---- HUNTED * By; . DEeputies +; Man Believed to Be Insane As-- :' --__ sails Two Negro Women ~ ~BEATS n Omen In -- . 'AsSAULT ATTEMPT Rev. Caldwell of Zion, Plans to .-- Establish a Colony in Vie-- m&00. ~*milnutes she fought kim off, and he .. Charged with stealing a number of houschold articles from the farm ot "day to await preliminary hearing. charges that Popovach, who was a tenant on his farm until two months ago, took away thres army blanksts, a trunk, shotgun, water bottle, cot-- 10b kettle, mtu chalr, : chicken 3 bench some chicken wire. ~.Bemon declatas that Poporach sold4 _ «Me was artested at Chicago, where ho was traced by Chicago police. Se mon, who also livos in Chicago, TENANT HELD FOR --_--THEFT OF GOODS I¢g a Zion cleewhere. Cion by virtue oft Dowie's will, but he * Che man, wielding a big stick #nd known none of the residets of Zion piralory to leaving. f Caldwell® to rally to his stand-- flt-z':tfl. who always hare remained faithfu} to the teach-- Ings of Dowle and take them to the www ~eciony --or Thon --parzdise--plantsw Uon, as he styled it. 'Mince then there Bave been no for-- ther announcements and so far as In February of 'this year Caldwell announced that ha had taken an op-- ow --on 15,000 «cres otf land nost mcny.m-:r'mum- tion of establishing a Kion col-- 14A |*>« +sl 4s * f~--------- J . o ....- ---- in ie im _~--_ _ J J 'wu' u"yg' & e _ 3 -je;_ i;.. _ LAKE--COUNTY INDEPENDENT -- Late County's Big Weekly waAUKECAN WEEKLY SUN -- _ _' torls, B. C.,.to the effect that Rer. C, P. Caldwell, one of the original teollowers of the latos John Aletander Dowils, is planning to establish a new Kion in or hear Victoria, bas falled to creats a furors in Zion, for such anwnouncements on his part are aot un Neely and ~Ray Kelly, wore fishing in the river when the man came by. Oue of them, by 'name . of Kides, 'NOL XXXIII--NO. 40 ~ ; BECTION TWO LIBERTYYILLE, LAKE COUNTY,.ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1923 sauspects, all of whom were reléased _A farmer nearby told of seeing & strange man walk up the ralilroad Deputy Neely joining in the search, the two searched the vountryglde south ol Wadsworth late Tuesday. woods . near . Wadsworth today for an unaknown man, believed to be a desvored for a long tims to gain atrol in Zion and failing in this he nounced his Intentlion of establish rHicles. Popovach, however, de--{Erade and--high sc the charge. 'The warrant=--was | $500 bond today to i by Justico Jemison at the in--| justice of the péate #~ t Attorney K. V. Orvis --= ]| on a charge of ass "«itle" to Caldwell and hered around bhim a lt always two ##$ to" attack county to carmized" Citorgs "Boaker: Th: Uf m:l DRIVE AGANST RIFRA . L. Stone, principal of the Bromdwoll| -- Fos, Sept: 30.--The FPrench tortes versal peace. TEACHER WHIPS BOY; HELD IN BAIL Rome, Sept,. 30.--Reécognition ot Christ as king of the world is neces-- sary to attain universal pesce, at cording to a buil which Pope Pius Xt is preparing to mark the end of the Holy Year, it was learned in Vitican circles today. ' mhpvflmm.m} feast day to honor world peate, as mmmmmmi h.gtod. but will instead fasue a of Christ and emphakizing that until the kindgdom of Christ is recognized thets can be no attainment of uni-- wavres and zx fog. No messages of distress have been received. One veos-- sel was reported to have grounded when it attempted to move to an ofrs dock in the harbor without thes as-- uistance of a tug. PEACE HINGES ON. _ CHRISTIAN ACTS in conduit pr-- strung tightly between Insulators spaced in accordsaace with dozan vessels@wore standing o§f the harbor mouth, feartul to attempt on-- hbour. Nearly a score of ships woere Lt the 'head of the Groat Lakes was at a standstill today whilse sakippors awanited subsidence of a gale that GALE HALTS LAKE -- SHIPPING TODAY of this is the number of