~--~HEAD CAMP TO_ Ce * . Yioun solo, Doris Henry. h Words ot Welcome, M. 8. Topt. é . vml m' "m'" flmné' o'"n gils Toasts to Dads, Murictta Henty. : .__ Response, George A. Thompson. _ --<<----~ * Raasts to MOthers, Alfred Ame# * ~ VOLUME., XXXIII.--NUMBER 9. =-- Officers Have Retained Attor-- ney to Fight Ouster Move of -- Word has been received from the head camp of the Modern Woodmen that the--order is intrenching for a JA .may be necessary for fight to the last ditch with Operseér Wilbur Glenn Voliva, who is seeking There is war again in Zion. Mi-- chael and bis angels are having it --~ The Head Camp has sent out the following _ bulletin. relating to the sentury &go by the late John ATét-- ander Dowle, on the onme hand, and the Modern Woodmen of America on the other. Which is Michae! and which the dragon depends upon the point of view. ; Last October the Modern Wood-- men set up a local Camp in Zion City. the first organization of the kind ever established there. .In or der to g#et a place to meet. some of the local members bought a build-- Ing, paying a good round price for 1t. Now, Zion City is supposed to be ex-- clustvely for members of the iouse otf Zrom. Other chureées and secret societies and a rreéat c miny -- other things are taboo linder rules pro malzated by Dowle: an denforced Am--ibe--hest--aol..his abllity. by VYoliva The +atier was prompt to resenl um; latest invasion c¢f his sovere'gn'ty He caured formal notire to be served | upon owners of the lodke ba'l} that It was being used for purpose®s I'or-; bidden under the terms of a "'l "Hous conveyance, Hrned by Dowte. and threatening 'boster proceedings| in the circuit court if the camp per-- sisted in occupying the premises. | When bhe estabtished --Zien City. powile, it appears. secured pflmlo'f of -- all~ real~estate~ now --within --the city proper under a 1100--year loa.e.' Then,. throuwh terms im po«sed ml subleases. be undertook to perma nently prohibit all forms of activity that did not conform tg Bis Documr' ideas. Com peting« &lfl'tl'l of course, were under the ban, beink placed in the same categ£Ory as sa-- loons, tobacco stores and -- optum, joints _ Neither were there to be aAnvy drug stores, theaters or phyr+ No @Sn V e n C ia CH TWT FUWUT I Are proites' «; baute for what Ml...m;:m..'.&".as. in ~SDPECOS | pieat hard information at beliavxe to be their rights, in which . R * {first bard information al momeren ie necaningl c Py tigs 1 oo aiginmntys. se he! is needéd to bri help of the legal department or 'cae || n iardnt f araitietien. m o oo uies ue eile dod atennaue oi us t e omendn® n hall, they say. was not secured 5Y | panical ytilities, aid the contract | peseing onr 'aade of reck : 1 & TE ALL K ----14 ut avwnand 1 s e e 50e made a place "for the keeping or selling of buman , food of anythin£ forbidden of God in -- the,. seventh to the nipateenth verses . of bn tour-- teenth Cchapter of Deuteronomy,.--or A place fof® holding mevtings of a¥ semblies of any oathbound #ecret societies; or any immoral, noisome or dangerous wrpons'vimm." Officers of the Madern Woodmen Wm an attorney apd believe to. be their rights, in _ which whrreory -- c ras ~ua o1 --Diikatercen help of the lega! department t Tome society.© Possession of tbolr.dlodgo V e GOL hhw The scene of the latest YOUNC FOLKS CIVE BANQUET FOR PARENTS AT ROSECRANS On @aturday evening, Feb. 21. *ne ymgpeo'kpveawmm of their mothers and fathers, whom they invited as their guests. The girls took their places in the Ianee reasmanr--ey? #a position to the Em qoi s the nail on the head. The address of Dr. Huett was most -mmmuonxytoohdtnt not all the mothers and fathers of the mlqmwtthmeown anap o va TW VVTCA B Response, A Vocal Solo, Address, Dr. Hewitt scene 'of the latest phase o! | uggle, Atore~." a> u'nmgai& k / XAUY ) J44;) 4 9e m_.m_:fi%%ih" FIGHT VOLVA Overseer. 1IRERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT _ . was not wecurcd. 70 a receiver's deed. and that -- Vobiva is merely _"At the Gate," George "Julta Ray and F. Knox. astmaster, surely filled . ntfest He always hits churches _ , bids for Veterans Bureau tegory as~ n-% Buildino Will Be Opened. and -- optum,| -- _ March 17. was to be consisted of na'l (Nal pose® 10.---' of a '"'l by Powte.