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Libertyville Independent, 8 Oct 1925, p. 10

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s mother of a grown man. Do you e :>y=>:---- realite that this is our son's twen-- C . _ ty Arst birthdagt" 6 ~_-- Me shook his hoead as If it were x & :s..l.' a fact most dificalt to believe. "Great Soott, Rileen, 1 hadn't e thought of . How time does f3. T C H 'meems only yesterday that be _ C _' ~ ¢--. .. 'was a baby." -- memories 6f chubby fists and tiny -- > ___ toes. 202 He seemed to fall under the apé'! We ic t her mood and tforth to . e . _ raw her to his whare sha .~ uz> anuggled contentediy. So they sat, lest in pleasant memorles of yee o ------ > ut the years," she said gently. _ > the careless indifference of a man > writh a clear couscience. Bt o. --.-- * --*..----« herg at homsé. Eileen, hy« ------ 4i°a "ain+-- worth --*he -- trou¥it. -- th =. = ;qu-nuat*fiw'"-'"'z "twenty--fAirst . Dbirthday. She has : ;mmt'r.fl"'l.flll'- w and her husband, John, Agho ts Digs {triet Attorney. Her husbgnd is still Ker lover, When he, too, wakens, y ke compHiments her on her beauty e _ Thars ars two theories to account ie * # is enused by abotrtage of ory-- aeverely . * **~* ~--_ "Miatterer,--there you go again. 1 would be the vrainest creature ... * allre it 1 Nstezed to every thing * you tall me. Base Satterer that > _ you urse, how oan you sit there and e S runaoubetaamu acid «_ OA the blood at high altitoda BR I-mt wiFeE WHO WASN'T WANTED" with Irene Rich ts y proturieg ~-- whic: tion of this novel. f F z> «verybody euld an." f * Darling he may have been,--but Rurthermore he was gifted with a came out of Kentucky," he callia sion of a fine, manly boy. amusing. But she managed. to dis piay appropriate apprehension. "What a speech, John? 1 hope 'you are not in the habit of exercis+ Ang--this--marvrelous-- judgment _ of which you are so proug?" { was forever stalking absently by her dearest friends, with never a "Konsense." he burst Sorth with| men. And even now, when he conviction. "You don't look a day | looked out upon the world from the vider than the day you left Lou!» | vantage ground of an assured rep-- ville as a bride." _ |atation, those early battles to " Back {Qashed her thoughts to the | matntain his ideals and still make scene in the station. The thronga nvmmmmmhu_ot «boes and rice. Thens she was a girl. Now there was Bob as old anm--she was then. Mow absurd tor Juhn'to say woach a thing, yot how lovely,--for the best of all he really weant i. OAl abe regarded bin IN THE CENTER OF THE BEDROOM STOOD A HANDSOME YOUTH. of excited triends, tha @ver present those days. Heavens, what a pow erfal pair of lungs hbe had." She bridled Instantly. z'mmwuun ' Bsns his Httle heart it was ho ons way be had to exercine." *Well, he took advantage of i to the tallest degres unt! he got to niver healtated to exerrins regard less of times or place." CHAPTER f AIn Glory | «ohool Of whales was dleporting "John, how can you say such a ERect of Altitude Te ibned winle ieg " goett j --*6, :n»lu' value, upon which he bhad CX Lure as ©ou08 wWalk.. ' _ #And what a climber he was." Jphn 'Went on, perféctly oblivious to her reproof.. "Always climbing, --do you remember later on when he climbed up on the roof of the batn and managed to fall of and break his arm." * c . _ "Don't L--and you were away at Circulit'Court," her eyes grew big at the memory of that calamity. Of nersel?, a girt wife,--erushed be mmmwmm responsibility towards her o%-- spring--and her husband absent. "That was my fAtst big case." Large though his son's injury had loomed in his life, John was not to It, but to a very ven-- of certain most sophisticated but tor value, upon which he bhad ex-- called «t any moment messag. came. It was olde jost what to do # sharacter to his handsome face. Killeen reached over and paited ~ "You Aecided for ma ~--you kaow 1 wunted you,~--meeded you." "The old