fires caus ed . by . Aefective ' insulsation of port» able light wiring. The flexible cord recelves excessive wear and for this reason it should be intpected period-- too much current is being used they blow, thus breaking the circuit and prevanting further flow of the. "1 renat until replacement bhas -- beee cirecit," says the pleces of metal are used for this 1t letin. issue today by (the Chamber of-- Commerce which gives pointers Hazards of Defective instaila-- _ tion _ and _ Improper -- Use Shown in Bulletin.. > with at once. tunity will be given. Because it is aaid -- that -- this was : the ° only sight levged horse in existence, friends of Cyrus "Overheating could be eliminated BY FIRES TRACED To WiRE DEEECTS that _ the. HINTS -- LISTED ; Great Lakes was} Mor has the educational standacd been neglectod iay while skippers| While the physical property was being remodeled. ; of a gale thar| From year to year a constant upward trend has been r of 40 milee amp recorded in the required qualifications of the teach-- ore of ships Ing force until today it is not uncommoa to And -'"u".m'n'ln-htbomnrym rd grain Half a It is estimated that since 190%6 when Mr. Simpson .m'mmfi'mtoguoflumuuuy"nruu ~.m-¢mmcmmu'mmunnm\ ot ummmmmymnm o4 thirty into modern stru@tures; with basement beating plants, No messages Oflang jndoor sanitary facfiities The &rowth of the receired. One Y#--,szystem is seen in the fact that in 1907 approximate!y to havre MIQM_QM&- wets enrolled, as agrainst more than Rrécogniuon o ADMIRAL ROBINSON | .. CXYYYU.*"°C"C Washington, Sept. 3%0.--Rear Ad-- miral J. K. oRbison, who approved the famous navral oll leases at Toa-- pot MWine and Elk Hills, today re verted to ths grade of captain be cause his tour of duty ended as _ In recent years the Lake-- county-- school system has attained a point of --exgellence which has sttract-- ad --the atientioh"of state officials at Spriagheld, ands repeatedly has it been beld up as a model for other scounties by Frank --O@.;> Blair, state superintendent of 16,000 at the present time, whils today the annual '-Auhthml?tmoummdou dCollars Instead of $94,000 which was required when he frst took office. * During the score of years he has served as countYy amperintendent of schools, T. A. Simpson has uprooted and banished the "Litile Old Red" schoolhouse with Its Iron stove from Lake county, surplanting it with the most modern type of building, until today this asction is held up as a model for the entite state of mfith ago, th nary de-- A . Seriqs of Briet Shetches --of --Men--Who Have Con:rib::+>* * BECOMES CAPTAIN WAUKEGANS COMMUNITY BUILDERS of the 'nary's burean of en-- Muarzshal Potain started a new EDMTOR'83 NOTE--This article is cz':'n series of sketches .of public e men of Waukegan. Our pur-- pose is twofold: that individuais who hare given their time and abii-- wellare but dersiops the in age others io think and act the part BY BRUCE E. GRIGGS3 ._-- Upbuilding of the City 8IX PLANESI LAND reported to be in New York, did not St. Joneph..Mo.. Hept--30~--Sit Of |appsar to contest thé caso. Mra, the 16 Ju the National Ford | gins teatified her WWWband told her endurance Ianded bere at 10:52 did not love her" and loft her y.mndm;mn&u; . M1, 4084. © They wore married in the «dvrance aquadron and all are ex-- in 4010 and bave ons child.; Detroit, Sept. 30. --After circum--|*'*"*®"° *** '6 stances which caused postponement dinnmmmade io. ...ommmtime mm omm Monday.and Tuesday, Eddie Stineon.| _ pyORCES MILTON SILLS Detroit fiying ace, will attempt 10 | ~Log Angelea, Cal., Sept. 30. --Gladys day to--break m world's o_t_duruec E. Sills v&mno' ." dtvorce here record : for aying.~~ today on grounds of | desertion , We antalisiietecins iternetentimcnmec ie th . trom Milton Sillls, screen®" star.-- 8ills, Melilia, Morocco, Sept. 30.