* _ m»dm-{ *~ camp per-- of the in or | some of a build--| * e for 1t. o be ex-- | e uoun' d secret y --other + las _ DFIO | 21. ¥Jw & to 'vb, NEW HOSPITAL AT GREAT LAKES 1O HAVE 285 BEDS Rids for the construction n' a neur> perchiatric hboep'tal @t Great Lakes will be opemed In the United States Veteran _ Burean _ at Washington March 17. acZording to a letter from Brig. Gen Frank'T. Hines, addresased4 to Capt. John A. Hartman of the Sirth Miatrict Rehabilitarton Commit-- tee. American Legion. -- e will be clean cut withn a miniw@im ort outside work in connection with me-- chanical utilities, afiid the contract time for completion should not exceed eight months.~The butlding shoud tbre ready for occupancy on or before De-- cember 11. 1925." ; This anouncement was received by Capt. J. M, Dickinson, Jr.. Capt: Hat-- man and other Legionaires with atuch satisfaction, as it marks the culmina-- Great Lakes. LOANS ARE NEARLY _ DOUBLED OVER YD. BY A. K. BOWES Asst. Sec. Security Title & Trust Co. Business of the Recorder's office fer the week ending Feb. 21, 1925: Number of conveyances filed( 189. Number of chattel mortgages, 71. Number of trust deeds and mort-- gages, 61. Total number of instruments filed, 321 Feb. 23, 1924: _ -- }mber of conveyances filed, 150 'umber of chattel mortgages, 20 Number of trust 'deeda and mort-- gages. 59. i Un HC S Famcsants 'Filad _ Total number 229. -- No lite i# quite complete, however tRy, usefol and successfol it may mmmm-m q,v.e-totluelflol't'mandm #ays Otto Kahn. . & Total amount of loans, Corresponding period 1 Total amount of loans, 4 SARBER SnHAdOP2 -- Api 4 -- Beauty and Art Needed Maguire and others to eatab-- neuro--psychiatric hbospital at UR, FIRSY = RIP To THE 8 u1 of instraments filed, of loans, $263,185.84. Fanet nc it > + % , 3412.558.24. | week ending : @x /y UIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1925. :///7/2/./ . &s SOIL MANAGEMENT SCHOOLS TO BE MONDAY AND TUESDAY ~~As anhounced. betore,--we> plan o have these soll meetings March ind and 3rd. <Prof. Lang of the University of Tllinois fill be in charge, and we will study the asi!l map of Lake County, and methods of treating our different solls Any practical questions farmers v'wl _ Now is the time you are thinking about féftilizer and limestone needs i for your 1925 crops. These meetings March 3--North Prairie Church at 1 oclbck p. m. o March 3--Antioch High School at 3 oclock p. m. -- * You wHi--find it profitable to be at one or more of these meetings _ NEW METHOD OF _ DISTRIBUTING o5 SCHOOL FUNDS i & t | March oclibck March oclock Lake County Will -- Receive About $85,000 from State ~ _ Unider New System. The Supteme court hae daclared operative the budget system of di=-- tributing schools, and under this plan LAke county will geta more even and equi' ble distribution. according to information--reeeived Friday b¥ T. Ar-- thur Simpson, county superintandent. lmtofou distribution was made & Ing to the number of pupils in the dietrict. Under the budget #ye tem distribution will be made accord-- ing to the showing made in the statis-- tics, and will be regulatéd according to the number of days each papd at-- tends school, and other records. ; Lake. county will receive. about $§5:000 in the distribution of state tfunde thie year. Bupt. m:gn believés . that under g_t new pan the varions districte will able to function better bevause it will be possible to get a more equit-- able distribution. ons popisreinage . of \ 1 7/ Mg€* opportunity +o #et Balotico's condition -- *a ormation about our eoi+ "'&'.Kfl!'_fg was Tea: edéed to bring about the | * he could not rec :-'-g.u w gfi%g -- _ y ® funity . 106 *'----n'?- Tl{lnt a on an while awa (| e 2' G.i'"; /f /'_'% P \, SHOT MAN; GIVEN z.100 DAYS IN C0. 