>._--«= Jim Patterson to. take POF! ~~__~" Wihitte robbery, «ad that.* them thore in h¥ car-- only * to go intn the honse on the he was too well known by Ti --ar c ------waq > > LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT ~ O O"I d@on't understand*" the ser °. geant sought. . "%Was there anything significant _ swbout Jack wearing this black cap at the park?! Was he trying to dieguise \ _ Rtmselt?t" + oe ¥,: @2 think that Qcm" MWouldn't he' appoearned just as . a s ommpomtin i sprqndin» & _--Patterson, sufferin@ ~--Trom ----Ccof Teet * the colone!l atd: batked --at--#0 ing into the bouse and, provided for hmaelft the post of 'looknn!' while Miller made the entry Miller Co) Smith said he would prove. managed at the point of a #ran !~ ertract two rinzs and a pearl necklare which he turned over to Imnm} t "]Ls _ _*_--' POLICEMAN TEgTIFIE Seret F. H. McCarron, who a" rested Durand at Venice, Fayt tea't! mony that wou'd In/4'~t thar Forart tried. to evede--arreet and that he in tended to take a trip to the Orient. McCarron, accordine to his testi mony. spent two dave hnntin« Dyus rand. fipally locating hb'm at the park he called him from his seat as a "nigreran--a«@stick" and esked him bis name. P e M 10 2%.° x Purand. who «eemed inel'aed4 to | enjoy the proceedinge >6. much as theo ; candy that he munched occasiona} . | h. .paate. . the -- * @reatest . interest in , n ul aecan<M._ rt Aiteul Ayter Sant: June TR 'lt your name." "I'm Jack Dureand4."> "The dA@escription c@bows that hair is u(b}flbm not red*" the geant quasationed. ----"It wasn't red veeterday," he was satd to have repliec. °_ ~ "It is a preity good job of chane "Yea. and 1 did it mysel!" be re lated as Durand's »statement. He told that Durand wase waitinge for a check. and that he admitted that be war ready for a trip to the Orient Durand Admittet-- further. as being a man of about the same stature as the person who. robbed them of the neckiace and rings He was masked. they said. eo they failed w a god look.zt his face. . % three witnesses cover about offtb (fourth xth«n who are to testi-- ty for the te. ~ Miss Burnette Vanderkloot, who received 'one of the necklaces. ac-- cording to the testimony of Sergt. McCarron, who got his information from Durand, will be one of the wit-- Wésges to be called Thureday. She is the daughter of William Vander-- kloot, of lake Puf. In his opening . statemient Col. Smith said that he would eseek to prove that Durand got an appraise-- ment of $250 on the two diamond Hings and #10 on the necklace, but that he refused to sell at euch a price. and later offered the neckiace to his mother--in--law, to give to his wife, formerly Jranette Wilson, now living in Detrojt Jack Durand, ward of the Scott Du-- rands, of Lake Bluff, Tuesday emiled through the openinag. statement ot States Attorney A. Y Smith and the testimony -- of 'hree -- witneésses that charged him with baving a part in the robberv at the E. Kdson Whire amusement park at Venice. Ca)l lmuzhine with and at the «>rreant's testimony. . _----He falled to smile when.Col! ®mith. in his nis name. =/ uP "Iell, you know me." Durand sald. according to the «ergeant. "Yes. but I'd lke to hear you #ay he aaid. that be had distributed jew-- elry here and there, acome from his mother and eame from James Mier: the defendant. The court ruled that any «tatement Durand might hare 1924 any estatement Durand migh' have made connectin@ MiMier would not be binding an that defendant. MISBS WHITE ON STAND Misa Hester White. and hber aunt. Kathledn -- Pearson. identified Miller Miss Hester White and Los -- Angeles Detective Join in ~Accusing 2 Defendants. °> He told the Smith said. that tb buy the string@ cran game. ACA The trial was far from dry with Sergzt. MceCarron furnishing@ several remarks that drew laughted. Even the' jury smiled at one point when Attorney John Prystalakt, for Du-- rand, Aeked him if he thought there was anything significant in the fact that Durand wore @a black skull cap at the amusement park while he was masquerading as a negro while the ptrone threw baseballs at a pan' to upset him in a tob of water. HALTED BY NEW 'CITIZEN CLASS t 120 Mss APPMROPY SA alled to amile when.Co! ®mith npenine «taterent. c='J the in Lake Fore«t. in .n-t'-n!!w,»x mother--in--law. Col. he won the money pearl by pearl in & LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT _ NUMBER 43 * he : drove v to refuse * if "ol @®mita.| _c=J the i .p;lt'oln_h"'l' jl ]clrflud' 'mé uch as tho j plea that the ocew your @er-- mer. of the Security Banak. and As-- alstant Postmaster W. L _ Farmer, abter an absence from this county of nearly fifty years. -- Mr. Morey is the last rematoin®t member of the Morey family; which was a promifient and highly reapect-- ed8 plonser family of Tibertyvilie townshbhip; eand he is thé. youngest brother of he late Mra. Catherine Blows, of Julian street, Waukegan. Lewis Morey, of Amelia. Raskatche wan, Canada. is visiting his friends and boyhood echoolmates. G. 8. Far-- mer. of the Security Bank. and As-- The More's were essentially pio-- neere in the truest sense. The elder Morey plone--red lIllinois while his saeveral eone aided in pushing the progress of the nation westward Charles and.Albert travelled to the lowa frontier, John to ~the . Pacife coast in Oregon, while the activitih® of Lewis extended through _ lowa. Minnesota, the Dakotas,. and some RETURNS HERE _ FOR VISIT AFTER dozen yearse ago as the American environment began to . feel "crowd-- ed" he, wth his family, migrated to the --wide stretches of Saskatchewan Lewis Morey of Saskatchewan Canada, Visiting G. S. and HMHaring reached the biblical allot-- ment of yeare he ie zow retired. his present activities: being confined to the conducting of the postoffice at Amelia. * well if hi« féd hair bad been ahow inz* [DAd you ever --see a red head ed negro"" . "Yes, J have," the cergeant de-- clread,. as the jury sat up with <a jerk. -- The audience, and jury as well. thought it quite funny that a kid headed toward the Scott Durand mil ons should be a 'nigger--on--a--stick" in an ammeéement park, and Jack tanughed also as Col. Smith told the jury what Jack's employment had been. * * ~ The jury. that was obtained about 1Nh:%@ n'clock. waee dismissed at the 12:3%0 adjournment by the court and advi¢ed not to discues the case or read noawspaper accounts of the trial They went " back tbis (Thursday( morning. getting a holiday thra th» naturalization of a class of 124 proe-- pective citisgeme. 0000 c 00 0_ _ The first pane! of the jury includ-- ed Philip mfl'. Round Lake, John Clark. Ant :~Otto Boehm, Liber-- tyville, and Alexander --Kelly, Lake Foresat. The third pane!l was com-- posed of Chartes Robbins, rallroad man, Waukegan, Fred Pepper, Lake etate would aftempt to prove that Zurick farmer, E. F. Lithgow, Wauake-- gan accountant, and Harry Francie co, Wauconda. A e o is . am. 14 The second panel included W. H. W. L. Farmer of City. FIFTY YEARS / uw c ' His death came sudden ,p«:todly. and in this re«p | Hemventy Father reveale 'dence and mercy in that ralted upon to pass throu 'of suffering. He was the eldest of four children born to Sarah And and Horace Butler. His sister, Sarah Hannah, died Marca 21, 1926. He was one of the oldest residents of the township,. remtember-- ing when there were only three streets in the town----Mitwaukee avenue, Lake street and the street on which hbe lved. . -- He was married to Helen M. Lund, of Sodus, New York, November 10, 188%6. Mrs. Burler died 1§ years ago, on August 21, 1909. Five