* PETER JOHNSON -- ~_-- WiLL PROVED IN ~ -------- PROBATE COURT y=>~----w ast, fife --Bw64--pesple --10 se . Ti _1 300. _ Cl ia--onreliun _is. uadet . <Qn °_ ExBE : Wnn Aiilica : mnng meet ate t Wietharr restinaiein se Py rhcee _.---- _ orium Theaire, . lébertyyileé, Novem-- -- The L5th annual comvention y!-tm.} -- _ ber 2nd, 3rd and 4th (~ _ ~~ _ . It La¥keée Cointy S5.°5. Assodlafion mrt on: 1 _# % % #% k % w ko# % #% *# ® * * * ed to thei rne whome in pPées P aincs} KA . w« Monday Whoy were gisen a farewell . . .D E E R !:!E L D « u.,lrpr.p'v party at their home Saturday KX# # * * ¥% 44 4 %* 4 * * * a*" 4. ons axr ce EIKEMRR .2 -- 1 cugr--avoce..~ A KAMAEA And OfTEC DHHYILS AOLON AFAR, Pir --2.060--peopis 10 se . Ti La00.. Clk La--onrs) in _i8 _MBACL CQD .. _ Mrs. Russell Park, spent V Glen Bowman. two son;;fl this week for Florida, where t will spend the winter. _ Mrs. Harry Muhike entertained at cargs Monday evening. $ [a * Mre: J. Geolding of nighwood visited 'fin.» F. H. Meyer Menday. Misses Grendaline and Dorls Ffole, of Glen Elyn, spent Sunday with their Ixwrer. Ira Hole. * _2 A Hallowe'en dance and card party will be given by the Masonic Temple Association. Saturday evening. ""l--r-."ll'l;irryq()y«ndofl entertained the Young Matrous® Club of Libertyviile at en to his wife Mathilda S. Johnsor. Letiers Teetamenthry <issuyed to Ma-- thilda S. Johnson. Bond of $10. 000. Maria Fvans. Petition for L»tters of Administration filed. . Bond fixed at $800. Proof of heirship taken, Warl Spcdaker, minor, Waukegan. Karl Spcdaker, miner, WAuxeRS Guardian authorized 10"expend $10 week Tar eapport of mIinhor.,~ _ Miss Isabellie Biederstadt visited at the home of ber parents, Mrs F. C. Biederatadt, Sunoday. . ber home Tuesday M The wweerft@if Mene Ciub held . a meeting Tuesday evening. Mayor Hastingz delivered an address. -- % Charies Roil was sevefe}y burn«ed about the hands and face when he fell Into a pit of ashes at the brickyard1 Mr. and Mrs. Eliner Ciavey. Mr and Mre Harry.Clavey, . Mr and Mrs. Ray-- mond Clarey, ¥r. and Mrs. Gus Klemp and Mr. and Mrs. Wm 1+»smond and of ~--heirahip--tixen.----Wil --pruyed. 4n admitted to record. All property giv c Lavura B. Hindert. Wagkegan Fin al report approved and distribytio: ordered. | it _ -- John -- Lewis----Roder,-- Mandeleis Proof of heirship taken. Letters 0' Administration <iéaued to <John E. Roder of Mundelein. Bond of $1509. and the bond indicated the estate +o he gbout £5,000,. > u. C.2 0 k53 0«ft. The following cases« were heard ~ Estate. Josiah W. 'Butler, 1{fberty-- vile. Procecdings: «Proof o heirehip taken. Letters (ot Administration ie-- sued to Horace 1. Butler, son, *( Springficld® I!l Bong of $6.000. ' The willy ol Peter Johnson. taQar, who diéd recestiv a'ter making Wau-- keran his.home.for many. yeara. was roved in the meobate: court befor? ;M!F 'MAFlIn._--C._ Geceer""Thuraf@ay; and the bond indicated the estate +o Bond Indicates on Tstate ~of $5,000; Four New Cases _ _Put on the Docket.. __. L A NGWORTH Y Heavy Cotton, 64 x 76 ____ Dry Goods Puyad® _ $1.50 c c» ~$1.50 Poy.g "~_ $1.50 ic iais --_~51.09 Per. yard Wool Mixed, Comfortors Good weight and color '::'8' ' $2'98 Ruffied = Marquisette, white and colored. =--> 1$1.20 COMPLETE LINE OF CHILDREN'S HEADWEAR Blankets Curtains Pn $295 GENERAL MERCHANDISE $2.15 $4.95 r\cgb_;t.& H..Mexer:--__________'__.___'_ .kended the community hiumHv at "'The ercas SBociety held an Mf}wb:!oé&a! h&'ti?'re%:aflly erected by meeting at thg Presbytcrian church Peters church in Northbrook. Thursday. They are préparing for the | s 4 bazaar, which will be--given on Friday,' pvaxg (BUNGALOW) CHURC December 'th-, . 1 -- Pav M Willilame Pastnr Mr. anid Mrs. George Schneider and family of Evanston and Mrs. Georze Ritz and daughter of Highland Park, were the Sunday guests of the Fred Horenberger family. #, Miss . Gertrude Snyder of Chicago was the week end guest of Miss Eva Ender. . 60' Mre. Alexr Wiliman entertained at a' dinnver Sunday--evening in complimeni+ to her aunt,. Mrs.. J Fitchel, and hetr . The l5th annual comvention Of" the Lake Cointy S.