50 JAIL; $200 FINE Adlai C. Ferguson,. rallway tower man. libertyville, Tuesday, was sen-- tenced to serve 1098 --days in the county jak and fined $200 for shoot-- ng Joseph Salotico, of Rondout. dur .ng a quarre! on New Year's night. Ferguson was alleged to have been Arinking and picked a quarréel with Salotico He shot Salotico in the left shoulder and the victim probably will 'be crippled for life as bis left arm is still paralyred and useless. L--W'L _condition #as so se riops, 3$ lirst it was feared for a ume G&t he could not recover., * z a m * C ane 444# get a bondsmhan while awaiting trial. The sentence was . imposed by Judge P. L. Persons jast Tuesday following denmial of a motion for a new tria} Monday. OCCUPANTS OF AU« TO FLEE AFTER HIT-- TING ANOTHER CAR Abandon Sedan Which Is Being Held by the Local Police Department. Mubert Berg, 22, of 310 McKinley | avenue, was arrested later on 2| *mdhluflnmnmm' driven the car that crathed into Hodge's machine. Berg was ehng"' with driving a car"while In!oflefiodl and Monday morning was fined §75 in Waukegan politce court. ~ 1 John Hodge, of Area, was one of |hp{ pflnctz-h in an automobile «mashup on MéAlister avenue, Waukegan, last Saturday night, when an Overiand car, driven by Hubert Berg, crashed Into Mr. Hodge's Ford. Mr. Hodge was driving his Ford sedan south in McAlister avenue at the time. The other car, an-- Over-- land sedan, was approaching from the south on the wrong side of the street. Mr. Hodge could not get ont of the way of the other machine which crashed squarely into the front of his own car. r _ their escape. -- ~ Conkiderable damage was done to both of the machines but Mr. m machine «@nd without making any County's Big WeekD . WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN -- A moment later the occupants of C boruck t ~urbiiec m l o o ui. 2s e B ----""r":f;.-:'" 8b > ur -;l;;' ofia rcond 'cm'.fit & 4P *« been If jan * MILLIONARES _ Mrs. E. E. kehman of Linden-- hurst Farms, Escapes in--,, _ jury as Auto Tits Wagon. * The acctiant happered about J o'clo¢ék Returday a. m. The fog which had @settled over the county made visability extremmely poor, and Fenn Haley, the Lebman chauffeur,. was pushing east along Grand avenue at lees than thirty miles an hour, ac-- Icordlnz to information hbe supplied after the cresh. _ Mrs. E. E. I&hman, of Linderhurst farms, Lake Villa, wife ol E. E. Leh-- man. onpe of the owners of the Fair department store, Chicago,. escaped injury Saturday when her car, piloted by Achauffeur, crashed into & farm wagon on Grafd avenue at the en-- tn}cc to the Foley farm. rs. Lehman, while badly shaken up and *frightened, was not injured. 'The accidenit lefl her On Ne YOIRG OL a collapse, and Lee Middendorf, of Antioch, who was fqllovlu_tho'bob- As he approached the Ariveway to m the old Foley farm, which is tenanted | Zion's super radio station, WCBD, by August Luocas, he eaw a team come presented its, official dedjcation pro-- tro(ting--trom «the--drive.-- HMe--applied _ _ Monday __night. __Fifty--three the brakes, but was so near that he. numbers were -- presented, . lasting was forced to--t@eke to the ditch on the from 8# p. m. until 3:33 this morn-- south eide of the road.. At this time, ing. Between 8 o'clock and midnight he says, the road was _ completely the station broadcasted . on 1,000 biocked by the horses and Wagkon. __| watts. After midnight a test. pro The front right. wheél of the car gram --was presented on fTull power, rammed Into the concrete drain nn-!l lHttle less than 5,000 watts. arrt the drtveway, where it approach-- No {finer or more varled program a4 the stite highway, and swung the | ever has been heard by tocal --radio car cross wise with the--road, the left tans.-- Numbers Included -- band --and side of the machine being raked by |orchestra selections, pipe. organ o the waeron, *The pbig car, a Plerce |los, celestikl belis, quartets and ¥o Arrow, beld upright. and came to a |cal solo«s: not to mention thre many hait. -- The fronat left was A1OFD tfrom | instrumental selections of all kinds !Uu machine. .n: a wheel was knock--| All during the awening telegram: ed from the wagon. _ e by the bundreds continued to pow! hn oodipanicar<clIr e ar s Cak .T. Ls J EPCO ECCC P ABPCT The team, trighteaed, raced down the road, and Lucas was thrown into the ditch. <His father rusahed him 40 Graysiake to the doctor. _ . Mrea. Lueca» called the sherifft's of-- fice and Deputies Ben Neeley and O8-- ear Watson rushed to the farm. They found Mrs. Lucas in a bhigh state of indignation, demandinag settlenm»~t. She threatents to have Haley as. > t-- $12,000 BANK LOOT STAGED NEAR HERE WIFEAS CAUGHT _ |. s mogyone< ns & have signed up for a course in