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Libertyville Independent, 21 May 1925, p. 1

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s---- _ MINISTERS RAP -- GAMBLING AND: BOXING BILLS Go on Record Against Race 4& Track and Prize Fight . Measures. _ + <omanmnedonmenerstnn l e rag .. A,.!l--_y... e s s Oz y ~--~~,-- ~The --Ministertal _ «estucid i# *st . . . meeting Monday morning .at quxhuJ gan Y, went on récord against the racing and. boxing bills before the 'ez-- islature, after hearing a taik by Rev. Thomas Quayle, legislative represen-- tative o1 the Church Federation Coun-- cil' of Chiceago. , ' Rev. Quayle, who is pastor of 'lb"[aud Iits membership was therefore a __~Congregational church--at Osw+ego and | very limited one. it was-- only in re-- secret3ry of the Lake ~County ~lawcent years that the tendency of mod-- . and Order league, told of his efforts ?eru society to form clubs and leagues at Springfhel® to @efeat both bMls |and the like, prompted Lutheran . apd urged the ministers to add tPMT cpurch leaders to expend the uprpose _support to the effort. <In the resolUu-- |@nq program of the League, so as to ~-- tion he--presented, which was @2"~--! ____:-- -- oo international society. for --~~-- od.~she house.}s urged to pass "v' Imtheran--young people... Since then \----bur--dfawn hy State's--AltorBey A. V--|)r4 growth has been YerX Tapld. -- 1t is ~ ~* * SRprvcriP¥gn o WWe ~r 2 zow 59e Sn aer>s we Sctmaas * Prikks * en met 1 200 t CC Nbairg P tit *n :>--> 2 is the bil} »sponsored by the minis ters--as @ counter sttack against the recing bill. oo " C# --The bo:i* bill bas paesed the house. but Rev. Quayle predicted d feat in the senate. The racine bill has been favorably reported to the house, but he declared It would not pass. basing his Judgment on the senate's act'on in favor of the race track in-- jfunction bill seven ymic«~we Lake County I ence of race t! farurbt At for s In condemning the race track b.il. Revr. Quayle told of gamblin« under the pari mutuel «ystem in Kentuck ; how millions are bet every year and how men have been driven to sujcide by their loases. The boring bill }he eaid. takes from the referee he rirht to slop a Acht. He told o' ipstanc;q; in other citfes oi men being beaten to death because the referee would not «top--the fi@ht \Amone those at the meetinz were M\re (May King. adjutant of the Sal vatiob Army. Th® 'resolutton afflow®~ * To the Legiat'ators of i nois We in Lake County are ve y m In:erested in Serate Bill 31*5. It Ara'ted by nur own State« Aiton be passed in to that Injun a thonsand (Chirazgo. There t« impendine we are °o. & to «ar. a very bas prize Azht bill |T R %I8. 11 has passed the Hou--e am now is in the Senate. The right of cHies or tillages to prevent prir> fgbhts within their borders is _ alto gether taken away by this bill. Home rule in any fo m is not allowed. Other prizre Arhts bills have imponed a dut: on referees to s#top a bout in caseos where a beaten pugilist would be geverelr injured. All such clauses bave heen carefully removed from las nI precent bill. -- Thoyugh the referee aAmitted in +h« last purilistic orey in the athekyar ts when some fought with bare fists that "Many a Achter has been killed in the--rin«e when the heaten [f06 WK® it distre=s." And a man wa* actually kiNéd in New York recently hy a pautk list who obeyed the referée, "Don" beat him any more about the head, a~ ts In distress Reat bim about the bodv" He 414 o and killed him. It ts Houee Bill 338. We don't want :t' Signed by thirteen ministers, mem-- bers of Waukegran Ministerial Ass> MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE AT METHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY Arrangements bave been made for a Memorial Supnday Service at the M. E. church next Sunday morning. The Grand Army veterans, D. A. R.. Amer-- bcan