°S~ Assodlafion mrt on Friday. Oct 23, at the .. E. charch in Libertyville. -- Special speakers at tite meeting were Miss Irene Rockenbach Supt.'of Children's (Work, Michigan Mrs. R. E. Pettis has been appointed chairman of-- the Junior Red Cross of Richard Kress and John O'Connor visited frfemds at Downer College. in Milwayukee.. Sunday. _ 5 Mr. and Mrs. John Klemp and son, Jerome, mr. and Mrs. Gus Klemp and Miss 'Auna Klemp were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mre. E: Diebert of Frving Park Sundgay. * 2 a P P n in t n 2 S o e u> ". Mrs: Jennie Chilstrom, the It N. A.) Dpeputy of Evanston, was in Deerfleld; Thursday soliciting new members (')'t( the Deerfield camp. } sCD C Ed Osterman bas been quite,ill, and untif he récovers E. Easton will be--the 4anitor . @t the Deedfickd _ zgremna Mr. and Mrs ed to thei rne Northbrook Mr. and Mrs. E B Jordan and son. Robert, and Alvin Meyer aitended the* homecoming at Mlirfbis Unirersity at Urbana Saturday > = ' ° F. L«bahn bas returned from Mer cer, Wis., where he spent a weel hunting. $ ' A--bazaar will be given by the Wi! mot Progressive Club--Nov. 14(}1, "a men d m wm-y *-- ~ea se NOE CRK, apalwncmmnens -- s on MBL i en C a t s i t t gor. in A mm e n mh':?.lmt Bo Club last monday after v. Plepenbrok as pastor. . Every-- noon. > * 'body is cordially invited to attend this Raymond Meyer of Des Plaines ""']ufnlcta. which will be in English. ited Sungay with his parents, Mr. and}| Quite a nurmber of the members at. daughter, Mona, attended the bangquet | given by'the Higbland Park Ohunber} of Commerce at the New Sovereign : Hotel Wednesday evening _of last| week. ~~ * ~ r He is in the siighland Paricthospital. ; Misses Carrle and 10uise Kiest of | Highland ark visited. Mrs. F. H.| Meyer Thursday. C ' | Tilas Licanor Moxer of HMarvey spent.! Sunday w'ith her" parents, Mes<F.>,.. Meyer. C > c Mrs. Lester Stanger and Mrs,. Gus| d Mrs. William Scheski ei rne whome in JPes I Men's Heavy Fleeced Union Suits, At the suit _ s ~®fen's Wool Union Suits, At the suit _ _ _ e Men's Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers Each _ c _2 c -- Underwear Children's Cotton Fleeced, open and Girls' Silk and Wool Union Suits At the suit ........ neeisfenss Boys" Wool Union Suits, At the suit ~.___. Ladies' Winter Weight Suits, At the suut ____ S GLOVES AND MITTENS, for | Women and Children, up from Boys' Wool Sweaters, Boys' and Girls' Lumber Jackets, [ BT. PAUL'S EVANG: CHURCIH+ w:adtih ____Rev. Piepenbrok, Pastor, ____ and} Sunday School at 9:15 a. m.; En 'lish service at 10 a. m. 1C ++ FVANG. (BUNGALOW) CHURCII ; ° °_ ° =_ _ 00(0 100 0 0C 0 1 0 °C a'~ Roy M. Williams, Pastor | & K & & k # * t * % % ¥ % % % % x , ; _ Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.; morn--' & s 3 ; (ing worship at 11 a. m.; Christian * HICK O R Y * 'Endeavor at 7 p. m.; evening service! | _ dfa.! %: Prayer Mecting Wednesday eve £ ¥ % % #% *' K * 4 * % > * % * % |ning at 8. & | _ Mr. and Mrs. O.*L. Hollenbeck en-- ; | _ Dont forget to come for a real good | terfained relatives from Chicago last ~+time--on--Friday--evening@ --at-- 8. -- Tae sunday. y eg icz r|Cbristian Endeavorers are giving a| -- Miss Charlotte Hollenbeck is spend-- \box and a: Hallowe'en party-- in one.'ing the week at the Corners. : s'Elch lady will make boxes for the men| Mr. gnd Mrs. Harrie--Tillotson, Mr ¢ to 'buy and enjoy. Come masked or:and Mrs. Georgé _iilotsom and Mr. arnd partment in the basement has been completed, and the church piano pur-- chased and placed down there. We will now be able to carry on the work much more efficiently. partment in the basement has been| Hatold Thompson of North Prairic completed, and the church piano pur--| was home Sunday. § -- chased and placed down there. We} The Bean Hill school children gave will now be able to carry on the work ;a Hallowe'en pregram and basket so much more efficiently. { cial last FMday evening at the church _A valuable asset