--Riffias artilery caught a Spanish provision convoy enroute from Morro Viejo to Maimus! and inflicted sharp> losses today. French warships anchored off the coast evened the score in an attack of Sidi Driss and Extvirons. Many housesa wore destroyed and a number of casualties inflicted. sOVvIET LEADER IN GERMANY Berlin, Sept. 30.--Without fanfare or ostentatious reception M. Tchitch-- €rin, Soviet Russian foreign minister, To TARY FOR AEcorp It was while attending the district school that Re came to a full realization of the discomforts which yourngaters had to suffer who were forced to attend school in the "ragged, beggar" sort of school build-- Ings which clung to the educational fringe 20 years ago. It was the memory of these days that stimu-- Iated him to pruns the county, replacing this sort .M satructure with comfortable, clean buildings where there is plenty of air and sunlight, in addition to adequate playgrounds. -- . As a boy he worked on the farm after school and during vacations, and upon the completion of the country achool course 'he attended high school in Waukegan gradusting in 1849%. The following two years he spend on the farm before he Accopted the position of teacher in the old Howse schoo!l, which his mother had taught in the lats fifties The fol-- lowing year he taught in Hainesrille and the noexrt two years in Gurnee, just west of the city. Mr. Simpson is at present esteemed loyal hlgt ot the Elks lodge, and twikeo held office of Master of the Waukegan Lodge No. 1%. He is fAlso a member of the Woodmen. His hobbie is a flag over every American school house, and motoring. His work attracted the--attention of officials and he was made principal of tht North Chicago school where he remained for seven years untlil be was named as head of the North school in Wnlg-n. which. is one of (he larkest in the county. ree years later he was elscted to his present post. aumbered among the Are oldest superintendents in the state in point of servige, _ _ ____ . . _ . _ _ Mr. Simpson was born in Lake Forest. moting with his family to a farm in the township of Benton, where the town of Zion now stands, at an carly age. public Instruction, who calls it one of the "best run county system in Ililinois." e This develapment of the system was not just a bap-- penstance. Night after night the lights have buraed in the superintendent's office in the county buillding uatil the small hours while the plans and déctails were being worked out and perfected. -- That the public hare appreciated these efforts is to BEATEN h in the fact that Mr. Simpson the offite Arse eo-l:oeutu to Crowley, taking the annual test prescribed by the government, sort-- ed 1,000 pieces of mail into 37 boxes in 13 minutes with only 3--10 of one percent, arror, or three pleces of mail distributed into the wrong bor. The Govearnment's _ requirement is 16 pieces of mail a minute. Crowley's average was 77. Chicago, Sept. 30.--All local records and perhaps those of the country, for mail sorting have been broken by John Crowley of the delivery depart-- ment of the Chicago postoffice, it was announced hero today. SORTS 77 PIECES OF --~~ _ MAIL A MINUTE London, Sept. 30.----F has decided to prolong Chicago, Sept. 30. --True bills charging H. 0. Cartozian and his son, Barton, Evanston rug> deaiers, with ctonmspiracy and an attempt to obtain mogey under false protenses was to ported to have been voted by the grand jury today,. Jt was chargead that the two --men shipped $1%,000 worth of rugs to theit Milwaukes store then--attempted _ to ~Coffect $10,000 worth ot insurante on them, after reporting them stolen, sment« days ago. W bleh and Joceph Keig, considered|holdup. Then it was that ~shter this step yesterday, but reconsidered./is alleged to have confessed but a Betmaen now and the date that fallad to reveal the money. grand jury meete, Oct. 5, the told Chisf