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Libertyville Independent, 3 Sep 1925, p. 2

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f -- -- RECOVER BODY OF _ _ SECOND VICTIM ' . IN LAKE TRAGEDY gas~~...._........ POF_ENH @HCG ,_DOUDIC_IM-- W ------ quest Tonight --__.__ _ Cards have been received from Re#. ~__ _ and Mras. E. Lester Stanton, who are ------._. Mrse. Rarah Pullen fell last Thursday --._* M the Aining room, barting hber arm o qaite badly, and sbhaking ber up. _-- * Mrs. Bowman and children of Oak _, _ Burk visited over Sumiay with Mrs. *' "*Clurs Westlake. Mrea.zPaul Sheherd bhas been quite ~poorty for the past tew days. « * Pathér Flower was tendered _a re-- wm Bpiscopal rec ory ta=t Thursday nizht. Rev. Mr. Flower ex-- pects to leave soon for Europe, where he will spend some time. ... Miss Mary Dudley, who has be>n visiting at the home of her sister, Mri. J. A. McGee, and.--mother, Mre. Dadiey 1t Sunday mqrning for Mt. YVernos, Mo., where she will take ap her work as a nursee. Mr#, . rank Mble received word last week from her sister, Mrs. Wienich und busoand. who are on a trip :0 Europe, 'hat they arrived safely and had a pleasant trip. They expect to be gomne three months. Orabe, at Glenview. Telephone, office 3-09 residence 20--J.--On ail} business may be reversed. «4 Misks YViola Stickles returned home Saturday, after visiting hersister in Uhicago for a week. * cept (his ilGeory and was inclined to beliave that both 'girls drownel. Although the ~theory given most credence was that Miss Klemo!a dilpd of hbeart failure while going to the rescue of her drowning chum. Coronmer J. L. Taylor of Libertyvilie salid that c from the facts be had jearned --he--was --not prepared to ac-- A double inquest will be held at 5 o'clock.tonight at the Wet:el and Peterson funeral home. The it uest was started Saturday, but was postponed because of absence of sev-- eral witnesses. « * Finding of the body added a final touch of tragedy to the double drown ing of the two girls who had been inseparable chums. The families had planned to hold a double funeral, but -- changed the plans >~Saturday when it appeared the second body would not~ be recovered soon. Had they walir»d another day--the double funeral~ could have been helt. A (isberman, Harry Vutas, 107 Belvidere street, sighted the body at 7:20 o'clock Sunday -- morning, adrift betweer the north amd south plers at the entrance. He called to Emil Kempainen, 223 May street, 'who reported the discorery to the Milléer boat house. e esd Mrs. James McVey is very i! at h>r at 7:20 o'clock Sunday -- morning,|. Mr. and Mrs. Rilsworth Fox . adrift betweer the north and wum'blflnx over the arrival of :'fuffi, piers at the entrance. He called t'o'dl,'lsb!er, born August 15th. _ " Emil Kempainen, 223 May street,! Ralph James and a lady friend speat who reported the discovery to the Over Sunday with the former's parents Miller boat house. * * % 'M;'a.nd Mrs:J. C. James. An employe of the . boat house,'. Mrs. Gideon Thayer and Mrs. e E. L. Spérman, 101 Harbor place, Haynes were Wgu;em 'vmtorsAl':s': ,&l!&t in lt'l:'e bot't? fi:le?)r;nb: tmk'uuunday. | iszA yz y ashore. _ Fe ite! Mrs. Marie--Jenseh of ago spent guard, aided in taking the bOdY Saturday and Sunday wn%hi:' aother, from the water. lt ~was ther n-!-uer and daughter here. °_ ' moved --to the Wetze!l and Peterson, Several from here aitended the ro-- undertaking establishment. ideo in Chicako last wank _ _ _-- wCmll C uy oam "v eoniney w s £A0n Arstmcalie o cca _i -- Santromattmes Pahes, ® m _7 ~~~ *A quiot Ti _ m_"fl'ept. }lsl ba.{te'r thlle ut.lmm' urvlce,' 2 :f "'WW cmd Seheey "Afloat at the entrance t s e n an election of the lay| Four ple were injured Sun Fat the on iX the,tnlr- elec oral delegate and an alternate for morn!ng.p?no probably fatally, when «bor, the body of Miss '{n KarJ412 |the annual conference to be held in | their automobile,. crowded off the 657 McAlister 'avenue, who lost B@T mipip ;, October, |. --____--: [road near Weages . 