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Libertyville Independent, 1 Oct 1925, p. 8

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: it ==~~~~--ftor Tuesday. > a t Ruus s .. Several memt o h n&=l1--Re W._..»" .Neighbor camp attended the county o4 .conventio nat_Lake. Yilla. Tuesday..... ga . : Mrs. J. Winkle is spending some 6. gndn the home otf Mrs. Wirtz in es : 1 Lake. -- > &.* John Kerry, who is attending school xo. ; at De Kalb, spent Saturday and Bun-- ,;s,_ day at his home. . < Mr. and Mrs. Frank House of Keno-- WMM! hss > The home T Mrs. Mrry Grrdner. -- :: Mitwauhee & St.Paul _ _ PARENTS COME | :,s-'--l.g- Warren of Huriéy Uver-- Bee s By Sac--exper igfite un . --_ When the pitiful case was explain-- _.ed to Police --Magistraté Walter A. Taylor, and it was stated that the i2 éurance company would care for the injured man who is rapidly improving. the casé was cohtinued indefnitely and Mr. and Mrs. Warren returned to Racine to clear up their great lo88.---- It was stated that as the young . mother was aloue with her sick baby, she had to --aAccompawty her --parents + when théy.returned to the trial which was set for today. Thus it was that --the baby pasaed amAYy enroute bere. _ 'An inquest will be beld in Racine to-- sister from Philateiphia. «. t com.ains somee beautiful siatuary. Mrs. B. J.mmumm'fiou-um,nuumc'l Mres. E. J. Waither and Mrs. O. A. residence; also to the largest church Hook, astended the fair a: Wilmot last in Quebec, conducted by the White Baturday = Nunsa, where we saw,a lot of needio Watt Wagnor is enjoying a vacation M-dwzba We stopped from his duties at the Soo Line rail &# the Hotel Lorrains"in Quebee that Mrs. P. E. Hildebrandt and Mrs. Jaohn Mogg visited the Eastorn Star Chapter in McHenry Monday evening. * Mrs. Earle Dapby is entertain'ng ber ;rf :. Hillebrandt is assisting with w a: the Hooyer drug siore in Lake Villa this week. ~ C ~ found that her infant daughter-- bad died in her arms. The party stopped in Racine where the authorities were -- notified and the dead baby taken to an undertak-- ing parlor for investigatian. . The young omther stayed in Racine while the grandfather and grandmother came on td Waukegan to face the trial. se >' -- Mra. 8. D. Baldwin has returned :o Orayslake, ur spending the sumnmter in ChautauguA, New York. --* Mr. and Mrea, lrflu":ioot returned Friday a mptor trip trrough the state 2 W ivomeiy g** * y l;l atreet sweepéer was injured, Mr. agd Mrs. L. J. Warren and their daughter, & married woman," were stuned by a sudden sorrow just north of Racine when the youns mother Driving their antomobile from Hur-- ley, Wie. to Waukegan to ctand trial on a charge of assault with a deadly which Charles Kazarian, veteran tlni Mss C R Meud ie qo dir es h Mr. and Mrk. Ray Darby and daugh-- ter, of Chicago, spent Sunday a'% the Earle Darby home. o Way to Waukegan. Warren of Hurley Over »% a In6 HQTCI IAMIRZINC IH PCCpOq THnl 'ML In both Montreal, and especial | use «uies Y s = +3 005 + Lavpepty~ ud Stopped were tol dwe caould make Berthieville an bhour and and a half, but it took us ~bour and #itty--minutes----At Ber-- thieville, we met a Justice of the Pesace who advised us not to go faster than 30 miles in the country and 20 in the The 6th, wen went from Coburg to Montreal, which we found crowded, and went on to Berthieville, 335 miles, where we stayed all night. We arrived there about 8 p. m., ;-t' before , tho dining room closed. At Montreal, we evidence we could find of what went on during their wahderings : _ Bept. 1st --We . ieft Libertyville about six in the morning. 'We followed Route. 42 in Indiana, 43 in Indiana and Michigan City. We followed Route 11. rurining into route. 