children were born to Josiah and Helen Butler,--four of who mare living. The youngest child. Lucle Jean, ded Sept. 7, 1908. When a young man of 21 be en gaged in' the turniture and cabinet bus-- iness with Isaac Heath, deceased. Aft-- er a fe wyears of this work, he dissolv-- ed partnership and engaged in farm-- ing, part of the time also doing carpen-- ter work, which be continued to No for a number of years. Those Iving are Mrs Edwin Hart, of Vermillion, Alberta, Canada; Horace Lund Butler, of Springtield, HlL, and Hartiet and Hazel who lived st home with their father. #Ticw BE Reld for a great many years He, with two other men now deceased. was instrumental in buying the pres ent location of 'the Lake County fa'r grounds.. He was treéasurer of the or ganimtion for some time; he also was township treasurer for 25 --years, and years ago was on the village board; for nine years on the grammar school board,; and for a number of years was notary public. -- Josiah W. Butler was born July 26. 1%49, on the Butler homestead, where he died October 15, 192%5. _ Charging that his wife, formeriy Beatrice McHugh, whom he martied in Chicago Jan. 18, 19189, deserted him when he revealed to her certain facta about | herself, Rmil Gustafeon, He was a man of ceaseless activity. and happiest when busey at something. His home and his family were his chief interests and he planned and gladly toiled for the comfort of hi« loved ones. Alithough not in the best of health, he was active even to the last day of his life. Mr. Butler was a man of his wor!, esteemed and honored by all who knew him; kind, hearted and anxious to extend a helping hand to any in real need or distress. His sincerity of life and purpose were outstanding charac teristics of his nature. Highland Park, has started gult for Uivorte, on the grounds tl-t)hwe1 was unfaithful and erdel. ,, .,;, ... The funeral services were held ai the Butlep residence Monday after noon, Oct. 19, and interment was in Lakeside cemetery. WIFE DESERTED; _ HUSBAND SUES When still a young man he =The Jesters 1X l¥ o sls A.p) Ne it e e _ i o i e C HXC LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE CUUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1925 > OBITUARY Entered_at the Postoffice gt Libertyville #1ys iddeniy and unex-- i respect our kind veéaled His (provi-- _that he was not through long days pp NTR Lake County's Big Weekis --WAUKEGAN WEEKLY [ e . eV + aih g U EOO GONF WWkEAF §+ t ~Witttam ~Hermanm'*--Antivoch--Hear-- » mz on petition for'prob.t- of will 'M"k:::'"z'"""'"- 18. Lake Bluf.|filed and set for hearing Nov. 9. ie aop ols ol ornoie Separth| Witiliam _Jthnsoen,. --Musitebei® < The F Bdson White nk C .::'"""':[A'lfimed petition for probate of ,Mt in Sept ."mm" °.m : filed and set for hbearing Nov. 3:1.::::""'::" ".;h' circuit court '0' : Mary C Arno. Waukegan--Will ad-- pely. m""' larceny and was | mitted to probate. All property giv-- i tg l'h:"Po. eA rom eone to ten '.."l" to son, William C. Arpo. Letters } ntlac reformatory. testamentary issued to W. C. Arno Henry Yerik. a laborer from the L. E. Mever construction camp. near Libertyville: who ha«s been held by States Attorney A. V. Smith since Monday, Ort. 12, to give descriptions of Walter_Frost, wanted in connec-- tion with the murder of Randal!l Hayes at the ~~onstruction _ camp last Sunday, was ordered released Saturday. -- -- Patterson is to be (a witnees against Jack Durand, ward of the Scott Purandes, and James Miller, ac cused by States Attorpey A. V. Smith as being a part of the trio that took the $250 necklace belonging to Mise Hesater White. R MmOTOR COP PLEADS Bernard Phillips, ex«epeed cop at Lake ViNla, indicted for extortinn, pleaded not guillty to the indictment. and--was remanded_to the --custody