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Libertyville Independent, 22 Oct 1925, p. 4

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@ ]I Texas -- -- Texas ~.»»-._.-f-'."m:.'-mm€ywman- the Ohlo, r. HMughes was undesided wheth-- Jm.... GFP 40 go through Missouri and Arkan-- .",,_-_gfl'l""hn ynr.or;nr':at? **** Tack he will probably begin sending . Am:Trinigad, "Tatration 1# --... Louilga Griss, et al.. minors. Wah-- {um the--afternoon service. -- ~+ _ kKegan. Find! report approved. Guar-- s --Q--_~ . . Gian discharged. -- | 8T. JOSEPH'S ©~~ Emma Carleon 'Westburg, Wauke--}=*-- Rev. Martin_J. Nealis, Pastor. ~gan. Proof of heirship--taken. Letters| -- First Mass Sunday, 7:45 o'clock. __of Admifistration isened to Marie Socon%:n Sunday, .9.45 .o'clock ns urg, daughter, bond of, $400. Daily at 7©:30 ao'clock. °-- -- <ir Louie _ A. ~PFrank, . Libertyville:--Reil---- .: . zuen .e d o nle in WALTER PEARCE ------BOND INDICATES Cherrolet. Ail three young men sustained severe burns about the face and arms. . The driver of the sowh bound car did not stop. The Chevrolet belonged to a Chicago man. sustained severe burns about the (ate/| ceased, whose 'namos or names, ad-- and arms. . The driver of the s0w-- D dress or place of residence are un-- bound car did not stop. 'rboCbevro'ot'knownmmnot upon due and dili-- belonged to a Chicago man. gent search and inquiry be as-- *\ essm mm mame . 1 |-- Take ne q day of P e that on the 28th day of, Mr. and Mré. H, D. Hughes of USF December, &A D. 191. at ten o'clock mese, were in Libertyville Wodnesday|A. .. or as soon thereafter as the morning, en route to theéir winter home matter ca nbe heard, the ungersigned at 8t Andrews, Florida. M-_l(!vmmtummuCunh the trip each year in a Pord car. This |the House is Waukegan in said mm..mmgNCM,m.u.mwmm amibulance body and hooked it up on as executrix of the last will and testa the runnifg gears of a Ford.~The car . ment of Clefsent Hamel, deceased, and bnm'pulonhn.o.vi&tvout-[uummmhm.m tresses, a cook stove and other con-- said estate be deciared settled and the zenlonces.--They-- MMWWM'n Cairo, where they will cross the Ohlo.] at which time and place you urday night in the south part of the _ Morning worship at 11; evening ser-- village. HMe was in an Overland car, vice ai 7;30; Sunday Schooi at 10 a m.; with two companions, young men by Epworth and Junior League at 7:30. name . Smith and Sells. They were | i pptrrrerrpanrenent on headed north and turned out to pass a : e Chevrolet® car Wlt@ at the side of, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT the road.' At this tiime a southbound / * L oar, traveling at high speed, side State of-- IMinols, County of Lake, as: swiped "the Portsous car, throwing it In the Probate Court of Sai¢ County. against the Chevrolet and clear of th¢e;in the matter of the final settlement roadway, when the gas tank exploded.:: of the estate of Clement Hagw!l, de-- Bburkhing both the Overland and liiz| --coased. ~ + smwnsi=t : sister.. . Bomd of $25,000. Proof ul1' ~ h slsY * h 0 0C -- --George' Connolly.. Everett. Inven.| _ _ METHODIST EPISCOPAL tory and appraisement hbill approved Rev. John E. DeLong,.Pastor °~ ----Sarah Hook. Grayslake. Finat Ro--| _ "Pollowing Jesus" is the subject for port approved. Sunday morning. The service begins N nsE tnhaschn : Hilphland Danrsr l.l 11 o'clock. istration issvued to Frederick Gerret--, «en. Bond of $20.000. Estate con-- aelsts 'of cavee of acticon against Pub ; lc Service Co. > ) -- 'Albert Johneon. Insgane. Letters of Comservatorship ~issued to Herman Dentel. Bond of $3000. Karl Gerretsgn. Fox Lake. Proof --. Alexander Oblik, Waukegan. Coun-- ty Treasurer directed to pay over money in his hands .belonging to eald estate amounting to $831.2%2% to Victor E. Gartz attorney in fact for heilrs living in Russia. (Alex Oblik was one of the victimsof the explo-- selon of the Corn Products Refining Company in November 1912.) -- Kathryn Mary Morril!, et al. min-- ors. Fox Lake. Inventory approved. ----Russe!