17 at. Watervliet We had lunchat Paw Paw. Arrived at Détroit albout 7:30 in the evening, havy-- Bept. 2, 3 and 4, until 5:30 p. m., Mac attended the American Bar Associa-- tion and heard Hughes' speech, On the 2nd, John and> August saw Detroit, went over to Windsor. On the 3rd, John and August left Detroit on route 56 in Michigan and went to Toledo, took rowte 2 at Toledo, along the lake shore, to Cleveland. Sm over night at tourists' | near Frie. On the 4th John and August drove to Buffalo, and from there to Niagara and had lunch there Stayed at 'tourists' accommodation near Niagara. Drove for about 40 miles. -- ~ The morning of the 5th, met Mac.at Eufll.\o. --and : drove --from ~Buffalo to lagara and across the bridge to 'Can-- ada, along route 8 to Teronto, arriving there about 3:30 in the afternoon. pent some time looking tor Jack's _---- <« Aige ----»--19%"* Ingegte him. Stopped ing made 328 miles that day. The route in Michigan ways largely through fruit trees and farming country. there no : accommodation:> could o« _ Following is the "log" of the long trip recently made by Paut Mac Gut: fin, August Wirts ahd Jack Bernard, through wonderful fruit country-- and lots of vineyards from Erie to Buffalo, season was about closing. Toronio On the Tth, we made uebec, 139 miles. We had stayed on the Canadian side of the 8t. Lawrence river all this time. Along this reoute there were many --rapide--and locks and the acen-- ery was wonderful. Arriving at Que-- bee about 12 o'ciock, we had dinner. Wa then amployed a gulids, who took us through the Citadel, and the Plains :&m also into the oldest Calh-- chureh in Quebec, buill in 1668. They still celebrate mass in It, and it comtains somée beautiful statuary. the eastern states and bart of ing. 'We followed below Armstrong. There they D 43 in Indiana and in &Hupp which had surned oy¢ followed Route 11.[his head. We had venison dinn. 17 at. Watervliet |best plece of meat we found ¢« r Paw. Arrived at|trip. Our baggage was inspeci the evening, hay--|the customs officers. W6 wen . that davy. The|Jackman. Then made a crazy A° FHELBGEEL CE CENTE | | at tourists'| barns and sheds all buill to EOLNCOI J AM Z2" \"" zara. _ Drove| We reached Boston it the evening and| 18¢ each country--and m yed there that night at the Adams ecured in . e to Buffalo, 2l __|Quality iss The 10th, we stayed in Boston. Mac Products . met Mase at was visiting acquaintances; Jack and|there's a , ~Buffalo to August took a ride in the subway over/ZION BUI idge to Can-- the --docks. went --up--Bunker Hill/ILLINOIS, ato; arriving Monument and saw the Sight8. _ WC ) smmz aft left Boston in the afterroon, and went! > o f forulmackn'i as far as Danielson, Conn., via Pml # HC Miuavidinan-- T I1-- Massachusetts. was } =ice~«s Kew York. Stopped at Greenwich--and saw Fred Horton. . Arrived at New _ Early the 17th, Jack and Aucust drove up :o Philadelphia by SBhore Road, and met Mac, and then drove %6 York and stayed over night. . On the 18th, we drove all day thre m.ncnulur.')vmm Hiret of which was t<he Tuskarora 12. . Roruddin t > ~Gn 4 barns and sheds all built to gether. "AIN (W. C. 6. 1).) CORCTOLGé DBIGCZE, )We reached Boston h the evening and| 18¢ each, at our Plant BEST MADE; ayed there that night at the Adams|cured in steam kilns; Certificate of :-gu& ; is _|Quality issued«by the National Cement The 10th, we stayed in Boston. Mac! Products Association. See us first= was visiting acquaintanceg; Jack and|there's a reason. _ Phone ZEI0N 500. August took a ride in the subway oYver||ZION BUILDING INDUSTRY, ZION to--the --docks, --went --up--Bunker Hil/ILLINOIS, _ Atrdssun® * Monument andhnv the ll'ht: We & f left Boston in the afterroon, an ¥ent ! > ~ * as far as Danielson, Conn., via Pro| * m F(Rfi; ' P;ovfde:x'o:. &'!. ,lun'c:untn.ns P i in All curves: s -- I --*~~~ . 4 all bpe »"t: &# curvex go farm Jand. {FURNITURE POR SALE --~------ Lel The 14th we went to Haltimore, by way of ;hfonl' aad ~The Susguehanns $ o'clock train ndii"fi_.hmt and John went .3 th:" Hotel. 