Tegion, iegion Auxiliary and the Boy Seouts will'attend in a body. -- The American Legion is ArraANEIDZ worthern railroad, eight acres on to-- have a color squad present the COl-- west Park avenue, west of Highland ors>~--Atrangements have been made : jark, adjoining the right of ~way whereby, each organization will be'the average width being 310 {feet seated as a unit, and those who belon? The price was $17,800. to these organizations have been re-- promes mmermnmae quested to meet in the church gym ofore Ipe Uime pF tbs Service Au,m'DEEIFlEl.D LAD DECLARED -- will be provided for the Grand Army| PREP GOLF CHAMPION veterans to andfrom the charch. The somictistmries music will be in accord with the spirit'> Champaign, !!l., May 18 --Russel! of the day, and will be furnished uy | Martin. Deerfleld--Shields golfer, won the church quartet, and Mre. Lyell M. the lIllinomis high school golf cham-- Mortis, church organist. Rev. A. w |nionship with a score of 233 points Mohns will he the speaker, and hi.«|'nr 54 holes on the Urbana Country taopic will be "Our Fiag and On----c'ljb Saturday. He: also won last Nation." yyear c 9. . 0000 L [ s oz clation BABY EARL T. ARTHUR Is + TAKEN BY GRIM nwr' Ear]} Arthur, Jrt., p month and a day old, died Sun the home of his parents, Mr. an re. Earl Ar thur, in Wadsworth The infant had a sudden turn for the worse Sunday, dying about 5:30 o'clock=in the after-- noon. .The funeral services are. to be held 'Tuekday with burial in Chi-- CaAKO,...: s l 3 Aigrig ns m Aeaipeniel.cae T 1200 1 33 20 ocm K We on 1 ~ 1. + Bc enc VOLUME XXXIII--NUMBER Z1 ~~ e mirt«ters o he heléd #« v--hastrad 1 OSR . C LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT _ the Hous« "1c2c5s SYNDICATE BUYS Wa .0n m uC m iha T Ne Y N4 atehe recpud balf of the lagt _century fte enlisted gfl's'\gl 'of ywfinfl' n and A very iInteresting rally of the Nortb Shore Zone Walther League was held at the Parish House in Libertyville last Sunday afternoon. The Walther | eague is a league of | utheran youn£ people. If is named after Dr, C F--W. Walther, the famous founder of the Missourt --branch of. the _Lutheran church in America-- © The project discuased mostly at the business meeting was the development of "Arcadia", a summer camp on the eastern shores of Lake Michigan, and sponsoref! by the | eague. Bonds were sold to erect a new hotel and adminis-- tion building: 'Fhe--eollection in the A. R. Shekieton and Ray Price. rep : reseniing. this symdicate, stale they | have bought. or eontracted . to . buy at--prices ranging from.4800,10 w' an acre. Some of the properties In-- clude 300 acres between Lake Blnlr: and Libertyville. south of Rockiand road; 130 acres south of the Arthur Moeeker Arcady farm and the south, 90 acres of the former Meeker Ar ; cady farm, adjoining the Knollwood | Country dub. e | RALLY OF WALTHER LEAGUE HELD HERE SUNDAY, MAY 17 | utheran preachers, of whom there was a dearth at that time. For years this was the onty object of the | eague and iIts membership was therefore a very limited one. it was only in re-- cent years that the tendency of mod-- ern society to form clubs and leagues and the like, prompted Lutheran church leaders to expend the uprpose and program of the League, so as to ness meeting was hbeld iqy the after-- noon, and an inspirational meeting in the evening, at which Rev. Buerger, formerly pastor of the local church,. m'l--"hr"lx;.gue was originally begun by Iit. Walther himseX in the first part fe enlisted group$ 'of young mien and women from the churches of St. Louis to pledge themselves for a certain sum each year for the purpose of training Leaguers:and many friends of| the | approved. -- Leagiie. m.,m.mmqu.i _Harry Pickett--Agministrator _ ay-- furnished by the local society, a busi thorized to sell personal property. -- evening was' designated for