}--Horton,----minor. _ Antioch. Decree for sale of real estate entered. Additional bond approyed. -- * -- Andrew ' Johnson,. Highland Park. Final report approved. -- Distribution Judge Decker Disposes of Twz ~ Estates --and--Takes. Un 13_ «----The--eatate --of --Walter--C.--Pearcse: | topic. ~Seeking the Lost." § *'M in 'Tfllld'ld,:Co!o.. 'mouml Good music and a h"r[y welcome w&mw oug fAled e o e e e es Thurscay in the probate .court before * * * -- w Gfgrim § ~ Judge Martin °C. Decker. C 8T. LAWRENCES EPISCOPAL ~Amon« the estates heard were; | --__ Rey, H. B. Gwyn, Pastor. * Eetate: Harold-- Suilivan, minor.' "Fhe services on Sunday, OCt 25 Proceediigs: Final report approved, (the 20th Sunday after Trinity) are: estate closed: ' ~Holy Commtmion 7:30 a. m. Charles _J. ~Dean, Lake Forést. _ Morning Prayer and Serman at 11. Clerk directed to open depositions . Church School 10 &. m. . Charles J. ~Dean, lLake Forest. Clerk directed to open depositions Oof commissioner who took the depo-- witiens of Mabe} Blagier, witness to the south land. | TUESDAY _ October 27, 1925 REFRESHMENTS FOR THE LADIES. PLENTY OF SMOKES FOR THE MEN. COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS. A 2 COOD TIME IS ASSURED FOR ALL. ME en mt i Nn en ols TT t Ble n Sm Hearings Monday. © Libertyville Town Hall es f'}gh *« EVERYTHING IS FREE of Texas will be given in the ° at 8:30 p. m. e [*® _ Evening subject, "A Vision .&Yofir Own Worth." ~The evening Ice is at 7:30 oclock. 3 7+ The county Sunday school conven-- tion will be held in this church Friday of this week, beginning in the morn-- ing. There will be a morning, after-- per will be served at 6 o'cliock. Mem-- bers of this Sunday school and church are Uurged to attend. 8T. JOHN'S EV, LUL . HERAN .: Rev. Elmer C. Kiessi: g, Pastor: Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. There will be no morning services. As .we are celebrating the 20th anai-- versary of the building of our church, next Sunday, there will be two sery-- ices, one in German, in the afternoon at 2:30; the other in English at 7:30. Rev. Buenger, president of the 8. E. District of our Synod, will preach in the afternoon. The men's choir of Friedenschurch, Kenosha, will sing: In the evening, Rev. Luecke--of Evans-- ton, will deliver the sermon. A light lunch will be served to all the guesis after the--afternoon service. s« Miss Kuby Wiliams, Organist; Mrs. .__Nellie 'Layson, © Choir-- Leader, ~ . Bunday School at 9:45 a. m..-- W. G:; ells, Supt. i3 * * . Morning worship_At Tt.:00. _Subject, Over the Wall to Heaven." -- Young Pepples Méeting at 6.: 30 p.m. | cHURCHES | ""3.'. PRESBYTERK:AN, ~_-,,-B%, _.%.,&,'Seock, Pastior, Miss Kuby Wiluams, Organist;, Dated Octoser 16. 1925 To the Unknown Heir or Heirs at s CEIIA HAMEL, FKrecutrix of the TLast Will and Testament of Clement Hame!, ; I.h.ve commenced to au'm:. yim> .,.-'__'..' . & W » h. ~Li--oits On ~~sr foliawe, yer this fs the Ax. It _ _Rex. Thomas Qvuayle has _ ander couree of constructior two new and commodious® dwellincs which are rap idly approrching comprtetion +t 209 '!l(. Scrantsn aven=~ It is the inten tion of Rev Quayl» to oceipy the one at 20# Scrantop ave. with his RAamily. This ia certainly a most elegant bovre and adds very much to the anpsarance 'of the nef--hborho«mt: Tha other house that be'has put up will be rented, s o Mi'a Kiante of Chlcagp +; eroct'in< a very beartiful bUungalo«® jn Bo---- man Caurt, jnu=t off of Sh*--» 4an Roat _T*e Flayd Browns of ?