Tiffany the money would be too short to make an 'hidden above the Witliet in the to release the pair, who were recom:| Waukegan jail and that qproved to mended held to the grand jury for|be the case as $33 of the money the alleged murder of Mra. Arthur|was found there. Holt, according to the attorney." In bis cell in .North Chicago tast After that date this step may be|DI&ht, Richter seemed willing to considered, but that is unlikely, as | rOmit the caso as _ made out by the trial will probably start withia|CHe! Tiffany. two weeks after the jury convenes, _ __TELLS PITIFUL STORY "I went crary" he told a Sun re in case Clara and Holt are ingicted. s 1 he Wire Meanwhile.both Col. Smith ind the | POTI@!, _ /"! was working «At .t defense camp are mark the and lost my job. 1 owed a . Ing time, §20 dentist bilt and back room rent. states attorney having fAnished his I saw the man counting his money part of the investigation s«bout.two|! _ "**"*_ _[N" Wa¥Z TXOInlInk AB. moner mended held to the grand jury for the alleged murder of Mra. Arthur Holt, according to the attorney." After that date this step may be considered, but that is unlikely, as the trial will probably start within two weeks after the jury convenes, in case Clara and Holt are ingicted. Meartwhile both Col. Omith and the defense camp are marking time the CHARGE RUG MEN WITH CONSPIRACY Uct. 5, and possibly longer, without way steps being taken to get-- write of babeas corpus to free them in bonds Attorney James G. Weich, ters from motorists, in which it i charged that motor cops made whols saale arrests in Lake Villa, and that Sbhots were Bred in severai ifstances, msually large Anes. MiMiGabdls |OAKLAND HIT BY _ | _ VIOLENT QUAKE éhief of police at Laks Villa, bad om ployed Phillips after be bad fractured his 'arm is a chase. Phillips worked for the village about Gre weeks, and was then let of.-- From the attitude of Col. Smith' it U still considered likely that be will place the entirse matter before the grand jury, along with stacks of let nation of the shock. Oakiand, Cal., Sept. 30.--A strong, sharp earthquake rocked Oakiland at T:20 o'clock this morning, par-- alysing telephone service throughout the city for ten minutes, Thare were thougbt to hare been caused" by & terrific. blast. University® of° CaW-- Col. Smith Promises to Take Motor Cop Matter to Jury _ When Witnesses Fail. > TRUANT WITNESSES . APPEAR AS GRAND -- % JURY THREATENS ts for an expla-- 4« MR ce teplevith s« $1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE eessory. ~Bhe formeriy operated a beauty parlor above the Atterbery drug store in Waukegan. a & Richter was taken to Statos At-- tarney. A. V. Smith's office working anas a record takens of tion.: He <may be arraiznad later Chief Tiffany checked back and found that Richter had pald the $10 to a local dentist after the hold-- up and bhed g¢iven 35 to Mrs. Holder: man.. The fact that Mrs Holderman tailed to tell the polite that the §20 dentist bill and back room rent. I saw the man counting his money and while 1 didn't hare a gun, ! thought T4 try it If be had ot-- fered any resistence 1 would havre ron away but be made it easy for "I went crary" he told a Sun re m«, "I was working .at Atbe Wire --and lost my job. 1 owed a §20 dentist bill and back room rent. I saw the man counting his money and while 1 didn't hare a gun, ! thought TJd try it If hbe had ot-- +--_ A parfied by Captain '?U:'T:!"--v was about aiel iliany was about to go to the Hoiderman _ place in GeneseS To\ * *Agrsiitine in se * , P92 s ar in nbroth ... uy Chief Tiffany Gets Belated Re-- HOLD--UP CAPTURED .. _ BY CLEVER POLICE --__ GEORGE _ RICHTER guilty and was bound over to the grand jury in $10,000 bonds." He was taken to the county jail to ~WORK LAST NIGHT. _ BULLETIR Richter, charged with up of Tomlinson and > "rebvcaig: oc mnajai