of the sheriff in bonds of $2,000 Jacob Kroll and Louis Schultz, both Chicago, charged with conspiracy in connection with the Goldetein Cloth-- ing case. pleaded not guilty and were released in bonds of $5.000 each. William Moore, colored, the lad who started the race riot here in 1918 by tossing a stone into a Great Lake's officer'a car, pleaded -- not guilty to a charge of larceny, with bonds being «et at $1,000. PATTERSON IS _ SENTENCED IN DURAND CASE Enters-- Plea of Guilty to Lar-- ceny and Given from 1--to Yerik was used by deputies in going from ome labor camp to anoth-- e through the northern end of Hii-- nols and the southern part of Wis consin,. A most completas description MURDER WITNESS RELEASED: KEEP UP FROST HUNT of Frost is available now, which brought about the freeing.of Yoérik. As Frost #served two enlistments in Let Henry Yerik, Mever Camp Laborer. Out of Jail After One Week of Sojourn. 10 Years in Reformatory. semuecimmnmen.". canddrnyihs a Illinois, as Second Class Mant Matter. i9 leg, the attorney a Charles J. Dean,. Lake Forest -- WIll admitted to probate. All prop erty gven to. wife. LenK~ A PDean. _ Estate -- valned at "0% real estate Letters testamentary is sued to Lena Agnes Dean. The defense o' Raymond ¢ Mills,. and Leslie Kiibane. indict a charsge of robbing Thomas W noon ventory approved. _ Admm thorized to transfer stock Service Co.'~~~. ~ C ~~ _ SBamuvel Kirk, Waukegan--Hearin« on petitien to disclose assets con tinued to Oct. 26th © 10 en to son, William C. Arpo. Letters testamentary issued to W. C. Armno. Bond of $200. Smith Haves, "Ake Forest--tfear ing on petition for probate of will cont'nued to Oct. 26. John Barrett. minor. Waukegan -- Letters 'of guardianshin ijssued to Agnes Barrett. Bond of $1200. Casgsige M. Page. Waukegan--iIn rentory approved. -- MILLS DEFENSE TOLD IN RECORD FILED IN COURT They denied that they took a etick pin or some $20 in currency. Kilbane is in the hospital from no "Cb;rle; "C. Carroll--Report of sale of personai property approxved. . f Frank G. Cleveland, Libertyyilie-- Final report approved. Estate clos ed. Exrecutrix authorized to deposit diamond "ting bequrpathed to George Cleveland with: county treasurer. .. Anton Sorenson,. Winth¢op ".l.""m '.Wmu":_ 303 _' _ 'Aangrew '135.9.-6@_. Highland Park-- Report of distribution appreved AOHE BPLPL M LR OM CCR OR e e td Arthur Ray Wahiman. Higzhwood-- Just --& True account nppmvv_q,r_ "'k:l-'np!-e--"B;H;y, Fox Lake--Appral+ ers appointed. Loo _ Lawrence H. W. Speidel, Lake Forest--Final report . approved. E# tate closed. e e Julius Schad, a brother, had been | moit psentic named executor under the will and| North | Chic4 was bequeathed most of the pPFrOP | after pace i erty. it is understood. He died --re | thomeelyen | cently without probating the ~Will.| The «doeput and the one left by bhimself was COD-- | yandowskt a tested by a brother, John Schad. |ing them wi _ George J. Karch,. Deerfield --Report of-- distribution _ approved. _ Estate "l'.v;)v.l--'f;:m;pk ins, Waukegan--In ventory--and first @ecount .xpproved '--l--(-nt; Schad, Waukegan--Petition for probate of will (Med and set for bearing Nov. 9th. $+ L e * _ Florence J Druce, Waukegan -- Finad report approved. Distribufon ordered.. I . _ s Affidavit of Leslie Kilbane Outlines Defense in Wall-- enter Chse. The will of the. late Kate Sschad, who died about two xsears 'ago, was filed with Judge Martin C. {Drcker in the probafe Court Monf@ay and the hearing was set for Nov. 9. George --W. Smale, Llon--Fina! Te port approved. Estate closed. _ letticla J. Neal, Zion--Letters o! Administration issued. to Guy K. Neal Bond of $800. + = ---i.r;--ilfin Kerrigan, lake Forest --¥Fina! -- report _ approved Estate Contest Over Julius Schad| Besides Brune the