220 Wash ngton St-- Telephone 4 # In starting to build up the strain, Unzicker,. with u'. help of Mosher, lege of Agriculture, University of !-- linois, selected 7000 desirable heads Oof ~oats from a field of lowa 103 strain of oats started several years 80--acres ol it last year--yield-- KMTL T B UR N an acre wite to F p t' and will soon be--all right again. Dur 0, the time he was sitk, ninoty--nine "Of Tot %.}of his fridnds called to see him, and Eimer C. Kiessling, Pastor. Bunday School at 9.30 a. m. s _ English services at 10:30. Rev. Kurt Koehler, of Milwaukee, will preach at these services, as the pastor is preach-- Ang at Racine on this Sunday . _ Next Woednesday evening at 7:80, the first of the Lenten services will take place. It will be held in the Ger-- )m language. These Wednesdsay eve ning services will continue throughout bun..:'l' alternate between :e Ger A ¥ _ 99 Northern lilinois District of the Wal ther League will be held in Chicago next Sgturday and Sunday. On Sat-- urday eveninga banquet will be given at the Parkway Hotel. FIRST »?"ETHODIST EPIBCOPAL -- Rev. Arthur W. Mohns,' Pastor. _ Bunday School at 10 a. mi. Morning worship at 11. Lake county Anti--Saloon League field day. Address by Warren G. Jones. Junior League at c:ao,u m. ' h'qg Leagiuie at 6.30 p. m. At T:BD p. m., a patriotic service, Address, "George Washington," by H. }'zum nbel'ul" h::r L *. K. & music the c , under di-- rection of M';nflon Naom! Cal-- len Cook will--be soloist of evening. Holy Communion will be celebrated in the English languige a week from Bunday evening. Guy E. Smock, Pastor. . Miss Ruby Williams, Organist. Miss Anna Steiner, Choir Leader. Bunday School at 9: 45 a m. W. G. Wells, Supt. Morning worship at 11. We wili have a representative of the Anti-- Baloon League with us for the morn-- Ing address. -- ~Young People's feeting at 630 p.m. FRvening service at 7:30. Sermon by the pastor. Topic, "Entering a Straight Gate." Special numbers by the choirs Aat both services,---------- WD $650. . Lot 20, bik 15, Zion.City subdn. __ es W. H. Chaplin to J. 8. Haas, WD Rev.--H. B. Gwyn, Pastor. -- The services on Sunday, Feb. 22nd ( are: m at 8 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11:00. Church School at 10 a. m. The pastor will:. officiate at the County Farm Sunday afternoon. lot-- itr 8 TIrs Subdn, Sec. 16, Wkgn. T. E. Hoskins and wife to Irma E. --Lueck, / WD $10. St. $84. Pt ot Bec 9, Deerfield. * _1 Morris A. Blumberg® to L. W. Bracher. WD $10. St. $5. Pt of lots 1 and & bik ,40, org! town of J. Repp and wife to L Repp. QCD $10.~~St. ~50¢. --Pt--ot lot ~4, bik --16, Washburn Springs. _ _ . _ _ _ _ | cHURCHES| ipate any further outbreak of the disease. . s $A l _*Thére are several cases of mumps and measles at the station but all contacts have been. qunnl.r-d and the authorities believe thatthey bave the situation we't in hand. DENY REPORT OF --MENINGITIS EPI IM Oy , mll. "d * gm" R.'t" Pt--of lot 5, bik 16, Washburn --C.--¥. Lmx--to J.--H. Lux. QCD $10, St. $1.50. Pt of Sec 27, Newport ---- State Bank of Chgo to ~Pauline Klinker. -- Deed $10. St. $3.50. Lot 4Q,.-- --Hill and Stones Ravine View subdn. State Bank of Chgo to R.--H. Rice View ports had it that one death already has occurred from the disease. Station authorities assert that one mild case of the ~disease has de veloped in the person of a new recruit. The patient has been iso-- lated in the hospital and the men in bis barracks with whom he had come in contact are under quaran-- Explanation is made that this is being done merely as a precaution-- ary measure and not becayse there llhny apprehension 'over' the pos-- sible results. The patient, it is said, is not seriously ill and phy Jud Moore is out again, atter a long 8T. JOHN'S EYVANG. LUTHERAN CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Third Floor, First Nat] Bank Bldg Bunday School at 9:45 &£. m. . Bervices: SBunday, 10: 45 a. m. ST LAWRENCEB EPI8SCOPAL ':'i'gg;%' m'!'