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Libertyville Independent, 21 May 1925, p. 9

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---- CO. INSTIJUTE OF . [MERBERT--MOLE _ _ _ _W.CIT: Iw,nm{ -- ARRESTED TODAY ¢~ AT IION THORSDAY| mar 12 22 en s Ti . TROOPS ARRIVE AT GRANT PARK . -- Erecutive meeting et. 10 o'clock _ (Daylight Saving Time). _ _ " gary, Mrs. Margaret Mercer, Zion. -- -- + Buggestlons for collecting dues-- in the sunlight from the Northwest-- erna station to the camping ground. At the same (ime the other units trom the fort. the 11th field artil}-- Afy and the 1ith cavairy regiment, were marching thra north shore towns toward C:#cuo. the horsemen in the lead on pFancing mounts and the artillerymen bringing up the rear --Gh --rambling --motor ~tranzport trucks on which were loaded caissons and 15--millimeter guns. AmerdAment--presented _ by _ Wikon Uchotr, Robt. Pushee, Earle Howard, Grant park in Chicago was tran» into a military camp, remin-- t of the stirring days of 191%--19, y and loop workers were given a reminder of the recent war as . regiments of soldiers from Sheridan arrived to prepare tor the United States -rv military «how, which will open in Grant park Stadium Friday afternoon. The 24 United tSates infantry ar-- Hived first and. marched thru loop Mreots with fized bayonets flashing Ladies Trig, Mesdames Warren, Lamiey. 8chois. > . Yoca! Solo--Byron Muodgét. Closing Prayetr. . "The public is cordially invrited to be present at the afternoon ansd ovre: ning sessions. Misses Fthel Howard, Ella Nelson, Phoetbe Johnson, ~Kathryu Lamiey, Wdith Warren, Beatrice Warren, Mar-- jori¢ Lamley, Gladys Pushee, direct President. Departmenat otf ,Colored > Women-- Mra. Coster Bazrter, Chicego. .. _-- Dividion of° the Dolliar--Mrs. Mer-- joria Clurno, Cook County Treas. Ladies Piano Duet--Mesdames Wa dn and Sctoiz. * Question Box. Evening Session 8 p. m. Devotionals--Rev. Brett, Muls Quartett#: Messrs. A. Warren, C. Warreo, Swauk, I-?n. Zion. A Gl'mpse of Fiftty Years--Young People's Branch of Waukegan under thed trection of Mrs. Roy Twoentyman. Cornet Soliy--Billy Loblaw, accomp by Gilbert Suyder. o e od by Mras. Pushee. C . AAAress, DPr. Kendal! of Chicago, Address to the Youilg People. Morcer, Zion. Meda!l Contests, Mrs. Meaud Cath cart, State Supt. of Chicago. _ .Bolip--Mts. R. E. Thomas, Wauke-- gean a~companted by Mrs. Louis Ge-- ~tadies <Trio----Mestames Lumley Warreu, Scheli. f Crild Welfare--Mrs. Izora Peake Btate Supt. -- * ~Missionary Church; Big ~|Zl0n, was arrested today on a . e of wife and child abandonment on CI'OWd Ew,ed' a warrtat taken out before Justice *AY 3 arly af Warkemee ol Sow of CHL o 4 i ow « ls'ALL DAY SEss'o. euo.'\ He u.n.b'r::hu ol.,ln. Mole. The County Institute of the W. C. J. U. will be 'held Thursday, May 21, at Grace Missionary church, Zion. Those who attend are asked to get eff the North Shore busses at 27th St., Zion, and walk west two blocks from What can 'we do fogp the ChildreqyS Mre. Mary Yake, Gurnee, Mrs, Fan-- a'~-- Bo3d, Waukegan. > Noontida Prayer, Zion ladies are providiag lunch for all members. Bpringlield, II!, May 20--The TV nols Commercao Commission today €enied a Certiticats of Necessity and z::_nhnn to-- the "mt North «nd MiUxiskss f. tor op-- Liake ZlflAtl. Vg'_% %lh Bllg. LAbst: _ Wiimats, p Pn vand "Rigs"Cante" A Emt Session Will be Held at GFACE|ino delinguency ot littls girls in ***Missionary Church; Big ©~]Zton, was arrested todny ons tn:rn Crowd Expected. of wite and child abandonment on _ 10:30 Devotionals--Mrs, F. M Btovder;tm for tne year--C ' Plan of Work for the year--County Pres. Mrs. E. May TJNN- Lake NORTH SHORE LINE . DENIED A PERMIT * Address--Miss Helen Hood, State Ne Membership drive--County Secre: :' LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT _ L@ke County's Big Weekly anad Chicago Transporta-- 1;r§ K 2 S es M Heda s Mrs. -- Margaret | C. Ttyand Co. to ' Pasquals _ Fiota, 'l?'