#17 Shetidan Rovit ate prttHaoz--tm«a arc--¥ir at '~. vomepis to their prope is recently "35'3'&35-'37 Ftom w%"c ¥rsem=n~~ -- Quite a large number of so--. mem. bers were added 'o the church mem-- berehip of The Unjon church !1--t Sun-- 4ay. The )'m number of new people who are setiling in the villasre nec#ss sarily add to the membership.of the two churchea and the union hbes --re ceired more than its share. Qu:te : number of these new members wil of such varied epecies. When the "Injuns" tome <to pay --their veual autumn visit. to the home of their ancestors« it is their -- summer and F'ood--red maples and varizated foli-- age of the most nqufd\qn nature greet them. Here in Lake Bloff the that no artist cam reproduce asd mest be seap to be appreciated and eajoved. -- -- The rain fTor the past ten days or eo has kept the leaves on the trees and while in some instanceg. they ~There is no town--or village--on the North Shore, or for that matter in the entire state of ~Illinols where there are «o many beg@utiful trees and the 'prospect of Indias summer with to ths. ngxt..FWROX OT 40. Ahno Ab2DZA *I!! come and th« soft niaples and lindens will put on their prettiest and most beautiful appearance. . -- be receivead-- --into --anod-- fellowahin next Suonday. | Mrs. Marian Cook Behel, dan@hbter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wright Cook of the village, is aafely domiclled in Italy whither she has gone to per-- fect her musical etudies. Mrs. Behe: possesses a most wonderful aoprans volice of *wide range and her singinz alwaya delischts those fortunate to piete ~negtro nsus of Lake cou:;:' take~County Political club, an or-- Waukegan, North Chicago, ~Lake Forest, Highland Park and Zion City Are included --in.-- the--territory to be covered in the canvas, The club was well attended, clubs and polit-- leal organizations from the coloreu centers worg present and enthusias-- ie * ig in run t uce infi y 4y ie y uce Attorney ~Barle H. Gray, who was elected president without oppositien., took his seat amid tumuitous cheers. Albert Brown of Waukegan is pres ldeat by acclamation while Randoiph Burton, Donny Hill and B. Nesbit were elected secretary, chairman of the board of--directors and lecrouryl of the board, "Fespectively. --_ f Afty. Earle H. Gray is Elected -- :Presirient of Political --.-- takeCounty Political club, an or-- ganization Oof colored voters through-- out the county, met at 667 5. Gene-- see stregt --and decided to employ ten workers to take an actual count of the colored population. * * Details of the plan to take a com-- plete negro census of Lake county tie. TEN WORKERS TO TAKE CENSUS OF LAKE BLUFF NEWS lwbhtowehdnd&add&eflyfiflemdmnafld-- . ing territory that I have opened a First Class Grocery And will carry a high grade line of Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas, Sugar, Breakfast Foods, Spices, Cheese, Cold Meats, Cakes, Cookies, Bread, Dried Fruits, Raw Fruits, Nuts, Candy, Milk, Cream, Potatoes, Eggs, Soaps, Washing Powders, Etc., I will at no time cut prices with any other merchant, but will endeavor at all times to make my prices as low as possible for the quality of merchandise I offer, and the only thing 1 ask is that you give me a trial, and.if my merchandise and prices sit you, tell your friends ; if not, tell ME. 1 hope to be able to announce the opening of the Delicatessen Department next week. Yours for fair dealing, Mother's Grocery and Delicatessen Phone 260--R. E. D. HUBBARD | -- Libertyville, L Open Week Days--7 a m to 8 p m; Saturdays, to 10 p m. . Sundays--8 a'm to 12 noon; 4 to 6 p m. ~at 6UZ North Milwaukee Ave. (The Store Formerly Conducted by Mr. F. C. Norman) organization ANNOUNCEMENT _1 uq. duanky . lll -- be--. *IJ EACH #0B of plumbing we come_ will be --by President Moore of Lake *Forest college and the response by Mrs. William Franmklin Farrell, president --of ~the ~tenth district of Federated _clubs. ____-- _ n k an's club Chicago, Mrs. J. --E. Northcott and Mrs. Horacee Wright Cooke of the vi} lage will furnish the musical pro gram on Lake county day for the meetings of the Lake County '-!