to our musicat)The program was very zood and the work in--our church Is the new con--|esale of baskets amourt«d to mor cert grand--piano.which has just beenithan $42. -- & -- cousin, Miss Sally McKellar, of Fargo, North Dakota, and Miss Rose Welich, of Minneapolis, Minn. Sunday, Nov.. 8, at 7:30 p. m.. Rev. Reoth, of St. John's--Evangelical church Mre. R. E. Pettis has resigned her position as correspondent for a nugi-- ber of county papers, and Mrs. Alex Wiliman has taken her place. \A ~Military --Balt ____ Armistice Night Wednesday, Nol\:ember 11, 1925 9:00 P. M. PEACOCK STRUTTERS Men, High School Auditorium Auspices Libertyville Post No. 329 American Legion LBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THWURSDAY. OCTOBER 29, 1925 . _._SECOND ANNUAL Music by Husk O' Hare's Famous ATTRACTIVE FAVORS DELIGHTFUL DECORATIONS A RIOT OF COLOR Tickets, $1.00 per Couple $1.00 $1.75 $1.75 $1.25 $1.98 $2.50 $1.25 $3.95 25¢ AT | Church School at 9:30 a. m. Adu:t ; bible class at the same pour. Morn-- lmx worship and setmon at 10:45 a. m .."w"guwma Agi) BAE ORGKE,. Alae .. _ Church --Night services eyery Wod-- nesday evening at 7: 35 The regular monthly meeting of the officers and teachers of the church school will be held next Tuesday eve »netrrge P re en t --Ps LE /A BPRntni hi hA 444 . be held towards the end of November. Plans are already being woiuked out 'to make this an outstanding mcoeting Sunday morning Rev. Williams will preach the first of a series of sermons on "The Work--of the Holy Spirit. These messages will prove both belp ful and interesting. Plan to be pres-- »nt for the entire series. purchased. _ Come out next Sunday eveming when the orchestra will ghve &A goncgrt. -- uy o nglish Teapots Up from .. ... Coal Shovels Up from ... White Cups and Saucers at .. Oil Mops, Aluminum Roasters heavy, large size _ Inner Hose Ihe paim ... 0 l.. s« _ _ _ Children's All Wool Sox fan-- Phoenix Hose Ladies' Silk and . Wool, $1.50 and $l°25 Ladies® Wool Flesh Colored ine pair Men's Wool Hose, Curtain Rods, ie pa'r Basement Specials oo uy $9.79 sh Teapots $1.25 r:]:veh._m_" loc e Cups and e _ 20c * _ _ O90¢ in Rods, loc $1.00 $1.00 T5¢ |___._-- Again -- | Hudson Essex ---- Reduce Prices -- l'np?l'att'd by Thomas Willts at Mun ' lein but failed to find any liquor Matt Jarc, Who Has Served in Jail for Rum Infractions, is -- Victim of Raid. ______ and two searches"ec b-- premises reveale; Josh Ballone. and who ive near Oak Bulkley road. we're OODLES OF BOOZE NETTED IN RAID BY THE DEPUTIFS Aftfer raldmg seéten m e --coudty twoo sqadads o. Grayslake, R. B. GODFREY =*~+~~ Maenls . § Dress Shoes and Oxfords in Black and Brown at CHAS. BERNARD, Proprietor The Quality Store E $ $ E X HUDSON COACH COACH and Hudson Brougham Now *145@ -- Hudson (%) Sedan Now *1650 165 '1165 Hlinois And for those who desire these cars may be purchased for a low first payment. The remaining paynients conveniently arranged. MAIN CGARACE All Prices Freight and Tax Extra 4 ------BEAUTIFUL NEW --_--fL---- J --LAKEWOOD HEIGHTS [ _ J _ _ Adjacent to Mundelein ' Effective O--tober 20 NOTARY PUBLIC * Commission 3 RPer Gent : Office Phone _ Milwaukee Ave. and St. Paul Ry. Depot -- Res. wasJ ~~~ * CTBENTYYVICLE, ItL: _ ----------~4 High:Sperd Electric Service Direct to Chicago's "Loop" Early in 1926. and landscaped model residential community. The completion of the new Skokie Valley divi-- sion of the North Shore Line upon which .trains ESTLING prettily -- wwill run direct without N on a gs'_n'tl.y slop-- _ d)_:.uu;c between Liberty: =--ing knoll nearthe=-- wville--Mundetein and village of Mundelein is -- Chicago next Spring, is Lakewood Heights, the _ certain' to attract num s $ REAL ESTATE=------ LIST YOUR PROPERTY HERE LAKE COUNTY Charles F. Fitzgibbons Route Map and Booklet or. Requesty i u:1 06. ,_ 7 m *\ Spilk 4t , -- +. «arigh "f%'f' As ' L#3 on Now Countryside region. Visit Lakewood Heights now and let its spacious, low priced home sites impart their own sug-- gestion to you. y e snn uit ~> T/z Py