* wC CC n -->, qvggy es i Mp* n Pocticg * ' X * * -- B¥ MOTOR CLHHB ( I . -- Up -- Witth --MWanufacture! pt4. Buyer is Rdvised. . Aledo, 1i1., Bept. 30.----As a reguit OW -- dissatisfaction which brought threats of a students strike, the of Education voted to cancel contract of F. A, Labt, principal Ahe high school. mm of the second part, to u'}:. 14L 18, bik i. Wainut Grove f tna:: Em the _ said uL is «bd ib chatt property the eyers wife Jt tens to ="umotnoon.lnxhhll. B. Littman and wile Jt tens: hears, m%%" KWD $10. St, $1450. Pt of lot 5, assigns against lawtul me and| Phileman Cadwell's addn to Deer demands of all and every persons | Neld. ® vrovu. -- C. G,. MHallett and wife to E. C. wWITNESS WHERROF 1| have Glenny,. WD $1. Lots 12 and 11, goods, chattels and property in man--|And /. bik 4, RKoy ¥Yeoman's addp nOr as aforésald; And 1 do for my|to Wkgn. heirs, executors and .c-hmm F. Trestik and wife Jt tens to covenant and agree to and with the|J. J. Pilip and wife Jt. WD $4,000. eelpt -- whereof is hereby acknow'}-- :.o,mmnd.mm deliveged, and, by these presents usto the said party of the second part, all the fofowing goods, chat tals and property, towit; (here fo} lows cpn.neto deszeription --of the ear). To have and to hold the said z', chattels and property unto the party of the second part, his heirs, . exzecutors, administrators and aszigns, to and for Ris own proper use and behoof, forever. And the sald party of the first part, does vouch himselft to be the true and lawftul owner of tWe said goods, chat-- tels and property, and hav® in his WiAl powor., good righbt and lawfal #am pUOrUre @gUTO AD@Ee PC C authority, to dispose of the Know all men by these presents, that (bere insert name and address ot seller), of the city of .......}.., county of ....¢..... and itate of l........ party of the first part, for w+~ov<~»--~~440HAt8, 1AKERL "'"l of the ¥Vaited m of America, (6 (Fere Insert name of seller), in hand paid worles and equipment. > -- The ordinary bill of sale reads as avail by the hboliders --of the notesm. Be sure to get a WH of ualse which out the name and addresm of h.'*."dp ueA Ad d hi likAets Wanrirtiie 4 GaPPALY and in consideration of the saum of nor an honest name deceive you. The car with an excellent repuintion may be in poor mechanical condition Rome purchasers decatvre themasoives serial numbers to see that they hbére not been tampered with. Do not buyr a car "as is' "As is" E'nhuvmmflnq': mmflunw may wot have deallinss with do%@u mfltm in' good faith. «+ Ne matter well you may keow the.--man --from ~whomn you lbuyA tar --cheok 'up. through the pplico :¢¢-- partspent "to sese if there are. stolen cars of that nussber--out. TB is ao and 'Inquipe of the manufacturer or hig agest in what year thle partic-- set 'their fiseal yoears at various pe-- riods, --so ' that 4t may ~happen tiat, a 195 car e mute in 1924 dbut--ihe serial aumber wit the year it was Above ali do not let a Uttle® paini Be you khnow mhat to do when sAILOR is' drownep ~|"°='2"';°?a"fi';'%5 Iatre, fowa, Sept. 30. --Wilbert vw' "'-su. * ' the 8 LMCCII ET , Li 4. d We Ety ot borso pouwstr--and 40004 résaid; And 1 do for my|to Wkgn. utors and administrators| _F. Trestik and wife Jt tens to "?."mm:.x.m»uwon.wnm. . of second part, to 8!..!.4: lot 18, bik 3. Wainut Grove and DEFEND the said|#U0 tels and property to the| L. Meyers and wife Jt tenmns to 7 Aimk as deckhand | C,. W, Eseentrot and wile : tens,| 9t .