4 Jack ° Alugust wes on this Sibmay. Took Arain, got ott at the Woolworth building. These was such a mist that we coudg't see the Atreet below. although it was per-- feéctly clear on the grouna, We stay»d on top until it finally cleared off so we could see the stree:-- on one side of the building. .« Then we walked across the stréet and talked 10 a mail the docks, at the Battery. We met a sap dhere and hbe took us into the acquarium, and we saw the Statue of Liberty across 'the harbor. We then decided to take a bus ride north, and went to 168th street . Decided we wanted to go to Coney Island. which is % miles south on the Brooklyn the 15th and 1§th, while Mac went back to Narberth. delphia and phoned Mac, who cam» down to the Hotel and met us We stayed a% the Spruce Hotel, a --bach-- elor «spartment house. Bhelisburg, and the next the summitt d the Laure] in the Blue Mis., before we came to lAgonier. Wollt."! Pittaburgh between 5 and 6; got thru Pittsburgh without any trouble, so w& vutuwmmflflt 40 , trom wR *4 *m\t mmwmm %mmn'.w ,vomu"m.lm' toe Canton, Ohbhilo. 8 »d for mail and & Mansficld for dinnver. From there we went to Marion. Lima, Fort Wayne, where we stayed all nigrt Drove some 280 miles that night We had our first tire Cchange &# Fort Waynse, Ind4., the morning of the 20th. Starter also quit at Port Wayne. _ hanand --c--amem Aldiber .>~~*>------ ed over to the ocean where they have their wonderful board walk, about 15 rmm,'}z,muaer:»m and we wa down this about a mile and a half or two miles, seeing all the sights. There must have beepy about 20,000 in bathing there, apparently all )vvl. Mac was in Narberth. Kn the 1l3th Mac wasin Narberts. York a lt'le after 3.. Mac made On the 9th,--we followed the Kenne-- bec riyer a few miles and then hi the shore Hne above Portland, and then went sguth through Portsmouth and to Boston. One place we passed through was apparently a grea' social resort. miles, walked up <the sireet about n mile na"nb"w but sandwich thops and aide . and then walk-- his head. We had venison dinner, the best piece of meat we found on the trip. Our baggage was inspected by the customs officers. W6'wen't into Jackman. Then made a crazy drive through the Maine woods. Were told there had been 14 accidents im 28 days along there. About 40 miles south of 1 T e C _2 204 hus ds W'.-'the; _was & single track road along a hedge cut in the-- hills. We stzyed that night at the Augusta Arrow, skidded into a fence of. 8x8's and ripped off half of them. We had dinner--at the Canadian customs, just dents along below Armstrong. There they brought in & Hupp which had turned oyer, and Wayne, over gravel roads home, ar-- riving at Auguat's home about thres o'clock in the afternoon. coming ¥ia Dyer, Ind. Fro mthat point we en« countered a '\raffic jam. 108 '--COn Saturday, Sept..26, 1925, at entrance to or in Warren cemetery, gold pin. Reward for return tb Mrs. Gramw. Lusk, IAbertyyiMe, M. Te phone 6%5--RZ. 40 2t WAUKEGAN, ILL Good Meals 50¢ ARLINGTON # HOTEL 4 LOST AND FOUND -- ride for 23 LIBERTYVILLE NDE _ pit' or delivered. North Shore Ma-- terial Co. LAbertyville. Telephone Lib-- FOR SALE--Six room house and four building .lots, at a reasonable price, on Anstin~Ave. August Radloff, 237 Austin Ave. Libertyyville. 40 u POR SALE--Limestone screenings, at FOR SALE--Pure bred Scotch Collie ~papptacs, 6 weeks old. Bergeron R ock Farm, Lake &1. Road, 2--mies went of Libertyvillie. Phone 67%J--2 39 FOR SALE--Buick touring car, model E--35, in good condition: can be seen at the home of Chas. Sprague, Prairle Guernsey females at reasonawie prices. Also a fow choice young bulls, out of high producing dams Will be giad to show any of these animals if you will call Herd on--Federal Ac credited list. lindénburst _ Farm. Ernst E. Lehmann, Owner, Lake Villa, IIL. (On Grand Avenue.» 40 3t POR BALK--Pure tbred registeted FOR SALE--Self feeding heater and a coal range; both in goed condition. Call at 162 Broadway. . 