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Libertyville Independent, 29 Oct 1925, p. 6

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* ._. The xouth, etffferings from shock, 5. =~-- was--lhnable to--te!l the story of the 4 ' shoofins (w*hen he reached Wauke *~*\ C gan.. Dr. Charles Lieber, who at-- + tended him, learned later that he had Y~~~~~been ovt huntinz with a Grenie boy, s.'._ ~whaose home is about tweo milee from ~~~~~ ~ ILOHE --Lake.----They ----were --huynting: i *ibout a nvilo fram'the Grenfts home. _ o>~ 'Alter'-- the accidantal Shooting, the, :.* The gun. a 16¢--gauge shotgun, was * . resting inside a wasgon fn. which the "_'." two were riding. Young Mills, whose E Oak Park home is at 418 Nofth Sco .. Ville avenue, was seated in the wag-- P- -- _ _ on. Jarring of the wagron caused the _ Oak 'Park Boy, One Lung ------ Punctured by Discharge, *¥ 4 #% C a@ # # U# t# 70 % # 40 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 % %# % 4 C¥ A%. %09 _%_ _i _f--_ E_ 10 m fs. irsfisfalt he: nsl afited < L* . A > «) Mrs. John Traut, teacher of the Fre-- > Ne A N T loc A 'mont Center school, and her puipis ; . "% will give a fine program an{d basket C halkl * * .~ 9 * ._- * * 'sochl at the schoolhouse next Satur-- WAN,@Fi)>--2,000 people to see "The'day evening, Oct. 31, at 8:15. Comp *, Ten Commandmehts" at the Audit-- and see old Fatty Witch change inn> -- _ orium Theatre, LapertyyiHe, """""m'ti'nbehfldm into Giddy Gumps and ber 2nd, 3rd and ith. 1t' sea teh only living prehistoric anim\l y Mr. and Mre Charles Van Pattem in existence. Ladies bring baskets 4bave returned home, after a trip thru' Rbrmm, to 'Mr. and Mrs. John Beyer, it ----Miss--P'a Mar Anderson and Harrei{!evening services, and his taik Sunday Imsco surprised their friemds by slip --morning about _s;,he uncivilized inhab-- ping off to Waukegan Thursday, Oct. itanis of the Sundgay Island. where @2 and-- being-->married at the Bl_vtm_'h'tm DeLange was a mis#ionary for parsonage at 4 o clock that afl'rmoon.,i!our years was most interesting. Hi# The. .bride is the daughter of. Mr. and ' listeners--could _ imagine --the unto'd Mrs. A. M. Anderson of the Deering hardships which these | missionaries Farm at Lake Villa. Mr Lasco is the' must endure, with never a home or a eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William real meal, and their Nves being evo; Iasco, who reside northeast of Anti-- in danger. He made his~ way with-- great ef-- fort to the Grenis farm. Dr. Her bert, Struthers was called, and after 'attentiigzs the--rawtkh be said it ceem-- ad. --almact" im possible . {BAL 116 ~_»%@"* * © Stagsetincz, almost exhausted Trom @n "nectdeAtat ~Phi gun © wound"~ that pudictured one Iung. Robert Mills, age 14. of O#k Park, walked a mile 40 a farmeor's home late Saturday aft-- the Cowntyr hospital where h#ts,cou-- dition | Monday was reported., as . ex-- tremely eritiéal ~0% 8 * ~, ( gun to fire, the discharge tearing ea large hole in the youth's rignt--chest, causinz his right lunge to collapse. The discharge also.struck his right 'm. Z'_. ' S e mmcarememann n * <~= makes hay iy raifts. Phone 154--M _--Chas. D. Proctor .E HUNTING, -- -- WALKS A MILE Insurance of all kinds -- b T T"W'mf'a_mflfirii' Is boilding a Tine new bungalo® on Ida avenue, . . ; '_ J. Wilsom McGee is visiting relatives |at Mexico, Mo., this week. A : __Mr. and Mrs. Maginge entertained { rolntiven--tvam Ligure ngtay. w 3. + ° hardships which these missionaries must andure, with never a home or a real meal, and their Nves being ev©: in danger. Georgé Hironimus and sisters at-- tended a dinner party at the homs ot Mr. and Mrs. Bert Easter, of Round [ake, Sunday. John L. Horan returned 'home last Sunday front a business trip to Den-- ver, Colorado. t. J.. Hastie Odgers, Dist. Supt., held the first quarteriy conference of the-- year at the Antioch M. E. church 9',*0"!, m -- "--A se zen -- * Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Osmond, from the Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodges, and Mrs. Grummitt, of the Libertyville Lodge, returned the latier part of last week from Spring 'i'eld.: '\vhere; they had been attending the Grand Tadgos-- as delegates from their Miss Agatha--Hucker of Chicago vis-- ited over Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Vida Mooney. f Poultry 'Association-- was_held nxj Mr. and Mrs. Gus Drom of Mani towo¢, Wis., visited their parents, Mr and Mrs. Jacob Drom, last week. 