$1. Lot 107, Decker's Garé: when he 'fell vu"nr' D."a. 'x:'u'&'u'fl E-c'fi'm and wile to Rsther the boat and .;.n aubdn. _________ 1|E. Johnson, WD $10. . St, $1. Lot by (her by R. R. Yeoman and wife to R. J. Thorsch WD $#1. St. 50¢c. Lots 1 and 2%, bik 4, Roy Yeoman's addo + "' DW . T/ " is T7 w | 'o' '. § ' U L PuT ' ta P / 4189 « Lots ~$2% Aand 33, Edwin P,. Oster--\to M. C, Decker and wile J# tens, m'ozflt # wWD $10, S8t;: $%50. Tot M, Deck-- Cort rc«un.hx.coou,w-s.-m.uw. Deed $10. St. $2. Lot 10. Werden's| .M. C. Decker and wite to J, Otr» C. E. Daniels and wile to F. H. McKenzie. WD $975. S8t. $1. P of lot 12%, Washincton Heights Acres M. Madich and wile to J. Grow-- povenik and wife jt tens WD $10. St. §0¢c. Lot 10, blk 10, Waukegan Highlands. Siimrretenirnmmnoment in nc |rlairioul e Di aud veletliiiey ho c " e bistrlonile abllity and versatility aere . SEPT. 28, 19%8, orf was displayed to bett;; adgvam C. E. Daniels and wite to C. T.| tago. William Jule as "Al'--the Heydecker and wite jt tems. WD|bootlegg®r, also cbvered himself with $1200, 81. $150. Lot 3 Ouahhom'h the more serlons -- roles subdn at Third Lake. Allen, Bessis Burt, Esther F. Wallaceo and wite to A. ¥F.|\ Erans, Hre Kohl, Virg!) ¥Pritchard, Beaubien. WD $1, St. Soc. Lot 4,) Aldis Bartiett and Edward McArtbor first assistant district attorney, Being unable to appenr because o quirx before priviteges --and HWibherties to Johm procesdings against Sherift E4-- of Transfer. Sin by Over 1907000 Major BULLETIN. il List Detroit, Sept. 30--A burglar eus-- pect was recovering today from a pummeling at the hands of 100 men and women who wtacked him after a housewite's ecrcama caused him to take a running leap from a eecond story window. He alighted on a man's back. Detectivek : took the suspect from infuriated neighbors, -- Kate their fitst pertormance of "The Ol4 SBoak". To say that the prodguc-- tion wes a hit would be putting it too mildiy--it was nothing short of -- The -- Majestic Players added an other Idurel to their long list at the poar company--all . records . ftop at-- to bettom and scores of extra chairs were Installed to accomodate pa O'SHEA SCORES _ MS BIGGEST HIT the number and reports to headquar Jors. In a day or two sothe one pays pay they caunoet eatch speoders with motereycies, dbut thnt it is pie with a Ford. The fast --beys spst the mo they see a Ford they let /er ont. Then y hors 'adanmt \a. nwhun thar .1..0] . _Plarvtopr Mendetiwout, 30, Chicago; been .put into ~6ffect uucosestully at| Ase a;w Lake; Meopeston, HL ° Menrtettn Mennel!, :25, same. ; 'Mighway ~patroimen in 'Moopeston ,-".t'"'._'l ."' m Mollie bay they cannot catch speoders '"lA Masold Higge, 24, Manitewoe; Mar. motereycies, but that it is pio with:| garet Piacier; 19. same. t 2i Spoed coppers who patrol the roads of Lake county--maey travel in fAirvors Bd Abistrom and the eouvnty haard of-- ake County Motor-- oo Siugged With Phvvace" BURGLAR 18 PUMMELED _and wite jt tens. with. the . rociterous Next Season. iaainies i »BH "This will be my first vebture in . filmland and naturally 1 am, anxious to sdcceed. They tell me 1 am photo | genic which is the first essential, 80| far as actifrig is concerned I am sure | of myself." t Rome, Sept. 29.