3.1: _ (iii'.":;":-":":"-'.-', DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS that speak for themselves C tii-ii".'-'!.' Afew very exceptional items are mentioned here, that ' J (iliii. will pay the careful Shopper to investigate. . . -. . . .5 .' . ' t--di.ari"i-,-r. m I'.-.-:,-,, ..- -a.-srer a: 'xi'-"""'"")-'"' r3itb-, r' i-..--'. . _", - "'5' WM" F-- FE _ I _,,arz:r-rM .e C.", -rr "tru" "W - w u» , E 'DOII'DaL' ZiOIIsJ-"lle (lllctttll! ca Ladies' Rttad,tocwear Department Black Sateen Aprons at $1.00 A ooolt Grade of Sateen' in Plain Band Style that will cover the tAirt--A "Regular $1.25 Value _ Dollar Day, each w........._.......'___._......_...-.._...-_..."M- $1.00 CoyEltALL STYLE in Medium and Light J.l.rioe,mttr$1 m A Romulu- Me9utlity For Dollar Day Special, 2 for . t Dozen only, Ladies' Crepe Bld6tnegw-irttil Assortment of all the Light Shades in Medium and Large Szes--. . $1 m Every Pair Worth 'tse; Dollar Day Special, 2 for . SPECIAL! BOYS' PANTS Rammed to -.ttrt.e-t._e'm-..-. tr... o-.-.'--.- Pino Lingerie Stripe Bloomer-rin. extra sizes only, all the wanted shadm, best ehtstierin waist-ptr" knees---. $1 00 A Regular $1.75 qualitrFor Dollar Day, pair..--.-. . BOYS' 25e SILK WINSOR TIES-- .ivisiiiove a Licord Suit santeiot. "r1.iri _ l . You get the 2 Suits' for . . . . . . J $36.00 " BOYS' "KAYXEE". JToufs'.ES--- $1.35 Value For ---c-L,c--.,.-L-- .' -, * 3:Paittttr $t.00. .' A 1Crda.._" I:' our mm» ', l "_'" Suits Reduced .. for Dollar Day t For Children's and Mu' Crop. Bloomer, My Priced .-Nren's" Suits- for $1.00? -Yetst MERCHANDISE of HIGH QUALITY associated with Low PRICES is the KFYNOTE of the " DOLLAR pm SALE in the-LADIES', R%N2Y-T0-WlliyNRSMmoN, - - l pr N IylE0PAR']lr'hilljlli2)il'lli) 10% tht A11lfenhs 113151 pfrrp_Ctiuitit .. Bachelor's Friend Hose DOLLAR DAY ONLY tf) M- in" 4"?" telT'".T'n $1.00 $1.00- $1.00 r"CI"'ifibmm M" 1tlPs'A- '1'- . .. I Cy.. y . 'llttil. , afidfl-fif- --ir'ac'c"ccizvia-ciati'"p,i 1rcrrirr-rcar:ercz.rcysrr- -. l" - .--. ~. .mnrnlshmgs .. "1,1, ' MEiNtrUMBRELLAfif a spec-in Purchpse of high elagrt Mid- dy Blouses-Materials of fine twilled Jean Cloth. Many Hg" NavyVBluo "Bergi'deueltalshs Conan. Not a mouse Hp the Jo) worth' losis'than t2.00 and ' 3:. .5 (tttUIQ ggcgafiféh- $L00 Black or. Brown _ . ' Syn-rial. Only --......L-..;-"_....~ $1.00 . BOSTON BAM--- ' $1.50and42.i)0Nues, ----- Only For At -w tLas Value rmfsu'i'rs s.- Reduced to --.L._.....i......s.....c....Lut.. fgS,1ihtt,. 'srittaarABrit suns-J" - pedal Beleetione- .V - A - at only -"""-""-T-"'""-""""- $1.00 T "V--- _ I At: m. $1.00 - $1,00 STORE T'"'" ZION, b. ILL. ; _ $1.00 it _' - MEN'S SHIRTS-Neat Spring and Summer 7- . Pattirriitv--Eteemmt Quality; only-..--:---.. 3fEN'f4 BALBRHNFAN UNION s'tH'rtr--Bhort ('sleeves,-Attkle Lengths', an Excellent _ $1.50 Value for .:_-,:.._....M._V._ .. -...._.:..._..._-.._._..._. 51°00 Chm _ 's iFatrtithmkek-c-dhsiiiiirnir, V ___ iiiiiikir,"rijiifiaii%idRSimbrirpi' L'- Sizes 3 to 14, Values to $1.09 _ " . $1 00 Special for Dollar Day, "eh-o,..,.,,..-....-----.-. 3 - Children's Black Sateen Blouses l -, 2 Pair for $1.00 _. i ' C, A heavy durable "iiuotst tSateen-tmei/ir l all han crqtch. Very Special for. 1hi1lardhtr, " _ - ( 2tnir for w....,.w...____....m-..;.m-..W l children's Panty Suits 2 for . . $1.00 Children's Panty Suits' of Gingham, Primed TQM: god Cotton Pongee, Attraetively Trimmed wittrContrasrtirttt odors, Sizes 4 to 6 A _ - Dollar Day Braid, Suit _..-.....,.....-.-......,......---,.--,,...'-.- $L00 MEN'S ATHLETIC CNION fUHTH--- Good Quality Qingham in I Patterns Nieely Trimmed,. 1Legy111trf_fr_1rp_1uf, 2193;: 75c -t'iii'G7iiiirTaiii"ii' '-1'or' is; "t9PA1iri" BATHING smWs---For Men and Women $2.00mue ttsta-u-.---...-.-..-------.--, "gaoNauDEy' BEST QUALITY PURE LINEN uANmalBCmEIiB---00e Yam, 4 .fur..-.....;...-~,.w...- Hpooial MEN'S AND'BOYS' 6tPtru- i1s50 aftd $2.0irvahsetc..-a,..,.., in Sizes 4 a, 6 Years; Bma11 Checked L' I'll ll it-din3ru"DoBar1it+ \ rierriruTriiiuGaa= d l $1.00 - " $1.00 "i/GG' l $1.00 $1.00 l $1.00 $1.00 durable