'Migs Myrtle Peterson of Chicago vis ited over Sunday at the home of her parentsy Mr. and--Mrs. Pets Poterson. 'The annual meeting of the Antioch ~~Geveral from hnetre attoncdedt" th-- dr: vention of Lake County S. S., held at Libertyville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Watson are the parents of a little daughter which ar-- rived at their home Monday, Oct. 19. Mr. and Mrs.: William Davis and chil-- dren of Milwaukee, and' Mr. and Mrs Arthur --Hadtock ~and gonf Howard,* of Chicago, werge Saturday and Sunday guests at the home oi their mother, Mrs. Margaret Davis." . och. -- Mr. and Mrs. Lasco expect to make thelr home in Antioch, where they . are receiving congfatulations. They attended the home--coming cele-- bration at Urbana Friday and Satur-- revopAairé L 1. O 0000 000 00 00 B0 0000203000000 000000000000 0000 B 20 2000 00 00000000000 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000000000000 0A NU H NA N C B O PneOPeeeret . Ceses PmR ETD D Seel d C S RAde .. i PW SSE OO e PPR CR C | clogo. The mosquitos wanted to" inake | travelled betweenrRWants and Fiorida iour acquaintance, but as we object--4 G@08d at any time of the year, if the they did not bother-- us much, but my (DO!"th end is not covered with snow lvm-&med three of thefe on the wind| We &re getting 23 miles out of every pr es mevovers Igrallon of gas, and expect to improve We are about 800 miles from hom» and all the roads have been good, ex-- cept about ten rods where they are making a beavy fill on route 2, jus* rorth of Cairo. There they have laid a one--way traffic track of two panks for the autos and teams. A colored gentlerhan was coming across it just ' Saturday morning the sun came ou! | °V again and we finished the trip dowa | 3° 'the --very good Arkansas paved --roads _ over, route 20 through Oceola to Meur | N« phis, Tenn., which city we struck ai| *' high --noon. Here we were held up by | a shower while we ate our lunch. We | l9 had decided to go into cl?p when the | 49 sun ciame out again and' we.staried out over Tennessee route 4, on Pigeon ; _ -- Roost Road, and crossed over inio| * Mississippi. and run int this city thiu} & another spring shower. | _'At Odell we found good soft water|INE !t as 1 (write. this in the early Trom a 1600 foot well.--Also we found-- MOFning hours, by fthe electric light in' hard ijron flavored water from'a 67./the car. . ° .-- ® ' + Toot well. n >"7~ * It hifs been raining . and blowing ~ We left here at 5:4FP@ m. and made MuUCch of the night. but we are very | the 58 miles to Cairo and crosse«df o@ | L£Omfortably housed, warm and dry | the~<_--my--<0 Birds Point; Mo., hfidmiwg-*_' s Ms"g until Mouvi Tt 020 &--M.. Sia0nl? 18 hours alter 9y morning _ andsgo--of Bé_ way o1 the 246 miles to-- Carbondale, TIL,*@li | first over concrete roads, except wbereiwlm some of the towns have not got the: whet roujes through them located yet. Made | $rgu eamp by a barbecue stand two mn«a'bm south of that coal city. Here we at>'ther > -- Ry-- cratiie-- --# year, when the days become dreary unti} another téam was brought and and the frost comes.~Wednesday 'of pulled higr eut. A last _ week they stopped.«at the Ando--., . 03.6--y--we zaw-- *cught $4 gat.------ 5& l»end_em, office on their trek --to FIO:-- was tbat mnst. us ©5.090, .. AbaMferonhis. !'"0 in ~thdoir--trusty Ford." Mt~--HUEDCE we paid 13 --crnts, but at Decatur the 'yrltes interegtingly of the trip. Het price was 13 cents, but we were full is his first letter: _________|) _ ~____ .qla_gggg,%gu,gm,nad,w pass up that Holly Springs, Miss., Oct. 25, 1925. bargain.. We have put in about ha f Sunday morning finds us in camp by of the gallon of oil that we started a cotton«#in and. %cottuu field. Only fcom home with, and have plenty and they 'left 3 little h of grass under then some to {ake us towSt~ ome hgi"olfi trees.. and, called it Fiorida. _ .--~ ; w AviE. es 1 .. A t --k i'"-""xm'"' --Camp."