.' u%' DEMIC AT STATION of an epidemic of-- spi at the navyal training & couragement. HQ'M on sapanrsinston dor | o6 that in s elds. QCD $10, . | * j |'dnv'l';'o to C. £. ; flow 3'lNQUES'rS . Bt §2. Lt 220 #armaAakltatmnur A¥artAr $10, St. 50c *\ IN COUNTY SINCE This . report (gained ¢urroncy through a dmo- at the weekly meeting icago estate MAY BRING BIG AMUSEMENT PARK TO COUNTY OF LAKE A report was circulated in this city Thursday that the Riverview Park Association of Chicago had purcased a large tract of land along the shore of Lak Michigan, north of Bion City 'and Winthrop. Harbor, for the purpose of promoting an amusement enterprise similar to the one it now operates at Riverview CE NER EPC ACAsy ENC o WHTnd WB 'sault with a deadly weapon in con-- nection with a Rondout shooting.. is to go on trial after having> pleaded "not gullty" last week. -- -- ed that they found eighteen quarts of liquor in her basoment, and-- that sahe told thein it was for her own use. That they Thided oys Pavide w c I & ago tak» Iu"mdiootc{ ¥*** . Several men are ot go into coun-- ty court 'Tuesday on liquor cases. attention -- this month and February| Assessment No. 32. LOUIS PREOGENZDR. charged with :grms-.mmu'mwl- _ _ Two 15--gallon kegs of moonshine. ~One--&galion jug--of moon., Oue 2quart jar of moon. One -- bottle-- of moon. Corn and sugar was also included in the list, according to the report made to States Attorney A. V¥. Smith. MARY LAH 18 NABKED. . Mrs. Mary Lah, of 912 Wadsworth avénue, a heighbor of Gantor, is in Mre. Vera--E:--Gagne dted Monday at ber home in Deerficéid. Besides her busband, Rdward Onn&.;po leaves one daughter, Marolyn, ohe son, Jack. Bhe was the daughter of Mr. and Mra. William Plagge. . Fundral from the residence of W. F. Plagge at Deerfiecld, Thursday at 2 p. m. ©~0-- ' come .to notice in Lake county since Jan. 1, it was réported by Dr. J. L. Taylor, coroner, Tuesday. This is an unusually low number for the county 'and~ breaks all récords for VERA E. GAGNE OF _ DEERFIELD DEAD The reason for the decline in in-- quests c:t'x'?bot be guessed by the coroner. 'There have been several people seriously injured in accidents. but -- lived. _ Ernest ~Butterfleld.~--for instance. was struck by a . street winning side from death, although his condition ' is still serious. . In-- stances like that, along with several pthers, may account for the drop of--coroner's ~cases. > -- A relic of the dark ages, that shousd have found it way to a museum, was wrecked by the spongke. squad last night during a visit paid to 842 Wad»s worth avenue tast night. _ Two cases~ occurred in -- January, and but ohe Chas~éome to his _~ T=»n LO--gailon barreis of--corn--~mash: The relic wasa still, and one of the first picked up by the sponge squad in many weeks. Stills were common prey in Lake county at one time, but not any more, and the one taken last night stands aimost John Gantor is charged with be ing its owner, He had concealed it in a special room in the basement, and in other hidden rooms were found : -- First Still to Be Taken in Long Time and One of the Last in County is Wrecked, LIQUOR SUPPLY _ SEIZED TODAY 7 JAN. 1; IS RECORD with as an Public notice is hereby given thl} he | the Subscriber, Administratrix of th m | Estate of August H. Kuebker, deceas-- ed, will attend the Probate Court of ; y | Lake County at a term thereof to be El' holiden at the Conrt House in Wauke te gan, in said County, on the first Mon-- _ day of May next, 18%5, when and where *® | all. persons _claims against said *5 | astate are and requested© to I¢ | présent the same u:mu-. 4 #nna-. 1 * a n Il&a. T. 1925. o. m , |B. M. Runyard, . _feb 27 12 19 26. o NO d mee emereenedt e (e e Cevenetmemnen menranl | "n' 'w.' mo,' S40 4 -- DFililal 2e CCEHLA., ¥noropred Minutes of a --regular meeting of the |ing March 15. Man for care of garden,| UWWItY in 100 lots White or Brown President and Board of Trustees of the |jawns, domestic animals and cleaning | @800"08, $11.50; Barred Rocks, Sin-- Village of Libertyville, held at the Vil-- | oa Wite y : Reds, $13.50; White Rocks, Rose __Roll call showed preésent: --President ful, . intelligent workers.