'ran : Into life in Lake Michigan last !ledne;_L_. 'the . Anrtnah--grads--School--wTF openta dited 464" overtar oo Aene" mz"f o is 10 """"""'"é aay [Sept-- 8th. The high school will open| _ Milan Sokol, 35, employe of Lake ormieg The Innbial e"l'h ldutmz""" open on that date. § County General hospital, suffered a l origk t the Pinuig® Le uioml Listen for the wedding bells. fractured skull, and little hope was narek * on Scat n"u? o 'road Edward Ligler celebrateg his 15{iseen for bhis recovery today at the Sore Berricee y Sha_r d.;tmrdny' bir.hday in the "Polka sha'cot" at Loon ; County hospital, where hbe, and the where services woere 1""11& Lake. 'Lhe table was very prettily dec--|three others were taken. .u:m?t:nngg:nm'l.hgyemVum 197 i Orated with flowers and favors. All}. The others are John 6'?";1:' Belvidere street, sighted the boay Present had a delightful time. of 572 South Utica -- stréet: _____USE THISB COUPON._.. Aems Publishing Co., 186 Broadway, Noew York City. CGentlemen: For the $1:00 encios ed, please enter my order for one Afloat at the entrance to the, har-- bor, the body of Miss [{n Karjala 657 McAlister avenue, who lost her life in Lake Michigan last Wednes ampy of "Prostitutes" t pecial offer expires. Send Your Ordee TO--DAY Kl..--*" Regular Price $2. mu'fmlw ACCLAIMED AS A M PIECK. NEVER wWwas THE TRUTH DEPICTEiY IN A MORE FASCINATING DON'T FAIL TO READ ' Anonymous THE --MOG3T Rl':.\IARKAm.E NOVEL OF #0#Th CEXTURY hted by Fisherman at Har-- or Entrance; Double In-- A N T 1 0O C H E4 TY ADVENTURT Limited offter $.100 $1 We sometimes have to go outside of our own dour to learn what is zoing on inside. Thus from Canada we ~get the information that the lates: Ameri-- can fad is the sending of eugraved cards announcing tre scnder's diveorce An example given'®riin@ thus: "Mrs. John Henry Howard is pleased Vernon Sick, together with his brother, Kenneth, were ou the way back to Waukegan . when the acci-- dent happened. ~ 'Mrs. Harriet Nichols, 64, is deal at her home in Fond dw Lac, Wis., the result of injuries received last Friday night 'when she walked into the rear ~fender of an automobile driven by Vernon Sick, 20, son of RCUEICE 4 1 2 t TT COM, a#0, S0H Ol A. M. Sick, of North Sheridan road, Waukegan. .The .Waukegan _ young Fond du-- Lac, Wis., _ Several from here aitended the ro-- 'deo in Chicago last week. _ -- ' Mrs. Clara Cook spent a few days last week with friends at Wauconda. Get yourd delicious chicken dinner at the Washburn (Cong. Church Res-- taura,t while at the Co. fair this year. AUTO INJURIES Walks Into Side of Car Driv-- en by Waukegan Youth. ed by the DUpcan--zistors. P;.Bi% '1,3. Aafter the marnine ters, Misses Helen ;fivl:il-h: -:n.:i Miss sean Abt, went to Chicago Wed-- nesday and took in "Topsy and Eva." Sunday and Monday. home for the second Sunday in Bep-- tember. We will be glad io have them back again. enjoying « vacation with relatives 3: Claude, Texas, saying that they are having \lot:no time eating chicken and watermelon. s'hey expect.to be back Eimwood Farm Holsteins E8TIMATES FURNISHED WITHOUT ANY-- CHARGE se + INGLESIDE, 1LLINOS * * y Drag Line tor > PREDGING AND AEcLaAmMATiON work Artificial Lakes, Channe!s Drainage Ditches, Filling and Leveling; Cleaning Shore Line, Islands, Channels for Water Rights in Subdi visions. L6t us show you. inspect our wor'! at Diamond Lake and A New FEad--Perhaps Born May 11, 1924. His five Nearest Dams Average 32.1 ' Un.of'&merinSevenDaysWMaSlip.. . Sm--d\ia.o Pietje Champion DAM--Colantha Rag Apple Spofford De Kol. 'Butter 7d 4v,. 31.55; Butter 7d 3y, 25.24. : DAM'S DAM--Maid Spofford De Kol. Butter 7d 7y, 27.85. SIRE'S DAM--O F C Chicago Pietje. Butter 7d 5 y, 27.6! ; HERD UNDER FEDERAL SUPERVISION R. V. Rasmussen De to Butter 365d 919.42. ' The Bull Himself is a Good Individual With Good Rump angd Tail Setting. He is a Little More Black Than White. ---- 's. L. A. Van Deusen and daugh-- pouce John Henry, in given --Boston Transcript _ For Sale -- Chicago Rag Apple Pietje KAPING & SONS a Chicago visitor Price $275 _ -- Bokol was --taken 15 ~the hoapltil tauk +1 -- Shae man horn Anrll J inni »_&;éj "Smuthe.,White & Tobin .