antomobhils in which 1 made the trip would look lUike an trouwble, --get out and get under, And the fear that old lawyer John-- won in whose hands i had the -vflfl.dnn'ofi):yfib ease and get eredit ftor my monuths Bros,' Pictures Ins. "But you came to Bob and me." Drawing closer, Rlleen rested her head upon hls shouldert and when he stroked her hair rauilsed her lUps tor his kins. Oo they--eat, obltriouns to their eurroundings, in the ful}> nees of thair mutual aftection Uy-- "wvrar again thoss bygons days. In the midet of their meditations, Killeon started and sat up." "Water," the cried, "the water,"* and with a wild look made for the hath room as fast as she could go, with John at Wer heels. hare had a §Lood," sashe explained as sabe turned from the brimming tab. tforgot it? 1 thought something ter-- rible had happened to ----" <~"Maw!" . A masculine rolce of force and power sounded from the room they had just quitted. -- Heedless of her husband, Eileen made for the door, In the center of the bed room stood a handsome point of despaeration by the bow ts he had been attempting to tis. "Bob," cried Kileen, ber face alight with tenderness. "What is the matter, deart" . "My tie,~I're had such a time with it mother. 1 can't get the blame thing to go right." e _ Under the term "hots d'venuvre" are Cleswed all foods that are regarded almply as acceswories to a meal, and designed to excito the appetite rathét than to satisfy. It i# probably be-- cause they are placed on the table apart from other dishes that they hare been sowalled. Caviar is one of the mory usual foods used in this way. woly i on ts everent thems" noikt average -_-ml_&i..m *** (To be continued) It was bard to de p _ do and the train les to Meal tale _ * cA ht a« 'male bfamonlt knnilfliar Aui < $ & oo nc o Ieiiie n o oo acens woers. Yudes ioe rateent [ 20 ~oOF NATIONAL -- GUAR _ The total strength of the Thirty--third Division and attached t;oopcigquxm&dnu.mimommm otganizations which are sub--divided into 158 units located in thirty * _ In less than four years the state of Tilinois has created a ready-- sonable way their employes to enlist. in the National Guard ressd yooul-- Abemalihttinediryarhnit: * for--call National Gusrd army of approximately 9,000 men, repre--/a doubly short--sighted policy, First, because the National Guard ine ~furriipncniih s 4 senting every branch of the service except aviation. 'That, it is is the sound core of civilian potential defensive power; and, second, | ~ . confidently 'predicted, ~will be added in --the near future.~-- * becat : the Mational guardsman is & citizen performing the highest| -- "!"& ,,"h."iw indied ---------- For the recent cifficient development of our National Guard duty to the state, whose military training is bound to give him mofi 15 handlings m""":':.,fl".': public appreciation is particularily due to. Gov, Small and to Maj fover hig --untrained fellow a superiority in business competence, mailing and delivery, * i General Milton J. Foreman, commander 'of the Thirty--Third Divi-- _________________________________________________________', sion. Their leadership, ably mp'orted by other officers of IRinois® o f m f a --+= ~ ps o sunind aits mae scose we ht o cmes can | nctee cement youee | SENSAAIENDAICONDCIEDNONEC NCc eq GW*'"MU°M"'W*~M~-fi:--&u &n j 4 a necessary to construct many permanent buildings there. -- _ George K. in 18590. He was s t' x * uisnn paacaderae a npan on Sefocuseccns| o) 27@ 42ce.,. (C For it to be effective in actual service it must be traired as a divi--| and added tea as a side line. Within ce £ < * sion. TrMiuwflthmwm it is in the co--ordination of those parts as one combat unit that its military power lies. oys 7'__ + To make the wooden taube in whick the lead for a pencil is incased -- the manufecturer cut® out a board «abaout seven" inches long, the width of six pencils and as thick as balf a pencil In diameter,. With a machine be then cities and towns scattered throughout this state. Slightly over 70 per cent of the egroliment !s in Chicago. . ~----New enlistments for the year, from-- September--1,--1924, t0 SBep-- A man enrolling in the National Guard enters both state madp-->":. 