teh build-- in@z of a new> orphanage in Addison, M -- An exeellenbt supper," which drew for'h many compliments from the vis ftors, was served by the local | adies Aid _ The next rally is to take place in Bethany church, Chicago, during the month of August Members of the Leagzue wish to take this opportunity® to thank all <«bos»= vio helped make the rally a success Tlhagks are also ox;%ndml to Rev. and Urs" Gwyn and to the Ladles' Aid" & the Episcopal church for courtesies In comthection with the use of the Par ish House Coutry. ciu b. UYS MEEKER TRACT The syndicate also bought the 40 acre Arthur Meeker tract on botr sides of Clive Runnels® estate; 12 acres« on Telegraph road, oppo®ite the Watson Armour estate; 110 acres on Half Day road, weset of Highwood: 120 actes on West Park avenue, west of Highland Park, adjoinimg the right of way 0f the new line, and severa'l other tracts Enormous Deal Announced in Acreage Between Lake -- Bluff and Libertyville. Close on the beels o' the announ(» meat of the actual first steps in the Skokie "L" extemsion comes the re port of a bunth of purchases by # syndicate, totaling $1,750.00% ailone the north shore in d.stricts to be be Benelitted by the new ifterurban u._.' ~-- L _ zn o0 ' _ Mr. Shekleton and Mr. Rice trang . fetred to William P. Kop{f, as trustee nf the Chicago. North Shore and | Northern railroad, eight acres on | West Park avenue, west of Highiand| Two brothers from--~New Triet. J6 seph and Waddy Pallett, finished second and third respectively. Ser-- on§ place was won hy 238 strokes WVaddy Palleti tied --with Clary, lLake View, wWHK 243 strokes, but won by the lowest .score for three extra holk® 40 > -- -- lark, adjoining the right of way.. "°"°C ""° the average width being 310 feet ANC# Ex The price was $17,800. ._. morning The trio are Stuart, Lake View:; Ly-- on. Pontiac and Dawson. Wheaton Pools of UniIversity High of Chicago came seventh with 248. and Wiliman of ~Bloomanaigton and, Chariton of Springtfield --eighth with 255. s Sam Gilbert,. Lake View. won fifth $1,750,000 TRACTS IN SKOKIE VALLEY an _ The suit was filed by Attorney Eugene Runyard and is the out-- ..,'mh of _an qguromobile accident 27 | that dates ~back to -- June 5. u'lh-u. recently shot to deatM* by ,"'quvvpa Herod when be was 1 | charged with @booting ast the police y;; wan after having been drinking, wa» ng|the driver of an automobile lhat ur Struck Miss Tessman while she was ;n Crossing Oak street near L.ibérty Ap | street. She and a girl friend ba _ ; |gome to choir practice and were go 'ing out. to a store during an idle \interval when the accident happened '.,'Both bad stepped from the curb. tr | polie reported at the time, Mina |3, , Tessman failing to see the approach-- rea'l l-' car 2cwmc»d. Friday started sult in the : cireuit court against Anton Mart | sen, administrator of the Mike im |\ vis estate, for $10,000-- DROPS DEAD OF HEART . _ ATTACK IN DOCTOR'S OFFICE | R SUIT FOR DEATH IS FILED AGAINST A DEAD PERSON Charles E. Howe., Waukegan --Will admitted to probate. l.ife use of real estate given to wife, at her death to o to his chlildren and certain grand children. Use of personal propert» to wife for life. Specific bequests to children asd eertain wrandchildren tehildren of deceased daughter). l2*-- ters testamenilary issued to Spencer B. Howe. son. Bond of $16.000. Proof of heifship. taken Coral T Hey Toibo Koski, Waukezan -- C:aim as fired~ by the Industrial Commiz slon $4,060 for death approved. Jobhn Gordon, Lake Forest--Execu-- tor suthorized to sell note belonging to estate. § Miles M. Carney, incompelent ---- Inventory approved. Conservator zu thorized to invest.and expend funds Catherine A O o nnor. lweerileld Will admitted to probate A!ll prop erty given to --hu«bafd and two «ons snd ome daugnater | Let'ers testamen tary i®sued to James~ Eo (OComnor and Framk M O'Commnor -- husband and som. . Proof o' Rejrah'p taken Anna Tessman, administratriz o the estate of Miss Martha Tessman B. Howe. son. Bond o of heifship. taken. .