_a-- The annual church meeting for the election of officers and the reading of reports will be held in the church on the evéning of Tuesday, October The Women's club oT Laké county will be the gpests Of the ~Lake Forest Womems club on Tuesday, October . 20. . The sessions will be held in the Presbyterian . chutch whore.,J»g»nran%. ;X# be served At There will be bridge and a dance at the Country club tonight. | "The Church Invisibie" will be the subject of the discourse at the Un-- ion church tomorrow at 11:15. a.m. by Rev. Nelson Hall, minister, A special musical program has been arranged {nd Mrs. Raymond Lewis, the velvet voiced contralto, will be the soloist. .--_M;e.--Okey Talbot«. wife. of . the vil; lage clerk who has been visiting' rel-- atives in Cambridge, Ohlo, returned _Mrs. Margaret Homa!, a former resident of Lake Bluff, but now resid-- ing--at 5710. Doreheat or--avene a C**~4 : ¥o ts with us for a Tew dava, visiting the family of Doctor E E. Dewey, 538 Center Ave. . s Mrsh. Albert Dewey and Mrs. Orin Beckwith are going to open a Kin-- dergarten for-- chug:n under the public school Kijndergarten age. The opening wil} be on Monday, October 18, at the residence of Mrs. Dewey 538 Center avenue. * i miee: [3 0 3 agt . The winter. camp at: Arden Shore opened last Wednesday. Twenty. boys arrived and another group is expect-- hear ber. While abroad she will have the wery best artists perfect her for the operatie: stage which she has de cided to adopt and has selected. an\ old family name, Marion Claire, as her etage cognomen. -- Her hbhost «of friends in the viilage and elsewhere wish her success--and are confident that--she will attain it. pledge of, "Homor Bright." Our plumbing wins more than the money it brings us. It, merits your eternal respect you perfectly is our policy. Phone 17 _ _FRANK H. EGER HONESTY IS THE A Bath a Dey Keoeps You Fit in Every Way Z'on, Libertyvill®, Antioch, '?fq'ff Ks -- .'ar_c. wh., 4t :\ Hudson Essex Farms, and Mr. and Mre. T. Varney and son, of Lake stpeet. : «_ Mrs. T. Patton and daughter, Mrs. Muirhead, entertained at their new home on First strcet Sunday. The guests included Mr. and Mts. D. Cruik-- shank and son, of the Oakwood Stock Hunting or trespassing on Eim Farm is strictly forbidden, and all trespazs-- 1 dunno what dis velativity is," sald Uncle Ehown ; "but If it's what keeps dig earth f--om roilin' around loose in space an' h=mpin' into simethin', ¥Fm --vrictly Neely made the arrest Sunday in Camp Cupster and the soldier waived extradition and réturned to face the complaint. -- & GIRL'S CHARGES . ~---- NAME SOLDIER named O'Conner, bas caused the ar-- rest: of Randall Cole, 26, a soldier sta-- tloned at© Camp Custer; Mich., ~who is now the county jail under charges William P. Whitney 2815 CHAS BERNARDNI! AI N GARA:».?NE NOTIGE TO HUNTHLRS 19%5 E $ $ E X HUDSON C OA CH COACH c =--=« | [HE INDEPENDENT----ONEY $1.50 YEAR Hudson Brougham Now *L4§0 ~ Hudson (%=) Sedan Now *1650 165 '1165 . 26 .W payments conveniently arranged. And for those who desire these cars may be purchased for a low first payment. The remaining All Prices Freight and Tax Extra MiiwaUukée Effective October 20 ° INSURANCE THAT INSURES. Calimyrna Pulled F igs) yed California Pitted Dateés Calimyrna Layer Figs (L California Budded v/alnuts per pound . .~.~, . . . JSust received:a shipment of INQUIRIES TO BUY OR SELL SOLICITED --California le Avenue at the North Shore Line, LibertyyilN¢, 1HWNingis Phons«s: Office 469; Residence 269 For 100 per cent SBurvice, List Your Property Here. Earl A. Corlett t R. G. KAPING REAL ESTATE BROKER 345 North Milwaukee Ave. = . © + CA per phg.> 26 9 mt mixts -- tw -- ie ~~~ PHONE 340 NOTARY PUBL!IC 45. «> s fote}

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