5 (=s--l) T fedcral enlistment,. As soon as a unit fulfills the requirements of| -- snexaedeaiietiiemammmt the War Departrthent in point of numbers, equipment, facilities and [hought and Labor training it'.bco-quwdpm'-dthmdthum ....'...,.','u.'u_::::wm States. Upon call of the President all authority of governors of | be states automatically ccases, mmmwfi': in--chief with power to send National Guard troops anywhere with--| nity. one side to hold the'lead. 'When the lead is inserted the halves are giued tomppsed of graphite. ~ -- and admiring the village. HMe felt ex-- 'ndn;n-b-lonoudth viMagers he paused for a chat. "And bow long hare you lived here?T" be feeling so afable, "Hinc# 1 knowred better, six years," answoered the 34-- Bre, and went bis wag. _ e W gion, it is death." Bet with common «nse, it is wisdiom; with method, it Is 'power; with charity, it is benef-- cence:; with religton, it is virthe, ahs "What kind--of a place is your rival hatnlet of Tywoppity?" inquired a re 'American Indians are divided Into groups and the languages of the vart ous groups are found to differ to such n degree that dne is not intelligible to another. Often within the same lin-- guolitic famiiy different tribes speak radically different dinalects This is mamnmmm Inhabitants of enly 100 miles apart cannot understand each other't How eary It is for one bencrglent being to diffose pleature around hm and how truly is 4 kind heart a foum mum-nhgnmm. Its vicinity to freshen iAt smiles. Bramente, the great Itallan archt-- tect, was Afty--Ave years old when be camse to Rome from Milan in 1409. In a short tme be became the groat-- est master of the Roman style evaired trom the anclent monuments, xumemmus------=~= --! / stookholiders and #6curity hoiders as they appear upon the books of the 00# Practice Kindliness * but also, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon It is for ane benerglent :'nnamm-um«-mm«mmu A . & # bemer hems | narge of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is seting. is gives: being to diffose pleakure *b | ateo that the sald two paragraphs contain statements embracing afiant's tull and how truly is & kind heart a fou% | , and beliet as to the circumstanchs and conditions under which Nl-td-hel"-ml&:"m'""- m-lmu«nmum.mmmmam Its vicinity to freshen smiles. company a« trastae, hold stock and security in a capacity other than that eative" i reuw, mernuiitink, or corpare L tay telment reu: t lndicost in the * * * person, assaciktinn, or corporatios--hbas any or "z r'"hu'" !nt,::oetn. Hovds, or other sec&kl"""m.h _ mntt'n: no--h"l'o.m"i *L That the average number of coptes of sach lssue of this public*& tng the bait in a Dleet o1 --Diiaiy | on sold of distributed, through the mails of otherwise, to paid subscribers l ','?f'_f" M._'!':u'ilnfln the six--montbe preceding tho_ d:um above is % when setting a molge traDn, UT (F" | --46.__ That the average number of copfes of sach issue of this public*& "~~«" ~ *lgg. "'"""""W¢m§umu4mm«.¢,mnm-finmumm -- C There is a certain amount of curicalty | during the six--montb« precrding the dats shown above is $ On 22nd Bt. % 1 In a rodent that compole him to gaw ; r.o.uw.j---lnp North Chicago thriugh --the musliin to get 'the i-g Hwoarn and #wb----ribed beftore me this dny of Octobér, 1925. -- M and the tug at the Is gore W G. E. KIRCHNER, *1 es canse the spring. n:'::u C S s i rii e infi ie ce e c agee in J'M expires March 2n¢, 1828. ies Every employer of men in this city and elsewhere will find it Net Knocking, of Coursse The | Indian Tribal Language M# in tanaticlem ;. without roll-- Master of Roman Style In Pesvish Mood I"dmndent _ The national 'defense act confers upon the President the added L ~ c ts en . power to draft the National Guard as a whole for extra--territorial y a, W"l? M" rvice.:" If that is done, the state troops become without further mniecmencmecememmecmemeececemeee o=B | ceremony or exaiminagtiofn fedéral trOOpPS SUbDjCCt t0 D¢ SCHt OVET-- sTATEMWENT OF THE UVWnin@'"> C acss OF AUVGOUST M 191L nc.ndomonw:mormovmmun State of Iilinois, Oovunty of Lake. ss. +-- |: m--mmnmummmm" ,..