management and --bookkeeping, s held at the Farm Bureau Priday C 97 hacinnin@ at 1020 a m. Dinne wie catins Morton Grove Trust & Savings bank, a mile and a half north of Niles Cen-- ter..on Thursday of last. week. They were sought in lLake cousty by Sheriff£ Ablstrom and his deputies who with a posse, guarded all the roads in an effort to intercept the robbers. The robbery took place at 12 : 05 v. m., while all the otbq employ es County by Sheriff and Posse of Deputles <=~=~---- _ The Waukegan police'were also no-- tifled of the robbery and this er-- noon had officers guarding the .d'v'.'ou and yoUTH HOOKED IN FACE BY A COW Samue! Miller, 16 year old, résiding three miles northeast of Llhogyvmd. received painfal injuries onday when a cow hooked him in the cheek. He --was in the. barnyard !!01!,_0%_0 cows were feeding, when one of the animals suddenly tossed its head. The animail's horn penetrated his cheek and his mouth was Itmtod. He was taken to a doctor in LiIbertyville who--dressed the--wound. ;;iutt to bhave Haley a; charge of reckless driving eeénre® *Hewess.~ --: LAST THURSDAY near Waukegan. a-- * ~*~ Randits covered A hoi db __A nufber of farmers 33'.,:':'5' county have signed up for a se in farm management and bookkeeping, to be held at the Farm Bureau Friday, Feb. 27, beginning at 1030 a. m. Dipner will be served at the Episcopal churth at 60 cents a plate. Several of our coun-- ty bankers are planning .to be. there _du.keuntnthedhm&lonon farm financing, management and bookkeeping. You will be well repaid for the time spent at this meeting. Nothing is very rushing on the farm just now, and it is a' good time tothink of your management plans for 1925 as well as get your bookkeeping lined up. Assistance will be given in actually starting the Farm Account Books. 1t will also be demonstrated what farm-- orchestra selections, pipe. organ w' los, celestial belis, quartets and Y0-- ; cal solos; not to mention the many | instrumental selections of all kinds.| All 'during the awening toh'nnl_l by the bundreds continued to pour ; in from every part of the United | States and Canada. All were of a ulatory --Bnature.. 3"!14-! telephone _ calls . were ved from points nearer home. All compnment-- #~dthe station upon the excellence of the program and the clarity with which the numbers were received. Many of the calls were received 'rmm fans in Waukegan and other nearby cities who asserted that they | have experienced no difficulty 4n "tuning out" Zion. In fact 'lhcy' have found it easier than when the station was sending on 500 meters. Jasper H. Depew, official announc» er forWCBD, explains that this is due to the fact that with the new equipment it is possible to tune sharper. He is of the opinion that local fans will bave no difficulty in cutting through Zlon's interfer-- ence when they desire to go after | outside stations. | Splendid Program Is Presented Lasting from 8 p. m. Until .0 3:33 a. m. BARRETT AGAIN NAMED NIRECTOR .. OF FARM INSTITUTE First District, Irs B. Reed, Glen-- view: Second, August Geweke, Des Plaines® Third Adam SchiHlitg Tinler Park: Fourth H. Clay Calhoup., Ch} cago: Fifth C. V. Gregory, Chicago; Sirth 1. C. Brow, La Grange;, Sev-- "enth, Chas Gray, Chicago: Eighth, Ar-- thur C. Page, Chicago:; Ninth, Clay: ton C. Picket, Chicago; Tenth John E, Barrett, Prairie View: Eleventh Wm. Webb, Joliet; Twelfth, Geo. 0. Tul lock. Rocktord: Thirteénthk W. G. Curtiss, Stockton: Fpurteentb, G. A. Swarer, MaComb; qm&. %'kf 8. Haynes, Geneo: Sirteenth, Iph Alten; Delavran;© Seventeenth. 8. B Mason, -- Nloomtigton; _ Eighteenth;-- Frank T. Mann, Gilman, Nineteénth John G. Hufford, Cerro Gordo, Twen-- tieth, G. G. Hopping Havana; Twoen ty--fArst, Leigh F. Meaxdy, Farming-- dale: Twenty--second E. W. Bur-- roughs,. Edwardévilie; Twoanty third. N. F. Goodwin, Palestine: Twenty-- fourth, Everett M. Veatch, Norris City;: Twenty--fAfth, . Harry Wilkon, Pickneyville. _ 5m Paris, INIl. Peb. 19 --The State Farmers Institute has elected the for lowing directors: o Address on soll fertility and meth-- ods of marketing have been the main features of the institute thns far. Strong pless have been made for bet-- ter business methods and coopeta-- tion in selling. s The Domestic S¢lence