?';:fl"t $1.50. Pt. Sec. \ 3%. #0 confident is the government of this fact that a one hundred steel speed boat, part of the navy's rum-- uing fleet, Was been assigned to pa trol this shore for booz:uru. _ pev-- eral of these speed*" are in course of construction at Bay City, Micb., at the present time add it 14 planned to send one of them here as soon --as they can be rushed to completion, _ * Positive proof that booze is be-- Ing smuggled into Waukegan never has v+been westablisheq positively but there seems to be such an unlimited supply of luor in this vicinity that police officers hbavre hal their sus picions for a long time. It is possible that the noew steel assigned to this shore will search all coal boats whick make this port to see that no booze is smuggled in. Harriet Balley to Charles Konnaed3, *VI} $1. St. $.50. Pt. Sec. 19, Warren. W. B. Smith and w1f, to Elia Browna QCD $1 Bik *#3 See Addn to lak» Blaff. Ella Arowne, to Jessie Floets, WD §$1,. St. $10. PI Blk 23 Sec Addn to Lake Bio#. Californaia 1ce and Cont Co. to Dan-- lel Coles, WD $629. St. $1. Pt Sec 1%, MHerbert Mols, Zion, recently sued by his wife for divofte, in .which she charged that Be 'contributed to cago~ He is a brother of Mrs, Mole. There are three children in the fam-- Because Waukegan is a centrai point between Chicago and Milwau-- kee, it is considered very possible that this city may be made the hom* port eof the craft. This would cn-- able it to patral the lake both north and south The boat is expected to be ready for use early in July. x ' s MAY 186, 1925 Catherins Muzsik and hus, to Wil-- Ham Kopf, Qod $10. St. $1.50. Pt 8e ly, California 16 & Coal Co. to John Diouhy, WD §6§$Q. §t. $1. P Lake Marie Subn; Lot 162. -- WAUKEGAN MAY > Califtornia Ice 4& Coa] Co. to Joha DMowby, WD $§0. S$t. $1. Pt. Lake Marie Subn, Lot 162. One Hundred Foot Speed Boat Assigned to This Shore by N. P. Dodge ant wt to 1. K. John-- son and wf, WD $%64. 8t $.50. P Belmont Addn to Wkgn. DeWiHt Krobs and. wf to Martba Stevens, WD $19. Pt Blk 3% Org! PPlat of H Pk. 4 _ Olaf Nelson, io A. R. Moors wt. WD $600.--Pt Hee--20, Antioch Jensie Goelese and hus, to Eammor Fankel! and hus, WD $10. Bt. $8.50. Pt. Sec 16, Wkgn. a Marzy Colville to Helen Davis, WD $1. St. $50. Pt. Twéeds Pliatakes Lake Subn. Mary Fihnn and hos, to Douglias ('I.gt.sml 'Atgfl) $10. St. $5.50. Pt. Bec 16, Ant s J. M. Fritsch to Chester Wossling, QcCon $1. Pt. See. 28, Dut_flol_l WILL CHASE RUMRUNNERS -- Arthur Julin, to Alfred Bowmas and wf, WD $1. St. $2.50. Pt. North Addn to Lake--Bluff. _ -- Bethishem Evangelical church of peerfield, to C. T. ant T. Co--QCD $1. §t. $2.75, . Pt. Sec. 28, Deerfleld. wt, Deed $550. St. $1. Pt. Sets. 16 ' sR u: and wt. to M: m ® on to M; sachier, w m-_'": s "4 n'"' s as & "g *_' Ialk ----SECTION--TWO .. LIBERTYVILLE,.LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1925 _ Official List of Transfers ___ Furnished by the LAKE~-- COUNTY TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY ' Abstracts of Title; Titles OF RAIDING BOAT 8130 "Il"&lt. wanstnne mummpro3p o Bmancteennin mtc t n o Telephons 4 TYVILLE INDEPENDENT is to ue and D. W. Wiliams & wf, to Charliea at al, WD $19. 8t $t.)Pr. Bece %#, 11. Wauconds d'clock-- this-- morning. -- Tho-- sherift and Tiffioy through underground channels bhad learned 'that they were isfled with Govaro and thinks noth-- ing of the alleged escapade. Deputies state that it is not uncommon for a Mexican girl" of her ago to wed, but as 14 years falls three short of the age required by the state law it is reported that the case will be pro+ on ~ Market street near" the ° Saals bome. The parents of the girl had complained that Sotero in an auto-- mobile driven --by Leopold Perez. had picked up thgr daughter and taken her away. his, they said, was dome in broad--daylight in front o relatives. _ s t T P n returned, and when they receibed they raided successfully. ecuted Her sister, just 117. was married yesterday by Justice Harry Hoyt. The parents had to give conmsent to this marriage, due to ber youth. STORM HALTS TRAINS SpringBeid, Ilis. May 20. --All Northbound interurban trafic . be tween Springfield and Peoria came to a balt at 10 a. m. today while lin» men.were hurriediy dispatched to ad-- Just 