----The Vatican bud-- get, for the firet time for many years, will show a eubstantial surpius this year due to American gerferosity, it is reported. _ Cherbourg to embark on the S. °S. Olymplc for the United States. "I am going to sing opera and at concerts in New York and Chicago," she sald, "bot 1 must return to Paris before February to play the leading TRIED TO KILL KING? COPS SAY NO shall play the part of Josephine parte. > "I am going to become a movie star," salid Ganna to the International News Service today at the Gare St. truth in the story of a plot'to ansasei-- nate the King," sald Sir Wyndham.. Paris, Sept. 30--Ganna Walska Mc Cormick has decided to turn ber et-- GANNA WiLSKH To Sammuel Merray, 50. Eimbarst:; Aype Graner, 39, Milwaukee. Arthur Lenn, 31, Wuaukegan: Pearl Vallette,.31, Wheaton. Frank Wrealln, 40, Milwaukee: Em-- wa Barnard, 45, same Lauis Weise, 56, MUHwaubes; Mary _ Michale Kuwasinski, 26, Milwaukee: Nolena Leach, 19, same. -- . -- . --Alben Léfcht, 78,.Pwo Riwers; Mary Ruftug Hudson, 6 Iwaukee; Fan-- ny* WilHiams, 24. same, L s ** Josrnit,; 24, seme. Abraham Cox, §6; Waukegan: from the operatic stage to the VATICAN BUDGET Write or i tmsine: *we ieuiens--tramrecommis. s baite 1 . . nieore pubeg Ievemppin's rmtage oo aanp ie e 19, Two Rivers ; Edith en Seaar t w cocet{f _ An Ame ent of the Chtkea ".J'"' ~ 3 T'in e o o s c | y ol * eigts C S _An Amazing Line 0'" Kis.. es h i * Top Coa e noon today.. They are rushed to| "> 'Advertise in '"The Libertyville Independent Huptington hospital. es | im '* s nt" s * mE un eofcintamt" +i e s 4 He so declared today in zhn add regs »before "the UChicago ~Aséoclation but every line of mfii}y,?i}:-j gent said. "This they rae doing on Pacific coast with good result«." ts he tlty limite 6t For LAke.-- Te was to 4 Monday and pui _ Foung was hunting in a row bogt * TsB T T PR c uts PP if © PSE ORRRMEET CEA u----l. who ~wah --with. her, imaid the eabootin= ammasu .A 10RA 0 ow . 0:&- wite has been staying 2: Leng. Lake. She --was wounded on an Ifland=at Fop Lake. ler hushan'i RRRESTED AT FoXx Laxe| W;%E:: T We E "If the people of the Middle We 4 CC Eoo 4 ; A charge ot--a shoigun, almed --at: a hyoteian «at 'FPox LaAke, who said Jnjuries were not scrious. Geveral : penstratad--hber kase and others A Personal® 'l hn". N ues i m e e * B * algulich x+ m""'"-."-'fl | you'd pay for orte: them, the results wou'l) Read the advertisements. Convenient, cour-- teous information is yours at a minute's glance. Style, variety, price, where obtained. That minute's glance may mean the difference be-- tween buying unworthy wares--and the best-- the difference between getting the new--jand the old; between the improved and the ordinary. EVERY advertisement in this paper is written to you--to help you choose worthy 'products--to save you money--to give you some worth--while item of business news. not only agricuitur» Advertisements protect your purchases . age to YOU-- ~--~~--{§p ---- shades, suits with two trousers at a price k ,} 3 ._you'd easily, outsideé of this store pay for ACH "a suit with one. _ '% * o4. L be a " 1 vimmrurcitecimizes + «. anah : oi ienmer n S Ampiice im flw : a ;,"-m en it mt hogis. o oe 4 t " oc B alh t o GWMtno-w. J . :_':'_?r_' !V ho ".--' ysrend e We are featuring in 'Autamm's newest nglr&finn'fluihwifir 2 pairt--at a price 2 mav tan: 'dAumkirimiil . Julius H. Sinykin 30 South Genesee St, WAUKEGAXN, ILL. * sn @ n PQSaah hn Sade aat s 4y