( decket appointed guas Margazet T. Hayes. he PROBATE COURT .. . HAS UNUSUAL RUN _ "OF BUSINESS MON. ing@g in ireiand. Estate valued _ al §$6 wite» Persbna!l property. Letters téestamentary aspued to lliinols : Mer-- She died three days after the ac cident at the Victory Memorial ho# pital -- -- _8 £ _ pavis is also sued ander his anas Kirvru, as hbe was sometimes krown John Sharvin, North Chicago--In ventory approved. -- . * ' Mr. Dunninzgton came to Wauke gan that morning over the North weatern railroad. Walknpx up the hill from the station. he ielt a se vere pain. HMe had visited Dr. Ro mer before. He went to the physi cian's office, and there suffered an other attack. Dr.. Roemer stepped from,. the room &« second in > tht course of the eramination. and when he CAme back the man was dead T M Dunnington. Chicago insur ance man with offices in the insur ance Exchange dropped dead Saturday morning in the office otf Dr. J GET BEER FROM RAID ON RESORT ON FOX RIVER Many Cases Brought to the Attention of Judge Martin s oiz C ._'CQ DeOker- ~ Roemer. 122 North County _ stt where he had gone for treatnm after fetling a shbarp pain in pight in a raid on the Frank C1Zamour resort. Fox river, known as -- Bass Wood Island hotet, avcording to are-- fort made by Constable C. A. Brune. of the «ponge sqmag. Saturday. Ciza-- me--at was brought to the county 4411 lrud of $1404 "illlam A. Hunter. Antioch L »rs o' administration isaued to er ele Hunter. son. Antioch Bo ( $4800 _ Proof of heirship taken Mar Wl Real beer was discovered Friday «t p laken imitted Hayes. Hizhland yan nty st1reet 1'%8 T K th IT ! Mra. Cecile Eimes of Grove avenue |has purchased fftom Frank Ettner 'tha ®0 acre fagm on the Barmngton-- Wauconda ma"i mile north of Bar-- rington which is at present occuptled by Lovise Westpahl. Mrs. ----Eimes will remods\ for a courmtry home ;v'n!?hv way to five lots, on hAs _ Ad a Mr. Stewart of Chicago will com mence the butiding of five brick. bun i cicntrtdiediicindit--rcorieg The matter of an ornamental light Ing «yae mtor (mkwood Corrace was brought up. and a resointion was adapted providing ftor 18 Nghts in the new eubdivision. The American Legion was granted permizeion for a parade en Mitwsukee avenue for Meorial day. Traffic wil be halted on our prinatpal stfeet dur-- Ing the parade galows at once ber was jammed and the talk was loud raached its verdict an hour before, and prolenged. -- * but the effort of rousing the Judze:; . Attorney B. H. Milier read the law ; attorneys and-- court-- Attaches --con-- covering improvements of ghu charac-- sumed an hour af tense'waitimg,for ier, and explained &'Hy'jusl how the verdicts that bad been reached. the paving would be done and Wdlg"- DEFENDANTS WORN . Two or three groups then g0l logether . and it was finaily decided to adjourn ch':ihr:, 2':';:"':, ;:::5""':";"'.': to an adjoining room, where those in (pey haq day @after day to stand terested cou}d discuss the matlier trial Their faces -- were | slight!y At the end of this conferente all 0+ drawm probably, and showed tractas jections were -- withdrawn. and !b"* of st;air. They were to bear words board took the same action as in that meant freedom or possibly deat: Cook avenue maller. -- Sergt. Theodore Smifth, <father 0' The contract for the widening of E. Bernard. who has lifted himself to Park avenge will be let at the same prayer every hour of the day. for time as the county contracts for pay-- 107 days since the boy first stood ing the 18 feet in the center of the trial, meehanically dropped into a street, The paving will extend to the seat: | Sheriff Edwin' Abistrom® sat east village limit«, and will be forty--«ix by bim. amt