-- Opportunity A00t@#~ $1&50. -- Postpaid in 111. only. Of the Board of Trustees of 'the . Mlage of Libertyville, Mlinois west line of Forest Lane) be improved by grading sqid streets and laying up-- on the roadwilys thereof a Portland cement concrete pavement six (6) Inches thick, with vailve manholes and necessary appurtenancés,; and that said part.of Sunset Drive and Laurel Avyethue ~ excepted -- aforesaid. be im proved by grading the--same and con-- structing upon the roadway thereof an eight (8) inch gravel road, with ditches for the removal of storm wat-- er, the Ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the ViHlage Clerk of said Village, and the said Vil-- lage having applied to the County Court 'O6f Lake County, Hlinois, for an assessment of the costs of said im provement, according to benefits and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, the final bearing thereon will be had on the 28th day of February, A. D. 192%, or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. "All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day and may appear ut the hearing and make their detense, BSaid Ordinance provides for the col-- tection of said assessment in ten an-- nual installments with annual interest at the rate of six pér cent per annum. Dated Libertyville, lHliz., PFPebruary 12th, A. D. 1925. % * John Lester, special police...... 6.00 Dennis Limberry, Jan. salary... 110.00 F. B.Loveli Co.. supplies...__._ . 3.20 Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of IAbertyville, County of lLake and State of lilinois, having ordered the con-- struction of a local improvement in the Village of lLibertyville aforesaid, described as follows:~ That Laurel Avenue, Homewood Avenue, Sunset Drive, Linden Lane, Forest Lane, Eim Court and Eim Drigg. excenting that tich RBQ@ IFWOK:--.--.;----------o--oooowo<o----~. ~A6 TB . Moved by Grummitt, seconded by Swan, that the bills be allowed and warrants drawn for them. Carried. -- M by Mazon, seconded by Bulk-- sample plate labe}«=* igero 2103 to Moved by Grummitt, seconded by Bulkley, that the Treasurer's report for the month of December, 1924, be accepted and referred to the auditor. LAbertyville--Garage, --tire--prac-- Moved by Mason, seconded by Grummitt, to adjourn. Carried. HARRY D. GOTTI Clerk. John Dietzek, of Wilson, and Tou Dietzek, of North Chicago, were ar reated Friday night on a charge of lar-- ceny, on a warrant complained to by Frank Dady, in which he charged that the two men had stolen ffteen trees off his farm for fire wood. Dady allowed them to sign their own bond:, and the case was continued ten days. HENDEE--Fiarmon Hendee. Tribute ~ M 10Ve &b Pemembrance 16 our aon who passed to his heavenly home Feb. 20, 1923. ~He heard a voice we cou'!d not bear, Which said, he must not stay; He saw a hand we could not see, Which beckoned him away. LOVING FATHER and MOTHER -- wWOODCUTTERS Assessment No. 31.... SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE ELSIE M. HUSS, _ The Person Appointed to Makeé > said Assessment. _ feb 12 19 ADJUDICATION NOTICE ment No. 31..................$109.56 BHoyes, rebate Special ~~~~~ ment No. 32...._._._.___. 91.56 LECAL NOTICFS IN MEMORIAM PUT IN JAIL S |CLASSIFIED ADSs. jewelty. Hoke Smelting & Refinin Co., Omm '_ C6ur Quick service. W, Baird Bensley, Rockland Road, first house east of the FOR SALE--Pure bred Bronze tur-- keys, gobblérs and hens. Bergeron Stock Farms, Lake S8t. R4, two miles west of Libertyvilie. FPhone 67%J--2. MUST SELL my garage or cate site. 85®175 'feet,, near station. $7,500; 2,000_ cash ; li term#; valuewill dou-- ble in spring; need mo--.ey an' must sacrifice now. Addréss X X X, care Inc»--pendent. O 1 --13t to be made head _ man .on place. First class, thoroughly modern uup'fi'_u cot-- tage --provided; clean, warm com-- fortable. Many other advantages. Only those with good réferences consider-- ed. 'Telephone "Lake Forest 33" for appointment for interview. 8--1t N'B SALE----Three large Queen incu-- , two brooder stoves, 100 lay-- ing hens, lg tons baled timothy hay, 10 tafl & and 'alfaifa mired. Hay can stored on place without charge until July 10th. Geco.-- Fruhstorter, Prairie. .View, on Milwaukee Avenue. FOR SALE--An upright plano in first class condition. This plano was used in one of the best homes in 14b-- ertyville," and has had excellent care. This is a bargain for some one who wants a really fine plano at & most FOR SALE--10 tons No. 1 timothy hay, baled. A. E. Johnson, on the Perry Farm, Aimond Road. . 