Deputies Property. Causes His Sister's Saunter Out and Raid North Will to Be Filed. Chicago Places KATE SCHAD WILL --FILED IN COURT; ~~ 25 CASES HEARD may lose his ond 'Snick' ) indicted on mas Wallen the ago. waa filed by At+-- y in the cir eatimony n!I n-- ornder +o ills to fhf\l Both of the happy couple are well and take an active interest in the grocery store which they continue to operate despite their advanced dy.n. Mr. Beck has been a resident Lake County all his life and Mrs.' Beck, who came here from New York when ahe was 3 yearse old, has lived here 14 years. Mr. Beck was' born in Waukegan and lived bere a fow years before his family moved to a farm near Gurnee. Tater he returned here and sixrty years ago, the then young couple were married at Ivanhoe where Mre. Beck'a parents ran the old resident of Zion,. died early Sun-- day morning of heart discaee He was found dead et his farm in the outskirts of the city, where he operated a dairy businese. He had gone out to feed the cows. Hie wife. misaing him after he had been in the barn more than an hour, went out and found him lying dead 'n the barn. a verdict that the aged man had died or organic heart diseage. James A. Beck. 83 and Mre. Jam--« A. Beck, 1401 W. Washington stree!, waukegin. ~Monday ~~celebrated hn# sixtieth year / of their merried litfe by giving a J&v for their five chil-- dren, Afteen grandchildren and ten great grandchildren as well as a few close telatives living in Waukegan. . old tareros. the. Jml:._n& the Plank road. mfl?m elveil war Mr. Beck served with the famous B6th regiment and went through many bat-- tles. He attended eachool at the old Academy in Waukegan. There were six children of the mar-- rlage and fAve of them are alive and will be at the party tonight. They are Mre. Rose Schooley of . Cataipa avenue, Mre. Abbie Chandler of So. Butrick street. Mre. Nellie Cashmore of Belvidere street, Mra. Jessie Can dry of South Butrick street and Mre. Edith Swanson of LAure] avenue. A sopn--in--law from Chicago was vikiting at the home at the time. He was called into.the barn . by Mra. Wagnet, And upon diose examination found that Mr. Wagner was doad. ~ An Inquest was hbeld this morsin@ at the Scripter undertakihg establich-- ment in Zion, and the jury returned Charlena Wesley W old resident of Zion, day morning of heart ton' Walsh, Joa Sp6.ce*. Frink" Kvé dal. Tooy Jackowich and Anton Zgd¢ sas whom ho clurkead with dieorder!, conduct . # 8 LION RESIDENT DIES SUDDENLY IN BARN SUNDAY Ewo ralalr' pat_{f regular headled by * Brune, and another co ties out of the cherif day and Sunday whe« moist !se"tiuv:s of *! North | Chicavo. _ prvi der deriy conduct..' Flle----He ac km.! made:*"~e~-- 127 2 ~Brme-- was far_ from--fille.--_--He 4C [he '"shaot ty Wh..> . --.:*~== C *Tar-- «Cigat: : ter®;, cfl?":& -- Accarding to Flisher's finted a«-a_--'~m€§éw Te -m:-,*'z- s t« ze / Mrs. Jennie Lamovec, of Lenox and Tenth streot, long known to the raiders, was arrested Sunday by Brune who charged that she had a quantity of-- liquor on hand. < He also brought in Charles Wegszon and John Markun, both Waukegan, and charged them with Aisorderiy conduct. ~ % f * *-- The deputres #is0o Trarted --the home ot~ Agnes Krolk <the poo!l room oi John Stanceak, and the parior of Paul Rygie!; but fourd ng liquor. BECKS CELEBRATE 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF WEDDING DAY Charles Wesley Wagner, Aged 70, Found Dead on Farm by His Wife. SCOFF LAWS HIT ___ BY TWO SPONGE SQUADS SUNDAY Five Children, 15 Grand Chil-- dren and 10 Great Grand-- children at Party. yo,. prvrin@ into p'are ntil eleyen virt'ims found i~ the county jail. iea routed qut Nick Le-- nd Ignatz Bore!'t. charg-- th violating the prohibi-- pariirs. one T.leé ol.l by SConstab'e C. A er composed