his 'friend. Armold feet wide from Milwaukee avenue to a 'Duke" Nolan. stood close by. point 177 feet east. and from there the A {few s--ats removed «at the me roadway will be thirty feet wide ther of FEdward J. Smith. a titte. The preliminary resolution tor whe worn. . griel wracked" woman A pavinz of John«on avernue was adopt duughter sat nexrt. then his wile. ed4. All property owners have ar reed ""M'" McKee. brother of Haiph. to a roadway of 6€inch pariag, twenty & '"hflfl pvbo-'--'fu) p!rr;:;n "n",lm" tee, wide. the estimale of coft beink to sbow the strain of the two trials, "";,'h The public hearing will be m._-f!nod remorved from the rest. his Tue«day. June 2. at 8 p. m o ow o e o s l t tcie: "*~ L artial eetimate No. 3. for gijgon Of the mimk_ (te was the siclc -- NElN COs1 & stansa TAr LaAWYERS APPEAR Tueeday. June 2. at ® p. M Partial estimate No. 3, for $11.660 was alowed James Cape & Son«,. for work done in Oakwood Terrace i h+ total amount allowed to date is §17.+ . An ordinance was passed f{¥tng the arade for sidewa'k in Prairie avenue. OMaborne subdivision. Ordinance«® pro viding for sidewalks in Grant Court. from First to Second strééts, and also walks on Third street from the S Pau) tracks was adopted At this meefing an ordinances was passed fixing the specifications for all sidewalk construction This ordinance will be printed in pamphlet form and C se te (Intat hmabsict se W C Brum presented a plat of i. ts between Austin avyenue and Rock land Road, which was received by th« board and approved. DOnTu WHE WWPPOOC OO CC George Follette dedtcated a plot nf ground $0 by 5# feet, to the vINaE® ®® &n entrance to Filorence Court This ____5 tha war tA five hots. o6 w biirh It was decided to buy a new i®WTN mower for Marshal lLimberry, to be used on the village lot, where Dennie epends a great deal of effort to mak e & beauty spot. Money well spent Jake Skidmore complained the bad condition of a ditch at the corner of Stewart and McKinley aven=m». left by contractors vho pu' In wate~ pp® The Supt of Streete was in«tracted to put the ditch in good conmdition and present the bill to the comnary on *he enntractor's bond. farni«h« BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVE-- MENTS HAD BUSY MEETING Things were real lively for a time at the meeting of the yiliage board and board of local improvements las! Tuesday night This was the date of public hearing on the paving of East Park Ave., Cook Avenue and Johnson Avéenue. _ BIG FARM DFALS ARE MADE IN THE TOWN OF CUBA Four -- Barrington farm#®. [Ola'N=k® in price .. over $166.000, _ have changked hands during the past week and will become country home sftes Philip V. Jewpli of Chicago boueht the north 220 acre« ef the Wetmore farm in Cuba town@hip . Mr. Wet more retains £0 acres, including the residence and buildings Mr. Jewell assumes possession at once and wil bufld a new home on his purchase Robert O. Berger of _ EvanstO® | ind in an in#ts bought the Louise Kampert farm Of ;orm of prayer 117 acres, on the Barrington Wa®) Thao "boy." ; conda lage. The Christ Hartz farm of %0 acres adjoining the Castle _ Knoll farm, Was purchased by Qainian & Tysen of Chicago. -- «4 _ contractor® road, ju8 18 fes« th suy a new lawn-- > IJUVRY BROVGHT iN > | machine upright for a bundred feet Limberry, to be, Depaty John Froeiick, who nacdjor zo on the dirt embankment. then xt,. where Denmnis watched the jury through the nl(m.;I- turned over No bones were f effort to muk® appeared at the door. lee Powers broken, . but he lost a tpoth and his well spent foreman of the jury., was at lm'lofl arm |a so sore as to be useles® mplained ® the heels He. n® his other -- »leven| today. « ch at the corner brethren did not show #*igns o" mmz nsm mmgpemm ommc nley avennm», left wear It looked is if their deliber ; y ! l: ate~ ppee. ations had been peaceable ,mm ms To nw! _ was in<trocted _ Indian fashion they fNune (hflm? SALARY QUESTIONK SOON ad ecndition and selves in front of the judge, I'nwon' ic ; comnary on the handing a bundle of r« to J. compars e w fimer court slerk -- _ | The end of the "contract" be e . Hea read * . *t"een North Shore line officials and Fd Smith's name eame first_ Hia|employes comes May 31, it _ was ARE HADE mother. erpectamt of un_vthmz_'['wtrna:l Monday, and the further re anbbed. She was exhausted. and Rad | port is that the officiale will be givr-- 'WN OF CUBA been for days -- She cried «oftlr. nnIEOn but ten days to come to a new or other iInter considered of 12 After a seven hour vigil Attorm®y| Froelich had given chase to a big James G. Weich, for McKee, bad car, going 65 miles an hour. This gomne. home for rest. but came rush-- machine had just pushed another Jng --beack.--tearfu} --that he would --b*--auto-- into the ditch--when be decided 'late. He had samiles for the MC,.to arrest the driver. Kees, and a pat on the Back TD', After going al a fast rate of speed Harold4.-- His brother counsel, %w x miDe M»r--dre._. alongeide Bernard P. BHarkea, of Chicago. 'shonted--an --ordar for"the mo detended PRérnam Smith, was |® torist to halt. Instead of doing so court already, coming baek with let# as commanded he paid no attention Akhan omne hours sleep after bearin@'to the motor--cop and proceeded, in that the verdict had been reached.|stead to drive him into the ditch He went to the side of Sergt SmilM by taking the wrong side of the and remained there until he bad t0o |road. His scheme was successful, as 'face the court | Froelich was only able to hold hbis + JURY BAOUGMHT IN ©~ _ |machine upright for a bundred feet Edward J. Smith, termed the "~brains .O6f (the gamp----recetvrec 2 _years in the penitentiarys __________ _ SCere!t. Smitb arose from hi« bench | walked a few feet, was pulled back lh_v the she--iff, and then slumped int» a faint. He regained his composure, l:md in an instant his hands took th« ~Bernard ®mitth, accused a* the get away. was found not gullty. ~ _ The "boy." d@s the sergeant . calls m Temained canmever' ---- e meneem have many thoughts, but his face ®as tafthful and did not betray them. _Lawyers Tound places in their chaire pear the court States Attor ney A. V. Smith, Nanked by his assistant, 3. H Block, wandered to the «ide nearest the jury from loree of bhabit. He., but a few hours hbe fore,. Rad asked hanging for EC#r Smith and RBernard Myitn. I:fe > Bernard Smith and 25 years in pris on for McKee ~ Atorney John G. Bills, who with Attorney George W. iFeld. had de fended EA Smith and Mylin. t rubbing bis eyes after enatching two bours of sleep on a court bouse cot «tumbled through the rail and near the coust Field,. heeding little o the scemne, stalked behind him with his usual front of usconcern . H!« wife sat back in the room. mnwilling to mies out on the final scene of the trial. TWO FREED: TWO _ CONVICTED OF DICKEY DEATH -- Four defendants, | sammoned .wilk the sun F*iday rforfitg, heard four verdicts pronounced from the Russell Sage ~ Dickey murder trial in Uhe? circuit court. * : Ralph Norris McKee, ca@lled the messenger boy, was found not guifty Bernard Smith and Ralph Mc-- Kee Not Guilty; M¥lin and . Ed Smith Draw Terms. Bernbardt Mylin, the man . wh« fired the shot, was sentenced to 2: years in prison. . * mother. erpectamt of anything. enbbed. She was exhbausted. and Rad been for days -- She cried «aoftlr, and would have givem vrent to her feel-- e« recardleas nf the outeome. Smith looked on unrwffied Harold McKee, th* faithfu! brother (Continued on page #ight) piaces in {Neir rt States Attor Nanked by his ck. wandered to e jury from force a few hours be @ing for Edr o Mri'in dije c WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN «at the me th, a mtitte woman A his