12t at Independent Office. -- * ~-- 141 64'4 acres near Gilimer. good land, good bulidings. A plece that would be FOR SALE--Dark blue reed strofler, in good condition; reasonable. Tel eptone Libertyrille 379J. #--1t FOR SALE~Ford truck, Ford coupe FOR RENT--190 acre farm near Lonk Grove. Apply to G. H. Anderman, 10 N. High 8t., Albuqguerque, N. Mex. mwr 'Tor more money, but to effect a quick sale we are instruoted to.sacri-- fire this place. ~ Sediers & Petersen. Libertyvilie, 111. Phone 451. #--2t Chevrolet truck, Overtind «odan, Page coupe, .Moon touring.19214, Moon--se-- 3 lots, fronting on Foxr Lake; bung-- alow and lot in Libertyyille; first class meat market in Libertyville _Write P. O. Box 55%, Libertyyille, I!I1. ~ _ #--1t northwest of libertyville Inquire of Frank Day, Brainard Avenue, Lib ertyville. 11 $ FOR SALE--Dining chair and daven port. Phone 220--K. s -- 844 FOR BALE--1922% touring car in A1 condition. 'This car was taker in FOR SALE--1923 Chevrolet coupe, in perfect condition: 5 good tires; $295 If take nat once; cash or terms. Main Garage. Phone 456, Libertyvilie. 4tt sold at a reasonable price. A chance to get a good car for Wittle money. Call Libertyville Garage. Phone 202. _ long, 2 bed;rooms, diniag room kitch-- en and bath on the first floor. 4 bed rooms upstairs'! all hardwood floors. Gond eoncrete basement with an ex-- cellent bheating plant Every room in the house newly décorated &nd in first class shape. New curtains on all win-- dows. Stucco exterior, large front porch, fine high lot §0x150, with gar-- age, fruit trees, big shade trees, ahrub-- bery and garden lqt. Property that will rent today as it stands for $75.00 a month. Price, |f sold within the next mortgazxe $14000 00. SHee us at onece. SBLLERS & PETERSEN, Liberty: ville, IIl #2t FOR SALE--Fine modern Libertyville ~hKome. -- Large 'iving room 24 feet FOR SALE--Two Troom houses and -- MALE --HELP WANTED A REAL FARM FOR $200.00 _ MONEY TO LOAN HOUSES FOR SALE FARMS FOR RENT 3| The Radio Shop |-- 48 if 3--2t .\| _----_--Insurance aof all kinds _ FLOUR $7.50 PBR SACK--That is ex-- actly what you pay when you buy baker's bread. 4941b. sack makes 75 loaves. Use Mrs. Ingram's Okiahofa Starter Yeast, bake at home and save the difference. It is the world's cheap-- est, best and handiest yeast. Makes best bréfd with least trouble. Thou WANTED ~TO RENT--Light house-- keeping roofs, by man and wife; no children; 2, 8 or 4 roomé#.-- Phone Lib ertyville 99538. Ask for Mr. French. 1t FARROW CHIX W for réturn mail. Address Starter Yeast Mig. Co., Versailles, IIL. 8--1t your size, free tooagents. Write for time, $1.50 an hour spare time, selling ; guaranteed hosiery to wearer; must wear or replaced free. Quick nhl.l repeat orders. International Stocking| Mills, 24017 Norristown, Ps. 4448 ; Telephone 212--J This Set will tune through all Locat All KODEL sets use the unique KODEL circuit, and may be oper-- ated from either storage or dry battery tubes at will, and without an outdoor aerial, if desired. : . Koon. is the name of a circult distovered by an indagendent experi-- menter.: So wonderful is the KODEL circuit, that it picks up sta-- tions 1,000 miles away, using only one tube and no aerial, when condi-- tiohs are right, mubdmmnmd.umudwlmmn you succeed in covering 3,000 miles on the loud speaker, . All with only a tarn of two dials. If you want distance and quality--KODEL.--If you want simplicity --=KODEL. If your pocketbook is limited--KODEL. Even if you want results regardjess of cost--KODE L. ---- : RADIO FOR EVERY PURPOSE AND ANY PURSE--$9 TO $80 Mary's of the CORDWOOD F O R S A L E COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY MONUMENTS KODEL RADIO Stations with perfect ease. Battery Chargers, $12.00 Up AGENTS WANTED i'x;li,umw g.g'x DOWN BY THE ELECTRIC $1ATION HOSIERY » 8. RA. PRO8S8ER, Prop.= =--.,.~---- . > _--$7.00 N O DELIY E R TE S Write For Descriptive Literature and Mausoleums . D. Proctor Best By Test PER CORD Model P14--Four Tube Portable. The eal set for auto tourists, etec. Con-- sists© of Model C14 Four--Tube unit in compact portable jeatherette case. Ample space for batteries, head phone, grounmd and aerial wires ett. Has a fange of coast to doast on the loud speaker, under good conditions. Complete with tubes batteries and a good speaker that can be packed in the set * ; $85.06 I neat * snn of LR. J. Lyons Jewett a4

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