branch, Mrs. Lena E. Mann from Gilman, presi-- dent, is largely attended . and prob tems of the farm wife have been ably discussed by Mrs. : Frederick--Dow, Hinsdale, and Miss Mabel Evans, 8t. Louis. . \ Combort in T his _.Ansther good memory test in to tory to remember the things you worrled n charge IS DEDICA en mm o ted on Tult power, ; : 5,000 watts. t ore varled program sard ~by ftocal ndhi inctuded -- band --and}-- ms, pipe. organ 'o-' s, quartets and ¥O j when the| M U 00 C ~¢ Gnnlaah . KAk* 9 meters | by Justice H. C. Coulson. At . the 4 __| time Bradiey gave bis age _ to. _ the. t "m"",,mumd-fl'-'m the new Upon their return . to © Milwaukes to tune the couple failed to get parental for inion that|£iveness on the. part: of the . young 'difficuity | Woman's father. who; it is siald, in Anterfer-- formed her that it she did not leave 'pm,nn.;umauuouud-!fl nothimg trom him. . The giff 'mtnm. -- -- $4 # ;'" Further complication Bradley--For-- from | «ter elopement to Waukegan from gont.| Milwaukee when it was charged in_ ence | Milwaukee Friday that Bradley is but with | 20 years old. and that in fact Bradley ed. is not bis right name. -- ; ivea| .Jack W. BradJey, young riding )ther, master at Milwaukee, and Miss Emi-- m,'ly Porster, the latter a daughter of ; 4p9 Charles G. Porster, lumber king in they | Wisconsin, eloped to Waukegan a few the | daye ago and were united hllfl'z teps | by Justice H. C. Coulson. At unc.| time Bradiey gave bis age _ to. _ the. s is | marriage NHcense clerk: as 23 years. new | _ Upon their return . to © Milwaukes {un, |the couple failed to get parental for-- that |giveness on the. part' of the _ young cuity | woman's father, who; it is sdld, in frier formed her that it she did not leave after| hor busband that -n-":ul -ta nothing from . . The R went to m. -- se zs Then Bradiey started euit . for | $250,000 damages agsinst his father a TRUSTED TRUSTEE OF ELITE CHURCH Other Trustees Allege He Has Failed to Account for $7,-- 200 Church Moneys. -- . Another church row has been start-- ed in Highland Park. The First Bap tist church, attended by the elite of north shore society;--Thursday became involved in a lawsuit, filed in the Cir« eult court, in which it is alleged that W. J. MceNanly, Sr.. chairman of the board of truktees, is bAeved to have in his posseesion $7,200 of the church. tunds, and has failed to deposit the money in the Highland Park Trust & $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE | er. Phey aiso Gomangd pRWL . moved &s head of the board. | This Was th¢ Charge Mz |~ Today in the $25.,000 6# Damage Suit. _ According to the bill, which asks for an accounting. McNanily has. been chairman for a ye@r 0 \ 00 _ 0 =~_ There has been fAying fur in the First United Evangelical church-- wf Hizhland Park for several years, due to a row over the ousting of the Rev. J. H. Finkbeiner, who made a fight for possession of the church pargon-- are who lost his point in the -- $% preme court recently BRADLEY BUT 20. _ --{__ YEARS OLD WHEN ~--_~ mother was appointed his the uit after it was, developed that ___ against Bradley on & < a«wearing falsely to his age. WIFE BEATER FINED~-- AND JAILED; FACES _ _ NEW CHARGES NOW _ avenue, North Chicago, up to Frid John Luksich in County Jail _ ___ . Working Out Fine; to Be -- __ > morning, and now of the county Jafl, * -- 3 4j Wanukegkn. wae--fned $105 by Justice _ _ . John Nelson yut«l:.! on a c-::: \ e wife beating. Not having the w n i en withall to pay the fine. John #ae in _ _ °/ carcerated in Sheriff -- Ablistrom's---- *:% abode in . Waukegan!' ° ______. _ _ _ is And that's not all. +k When John finishes serving out bls ------ _ $105 fnk at $1.25 a day, Sheriff Abk --> #, strom, according to the police, wif . .. slap a warrant on him charging bim with wife and child abandonment. Lauksich, sccording to the Q beat his wife Wednesday, Feb. 18, after he Anished, she called the and had him arrested. -- She also » plained, . the police state, that ak though Luksich had stayed the Nouse and in Northb refused to conttibuts to the. of the wite and childran. _ 2 4. tWe ts doing a fine .bit of: when the mule is just } Jobhn Luksich of 1017 Just as W ell . HE MARRIED HERE -- SUED FOR FUNDS also demand that Ne +3