-lrmr.ammnmmmm"u' law deposes and says that be is the business manager of the Ubertyvmo' Independent and that the following is, to the best of his knowledgo and be M.wm.ucdthM.,mt&nlflomm. mm».uuumwnmmmmmmum a.n-mmncsymutumu.uu.-mu-mn 441, Ppostal Taws and Regulations, vfl-flub.m"dnb.ht-.b- wit : -- §.5 ° -- 1. M&omud"dmnm.'w.*d Ihar and business mabager are: Mcmm-cmc-,wub"l t Réiter--W. J. Smith, Waukegan, DL u--c-nm-v.:.-n.m-. mm--tammn °* 1 That the ownaers are: (flvo...l"l"m nlcmnum'd.o--d"d" %mamlmmcmdmuflwdfl. rmwummmn . J. Qmith, Waukegan, IL ¢. 0. Bmith, Waukegan. HL. « t,mm-um.«\wmmmm owning or holding 1 per cent or more of amount of bends, mortgages, or other sscurities are: (M there are none, so atate.) 'n:.u paragraphs above, | 4 two next giving the names of the own-- nMNMMIm.M&m'yh.!fl Fords -- Fords -- For ALMOST CIVEN AWAY 1921 Ford Touring, demountable rims, 1919 Ford Touring, $45.00. " 1923 Ford Coupe, new paint, new tires, can't be told from. new, $225.00. 1924 Ford Speedster, very fast, $50.00. 1921 Ford Touring, demountable rims, self starter, 1922 Ford Touring, demountable rims, self starter, 1924 Chevrolet lodn very fine condition, Stm.fl.' All cars will carry a 90 day parts guaranteed. 822 Grand Ave. _ ' +490 AL Waukegan, L Open Sundays and evening until 9:00 o'clock.-- Of Libertyvilie Independent, Published at Libertyville, for October 1, 1925 ______'________________..__--"-------' TWE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, camum'l We@rlse® CCC ILL LIB AG1AHTAF hi hk ' mm . 4 the nlencepe maminesr «begre t c rmt labor can be made happy, Aae n epy on o ontochads . d x f' '""" s s _«__"'ml':i_" luo Leevke "! "&'V'Il'. es iv' 7|-- 5T .: _ Papuan ';...' gery --' .-w' rm'mmw s m. w' s " " m @ numerous clement of the Army of thé United States. .. . _~] cases 'oz_u'-uu'h-uu'n"lun .0".:'1 meses in "New York before the Civil war, and added tea as a side line,. Within a few yesre be had 25 shops in New York and Brooklyn, and in 1917.when he died, the Great Atiantic apd Pacific e sttb s .\ e c i --2n: sn on lt Nere s fim'._-rc _now :Emn pncm' complete National Guard «w omm tsA grg y mm > ealthy, and anly by thought Phome 4110 py, and the with ingt WRECKING Now is the time to build that garage, bungalow, Mdorhringhyonrutimammdletm figure your requirements. Our prices cannot be beat. | We have on hind a full line of all kinds of lumber, doers, windows, wallboard and plumb-- mgmmmgnclflynldbntnrfipado material. We will guarantee any of this stock to give complete satisfaction. Compare our mmmmmmwfil,m'm'"m' prised. Thousands of satisfied customiers in this locality. Ask your neighbor about us, He knows. Don't forget the address. AMERICAN HOUSE WRECKING CO. Laid Over Felt And Cement ~ ------ By Our Method Mr. Casey went to town, -- Bought Linoleum &and put it down, : It buekled up and wouEin 't fit . Top seuffed and ruined it. He went to the store and swore There he'd not buy any more. Bought at SCHWARTZ'S that same day, Had it laid the SCHWARTZ way. No more buckling, no more care, Fits like it grew right there. ; Fifteen years have come and gone, That linoleum still is on! , wartz Furniture Co. NORTH CHICAGO Phone 136 --Our Man Will Call nile West of Sheridan Road. ~ avadnd mpticev"e *A £NOT TNC.) ~ IlL--Starred Patriot -4 M Borzarin, the Greek petri "mfl'mmmng_ his vrountry's Aght against Turkey, was killed in a sHiccessfal night tack on a superior Turkish force ne&s bray marry' until he has ghed humag --

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