-- And they tell U8¢ _ Pverywhore we go, there are incica-- it has been well occupied all sumnter. tions of too much rain for the Seagoi. There are several other southbow!d Cotton has been hurt by it and pickinz flivypers here that came in after we did qelayed.> At Monette, Ark., there wetre last night. <~Flocks of flivvers flying. oyer 100 teatys standing.in-- line wait-- southward with the feathered 'kind. iing tn uklnoad oantinn at thoe ana ein' 'There was ice all over our sB our first hot tamales and found them true to name. 1 9s M _ -- Magno'ia --Lamp.--~> And (noy lelil 98> _ EPverywhere we go, there are inaica-- it has been well occupied all sumnter. tjons of too much rain for the seagou. There are several other southbow!d Cotton has been hurt by it and pickinz flivypers here that came in after we did qelayed.> At Monette, Ark., there wetre last night. <~Flocks of flivvers flying. oyer 100 teatmys standing.in-- line wait-- southward with the feathered 'kind. ;ing to unload cotton at the one gin We léft Gurnee at 9:30 Wednesday of three that had not broken down. At morning, Oct. 21, arnd got Route 21 «+ that place 1 watched umem gin an( Libertyville and followed the River weigh a bale that tipped the scales at road and route 46 to --Summit, and 576 pounds. Here they tei! me they route 4, getting to Odell, HL., in a snow-- can gih and --pack & bate in . twele storm and went into camp at 3:20p'm minutes. They run night @nd day as Like Cock Robin and Mrs. Redbreast. a swe got there, with a load of cotton, our good friend, H. D. Hughes, and his and one of his mules "bogged down* $3 30000020 00 06 300000 4020 0000 30 30 4000 0000 30 30 000000 0+ 00000040 0000 0000 00 30 404030 402000 30 46 90 0000404090 44 s H. D. HUGHES, OF GURNEE, TELLS OF THE-- JOYS OF A TRIP TO THE SUNNY SOUTH LAND IN A HOUSE FLIVVER s A Convenience Outlet You'll sing as you work --in this light, bright kitchen! You need nearly four times as much light in winter illumination. No glare. The glass shade eliminates that. -- Just the right light for working with speed and comfort. shop of the home" bright, smiling, sun-- shiny. You owe_ it to your eyes, to your nerves, to your dispuosition, to have a light, at no additional cost, in the switch cord. Here you can commnect your tron, percola-- Kitchen Unit takes only 15 minutes to instail on the present outlet in your kitch-- en ceiling. Let us make this installation for you at once. The Daylight Kitchen Unit PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY earlier now, and you're in the house more . tric appliances are always used more freely at night--reading, entertaining, staying ap in cool weathier..-- ° as you do in summer time.. That's why lats in the dark hours of early morning Serving 6000 square miles--221 cities and torns--with Gas and Electricity * _8 »o. Genesee 3t., Waulsegyan Gus Krumrey, Local Representative Phone 144.W Libertyville, I!I. ~ outfit in ' ton OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Why stay up north and freeze wh we can go to the land of flowers in week s time and save-- money by th transaction? Better park up and {c low us*t--only make your reservation down there before starting We are getting 23 miles out of every gallon of gas, and expect to improve on that wher it gets warmer farther down * t first «trved," just as it used to 'by when: gko county -- farmers--raised. wheat d drove 40-- miles 1to get it grqund into flour and made their own. bread, instead of buying it, as most ot them do today. Thank the Jord, my: wife "still knows how to make good bread--and does it! She is still snow. ing it as 1 write this in the early morning hours, by fhe electric light n #as ibat mast . us {5.90. .. AbaRMfernh's we paid 13+--~crnts, but at Decatur the price was 13 cents, but we were full of 15 oeént sinif and had to pass up that bargain.-- '#éuflgnve put in about ha f of the gallon of oil that we started fcom home with, and have plenty and e on ire~~ momat _ m s as the 'cotton comes in, and the . OCTOBER 29,. 