39 :t "ZION (W. C. B. D.) Concrete Blocks, 18¢ each, at our Plant BEST MADE; cured in steam kilns; Certificate of Quality issued«by the National Cement roots, 25¢ narh; also pephiles rodots pink, 10 to 12 eyes. $1.00 a.cuater. ! Hedier, G nee 1014 FOR ul.n--lrn."- Almond . Bros., 815 N. First 8t. Phone }0%3).. 39 tr POR SALE--Base burner and Singoer from town CHAS. F. FITZGIBBONS, . Real Estate. Phones: Office 285 J; Residence 104-- MOMEY TO LOAN--We harse a con sid:rable amount of special funds to loas on improved farm or city prop erty. | We invite your inguiry,. Fire work; no washing; good home and a permanent position to the right party. Balary $15.00 a week. Call at office WANTED--Girl-- for general : house NOTICE OF LETTING CONTRACT FOR LOCAL m::o.\.uutn Sealed recelived y the ncm Improvements of the Vilage of Libertyvilie, Hlinodis, un-- til 7 o'clock P. M., on the 6th day of October, A. D. 19%, at the Village Hall of IJAbertyville, Illinois, ftor the con-- struction as a whole of an improve-- ment consisating of a Mm of water mains together 'with service pipes, hydrant conniections, hy-- drants, valves, manholes# &and comnec-- tions, constructed and laid in PARK AVENUE and other streets in said Vil-- lage in thd manner shown and sot forth in an Ordinance parssed and ap-- mnmmmmd Trustees of said Village of Libertyville, on' the 4th day of August, A. D. 1925. Said Improvement shall be constructed in acéordance with <he tarms Of «414 pare umpeorounen't eE M e C TL ut & £ a ns oo mt Oe mm aill SELLERS & [ KAPING & SA ..cm"douthenfarumohm ' Milwaukes Ave. at North 1 office of said Board of Lotal*improve-- PETERSEN LIBEARTYVILLE, ILL -wt "'MVE,"'..:' '3; ':o';':ld"!: Real Estate; Farm Lands; Property Exch mmmm'm';T * UBERTYVILLE, ILL. "'"'""'"m-.":'&:m.: terest rate venue 'Notary Public :---:":' «nnually\and in youeh 551 Milwaukee A ~1}/--me or on.u::'o. sEE US Firgt. > ers. -- Proposals n.:ttmbe mm&vm T"cu ,'S' | *« | a tu-n- furnished at office im\ -- -- 6 P : = work.: Phone $26, Mrs. Langworthy, ibertyville. * 40 it FEMALE HELP WANTED |_ arnee, II1 welephoro G Tnyme ageara ng ce 2+ 89 4 order of the President of. the Board of Local Improvements, certified by a re-- eponsible bank, tor an amount not leas than 10% of the aggregate proposal. Bids 'will be opened by the Board of Localk Improvements in --open session ai 8--o'clock --P.M., October --6th,--1985, in said Village Hall in said Villago of Lib-- --ertyyille. 'The Board of Local Im-- provements-- reserves the right to re-- stock bull. ' Black Horse, 8 yrs. old, wt. 1500 lbs.; sorrel horde, 14 yrs. old, wt. 1200 Ibs. #0 chickens. cCormick -- grain binder, nearly new:; -- Deering corn binder, . nearly new; International hay loader; ldeal mower, side delivery rake; Corn Kink manure spreader, Buckeye seeder, land roller, hay rake, shiky plow, 3--section harrow, 2 top bugzkies, 2 walkingk plows, shovel plow, sulky cultivator, corh planier, garden cultivator, whee! ----The successful bidder for the con-- struction of said improvement will be required to enter into a bond in a sum equal to one--third of the amount of ""'i'ieihii%% yr-hr % e!h!; kitol !-g g% Improvements of said Village of Liber-- tyville, which bond muyst be filed with said Board when contract for the con-- struction of said movmenf is en-- tered info. Said b shall provide that said contractor shall well and faithfully perform and execute sald work in all respects according --to *the complete, and ~detailed specifications, and tull and complete drawings, pro-- files and models therefor, and accord-- ing to the time and terms and condi-- tions of <the contract, and atso, that such: bidder and contractor sha« promptly pay all debts incurred by such bidder or contractor in '&e prog-- ecution of such work, includ those All bids or proposals shall contain an offer to furnish