-w&:{"" 21. She was born April.29, 1921. 'Pa~ }mfl; Mw"b?-.ohn- Wfl_flm 1 t y sc E2 mssn u0 remes s _:;- + »_:hm,_:: s __"7_."'7..5'-: A o ' .. _Mr. and Mrs. C. B._ Dix, Mrs. Willian Walker, Sr., and Mre. Riney took a |lon¢ automobile ride Sunday afternoon and visited many places of interest Quite--Aserious --automeobile accider.t [oocurrod at Wedge's Corners Sunday;. A lirge couring car on the state road was struck in the middle by a Ford car coming from the opposite direc-- tion, overturning the large car an in-- juring the occupants. The man driving the touring car was sertously hurt. He was removed to a hospl:al. The wom-- and children in the car were also in-- jured and their Junch scattered aroum!t and the car much broken up. _ Monday evening hr. and Mrs. John M. "Phillippi and, Eileen and Veneta and Mrs. C.~W. Talbott attended the thea:re in Waukegan to see"Chickie." They had read the story and were waiting for the performance. _ _ Mres. Lois avery attended the play "Quo .adis" Wednesday afternoon of last week a the Academy 'Theatre in Waukegan. mr. and Mrs. Roselle Wallace and their daugchter and son in law, Mr. and ._ Mrs. Frank Daube was saddened by the news of 'tét brother's death last week. He brought to her home, where the funera} was held Sunday _ Mrs. E. Thayer was entertained last week at Antioch by her niecés, _ Miss Manny is back in Lake Villa She i sstopping with Rev. and Mrs WHliam L. Manoy Mr. and Mts. John :Leonard of Lake Forest were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reinback Sunday. s Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Leonard of Round Lake, were visitors a< the Jas. Leonard home Sunday. > se If an auctioneer is wanted, call Fred Grabe, Glenview. Telephone. office calls charges may be reversed. -- if All received cuts and _ bruises; When picked up Sokol was uncon-- sciqus, and he was still unconscious tog'aj' at ithe bospital Gerzel suft-- fered a severe cut on one arm. The two women were able to leave the hospital Sunday. Mrs. Hatton 'had a: fractured wrist, and Mrs. Gertel sus tained numerous cuts. o As. 2 -- Sokol was takew ~*+; ~the-- hospital The four were »going west Jor & day's outing.: The otner car, ming from the west, caused Gerzeh) to swerve off .the road, he said, and his car, after futile efforts to right it, landed in the ditch. _ The others are John Gerzel, * %1, of 57%> South Utica stréet; Mrs. Gerzel and Mrs. Emma Hatton, aiso of South Utica street. . Gerzel was drfving~ The driver of the other machine was Frank Slage of Grayslake. A whgalg was kpockedq off Slage's car. The rzel machine, a. new ° Overland touring car,~ was practically demolished. Four people were injured Sunday morn'ng, one probably fatally, when their automobile,. crowded off nt'lo road near Wedges co 'ran 'Into a&-- IiteK and> ovflzm.%%?'fma. zs Milan BELIEVED DYING * E_ YILL A their residence in Libertyy'lie. The directors are: C. F. Thompson, vice president of the North Shore line, J McEnrose, Semuvel Insull. Jr.. Dr. C R. Gallaway. and Ogden Kettinz. The bl? ies to be at the corner, of Cook and Milwaukee road, and is to Ananee home building. ° nounced Fridky. The president i to be--J. C. Reuso. superintendent of Hawthorn farms. Vice--President H E. Suter. for--meriv w--se proaident nf the Amailgzamated Bank of Chicago. Assistant Casbler _ Fred Larson. Chi TTE . Aogettntter a . utsA ht t ~ffathecer~a n TRest TAE . ed --her'to_everyane.. «_-- -- _ It The Libertyvile Trvet and Savin«s bank is to open fFont 14. it was an --~!Alice> Margaret Culver, the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cul-- Yyer, passed away Friday morning.. Au-- s«uccess. °' The affair was held in the park in the open, and in the evening the Contmercial Picture Company saye the Baturday eyening performance, o: |movlo picture show, also in the park, «omplimen:ary to the ladies. The gshow was free for the Inrge audience. The Play thrown on the screen was a Par-- amount production, "To the Last Man" by Zane Grey, with Lois Wilson and Richard Dix.