'I.fl,lfl sakl by traction off-- clils to hite regulted from a fot- which struck North Central Iiltnols this monring. -- Godin,. WD $250. P Sece 10 aod 15, Pere: had been arrested Tuesday on 'a charge of assisting in the ai-- leged kidnaping. i > Govaro and --theo--child claim they Govaro is charged with kidnaping The girl is simply being detained. After a search of a woeek Sheriff E4 Abistrom and Depoty Lester Tit-- tany early today placed Botero Go-- varo, the Mexrican Lochinvar, and Frances Salas, 14-- year--old school N a b Sotero Govaro and «Frances--Satas--in-- Rooming> House; say They are married BO0TH PUT 1N J AIL MEXICAN,. CHARGED WITH KIDNAPING /. -- CHILD, CAUGHT _--Ensembles at $39.7 Suits combining Dress of with Twill Coats in perfect taste. ~$49.175 | $69.175 All Our $59.75 it 5¥ Z #* 3 betr ' | P " Fikke 8 ; e 3 1','. a **%% 4 .' . '. o N + wX P | * .'.' y heC Atess," a M e y i J Y -- & 17 m * Th i = L ~~.\; Y "/0' '\' a C !** e . * > c * s SAXA * n * & [¥XA "'o',"...'".;. & T 1p> Y < i N ('/3, f . \\..'(.,"l"\\ | "CFS. / i M DXA P NYBOT s 3 My S 3 KS o'o."" ' 3 DNA /~ \ e \\'/' /././@ Y 3 y e ' --3 NMYHUHO S 3 OOA --4 NMYOH Piss's ©*,*a C m /. .'oi./o.[. * ° ? 4 |if . ' .' ' ; Circulation Greater than other Weeklies in County Combined revolver in the automobile. _ "I --told him I was going to kill my-- soit," Olympia testified. -- _ day aftersoon in ons of the most| both ussuctessful The plan was put routine dayy of the ten days trial lrnto alfect whils Mr. Saundets was * at % s 4 tns ++# Loo ol 2 n a e --rarmncery n Pia,. 5 & o a ru a t Chicago, May 20. --Jrome D. Katz, 2#14, son of Sigmund Katr, wpaithy president of the Boo--Ton Silk Co., was brought to Uhicago (from Kan-- sasg City, Mo.,.. today to . answer charged ~with haviag stolen $19.000 worth of gems from Henry -- Hart, New York jeweiry salesman, while he was a guest at a bote! hers. Katz, police say, has admitted the Topeka, Kas., May 20 -- Former Governor Jonathan M. Davis today was exrpected to know hbis L»*~*»= W "He ouly laughed and said you ars not the first girl nor the last girl to theft Now Haven, Conn., May 20.--Olym-- pia Macri, oyuth{ful singer, told ° the story 'of her betrayal in haliting tones today from the witness stand et her trial"for tha murder of Ztaks "Shetk" Pagnano, alleged father of her baby. In a deep vibrating voice, the girl defendant told of a forced ride in Bagnano's automobile, being {fed "doped" Sgs and the tragts ovents which followed. .« Chicago, May 20 --~Four bandits to-- day enterad a jewairy establishment in the Capitol building. almost in the heart of the loop here, bound up six men and shot their way to freedom with which it is safd may total $109,-- GRL SINGER TELLS .. OF HER BETRAYAL BANDITS SHOOT _ WAY TO FREEDOM before 11 a'clock t. The case against him c'hlu-' This is the plan--adopted in i4G--_.gof[!| . solicitation of a bribe in connsc=}which--reduced the bank loss {rom. i4 KNOW HIS FATE rrv-w e (vo heen it ------ _ __-- / *imaimopag" id eb Seoppbcepobenli . 4. 1 5 a ~year there havreo been m e 7 C e s are-- "moi; wmw-oj[%u W«..fimemnw'-!-flbi?# W&% of the most| both ussuctessful The plan was put| ; _ mohile Six will give vyou a pettect understanding o 'The Best Stove ~ On the Novth Shove bad a shortty As steps had already been takén to put iato effect the first plan the baukers decided to indorse the consideration io this -- county, and . énlarge their protective system to tuctlude all <its !e'-flt'tr?(';f» the individual bauks are in fivor. Only a few more counties are yet to be visitaq by Mr. Saunders, all previously having. adopted the plan-- in ful} except Lake -- county, :Jnch was the only one that aiready 4 a system in mind. In his talk Mr. Saunders explain-- ed jbe operation of the system in lowa. The guards, five to each towa, are chosen from substastial men of the commun'!ty asd are armed with The plan explained to them at th=e Chamber of Commerce auditorium by R. C. Saunders, chief organizer of the. Illinots _ Bankers' association, calls . for ----an . expenditure . of _ 2154 in each towa to arm special depu-- ties, known