1925 H. D. HUVGHES 50¢ down Balance monthly with ["n' *T. A. recently purchased a merry-- id..Aaud,, ~»~»&s _ so--d +beu.. hays Itwo weeks. On October 20th, Miss Bessie Herr _ became,. the bride of Al: 'bert Simmoids. ~'The couple were mar ried at the First Presbyterian church of Chicago. Tl,uruday of the same _and Leonard. Waitroskt of Waukegan were--marrted mt St. Joseph's church On October 28 occurred the marriage of Miss Blanche Féezer to George McCaill, of Waukegan, at the home of the bride. Rev. H. B. Amstutz of the local church, !per(on_noddhe ceremony.. The com munity extends touthese couples best Iwilhes for t'bélr'weddsd life: a es ope lc dn iL i mll macl one date to see "Passing of the Third Floor Back." 3 The first Warren Townahip fair is being beld this week on Thursday and Friday at the high school. A.'W. Nol-- en will give an address on Friday eve-- ning,.--the--night.--of the round--up.---- -- _%en Commandiments".: at_the, Audit ortum ~Theatre; LibértyYill6, Novieia ber 2nd, 3rd and 4th. * : % mflh First M. E. in Waukegan, boasts of <such a higirthonor. George Reid was elec Bupt. of the Young People's Dept of the .county of the loca} Sunday School, was award-- ed a book for being Supt. of a 100 per scent 8. 8. 'There is only one other, that _ Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hughes are wise folks and left last week for the surny for the coming yeiar. Pupiits of the grade school are plan Mrs. Cora 'Champney"and Eyq Barn stable will--be hostesses for the Wars-- 4th, W Champney home. _ -- Fie, {aculty_of . Warrep _Township bigh schoo}--wik--present their--play oa en Nov. §At the school house. The' No word of praise is too much for Pink White Tablets, and. 1 do bot hestae to recommend them to persons whe suler with heeduches as 1 did. They relieved where Ytars of mg -- madde ment for Headaches "Relief Where Everything eer: * Sine Anlwen Chanls but we al weys get « r."'( ain in_ewery part of the * _ Tractor Plowing -- l_";m" T MILLE CHAPM Grayslake, HIJ. Phone 158--J No. 27? R A. M GROSVENOR BROS.| " S N O W'S $14 No. Milw. Ave. _ Libertyvilie Phone 260--J Insurance REAL ESTATE WAUKEGAN, ILL. Good Meals 50¢ REAL ESTATE --W. LEE KAPPLE ~.NAP-- RAPATH SELLERS & PETERSEN -- We Buy and Sell LAKE COUNTY AND Trucking and Hauling Dredging and Re-- clamation W ork. Smith's Taxi Day and Night Service Night Ph. 497 Day Ph. 51 OvER FORD SALESROOM ... Libertyvitle Phone 474 A RLING T O N # HOTEL # Mondays,. Wednesdays 551 Miwankee Avenue -- _ Tedephone 451 Artificial Lakes, Kaping & Sons FRED H. SMITH G. H. SMITH, Prop. !'ghov Auying or Belling, Notary Public , -- Fridays is« Building. Visiting Neighbors Welcome . |||E_ A. BROWN, Jr.. ... W. NAGEL, _ Consul, Clork. are ' s f y fJ|==------------Ae--oummcsmmicammmms 'hUy !E.'" ;"',- _ £t~~ * ',.l.&';."fih__" , E--» ob-- 6 e e & nts. 'm_ c '."-'Z"'-"' ~ Res. Phone 20--J. Office phone 163 Reverse Charges on Business Calls _ o Ther m ie tae n oges on o : _ Mbers Fikst and Thirs.--Monday Nights _ CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED 116 South Genese St. . ___WAUKEGAN, ILLINOHS DR. J. L TAYLOR Office in First Natio@! Bank Buildim hours:--1 to 1:30 and 1 to 4 p m Residence oo Broadway oppostie Paurs ~ LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIG -- LIBERTYVILLE, 1LLINnO+Sg@ Meets 2ng and 4th Tuesday of Edor uk Month at Gridiey MHall. __ _ Vigitihng Brothér e Cord: y Invites __FIREST--NATIQNAL --BANKk--BkDG.------------ Vigiting ~Members =CBrdially invited.* * M. SCHROEDER, N. G.-- ~* .-- WILLIAM MeCLAIN, Secy. * * FLHANAN w. couBy B@y U B8 Government veterimaria~ ) C. Grirn neil, Inspecto; n Charge 'mone 329 .. * Libeortywile, in FRED GRABBE --~ Auctioneering FARM AND STOCK SLES A SPECIALTY CHAB. D_NALBEY, Se2'z,. _ aze wueo-lndhlmm and material on yobur houss complete for a set figure 10 you may know just what cost will be Going to Build? R. L. GONSALVES Phone Libertyville 146.R--1MA INSURANCE attle Tested for Tn'>~ TRFFE OF C H ar Cc r Phone 217M _ LIBERTYVILLE A" TORNEY A 1--1LAW Offire al lHame on (Cank 4 Cemetery Work of Every Attorney at Law UBERLTYVILLE. ILLiNGi8 LUCBR _ BtitEiP1NG ___. Phon. 1FF Y¥ 00 Of.ee pr.. TELEPH NE 86 UBERTYYVILLE ILALJNOI8 LIBERTYVILLE :p.; VETERINARY -- sURGEOGN MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS Oftfice With Faim Bidrrau MANVEFEACTURER OF LYFLL H A. A. Grandy COLUMBIA ACME CAMP No. --© * + > dome on (Cook Avenys elephone *6¥ J Mesets First and Thirg Friday Nights of Each No. 131 ABY_LZ~. . of A. ce Phoge ## 1ONI® $%

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