wile. w4 \ Unknown Driver Forces Def _ uty Arthur Froelich to Take _ Ditch, Tooth Knocked Qut. | The end of the "contract" be }ureon North Shore line officialse and \employes comes May 31, it was | learned Monday, and the further re-- | port is that the officiale will be giv-- 'on but ten days to come to a new contract. One _ meeting of em-- |plny09 has been held already. {l in admitted | 'The best man, Mark Harmeyer, 0f , Chicago, is a fraternity brother of the {groom. The ushers, also graternity ; 'brothers of the groom, were John An--. [ derson, of Lake Forest; Trevor Thom-- | as, Aberdeen, 80. Dakota, and Alexan-- der Maitland, Negaum, Michigan. { The altar was decorated with palms , and varied spring Nowers. | "To the strains of Lohengrin's Wed-- 'ding March the bridal party entered 'the church, the bride coming last on the arm of her father, whé gave ber in marriage." | ~~ { | 'The bridal couple hbave returned The wedding iook place at the First Presbyteria nchurch in Lake Foresi, at 1l1"o'ctiock. . Dr. Grorge Roberts per-- formed thie cereafony., _ _ . 41 Therc were nine in the bridal party, inctuding the bride and groom. The bride was attired in a French model of white satin, hand beaded in pearls and beads. She wore a vell of Gloria Swanson dekign. her boquet was of white roses, lilies of the valley and orchIid¢. -- The matron of honor;-- Nrs, G._C. Godyahn, of Chicago, wore A zown of bluée georgette over pink crepe de chin, while the bridesmaid, Miss Ruth B. Gibson, of Chicago, wore A gown of yellow geargette. 'Both of the girls--are sorority sisters of the bride. They carried: boquets of roses-- The The mother of the bride wore & gown of black georgetie, L'«UQ!I'M_ n ed, and had a corsage of roset. The grandmother of the ° groom wore & black brocaded satin gown. Arthur Froelich of Lake Zurmeh. a deputy motorcycle poljceman riding out of, the sheriff's' office,. is sho one tooth today and several large patcKes of skin,. all coming as the result of a hard ride Sunday in which an autotst ditched the dep uty. RESTAURANT MAN TAKES WISCONSIN GIRL AS BRIDE The trainmen. it is understood, are to request "wartime" wages, which amount to approximately 82 cents an hour. Employes state that they get up to 78 cents an hour at the present _ This growp includes motormen. collectors and _ condue-- tors -- It is not certain whether all "ot thernthree--ciaree«--are in --on thi= request. This is the asual yearly request of employes io bring the road to a new set of term®s. lt always has been settled without squabbling in past years and it is not thought that there will be any> difficylty this vyear. at home at 130 Second styeet within a few days The bride chose as a traveling costume an ensemble sulit of blonde kasha cloth and cerise canton crepe, with hat and other accessories in harmonizing shades. . m'r--h;"brlvdnl couple have returned from a trip in the east, and will be One request that is to be made is that the painters working in tke shop be re--classified. This is be-- ing sought by the painters helpers in order to get a boost in pay. Definite plans have not been set dowua. but probably will be during the next week or so at the time of the next session. MOTORIST TRIES TO KILL MOTOR-- COP. ALMOST DOES Mark Harmeyer, of . ----,..... $1.50 A YEAR IN AD *I--, _ Through --action --of* tu-w iofe:-- ;. North Shore Milwaukee Raitroad>. e Company has been granted Certf-- ls ficates of Convenience and Necessi _-- "'"!ygfor the operation of additional --_ :;'bpl routes in Lake county. The a6 _ ,'.,iuou- was----taken-- Thursday ll' Jme -- a'cludes territory of sufficient scope _ P°!to give western Lake county & prac -- l': tically complete system of bus a¢ h,joomohuons in _ conjunction-- _with ---- i#' those now ~being operated. At the . % smumurs | _ Referring to the line now opefrit |ing in Wauconda and