as the town Euards, with ~revoivers and government ri--, Bankers of hka;}ounty. at a meét ing which concluded late. Wednesday gave their indorsement to the town guard system, which has already been adopted by 90 counties in the state, and took action to put it into a reward of $1,000 for information leading t conviction of a bank rob-- a revolver each;and two government rifies. They have a captain, who operates in. conjunction with the sherift and a banker of the town who is a" medbef of the protective commuttese o{ the federation. The principal aim is to have men on hand at all times, fully armed, and the Natlional Rifle association and é' ~~Smart New Coats * Made to sell $ .00 ; up to Sg;(e)() * 1 7 | Take Action to Bolster up Sys-- im BA ( IN can get to the scons of &. robbery 4 UR . MRSE i. Q\qmlct' timg.. _Thbe . members _ara. HEAR STATE ORGANIZER --tem Atready Planned as Robbery Club. Ao ty basghys "TO FIGHT BANDITS closse reach of the banks, who : Another Unusual Selling of | Splendid Coats in Sports or Dressy Styles Fur trimmed or plain. Ever® Coat a high type model.--You never dreamed such Coats wo@ld ever be possible to sell for so low a price. Coats of fine Twills, Flannels and Mannish fabrics.-- Every Coat is Crepe lined. Trimmings of clever stitching, fancy braids, buttons and contrasting fabrics add to their durability and value. f sc ic work ction to put it into ing "on 58 " ptan ,they \ 4 In --all sizes up to 14 years. * 2 ~~-- pricing that we have seen in fl: day. * "&' its with excellent= ____. workmanship,. splendid style and fine fabrics. : An opportune twae be had served gantly or, fak Unusual Sale of $65 to $89.50 $ 49.75 Distinctive Coats, now-- _ > _ 4# WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN The smartest styles of Bengalines, Twills and Silks. Flare and straight models with novelty trimmings and fine furs for borders. Black, blue and new Spring shades, Unusual collections at this low pricing. for mothers to purchase a simart Coat for her Values such as these are New Coats Out standidg Values *~~** r wo gutiiet ~untt 'bodll¢a':"*~ * *' *~*~ N ~The loss in Ulinolh {rom bank rob-- _ [bertes in 19%4, Mr. Sauudars pointed out, was more than $300.006;--a great-- rs er' loss than in any other state in the nation.. Lake couuty, however, had no robberies last year. $24.7S lored. Every new col-- and style is represent-- Little Childrens Coats $9.98 In this county, be said, the sherif! was better equipped than in most counties. --ant ho also stated that the abllity of the sherfit was re-- sponsible to a large extent for this favorable record. (| --Oldsmobile Coach $1160 mobile Six will give you a pettect understanding of the performance that can be built into a moderate priced caf." -- Drive <this improved "Six" yourself before you decide on your next car. It will save you money-- and open the door tm your motoring satisfaction. ~~ Come in and look them oyer. This will convince General Motors is the third largest corporation in the world, backed by a Baillion Dollars, and will be glad to handle your monthly payments. This coach will be delvered at your door for only $386.67 down and the balance at $73.53 per month--a year to pay while. you drive. ¢ -- -- « ma g y Ou Sheridan Road Motor Sales Open Sundays 16 So. Sheridan Rd. Phone 33 Waukegan, M OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR FRIENDS To Oakland owners--We are prepared to give expert mechanical advice to all your wants Come in and get Oil Changed NOTICE! .. YES WE ARE "'T':'.-.' 3 -:-v-"'. "_'i i'."--fi.--,'l_; es c m ek ol mistoe! of tee _ # included. wear. You will marvel at the ~ richness of materials. Silk Coate -- Including models Extromiy l;;w_ Priced L [ New Coats 538.0() Troon, . Bcotland, -- May 20. --Miss Joyce wethered, British woman golf champiog, today ~eliminated -- Amer{-- ta's champion,. Miss Gienua Coliett in the women's open tournament bere. Miss Wethered won by four up and three to play, l ENNA COLLETT.. ------ IS ELIMINATED * lt Mss Cars Open Evenings & , 5| <d

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