such bond upon the acceptance of such bid or proposal. barrow. seeder, lumber wagon, J--inch truck wakon, Jepring wagon, 1 light milk wagoun, gardener box, 1 hay rack, en coops, 1000--!b. platform scale, 100 feet hay rope, hay fork and pulleys, 50 grain bags, paris green duster, tank heater, heavy .bob sleigh. lHght bob sleigh, 5211. extension ladder, 14 hy gasoline engine, pump jJack, 1 wooden sllo 12x28, nearly new,. cook stove with reservoir, nearly new:; sellf feeJ; 50 grain bags, paris green duster, tank heater, heavy \bob sleigh,. light bob sleigh, 5211. extension ladder, 14 by. gasoline. engine, pump jJack, 1 wooden sllo 123x28, nearly new,. cook stove with reservoir, nearly new:; self fee; er comal hesmsier, couch, chairs, dishes and other articles. ---- HAY AND FEED © £A0 hn afoats? 20 tons timaihy '*ay C. J. WEIDNER AUVCTION Wednesday, Oct. i, 12:30 p. m. CJ. Welidner, having sold "his farm, will sell at public auction on Aptakisic R4 1 mile south of Aptakisic 1 mile north o Buffalo Grove, the following. LiVYES) wCK Dated this 2t day of September, A. D. 1925. T**~ ~ JESSE 8. HYATT. --, -- ~ oo W.Ww. GRUMMITT, * palls and strainer, 2 galvanized water tanks, mal;: tank. hog troughs, grine stone, corn abeiler, 6 gaivaiized chick 455. aiis_aud #ll. Dlin ze aie. arvmn m stond 5 good dairy cows. Bay team, 6 and . Bay team, 6 and 10 years, weigh 00;-- réan horse, WL 1100; binc ree, w1i. 11090. 100 bu onte} 4A aceeos W _ corn;-- res fileld corn; 156 tons baled hay. Fe 'fi imPctéwents Orain binder, Deering corn binder, laach wil} be Terma--Over $%5, $ mos. C o . > PR J Wictk, Auctioneer. J. "®. " Bonminke; Clerk. --| * °_ A. L. JOHNSON, _ * '1. W. HART. f E. F SWAN, e s n wgumx\'. f '" 'A J 4 t o n es A'E"'-" "?-.Wf We Buy and Sefl REAL ESTATE weg n weight 1t Nee OUR WANT ADS GET SURE RESULTS L: W. A--Bre----.:on, avner "0f TauRNBURY, FARK; selis is 3 -- Administrator's Profitable Jersey Cattle, You ----~Can Buy Them in This Sale-- 8ix Pair Ladies light Twelve Pair Men's '|" '::"' "'ls' 'f:: light or heavy pure oned : pure HOSE valued at $10 SILIK HOSE valued iTor only «* $10, for only $1.00 -- $1.00 Guarantoed -- Perfect SEND NO MONEY. _and Finest Quality. -- Write at once to TIHME ALLIED SALES CO,. 150 NASSAU 8T., NEW YORK, N. Y. . Phone 41 ~A U G F R O E L1 C H All Cows are Not Alike. Jerseys | Produce the Richest Milk and | are Nationally Known., --__--_ *' <| Phone 154--M _ Lake Villa, Ilinois _ Monday, Oct:19, 1925 FOR A FOUNDATION OF HIGH CLASS RECISTERED JERSEY :! --0g -- * CATiLE iT W** :3E TO. Your ADVANTLGE * + .. | TO ATTEND THE * [ :3 Ladies' CIIXIHWTFjA$ Gentliemen's Cedar Crest Farms _ Chas. D. Proctor ' Insurance of all kinds $10.00 1 2 Abstracts Examined Legal Papers Drawn . Milwaukese Ave. at North Shore Line LIBEARTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Real Estate; Farm Lands; Property Exchanged Anywhere; . Homes Financed on &E Z Payment Plan; L dane; Gervice; Insurance all Kinds; * Notary Public. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH Y8, EfTHER BuYy. SOME OF THE BEST JERSEY CATTLE IN AMERICA ARE . INCLUDED IN THIS SALE ' l2 'uworammmmro'lzs. s BE SOLD ATYOUR OWN PRICE 1 © OF THE _J. K. DEERING HERD OF PRIZE--WINNING AND RECISTER OF MERIT JERSEYTS AT For a Catalog, address . TOM DEMPSY, Sale Manager, WESTERVILLE, OHIO WRITE TODAY. FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTT VALUE -- PURE KAPING & SAUNDERS -- (§1 Miles Northwest of Chicago) iparitkaren Inst -- CA T. m ie sn rouke . $ DR SnsV One or X.cakioan of _ _ --| SILK To parchase direct from the man ufacturer a fine quality suit imide of pure wool valued at $50. A to vour meamurme, OA iA AM YOUR ~OPPORTUNITY Lake Zurich, Wlinois °§ > FOR OonLy¥ 'l." Twelve Pair Men's light or heavy pure SILIK HOSE valued at $10, for only LIBERTYVILLE mm w mer mm o ippertag nc +

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