@s stars. The ladies real-- lzed a neat sum: from the "tntertain-- men't. : . Mr. and Mrs. William Walker, Jr., entertained ~company from the city last Sunday. -- __Get yourd delicious chicken dinner at the WushBurn (~ong. Church Res-- LIBERTYVILLE T 0 > _ OPEN BANK SQOON at the (Wushburn (~ong. Church Res taurayt while at the Co. Tair this year PMR Es . John Meyer took an aumu%bne_ gi QE.' southerm part of the county Sunday. John M. Phillippi spent Bunday at Foss. Rark North Chicago. _ .. The® Ladies® Afd Bociety, or Busy 1ees, gave the annual bazaar and bak-- ery sale sammg afternoon and eve-- ning, August 29th. It was a decided . John F. Gleason has moved two emall barns to the rear of his premisog much improving the appearance of his See Our Display At the --Lake County Fair __~Wood Bros. Threshers n igath uoe t U. S. Goodhu Huskers Ronning Ensilage Cutters es Olivefir Tr%(]:)tg:m Plows \Grayslake, Illinois We will have a full line of Power Machinery for the Farmer, including: _ f h s . Hart--Parr Tractors-- _ ---- _ ___ _ _ _ _--__ LN# A cordial invitation is extended to farmers and others interested in power farm machinery to visit our exhibition and learn of the benefits to be derived by the use of these machines. IN MEMORIAM Be Sure to see the famous Hart--Parr "BOOT STRAP" <o EDWIN SHELDON will be in charge DRUCE & SHELDON movesthrdlu moved two | . SBeott became i1 May 3 in Chicago of aecarlet fever. He was wel} by March 7, according to Sheridan A. Brusseaux, . representative of the Keystone. Detective company, who was at the inquéest in the interest of the family, On April 25 he became sick again,. and at the suggestion of his wife he went to Zion. where treatment was administered under bHer--guidance hbe said. He died May After Scott's death his wife collect-- ed $1,000 insurance. It wase she who recommended the treatment in Zion by a chemist she knew. b Not satisfied with this explanation, the -- relatives had> the --stomachy" "re-- moved. -- It was taken to Chicago. where a 'carefu} analysis will be made for poison. kear cagt'ss An autopsy _ performed -- by Drs. John L. Taylor of Libertyville and C. A. Rarnes of Wavkegan disclosed an absceses of the tbrain, which (would !':;vo caused~ death, the @hysiclars From a grave' in Mt. Olivet ceme-- tery nortbwest of Zion, the body of Theodore Scott, 22; negro. wh(o died mfir tment, was exhumed Mon-- day at the instance of reiatives who were determined to in¥entigate fully the theory that he might have beey polsoned. * _ WAUKEGAN, L. h | £ c t K s § ..Az ARLINGTO N # HOTEL # | 3. 1925 OF NEGRO IN . POISON PROBE «i0 Drs. "Teyioe> «s6 ((~~------L431--¥YOURPROPER TT H#¥XE e n d j COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY + MONUMENTs _ IN LARGE LOTS, _ ! 4 Every improvement, including shell streets, --water--and lights, § ---- JUST A PLEASANT FIVE--MINUTES DRIVE FROM CENTER OF . _ SARASOTA, THE FASTEST GROWING TOWN IN THE UNITED STATEs. ~ ; NOTARY PUBLIC L.2 2o c RPRROE : +. . * _ Our price is below that of acreage adjoining. ~Prices range from $650.00 to $1,500.00 per lot. These lots will advance in price one hundred per cent within the nett 60 days. Best in-- vestment or homesite in Sarasota for the money. Terms: One-- fourth cash ; balance in two years. 4 For Information Address Box. "FA" Independent Sarasota, Florida ce se ge DOWN BY THE ELECTRIC S1ATION _____* Commission 3 Per Cent _ --_______ _ & MItwaukes zvu.-m 'St. Paut Ry. Depot ~Res. Phone LIBE RLLE, ICK. _ .. * > 04W and Mausoleums 'on every lot, beantfiful shrubbery. 4n PHONE 100

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