of dep theriff's qMfice,. Satur-- whecied through the of -- Warkegan and Alikough..he was C dit sat point of ll:"&'% C. A. Roby, Commonweg@ith Avs., No FRACTURES ARM ---- CRANKING AUTO-- LEWIS JONES IS . :7 Frank Smith, while cranking car at his home ons mile nort! Lewis Jones, 20, a negro Hiving at 324 Market street, his body pierced by three bullets, lies at the Lake County General bospita} n what is believed to be a dying' condition, while O. H. Fisher, 27, a negro liv-- ing at 212 East Lake street, is be-- ing held at the Waukegan city jail as his alleged assailantr He has been booked on a charge of assahult with.intent to kill and is being held without bonds pending the outcome At--_Jpnes'condition... ©________.__ _ ~--*I'he~ whooting aftair --took --piace Bunday nish; at 6.3% o'clock in the kitchen of the Fisher home . 'The police Monday morning obtain-- ed & signed confession from Fisher in which--be made,*»>-- sizzeveftt. that Roby reported the robbery to Po-- Wcoman Henry Wallenwein at Gen-- esee and Washington streets Monday night at 11:40 o'clock. On instractions of Capt. Booth, Officer Niemi arrested the other 0C eupants of the house and look them to the police station as witnesses, Those being detained are. . Mrs. Esther Fisher, 28, wife of 0. H. Fisher. 7 WiHliam Johnson, --37. -- Mrs. Adier Johnson,. 31. _All gave their addresfes as 212 East Lake street. Mrs. Fiabet, 4& cording to the police, also admits that ber busband shot Tones. Chicggo, stll * has his bankrol! today. He owes this to quick thinking and a clover ruse which he put over on the According to his report he was walking east in Tenth street.and had reached a point near the Hoiden drug store. sst as he was passing a Ford coupe which wus drawn up: beside the curb a man stepped out of the darkened 'interior apd walking swifte ly to Roby's side pressed an antomat«-- te revoilver against his ribse. en "Stick 'em up and be quick about me he would not go," Fisher said. "Then he . reached l!!. his pocket. and drew a knife. | Sm.a up & revolver from the table and shot him three times.. He is a bad man and 1| didn't want to taken any chances with him. t _1 the air he stil! beld his roll of: bills. This evidentiry was a now dodge s# far as the holdup man is concerned for he contented himsel!f with search ing the pockets of his victim and tak» ing sixty cents in amail change. Roby had about $11 in his roll. . ing ten . cents in payment. . When Mrs: <Fishef -- déemanded more * ~ar-- ment, avpcording to Fisber Jones be came abus've and talled 'her several names. § FOILS HOLDUP : MAN BY CLEVER < Jones goes by the name of "Nor-- folk." One of the bullets entered his left /nl:. anotbher struck bim in the left hip and the third struck him-- in ~the --teft krzee -- c oi Reports of a s«hooting affair called (Captain Kennedy and _ Policeman John Niemi and John Metz to the scene: -- They say that when they arrived Fisher ran up sfiirs and tfled& hide bis gun. Fis was taken to: the police station and locked up while the in-- jured" man was removed tb (Ne Lake County General hospital, where be was attended by Dr. Charles Tieber. it," ordered the robber. ! Roby was wéaring an 0o mz slit pockets and his hands through the linning of the coat into his trouser's pockets. Although taken by surprise at the command of the bandit his right hand gra«sped -- M# bankro!l and clung to it. ' When he drew his hands out of M# pockets and extonded Hhis arms into . A. Roby Grasps Roll of _ Bills in Hands As He Raises ~~-- . H. Fisher Admits Firing Shots But Claims It Was in Self Defense. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE . DYING; ASSAILANT _ HELD BY POLICE RUSE MONDAY <3G ' the : police hile the in tb (Ne lLake . where be rles Tieber. 'upt. Booth, ie other 0C