which is of dered to cease at once and the of-- ldor denying the Fox Lake Bus Line a--right to rab. the order sA %%> ~~*~~ tlon Company, is '_ nipped. _ to and is not unblo'o.l"mumm adt quate facélities to meet r_ ments© of "the mnn:l?.; tWiP rliory-- in question;: that the It further* appears from the er} dence that the applicant, Wauconds, Lake E-rlcl and Chicago Transports sought to be rendered by sald War Transportation Company are a ed primarily with the intenst of bring-- Ing patronage (0 a summer ea operated by the chief stockholders of said corporation. and that salf petitioner has in fact operated avrer the route for which it asks a cert}> ficate of convenience and necessity from this Commission without the consent of this Commission ansd with out any such certificate, and conm trary to the then and now existing laws of the State of lllinois. * j It further. appears from the §¥ dence that the community covered by the application of the Pox 14k# NETWORK OF BUS -- -- _ LINES NOW TO BE .___ OPERATED IN CO.-- The Fox Lake order is: ¥From Fox Lake depot,. Por Lake, Ililgob, to Long Lake, thence southesst to Bel-- videre Road, thence to Gray's Lake, thepce to Waukegan. y on the propesition --that the opérator g had operated without first getting & _ Bus Line in case No. 13992 is in fact sufficiently niv'd by petitioner, Chi cago North Shore and Milwa *c¥ Railroad Company in its service from Waukegan through Gray's Lake, Volo, Woodstock and McHenry under certificate of convenience and neces aity granted in original case 12867 and in its operation between War kegan, Artioch and Fox Lake under certificate of convenience and n6ces. aity grarted by this Commission July 30, 1924, in case No. 140314, and will be further aug~~nted by said pethk tiogigr, Chicago North Shore rb nn'frmn Lake Zurich to Volo, Wood« satock, McHenry and Wauk that. The servicg Which maid' aformbntitie ed petitioner, Foxr Lake Rus Lings, i# capable of rendering is not compar able with the sertices now being FeB-- dered and capable of beéing by petitioner, Chicago Nortb ' due to inadequate facilities and less er assets of 'the former; f Chicago North Shore, bas with Section 55a of the & Law in that it has both filed : dence of its ability to pay all dam» permit from the Commission, "second-- -- ly because it was figured the firm -- was unot substantially able--to-- carry on a continvuous service lor the pub _ lie. me ced . Below are shown the routes which the Commission granted to the North Shore ta operate busses upon, alse the reference to the ordering of one company to #uspend and denial of application to another. % "Between the village of 'VM to mtoub Lake Zurich, thence via t nd road to and through the village of Des Plaines, thence-- vis the Ballard Road to Milwavukee Are, thence southeasterly on Miwaukee avenue to Dempster Street Road, thence easterly on Dempster Street Road to the Dou"rut,lunc Ter-- ninal "of" Faitiodet, Uhltago Nortk Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Com-- pany, in the Village of NMMiles Cengter and between all intermediate points; between Lake Zurich Volo, Wood-- stock, McHenry, Waukegan and> all intermedfte points; between Lake Blufft through Libertyville :o Arezs; from Wilmette Avenue in Wilmettse, lllinois, -- on Ridge Avenue, to Lake Avenue, thence on Lake Avéenue from Ridge Avenue to Waukegan Road, thence via Waukegas Road through Noerthbrook and Deerflield to and in-- to the City of Highland Park. all accidents=~due to nog or operation of any wotor operated by said applicant, insured to a «reasonable an The Commission also denied z'- § application of another company * operation of~ a ~bus line from Fox -- Lake south to join with. Belvidere _ Road. 9 liability to pay T* .0 w Nh e 16 C--\naraise. w,fiM Desewaiss onx . p €

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